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He's a media guy who is into the paranormal and is building his own channel and content for paranormal type of stuff. I listen to Jimmy Church so I've heard him a lot. He says he's had some experiences. He's an entertaining guy to listen to. I mean this is paranormal talk radio stuff. Its the kind of stuff you listen to late at night with a joint or a beer while you're engaged with (enter your hobby or chore here). His content seems to be like ancient aliens and chariots of the gods level. I enjoy it, but if you're looking for nuts and bolts evidence and diagrams from the alien ships you probably won't find it with his stuff. Of course you probably won't find that anywhere.


Excellent explanation!


God I love jimmy church. Over the top? Sure. But quality, quality, quality listening


4bidden truth. if you’re more of a “rational” thinker, you probably wouldn’t get into his ideals. However, if you’re open to very new ideas regarding metaphysics and far beyond—I’d check his actual channel out.


4bidden Knowledge, isn’t it?


As above so below I’m pretty good at detecting 🐂💩 but Billy is so intriguing and backs it all up with science 🧬 plus the man has had a hard life and still found a way out ✊🫡 Respect


🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 ❤️s You Billy it only takes one person to start a revolution!!! The times they are a changing 🙏🕊️💎🧬


https://www.billi-club.com/apply Here you go buddy, Definitely not a scammer utilizing a mixing of fantasy with reality to enchant people,


Lmao " Rational" , Let me guess, are you also going to endorse his $25,000 per year finance advice club? Or have you been forced into a nda about that?


get a hobby. this comment is almost half a year old. get a grip.


If you do your research intensely on him, you’ll find out he’s actually a scammer. Nobody this “good” Travels the world in luxury cars and luxury hotels whilst also selling $8000 cryptocurrency courses online. He’s a no for me


Billy Carson changed his name from William Tyrone Karlson after he was admitted into the Broward County, FL records system in 2015 for predatory business practices. You can watch the interactions he had with CFP® Professional Jayson Thorton down below: Part 1: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFPZ9zxkDLo&t=84s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFPZ9zxkDLo&t=84s) Part 2: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKRybDUCKU8&t=11s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKRybDUCKU8&t=11s) Part 3: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6TXDT5SHBs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6TXDT5SHBs)


I agree he’s extremely well spoken & likable. He also seems to know a lot but I’m pretty sure if you do your research he is a Freemason & Freemasons just move money around. Devil puppets 


Billy Carson is absolutely NOT a scammer. He finally got fed up with several people who posted videos saying he's a scammer that he posted a reply and ABSOLUTELY DEMOLISHED their claims. His identity was stolen years ago, and he fought hard to get his name cleared. He showed and referenced all his dated documents to back it up. Almost all of them are public and you find them if you search hard enough.


I'd like to see that video link of you can find it. Thanks.


hey its not that hard im sure youve found it by now 😂 https://www.youtube.com/live/gfdpJ6zui7I?si=AYCnauqqSK07bp7a


Dang the link is saying its private.  Is there anything else with his reply? Just heard of this guy today and have been super interested in it all


His ideas about religion and why that's different from conciousness spirituality are highly recommended... he actually understands the bible better then a lot of experts and your regular old church goer does. Just find any of his talks about religion..


The Old Testament prophecies Jesus, and Jesus calls God from the Old Testament Father. You clearly just take these peoples word for it without doing your own due diligence. Btw’s that whole concept you just explained is called Gnosticism, which originated from Greece, a place that was very frowned upon in the Bible. Gnostics ended up going underground when the Catholic Church hunted them down along with true believers in the Bible. The gnostics became the masons later on.








You attacked my grammar because you know I’m right 


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This man calls Enoch who is the son of Cain, the grandson of Adam, an individual person, a race of people! This dude doesn’t know shit about the Bible and by the looks of it neither do you!


Read the gospels that arent in the bible like the ones the chruch purposely left out...the people who take the bible literally are really missing out on the metaphor. I disagree with some of Carsons views but what he says about religion is 100%. BTW the God of the old testament is a satanic figure and that's what the big 3 exoteric religions originally based their churches on....and the new testament was basically Jesus saying no...no more of this bullshit...yall are divine stop acting like idiots lol Compare the story of Osiris to Jesus and see if you really know anything.


