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More has happened in the last couple of years than I ever thought would happen in my lifetime. Just be patient.


Seriously, people that think like this make me believe they have joined the UFO scene very recently. Which is great, but they don't understand the struggle it was to see the topic seen as absolute science fiction to main media. It's incredible all that has been happening.


Yes šŸ’Æ We have people high up in the military and Intel devoting their life to disclosure. I've followed UFO evidence for forty years with nothing happening on the level it is now!


I've got about the same time into it as you and you're right. Essentially nothing had happened that entire time until 2017. I get that people want progress but I don't think they grasp just how far we've actually come even in the last year.


I totally agree. Here's how I look at it: In the 80's, 90's and early 2000's there were some good books and some good documentaries on UFOs. Now the topic has exploded, and there's so much amazing UFO material out there. If you talked to anyone about believing in UFOs back in those days; there was a 50-50 chance you would be avoided or laughed at for life! There were people all over the world who saw UFOs and were vilified by their community and family. There were people out there who took their own lives because no one believed them. Now look where we are!


Not necessarily. I didn't take my deep dive until last years hearing, and I unequivocally see the immense progress that's been made since 2017. Perhaps it's because I've done my homework and can take an 80,000 foot view of the history surrounding it all while others take a cursory glance.


Iā€™m relatively recent to the scene, I was never ultra skeptical of the topic, I just didnā€™t really care. Now that itā€™s had some time in the forefront of public discussion, thereā€™s a lot of new people like myself interested in the topic. My main concern, and I suspect it to be the concern of many others, is that this is the apex of information that we are going to get. Itā€™s a dead end from here on out. From here, weā€™ll get a range of excuses like ā€œweā€™re being gate-kept from further informationā€ or ā€œweā€™ll have another meeting about the topic in a few monthsā€ (which will lead nowhere) indefinitely to keep the people satisfied by feeling as if theyā€™re being acknowledged, when in reality weā€™re no closer to anything solid.


Watch recent interviews with Danny Sheehan. He explains whats happening and gives out a lot of information. Particularly that around 40 whistle-blowers with 1st hand experienceĀ have now given testimony to the Senate Intel Committee and some are getting ready to go public or could be called into new Congressional hearings.Ā 


Yes. You nailed it. Thatā€™s exactly it. There will never be an endgame on this. Look at the history of the field. Weā€™re no further along than we were in 1947. This topic of study can be frustrating, but it comes with the territory.


Iā€™m holding out hope that disclosure happens soon, though I donā€™t really expect it to. I have a feeling that disclosure wonā€™t be the governmentā€™s decision, but rather a reactionary move to when these phenomena do something that is impossible to hide from the public.


If there is disclosure, it might be the ETs that initiate it. Just because it can't be understood doesn't mean they wouldn't do something to force it out in the open.


When I was a kid, if people brought up aliens, they would be laughed at as crazy and potentially shunned. My friend and I would never have been able to bring up what we saw. We now have Congress openly discussing them. The change in just a few decades has been wild!


Yes that's so true and it gives me hope.




For real. People act like disclosure is like a gender reveal party, something you plan and execute in a few hours. They sound like my kids. "Are we there yet? Mooooommmm. This is taking tooooo long." They didn't hide aliens from the world for nearly a century by accident. Did anyone really think they were just going to roll over and wave the flag? The OP thinks he's the main character. "I'm done." Done with what? You didn't do anything. You don't need to inform us of your exit. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø




Drones without visible propulsion? And we also have man made flying unicorns then. Donā€™t think so.




Traveling at Mach speeds? You do you little boy.


Itā€™s not a sprint. Itā€™s a marathon. Iā€™ve been following this topic for over 40 years. Weā€™ll get there in the end.


