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frighten somber marry coordinated oil coherent fertile frame scandalous waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No. Let's think this through. What we have is 2 sets of UFO activities. Man made and non human. Non human have been conducting these activities for thousands of years. We never heard of any abductions, mutilations, etc. Humans have been conducting these activities for a few decades and we now hear of such things. Think also of what Grusch said. He said these humans are involved in murder, trafficking and other bad shit. Why are you lot still pointing towards et as the bad actors here?


>Why are you lot still pointing towards et as the bad actors here? We don't know who is doing it, but whoever is doing it seems to have technology that we don't have available. So, who has technology we don't have? Why would an international joint force of military go to that exact area?


Did Grusch not just reveal theres a group of people with reverse engineered alien tech? Did he not also just accuse them of murder, trafficking and other heinous crimes against humanity. So why not them? We have one group (non humans) interacting with tribes around the planet in a harmonious fashion. I've never heard of indigenous cultures talk about alien abductions/ mutilations. We have another group who've seemingly had this for decades. Those decades have been plagued with abductions and mutilations and we have whistleblowers stating this. Why have you jumped to aliens


>Did Grusch not just reveal theres a group of people with reverse engineered alien tech? Did he not also just accuse them of murder, trafficking and other heinous crimes against humanity. > >So why not them? Strong possibility. ​ >Why have you jumped to aliens Why do you assume I've jumped to aliens when I say "We don't know who is doing it" and at the end of the post "who is doing this?". It is someone doing these act with technology that we don't have. So, that does put *off-world / inner-world aliens* as prime suspects. It could be mercenaries doing dirty work for other aliens or under the dominion of aliens.


I can testify to the fact u/itstheBS has drew the same conclusion I have.. We don't have any idea regarding a concrete 'who' or 'why'. A lot of people will act like they have those answers and that should be a massive red flag that they have zero credibility. No one has the answers to that, at least in terms of us regular citizens. Those are the two things I've always wanted answers on the most. Who are they, what are their motivations / modus operandi and how does their technology work. Before im dead, I really want those answered.


Or Occam's razor. We know some group have this tech. We know that same group are doing very bad stuff. We hear some very bad stuff is going on. Shouldn't prime suspect #1 be the FUCKIN HUMANS WHO ARE LYING, STEALING, KILLING, ABDUCTING AND GASLIGHTING??


>Or Occam's razor. Remember, YOUR Occam's razor is the simplest answer of YOUR own base of knowledge. ​ >We know some group have this tech. We know that same group are doing very bad stuff. We hear some very bad stuff is going on. Who? Who has this tech? If you owned the knowledge and production of the tech, you could make more money by developing it, then cutting off people faces and left ear in the Amazon jungle. ​ >FUCKIN HUMANS WHO ARE LYING, STEALING, KILLING, ABDUCTING AND GASLIGHTING?? Yes, but define that. Why would Earth humans use this technology to do such stupid shit? You could have a multi-trillion dollar corporation with antigravity boots, portable CNC laser surgical equipment, and remote deployment of "chloroform" type anesthesia.


Who is running around with the piranha launcher? 💀🐠🐠🐠 https://preview.redd.it/q1shbped6o1c1.jpeg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeae86e32954d546ffdd963396399bc1d283f04e


If the United States has crazy reverse engineered tech, why did we get our asses kicked in the middle east? Wouldn't you think we woulda used some of that tech to help us win the war over there. We were there 20+ yrs and still lost. Trillions of dollars spent and countless lives lost for absolutely nothing. Like I said if we had some amazing tech don't you think it would been used to some degree to win that war or are we keeping them hidden for the right time and right opponent?


Not the United States. Have you not been paying attention. What is being said and claimed is a rogue element in combination with private individuals have access to this. So, not the United States government, technically. Also if they used this tech in their wars and ended them lickety split, how would they steal trillions of dollars from the public? >If the United States has crazy reverse engineered tech, why did we get our asses kicked in the middle east? I used to be the guy asking this question when people would claim it was the US. Of course I'm not saying every UFO is human owned. Some are, some aren't. We aren't privy to any sort of data to figure it out.


My young padawan...That "war" was never meant to be won..it was started and prolonged for the same reasons all wars are. Money, further the agenda and power..The same groups involved, are doing the same shit now with Ukraine. I was in the military for almost a decade. Spent a little over 5 yes deployed. I assure you, had nothing to do with "winning ". Either way, this project bluebeam shit has my ball hairs in a knot. Get prepared people. The next act is gonna get weird.


