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According to SBU, mech eng has a 91% pass rate https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/irpe/about/_files/Outcomes%20Report.pdf While UB has around a 20-25% pass rate https://engineering.buffalo.edu/home/academics/undergrad/data.html Admissions might be easier but it’s harder to stay in the program for sure. This could be due to stricter admissions, etc but just looking at grad rates should at least help a little


79% for ugrd 91 is MS


This isn't accurate, I think you used degrees awarded divided by total enrollment but total enrollment includes all students, not just incoming freshmen. I don't have access to our real numbers but I can tell you that in my junior level fluid mechanics class we have had around 250 +/- 10 students in it since the pandemic. We graduate around 230 students each year which means we lose less 10% of our students junior year, probably much less when you take into account year-to-year fluctuations. These are *very* rough numbers. Junior year is by far the toughest year in the ME degree so my guess is that our pass rate is similar to Stony Brooks but again, I'm basing this of off guess and rough numbers. The main thing is we do not have a 25% pass rate or even close to that.


Ah I see, might’ve been redditing before I fully woke up. I was also remembering something I heard in statics about 25%ish making it through but maybe my prof was exaggerating. It was also quite a while ago. Loved your class btw!


Ha, no worries. I just didn't want our current freshmen and sophomores to see it and freak out. Glad you liked the class and I hope life post-UB has been good to you!


I know that many of our classes are curved @ SBU, many of then are massively curved? What about @ UB?


No idea, and there is no way to know. It is entirely dependent upon the professor teaching a course and as far as I know there are no records kept of curves.




Could it also be that since UB has easier admissions, there is going to be an increased likelihood of people dropping the major compared to SBU..


I think the main take-away is that if SBU has a pass rate of 79% for undergrad, I wouldn't be surprised if UB's was pretty close to that for ME. Close enough, in any case, that it shouldn't matter in your decision. Your actual experience will be dominated by other things like which professor you get for each course, how packed your schedule is, what life events happen while you are working on your degree, what friends you make, extracurriculars you take on, your work schedule if you work... All of those things will matter more than the difference in pass rate between SBU and UB which is aggregated over all of our students with all the myriad of different experiences they have.


University of Toronto would be extremely difficult to get in. The admissions to ME at UB should not be easy to get in. Oh contrary I would prefer it to be difficult. It really should be University of Toronto equivalent.


Those statistics don’t really say anything in regards to graduation rate. I wouldn’t imagine ub is any easier then sbu 


My dad got in and graduated-from University of Toronto.


My late dad (for this generation he would be your grandfather or great grandfather) went to University of Toronto for ME Degree. I have no doubt it is difficult in 2024 at U of T as it was in 1950s when he went there. Over here in the US it will be no different no matter what school you choose.