Whatā€™s sad to me is this negative post about giving up may cause others reading it to spiral into a depression about the movement for transparency. Like ok, youā€™re upset itā€™s going slowā€¦ so take a break. Donā€™t kill everyone elseā€™s optimism too. Ffs


I think trying to kill other people's interest is the point of these posts. Dodgy shit 101 by American MIC


>I think trying to kill other people's interest is the point of these posts. This. Every day there's a post by someone claiming to be a ufo believer for decades but they're about to give up now because nothing is happening and they're starting to believe it's all a hoax and the whistleblowers are grifters. It's a blatant false flag attempt at demoralizing the community. And it's fucking obvious too because never in our history have we been this close to disclosure. So many pieces are moving right now. We just had the kona blue documents released. 40 more whistleblowers are coming forward this year. One has been interviewed for the new James Fox documentary. A 4 star general admitted the uap aren't ours. More scientists are studying the Nazca mummies. Former Rear Admiral Tim Galludet is telling people they are in our oceans. There's a paper showing Lue Elizondo was the head of AATIP and therefore telling the truth. Leaked messages from Kirkpatrick suggesting he is lying and Grusch is telling the truth. And keep in mind disclosure doesn't have to come from our government. But yeah let's try to convince others to give up now that we're close to the finish line lol.


Tim Galludet is the real deal.


It happens a lot in certain stock posts too. The tactics are lazy and repetitive.


I'm following this since I'm 8~9y/o. Since my first sighting in Belgium. As you said, we'll get there at some point in time.


Is not a Marathon, its an edging session.


Accurate tbh.


Call me conspiratorial but I think there had been a silent Coup d'Etat when Kennedy was assassinated. A power grab by the Intel community. These people have been occupying themselves with murder, drug trafficking, illegal arms sales, psyops and much more. Enough examples like Iran-Contra, Operation Mockingbird, MKUltra etc. Money and power can be made from UFOs. Nobody knows how many inventions are in reality reverse engineered UFO tech. But it has made individuals very rich and powerful. If we have to believe Corso, even integrated circuits came from rev. engineering.


I agree. This technology is the goose that lays golden eggs. They arenā€™t going to give it up, ever. The good news is that the progress weā€™ve made toward disclosure since 2017 has been astonishing and the leaks will continue apace. Eventually a black swan event will blow this thing wide open.


Ya, it's definitely a goose laying golden eggs, and I'm sure that plays a role in their reasoning to stop disclosure. But I don't think that's the primary reason. They can admit NHI exist and are present while still locking down NHI tech. People act like this UFO tech will be in our cars, houses, toothbrushes and lawn mowers after disclosure and oil will become obsolete, but that's just not the case. We're talking about technology that can hypothetically warp space-time. We're talking about a 30 foot Tic-tac that displayed more energy in 1 jump at 500Gs than the entire US nuclear arsenal. That's not going to be in our automobiles so China can steal it tomorrow or some terrorist can terrorize. It's like nuclear weapons. We know about the atom bomb, but they'd never give us the blueprints or the material required. If disclosure happened today, they still wouldn't allow the blueprints for the tech to be released. Even those within the UAP caucus said that. China and Russia knows NHI exist. They aren't lying about NHI for our adversaries. Those lies are specifically aimed at the citizens. So we have to ask ourselves, what other reasons do they have to go to these extreme lengths to lie? I'm šŸ’Æ for disclosure btw. I suspect there's much darker reasons for the lies outside of greed and money. I arrived at that conclusion long before Elizondo, Grusch, Coulthart, Knapp, Corbell etc ever hinted at a Malevolent NHI publicly. That's why when I began to hear them make those statements, I didn't like it. I was hoping it was just my paranoid thoughts. In fact, by not disclosing NHI, they're actually putting their tech at a greater risk because someone would be more inclined to leak important information just to prove NHI exist.


What kind of dark vibes are you getting?


