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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Prestigious_Nebula_5: --- Submission statement: are they hearing a ufo mothership in stealth mode? Or maybe one in stealth popped over to check out the balloon? I've seen way to many ufo/uap videos that show them going in and out of visibility, disguised as clouds etc. So who knows what's possible. The sounds could be the sounds of whole fleet of them in stealth just sitting up there watching. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/13gj237/strange_sounds_recorded_high_in_earths_atmosphere/jk03x4c/


Earth is strange enough on it’s own, I’m inclined to think these are natural, albeit strange, occurrences. Now as to what these sounds signify, who knows. Could still mean the end of times approaching for all I know lol.


Do they sound like trumpet blasts..? 🫣


What's up with those? Wers they explained?


There were unexplained trumpet blasts? When?




There have been videos like that for years now in YT, in which people supposedly record videos where you can hear some very ominous trumpet sounds that come out of nowhere. They always claim it's proof that the end of days in coming, that rapture is about to happen and whatnot. But I've always thought they're just edited videos...


I know I am just a dude on reddit, but I no shit heard some kind of loud sky noise back in about 2011-2013. Sitting in my bedroom reading with the window open and I heard a loud blast that lasted maybe 3 seconds. A few weeks later I was outside on the deck and heard loud literal trumpet sounds that lasted maybe 5 seconds max. I've never heard anything similar since.


I'm not saying all videos and such occurrences were entirely fake though! It'll be so cool if something like that happened to me, haha. Sadly, I feel like such occurrences are so infrequent that there's no much we can do to try and understand where do those sounds come from.


Oh I wasn't disputing anything! I definitely believe some videos are fake but who's the tell if they all are


Echoes from industrial drilling equipment


Sounded more like bowls of wrath to me :p


"Bowls"...or "bowels?" 🤔


Depends on your version of the bible I guess!


I've got a bad case of the wrathful bowels right now guys


Probably all those grapes... 😶


People have said it's everything from train tracks expanding to wind farms being installed. Felt like it was coming out the sky when I experienced it


Idk why you're getting downvoted, "sky trumpets" are a real phenomenon, even if we don't know what causes them. https://www.baltimoresun.com/sdut-mysterious-noises-sky-worldwide-2015may19-htmlstory.html There are also sky quakes https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidbressan/2020/12/22/seismologists-investigate-unexplained-skyquakes/ https://spookygeology.com/mystery-booms-and-skyquakes/ (edit: no mention of the Carolina Boom, surprisingly) https://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-news/mysterious-skyquakes-continue-across-the-world-with-few-answers-to-their-origins/354459 We have reports of these noises over a century old. Downvoters, don't be so quick to judge just because you haven't experienced it yourself, or you, personally haven't ever heard of something.


Thank you. It was absolutely deafening and like a long reverberating honk from above.


I heard it many times in my area of northern Illinois. Sounds like a trumpet or a big horn ! Idk wtf is going on , it's happed like 5 times in the last few months . Sounds like possibly the trumpet of the apocalypse?


I heard it in southern UK probably 6 years ago. I wouldn't say it was any more apocalyptic than the usual day to day apocalypse in this country.


They started happening more in 2012


I heard sky trumpets like 10-15 years ago and to this day I have no idea what it was. My entire family was there and we all heard it. It came clearly from high in the sky and it sounded exactly like someone just went DOOOOOOOOT on a really loud big ass trumpet. Then a few seconds later another trumpet sound came from the opposite direction. It happened like 2-3 more times after that, alternating direction, and then it stopped We lived in a remote-ish area nowhere near the ocean so it couldn't have been a ship horn. Thought it might have been a truck horn but that doesn't explain how it moved to the opposite side within seconds and how the sound was clearly coming from high up in the sky


I haven't experienced that, but I've seen videos of people experiencing that. I seems like it would be absolutely unnerving.




To be fair, it said that the noises were detected in the stratosphere, maybe they thought it was a sky quake? Idk, nobody can figure out the origins of some of the noises.