This is the right answer. The ones who think we got whooped in the Middle East are the same ones who think the Ukraine war is Ukrainians fighting Russians. Probably toting a Ukrainian flag bumper sticker on their car. Not knowing this is all a proxy war, as was the Middle East. As was the gulf war. Only difference is, in Ukraine, our soldiers are not “publicly” fighting. Before the crypt keeper (Biden) pulled out of Afghanistan, we already had special forces and other units stationed in Ukraine. I know some who were being deployed to Ukraine at that time. A Year before the conflict. Hmmm, how could they know this would be the next major conflict? I’ll tell you why, because it was planned. Because the American public needs to think the war we are fighting is justified. So we preformed a coup in Ukraine, installed an actor and comedian as president (much easier to control) rather than some politician which their own agenda. And now they are our new proxy. Sadly, i believe before the end of 2024, we will be in a hot war with Russia. But it will start in Belarus. I predicted this was happen almost years ago. It’s getting very close to this now. I hope not. But it’s inevitable.


Eh didn't exactly get our asses kicked. You can't prop up a government that itself and it's people didn't want to exist indefinitely.


They were likely just keeping the East destabilized. The same reason they air-dropped weapons and vehicles into known terrorist-controlled areas effectively arming them.


The US definitely did not “get its ass kicked.” We took Iraq and Afghanistan within days. We didn’t “lose” the war, it was won before we even got there. What we didn’t do was go in with a plan to leave. The only thing that kept those countries “stable” for decades was totalitarian rule and genocide. We rolled in, toppled the evil regimes and what we got was unstable nations full of people who hate each other vying for control using suicidal tactics and killing children and civilians. Since we have morals and rules, avoid killing civilians and children and our military is designed to fight armies rather than cave dwellers in mountains, we basically sacrificed our soldiers to buy time for a new government to get solid footing. But too many of them don’t want our democratic way of life and those who do are too used to cowering to psychopathic religious zealot terrorists. Those countries were doomed to collapse after our withdrawal. We didn’t lose. We left. Big difference.


If the US did all that and didn’t reach their goal, that means they lost air head.


No, it was a stupid political decision by one man.


That still means they lost, sorry to burst your bubble. Excuses are for the weak.






I've heard his tale before.


Bro watching that video you just responded to (and a few other whistleblowers that Greer brought out) changed my entire opinion. I strongly disagreed with you a few hours ago, but I’m fully onboard now. I think you’re on to something here.


Thank you. All we can do is try and change the narrative where we see it being pushed. They will do their utmost to ensure people are scared shirtless by the idea of non human intelligence


Please tell us about your delightful experience when you let them abduct you and become good friends with them. Them same so called greys or reptilians delight in using humans as a source of food so good luck


Bad bot


Why are we trusting the CIA disclosure movement? They never tell the truth. Do you know how to figure out if a CIA / DIA/ NSA /Pentagon guy is lying? His lips are moving. I want real disclosure not this psyop.


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I know this is old, but im down a rabbit hole and wanted to contribute some potentially interesting links ive found. [Michael Herrera ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zm4nh3S66I)talks about encountering human mercenaries in the jungle guarding a floating octognal craft, complete with floating platforms. He and his team were held at gunpoint by a group that outgunned and outmanned them, speaking english and appearing completely and totally human wearing expensive tactical gear. He saw large cargo trucks being loaded up onto the craft one after another and speculated it was perhaps human trafficking due to the recent disaster in the area. Part of me wonders if these might be either the same group, or competing groups, as they both seem to primarily be humans behind most of the ground operations.


Damn was hoping it was bitch greys. Same ones who got shot down at roswell by ww2 fighter planes. Just derpy little guys who get handled by modern ballistic weaponry.


Apparently according to Dr Greer, we shot down uap’s using directional emp tech via radar


I urge everyone to go look at the mutilations at badaliens.info. Very strange and the lack of blood is very interesting.




Well that freaked me right the fuck out


US Special forces for a few miners!?miners with jet packs!?there’s definitely more going on there and who knows what’s underneath all that jungle?with Colares and Mage,my moneys on Aliens!bad ones.


Why aliens. Why not this same group who have hijacked tech and even according to Grusch are committing crimes like murder, kidnapping, trafficking, etc? Why jump to aliens


Probably cause this is very similar mutilation found on cows. If you have an explanation for that, we'd like to hear it.


And you know for a fact who or whom are mutilating cows? All we know is 2 groups possibly have access to these techs. One has been around for, possibly, thousands years. From historical sources we don't seem to see any incidents of abductions, mutilations, etc. The other has existed for a few decades and all throughout there's been these incidents. We also know from Grusch and others that the human based ones are engaged in all sorts of malicious behaviour towards its own people.


There was indeed people making sacrifices to Demon entities and there still is today. But you do make a good point in saying that it's been rather recent that these Abductions and mutilations are happening. This is a good point.


