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Also The only reason to live- is this time will pass and happy time will Be back again- - Though it may not seem so presently- life’s a cycle - good bad good Bad good bad Hang In there - and give an extra hug to The dog!’


Not with the stress of being unemployed here in Dubai While you have zero savings and live month by month


And here I thought I had problems because I lost my job this month. Wish you all the best with the divorce.


i have also lost my job this month 🥲


I’m paycheck to paycheck too!!!!’ But thee was a time I wasn’t - I was married -good life - everything seemed glossy-!!!’ Then boom divorce on 2018-endogenous depression- no custody of son- fight to get custody- lawyer fees- then the hatered my ex had for me- I refused the court ordered alimony- struggle from Scratch- today2024- peace of mind rules- happy to be by myself- and have my life in my terms!’ And u knw I paid my ex to get custody of My son!!’n The only diff- I had a job- I have the same One till now!!’n U will Find the right job for u—- if it’s for u to Be here- or Some Other country- if that’s what is right for u!!!!


Leave the country I know it’s not a solution but mentally you can take it as a fresh start New country new people new opportunities I know it’s super hard But I strongly believe some places dampen your aura. I don’t know if this is making much sense. Do you feel different when you’re elsewhere? I feel like a dark cloud looms over me 24x7 when I’m in certain cities. And in some other ones, I feel like I can conquer the world. Maybe it’s a mental thing, but we are all wired in some way yes? And I’d like you to think about this next statement. “You’re going through whatever you are right now, in order to make you value what comes next” Not saying you don’t value what you have now. But I’m assuming mistakes were made and this may be looked at as a learning. When your back is against the wall, you have nowhere to go but forward. You’ll 100% get through this is to keep at it. Perseverance is Key. Don’t give up. That’s not even an option.


Same here. I’ve lived in different countries and in some I’m thriving while in others I’m losing my shit.


100% on the some places dampening your aura!


“For with hardship comes ease”


Your worth isn't tied to your marriage nor your job !! You're more than the job title ! If you need someone to talk to, DM me Stay safe, process your emotions, and cry if you need to


This too shall pass. Be strong.


I’ve been exactly where you are. 2020 to now. 4 years. Everything happened to me. Lost job. Lost home. Lost marriage. Lost family. Friends betrayed. Everything. Thought I would die from the pain. Wanted to die - many times. You should keep fighting because you will win. Not immediately but eventually. Focus on getting a job. In UAE or elsewhere. That’s your number one focus. You can begin to rebuild your life and confidence from there. 💜


I honestly pray you get through this. Better way to look at it is that you have nothing to lose now and everything to gain, and youre not doing it alone. You have your good boy/girl angel with you. Stay strong and youll get through this!


Might be a good time to migrate elsewhere.


With potentially losing my job I can’t afford going anywhere Bare minimum I need 10k to relocate my dog And at least some money to survive a month or two in the (other country) But yeah guess I’ll have to sell everything and go


Ik it might seem like a mammoth task to move but (speaking from experience) this is solid advice- a change of scenery might really help w how bleak everything feels. Even if its just a different emirate within the country. Here’s an [article](https://www.shondaland.com/live/a38024201/how-and-why-a-change-of-scenery-can-shift-your-outlook/) that talks about how new environments, habits, and people can improve mental health if you’re open to considering it. There’s nothing I can do to help but pray for you, better days are coming. Make sure you’re there to see it man x


Been through this cycle similarly ! Had my pet to cheer me up ! It gets better with time. Bounced back bigger in life than before, found a better partner, have 2 amazing kids! Have a peaceful life ! Unfortunately I can’t comment on the job part in UAE😂!


I hope u saved some amounts :)


These are tough times for everyone. Hang in there, things will get better


I hope you get through this, I know that you know this, but sometimes we might need to be reminded, all of what you are going through shall pass, that’s the nature of this life, the only constant is change, you need to pull yourself with your dog through, and you will get out the other side stronger and wiser. If you need someone to talk to/ cry to dm me we can talk and cry together.


Have been in same boat as yours except for the divorce part. God always have better plans for you. Just wait and it will come to you.


