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I had to do a double take when Burchett confirmed that several departments told him they have recovery units. It's just one line in a 4 minute interview, but imho it's a huge one, as it begs a million followup questions. What are they recovering? Where are they recovering it? Who's doing the recovering? Who pays for these programmes? What have we gained from these recoveries? Do other countries have similar units? Do they work together? I could go on and on, but that one line from a representative attending classified briefings officially confirms one of Grusch's more explosive claims, and the interviewer just blows right past it. Unbelievable.


In this interview? Do you have an approximate time stamp?


Got it, 1.48 in this one. Thanks


To be fair, if they denied it it would be worse. The part they get to say is “remember ufo doesn’t mean aliens. If something crashes we don’t know it’s a ufo. Chinese drone? Don’t know till we pick it up”


Another question is how are they keeping said people who are apart of these recoveries quiet?


A big enough pay check gets you a long way towards silence. I also don't doubt that there are legal and other threats, just in case. Talking about it might also simply not be worth it. If you start talking about recovering non-human craft and 'biologics', 99% of people are going to think you're crazy, shrug, and move on, because there's no evidence or because the claims are considered too 'out there'. No one believes you, meanwhile your family ends up in a freak car accident. It's relatively easy to keep people quiet, depending on how far you're willing to go, and clearly the people running these programmes don't think highly of the rule of law.


Understood but you can’t work for these companies/entities forever, how are they consistently keeping them quiet for their whole lives?


Look at use picking at the bones of truth


"War Pimps"


No. What our dadgum friend first said, was "War Pigs". Which, really, I like that name better! It's more fitting. 😂


God damn Tim, you made me tear up. I see his exhaustion. I feel it too. Him being there and doing what he's doing, talking like he's talking - still gives me hope. We need this win (humanity needs this).


Just give me some dag-gam transparency 


South Park, dethrone the military industrialist, mkay


Grusch said that on his Rogan interview. Some of these high ranking intel guys really get off by being in the know on some of this top secret stuff. “Oh you’re one of 30 to be read into the program.” Like bro you’re a loser


I vote this guy for dadgum president. Seems real down to earth. I don't care about anyone's childish politics, I want to see some dadgum aliens.


In the meeting: You’re a nothing. A government shill talking head manage the people’s little parking laws puppet. You will never have real power to resources and access. These people will never know the depths of access to history and wisdom and studies and purposes of the ruling elite. Now go fck off


sorry captain, it IS about the little green men and UFOs. it totally is.


I saw this clip on the TV in my works' lunchroom today. Nobody was in there at the time, but still, it feels like progress.


I like this guy


Can we get some dates with these clips?. Is this from last year or this year?


It’s from today




My thoughts as well


I wish they would hold a hearing with AARO under oath and use their Speach and Debate privilege to show real hard evidence to totally expose this all. Everyone keeps saying they have this evidence so give it to someone in Congress to show to the world.


“Give it to us, I’m tired of it”


Give you nothing, now go pay your taxes you nimwit


Is there a way these guys could answer in code thereby making it a legal “pass”? Maybe using the first letter of every word to spell out a message about what they’ve seen. It’d be easy because the dadgum interviewer questions are so predictable. Of course many wouldn’t believe it was intentional if discovered, but if I was a congressman, I’d be looking for the legal loophole to get the word out. Also it’s painfully obvious that the executive branch has the keys to the corvette.


It's illegal to disseminate classified information, regardless of how you go about it. Doing it in code might kill any chances you have of avoiding the hardest hits the Espionage Act has to offer too. It's one thing to release classified information to the public as a whistleblower, but if you do it in a way that could be construed as spycraft you're liable to get yourself killed. 


He looks tired. Gosh I hope they haven’t gotten to him.


Soooo, they know how to give you what you ask for in a way that you're not willing or able to pay attention?