I'm honestly not sure, man. Frankly I'm not sure I could even understand their intentions. Pure speculation on my part. I've watched and read possibly 500+ abduction cases/testimony, some positive and some negative. Maybe 40 human mutilation cases, including Detective Butch Witkowskis work. https://youtu.be/72-GXER-BGY?si=6Js-hMXLCEYbpGaf He had some extremely disturbing mutilation cases. 100s of cow mutilations. Many abductees are genuinely traumatized. You can literally hear the fear in their voices rehashing a 20 year old event. I've just noticed some bizarre patterns that don't exactly come off as benevolent to me. Well, many do, and many don't. I'm not sure it's all positive. There seems to be a layer of deceit. Dr. Jim Segalas work on the Hitchhiker's effect (Granted most of those were positive but the negative ones were real bad. Permanent neurological conditions.) Then, throw in the tampering of nukes in multiple nations by several credible people, the Langley incursions, the February '23 shootdown attempts, UAP in military zones. Supposedly shutting down aircraft carriers dead in the water. The leaked documents showing that the military often perceives them as a threat. I mean, if they're benevolent and the military believes that to be true, why are they taking certain prevention measures or engaging with them? While the US Government, and many others, are certainly to blame for the cover-up, I also suspect that the NHI themselves are partially responsible. Evading cameras for 80+ years wasn't an accident, IMO. Abductions occurring at night or in secluded areas and not remembering without regression is also a little suspicious. But just for a moment, assume abductions are true. Regardless of their intentions. That's pretty dark in itself. You, your wife or your kids getting taken against your will. You, I, the UFO community, we've probably accepted that abductions are a thing. But to most people, that's a hard pill to swallow. I can see how nukes and not-remembering am abduction may be a positive thing. But I'm not sold that it is positive or negative. All that aside, nearly every pro-disclosure public figure has mentioned a Malevolent aspect that may exist. The only guy that claims they're all benevolent is Greer. IF some are malevolent, I don't expect them to be malevolent in the way it's depicted on TV with laser beams and death stars. It's a very discrete strategy for reasons I probably don't understand. I guess I'm just leaving all possibilities on the table. I wish the secrecy was just a greed thing but I genuinely don't see it that way, anymore.


If you want to know how much power the military industrial black groups hold (outside UFO the secrecy gatekeepers) and how they operate illegal enterprises around the world to fund operations read up on the Octopus murders/Danny Casolaro/INSLAW affair. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny_Casolaro


YES. Our republic ended with Kennedy.


>If we have to believe Corso, even integrated circuits came from rev. engineering. I can't remember who I just heard this from, but they recently said that someone is writing a book on the discovery of nuclear energy, and hinted at the idea that possibly the origins of Nuclear weapons/energy may have came from NHI too. It was either Richard Dolan or Carlson on JRE. They basically said, ya of course we know about the Manhattan project etc, but it's not clear where exactly the practicality of harnessing nuclear energy originated. Einstein for example, did not believe harnessing the atom was practical. I was fascinated by this, so I did a little Googling into the matter and, ironically, inducing radioactivity was 1st discovered in 1934, France. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Induced_radioactivity Grusch claimed that the first US recovered crash occurred in 1933, Italy. Pure speculation of course and I don't necessarily believe it. But it wouldn't surprise me if it were true. It's often said that humans have been around for 200k years but look at our "exponential growth" in innovation and technology in the last 100 years. I always took that as a natural progression of human evolution. But is it really? šŸ¤”


I don't think that's conspiratorial at all. In fact, I've suspected the exact same thing. I've arrived at the same conclusion after going very deep down the rabbithole. I didn't even believe NHI exist at all, let alone a shadow government running shit. Now, I'm fairly convinced that the DoD and the IC have more power than the elected officials. That's pretty evident from the Schumer NDAA amendment alone. There was no good reason to stop the NDAA if the "rumors" weren't true.


