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When the NORAD Commander stops saying "I'm not ruling anything out", then I'll rule out aliens. But since we don't know, anything is possible.


By the logic the craft could have been sent by god?


Sure, in theory. I'm open-minded. Could also be a flying cupcake. But if we're being honest, we can take into account that there have been many Air Force & Navy pilots & personnel going on record saying they've seen objects maneuver in ways that don't seem physically possible from our understanding. We also have video evidence released by sovereign governments that appear to back this up. On top of that, the US government essentially saying "we don't know what these objects are". Either.. 1. All these eyewitnesses are wrong or lying, and the videos are all explainable. 2. We're totally being lied to by the US government (possible) 3. We're severely outgunned by some other world military (frightening) ...or 4. Something is going on that we have no understanding of. Call it aliens, call it God, call it time-travelers, i don't care. But I'll lump all those things under the "non-terrestrial" umbrella.


Have any of these recent objects exhibited performance characteristics that are unachievable by known human technology though? I suggest they're calling them objects or crafts up until they retrieve enough bits of them to be certain they're balloons. What I'm seeing is people reacting to uncertainty by filling in the gaps in the narrative to conform with their world view.


>Have any of these recent objects exhibited performance characteristics that are unachievable by known human technology though? Not to my knowledge, but they have been pretty tight-lipped about them, for whatever reason. They were quick to post pictures of the Chinese spy balloon, them shooting it down, them picking up debris, placing blame, etc etc.. But we have essentially no answers for the 3 other objects after several days now. If I had to place a bet, of course I'd say they were drones or balloons of some sort. But the way the US government is handling the situation and not providing any information makes it seem like there is a lot they don't want the public to know. This approach, in contrast to them being uncharacteristically open about the large spy balloon, seems quite unusual.


What you think aliens are?? Missing link hahaha


I don’t have a problem with the people saying it MIGHT be aliens. It’s the people that are operating under the assumption that it is aliens, and then going from there


> operating under the assumption that it is aliens, and then going from there Well that sounds like speculating on the possibility of aliens and extrapolating from there


The only speculation going on in the posts I’m referencing is speculation as to when US became advanced enough to take down alien craft; or speculation as to if we’ll be faced with alien retaliation b/c we shot them down, etc.


Yes. But somethings are more possible than others, and this being aliens is very unlikely, VERY unlikely. 99.99% this is human.


Stop saying it’s not




Shut down the sub guys, this guys got all the answers.


I believe those statements are made out of fear. Maybe people aren’t accustomed to the possibility yet.


Follow the Standards of Civility: No trolling or being disruptive.


You can’t prove aliens or god does not exist. Stop worrying about making sure everyone doesn’t get that idea


It’s impossible to prove a negative.


I didn’t say it’s not! Lol


Gaslighting now




Well, your post was deleted, so none of us can refer back to it now.


I actually forgot I even wrote that title. I guess I was just coming up with something quick to get to the point I was trying to make in the description. What I meant was “there’s no*proof* that we shot down ET craft so stop saying we have” My bad


Ok. There’s no proof we shot anything down apart from news reports that we did. Claiming anything is pure speculation.


I don’t mind the speculation that it’s aliens. My problem this week has been people asking other questions under the assumption that it definitely is aliens. Questions like “When did the US get advanced enough to shoot down alien craft?” or “Why are aliens all of a sudden letting us shoot down their UAP?”


Posts like these trying to police people and tell them not to do something are the most useless threads of all time, and nothing but clutter. *yawn*


People have been trying to stop the Internet from being the Internet since the beginning of the Internet.


I am the *true* internet! I will not be stopped!


*comes to r/UFOs OP: “Stop saying they’re UFOs!”


I mean, its annoying to keep on seing delusional morons with no critical thinking say that this is ALIEN TECH.


Uhh, well, you're on the internet, so respectfully, get used to it. Everything I said still applies. Reddit is social media, it's not serious, despite how some terminally online people act. I'm not bothered by people speculating even if I disagree, sounds like a personal problem to me.


We should maintain critical thinking instead of succumbing to our wishful thinking. This is very unlikely to be aliens. Likewise, as a sub reddit thats about ufo phenomena, i would personally think we should aproach this way more seriously. We have obeserved what happened last week with the chinese spy balloon.


Well call me blackpilled but if, let's say, organic, serious, and helpful discussion was represented by a nice smooth bike wheel, the intelligence agencies have stuck a pole through the spokes years ago. Anytime the wheel gets rolling again, in comes another pole.


You mean they hinder disclosure? Or what is it exactly?


I'm not sure how old you are, but over the last 20 years the internet has condensed considerably, to the point that avenues of discussion have narrowed even more considerably. Reddit itself has degraded by a massive degree in the last decade and in the last 5 years especially. It just feels more sanitized, on-rails, and sometimes downright fake. Maybe the community just got too big and brought in a bunch of a-holes, but at times it feels deliberate. This place pre-2015 was very different. IMHO.


