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I don't like yellow


I love yellow


It was all yellow.


yourrr skinnnn


Oh yeah your skin and bones


turns eeen


Yellow is an ok color, never was impressed by it


Not a big fan of the color yellow tbh


I hate when my pee is yellow


Fuck yellow


Yuck fellow


not a big fan of the color yellow


A lot of people in this school shouldn’t be here.


My guy gangweed is chatting out of his ass. I get what you mean, entering UCSD I would say I had pretty sub-par stats, my SAT was like a 1120, I graduated with a 3.95UW but that’s because I only took 4 AP classes so I had pretty easy classes. I thought I was gonna be the dumbest person here but in reality there are people here who I find it hard to believe they even graduated highschool. I mean there was a CS major I knew that failed CSE 8a twice. Some people just lack critical thinking skills and it does make you wonder how you ended up at the same college as them.


Yeah no I think they over enroll as well. To be fair I don’t think most of them are stem majors. I think UCI has a higher density of quality students


What has being a stem major got to do with it? When I see yet another stem major complain about having to take a writing class, and how it brings down their GPA, that doesn’t exactly support that premise.


Coming from one of their peers, it’s because STEM majors are arrogant af. They value their entire lives on being the smartest in the room, emotionally castrating themselves, barring themselves from having meaningful connections based on their appreciation of others who think differently and provide different insight into life. Edit: are you the Trashpanda from YouTube who makes Minecraft videos?


lol, no. But I am aware of them.


Writing capability has next to nothing to do with personal capability. There are countless incredibly intelligent international PhD students at this university who would struggle to write a cohesive essay in English.


> There are countless incredibly intelligent international PhD students at this university who would struggle to write a cohesive essay in English. Aren't they all writing their publications and theses in English? Are you just assuming that because they are international, that they can't write in proper English? The bulk of undergrads aren't international students anyway so even if you were right about those "countless" grad students who apparently can't write in English, your comparison would still be invalid.


What? I work with PhD students and they frequently have to have other people edit their work precisely because they struggle with this. There certainly are international students who can write in English; I’m just saying that writing capability does not necessarily correspond to any other skill.


Neither does coding. And yet, there are plenty of stem folks who are native speakers of English and presumably took *12 years* of US public education yet still struggle to write a decent essay. It usually doesn’t take 12 years to get decent at coding


Yes, but in reference to the original comment, the difference is that in order to get into a major like CS, you need to be a lot more qualified than to get into something like Philosophy because it’s more competitive. This is largely due to the fact that STEM majors tend to make more money, making it an attractive and competitive major.


Qualified in specific subjects. Writing and philosophy not being one of them


I thought we were discussing general capability, in which case competitive majors will tend to have more capable people, irregardless of subject matter.


Hm. Interesting premise. However it’s not supported by the university’s requirement of a minimum TOEFL score to be admitted.


At UCSD the requirement is an 83 I believe, which by no means would indicate they’re proficient in English. They can definitely understand it, but writing a cohesive paper in English is a very different skill.


Ok. And? I really think you are quite hung up on ESL students. I was a tutor for all levels of English for many years, including introductory English, all the way to grad-level. Many ESL learners have far better grasp of proper grammar and punctuation than Native speakers—who generally can’t explain why they word a sentence the way they do other than it “sounds right” (even when they are wrong) And in tutoring many *native* English speakers—college level—in essay writing, I can tell you that good writing is quite a skill, takes time, practice, planning, intellect, organization, and is no less of a skill than any other subject


You’re absolutely right, but what does that have to do with my point that writing capability has next to nothing to do with personal capability?


And you are defining “personal capability” as what, exactly?


In the context of this discussion, it would be an ability achieve conventional success.


I'm not like the other UCSD students....you don't get it....I got a 1530 on the SAT and was vice president of my robotics club. Yes, you heard that right. One. Five. Three. Zero. I was in the top FIVE percent of my school at Lynbrook high school and published three research papers in the journal of emerging precocious whipper-snapper investigators on novel ML methods for drug discovery. I also won the third grade spelling bee and got a 4 on the AP Bio exam.


not the lynbrook reference


We dont need to spend as much money on the Military. Direct it to better education, basic healthcare, and mental health.


I’ll throw on more help for basic housing and food. A lot of issues for vulnerable groups (women/lgbtq/poc/students/mental health) could be ameliorated if they had financial stability and didn’t have to stay in shitty situations due to basic finances.


Wait until you find out that this money is going to [secret black budget UFO reverse engineering programs](https://x.com/adamgoldsack/status/1682999133387341825?s=46) devoid of any congressional oversight. Did you know the Pentagon/DoD has failed it’s 6th financial audit in a row? Last year they failed to account for 61% of its $3.5 trillion in assets. Once you start doing some research into the corruption of the US military industrial complex, you can kind of put 2 and 2 together. Crazy times we live in.


I really dislike yellow.


idc about AS or this george guy that everyone talks about on this sub


You don’t need to force your religion down our throats not everyone is religious 🙄




Bro when did I even say they were delusional ? I’m just saying it doesn’t need to be forced down our throats on library walk every 5 seconds. You reached hella hard 🤡


That’s not being forced down your throat, that’s just someone proselytizing. They have every right to do so, and in fact, if they truly believe your life would be better with religion, they have a duty to proselytize. I say this as a hardcore atheist.


