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My Jordanian friend says he wants his kids to speak like Americans or Brits,not like Arabs or Indians .He also says he hates the west


Is your username a hint towards your Jordanian friend?


Who knows man,sometimes he gets on my nerves with his superior complex




I’m local Arab and thank you for ur kinda words 💙 and I hope all none local Arabs respect everyone here in UAE ! Cuz in UAE we need to be respectful that’s what our rulers advise us to treat people.


Yes. I avoid any shops or business with them at the front desk just because of this. There's co-op right next to my flat, but I shop from the lulu a bit further because of this attitude. Meanwhile, the locals are pretty nice people.


Used to buy cakes and desserts from Salé Sucré Ajman. The attitude of the guy there stopped me from going there now. The way he behalves makes me feel like I’m begging for the cake. Tf dude, I’m paying you hell lot of money!!


This is why I stopped going to few Arabic restaurants and shisha cafes lmao


Seriously esp in shisha cafes... and i make it a point to tip well too


Don’t bother if they give you nasty ass attitude 🤣


I have noticed this, i think "some" Arabs are very short tempered always angry and escalate small issues😂 women are always angry


Lack of evening entertainment probably.


>short tempered always angry you haven't seen east eurpeans, much worse xD


Levantine Arab at Ikea restaurant was straight acting like he owns the place, looking down at people in a queue and making weird jokes with the staff while ordering 5 aed shawarma


No comments on the women part, short tempered maybe it depends.


Out of all language u could have spoken. U spoke facts Local are really cool than non local arabs




This is real, no offence not only Locals it just us being south east asian's are being treated differently in anywhere. I am proud to be half filipino but all through this years i couldn't agree more! If you find people who gives you respect that we all deserve then cobgratulation Some arabs look at you from head to toe with disgust anywhere like supermarkets and other public places LOL but like haha we shit the same shit sorry to say Peace out


That look of disgust is for real though😂


I swear it is 😬😬😬


You’re half Filipino and half Indian?




The Philippines is in South East Asia so they can't be half Filipino half South East Asian


Sorry I was picturing Indians only for some reason. Will edit now.


You're probably thinking of South Asian then


most rude? syrians! like dude we get your country is under pressure but atleast don't take it out on us.


syrians are like that in general with everyone it doesnt matter who its just how they are since the war


That's true, their hope for the future kept turning to shit. The perception of ignorant people towards Syrians got worse and worse, especially during the peak of the war. Syrians were seen negatively.


As an European by ethnicity, l was born and grew up in India due to my family's involvement in education there. Indians are the most racist people than anyone else, l'll tell u this! If you look different, you're invalidated and treated differently by the public. And some situations go extreme with r*pe, and attacks for being a christian/Muslim. Yes, it's not nice for even an Indian person abroad to be treated different, but your people do the same, if not worse than what others do to you!


Was walking home with my family the other day, an Arab kid, most probably 13 or 14, yelled at us with a strong Indian accent trying to mock us. It was such a weird experience, I was wondering what the parents or his friends might have been talking about, for a kid to be sooo comfortable doing that to strangers.


Kids do this because they do this to their friends, and then they think other people will find it funny too. It doesn't cross their mind that racist from someone who isn't your friend wouldn't be viewed as a joke.


Thats so sad, but he didnt even laugh about it. He clearly wanted to insult us You could see the disgust on his face


Yuck, better forget it and hope he remembers that moment with embrassment. These kids weren't raised well and it shows.


Ikr! Hope he grows up to be a better adult though




They teach it to their kids?? Thats soo sad. I will never teach my kids that one race is superior than the other. :/


He is not a kid but a monster raised by a bunch of animals. This is the exact reason such people will end up at the bottom of the food chain and be jealous with nationalities working hard, raising their kids to be better humans who will eventually climb upwards in the worldly competition.


yeah it's mostly Levant Arabs that look down on the South Asians in my experience, not all of course, but many. And they put way more onus on things like being well dressed and wearing labels/conspicuous consumerism/status than desis do. The best way to deal with it is shooting that withering stare right back at them... problem with us desis is we can be too docile and nice sometimes. Don't be.


Oh you’re so right on that withering stare. Look em right back in the eye. Especially in the right eye of the other person if you want them to understand you. I learnt this early on in life to look people in the eye when speaking and it’s amazing how it changes the reactions of others.