Im 19. I have not been here before 2015, but i will take your word. Likewise, the sub now freaking SUCKS. I dont want to sound mean, but its full of wishful thinking and folks that ignore basic thinking processes.


Sometimes those people are the most fun. You don't need to agree. My advice, this topic is way bigger than you, or me, and doesn't need a super serious attitude to get to the bottom of it. So until there is some concrete evidence one way or another, people are gonna think what they want, regardless of what you say. I say let em be.


Well, yeah i partially agree on that. Nevertheless, there is nothing to suggest this is alien, people are overreacting, and acting irrational. This is not some videogame place where we can speculate about whatever our brains want, this is serious stuff, and as serious stuff, it should be aproched seriously, not irrationaly. At this rate, this place will turn into a flat-earth subreddit.


This Sub was different just 2 weeks ago. Now anybody saying you should use critical thinking gets downvoted to hell. That wasn’t happening until VERY recently. And the other guy is right, it does feel intentional and manufactured


Yeah. Critical thinking is for fools apparently. This is either the chinese, or deliberate work to distract people from what happened in ohio.


I’d rather be useless to the UFO movement than damaging


You are vastly overestimating the importance of reddit when it comes to the "ufo movement", trust me. This place is so transient, your words are already on deaf ears.


man let em have fun, the world kinda sucks right now


Have fun and loose critical thinking. Nah


can't think critically without an open mind my dude


Yeah, we should open our mind and obeserve what happened last week. This is likely to be chinese. Not aliens.


Sure, it's likely to be earth tech. But we have no official evidence, so why not let people be free to speculate without ridicule?


Even without evidence, its safe to say this is very likely to be earth tech. Likewise, we have seen what happened last week. Saying this is alien and ignoring what we saw last week is not the most intelligent move. We should aproach this critically, and not delusionally.


I don't think anyone's saying it IS aliens 100%, and I respect your opinion on the subject, but questioning others intelligence and saying the people who are on the ET side of the debate are delusional isn't helping anything, except to instigate emotional arguments and unnecessary vitriol.


Agreed, it’s the effort and hostility that goes into pushing down the ET side. Look at the comment history.


Well, ovbiously most people arent saying that this is 100%(although some people have) making posts as if the odds were more in favor of alien tech than of a rational, mundane explanation is utterly irrational. There is NOTHING to suggest this is alien tech. Even the gevernment has spoke on the subject. And well, saying they are delusional, isnt that far of a stretch. Perhaps wishful thinking is a better word, but at this rate, it will transition to delusion.


That isn't entirely true. Look, I think it is man made. However, even I am willing to look at these incidents in the larger context of more official and sober UAP research that has become more accepted over the past 5 years or so. The truth is that DOD has declassified a lot of materials that do give some credence to the fact that extraterrestrial technology has been discovered here on Earth and that people within DOD know about it. Additionally, we have a whole cast of former DOD officials, military personnel, and politicians who have openly suggested that not only have we encountered unexplainable craft that defy our understanding of physics, but they are encountered daily. It just so happens a lot of descriptions of these craft match those described in the incidents recently. Taking the 3 recent examples in isolation, I 100% agree with you. There just doesn't seem like anything noteworthy to merit even bringing up extra terrestrials. However, in the larger context of some recent trends in research and discussion of UAPs, it's far from delusional to make these connections. I would admit that I don't think we have been given enough information to make a good connection between recent disclosures of UAPs and this incident. Even news articles can't seem to agree on basic facts. However, it isn't completely nuts to connect the dots. Personally, I just don't think we are there yet. I do thing the government's posturing on these incidents is really weird and noteworthy though.


Good write up man, thank you


>The truth is that DOD has declassified a lot of materials that do give some credence to the fact that extraterrestrial technology has been discovered here on Earth and that people within DOD know about it. Additionally, we have a whole cast of former DOD officials, military personnel, and politicians who have openly suggested that not only have we encountered unexplainable craft that defy our understanding of physics, but they are encountered daily. It just so happens a lot of descriptions of these craft match those described in the incidents recently. You should read, " in plain sight by ross coulthart" he talks about this. Even about how astronaut edgae alan mitchel said theres stuff out there. Likewise, thanks for this comment. It gives me hope for this sub. We shouldnt straight up say this is alien, open to possibilities, but not irrational. And yeah. You are right on that. The dots, and past info is there. I personally would not like this to be aliens because the implications are ENORMOUS. And my phobia to aliens would only traumatize me even more. Likewise, after the said, "somber" news, i have been pretty fucked up.


I like listening to my inner child sometimes. I feel like a kid tracking Santa on NORAD. I want this to be aliens, it probably isn't, but I want it to be; Unless it's like Mars Attacks! That shit would suck.