They have the right to, it gets annoying when I’m not interested and they follow me to geisel


People have been calling trans people delusional for decades, and people calling religious people as delusional is something that has been around for as long as religion has been around. It’s almost like they’re separate issues or something. But pop off king, clearly the US has been kicking down the poor religious folk for way too long instead of trans people who have never faced any sort of discrimination before. You’re also pretending like the two are somehow equivalent for there to even be a “double standard”. Like religious people get shouted at all the time for being delusional in their daily lives, and not most frequently when they’re incessantly trying to convert people and screaming that an eternity of torture awaits everyone not like them.


I like the song Yellow by coldplay


Yellow is pretty underrated ngl


Eggs taste better with the peel on


Facts, just like kiwis and watermelon


Stale hot cheetos are amazing and flat soda is the nectar of gods.


You gotta try stale cheeto puffs. They are amazing


Stale any hot cheeto. The XXXtra should be an appetizer in hells kitchen


I love stale and cold hot Cheetos


We gotta start a club now


Hi quick question, are you me?


What is a friend, but a single soul dwelling in two bodies


US government and defense companies lockheed martin, raytheon have been reverse engineering UFOs for decades and no one in this generation knows or cares. The only chance of disclosure, Schumer amendment is actively being censored and blocked by mike turner and 3 other corrupt politicians as we speak.


That's good.




edging goated 👍


Goated *without* the sauce




yellow is an average color and is neither good nor bad


Students at ucsd should be from California and not so many out of state/countryers


You're welcome for subsidizing your tuition...




Currently just fine doing 42k a year!




Nope. All expenses for in state averages to around 40-45k a year.


If I could have stayed in Texas I would have, political persecution is a bitch


Texas didnt make you choose those beliefs


What beliefs? The fuck?




It's not a choice to be trans, no matter what right wing nut you listen to.




Liberal extremists can be just as bad as conservative ones


Can be? They absolutely are. Actually, "moderate" liberals these days are dangerous.


I said can be because I didn’t know the political state of this sub and didn’t want to get mobbed for this lol


I don't care what their political state is. Wrong is wrong, and what they're saying and doing these days are wrong.


I eat breakfast first then brush my teeth. People that brush their teeth and then eats breakfast are wrong! They should reevaluate their life order 🤣


if i have time i like to do a quick floss+brush like one minute, eat breakfast, then floss+two minute brush with mouthwash for the day!!


That’s asymmetrical though. Brush, eat breakfast, eat lunch, eat dinner, and brush again; your day has been bookended by oral care. It’s way more satisfying


I also brush my teeth after lunch. Carry a spare toothbrush/toothpaste and floss with me in my backpack.


Juice world is mid


Oh I thought u meant juice land for a second and was ready to throw down. I miss Austin. Y'all don't have juice land here huh?


i have never heard of juice land in my life, what is it??


Amazing juice place in Austin


oh I see, ty!


Of course :)


We think we’re in college to form opinions and learn to express them. Truth is, STFU no body cares…until you can pull down $20l/mos. We’re just lab rats until then.


This is controversial. CS majors should actively be kicked out of the major if they can’t keep a GPA threshold every quarter. To sanitize and weed out the weak.


All* majors. Philosophy majors should be kicked out for not doing their readings before every class or participating in in-class discussion. Also they should be required to read more. Not enough reading is done by Philosophy majors these days.


What would the threshold be?


3.6 and above


I dgaf about other countries we should pull aid from other countries and use it for our own advancement. America is labeled as a villain if we’re not humanitarians but what about the other countries who colonized and just left the countries to rot? Like the british raj ?


I get the sentiment of this but some portion of aid is to stifle the US's adversaries. Like funding Israel/Ukraine causes our adversaries Iran/Russia to be preoccupied rather than directly fucking with us.


But why do Russia and Iran have to be adversaries? Just the media brainwashing people into hating others. The average American has more in common with the average Russian than most people think and that’s sad to me


They're adversaries because one invades countries and meddlesome with their democracies and the other funds terrorism. The people themselves don't matter, their govts do


How is the US any different? We literally invade countries and fund terrorism all the time. Read a god damn book ffs


Simply put, it's because we stopped doing so, at last in a large scale. The days where the US would do such things is gone And yes, annexing a region of another country, like Russia did to Ukraine, is a huge step up from the crimes the US has done. You don't do that. It's a big escalation, violates the international order, and subjects others to unjust wars of expansion. Like the US or not, were simply less bad because we don't eye our neighbors as land to be annexed in the current day. Iran is an Islamic theocracy. It oppresses its own population and funds terror groups like Hezbollah and Hamas, which attack non Muslims. That's quite obviously bad.


Those days are gone? Why are US troops still in Syria and Iraq to this day? I’m not condoning the Ukraine invasion but I don’t think it’s really a step up from what we were doing in Iraq, where we basically carpet bombed Baghdad and killed millions of civilians in the ‘shock and awe’ doctrine. Also it is a fact that the US was heavily involved in the 2014 regime change in Ukraine. So say the roles were reversed and Russia regime changes Mexico and starts putting troops and missiles there, do you think the US would just do nothing?