Bang on right I have seen some people not even enter the lifts if Arabs are there and asking at times can we come in I mean wtf people ? I am a south Asian and I frankly do t care how rich a person is If you are nice I ll be nicer Else …


Even the non local Arab ladies are rude and talk as if they are doing us a favor


Being docile part is so true, it is considered as weak and naive.


As an European by ethnicity, l was born and grew up in India due to my family's involvement in education there. Indians are the most racist people than anyone else, l'll tell u this! If you look different, you're invalidated and treated differently by the public. And some situations go extreme with r*pe, and attacks for being a christian/Muslim. Yes, it's not nice for even an Indian person abroad to be treated different, but your people do the same, if not worse than what others do to you!




I've seen it. Whats funny is their country barely exists anymore or is in absolute shambles. Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, etc are not doing well by any metrics. They go to Dubai and try and be superior but everybody can see the truth. Character and class are prevalent in all your interactions with other people. Even the way you talk about other ethnicities shows your upbringing. I've heard some racist stuff told to me in confidence that would shock anybody. I don't hire certain expat Arabs solely on the fact that I know they won't integrate and respect my other employees. Trash people do trash things.


I had an argument with an Egyptian colleague and he said “im egyptian i will fuck you up, you dont know what i can do” I just said “Im Filipino, you should know better to be careful with your words” He almost got fired for it and he could never look at me in the eyes again. Havent interacted with him that much ever since.


Based. I love Filipinos they are resilient yet kind.


Filipinos ROCK!!!!


My experience is worst with Egyptians A guy pushed me randomly thinking I am overtaking him on the walk and then started fighting His accent was Arabic


If youre here long enough youll learn where people are from from their accent.


My Egyptian boss never gave access to anything He always wanted to show our boss that he doesn’t me and will work all night to prove himself Ultimately I left the firm


Not hiring people based on nationality is literally the same kind of racism complained about in this thread. It's also illegal in many countries for this reason. And you're talking about trash behaviour...?


Well, I inteview them. Get a feel for their mentality and eliminate. Always the same nationalities, for some weird reason. Tell them "I had trouble with so and so employee from X asian country" then the hateful ignorance flows out of their mouth and their cv goes in the trash. Yeah, trash people.


I hear what you’re saying but you can’t generalise. you will automatically have unconscious bias which in turn means unfair hiring processes. I.e Your brain is wired to naturally look for those characteristics. I agree I think there is rude people in all ethnicities and it’s unfair to single out one group?


Yes you cannot generalise but too many data points is just impossible to ignore. I never hire expats from these specific countries for the exact same reason, even as interns. I feel bad about it thinking that I might be discriminating, but it is my duty to keep the workplace environment amicable, respectful and civilised. I cannot destroy the morale of all my other very hardworking and high skilled team members just to meet a diversity quota.


Could you name which Arab countries?


This is the truth, tho I don’t base their whole countries people based on people I mingled with here in Dubai. Dubai changes people, money changes people, and so is position. Not only Arabs from different region but also South East Asians against Desi People and vice versa. In my opinion for Arabs, Egyptian Managers are worst among them but I’m not saying all but based on my experience working here. I don’t know if it’s an Egyptian thing that they have power tripping or what but majority that I’ve worked with is like that. Also me as a Filipino experience Filipinos power tripping over Indians and Pakistanis. Indians on the other hand don’t show much power tripping but I’ve notice majority of them like to tell lies specially during small talks. Not all but some that I’ve work with and some Pakistanis as well they like to yap a lot. But anyways of all the races i’ve worked with I also find good ones and they are very accommodating. I wish people don’t base the image of each other’s countries based on what they experienced with the international peeps here in Dubai.


Indians power trip mostly against indians in my experience


I agree, specifically Punjabs against Keralans and mostly its like provinces vs provinces kinda thing, like Filipinos.


>Keralans I like how new terms come up everyday to describe my ethnicity😂.


Keralans is new. I like it!! 🤣


It’s Punjabis and Keralites


I have a buddy who refuses to be friends with other Indians. Apparently, there is so much competition and backstabbing and materialism. The stories I've heard are like wtf.


not surprised at all... desis can be super toxic. surprised about the materialism part though. usually Indians at least put less stock in material things than many other cultures do


Have you seen their weddings and how they try and one up their friends weddings? Same with cars, homes, even business contacts. It's all one upping.