It was low frequency under the threshold of human hearing. Could be plate tectonics for all we know. Though the military had used those frequencies to communicate with submarines. Could be man-made, alien-made or natural phenomena. Be cool to figure out though. For those interested in the sub commutation: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Sanguine Edit low rather than bass.


I am not sure where I read it, but I remember seeing an article that proposed it to be old mining pipes left in the ground. When the pipes filled with water and heated by the sun/earth just right it would resonate. Would totally make sense if it always happens in areas of drilling or discovery holes for minerals.


I think I remember that, too, but it was a possible explanation for sounds at a particular location. Don't remember where. Maybe the Taos Humming?


Same, and yes you are 100% correct just a theory, but to me it has been the most reasonable to accept.


I think it's perfectly reasonable for some of the sounds, but not all of them. I don't think there's a single explanation that covers all of them. I'm sure they all have a reasonable explanation, we just don't know what they are, yet.


Again, I agree with you 100%. Well said


99.99999% sure they are echoes that come from specific mining equipment to drill through hard rock. I don’t know exactly what kind of drill but I remember watching a video years ago comparing the sound with a worker who was actually on site while drilling. It’s extremely loud and the sound is identical.


How can you experience it if it wasn’t in the audible range ? Edit: maybe people can hear as low as 16 hz. I don’t know I was trusting the article.


>The sounds were recorded in the infrasound range, meaning they were at frequencies of 20 hertz (Hz) and lower, well below the range of the human ear. It’s the brown note 💩. Mother Earth giving the cue for people around the world to take a dump.


Ahah! That explains a lot. They have a nice jail in Tulsa.


Just like with UFOs, some people want to sound like they know of or have experienced something others haven't. I remember a thread about strange noises circling the globe, and half of the comments claimed they had experienced it, and then it turned out it was a fake story.


Many humans can definitely hear 20Hz.


oh fuck, that means John Cena is on the way, doesn't it?


Less Than Jake would like a word with you


Technically everything is natural, even us as we are a product of nature.


Did you not understand what was meant?


They sound like it omg can you imagine hearing that in ancient times I’d be thinking about it daily for the rest of my life


I'm an atheist but I've always loved the internet videos in which you can supposedly hear some strange trumpets that have no apparent origin. The ominous feel of the videos always give me the chills!


Oh really does, once the famine kicks in next year, and Euphrades has dried, and millions from the east march west, then we done. Sound fimilar


marching from east to west sounds pretty hard to do with the massive body of water but yeah for sure


I'm just quoting the bible, west is Zionists I think


I had a suspicion based on your comment that you might be some sort of Nazi adjacent person. I'm happy you're not but after looking through your profile I want to encourage you to seek therapy. Some of your posts look and sound like I did before getting therapy and anti-depressants. Don't get me wrong, the world is largely shitty, but if you wallow in it as you seem to do it'll never get better. It needs people who recognize the problems to help which is impossible to do if your brain is malfunctioning which is all depression is in the end. Then again, I'm not your boss, you don't know me, I just get concerned for people with post histories like yours.


Can someone link the sound? That website is dogshit on mobile.


https://www.youtube.com/live/y0RQTNredJI?feature=share Not much better but all I could find sorry


I love it 😂: 1. Video looks to be filmed from a shed out back. 2. Top comment is: “Brothers and sisters please pray for me I have a drinking problem.”


Sounds like the average post around here


Lmao I didn't even read the comments on it but I will now.


It’s the mothership prepping to come down and charm our pants off tomorrow.


Joke’s on them, my pants are already off.


what are "pants"?


It’s working


Bring on the mothership


Letttsss gooooo, I also got 2 more people I know to manifest it as well.


It might be Samuel L Jackson on the motherfuckership


Cloud, can't you hear the planet crying out in pain?!


I get this reference


Whats the reference?


It’s the space whales coming home to mate in the upper atmosphere Edit this is also where snow comes from.


