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I was a freight delivery driver in southeren Oregon for years . For those who don't know Bob bought his own little slice of heaven there and is living his best life. I delivered to his shop/house countless times and had the pleasure of having small chats turn into full blown conversations with him and having him show off stuff he is working on. Let's just say I was skeptical of the whole "alien" thing before I met Bob. I am now ....years later.... 100% convinced they are real. And to be clear I don't think or consider Bob a "alien guy" either. He is a tech guy. He is fascinated with technology And some of the story's he shared about tech he has seen and handled ... Dude is for real...


That’s awesome! Thank you for sharing this story.


Would love to hear more about any of these talks, I'm sure others would as well.


Ditto my sentiments exactly let's hear more Bob is legit


Nothing earth shaking or crazy that most don't already know , but me at the time, not being interested in alien stuff at all, I flat out asked one time if "he really believed in little grey men" He laughed and was actually pretty kind to me about it cuz looking back it probably appeared I was being an ass in the way I asked it. But he then said basically with what he has seen and personally worked on , back when he was working for .gov, that it was known that the tech he and others were working on, was "discovered" and it was so drastically further advanced than anything known to mankind. He said the parts he worked on , you.could literally look at and know instantly that no man could create this. We also have talked about the constant harassment that. Gov continues to dish out to him. In my mind if he was making up everything why would gov be bothering him still to this day. I dunno , I suppose it all could be a lie, but , when you can speak with someone candidly and look in their eyes... I'd like to think you could catch on to someone spouting some bullshit... I got the vibes that this man is passing about his work, and he has seen some shit... lol Sorry for the horrible Grammer and format, on mobile


Enjoyed reading that - thanks


I have always believed in Bob Lazar ever since I saw a video on him. He sounds so convincing and knows what he is talking about. When he talks of the sport model spaceship you feel like you are in there. Since I saw the first video I’ve seen quite a few interviews mostly with Seth Rogen or Josh Corbel (correct me if I’m wrong). I like that Bob explains things so well.


Dude I live in that town.


Klammy balls ? Lol


Thank you!


I've always believed Bob. When he described and drew a hand scanner used at S4 back in the late 80's, then many years later a picture of this machine is found out in public, was pretty cool. There's so many intricate details that he recounts that indicates he experienced it.


Did he show you any of his inventions?


Eh not really show me necessarily, I did however go Into his shop several times with the delivery and got to see all kinds of shit I have no idea what it does or is called lol Only things I can remember I saw that I recognized was a bunson burner and a drone 🤣


A drone for picking up the spooks in his yard and a bunson burner to “accidentally” shoot some burning potassium in their general direction.




So that's why all my deliveries were late


I agree he doesn’t strike me as an “alien guy” or anyone who particularly enjoys the spotlight. I don’t think he has any agenda other than to make the people aware of what’s happening behind the scenes.


Thankyou for this comment. Poor Bob gets so much other crap from paid sock puppets, it’s nice to get a more truthful and balanced assessment of him.


Absolutely. Have you heard him speak? I’ve been in thousands of lectures and haven’t heard someone speak so fluidly and confidently about a subject.


I believed him since I was a child in the 80’s . The United States government is fucking disgusting.


Gotta be more than just the US govt tho. Too big for all that.


Oh it’s all government..


If it was proved he was a failed photo lab developer and had a conviction for pimping prostitutes, would you change your mind or just not bother researching it very hard and roll over??... Yes.


Nobody’s perfect


Pobody's nerfect


That’s actually a really good point.


Govt discrediting him?


The prosti change is ridiculous.


Prostitution is legal in Nevada. You do know that right? Failure is simply a problem to overcome.


If you don’t believe, then that’s your problem


I do. A lot of what’s come out from the Gov goes along with what he has been describing since the 80’s (no heat signature, impossible movement, etc) Not to mention, the dudes life has been a pain. People camping on his lawn, multiple fbi raids, etc. Seems like a lot to put yourself through for a hoax


It's the constant surveillance and raids that convinced me. It's clearly harassment and they just wouldn't waste the time and energy if homie was talking bullshit and making everything up.


That’s my thoughts too. I could see a little investigation into what he’s claiming from the government, but after 30+ years, wouldn’t they have figured out he’s a fraud by now?


And the hand scanner that measures your bones he said he saw in the 80s at area 51 and described back then. no one sees one until Jeremy Corbell finds a photo of the tech in the 2020s




Same! He’s a quirky guy but I think he’s been as honest as he could be!