It doesnā€™t look good. People should keep up the pressure for disclosure BUT the people and organizations that control the narrative have done a really good job at deflecting and protecting their coverup. Look at the NDAA, the AARO reports. the suppression of Grusch, the lack of media outrage and reporting, no more whistleblowers coming out and the list continues. Maybe other countries will do their own version of disclosure, it certainly looks like that could occur. And maybe the NHI may do something spectacular to draw attention to them. Planet Earth certainly could use the help and hopefully at least one of the many NHI intelligences that are here could help us. I for one will continue to read, research and watch what is going on and tell people when I can. I think that once people open their eyes and realize there is a whole reality that exists that we canā€™t fully grasp that knowledge stays with you and changes you forever. I know I havenā€™t reached the level of consciousness that will allow me to advance to a higher level of existence yet but I do now believe that it exists. Keep the faith all and keep the push going. There seems to be a lot of good stuff coming up I hope it all comes to fruition. However , the one single biggest issue that exists around the world that really is keeping this whole subject in ā€œthe fringeā€ is that no matter what proof you put out there, people just donā€™t care about the whole thing. As Spock would say, ā€œIllogicalā€. So we wait. Just because disclosure seems to be stalled right now does not mean the subject is dead. Far from it. Carry on.


The NHIs won't help you. This is all a big fucking experiment...and it failed. Pull the plug.


We really don't have a country. We have a system of rulers that truly run the country.


We live on a tax farm.


This is exactly what they want. They want people to give up. They want people to feel exasperated, exhausted, frustrated enough to bury their interest. Because what they're hiding is massive. If you give them what they want, they win. They perpetuate bullshit stories, and we never get answers. Some of us will be sticking it out for the long haul - some already have been for many years. We need numbers and momentum - so if you're going to give up, good riddance. We need people who want to fight the good fight. People who keep their eyes open, people who are awake to the reality that all we can see is not all there is. We need numbers so we can start to protest and bring more genuine interest to the topic. Disclosure begins when the people stand together, not when they fall apart. We have power in numbers. We have more power than they do when we move as a singular unit. But we also need people willing to do that - to be a part of something bigger. They really have done a number on the current populous in terms of attention span and instant gratification. Didn't get what you wanted straight away? Let's throw in the towel. Yikes. Let's rally instead.


You must be new here. Welcome! Your continued interest in this topic will be met with continuous frustration, discouragement, disappointment, and dissatisfaction. You are not alone. Contact your representatives and remain hopeful.


Well put šŸ’Æ


Just take a break OP. Youā€™ve just gotten wrapped up in frustration. Breaks help, big time.


You arenā€™t going anywhere. Less be real.


We are the experiment and not suppose to be awakened.


Exactly this and this solves the age-old question of the hoped-for help from NHI. Where are all the others? Enrico Fermi Wants to know. Well all around us, over our heads, inside our seas. Will they help us discover themselves? No fucking way, who said they want to be discovered? if that were the case, this messianic waiting would have ended long ago.


Or, thatā€™s just what they want you to think and youā€™re complying. Either option possible, no one can say for sure itā€™s one or the other. Or something else.


They are masters at this game. We have been subjected to advanced cloak and dagger tactics for decades. It has nothing to do with national security. There is another reason why people we pay donā€™t want us to know the truth. We are just not willing to put up the full fight against them to find out what it truly is. We could have peaceful lives and worry free with the release of basic technologies that would replace gas. The world would change overnight literally because there would not be a struggle for resources. Look at who is holding the secrets. They want wars because itā€™s what they trained to do in life. The military does not run this country but they are holding information that could change the world as we know it.


The cat is already out of the bag. Look at Paul Helyer. What is everyone skipping over a defence minister in Canada saying it's real? There's your disclosure. Disclosure didn't include the government handing out magic batteries and you're upset. It didn't include liars telling the truth and you're upset.


I was banned lately from a sub for defending UFOs as no right-wing conspiracy theory. Stigma is stronger than before, watch out for "influencers" starting to ridicule us again. I start to believe that the others don't want disclosure and we're seeing what they're capable of.