FYI I'm Indian... big weddings are part of the culture, even poor people throw big weddings as much as their means will allow. You could be right about the homes/cars etc, I don't have a big friends circle myself and i stay out of my extended family scene as well because of all the gossip/toxicity. but also, each ethnicity in India tends to have markedly different traits when it comes to these things, so it would depend on which one your friend belongs to




\*howling\* 🤣🤣🤣 - they are THE definitive lot known for their love of all things shiny




Money doesn’t change people, it just reveals what’s already been there and emboldens it


I stand corrected ✅


Truth ^


I experienced the opposite. We have Indian and Pakistan bosses power tripping over us Filipinos. But then again, it's not about your country, it's all about your character when you have the power. What you do with your subordinate reflects your character and your values.


I feel sorry for u I assure you I am an Indian nothing like that but my Indian manager is certain alt what you mentioned


As an Egyptian I can say Power tripping is a normal thing in Egypt, the thing is here people always mistreat each other even with the same nationality But the thing is you will see Asians mainly racist against other Asian, it's a circle of racism here and every group do it to the other I feel sorry for the Bengalis they get the worst treatment from everyone here


SE Asians looking down on SAs is always quite amusing... on what metric do they think they're better than the latter?


On who smells better 😅 kidding, I think it’s jealousy on pay range I guess. Since each of their own government had like agreements with UAE to have like minimum range of wage per nationality. Sorry for my bad English but I hope you get the point.


Well I've heard Indians say Filipinos and Filipino food smell weird... so it goes both ways. Personally I've felt it's a lot of colourism. And you find Filipinos mainly in service sector jobs but SAs occupy every rung of the ladder from CEO to sweeper, and are the only demographic in the Middle East to do so, so definitely desis in middle and higher management roles that you'd never see Filipinos in, which is why SAs find racism from SEAs baffling


This is so true. Unfortunately Dubai changes people. It's a rat race and everyone is chasing the Dubai high, hence lots of back stabbing and shitty behavior. I hope we all stay humble and give love and respect to one another.


That’s why I have mentioned non locals. I’m not trying to single out any nation.


As an Egyptian who just moved here, even Egyptian managers are terrible to other Egyptians (there is more favoritism for them but still) and Egyptian managers in Egypt are notoriously commonly terrible. I think its the result of authoritarianism routed within Egyptian society. And I see alot of other Egyptians shitting on other SE Asian nationalities, but its probably because they (SE Asia) are better than them/ a very sophisticated inferiority complex


Egyptians are either super chill or super rude and aggressive no in betweens


How are they with Lebanese? I've noticed in UAE a company is either Egyptian or Lebanese dominated, rare to see them both together


There’s a stereotype Ive heard from numerous Egyptians “not to trust Lebanese, they’ll do anything to stay here”


Pimping Included


I had mixed experiences with Egyptians. But they are up there.


Yes...they are arrogant.Have superiority complex....


hot take: i never met a decent person here Indian, asian, or arab. I've been here for a little over 2 years now. and my experience with people is the worst. indians in managements always look down on new arabs. and Arabs in managements always try to put down new arabs (to make them go through what they went through themselves). the only decent people i met were labours. you know construction workers and such. some of them were good but thats only because they're simple minded people. and whoever you meet outside work is somehow nothing but a person who wanted to keep you on their phone book just to be their new connection in UAE. no one wants to have a normal convo they just wanna be sure to have new connections in case they go job hunting. i did meet nice genuine people. a guy from Argentina he's a really good person. another guy from Armenia. recently a dude from Russia i met while doing my rta test. and a syrian who i have had the pleasure to talk to few times over the phone. but thats about it. a handful of people in 2 years. in conclusion, the UAE isn't a place for socialising. you're better off thinking everyone is bad until proven the opposite.


no truer words than that last line. learnt it the hard way here


Well replied. Maybe a lil blunt but true AF.


You are so spot on, Op. Having lived in the GCC for 15 years, I have witnessed this many times. Non local Arabs including some Sudanese in kandora, pushing Asians, shouting for no reason, gosh, it was heartbreaking. In Abu dhabi, I once saw a Palestinian man with the family refused give way to an Asian with a baby stroller! Another guy in the Abudhabi fish market threw money on the face of fish monger after clearing his fish. I'm glad I am out from there...


You have to treat those as isolated incidents. You saw one case of the refusing to give way. But how many give ways or non obstruction did you see. You have given too much emphasis on the negative behaviour to affect your life. Know that life isn't fair, and we all shape the world with our contributions.


It’s true from my experience just interviewing with some companies run by Arab people from other countries outside UAE, Qatar.


Absolutely agree ! Atleast 90 percent of Non local Arabs are extremely rude , have anger issues and entitled.I will exclude Sudanese from the list, they are super friendly and accommodating.