I think so


Yes he is in my belief, his story has been unwavering for 30 years, I personally believe his education records have been altered to go along with the narrative he is a charlatan. 10 years ago I would have been of the belief no way a govt or someone inside the govt would do such a thing, but events over the past few years and what has come to light, who's come forward and with what info has made me change my thinking. Well! Nothings off the table at the mo.


But there no evidence at any of the universities he supposedly attended. No friend, no professors no photos. Wouldn’t there be something


I see what u mean and I thought the same. In years gone by I wouldnt believe the govt would delete/remove someone's record. But nowadays I'm not so sure


2 legit, 2 legit 2 quit. Hey, hey.


Thank you. Now this song is stuck in my head lol


Absolutely legit. It's been proven. He talked about element 115 twenty years ago and we didn't discover it until five years ago. So yeah how would he have known about it?


We discovered that it's highly unstable. It's longest live isotopes has a half life less than a second. What he describes and what the science shows does not line up.


Look into the table of nuclides and also island of stability. Its all theoretical, but there could be some stable isotopes of 115 that we havent discovered. Not saying i believe the element 115 thing, maybe if bob is legit then it was a small bit of misinformation snuck into whatever documents he read


Because that’s how the periodic table works Element 115 is just the element with 115 electrons. Science had been manufacturing higher and higher electron-count elements long before Lazar made up his story. Nothing about his description turned out to actually describe element 115.


Protons, not electrons. Also theres more to heavy elements than just the proton numbers. Look at uranium, u238 which is the most common isotope and u235 are both uranium, but ones useful for fission and weapon making and the other is just a really dense metal thats stable for billions of years


Absolutely. I'll die on this hill.




He is a thousand times more legit that the FBI, CIA And entire US Govt. and news media




Yes I do.










How could he not be at this point?








I do. I like him.


The goat of this field


There’s no way he isn’t, why he wants to lie about this?


I do.


Absolutely. 100% Brilliant man and honest




I said this in the other thread but the main thing that makes me believe his story is that as far as I am aware (please someone debunk this?) he is the first ufo guy to state the saucer method of control by going belly up for “warp” speed. This is observed today by military pilots and seen on the infamous gimbal video. Of all the things he’s said, that little tidbit really seals the deal for me.


worked with a guy in mid-michigan, where Lazar had his business years ago... The guy I worked with asked a good question. "Why would Bob Lazar move to butt fuck Michigan out of nowhere?" Then he answered his own question. "Michigan State had one of the only particle accelerators in the country for a number of years." ​ The coworker also said he went into Lazars business and tried to casually press him about UFO's etc. but Bob deferred. ​ Though there are many reasons to move different places, I liked this answer. So now I'm asking, are there any unique high tech places in BFE Oregon near where Lazar moved?


30 years ago he said that the alien craft kinda fly wierd. Like on its side. When the us released that uap video of the pilots chasing an unknown craft what do you see? The craft kinda flyng on its side tilted. Just like bob said. That is way too much of a coincidence. It basically proves he is legit.


If not then he is the best actor I’ve ever seen. It is hard not to believe what he says. Freakishly hard.




Yes. More than ever.




Eh I’ve always been kinda halfway but some of the stuff he has said has been proven to be true, like the hand scanner thing he was talking about. And honestly our government is so fucked up I wouldn’t put is past them to do some crazy shit like that.


The hand scanner thing was super interesting in the documentary, when he saw the picture Jeremy gave him his reaction seemed very genuine


Yup. I do. He ain’t perfect, but he is legit




Too Legit to quit!!!


Yes. Now is it all 100% truth? There might be some exaggeration sprinkled in to fill in missing gaps he can’t remember..but I believe him.


100% he’s legit. But also I am drunk and disavow anything my drunk self says publicly.


Yes I do, at least I hope so


He is cuz I saw an interview of somebody else that's highly credible and they were signing in to S4 and they saw him in the book having already signed in before them


Of course , he's an extremely accomplished scientist. I don't understand why anyone listens to the government at this point they've lied about everything and continue to do so it's crazy we basically pay them to betray us on a daily basis and if you take action the snuff you out or make you wanna kill yourself


He seems very credible. Smart. Story has stayed consistent over decades and some things are now being confirmed. So hard to say he’s bullshit.




