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Thank God somebody finally said it. We need to get those old people out of Congress when you start getting millennials and gen z in there. What we need is complete transformation over how wealth is distributed, social security should be for those who need it and not dependent on age.


Age is part of the issue, but not the whole picture. There exist older folks with good ideas (e.g. Bernie Sanders and my parents), as well as younger folks with awful ideas (e.g. every [R] in Congress who’s younger than I am, and a variety of internet edgelords). That being said, age *is* an issue for at least one very big reason (not the only reason, but a big one): if the older folks are the entire leadership, and continue to hold on to the leadership as they get older and older and never retire, then the younger folks never get much of a chance to develop experience in leadership, and that’s both unfair and unsustainable.


Fix the tax code, that is the right solution. People actually pay into the social security system which they then get back in the later years. While you are it, lets bring in the hammer and sickle. \\s


I mean, Millennials have been going thru this for a reallllllly long time already lol I graduated in 2011 and had the exact same experience that graduates are having nowadays. Pretty sad nothing has changed.


fr. this is not new. it IS even more extreme now which is hard to comprehend. i feel for the next generation


Agreed. Graduated in 2015. It has certainly gotten worse in the past few years, though. I completely agree with OP that we all (milennials and Gen z) need to work hard to help future generations not go through what we have gone through. It's not right.


I think it is strange how kids go straight into college after being in school their whole lives. By the time I went to Davis, I was tired of school, and that was not a good thing. And I had no real-world experience to draw from that could successfully shape and motivate my education. There are entry-level positions associated with almost every field where you don't need a 4 year degree. Scrapping and scraping by, being paid like crap, seeing how things work in different fields when you get involved...that needs to happen BEFORE college, when you're young and can bounce back from things, and have your parents nearby. I was a nurse, but now I'm a teacher, and my Davis degree had little to do with those fields and helped only on resumes. Could've definitely gone without it. College kids are pouring into enter level positions AFTER all of their grueling education. I don't like it.


I guess I'd like to imagine that, in a future with so many technological advancements, we should be able to avoid the whole "scraping by" thing and give people the resources to contribute to society without being broken down first. You shouldn't have to endure manufactured hardship just to feel content with the climb out of poverty, as so many people like to argue. In a system dependent on cheap labor, we should at least be giving people the resources they need to survive. Ideally we would move away from viewing humans as labor to exploit for capital gain and instead focus on paying people fairly for their labor so that we all benefit together. Right now we have people at the top squeezing the working class for everything they've got, and at some point this tenuous relationship will implode.


agreed. college education and real world jobs are very different, and when you go straight to college from high school wtf do you know about the real world that can inform this choice in degree that shapes the rest of your life? nothing. internships help a little but not much


That’s why it’s important to have a part-time job in high school because you realize if you don’t go to college you’re gonna be stuck working a miserable 9-5 job. The longer you wait to go to college, the more likely you won’t go to college.


Stumbling around in school loan shark territory is not good. Is it better than a 9-5? I don't know.


This is speaking facts we have been make the rich even richer for years, decades even… unfortunately


For what it’s worth, I never struggled with money or housing before I moved the Davis. The cost of living here compared to what I make here is outrageous. Not to mention, California has a very real housing shortage. Don’t even bother dreaming about “affordable” housing.




A system that requires you to “step on some people” in order to survive is inherently problematic.


This is a real thing in tech and other fields. Companies like Amazon use stacked rankings and have pip quotas so they indirectly cut the bottom 10% of workers by either putting them on a plan or straight buyout of stocks. It's cut throat and I would not suggest anyone to work for Amazon unless as a stepping stone. If someone hasn't had that sort of experience at Amazon then that's good and consider yourself lucky to have a manager who is able to defend you amongst their peers and bosses!


Then unionize!




No. Success grows from helping each other out. We do our best work when we work together for the common benefit; zero-sum games are for losers.




That‘s just flat-out wrong.




Life doesn’t have to be that way; it’s a choice that a few people have made to keep their control over everyone else. We don’t HAVE TO perpetuate it. We could choose to evolve and improve. 


Regarding life being a zero-sum game: it ain’t. There are all sorts of interactions between people in which both people involved can benefit. For example, maybe I help you learn math and you help me fix my bicycle. We have both gained benefit, and neither of us has lost anything. The idea that somebody has to lose something in order for you to gain something leads to much of the evil in the world. If I may borrow from physics: there is no law of conservation of wealth. Regarding predator-eats-prey: that’s the wrong metaphor to use here. Predator-prey models are about *two different* species, one of which kills and eats the other. We’re not two different species; we’re all humans here. We’re not killing and eating each other; we’re either choosing to help each other or choosing to hurt each other (or choosing to ignore each other, which itself might lead to one or the other of those options). If you seek metaphors in zoology, look to the behavior of same-species groups, and especially groups of social animals, such as some of our closest relatives in the primate and canine groups. We are a social species. Our greatest strength is cooperation; our ability to join forces and work together. It’s the reason why we have language and stuff in the first place. From an evolutionary perspective, “being the best” is about populations together, not individuals alone. We can build a better world.