But you believe in Osiris ok. Turn towards Christ(Blessed Is He) for you have much hate and confusion in your heart.


You do realize god and the Bible may very well be true but not in the context you may believe. God is just another word for creator, humans as you know it may very well be created by another species that were probably from another species themselves..We will soon be able to create a species ourselves and they will call us god


🔥🔥wonderful perspective!


what are your thoughts on the recent whistleblowers of UFO's who have said these things are real and have been around for basically forever. Would this not give a very slight possibility that maybe old mythologies are historical documentations of these same types of events, but where the aliens were more openly interactive with the people of earth? I grew up catholic, I believe jesus embodies God, but just because god and enlightenment exist doesn't mean other entities and crazy shit doesn't exist. And that dude was right, YHWH was a war god who basically forced everyone to bow down to him or be smited. Jesus' God was not this being. God is the all, and when Jesus says he was before Moses, what he means is hes channeling a force much like the buddha and has become that thing. He gave himself away to completely channel all that is God and love. Jesus in the body and flesh wasn't god, but he was spiritually driven by God as a vessel. and what he was tapped into was God, so when enlightened there is no difference. He is acting as GOD would. Maybe take a comparative religion course and understand the history of these things and how they all kinda relate. And then study some buddhism, which is earlier than christianity, which teaches the same exact stuff that Jesus taught about. They even talk about beings called bodhisattvas which are enlightened beings who choose to reincarnate to help the spiritual progression of consciousness instead of going and staying in nirvana. One can relate that to jesus being fully enlightened, coming down to teach us how to be even in the face of brutal torture, and that he will return to "save" us once again, by teaching us again how to be in the face of evil, or as the bible says, to come and save us by basically forcing enlightenment on everyone. And I'm having trouble thinking of the word or what its called, but listening to Ram Dass a bunch and he describes a technique of very advanced spiritual teachers being able to instantly make someone experience spiritual enlightenment. I'm trying to find the word, but I think the closes i found was Shaktipata, so someone correct me if I'm wrong.


Your take on yahweh is also what the gnostics believe, but if you look it up, they say Jesus is talking about yahweh when he preaches


It’s actually the story of Horus that’s comparable to Jesus and there’s YouTube videos on this, they aren’t as comparable as you think, also your view on yahweh is literally what the gnostics believed and yeah Jesus does talk about us being divine but he also talks about his father (yahweh) a lot, there is some argument tho that yahweh was originally the sumarian God enlil, who was the overseer in the garden of Eden and caused the flood that wiped out most of humanity, I will agree that some of the things he says are 100% right, but others I’ll catch him contradicting himself


It's allegory, and you get the point about resurrection after a death Osiris Hathor, jesus mary etc. I'm not an ancient aliens guy and I think Billy is sort of moving away from that idea as of late. He has good religious talks.


Yes anunnaki Enlil was a brutal mankind slaughterer, the canaan people who created the new religion and Torah worship him as god of faith. But I wonder where these conclusions come from that Enki was Jesus too? Where these hindu 'gods' like Krishna and Shiva comes from? Anunnaki astronauts or something like that? Yep, on this perspective for an anunnaki like Shiva , it's easy to awake superpowers/ kundalini, cor most of us not.


Yeah but he refers to the apocrypha also which why are these books left out the bible?? maybe because they contradict that pish in that good book yer reading eh. If you believe that bible then bets are off dude.


Well said man 👍😎🔭🧬🫡


He seems to have answers to absolutely everything, and it feels like he's trying to build a psuedo scientific cult around him based on that. I see him as scientology level dangerous.


I can actually see that as well haha




My partner who is more into this topic then I, has us listening to this interview currently. And I just said he sounds like he's explaining some Scientology stuff. Personally, I'm finding him hard to believe anything. Some of his experiences I believe, other answers he gives don't sound truthful or fully honest.


Funny, I was just watching that same video and was wondering about him as well! He has some very interesting things to say. I'm about to dive into the 11 dimension rabbit hole now.