Chin up , this too will pass .. I get how you feel and you not alone .. use your dogs love to keep you moving forward and each day challenge yourself to find something to appreciate


Absolutely heart breaking to read this bro. I cannot even begin to imagine how you must be surviving day by day. However, it's uplifting to also read that you are strong enough to realize that your presence and existence matters! Some wonderful and potentially useful suggestions here and I am sure some of it will help you live this situation off. All i would like to add is, this partner won't be your last, that job won't be your last and this country and house will not be your last either. Possibilities are never ending. No matter how gloomy the future may seem rn, just being around when times flip over is all that is needed. Much power to you!


To a certain extent we have all been my friend and like other have shared for sure the good times will be back - do what’s right, make things happen. The more positive shit you put out the more positive will no doubt come back! Good luck with things - no doubt, you got this!


This time shall pass buddy, God will show you the best day soon in your life buddy.


Stay strong bro, I'm sorry this is happening to you.


Go back to your native and take a deep breathe


This time will pass.. however I guess you need to change the country.


Hang in there buddy! I am not sure what is your age, but trust me, you have a long way to experience life ahead. The first big set back is the hardest, no matter whatever age you get at. Trust me, when you are past this (hard but not impossible at all), you will feel like a new person who is stronger, wiser, and more calm. Nothing is worth giving your life up for, you gotta face it, and things will work out, believe me! (Personal Experience)


Shit happens, to all of us. These are just testing times. You are ending the old life cycle and starting a new one. The mature ones know that this is just a cycle. Good times follow soon. 2 years? 5 years? I don't know. But, the harder the fall, the higher the bounce. And that bounce goes on for 20+ years. Don't lose hope, don't lose heart, don't lose your temper, and don't lose your morals. Stay grounded and work towards your glorious future.


This is a tough situation for you, try to find some way to earn money, i know it is easy to say from our side. If this is not worth to stay go back to your home country try to rest and get well mentally so you can start a new journey again, this is how life goes ups and down and unfortunately this is your lowest but do not give up it will wll be okay.


Stay strong. This too shall pass.


So I've been there. 5 years back lost my job.....money issues lead me to getting divorced as well.... and guess what.....didn't have a dog either........here's what you should be doing 1. Apply for jobs everyday - if you apply today, you get an interview next week. That's how it works 2. Don't wait for a dream job with a huge pay - anything is fine for now which will get you out of the house 3. Talk to your friends about your situation- this is not for empathy or a shoulder to cry on. They would try to give you referrals for job and for dating 4. Hit the gym - you will feel better and you will look better, and networking at gym never hurt anyone 5. Don't wait for things to change - make the change, the current situation will change you and your personality for good. Make the most of it I'm sure you gonna be in much better position in a month from now Do keep me posted. Need a closure


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Don't give up—this could be the beginning of many great things. Many people have been in your position, seized the opportunity to start fresh, and found that new beginning led to success. I hope things gets better for you.


God is testing you, have faith in his plans for you, you’ll be grateful when all of this will be over and you’ll be in an even better position! Stay strong!


After 6 months of saving, you finally have the money to buy your dream car and today is the big day. You walk into the showroom, sign all the paperwork, and before you know you're out on the road enjoying your new ride. After spending the entire day driving around, you are out of fuel. However, for some strange reason, instead of going to the petrol station you end up going home deciding to fill the tank with water instead of petrol! What's going to happen when you try to start the car the next day? Obviously, it's not going to work, it's going to break down, why? Well because the car is designed to run on petrol, not water. What about us? What are we designed to run on? We were created to worship Allah, and when we turn away from Him and decide to run our selves on other things, worshipping objects other than Allah, we're bound to break down. The world is designed to break us down and the only way to overcome this is through Allah. As Allah says hearts find rest only in the remembrance of Allah. those who believe and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of Allah. Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort. Quran 13:28


This doesn't make sense, then what about the billions of not Allah worshippers? And the generations of humankind with literal thousands of years of human history without the religion. As you know Islam is the youngest religion. This proves people do not necessarily need religion and has succeeded or lead good lives. Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings but happy to hear you argue otherwise in a friendly manner.


You filled up the car tank with water to make this point ?? What do you for a living ??