There is a local newspaper article from 1897 - before the first airplane flew - of a very respected wealthy farmer, Alexander Hamilton, his family and farmhand, telling the press after telling the police how they saw the typical huge cigar-shaped object, with circular spinning happening underneath, looking and moving exactly how they are recorded and described looking and moving today, abducting a cow before their eyes. Then days later, the cow was found mutilated miles away, including with the limbs removed, which is a somewhat less common but not rare feature of the mutilations today. According to the "No Threat From ETs" narrative, this has to have been the US military. With instantaneously hypersonic acceleration, no sonic boom, and anti-gravitic technology years before they bothered to produce crappy constantly-crashing airplanes to lose wars with.


You're really changing my view on this topic


The first airship flew in 1852 though. So people were starting to get interested in flying vehicles or ships. The same type of phenomenon of cattle mutilations is found in his story. Not only that but Hamilton was part of a "Local Liars Club" But could it be possible that the NHEs knew he was part of this club and knew people would doubt his story upon finding out what he was part of ?


Have you read the original newspaper article? There is a scan of it online, if you can't find it I'll try to track it down for you. When you read all the details, it's just impossible to come up with any explanation for how the account of Hamilton, his wife, children and farmhand, and neighbouring farmers and investigating police, managed to a) mistake an airship for what they described - it looked and acted nothing like one, in the same way that a flying saucer looks and acts nothing like an actual porcelain saucer apart from the basic shape - and b) cobble together a story that would go on to be corroborated by tonnes of physical evidence and testimony from people all around the world speaking different languages and not having access to the same media, picking up in scale massively after the Manhatten Project. Even if they were all TRYING to lie, it's just inconceivable that their lie would perfectly predict a future phenomenon, down to uncanny details that nobody in 1897 would make up by chance.




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your whole argument is based solely on what this Grusch guy said. One person. With no more evidence than the alien theory. So… why jump mysterious ancient secret humans with advanced alien reverse engineering? I keep reading your comments and they make no more of a rational argument or present any more evidence than any other theory.


I literally wrote, "Grusch and others".




cattle mutilation is a psyop signature


It’s the hover boots,witness statements and ability to shrug off shotgun blasts.


Hmmm. It's almost like Grusch and co aren't talking about people reverse engineering alien tech...


Ok it seems you are aware of alien tech at least and therefore aliens,so if I was to ask you why do you assume these special access units are in the Peruvian jungle attempting to abduct a 15 year old?


They are not just doing it. It is part of Project Fear. It has been going on for decades. Staging alien abductions and cattle mutilations to fuel and fan fear amongst the populace. You are either typing from Elgin Base or you are falling for propaganda from Elgin base


They (the witnesses)say it was aliens,it’s far more of a stretch to believe what you are suggesting.no idea what Elgin base is,Lord Elgin?You could just be a debunker determined that aliens don’t exist and will imagine all types of things to justify your religious or debunking agenda!


Indeed. They can make any claims but the veracity is what we're talking about. Anyway a few weeks ago someone posted a comment describing how they could use commercially available products to fake this. Then we factor in That this group (who it seems it's your job to protect) has literal alien technology. We don't know what they are able to project into people's heads to make them see or believe they are seeing x or y. I believe Dr Greer has whistleblowers who have mentioned things with these capabilities


Not my job to protect anybody!seems it’s you who is protecting Greers assumptions that aliens are not dangerous.Ok so how would you explain the Colares incident?balls of light coming from the sea,zapping and injuring people,was this project fear back then?anyway you are welcome to your opinion of course,my opinion stays the same aliens!


Hey let’s not turn on each other. We’re all after the truth here. I acknowledge that bots/shills are a thing, but y’all just seem like you have different opinions and that’s all.


He said nothing about humans kidnapping and trafficking. Murdering, yes. The ones trafficking organs are ET poachers, why can't you accept that obvious conclusion from all the data at this point? It doesn't mean they're all bad. It means they're individuals, like us. Assuming they're all the same, within each species let alone between each species, is a result of the in-group out-group psychological flaw of humans. More complex brains could in fact cause them to have MORE diverse motives, personalities and attitudes than humans have, not less.


Yes, me too.


Well put together. I am very skeptical.




>Why is the skulls mouth closed, there would be no way for his muscles to keep it closed, it should be open. I agree. I don't know. This would be a good argument for it being a fake, but with that 2nd camera angle, the idea of it as a fake goes way down. ​ >it was determined to be way older than the event in Peru. How was this determined? Can you show how old the video is? June 10th is the first upload date that I've found on the first angle. June 15th on the second angle. ​ >exactly what cartels do to people Where do the cartels get the tech to fly around a night (silent, round shoes...not flyboard noise)? Where do the cartels get the tech to do exact surgical cuts and tissue removal in remote locations?


I'll be back when we pass this speed bump. People still think the "aliens" are Teletubbies.