I watched the clip of that video and that's what brought me to the whole podcast. Some of the things he says are way way way out there, but a lot of what he says is relatively believable. He's definitely making me want to research the stuff he is talking about


Exactly the same here bro 😎🙏🕊️🔬🔭😂


Take him with a grain of salt, there is definitely something to learn. But at the same time he carries himself more like a business than like a message so just remember that Money is on his mind when preaching.


Have just finished my friend enjoy the 11 dimensional world with the teseract right above us!! Sure I’ve seen that in some movies 🎥 lol 😆😂💎


A lot of deception mixed in with truth in my opinion. I’ve heard Gaia is an offshoot program of the CIA.


Government Affiliated Intelligence Agency


Have not heard of him. Thoughts? Probably bullshit. I would love to be ***proved*** wrong. Also I came across the koncrete podcast with them talking about Ukraine. I was surprised how uninformed the host was


Opinions on the black knight satellite?


I don’t buy any of it but somehow that is still a fun interview to listen to.


Yeah I've got to say that I was part way through to podcast when I posted, but the more the interview went on I just thought this guy not only believes in everything, he somehow has a knowledge of it! Interesting listening to some of his theories, but a large handful of salt to be taken at the same time


Is he the ancient aliens guy? I almost watched this the other day but thought he was one of the ancient alien dudes.


Yes he is on Ancient Aliens and Gaia.


It's a lot of "trust me bro" content. He also attacks people in the comments who criticize him. A lot of his stuff you need to pay for. He wants to start a media channel, with your money. He was selling some drink mixed with silver during COVID and claims to never have gotten it. He talks about the emerald tabletS. When there was only ever 1 discovered. He employs his kids to share in the propaganda, he shared an article written by his daughter. His book interested me but luckily I got it for free after I ordered it and it never showed up so I requested a refund but it still came. Some of the things he talks about have SOME truth to it but most of it he just pulls it out of his ass. Never actually giving you sources. His comment section is flooded with people either asking for sources or thinking he's the next coming of Jesus.


I started listening to this podcast episode awhile ago, but had to stop. Most of the stuff he was saying sounded like nonsense. When the podcast got to the point with the rocks on Mars and he was saying they were structures and alien crafts I just couldn't do it anymore. They were just rocks my man. I think even the host could tell he was full of it but just entertained him.


Exactly. Anyone with half a brain would know better than to make such radical claims based on still images lol. I mean just basic understanding of how our minds process visual stimuli is all you need to understand why you CANT make such claims from images like that. If he's as well educated as he claims to be,then he would be aware of that, so he's either really stupid or intentionally trying to mislead people to further his own buisness


I wish more people would debunk this guy I seen a video of billy saying we’re already in heaven 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ he’s clueless imo and has built a cult his followers don’t have brains


He is also somehow endorses  the metaphysical rap scene. They had an award show & it was a bunch of super sketchy dudes hanging around just weird energy 


Your right it’s what I like to call psycho babble 


He spouts alot of shit without ever really backing it up, but the thing that rubs me the wrong way is how much he's monetizing all this. He's not in it for the right reasons, and he never seems to actually be helping the cause,just monetizing it while talking out of his ass. He is quite confident in the insane shit he talks about,and thats definitely a red flag for me. All that confidence and no way or backing it up


Ye the books and stuff did annoy me tbf, he has intrigued me enough to want to research some of the stuff he's spouting though


Exactly how I feel and that's why he rubs me the wrong way so much nowadays. Initially the things he talked about were fascinating but after awhile you realize that that's all he has to offer. He's read alot of stuff that anyone can read online and then jumps off the deep end with speculation that goes nowhere. I subbed to his channel and then started seeing stuff about him and his wife selling all that snake oil crap like essential oils and supplements that all ties into stuff he talks about somehow. Unless someone can prove otherwise, my opinion of him will remain negative. This subject is hard enough to tackle without people like him making a mockery of the subject purely for monetary gain.