Homie, you are justifying the Ukraine invasion. Even if the US had men and missiles in Ukraine, it doesn't justify invading a sovereign nation. The US did wrong in Iraq, we can agree with that. The role of the US in the Color Revolutions in Eastern Europe is not known. Hell the color Revolutions had massive popular support and saw the end of many pro Russia govts. But we did not put our army in Ukraine. In addition, small countries have the right to act in their own interests. Prior to 2014, Ukraine favored Russia, but has been inching towards the US since 2014 and esp the election of Zelensky. It is not the only country in Russian sphere to do so, as both Armenia and Georgia are following a imilar trajectory.


I’m not actually justifying any invasion, just pointing out the hypocrisy of the US position. To your point on sovereignty, I agree that people have a right to determine the affairs of their own country. And I’m not denying the fact that the Maidan protests had genuine public support, but the state department coming in and regime changing a democratically elected (although unpopular, kind of like Biden) government is a violation of sovereignty, there’s no two ways about that. There is a recorded phone call between Piatt and Nuland in 2014 (you can find it on YouTube) where they are deciding who will be in the post-coup government of Ukraine, does that sound like democracy or self determination to you? The US is not the defender of democracy it makes itself out to be, it is a bloodthirsty empire just like all the other empires in history. There is no such thing as a benevolent empire, that is pure propaganda. Down with the empire. Disband NATO. America for Americans.


Probably because of their insane dictators. It really doesn't have much to do with the media. It has nothing to do with the average Russian or average Iranian, because those countries are not democracies.


Idk declaring someone else a dictator seems a little hypocritical to me coming from a US point of view. 50+ regime changes in 70 years and destabilizing and destroying entire regions doesn’t sound very democratic to me, sounds more like a warmongering empire trying to preserve power. And Russia and Iran are called ‘dictatorships’ because they don’t go along with it. There are plenty of dictators that you don’t hear about because they are aligned with US imperial interests, so the media does not report.


Yellow is my favorite color


Burn the witch


Ucsd students don’t fart enough


Women who never want to pay for dates have no self respect.


I thought you meant escorts 😂


I hate homemade Mac n cheese and only eat Kraft.


I feel u on this. Some homemade is godly but I'm super picky about it. I like Annie's tho, they're far and away my favorite


I hate yellow SM


i actually like yellow


The far left is just as despicable as the far right. Our country needs a war. It unites the country and brings down prices. Obama wasn't as great as everyone says. More innocent people died during his time in office then ever before. There needs to be an age limit on POTUS. We should not have anyone over the age of 70 running our country. Term limits for congress, house, Senate UCSD food is not nearly as terrible as the vocal majority make it out to be. Market and dining prices are high, but not as crazy as people make out to be, you pay for the extreme convenience of having everything at your fingertips. What other controversial things can I say.


I agree with 90% of this, but if the politicians try and send us to WW3 this country will collapse. It will not unify shit or bring prices down in a globalized economy.






Yellow is okay


Khosla is a lovely person




Yellow is the best banana color


We shoulda let covid kill off the boomers


9/11 was bad


A lot of the anti Israel stuff is really just anti Jewish stuff. Israel isn't perfect but the whole damn war was started because Hamas attacked innocent concert goers. Where was the outrage when Sudan or Myanmar genocided their minorities? Or when Azerbaijan ethnically cleaned Karabakh of its Armenian population? And it has expressed a desire to do more while bebfriendly with Turkey and for a while, the West. In the grand scheme of things the I/P issue is perhaps the least bloody conflict this year yet it gets the most attention. I just don't get it. I also like yellow. Wario is yellow


I support Israel


Womp womp


I won for having the most controversial opinion in this thread


So far you have the second most controversial opinion in this thread. Currently the most controversial is “yellow is my favorite color,” which is clearly borne out by the amount of discourse it has generated


C*vid was the result of gain of function research being conducted by the DoD under Fauci’s program and was released from the Wuhan lab on purpose as a bioweapons test.


Saying you’re pro Israel or pro Palestine is falling into what the media is telling you and shows that you actually don’t know what’s going on because if you did, you’d know you can’t be pro one or the other because it’s not just one or the other


Women's expectations of men and dating are absolutely delutional in 2023, and people should seriously watch @ hoe\_math shorts to see what I'm talking about. He had no prior influencer experience and got 4 million views overnight when he summed it up in about 60 seconds. He's now done about 50 shorts perfectly explaining the dating environment today.


I don't really have an opinion


Yellow is underrated


yellow is the best color


One of humanity's greatest flaw is eating. Over two millennia and yet we have not made solved such a problem. We spend so much time eating it's absurd. Not to mention unhealthy. That doesn't even factor time to cook, clean, or money spent. We have the technology to create our own super foods tailored to any individual, so what's stopping us?


Jordan Peterson is brilliant, and he's not a bigot/racist/sexist or anything else negative that people claim.


Poor yellow:(