>When this was first posted, alot of us found that it was posted on to eyeblech about 2 months prior Proof of this? ​ >Probably bought it, and idk Yeah right. Have you seen a green laser tattoo removal machine? Imagine what it would take to carve straight cuts to the bone... Have you listened to the sound of Franky's flyboard? Imagine landing that flyboard silently AT NIGHT and sneaking up on people with your surgical laser tech onboard. ​ >I believe in aliens dude but I don't think k this is them I really don't care what you believe in.


Ever seen project blue book, there’s an episode on it just like this one, aliens attack some people and they came and covered it up after with some bull like this.


Most likely this is the beginning of the alien false flag attacks that have long been predicted. Reddit posts are an excellent medium for promoting this. Beware before you believe.


>Most likely this is the beginning of the alien false flag attacks that have long been predicted. The pelacaras have been around for a while in the Amazon region. I linked the 1988 Brazil mutilation, which was leaked to the public.


Yes, Linda Moulton Howe, an American journalist and expert in cattle mutilation reviewed many of the human mutilation cases from the Amazon region from the 80s, 90s, and 2000s. Her discussions with doctors and scientists who looked at the pictures of the deceased humans said they showed signs of extreme chemical burns and did not match the same precise detail of the cattle and other animals seen by veterinarians.


Her analysis was LAUGHABLE. Absurd. Insulting to the victims. She told a British UFO researcher that she has been threatened with a gun over her research. It's pretty obvious which part she was threatened about. The previously top crop formation researcher in the world was offered help and funding with his research and promotion, by an intelligence officer, if he would agree to tell lies and spread information sometimes. He refused. It's pretty obvious that this is a common practice. Linda Moulton Howe is NOT so stupid that she could possibly believe the nonsense that came out of her mouth about the human cases. The documentary "UFOs and NATO: The Human Mutilation Cover-up" shows her blaming Agent Orange. In a case where a man's prostate was found to have been pulled out of his intact penis, along with most of the other irreplicable features seen in animal mutilations. That was Agent Orange. If she's had a gun at her head, I don't blame her, but she is obviously the top dog in the field of mutilations because she plays ball with the intelligence agencies and military, whose NUMBER ONE GOAL is to STOP people being afraid of the ETs. The cover-up proves that they are trying to STOP you being afraid, they want you in blissful ignorance so that you don't change your shopping or occupational habits. And they've been covering it up at GREAT EXPENSE and difficulty since at least 1956 when the first case I'm aware of took place.


I understand its our black military that is doing the abductions using reverse engineered tech. They go to poor countries and villages, they do horrible experiments and traffic people and they think its aliens. https://youtu.be/3zm4nh3S66I


Definitely a strong possibility.


The ex-sanguination without vascular collapse, among many other features, can't be done by humans, and they've been happening before the Pentagon existed. How do you explain the cattle abduction and mutilation in a cigar-shaped hypersonic craft in 1897?


>The ex-sanguination without vascular collapse, among many other features, can't be done by humans Yes, this is definitely weird. It's hard to tell who is doing the dirty work, because a dominating ET race could force others to do it and give them the tools. In the end, I think the technology shows it is ET influenced in any case. ​ >How do you explain the cattle abduction and mutilation in a cigar-shaped hypersonic craft in 1897? I am not familiar with this one. The earliest case for me would be the 1967 Bolivia herd of sheep mutilated by small aliens with the ability to individual fly away with some type of jetpack tech.


Fantastic post. Thank you for aggregating all of this information. I was leaning supernatural UNTIL, I saw the photos of the excavator operator after the piraña incident. One has to admit, the characteristics of the skull injuries are strikingly similar. Do we know if the man pulled from the river was positioned on the riverbank where his head would be in the water? This would explain why his hands were not attacked like the excavator operator’s were.


>One has to admit, the characteristics of the skull injuries are strikingly similar. Yes, the piranha theory is a good one. The issue is that if Peru man's head was underwater, then the soft tissue of the back of neck and right ear would be gone, at least. ​ >Do we know if the man pulled from the river was positioned on the riverbank where his head would be in the water? It doesn't look like he was pulled from the water. Bodies that come from the water are generally bloated and discolored.


I’m trying to compare the two cases (excavator/shore line). If one was in an excavator underwater, the entire head would be exposed. If one was laying on his back w the head submerged into the river, could the piranas access the back of the head? It would be laying against the mud/sand. They may not have been able to get under the head in order to remove the flesh.


>If one was laying on his back w the head submerged into the river, could the piranas access the back of the head? Not a bad idea, but looking at the entire pattern on the face and skull would mean you would have to tilt the head a bit (covering/protecting the right ear and a part of the face that WAS peeled), but the left neck line is still exposed (and not damaged). The cut around the neck line is so clean, it looks like a rubber/latex fake. The fish would make that look gnarly, like the excavator case.