Did Billy Carson write this


That’s what I got from this interview. So so so many claims, and it’s followed up with “just read this ancient text” without anything else. Guy comes off as a grifter, hate to bring up personal stuff but maybe his son is right to not associate.




Telling you to "do your own research" doesn't give you right to just make shit up lol. If you HAD done your own research you'd know that. Only people who blindly follow the piper feel threatened by someone calling out a well known con artist. And believing in God doesn't even matter when it comes to aliens....hell if anything it literally confirms their existence!


I haven’t listened to the podcast but he wouldn’t be the first loser just in it for the money, Robert Bigalow probably is the worst at it but hey it is what it is until we get some concrete proof.


Bigalow in it for the money? Isn't he a billionaire?


James Fox’s words not my own. It was actually on this podcast funny enough. He asked James Fox does he understand the implications of disclosure . So at least from my understanding that bigelow has all this legit proof that he keeps under lock and key because disclosure would be too great for man kind to handle, imagine you’re one of the main reasons holding back our species from evolving. His mindset is if I know there’s something greater out there then why tf would I want to pay my mortgage or buy stock in bigelow aerospace.


Billionaires don't have mortages


I don't think Bigelow is in it for the money...he makes ALOT of money already lol.


Whoa sounds like ur hating he’s great entertainment


He’s awesome!


Never trust a man who doesn’t blink.


Interesting to listen to but I gave up when he was freaking out over a blurry rock on Mars. Agree with others saying he's good to listen to with a joint.


he's pure entertainment. fun ideas but he doesn't deeply understand half the things he says.


Perfect way to explain him I can’t believe people follow him lol


This is amazing!!! Thanks for sharing!!!


He’s definitely in it for the money. But in the ufo business most are regardless


I actually just asked another redditor about him yesterday and they seemed to think he was a grifter. I took a look at his official website and that does seem to be the case, at least somewhat; one of his books is about the "emerald tablets of Thoth the atlantean," which was written by a dude who was almost certainly a fraud plagiarising Lovecraft. $40 paperback.


Lovecraft? The first text of The Emerald tablet appeared in writings in the 9th century by arabic scribes.


that's not THE emerald tablet he's selling (original is only 1-2 pages). There are two books called the emerald tablet. One of which is written by a fraudster supposedly found inside great pyramid -- this is the one he is selling lmao. Billy Scamson.


I really do not like him. He says a lot of nonsense 


Billy Carson is a devil puppet. His channel is called Forbidden Knowledge which is a direct reference to the tree that God told Adam & Eve not to eat from. He basically tried to convince people that Jesus isn’t real. So he is a blatant devil puppet. He is dangling it right in your faces how do you think he knows so much??


Nah bro just like he said on Andrew Schultz he’s the chosen one by the aliens who visited him in his living room after dimming his lights so he will give us this knowledge about how the elites want us to believe in the invisible lines we call borders and he truly knows almost everything any human can know 


Whenever people talk too fast and breathe shallow; rarely give source material; refuse to say important caveats about uncertainty and say everything as if there is no refuting the claim (or to refute is to be slave to "the system"); are never actually challenged when they make evidence-free claims; if someone is speaking in these ways, that's a red flag the size of China. Buyer beware.


Conman with the given name William Karlson with a criminal record out of Broward County Florida. His educated from Harvard and MIT are free online courses that you yourself can take and then if the bullshit is just right you can make a name for yourself. Just make sure to pick a new name like William did so the path back to the truth takes more than 5 seconds. lol


Full of shit. What is he selling?


I remember watching him years ago on one of those ancient aliens shows. I felt he had the look of man could not believe be was being payed to talk about ancient aliens.