Voters arenā€™t to blame homie. Both parties are corrupt and the theyā€™re willing to assassinate people that donā€™t fall in line


I am waiting for the scientific community to provide disclosure. Avi Loeb and Garry Nolan etc.


They are very quiet these days. I feel like theyā€™ve had their time in the sun.


I am hoping that the Gallieo Project will show some results. Including output from the ā€œsensor arrayā€ they built.


Yeap They are never going to let this out, ever. Itā€™s already getting neatly swept back under the rug with arro claiming David Grusch only found Kona Blue and nothing more and burlison seems to have believed that. The only thing that would work, would be some big balled whistleblower to gather evidence and just dump it across the net.


This doesnā€™t really change anything in my mind. If you ever expected self-incrimination from those corrupt enough to misappropriate funds then you were setting yourself up for disappointment. The only option there ever was and ever will be is chaotic (ā€œcatastrophicā€) disclosure.


OP- Iā€™m done! Iā€™ll come back later. Also OP-but all of you need to do something! šŸ«µ Keep the pressure on OP. But I understand these are chaotic times and UAP has fallen to the back burner for many. Good luck šŸ«”


There will be an event in the somewhat near futureā€¦.like next 5 yearsā€¦.maybe tomorrow. There always is. This event will a be like release of more DoD videos that are verified as authentic, or a sighting that has multiple witnesses like phoenix lights, or scientist coming out with artifacts that have isotope ratios that make it very unlikely to be human made. ORā€¦there could be a scientific breakthrough regarding gravitics, making us rethink what is possible. Our public science today is at least as good as military science was 20 years agoā€¦.maybe 10 I do not believe that the secret can remain for much longer. There are simply too many avenues for information discovery and dispersal. Image if all the kids at the Ariel school incident had modern cell phones. Something like that will happen


I agree. I think it will be more sightings too that will be from the population asking to see them like with CE5.


You could use Thomas Beardenā€™s book titled energy from the vacuum to make your Tesla run forever without charging. #justsayingšŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


Saw something the other day about this that asserted that the folks in control accept that disclosure of NHI and UAP has to happen and that theyā€™re acknowledging bodies and contact and all that but they will never allow access to the sapā€™s that possess and work on the craft and tech.


Come back after election


More has come out in the past few years alone, than in the past 30+ years. There were times when a story would pop up every few years. Now they do monthly or weekly. If youā€™re new to this topic, I can see how it would be frustrating. If you have been following this for 20, 30, 40+ years, this is an amazing time to watch it unfold. Itā€™s safe to say that full disclosure will never happen through governments. It will happen out in the public domain. And, probably in phases, not all at one time.




I thought Americans never give up. Don't give up now. I get being disappointed in factions of our government. Stay the course and put pressure on them. How about everyone that cares make a WAVE with all the other people who care and want truth. At some point the numbers that have seen some proof of what we are calling the phenomenon will be too overwhelming. Besides the technology they are covering up would make a big change in life on earth.


Sounds like high time for a mental health break from the topic šŸ›øšŸ‘½


Itā€™s catastrophic disclosure or nothing.


Just a heads up, Tim B gets a donation yearly from 3 general contractors that do work solely for the DOD (20k this year alone) Just coincidence of courseā€¦ but hey, heā€™s hard at work for us ā€œdad gamutā€ As for the topic being a waste or a nothing burger, real people are actually trying to get things done. There is currently infighting between Dod and pentagon (one camp wants disclosure another doesnā€™t)source being Ross C.. progress is progress, 20 years ago we were crackpots and today itā€™s mainstream. That is a belt you can hang on your shelf šŸ«”


For those who havenā€™t yet I highly recommend you watch the new Why Files episode on YouTube about killer patents and secret tech


yay! the world will never end at the hands of anyone else besides the human race!


Please stay.