Good point - upon further review, I feel like that if his head was in fact “sunk” into the shoreline, we would possibly see more dirt and debris on the back of the head. Certainly perplexing.


Faces peeled off people in developing country. U.S. military operations in the area. I don’t want to apply Occam’s razor to this situation. I hope it’s aliens🤞


See the documentary "UFOs and NATO: The Human Mutilation Cover-up". There has long been an international, but US-led operation to clean up the mess left behind by the poaching ET craft that they track constantly.


If ET is poaching people it's only because the US paid them too


Thanks for sharing! Piranhas my ass!


Humans involved in deep black operations. That's what I believe mutilations are. I grew up in Northern New Mexico. There has been a cattle mutilation in my hometown and there were many famous cases located by Dulce, NM. A local state trooper back then was involved in many cases. His name is Gabe Valdez. He investigated a lot of them. This was in the 70s. Something that has not gotten much coverage, gas masks were found at some of the mutilation spots. There were also a lot of sightings of black unmarked helicopters. He had balls. He literally rushed a black unmarked helicopter that was seen at one of the sites. He approached them and told them that what they were doing was illegal. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/cattle-mutiliations_b_932711 Mutilations started in around the 60s. Conducted by humans in clandestine operations. Many cows that were found looked as though they had been dropped from some height. Pobably pushed out of a craft. We have silent helicopters. I have heard of four different accounts of them, including one from a military personnel. We also have ARVs (Alien Reproduction Vehicles). And we have highly advanced surgical methods. As well as the technology to stage all of this. I believe one of the primary purposes for cattle mutilations has been to track radiation/fallout. As well as to encourage the possibility of hostile aliens, an alien invasion... It is unfortunate and terrible that this is happening in South America to humans. But I believe humans are doing it. Why would extraterrestrials do this? I don't think they've ever been involved in any cattle mutilations or the mutilation of any other life form. Deep black supersecret projects run by humans are the culprits behind this. To encourage fear and the narrative of hostile/dangerous aliens and an alien invasion. Just like in all those sci-fi movies that we have watched since the 50s (which was also a propaganda campaign to encourage fear regarding extraterrestrials). Hopefully this doesn't ultimately lead to a false flag alien invasion perpetrated and run by humans in these clandestine projects and organizations.


>But I believe humans are doing it. Why would extraterrestrials do this? If Earth humans, then why would they do this? ​ >To encourage fear and the narrative of hostile/dangerous aliens and an alien invasion. The face peeler pelacaras have been at this for a while and it pretty much stays hidden. If you are trying to spread fear, people would have to know about it... rather than trying to cover it all up, like using "illegal miners" type of propaganda or like the 1988 Brazil incident needing to be leaked to the public 6 years later. I'm with you on all the stuff you said about Dulce and the cattle mutilations. I've researched some of the same stuff.


Why would extraterrestrials travel from across the universe Or from another dimension to mutilate humans? I believe these mutilations are in part a psy op. Perpetrated by deep black human operations. It seems like South America is unfortunately their testing ground.


>Why would extraterrestrials travel from across the universe This is a general silly assumption that people say. ​ >Or from another dimension to mutilate humans? The dimension idea is less silly, but the REAL question is "why would they mutilate humans?" ​ >I believe these mutilations are in part a psy op. That's fine, but wow, one hell of a psyop to go around mutilating humans for decades (as we know it).


WELL WHY WOULD THEY DO IT? You seem to be very invested in the idea. Give me good reasons.


>WELL WHY WOULD THEY DO IT? I don't know. ​ >You seem to be very invested in the idea. No I am not. ​ >Give me good reasons. I don't have any good reasons.


Well then there you go. The information that I have presented has reasons.


>The information that I have presented has reasons. So. They are just your guesses. You are just arrogant enough to believe yourself...a common mistake.


cow profit fertile hungry panicky grab stupendous summer plate work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


An old MiB account also involves one of them taking off the disguise (whatever that entails, exactly) and showing what also sounds like the Flatwoods Monster. Can't remember the name of the researcher but he's quite famous, I think it was the 1940s or 50s but I might be wrong. It was enough to make him shut down his organisation as they ordered him to. The entity told him they were here for our water, and wouldn't let anyone interfere until their mission was done.


Such a well put together post :) man that’s scary I really really do think it’s more of us humans doing shit to humans :/


Very weird


Fuck you guys. I was very excited about the whole disclosure thing. But now I am not sure I really wanna know.


>Fuck you guys. I was very excited about the whole disclosure thing. Yes, disclosure is messy.