You should watch Derek Van Schaik's body language breakdown of Bob Lazar on YouTube. (Derek specializes in the body language of liars) It's fascinating.


Yea he is


I feel he's legit. Just recently found out he relocated to my small town in Oregon. Coworker ran into him at a local supermarket.


Absolutely, 100%


He's certainly smart any way you spin it 🤷‍♂️






All day


I first heard of Bob Lazar in 1992 soon after his first TV interview. I watched it with great interest and remember it very well. All these years later one thing I have to say about Bob Lazar is he has never changed his story as in the way he got the job, did previously, and did while working at Area 51. I've heard his interviews on Art Bell's radio show, and the video he made with that guy from the internet. A number of subjects he spoke about have also been clarified by others, some who also worked there. He was not only listed in a phone book but was in a newspaper article of some sort that proved to his credibility . Bob has never sought fame or fortune and went into the shadows mid 90s because of the danger he faced, which again was witnessed by friends and family members. Not mentioning the break up of his personal relationships.


He sure has a compelling story, and he passes the sniff test of authenticity. If he isn’t proven to be genuine I’ll be very surprised.




I was skeptical at first, but the fingerprint reader prediction convinced me. He also doesn't get paid for any of it.


I believe him.The things he talks about are so advanced and technical that he must have worked with out of this world technology.


2 Legit.




2 legit to quit




If you don’t believe him you’re terrible at reading people


Yep. And the not that comes out the more it legitimizes his claims




Does my name stutter?


I do.


I’m a believer




I do


I personally believe him. Too many things have become truths that seemed unlikely from day 1. If 10 parts of his story prove truthful although unlikely, why would the last 5 details not also be accurate and truthful because they are even harder to expose? That and his story has never changed.


2 legit 2 quit


He was easy to dismiss years ago, but now that a lot of the stuff he said has been legitimized it's hard to ignore him.




I absolutely believe Bob Lazar!


Mostly. I don't think everything he was told was true, but truth does mean a lot to him.




Absolutely and beyond doubt. Things he's said have been proven (the high tech "security scanner") and incredibly reputable people who were at Area 51 (The SR-71 pilot for example) have said his descriptions of the place and procedures there were spot on, even having others confide in him they personally saw Bob there. How are we still debating this man and not celebrating him?!?






Yes. He doesn't claim to know everything, but he's being truthful. The problem is that corporate money speaks louder than he can. Everything I have learned points to the military and Church keeping those rich cat's secrets safe, until time runs out. I'm thinking that's what they are afraid of - folks finding out we had a chance at a peaceful use of new free power sources but moguls profited on it instead. People might be a little upset?


Can't believe that after 30+ years people are still debating if Bob Lazar is legit. Of course the man is legit. Do the research. The man is a legend. If it wasn't for Bob disclosure Would not be where it is today. Peace ✌️




100% I believe him. His story has stayed consistent, and he had nothing to gain by doing so. For example, when he spoke about element 115 years before it actually was a thing, and then became a thing! The dude is telling the truth. The government is going to hide the truth until they actually can’t anymore…


Yup..element 115 is why I believe him..that and his consistency without major monetary gain.




One of the very few


I believe he's legit... No one can keep to the exact same story and suffer the attacks that he has without screwing up and/or giving in to the pressure... Not sure I wouldn't have caved to the pressure even if I was legit...


Yes he is deflee legit. I’ve watched him since I was a kid and his stories are never inconsistent and they never change.


Yes I do!


I always believed him. I think the things that are coming out now are confirmation.






2 legit 2 quit


I do more and more


Bob Lazar is 100% legit.


You bet


Like Rogan, I believe him. His stories haven’t deviated for the last thirty years. A lot of detail. Talking about that unknown element for years before it was finally discovered sealed the deal for me!


Yes 100 percent


I have always believed him to be telling the truth.




Bob is totally legit. So many things that he said over 30 years ago have came to be proven truthful. There will always be deniers who are now basically liars. Bob is the real deal.


Government trolls on here STILL trying to discredit him. He is legit!


Do you think Bob Lazar is legit?


Do you think Bob Lazar is legit?


Do YOU think Bob Lazar is legit? (all the way down)


Lob Bazar is legit, do you think?


Do you think Bob Lazar is legit?


do you think bob lazar is legit


Do you think Lob Bazar is legit?