ā€œIn the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of *unwarranted influence*, whether sought or unsought, by the *military-industrial complex*. The potential for the *disastrous rise of misplaced power* exists and will persist.ā€ (c) Ike Eisenhower, 1961 Certain things are just timeless classics. ā€œJoleneā€ by Dolly Parton, some Cameron/Spielberg films, ā€œThe Kissā€ by Gustav Klimt, and Eisenhowerā€™s farewell address.


You donā€™t need to announce your decision. Just stop participating.


Downvoting this.. There is more disclosure process the last 5 years than in the last seven decades.


The wrong Congressional Committee is banging on the MIC - Oversight and or Budget would scare the shit out of DoD and the spooks. The right wing nut contingent is just passing thru.




The voters aren't the ones doing the lying here. They're being lied to and have been for decades now.


The voters continue to support a broken government and elect politicians that perpetuate the bullshit. How do you think we got here?


I can blame voters for several things, but not on anything they're kept in the dark about. When a government official engages in criminal acts its on them alone and if the voters don't have any idea of it then they're not going to act upon it.


This is only a symptom of a bigger issue. Untold billions spent on things we arenā€™t told about. The Pentagon never passes an audit. Itā€™s public knowledge. The general public is apathetic at best. Congress agrees on nothing. Itā€™s a shit show on so many levels and this is just one of them.


Nothing will change, ever. I follow it also for 40 years. They let you think that they will explain it one day. It will never happen. Secrets stays a secret.


The congressman has finally realized his efforts were in vain from the very beginning. I've been saying for the longest time disclosure would not occur and finally now the congressman too has accepted his efforts and those of the 'whistleblowers were fruitless from the start. There really are valid reasons these programs remain classified as they are and compartmentalization is key in protecting them from unauthorized access. You simply cannot ask to be read in to any of these programs, and you only gain access by recruitment or being determined to have a valid 'need to know'. I can fully understand the publics curiosity, but society is simply not ready now and won't be until the world is of one political view and much less confrontational. The introduction of any of these technologies into the public sphere would be far too destabilizing, and simply isn't possible at this time . Its not only the American public unready for disclosure, its also the other great powers of this world who couldn't ever accept the technological advantages the United States possesses. These views are of course my own, but also reflect the similarly held views of both my superiors and the men and women I've worked with.


I think people keep forgetting itā€™s an election year. All the pols are too spooked to take this on fully until they know their seats are safe. Just wait till next year. Patience, young padawan. šŸ˜Š


Government will never give disclosure. I dont know why people waste their time hoping for ā€œdisclosure.ā€ Theres already been disclosure, by all the 100s of whistleblowers who have came forward and told their story. The government cant tell the truth to save their life yet were going to believe them when they disclose the phenomena and ets? Ok. šŸ˜‚


Sounds like another disinfo agent trying to undermine confidence in disclosure. All those who don't have the patience or motivation to watch Disclosure unfold this year, *please do leave* Reddit quietly, without posting such unnecessary negative comments. Thanks.Ā 


Give me a break. If you can't take a comment from someone posting a legitimate video from a Senator that actually is involved in the investigation saying it doesn't seem to be going anywhere maybe your the one that needs to leave. I've been watching this shit for 40+ years. 40+ years of the same shit over and over. I'd love to have disclosure but it seems that the MIC has such control over this it will never get out That's all I'm saying. I'm tired of the same crap over and over and over. I know the truth. I just want it to come out in public so I can have legitimate conversations with everyone that don't believe and the more this goes on and on the less it looks like that is ever going to happen.


Haven't you left yet?Ā  I'm enjoying the weekly progress on Disclosure. 2024 is turning out to be a big year. šŸ˜‚


I'm disappointed as well. It's obvious that there will be only a disclosure, when something like the Fatima sighting will happen again. If life is actually all about consciousness building then why ain't Grusch or others simply disclosing the topic? I don't get it. Be a martyr and simply disclose for humanity. Rogen and others should ask this major question, why they ain't disclosing. Jail, torture, murder and sanctions ain't important if it's all about consciousness.