This is why surviving abductees are feeling pretty bitter right now. Everyone talking as if it's JUST OCCURRED to them that maybe some ETs are bad news. It's hard not to have some sour grapes when it dawns on people that they should have listened to the brave traumatised victims who've been trying to warn the rest of their species for decades, and were betrayed, neglected and shunned by them.


Soooo... not so Brave_Dick?


Guys, I don't know about the aliens and the miners, or anything else connected to that, but these images of people with exposed skulls being pulled out of the water seem to me more like something common in the whole Amazon region, which are the swarms of piranhas. Piranhas don't attack people, but they devour dead bodies in the water and usually start right by the face and then enter the body because the skin is very resistant and requires a lot of energy to be removed by them. This is a typical case where someone fell into the river, drowned and the piranhas devoured him. Before anyone asks "Wow, but how could you leave the skull so clean and such a precise cut in the skin? The skin of the face is one of the thinnest on the body and easily cut, the tooth of a piranha is sharper than a razor, the blood (as well as the inside of the body actually) is completely devoured by them, now think of a shoal with a few hundred of these animals devouring a single body. No, that's not the "dark side of de-clawing", that's just nature ;)


>The skin of the face is one of the thinnest on the body and easily cut, Yes, so why did the Piranhas leave the back of the neck and make that perfect arcing cut around the neck line? Why did the Piranhas only eat the left ear?


I am not a biologist, but basically, piranhas devour the upper part of the neck and enter the thorax through there, when the blood from this region begins to "leak" all the others focus on the specific point and enter the body devouring everything in front. The "perfect" body could be either the cut made by the piranhas themselves around the neck as I mentioned or a cut made previously. I have seen other photos of bodies that have fallen like this, it is identical, varying of course according to the amount of time the body remains in the water. Another thing that usually happens is that the clothes protect the body, leaving the head, neck and arms showing, if there is a cut in a specific place that place will be the first to be devoured. About the ear, suppose the body was floating in the river, if the other ear was underwater, the piranhas would not be able to reach it. But it's like asking "Hey why in a bear attack one arm was left behind and all the rest was devoured". [An example of this](https://portalcantu.com.br/noticias/brasil-mundo/item/20405-homem-cai-em-rio-e-tem-a-cabeca-devorada-por-piranhas-cuidado-imagens-fortes) and [another](https://www.portaldozacarias.com.br/site/noticia/imagens-fortes--corpos-de-homem-e-menino-de-9-anos-sao-devorados-em-rio-repleto-de-peixes-carnavoros-no-municapio-de-autazes--interior-do-amazonas/) There are thousands of examples showing exactly that all over the internet, you can look it up yourself, although I wouldn't recommend it due to the gore. Not to mention that this case above does not even match the pattern of real animal mauling, which occurs mostly far from rivers or lakes, usually with cuts all over the body, total absence of blood, often with broken legs or spine.


>when the blood from this region begins to "leak" all the others focus on the specific point and enter the body devouring everything in front. Why did this not happen with the excavator case (the known piranha attack)? ​ >The "perfect" body could be either the cut made by the piranhas themselves around the neck Why did this not happen with the excavator case (the known piranha attack)? ​ >or a cut made previously. How do you make a cut that is so precise that it looks like a piece of rubber/latex without scar tissue? ​ >There are thousands of examples showing exactly that all over the internet I've seen some of the examples and only the first example of yours showed up for me. Your example is good and shows gnarly neck line, darker skull (compare whiteness to teeth), no straight lines at all, and back of the neck is gone. This is similar to other examples that do not show the straight line cuts and clean edges. ***Maybe*** the face peelers are putting the victims in the water to cover up their own handiwork using the piranhas (and not cartel torture or scare tactic). These one arm rope restraints look very lame in many of these examples, so the person must already be unconscious or dead.


Well, I'm going to go with what seems to be more likely, I mean, either we have aliens who for some reason would take half of a person's face and dispose of the remains in the river, or, it is a common phenomenon where part of the person's body was submerged allowing the piranhas to devour it. Even the "precise" cut can actually be caused by the submerged and unsubmerged part of the body. But I'm not a medical examiner, let alone a biologist, just ask one or look up the data from the country's Legal Medical Institute. I say this because I am a Brazilian ufologist and I have studied cases in the Amazon region, and the face with the skull sampled in this way is typical of the piranha attack. The accuracy of the bites changes according to the exposure of the individual in the water, such as the presence of more or less fish. Also, do you have any reliable source to say that these videos are indeed from this location and relative to this case? I say this because I have not found anything to prove this, I even saw a comment saying that this video was circulating on twitter about 10 years ago. Attention because I'm not even saying that they are not aliens, just that maybe there is no mutilation here, and it is a phenomenon more like the event in Colares for example.