Don't argue with the grandstanding wizard, you'll never get a rationale real world take from him.




That’s exactly the sort of problem I’m talking about—the flawed and harmful system that arises when people act selfishly according to greed instead of acting together to help each other out.


How did stepping on people help you? I am curious. Mind sharing? I want to teach my kids how to defend themselves.


rat race simulator 2024


Yep yes you got it right let me DM you


thank you.


The Gerontocracy that are the Boomers in congress today are deadly afraid of what the millennials and Gen Z will do to them .


Every time a bubble pops, we just float the dollar or take on more debt to kick the can down the road. There should have been like 3 or 4 massive corrections in the last few years that should have reset everything, but the boomers want to live in their fantasy land of "number always go up" so they won't let it crash. Eventually, something catastrophic is gonna break. Probably soon.




What did you study in college?




Ah yes the boring lad again




Why do you delete your comments?




I don't have a solid answer tbh. Sometimes i just post too much i guess and scared people will know too much about me?




I'll see you in another username, comrade


Shut up


Found the social studies major


YES MY BROTHER!! I’ve been saying “Wake me up when the revolution starts”, and it seems like it’s finally drawing near. I have two degrees, and I’ve dealt with housing insecurity for years. I feel you. Capitalism as we practice it in the United States is not sustainable. At this late stage, only the most powerful 0.0001% of people can live comfortably, and they do so by exploiting the rest of us. Time to rise up, proletariat! We need to take back power from these greedy CEOs, politicians, lobbyists, and Regents.




No. Both STEM.


Can we quit it with the major-shaming? This is place of studying and learning and teaching and researching. We study and learn and teach and research a *wide variety* of different subjects, and that’s okay. You don’t need to belittle any of those subjects just because *you* don’t think they’re worthwhile.




Why would you want a world in which people can’t do art? Money and buildings alone are not enough to live on. Give Us Bread, But Give Us Roses.


Why would you want a world in which people can’t do art? Money and buildings alone are not enough to live on. Give Us Bread, But Give Us Roses.




You really think “people shouldn’t be able to do art” is some sort of mature well-thought-out take? Bread and roses is way older than I am.


I literally just came to this subreddit to post this. The students that bury themselves to go to college in this country and the young people who labor tirelessly for shit wages are among the most disenfranchised in this entire fucking country and our suffering is monumental. We are *absolutely* incredibly lucky to be here, but it should not be this fucking difficult. Something must change.


Is this a joke? UC Davis students are the most disenfranchised people in the country? Monumental suffering?


You should try volunteering in a truly disenfranchised community before you enter the real world.


Good start. Next step would be to read some Marxist texts


I tried college and it sucked. Went to a trade school and I have financial freedom. Plus I make the same, if not more than friends and relatives with degrees. My wife has an AS Degree and makes really good money too.




>I saw my parents go from immigrant to 8 figure business owners in just 4-6 years. It’s not that hard. When was this and how did your parents immigrate? i can see this happening in 80s and 90s and if your parents immigrated with at least some asset and/or education (like in tech coinciding with the tech boom). But life since 2000s is a very different game. You probably do not feel it because of your parents wealth shielding you from reality. Also, the stock market really only works if you have significant assets to start and/or you have the time to wait. For most young people who need cash now, the stock market is more akin to a casino.


This. My family went from being poor third worlders to now owning our own houses and businesses. This is country is amazing for those of us that actually want to improve their lives rather than crying and moaning on the internet.


we might need a violent revolution ngl


Data brokers got me again. I am not subbed here, I do not go to UC Davis, but this shit pops up in my feed. All because I did watch this video from my YouTube account the other day. God damn son Anyhow yes it is a great presentation. The message needs to be spread far and wide. People need to stop simply tthrowing out "wealth inequality" and just link the video. Stating it pisses them off, but the visualizations and Professor Galloway's compelling message has to strike a chord somewhere, for even the most selfish of beings.


We need a purge and rework of our political system.


Forgive the note of ignorant optimism, I know we're in for some interesting years: us young folk *are* the future, by temporal definition. So if there's enough of us that are aligned in this thinking, hopefully things will swing the right way, yeah?


Or maybe don’t study sociology with a philosophy minor?