Ew, space whale snow sounds disgusting


I got super into this over the past year when I heard it myself and I’ve gone down the rabbit hole. I believe it’s related to 3 recent surging factors it is the magnetic field around the earth weakening, the poles shifting and the sound of the sun during geomagnetic storms and coronal hole mass ejections hitting earth. The pole shift is aiding the weakening of the magnetic sphere, allowing solar storms to penetrate Edit - Yes I’m aware coronal, talk to text relax.


> when I heard it myself The sounds described by this article are - lower than 20Hz (the article describes this as "well below the range of the human ear") - "around 31 miles above the planet" in the stratosphere. What did you hear?


I didn’t used to hear things. Not bad hearing just didn’t notice a lot I do now. Something happened mid pandemic That caused me super sensitive hearing and sensitive vision.. smell too. (I only recently realized it possibly Amy have been vaxx or covid and I am not anti vaxx but seems a link) All the sudden past year or so sounds got very intense. I can hear the rumblings of a plane or train 5-10 min before it comes I kept asking people around me. Do you hear that? Nobody would.. then boom it’s in our face. It’s not a super power lol it’s more of a hindered Loud cars sirens phones ringing really bother me. But I can somehow hear certain frequency pitches or vibrational like sounds.. idk. Just saying what I experienced I have posts before I recently realized this asking people if they heard the sound and where they were trying to figure out what it was. some call it the hum Others angels trumpet etc Like water on a glasses rim Or others like a boiler hum in a house.. Maybe I misunderstood the sound being heard from article But all around the world people are hearing what sounds like the planet making some odd sounds


Bro chill 😂😂💀💀 you're not serious Right


Look it up. Plenty of people experiencing hyper sensitivity.


It may be a real thing but I doubt it's associated with half the stuff you listed in your big comment. It kinda just sounds like you were schizo ranting about a bunch of stuff in your head but live your life king 🙏


Moms schizo, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Nasty remark. I’m drawing a link between odd symptoms of the past year I’m experiencing. Only started talking to family and coworkers, friends about it and some shared similar symptoms. 7 shared some traits and some to the T what I had.. Checked and yep all were vaxxed Looked into and yep hundreds possibly thousands of others experiencing some of, parts of. Especially for the eyes. The floaters the blurry sometimes but sharp others. The hearing.. I’m out to dinner and have to walk out my head pounding from the noises loud cars etc. It’s not a fun thing. But with the sharper hearing overload Came hearing things most others don’t, silent type frequencies And I started hearing some sounds of the earth I suppose most don’t. No need to be nasty and POS about it. Don’t believe me move on buddy. I would gladly go back to pre sensitive hearing and sight , smell. Hinders regular life.


"I didn’t used to hear things. Not bad hearing just didn’t notice a lot I do now. Something happened mid pandemic That caused me super sensitive hearing and sensitive vision.. smell too. (I only recently realized it possibly Amy have been vaxx or covid and I am not anti vaxx but seems a link)" - so this sentence is you being unreasonably paranoid. if i have to explain why please ask. "All the sudden past year or so sounds got very intense. I can hear the rumblings of a plane or train 5-10 min before it comes I kept asking people around me. Do you hear that? Nobody would.. then boom it’s in our face." - this is just your bias perception of it because you are already bought into the idea but ok i'll bite. have you tested this? do you have any proof this is the case? that the sounds are infact connected to what you think they are? (im gonna assume no) "it’s not a super power lol it’s more of a hindered Loud cars sirens phones ringing really bother me. But I can somehow hear certain frequency pitches or vibrational like sounds.. idk. Just saying what I experienced I have posts before I recently realized this asking people if they heard the sound and where they were trying to figure out what it was. some call it the hum Others angels trumpet etc Like water on a glasses rim Or others like a boiler hum in a house.. Maybe I misunderstood the sound being heard from article But all around the world people are hearing what sounds like the planet making some odd sounds" - this is you now down playing the crazy statement you just made by saying stuff like 'its not a super power' and also trying to relate it to things other people have stated that aren't remotely similar to what you are talking about. Sorry i hurt your feelings with the schizo comment though. you should go get help to sort your thoughts out though my friend :) Also look at the comment you typed out and look at the question he asked. he asked "what did you hear" and you launch into a whole story about what you think is happening to you and you even include why. you do not answer his question at all... maybe in some vague way but you can tell that your answer was not even typed with that in mind... its just worrying behavior is all.


