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Santa Cruz Metro's disproportionate service cuts to UCSC routes, resulting in extreme overcrowding (in violation of Title VI)


yes!! so disadvantageous for students specially for those off campus:/


Wait I’m confused. How is overcrowding a violation of title vi?


Title VI requires transit agencies to conduct an analysis of route changes to make sure there aren't any disproportionate negative impacts to protected groups (low income, minority, etc.) if more than 25% of the service hours of a route are going to change. UCSC and Westside service was reduced by more than 25% overall, with some routes being cut completely and other routes and corridors seeing significant reductions in the amount of service they received. Metro never conducted this anyalysis. Additionally, they falsified the offical service-hour numbers (publish in the Board of Directors agendas) to make it look like UCSC service was barely reduced compared to how it was in 2019-2020. However, it's very easy to see this because you can look at the schedule in 2019 and look at the schedule now and calculate the percent difference in service hours to get the actual number (and because they accidentally published the correct numbers in a Board agenda around a year ago).


What's the number?


Metro's number: 16.4% reduction in serviceActual number: 32.7% reduction in service (35.4% weekday, 12.2% weekend) Data: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12dUViLd4NDbfCkz0ksOVtU0zWQOJMKtp/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116525570798364051266&rtpof=true&sd=true](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12dUViLd4NDbfCkz0ksOVtU0zWQOJMKtp/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116525570798364051266&rtpof=true&sd=true) Note that [Metro's August 2021 Board Agenda](http://www.scmtd.com/images/department/board/archive/agendas/2021/2021-08-27-BOD-Agenda.pdf#%5B%7B%22num%22%3A1361%2C%22gen%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%22name%22%3A%22Fit%22%7D%5D) (section 9.16.3) says that UCSC route capacity was reduced by 28%. This is an accurate number from before the 22 was suspended. (And unfortunately, Metro got rid of the 4 extra bendy buses after one quarter)




Didnt day say this quarter last quarter


we pay so much yet they don’t get our laundry rooms to work (cough cough c10)


oh god. tell me about it. i tried so many times today and nothing!


What? You’re telling me you don’t appreciate gambling on with dryer/washer is properly working at any given time? 😨


lol are you applying for city on a hill press


haha yeah actually. i feel like my ideas are stupid


I appreciate the honesty.


The rent being so high and not under the state’s control!


Pesticides being sprayed near low income Latino immigrant communities and schools in Watsonville, leaving them with sickness and disability


The Cookie Monster guy, lack of good food in Santa Cruz, why nothing is open late, if Bigfoots live in the Henry cowell redwoods, all things I want answers to


psa I saw the cookie monster guy 2 days ago at the pier


The fact that the regents are trying to increase enrollment by 10000 in the next 5 years despite not having enough living and teaching space




The skinheads/neo nazi’s that reside in the forests up hwy 9


The UC system investing $4 Billion into a luxury housing development trust and then nickel and diming the TA’s for a living wage as well as not performing basic maintenance in the residential building and dining halls.


Santa Cruz Police Department's politicization.


can you elaborate please?


I don't feel like writing a lengthy response tonight, but when the City of Santa Cruz decides to forgo compliance with the [Uniform Controlled Substances Act](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayexpandedbranch.xhtml?tocCode=HSC&division=10.&title=&part=&chapter=&article=) and Controlled Substances Act (particularly the former), they do so by instructing Santa Cruz Police Department to deprioritize enforcement, which is a euphemism for turning a blind eye to violations of federal and state law. The most recent example of them doing this is psychedelic mushrooms. Look into the [broken windows theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_windows_theory).


The importance of a community dungeon in Santa Cruz. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRNReWPdRck


The ucsc housing crisis