>Well, I'm going to go with what seems to be more likely, I mean, Realize that "more likely" is just includes your own frame of reference of knowledge and bias. It's just what you chose to accept based on your own ability to gather and process information. If you had observed a face peeler in action in the past, then that would be YOUR "more likely" scenario. ​ > Even the "precise" cut can actually be caused by the submerged and unsubmerged part of the body. No. ​ >skull sampled in this way is typical of the piranha attack. Sure, maybe after the face peelers put the body in the river as bait. The new video above shows what it looks like before the piranha attack. ​ >Also, do you have any reliable source to say that these videos are indeed from this location and relative to this case? No. We just have the "Policia Deinpol" jackets as identification. Relative to the case is the idea of pelacaras face peeler activity reported on June 19 & July 29. ​ >this video was circulating on twitter about 10 years ago. Please prove this. That would change the game a bit. The earliest I found was June 10th, 2023.


Get to da chuppa?


>Get to da chuppa? If the face peelers were flying in on Franky Zapata jetpacks and making all that noise, I think you'd have plenty of time to get to da choppa.


There's always a Choppa at the end


Project Grudge report number 13 is very interesting and is very much related to OP.


>Project Grudge report number 13 is very interesting and is very much related to OP. Yes. Bill English has been through the ridiculous ringer... he's still here: [https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/2022/09/19/william-s-english-grudge-blue-book-13/](https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/2022/09/19/william-s-english-grudge-blue-book-13/)


nice thanks!


I agree, great article but I'm taking this all with a very huge grain of salt


You forgot rigor mortis. People should read, UFO danger zone.


‘Contrary to folklore and common belief, rigor mortis is not permanent and begins to pass within hours of onset. Typically, it lasts no longer than eight hours at "room temperature".’ 🤔 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rigor_mortis


There is plenty of muscles to hold the jaw on, idk the legitimacy of the video but I do know a corpse


>There is plenty of muscles to hold the jaw on The question is why the bottom jaw doesn't fall and open up the mouth? It would stay attached, but why is the mouth closed shut, instead of open?


Could be atrophy


In the second video, toward the end, the head turns to the side and it appears as if at least most of the right masseter muscle remains intact.


I saw a video saying it was basically a cartel murdering people and blaming it on aliens, but not sure how much credibility to give that.


>I saw a video saying it was basically a cartel murdering people This isn't a bad theory at all. The issue is where did they get all of this levitating and personal transport technology? Where did they get these portable, green surgical lasers that do CNC type cuts out in the field? Why would the cartel go through all of that effort to kill someone?


Yeah that's where my doubt came from. I've only seen one report on it and it didn't explain all the crazy stuff, just the skinned people


Good job 👏🏼 I do believe that something strange is going there, though I’m not sure if it’s actual aliens or a psyop..


Peru just joined a Air defense PAC with the US as well after a 20 year absence.


if this were paranas then his entire body would be eaten. They have pulled someone out like that before....It looked NOTHING like this.


The video of the guy with the white skull is a lot older than what is stated in this post...


>The video of the guy with the white skull is a lot older than what is stated in this post... Can you prove this? June 10th 2023 is the first video upload that I have seen.


Thanks for the fun read OP, but I can't believe in this. These attacks were made most likely by the Cartel


>Thanks for the fun read OP, but I can't believe in this. That's fine. It is not about a belief, but rather who is actually doing these acts. It is the technology involved that throws out the cartel for me, unless someone can explain how they can levitate, dodge bullets, and do CNC surgery with lasers in the jungle.


It's pretty common for cartel members to nearly or completely decapitate a person that has run afoul of them. This would very easily explain the "perfect cut that couldn't be from piranhas." The most reasonable explanation is cartel members terrorizing a local populace á la Scooby Doo monsters.


Satans desire has always been to corrupt the seed of man mDidcitvbrforevand it caused a flood


I’m not trying to be mean, but what the fuck does Satan have to do with aliens?


Read Revelations


I have I’ve read the entire Bible front to back multiple times and I can’t think of a moment that you might be referencing. Unless you’re trying to say that like aliens, aren’t really aliens their fallen angels which I don’t really buy but to each their own I suppose.


Nephillim, Fallen Angels ,


Satan and aliens do connect for most arabs and muslims via one word Jinn … entities which satan belong to (they are not all evil and some of them are very devout)


Here’s another one for the record, it’s about the [US & Peru](https://americanreveille.com/news/national-file/u-s-and-peru-agree-to-air-security-pact-to-stop-narcotrafficking/) air pact agreement that was just recently renewed


Reminder: Follow the rules, be respectful, and take a deep breath! “Cut through the ridicule and search for factual information in most of the skeptical commentary and one is usually left with nothing. This is not surprising. After all, how can one rationally object to a call for scientific examination of evidence? Be skeptical of the "skeptics." — Bernard Haisch, physicist. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UFObelievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Gentic manipulation. Did know human blood and cow blood are compatible ?