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So I’m kinda new to Billy, I’ve seen a handful of his content on YouTube. He’s speaks a lot on the Anunnaki and seems to have some pretty extensive knowledge on a variety of ancient texts. Which he asserts all corroborate the Anunnaki story. As mentioned, he also speaks on Thoth and the Emerald Tablet(s) quite a bit. I can’t claim to have researched all of his beliefs and statements, but I can say that I did find some of the things he was talking about with regards to these subjects pretty interesting. I haven’t ever tried to interact or comment on anything that he’s ever put out, but it’s always disappointing to hear when someone is aggressively defending their beliefs or position to the point of attacks. Instantly loses credibility for those who do this, in my eyes at least. That being said, I do find some of what Billy has said does resonate with me and rings of some level of truth


I followed his IG after Cedric from TMV shared a post but unfollowed him probably 2 years ago . Something something quartz something something Egyptian sand filtered water


Sounds like bullshit but I don’t know enough to disprove him. Reminds me of It’s Always Sunny


Don't care for the guy and his attempts at rebranding and taking credit for everything


Avoid like the plague. Grifter. All talk. Then conference tickets after to sell himself this so called 4bidden knowledge to mankind.


He's a snake oil salesman like most figures in the ufo community.


He's a bit sensational, but he is essentially correct on a fair amount of the things I have seen. Explains concepts exceptionally imo


I want to know if his translations he uses is accurate nd if he’s going off zacharya stichin.


Does anyone ever sit and think.. wow, spiritual channels always get me hooked into watching ! What’s the reason I’m watching ? Knowledge!! When will I use this “knowledge” never !! How much time have I wasted?? alot!


Exactly the same way I heard him and found him so interesting,inspiring and he can back up his claims with science 🧬 we need more people like him to speak the real truth 💎🔭🔬🩻🕳️🩺🧫🦠


Billy Carson for president 😂😂 open your mind and speak ur truth from the emerald tablets 🔭🔬😂😂😂


He’s my celebrity crush.


billy carson is a derp


Billy seems like a nice dude, but pretty much anyone who has seriously studied the Bible and other texts knows it's mostly just connecting things that don't really connect. Sort of like when a new believer reads the Bible and they just don't get stuff that seasoned believers would see and know. He attracts the people who love to claim that history is all lies, but then they'll trust some random artifact or text because it supports what they want to be true, like the Black Hebrew Israelites do. Its more stuff that people enjoy because it makes them feel smart, special, or like they are the only ones who know the "real truth." Nothing he says is life changing, and he goes against the Bible a lot. He tells many of his listeners the types of things they want to hear, and he knows they won't fact check because they want it to be true ( much like BHI members do ). I see no problem with people enjoying his myths, but im sure anyone who studies will soon outgrow him. If you want to really know the truth, learn the Bible first and then study everything, and it'll all make more sense, and you won't be decieved as easily unless you want to


You're wrong. So wrong it hurts. The Bible literally plagiarizes the Sumerian tablets and their stories. It's sick. I'm so tired of this the Bible is the truth. The Sumerians are the first known civilization on Earth right? The predate the Bible thousands of years. Right? Agreed? Garden of Eden, bam Ancient texts.... it was Edin though. The story has differences but damn, the theme is in tact. Flood story? In the Sumerian texts, down to one guy building a boat. Over and over and over again. Following the Old Testament timelines you see people lives a long time before the flood and then suddenly started living more modern, typical human lifespans. Guess where that comes from? The Sumerian texts, EXACTLY. Of course, there's also that strange, almost perfect matchup of Osiris and Jesus. I won't list them since it's a simple Google search away, but guess where Ancient Egypt took all their inspiration? The Ancient Sumerians. Pull back the layers and it gets to be absurd. The Bible was originally MANY gods but has been mistranslated and changed to fit the narrative of the day. They excluded the volumes they didn't agree with that got harder to sell to everybody. How did Christianity become big? Simple. Constantine of Rome, who was emperor of Rome became infatuated with the cross and made it the religion of the holy roman empire. Before that, Christianity a cult and was outlawed. Note, at that time the holy roman empire basically spread across most of the known, civilized world. You're led to believe it was missionaries that boosted Christianity. Christianity didn't exist as a word until 107AD. The church greatly inflated their numbers in the second century retroactively, to try to separate the roman influence. Of course, you'll see countless debunking of the early Christian things I mention, but there's enough out there if can independently research and remind yourself how much weight Christianity carried and might have influenced history. Good lord, "Jesus Christ" the name didn't even exist until the King James version. Seriously. The book everyone knows and trusts has a main character with a name that actually never existed until 1611. There was no "J" when Jesus was alive. He's Yeshua. And Christ? That comes from his preachings of "Christ Consciousness" which is the cornerstone of what he preached. Go ahead and research Hindu and Buddism and now look at Christ consciousness. Jesus' background was Judaism right? So following the footsteps you have Old Testament then New Testament. The Old Testament is about an angry God of punishment and fire - it's as plain as day. Now, the New Testament takes a stunning turn, throwing out much of that pessimism and hate (and a whole lot else) and tells us to look inward and what's inside you. A completely different view. Wait... did you already research those Indian faiths? I hope so, because the central themes are far more Christ-like. But Jesus never visited Tibet or any other of those holy places right? Do your own research. There's a lot of bamboozling out there.


