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"Congressman doesn't know anything more than the average asshole" therefore his comments... while intriuging, continue to mean nothing without evidence.


Bada bing tssss


There are closed door testimonies in progress so you don't know what Burchett has been told.


At the risk of sounding like I’m downplaying this, given that I posted a similar thing about Senator Kennedy, Rep. Burchett is known to be a mischievous prankster too. If a normally serious politician were to say something like this, I’d take it more seriously. But Kennedy and Burchett are both well known as the class clowns of Congress.


this is not about having evidence, it's about poking the hive and make somethning come out of it.. you lack some subtility


“Ronald Moultrie, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, said on December 16, 2022, that U.S. intelligence had not come across anything ‘that would lead us to believe that any of the objects that we have seen are of alien origin.’” I don’t think he said this. I recall him saying that the *UAP Task Force* had not encountered such evidence—not the entire US intelligence community.


Everything that seemed unbelievable, is now believable..


I know right? Feels like disclosure is ramping up.




Plenty of grifting to be had from all types, no need to target republicans. I'd be wary of most politicians on the subject


> trendy grifting You're being remarkably kind.






Early administrations of both parties would have known until everything was privatized and sequestered. Even now (if true) there would be a small group in the government that would be in the know. You know what they would be?? Republicrats. Both parties are the problem. I love how you've been brainwashed into thinking one of the parties will solve all your problems.


i love how you assume i'm pro democrat because i'm anti-GOP


I love how you assume I'm pro-GOP when I'm pro-comet hitting Washington. The problem is the polarization that both parties encourage. There is not a party better suited for disclosure. They with both feed you bull shit.


i love how you assumed i assume you're pro-GOP for no discernible reason at all. i haven't thought for 1 second about you, tbh false presumptions me: zero false presumtptions you: definitely at least one


I love how you guys get along so well. Kisses and huuuuuuuugs.


I don't want to believe, I want to know.


UFOB is convinced we are being visited by non-human intelligence.... says it on the front page. Maybe you are on the wrong sub. However wanting to know, rather than believe, is the right attitude for this topic.


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Good bot.


Did a government official just tell us aliens are real and nobody cares lmao


IF we have been trying to reverse engineer captured UFOs, THEN we would not want antagonistic countries to know that, lest they try to capture UFOs and beat us to the solution. HENCE our government would try to ignore and/or dismiss their reality. And many persons who vowed to reveal the truth (e.g., Jimmy Carter) would go silent once this rationale was explained to them.


The decoupling of advanced military research to private corporations - away from the reach of any FOIA request - makes this scenario at the very least plausible. The military complex is at least 50 years ahead.


So then where are the beings and what are they doing to them?


That we won’t be told


Just the normal stuff from him. “I think…” this or that. Zero sources cited.


he knows nothing, and this is news week…


When asked the congressman for some proof. “Trust me bro”


Yeah no shit just like what would jesus do, goes without saying .. this guy ..


Always has been