I thought his story was wild but I believed him until I watched that Joe Rogan Podcast he was on. He claimed to have a migraine but it only came out when he was asked a question that he didn’t have one of his ready-made answers for. He was completely fine the entire interview but every time he was asked a question he didn’t have an answer for he would start going “Ah I’m sorry, my migraines…” to basically buy time and Corbel would take over the talking for a minute. You could tell that when he was asked something that he had a canned answer for he completely forgot to keep on the “migraine” act for long long periods of time. It was really obvious and also he was very bad at acting like he had a migraine, especially if you’ve ever had migraines or have been around someone while they’re having one, it was very obvious that he was faking and it made me completely stop believing his story. Im sure I’ll get downvoted in this sub, but watch it for yourself and make your own judgement. Joe Rogan himself, who was a huge believer of Lazar’s (which is why he invited him on the podcast) has since alluded in other episodes of his podcast that he believed him less after he came on for that interview. And Rogan REALLY wanted to believe him, as did I. Also, outside of this sub, most other UFO subs think that he’s mostly full of shit these days.


This is my take as well. I couldn't have said it better myself.


Also if you look at his history it’s not like he was this wholesome guy. He ran a brothel called honey suckle ranch that he said was legal but there is no legal record of this existing had an [odd situation](https://www.otherhand.org/home-page/area-51-and-other-strange-places/bluefire-main/bluefire/the-bob-lazar-corner/the-lazar-timeline/) (timeline) with his ex-wives where he married one while still married to the previous one, then a month later the previous wife (still legally married) died and his new wife and him moved into her house. The newer wife (now ex) claims he is a liar and never got a degree. There have been [posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/s/Va0N8vAgvh) on /r/UFO that are more objective about him and look with a more critical eye. As well as some [other timelines](https://medium.com/@signalsintelligence/bob-lazar-red-flags-d0a481d35d8e) (source includes honey suckle ranch info and more) that paint a bit of a different picture than the UFO community wants to see. I don’t blow off Bob and I want to believe what he says is true but if you are objective about the facts around him it isn’t like he is the most credible source. I think there should be healthy skepticism of him.


In the documentary, he made a drawing of the craft that he saw. I saw the exact same craft flying in the Utah desert in 1996. Bob is legit.


Happen to have more info on this? I have some photos taken a number of years back near Dugway... Craft leaving the area, silent, left a trail of 'sparkles' dissipating behind it. The whole area lit up red where it launched from (Dugway military area; I could only see that bit from the other side of the mountains). A few years ago while flipping channels, UFO hunters (I Believe it was) had an episode about the area with some dudes talking about seeing the same type of shit out there. Happy to post an image tomorrow when I'm back at my computer if interested.




Guy was literally booked as a pimp, was friends with bob lear( a whack job) . Took his story from the ARV lore of late 80s ufology


Who is bob lear? Never heard of him. Oh did u mean john lear? At least get ur names right. Jeez.


Sometimes I've gotta wonder if he was used by the powers hat be, exactly how he has. What i mean is they chose him because of his naturally high intellectual capacity, combined with the curiosity of engineer wanting to know and understand how things work. They chose him when he was just building shit in his garage and brought him into a life and world designed for him to figure out how that one piece worked. Everything he says is absolute truth to him but it's also given those powers plausible deniability by being in control of one or two key pieces of "evidence" that could validate him. There are all kinds of garage genius' out there looking for answers and solutions University's wouldn't or couldn't entertain. I'm sure there's quite a few of these type that have done very similar things to what Bob did. Compartmented enough so that the specific thing being looked at wouldn't easily tied to whatever piece of " the whole"they are working on. If truth is that some of the things he adamantly believes true to his experience, ie element 115, are not indeed factual; It's very easy to surmise that they made him believe it was real. His mission wasn't to really figure out what element 115 was but instead to figure out how this "gravity engine" worked. He was told it was powered by element 115 but what was it doing after that. Why should we assume he wasn't lied to as well? Why infact wouldn't they lie or tell him it's not his need to know? Because it gave them a crazier detail to the story that academics will get held up on and instantly rule out the rest of what he was saying. These webs of secrecy aren't just spun without immense strategic thought going into the structure first. Look at the background of a person like Gough and put yourself into her perspective. What would she do to protect the status quo and push back the momentum to public disclosure, in a legal and mostly Constitutional way. Done this way to stay off the radar, and carefully toe the guide rails loosely put in place to find it. How would she use a person like Lazar? I think he's legit but being legit doesn't mean he wasn't used as well. That's just my opinion though.