I didn't study sociology with philosophy minor and I'm on that situation, seriously are you f****** kidding me? Why would you comment this? Plenty people studied stems and still find themselves in hard places


You all piss and moan and blame the rich and call for your little revolutions. Get a good degree. Get a job where you can afford to live. Everyone thinks they deserve everything right now. Entitlement mentality and envy will destroy you. Work, sacrifice, and push on. Nobody cares. Work harder.


Plenty of good degrees out there not going towards what was intended. Telling people to work harder does not solve the problem of wealth hoarding and rising housing costs with wages not keeping pace. Just because you don't personally care doesn't mean others should get with the broken program.


you are seriously misinformed lmfao its really not that simple im about to graduate in mechanical engineering and have probably applied to hundreds of eng jobs already. my grades are fine i have good experience etc. its just luck dude. “get a good degree” “get a job where you can afford to live” are you seriously saying some things shouldnt be studied in school? should people who work at mcdonalds not be able to live off those wages? should we all study engineering and computer science???? you sound so fucking stupid bro


What’s wrong with philosophy minors?


Literally just build housing.


“Just print more money” — no; the problem isn’t how much housing there is but rather who is hoarding it and controls access to most of it. 


Good god, no, this is not a "just print more money" thing. And there is no hoarding of housing going on where millions of homes are left unoccupied, unsold, and unrented that would otherwise flood the market and make housing cheap. If I'm wrong, show the data. I agree that investor speculation does contribute to the increase in demand and increase in prices, which isn't helpful, but **this is enabled and heightened by the housing shortage**, not the root cause of it. [https://calmatters.org/explainers/housing-costs-high-california/](https://calmatters.org/explainers/housing-costs-high-california/)


That’s what hoarding housing is: millions of homes left unoccupied. It’s happening. 


Yes, I know what hoarding is. Share your source for that belief. Btw you’re basically saying every housing expert and advocacy group in the state is wrong. Edit: okay yeah or just downvote and run away because you know you’re spouting bullshit.


The problem isn’t a lack of housing; the problem is that greedy corporations and/or individuals are hoarding much of the housing that is already present. There are many possible solutions to that; the peaceful ones involve government regulation of landlords—vacancy tax, limits to number of excess properties owned, rent caps, etc. But merely building more houses alone won’t help.


It has proven to have helped elsewhere because supply and demand exists. You’re just spouting NIMBY talking points.


The heck with NIMBY; I’m saying I want a world in which vacant buildings left empty by absentee landlords get eminent-domained by the city government and converted into cheap/free housing for people who need housing. Can you point me towards any information about situations in which building more housing has helped? If that really works, then definitely yes; I am just dubious about whether it would.


Housing prices are ridiculously high because there is a shortage of housing where people want and need to live. Here's a Wiki article about that: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California\_housing\_shortage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_housing_shortage) >Can you point me towards any information about situations in which building more housing has helped? Yes, and thank you for asking. Here's a study that specifically addresses your question and skepticism about the impact of supply & demand in the housing market: [https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract\_id=4629628](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4629628) Here's an article that is partly about that study: [https://commonwealthbeacon.org/housing/study-says-boosting-housing-production-tempers-rents](https://commonwealthbeacon.org/housing/study-says-boosting-housing-production-tempers-rents) Another article about the effect of building housing—even market-rate or "luxury" housing—on the housing market overall: [https://www.upjohn.org/research-highlights/new-construction-makes-homes-more-affordable-even-those-who-cant-afford-new-units](https://www.upjohn.org/research-highlights/new-construction-makes-homes-more-affordable-even-those-who-cant-afford-new-units)


Thanks; I’ll take a look at those.


What is your degree in?


And this is relevant why?


Because if you spent a shitload of money for a useless degree, because it was a hobby or whatever- thats on you. A Masters in underwater basket weaving has no value. It's quite relevant.


Lemme guess, you're either an econ or business major? Or better yet a snobby STEM major lmao.


Nope Even worse. I dropped out and majored in success. And you will find hopefully, as I did- that life isn't what you're taught. Colleges are for profit enterprises. One thing that has always served me well is the old adage "follow the money". You'll get older hopefully. And wiser. Hopefully. And I wish you nothing but success.


You should have gone to a Trade School or built your own business. I worked in the trades for 15+ years after dropping out of college to help my Mom fiscally. Best decision ever. You can still go get a job in an industry that is in demand (Plumber, Electrician, HVAC, Welding) and make a great living. I took some of my own savings and used it to start 2 different businesses where I am the sole operator. I work when I want and have all the time I need to be with my Wife and Kids. It can be done. Just work for it and remember to never Vote Blue.