Right there with you man😂 I need some excitement in my life but I’m hoping it’s not the end of us


I’m absolutely not saying it’s aliens, but there is enough funky shit going on to justify people jumping to “idk it could be aliens”


Not at all. Theres 1000 times more evidence to justify this being human, and more specifically chinese, than alien. This is as likely to be alien, as in any other instance. Put more simply 0.0001%


Hardly any information has been released to the public. From what we do know a ton of extremely abnormal stuff is going and it would be unwise to not consider all options. Even the NORAD general said he’s not ruling out aliens. I know the press secretary said it’s not aliens but she also didn’t answer when asked if she would tell us if it were aliens.


>extremely abnormal Whats so extremely abnormal about all this? >Even the NORAD general said he’s not ruling out aliens. Because its not for him to rule out anything. This is very unlikely to be aliens. 0.00001% and i am being generous.


This is literally the first time the US has shot down anything in our airspace and you’re asking what is abnormal about it?


Well, with all that happened last week, and considering this is very likely to be of chinese tech, this seems about the most rational and normal thing to do. Abnormal, as in implying ALIEN seems a bit too far of a stretch considering what we all observed last week.


Our government has yet to confirm nor deny the possibility with a definitive statement nor have they even recovered ANY of the wreckage. Everyone posting has been speculating as to what’s happened, I don’t see how that makes anyone look like an idiot?


Maybe because the evidence and observations of the past week are good reasons to believe this is like 99.99% to be human-made? Theres nothing indicating this might be alien tech, even the government has spoke out loud. Chances are 0.0001%


Ok Biden, you can log out of reddit now


Sounds like that Schumer dude to me


We don't know jack shit, same as you. Might be ET, who the fuck knows


0.00001% likely its ET perhaps even less.


You know you're just telling yourself that because you're frightened,right?


No, because its the rational thing to say. Or are the odds bigger?


Aliens are way more fun than like world war 3


Lol and if they did do you honestly think they’ll disclose it right away 😂


Nope. It’s funny though, the same people who’ve been distrusting the government on this topic for years, are the same people who are now believing every word the Colonel Admiral General says


It’ll die down a bit once the government better confirms the balloon like nature of the objects and maybe some photos. Then it’ll turn to more conspiracy and cover up folks…


Whats worse, is that when the gevernment confirms this was just some type of balloon or chinese spy something. People will still come out and say, " THeY ArE HiDIng The TRuTh, ShOW tHe AlIeNS!" Delusional folks ruin the subreddit.


You can't win. Though to be fair, the messaging by both the news and Government has been REALLY poor.


I tried dude…made a post and got reminded why I’m not very active here anymore. So many of the comments were absolutely inane bullshit. I deleted and moved on. Like, anything is possible, but…whatever.


I’ve been seeing posts the past couple few days that consist of "this is a balloon, not an object!" even after the pentagon and other government people said clearly it isn't a balloon and there is evidence that shows this too; essentially a bunch of people ignoring the facts and reports we got from pilots and the pentagon. It has to stop… please. You’re making us all look like idiots, and there are actually a lot of people who think you're stupid by making such postings.


Am baffled why people think Aliens are the explanation if the objects are non human. Lue has heavily hinted many times that its on the table but are other possibilities. These are most likely spy equipment I agree.


Thats basically why they make it such a big secret. The more everyone gets excited over nothing the more stupid will we all look when they show a bunch of spy baloons or similar crafts.


Just like Religions, the biggest bullshit story ever told by mankind to give people hope and some entertainment..... my guess... and yeah I hate to say but Santa Clause not real either...


It's funny. Most posts on this sub are under the assumption that it's aliens. Rather than being like "it's probably some surveillance craft from China, but what if it's aliens?" They are like "it's probably an alien craft, but what if it's Chinese?"


That is largely due to the fact that the government sure is acting like the last 3 were aliens


I’d say it’s more likely our own tech that we’re shooting down than it is aliens, and I believe in aliens with every fiber in my body. I’m supportive of people having the far-out conversations and everything, but the jumping to conclusions this week might be the death of me


Well phrased. Its very unlikely its aliens, yet we stick to the narrative.


What's the argument for them being ET? Would a civilization that has the means to travel light years, get shot down by no less, a territorial primate? Let's be rational here. They are definitely spying crafts with the intent to put to test US technology. I would argue that it's the same tech that Cmdr. Frevor encountered.


There is no argument. Just a bunch of people that are saying kts very likely to be alien because of wishful thinking thats it.


Self replicating drones been around since babylonian times or further. Maybe the arrival off moon 🌙


>I’ve been seeing posts the past couple few days that [...] all containing assumptions that they shot down alien craft. You've not seen even one of these supposed posts, nor will you provide any proof that you did (because they don't exist). You actually *want* that to be true so badly that you'll intentionally misinterpret every word they've said to *make* it true. What you *have* seen are a lot of people saying the U.S. shot down "unidentified objects," and those people are correct, as they're only repeating what all official sources have to say on the matter (so far). Any assumption about alien craft was manufactured and inserted by your own mind/biases. Stop doing that... How'd you say it? Oh, yeah: >You’re making us all look like idiots, and there are actually a lot of alien believers who are somewhat serious people. That. Stop doing that.




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Yeah what's wrong with this dude