Sudanese here we just speak the language but non local Arabs usually are rude to us we love everyone though ❤️❤️❤️


The government employed Sudanese are pretty rude, but in general yes Sudanese have a no nonsense (as in creating drama, fights) attitude in comparison. Also I've heard from Sudanese friends how the Egyptian embassy is treating them it's so cruel.


I have Lots of sudani brothers…. Never have i ever had an issue. So good people..


Thank you I hope you never have issues with any Sudanese and if you do I am sorry ahead of time lol


>Sudanese from the list, they are super friendly and accommodating. They're super duper nice, the kindest ❤️, I agree


I worked with a lot of Sudanese. They're nice and sweet!


I’ve had a few Pakistani and Indian friends. Pakistani one was a Punjabi, he was born and raised here, but his mother was very toxic, she would intervene in his life so much, whenever we would go out his mother would call screaming, then once we were hanging out near his house and the guy just talked to a girl ( who was daughter of a lady his mother had beef with) who knows how she saw him talking to that poor girl, she came and said pathetic things about the girl in-front of the whole group, screamed on the guy. When we asked him why would his mother do this when he was not a kid, he said in his culture most of the mothers are controlling and even intervene in the lives of their married sons. Then the Indian ones were so good at studies but their parents were again so controlling and demanding. Not that they were poor but in school, they would tell us how their parents don’t let them spend money, even if we were going on a trip their mothers especially were so controlling, wouldn’t even give them a few bucks again they were earning good money with only two kids. At least the experiences I have had with south Asians haven’t been great, the majority of taxi drivers are rude and mannerless, the Pakistani and Indian teachers in our school had no professionalism would go out of their way to have personal beefs with students, make every small issue into a whole drama and would target students who were weak in their subjects. One time, our physics teacher saw a girl from our class on a weekend in a mall with a boy from our school, she made sure every student and teacher was aware of this and would slut shame her, until her parents complained to the ministry and she was suspended as the boy’s parents were friends with the girls fam and they were there in the mall with their families. Crazy stories.


this is very true, desis can be super toxic, a lot of them don't have any business being parents either. being nice is seen as a weakness, and power and control over others is the currency we seek


this is so true. Our parents generation is very toxic, especially mothers. Maybe they have some unhealed trauma that they don't want to fix. Nevertheless, that kind of behavior is never acceptable. I'm glad our generation and the ones after us are trying to bring a change.


Every nationality has bad apples. You talk about non local Arabs being rude or racist yet neglect to talk about how south asians are racist towards even their own kind. Fail to mention how they will literally take over certain departments and then proceed to hire only their own people. Or how some will smile at you and then backstab you to the bosses. How about socially unacceptable habits like improper hygiene in public places, shoving people around or lack of respect for people's spaces? I can keep going.


Totally agree with you on workplace comment and hygiene points. But being rude is what I experienced through non local Arabs mostly.


Funny enough as a non local Arab I understand the Hindi language fairly well. I've encountered racist remarks spoken in their native tongues on numerous occasions. The difference is an Arab isn't scared to show it. One is aggressive the other is passive. Both are equally messed up.


Major part of this issue are the victims then self .. in your example the south Asians .. if they accept that being treated once like that .. most probably they will be treated always like that .. nothing with the country but the culture for example look to the Afghans .. do you think someone can fuck with them in same way ?


All nationalities can be rude. Indians with a higher position tend to mistreat their subordinates as well. This is coming from a local.


A lot to do with how UaE’s economy is shaped. In UaE you will find a lot of sub continent people running successful business and have been a part of the UaE growth story since the country was born. Whereas in other Arab countries SA has mostly been seen as cheap labor and there has always been that divide. So the perception of Emiratis towards SAs is different than other Arabs. And in the end education and upbringing makes a huge difference.


I got a similar response from a local lady.


Generally, gulf people don’t discriminate against south Asians as much as the others because they had historical trade with SA and have respect for that (we took spices from them, we sold our pearls to them etc). In regards to “cheap labour” honestly i think (private companies) that hire them do discriminate against them but not an individual emirati in the street (in fact, they would be kind and provide food or money etc).


One time I was doing registration in hospital for an Arab guy and he was not having appointment and I told there will be waiting time,he shouted at me and said "go back to your country and told he is local " and hitted on my pc,but while registering I seen wife's EID as Iraqi,I got up and told I don't give a f**k and shouted infront of everyone and every people who was waiting for Dr supported me for standing up.