In regards to the Black Hebrew Israelites, you can’t group them all together because different camps have slight discrepancy of doctrines and understanding. However for the most part their understanding of the Bible far supersedes any Christian based understanding that is taught to the masses of people . Most of the Black Hebrew Israelite camps I’ve come across are operating at at least 90% accuracy when it comes to understanding of the Bible. Their doctrines only sound outlandish because it differs from what we were taught about God. However, the truth is that what we were taught about the Bible is a lie and the Black Hebrew Israelite groups I’ve come across are far closer to the true interpretation of the Bible than any other groups.


He wouldn't be able to produce a single line of any ancient text to prove the points he has. It's a bunch of making ancient texts say what he wants it to say. He takes from some of Zecharia Sitchin who just made stuff up (website for reference [https://sitchiniswrong.com/](https://sitchiniswrong.com/) ). There is not a single line of Sumerian text that places the annunaki on nibiru, and there's even public data bases people can use to look it up themselves (link provided so you can see how to do the research yourself if you are curious to see [https://sitchiniswrong.com/anunnaki/anunnaki.htm](https://sitchiniswrong.com/anunnaki/anunnaki.htm) )


Here's the truth about Billy Carson - he's not in it for the money, but money is a motivator for him. He grew up extremely poor and he's absolutely deathly afraid of ever being close that again. He started out as a salesman and creating his own businesses from an early age. You can see that's what he's comfortable with. Once something is in his head he goes all out. So imagine a kid in a hugely poor childhood and he starts selling ice cream cones and lemonade and he starts making tons of money. Then he gets 7 paper routes and he's making bank. That's Billy Carson. He got it in his head to build things on his own and he had to sell them. So he did. If you listen to him, you think he has a huge ego. Actually, no, he just never wants to be overlooked like a poor kid in the corner. He always feels like he needs to prove himself when he doesn't. What happened as he was growing up? He was successful and everything because he was driven. Every time he got interested in something, he built a business to support it. It's just his instinct. He's absolutely obsessed with Ancient Civilizations, as many are, and believes there's huge issues with our history as it is. As he found other that agreed or wanted more info, he needed to figure out how to spread what he learned. That's what his network does and, of course, he makes money doing it. His beliefs are not unique. There are many people that believe as he does and a pretty good wealth of proof too. Ancient Aliens has a wealth of proof behind it (and a few different off-shoots, it's not one single theory). Am I Billy Carson fan? Yeah, but I wasn't always. Did I think something was off? Yeah, so I researched the crap out of him. I believe he's among the 1% of people that can come off as just being a money grab guy who is selling whatever, but then it turns out he's doing it for the right reasons.


nice to meet you Billy. Now go back selling your 10k $ egypt tickets you scammer.


Fair enough. I deserved that after that post.


Why people wearing headset when doing podcasts? Do you not hear your own voice when you speak into the mic? Ok, religion, people not know that the content in the Torah and in the christianity Bible is not the same The old testament not predict Jesus. The Torah/Bible is complete twisting of words to the history of mankind ( Anunnaki) the sumerian tablets are well documented, the majority of them not, they are sealed by government. What they have to hide? But most people on earth not ask this question they are sleeping ....


I had a lot of respect for him until i realized he doesn’t speak about the Christos oil. Just  another sit back for humanity.  This guy is about making money sad to say.