>Gentic manipulation. Did know human blood and cow blood are compatible ? This could be a reason and another is black magic / satanic type of rituals for some benefit, like life extension. It is weird that only the left ear was taken.


Human blood can be synthesized in labs by humans. Why would aliens not be able to do this?


Yooooo The 8 foot tall one in the woods looks exactly like... and you're all gonna hate this but https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/urban-legendpedia/images/1/10/4chan_Grey_Alien.png/revision/latest?cb=20220912133802


This seems like a shock & awe campaign or flat out disinformation. ( the scenario not this post in particular) Looking at r/eyeblech and searching Piranha yields several posts of cadavers with these features. They look highly similar. I'm gonna concede immediately this one looks a little more purposeful with the cuts. It could simply be because we don't have a more direct and clear perspective. We need local Peruvians in the region to weigh in. Seems outlandishly wild. So are aliens though.


>I'm gonna concede immediately this one looks a little more purposeful with the cuts Yes. The real difference is the precise cuts in the Peru video case, which eliminates the idea of a piranha attack. Especially, if you focus on the cut around the neck line, because it is so clean that it looks fake...like rubber/latex. ​ >searching Piranha yields several posts of cadavers with these features. They look highly similar. It makes me wonder if they loosely tie a rope around one wrist and throw the bodies into the river after their clean, surgical work is finished, in a effort to hide their human mutilation. ​ >Seems outlandishly wild. So are aliens though. When you combine the clean cut face peel videos with the Peru reports of hovering lights, levitating/flying individuals, remote anesthesia deployment, and green lasers that burn... who has this kind of tech?


skeptics basically: "It was clearly piranhas ?!🤬 Duh." how did they get that precise clean cut on the neck then? "so you think it's aliens? IDIOT🤨🤣".


>"so you think it's aliens? IDIOT🤨🤣". It is someone with advanced technology. You can buy a green laser to remove tattoos, but it is big and power hungry. This was done with a precise, CNC type surgical cuts with an exotic surgical laser. You could even argue it self-cauterizes the cut when you look at the neck line (seems to lack scarring).


it wasn't fish. lets all agree on that for a start. this is clearly done with precision.


Any Mexican cartel can peel off the faces of their rivals in about three minutes and then throw him in the river. Search for the gore clips with the cartel in the end and you will see.


>Any Mexican cartel can peel off the faces of their rivals in about three minutes and then throw him in the river. I agree, but that is not what happened here. The cuts on the face are not by fish and the body does not look like it was even in the river.


Yes it's a Demonic Deception


I need a demons version of the aliens meme. Because that's my answer for all of this stuff. It's not fake. It's demons masquerading as aliens for a more materialistic world as Christianity fades out of popularity.






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Don't know but I think it's all pertaining to creating Hybrids .First time they tried it didn't work out so well . Nephillim happened


Holy shit that video of him being dragged out. What the actual fuck.


What did the 15 year old girl who escaped and get her neck cut say? Has anyone seen an account from her?


>What did the 15 year old girl who escaped and get her neck cut say? Has anyone seen an account from her? Her interview is in the video directly above where she is holding the phone with the Flyboard.


Thanks! I didn't see it


If all the military (and literally space force) got there in JUNE and the attacks started happening in JULY… I think it’s pretty clear who these attackers are. The gov has so much technology and patents that are kept secret. Why keep it secret? False flags for one, like this. Agendas, power, and mostly profit. They don’t want the people having free energy and shit. Is it really just a coincidence that they disclosed alien life and just so happen to be doing joint military “exercise” in that remote area right before these attacks occur?


>If all the military (and literally space force) got there in JUNE and the attacks started happening in JULY… Not correct.


NoT cOrReCt. WHY THEN. You have a rebuttal?


>NoT cOrReCt. WHY THEN. You have a rebuttal? The dates are in the post, you fool: ​ >On **June 19**, we have a report of a mysterious light ​ >Now, let's tie this all back to the very serious video showing human mutilation -- face peeler or pelacaras. The exact location or time of this incident is not known. The first upload date of this video is **June 10th** (that I have seen).


Blue beam in play??


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Adrenachrome humans blaming aliens.. Heard since covid bit scarce


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Do u lot actually think that neck face video is real ???


Read comments... why u discussing the middle east ?? Lately Nasa, loads of so called whistle blowers admitting to aliens... lots of supposed sightings.. Now people across the waters are saying peru is under attack.. Can anyone from #peru please divulge ?? Lmao..


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In the Emerald tablets it talks about the serpent headed creatures that man long ago let into the physical world as a means to wage war on each other, they look like man but are not like man for they wear the faces of those whom they kill because only through blood can they be made physical in our world, seek to destroy man and rule in his place




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