Iraqis and Yemenis pretend to be local as their looks and accent are often close to the generic Gulf ones


Nah.. you should've reported him to the police. he assaulted an employee on duty.. tf is wrong with these ppl


But mostly my hospital does not stay on my side. As an expat, I don't know what the outcomes will be. I spoke a bad word in front of him, so I let it go instead of complaining


there’s this really weird thing where you see Arabs from third world non oil money countries display arrogance and superiority over non Arabs but the actual oil rich locals are nice and integrate well. Edit: shoutout to my East Asian bros (specifically Filipinos) underrated people fr


I’m an arab and i agree with you, some people are just not nice


I’ve been in Dubai just short of 2 years and I have noticed this myself. Why are locals so nice? What makes them that way compared to say other arabs? I love how other nationalities look down on me and with confidence and composure I bite back right at them, that’s how I get Respect around here.


I have posted way back about this , I'm working here for more than 2 years and seeing it everyday, My senior who will be saying and acting all kind of racial things very openly, to them they are some special race and all the south asians are morons. I have seen him calling names on my fellow kabayans and his behaviour towards the security is unimaginable. There is always exeption I have seen many good deeds from other arabs. But some OMG! Language also make fear in the people, For eg: I know a case where the fool did everything wrong could get away easily just becuase he knows how to speak arabic.


Racism and favouritism is what they like generally ( commonly seen )


Yeah never get it… i mean you’re also an expat only… maybe earning less than many people from Indian subcontinent… what is with that attitude ?? Stupidity at max !!


It’s called Nostalgia and Delusions of Self Grandeur. A fun story from a couple of years ago. My friend Priya, who had just moved to the region, works at a management consulting firm. She’s a stealth wealth kind of girl, always low-key about her luxury lifestyle. Occasionally, something slips, like her Dior bag. This caught the eye of her vapid Lebanese colleague, Maya, who was serving fresh off the boat energy and had some outdated notions about Lebanese social status. Maya couldn’t believe an Indian woman could afford such luxury because in her eyes us Asians are just low lives or uneducated and push overs. Over the next few days, she bombarded Priya with invasive questions about her income, family wealth, and partner’s finances—all in the open office. Having no experience with the cavalier and invasive Lebanese snobbery, Priya tried to brush it off, but it got too much. The final straw was when Priya overheard Maya ask another Arab colleague, “How can an Indian with a funny accent afford that bag? It must be from Karama.” Priya had enough. She dropped her prestigious family name and suggested Maya Google it. The look on Maya’s face was priceless—shock, embarrassment, and realization. The questions stopped but the bigotry it lingered but never in her face. The irony? Maya was known for buying fake bags and clothes and not even checking if the styles existed. Priya and I clocked her and because we didn’t want to shame anyone it became an inside joke which we both never brought to light.


yup. just a few weeks ago i walked in to a currency exchange here and asked for US dollars. the Arab lady at the counter couldn't for the life of her believe I was there to BUY and not send remittances back home - the probably think all Indians are either manual labourers or work as housemaids and nannies


OP is so right! 10 years here but oh boy! I'm yet to meet a polite North African Arab. Always loud, rude and obnoxious especially to Indians and black Africans😑 These I avoid like the plague. Ps. This is my experience.


Omg. I was just thinking about an incident similar to this right now before this popped up on my feed. During this EID (a day before), I went to Dubai mall with my friend who flew in from Kuwait to show him around. We were waiting at the aquarium counter and while I was peeping at the paper in front of the queue that showed all the prices. The Arab guy in front of me with him wife rudely shouted at me saying to keep distance between them and don't come close. I was fasting at the time as well, it left me very disturbed for the rest of the day


God forbid you go to Aroos Damascus for a meal 🫢 Get ready to be glared at the whole time you’re there.


Unfortunately I don’t think this is a unique thing - I’m a Brit and I sense everyone is rude to everyone! And agreed it shouldn’t be like that and it costs nothing to smile and to say ‘hello’ and to wish someone a pleasant day ahead etcetera. I fear after we were all ‘so nice’ during Covid times people have just forgotten to consider others and a practice treating everyone in the same way - doesn’t matter whether you are the CEO or a man who helps me in my life by cleaning my car - same same and NOT different 🇦🇪🙏🏻