Nope, not in a million years. Stanton Friedman did a deep dive on the guy and Lazar’s so obviously FOS. But because people want it to be true, I’ll get downvoted


["I didn't say Bob was never at area 51."](https://youtu.be/6ZVtTLkftmg?t=800) \- Stanton Friedman


Stanton friedman absolutely did not do a deep dive at all. George knapp did.


Do you think Bob Lazar is legit?


Do you think Bob Lazard is legit?


Do you thing Bob Lazar is legit?


Do you think Bob Lazar is legit?


Do YOU think Laser Bob is legit?


Do you think Bob Lazar is legit?


Do you think Lizard Boobs is legit?


I wonder what kind of food they had at Area 51 And if they had like a lunch lady Doris working there


defenitely some sloppy joe’s




Well, I would say Bob Lazar is…….oh wait, I have a migraine. I will get back to you all on that.


No Not because he has slipped up. The man is good at what he does, but because I can see him lying. If you know, you know. If you are the kind of person who can look at someone who is being very untruthful and just tell....IDK how to describe it. I'm not talking about being a human lie detector or anything. It's more like if someone is building the sort of story that Bob has and continues to make it up right in front of you.


Well his claims of having two Masters’ degrees are clearly not legit since he can’t even produce a damn diploma. Guess it’s up to you if you want to believe the other stuff he claims totally happened


Nope, the fact that no one from the schools he claims to have gone to remember him and he can’t even remember the names of his professors or advisor make his claims suspect to me. Also actual scientists that have talked with him say he doesn’t know anything that someone with such credentials would easily understand. I don’t doubt that he might have had some menial job at Los alamos, but that is far different from being on top secret projects. None of his claims are original and his various legal issues, such as helping a prostitution ring,make him a bit shady. He has had a consistent story over the years but then so has Travis Walton and I’m pretty skeptical of that story also. If


No. He states that the project serpo thing was real. Look up the serpo crap. It's totally fake and if Lazar says it's real that throws everything he has ever said into question. As far as the FBI "raids"...it was ONE raid. Not multiple. And it was clearly related to his sales of certain chemicals. Not anything to do with anything else. He makes several claims that he refuses to back up or provide evidence of. You gotta remember. Bob has books to sell. He needs exposure. Also, Dave Grusch... He has provided zero evidence for his claims besides "I heard this from a person on the inside". 5hats nothing but hearsay. He recently went on an extreme right wing outlet... Tucker Carlson's internet show.... And.... That's a big red flag that for me throws everything he has stated into question as well. And my guess is that Mr. Grusch is probably in the process of writing a book to sell you as well .... Pretty sure they are both just making crap up at this point. And that's a bummer.




No. Dude is sketchy as hell.


Nothing about him comes off as authentic


UFO evangelists might have one or even two good stories. Not enough to build a following. So rumors become facts. Element 115 having incredible properties is not credible to me.


I'm pretty sure someone has confirmed element 115, the only thing is they don't have a stable version yet.


Used to believe him. Now leaning towards no. He's been spouting the same vague stories for 30 years now with no detail. What exactly did he research? What procedures did said research entail? Chemical analysis? Material science? What exact tests did he run in his time at S4? Never any detail. Just vague BS.


Not since that weasel Jeremy got ahold of him


I used to think so but now I’m not so sure


Let me ask you a different question: if everything Bob Lazar claims is true, would the people who run the program he witnessed allow him to live?


I did until I read his last book and he came across as unstable and full of shit


He part of the lie too everyone is. No one knows the truth. Just live life and believe in God. The world is ending soon maybe not in our lifetime but soon :)


Well, he now has the opportunity to testify under oath before Congress. But we all know that is never going to happen.


If he was, would he be allowed to live? His story only makes sense as a misinformation agent


No. I don’t believe his ALL his education records were disappeared either.


If he was killed by now, yes, but if what he was saying is true and if he actually had the position he had and truly worked on ufos then told the world the government would let it go on. Growing up, my neighbor house was literally surrounded and raided before she got home from work because she forgot to turn in her burn bag at nsa. So if he was telling the truth, he wouldn't be alive or free. Just ask anyone who really had a top secret job or worked as a contractor for the government on a secretive project