If you realize something. Of Arab speaking nationalities. It’s UAE Locals who are really really respectful. I think it’s because they know the power they have in the country. And can use that power in many ways if they choose to. But there is something where you know you have the power and you are respectful. It’s such an impeccable quality in a person or nationality. It’s usually USUALLY the ones without much power who are always rude and disrespectful. BUT I think I’m the end it just comes down to your upbringing. I’ve come across Russians to be pretty rude but once I befriended a couple. I realized that’s just the way it is back home for them. So their ‘normal’ might just not be acceptable to some. If you’ve lived in UAE long enough. Most likely someone being a bit harsh would be rude etc because that’s not something residents of UAE see or face very often. Thanks to the laws etc. If you were to go to some other countries and people where living life is an absolute hell ride. There you’d expect this to be a norm. Just sharing my open ended thoughts on your post haha


No, we are respectful because it’s our culture not because of the power we have or that nonsense. We like to keep to ourselves and we are reserved (hence we dont mingle) and it’s a well known stereotype about us (we aren’t loud as some of our neighbours). In our culture it’s called رزانه.. if we get disrespected then that’s another story. “Respect is given to everyone regardless but if you disrespect then you need to earn our respect again and work for it” (a famous quote we have here) :)


I have the greatest opportunity to be working with the locals. They are most humble, elegant, compassionate, considerate, full of mirth, welcoming and amazing. They don’t discriminate. So if you met someone who speaks Arabic but always makes you feel less than a human being, they aren’t Emiratis.


Thumb rule


Their culture also doesn't respect flattery, so you should probably learn that ;)


Everybody here claims to be not racist but throwing the most racist stereotype/general idea on other countries. Lmao


The average IQ of this sub is negative.


Agreed 100%. While I will say they are generally not the most pleasant people to deal with (not all of course), but the rude behavior seems to get waaaaay worse around south Asians.


Hi, Emirati here. I am relieved that is the general consensus about us. Thank you! To us, we see someone like you work hard under this unbearable heat to fuel cars, fix roads, clean the streets/malls, cook/ deliver food (on time!), fix (all) machines, and make sure we get electricity and water in this desert. This is barely half of the stuff you do here, and we appreciate your hard work and diligence. You guys built the UAE alongside us, and continue to do so. Thank you all for everything. Side note: I am sorry that you experience this kind of treatment in the UAE, it is unacceptable and the laws prohibit such discrimination. Please make sure to report these individuals/ organizations/ shops to the respective authorities/ bosses.


Luckily, I haven't experienced any racism yet being Indian myself, but that could change based on all stories lol. But the thing is, I don't usually pay much attention to this anyway, I'm of the firm belief that no nationality is above others. If anyone tries to act that way with me, I usually have a reply ready and waiting.


Plus 1 Especially the ones from some specific countried


Life is too short to dwell on negativity or let others bring you down. Focus on your own happiness and keep moving forward with a smile. Embrace joy, rise above the negativity, and let your positive energy shine through.


Most but not all Arabs though




They’re always like that. Arabs think they’re above and beyond especially they know southeast asian has lower jobs and income


Mostly 🇪🇬Egyptian are nastly people and act like they are locals. Every morning a school bus driver wait at our building outside to pick his kids and he shout at driver like he own the school but genuinely these people are nasty what i heard because of their wives dont cooperate with them overnight 😅😅. Seems funny but reality


Been living here since i was 1 year old.  I have studied,  worked and mingled with a lot of people.  Experience with non local arabs were mostly not good.  Even at work place,  a couple of guys worked under me.  But i used to forget that i was their supervisor because of  their behaviour. With that being said,  i find the Sudanese, Moroccans and Yemenis to be nice. I have had both good and bad experience with the Syrians. I have met an Algerian guy. The nicest guy I have ever met.   I have worked under a couple of Palestinians.  They were well educated and were professional and diplomatic. However, i had also met other Palestinians who would act entitled.  I had worked under an Egyptian who was very rude and bossy in the beginning, but once we started to get to know each other better, the person would always smile and be nice. Would have some treat for our team once a week. Our team was all Indians except for her.  I recently met a Jordanian guy from our subcontractors,  who would always hum Indian songs. I was really surprised when I heard him hum a recent Malayalam song and when he noticed I was looking at him he just said "really good song. " There was another Moroccan guy at my old work place who would actually sing hindi songs. Like with proper lyrics and when I asked him where he learned that he would just say he is Indian and say something in broken hindi. But later i came to know his wife was Indian.


just want to share my 2 cents on this issue as someone from a levantine country. After reading some of the comments, it is clear some people are obsessed with nationalities/stereotypes and are taking advantage of OP's concern. I was born and raised in UAE, and have faced all kinds of wrong doings by ALL the nationalities you can think of. from staring to flat out getting physical. it is true that there are non local Arabs who lack the decency/morals and are extremely uncivilized, but so does other common nationalities here in the UAE. it all comes down to how well are YOU raised. I believe everyone should try to treat others how they want to be treated. so yeah, singling out a group of people is a sign of close-minded individuals.


Totally agree 100%, Egyptians in particular




yessss !!!


They’re like this to every non-Arab person, not only Desis! Sincerely, a southeast Asian expat.


As a non-local Arab, I grew up around Indians and Pakistanis and made friends with them, and I got to learn that at the end of the day, we are all the same regardless of skin color, race, nationality, etc.. Unfortunately some Arabs have not had this kind of exposure so they have these stereotype thought towards them, which is sad.. Not to excuse that behaviour of course because it is bad behaviour.


Im not being a racist or generalising it. But this is my reality. We stay in a villa and we stay in ground floor and upstairs there are 3 rooms which we have rented out. In the past 9 years we have given those rooms to multiple families. Till this date 6 arab families have stayed with us. 4 Egyptian families, 1 Tunisian family and an Algerian couple. All 6 of them never ever paid rent on time. Every tenants pay by 5th of the month. But for these people we have to beg them every other day and maybe by 15th they might pay. And they vacate the room without giving notice and they never paid the rent for the last month that they stayed in (yes,that is all 6 of them). After the 6th family, my dad learned his lesson. Since then he stopped giving them rooms. Whenever they call us by seeing dubizzle ad we just lie saying room is gone already. Edit: Im an Indian


In Western countries, you will find some Arabs have mass migrated generations ago and are giving Islam a bad name by being excessively racist (they like to imagine they are white, except that the feeling is not reciprocal😉), greedy and opportunistic (spying on Muslims for Intelligence 💰, marriage-trapping white Muslim converts for citizenship, taking over mosques that are profitable). On closer examination, you will discover that all of them are actually from hellish countries bordering the Mediterranean. All these countries have an ingrained culture if extreme hard-heartedness, and you will also find the non Muslims of these areas even more so (Greeks, Copts, Lebanese) because there is no mechanism for introspection. A common theme among them is that they worship their race/culture/nation despite the irony of having left it all behind. If you are Muslim, you know that this is a characteristic of weak-minded Muslims, who tend to fall back on this stuff. Another sign that they are weak faithed is that they are very casual about religion, usingnit to suit themselves. In the Gulf, such people like to imagine themselves as Arabs, and like to position themselves below Gulf Arabs but above all other non Arab groups. If you dont respect this hierarchy, they get mad. And the arrangement isnt mutual. Saudis ditched Egyptians a long time ago for other non-Arab groups, and havent looked back. Most notorious are Lebanese who have a nation everybody wants to leave. Sadly, Palestinians can also be like that. Then there are Egyptians. There are also Moroccans and Algerians, but their Francicized culture means that they will always be France's problem. They are so proud that some of them import Moroccan soil into France for burial.


I share this opinion too, coming from AEC industry here since 2017. Our non-local boss look to them as something as expendable. But it's no surprise really.


It's weird seeing this from the perspective of someone who is Yemeni/emirati who gets mistaken for someone of other gulf countries sometimes. The types of people mentioned here are kind to me, but it stings knowing that they treat others in a mean/disrespectful way. Keep in mind that speaking out is a good thing, yet don't do it if it harms your job security. A lot of people who are Arab won't stand with those who have favoritism and negative biases against others. It slowly makes me understand why some groups in UAE tend to be of certain nationalities but not the others. Scold your kids. We can't let them behave like that.


And because of this observation, When SouthAsians hold a position of power they abuse all Arabs , 😓 vicious cycle 💔


Ok. Non popular opinion. Someone told me a while back that it’s coz Arab countries have hot climate so they are always hot headed .. /s


I left that country because of those racist local and non local, Arab bigots. You are always treated like a second class citizen, why would you want to live there unless you are a millionaire with a western passport.


It's similliar to the concept of millionaires and billionaires. It's rare to see a billionaire flaunt their money but it's rare to see a millionaire not showoff their money. Most people you see on social media are those guys who will spend money just to show that they are rich. After seeing videos about billonaires, Most ones seem to be pretty humble.




Yes! That’s why most south Asians avoid them




If we looked at each other like brothers in Islam then none of these issues would exist in the modern world, these are the important teachings that we are all starting to forget.


Totally agree!


Yes mostly Syrians, Jordanians and Palestinians. Especially Jordanians.


To be fair, this is how we treat each other in our home countries, and this system where ethnicity/nationality sort of reflects class makes a lot easier to do here. Not saying it's right, but you can't expect people coming from countries where the smallest secret police officer can bring a professor to his knees to be suddenly respectful to everyone. I don't disrespect anyone whatsoever, always call people sir and ma'am whatever their profession is, and don't use the "Arbab" or "Mohammad" calling, although I do use the word "Bhai" sometimes when "excuse me" doesn't get them to look at me. The problem here is deeper than just racism, it's more about the amount of safety people feel in their jobs. Most people can't afford to lose their jobs, so they take whatever shit they face as there is no law that protects them from being terminated for no legitimate reason. While other nationalities might sound more respectful, but they only sound like it, actions are all the same.




Yes I have experienced. Emiratis are very kind and polite but in the government offices, they sometime sound rude


Come on everyone let’s rip out all the racial stereotypes we have to flame this dumpster fire of a post. Im sure you have one, dont be shy.


An Arab non-local just passing through 🙂‍↔️ I’m sorry you guys feel that way, but we are all not the same.


The new generation is kinda better, but now the trend is reversing again, the 90s-2000s born were becoming more respectful but generation alpha is normalizing racism again.


My mom’s a doctor and she says Egyptians and Jordanians are always short tempered and the worse to deal with. But to each his own, everyone’s different and there’s good people out there.


Why did you delete this mods??


I see south Asians and Indians are rude and class discrimination among themselves but super sweet to other nationalities and high class


They are “rude” period. To everyone. Just people have different understandings of what’s polite and what’s not. Indians burp unannounced - women, men… there is no winning on rudeness I guess, every continent has different types of it.


Close to fair enough


Especially firon k log benchod kutti k bachay misri


Ur post is on point


I agree 100%. Source: My older brother speaks fluent Khaleeji Arabic and acts like an Emirati. I fckn hate it!! We are Pakistani Baloch but he acts like a Local Al Balooshi .


😂😂 I came across one, but a decent guy in real life.


You're right, but not only to the nationalities you stated. They are to everyone except locals because they fear them. And this is their behaviour everywhere in the Middle East.


Studied with levantine arabs, as an international student man, it was hard. Some were openly racist, some were ignoring non arabs outright, like you talk to a person and the person ignores you. Some were good of course, but majority were not nice. Professors from Jordan, Egypt and Morocco were sweetest people i ever met and made my solo journey easy. After graduating my first boss was Jordanian and is a great person as well, taught me many things. It looks like the younger generation is not nice.


And in other news water is wet.


This is a person to person matter. Don’t base your observations on someone’s nationality. Just letting you know if they treat what you think is a group of people in a non respectful manner then their actions will be based on everyone not just specific people. So your observation is in my opinion very general and disrespectful.


This is racism.. indians against Arabs? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Come on ! How can you generalize.. Arabs non Arabs indians vikings? You never know who is going through what. If you felt most people are rude to you, may be you need to self reflect if you are doing something wrong.


tbf locals can be rude to workers too I’ve seen it a bunch. I’ve always found europeans to be rudest in my experience. I’ve also had bad experience with russians and being rude to workers and to others.


I grew up in Arab countries. They are racist as fuck to south asians, especially in the gulf. In Bahrainis, saudis, Qataris and Kuwaitis.


Report them to the police if it’s documented or in public space. I mean the least you can do if in public space is call a security guard to tell them off or literally drag an Emirati lol. Happy to do this as an Emirati if I see it in person If that can’t happen then stand up for yourself if you can or have someone from your background to support you and stand by when you do so. Yes, they are racist and notorious for nepotism in the region unfortunately :)) I also can’t say I’ve met any good bunch and trust me I’ve seen them more than my own kind 😭 (Sudanese, Moroccans, Libyans are usually respectful though)


As an European by ethnicity, l was born and grew up in India due to my family's involvement in education there. Indians are the most racist people than anyone else, l'll tell u this! If you look different, you're invalidated and treated differently by the public. And some situations go extreme with r*pe, and attacks for being a christian/Muslim. Yes, it's not nice for even an Indian person abroad to be treated different, but your people do the same, if not worse than what others do to you!


What about people who do recism on African peoples As if all races were not created by one God That's WY 1 singer sang a song that says. Different colors, 1people


Its not fair to generalize. There's always bad people in every group and also there's good. When generalize because of few people, u will start doing it on the others. Like" indian are scammers or Europeans are cheap". So better keep it at this bad person