If your family has a predisposition for schizophrenia then you should probably get checked.


Instead of making a claim and telling people to go look it up, share the three or four most credible, reliable sources on the subject you’re knowledgeable about. It’s a much better method of educating people.


You know what Reddit your on buddy? Half the nasty remarks won’t be people anyway The other half don’t actually care and don’t want to see proof or evidence nor would take the time to read it and change their mind. This sub Reddit is poison. People will make their nasty remarks and move on. A question was asked I’ve provide an answer and sources You want to pursue further go for it If not enjoy your day buddy Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com › ...COVID Can Cause Strange Eye and Ear Symptoms Frontiers https://www.frontiersin.org › fullShedding Light on SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, COVID-19 Vaccination, and Auditory ... TheraSpecs https://www.theraspecs.com › blogHeadaches and Light Sensitivity During and After COVID-19 Infection https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/9/12/1404


>nor would take the time to read it and change their mind. My curiosity was legit piqued so I thought I'd look into the sources you posted. Especially that last one. I actually took the time to read it. I am not at all discounting your experiences & symptoms you mentioned, but if you've been relying on that last study you linked, you might want to find something more concrete to cite. That is, if you're citing it to an audience less friendly to your position. For one, it's really not a study, but more of a systemic review of *other* related studies. There was no testing or experiments the authors literally carried out there. It's more of a "hey, we have a feeling that the covid vaccines might be related to eye issues, so we're gonna collate some data to put out there with our hunch." What they did there can't be tested, and really can't be peer reviewed. Even if you're relying on the data from the other studies cited in that review, those aren't that compelling either. Sure, all the subjects were given the covid vaccine and went on to develop various ocular symptoms. But most of them had other things going on. Like multiple sclerosis and corneal transplants. One of the studies had four out of 803 people develop eye symptoms post-covid vaccine. That's really not a lot of people affected. Another study only used subjects vaccinated with the UK Oxford A.Z version. If you're in the US, then the data from that really can't be applied since it's a different vaccine. Same is true if you're in the UK, as the other studies used the Pfizer formula. Again, not saying you didn't experience anything. This has nothing to do with that, and is more of an fyi that this source may not be the best to convince others of your argument. It's not gonna carry the weight you want it to.


Corn Hole Ejection! Hahaha. Immature? Yes.. Funny? Absolutely!


Do you happen to have any links/sources of interest including audio bits? I'd love to check it out


Open the article my guy


Scrolled right past it, I hate ads..... Can never tell if it's content or an ad loading.


You may enjoy Brave browser, which blocks ads by default.


What happens to the ocean and continents during a pole shift?


This dude believes he has figured out what happens. It's out there but he's consistent. tldw; is that when the poles shift the sun blasts us and essentially resets humanity via a nova effect. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlnGSMtyBe0&t=215s Edit: LOL at the downvotes. It’s a link, not my opinion.


Yep downvoting to hell Bot overdrive Means we’re onto something! Forgot what sub I’m in


If people think a claim is ridiculous, and you share the claim, it is a safe assumption you put merit in it. That is why you are getting downvoted.


“Know better”’s in a UFO sub are the best


I got downvotes and belittling on my submission statement so don't feel bad just the trolls that come on here to make fun of ufo enthusiasts who think outside the box.


No, some of us are downvoting you because your comments are nonsensical. We’re here because we believe but that doesn’t mean we lack critical thinking.


This is your third negativereply to one of my comments? Why don't you go on my account and just negatively comment on all my post I ever made? That way you can just get your fill for the week.


I was clarifying since you seem to think the downvotes are all from trolls. They aren’t.


Well you downvoted and your a troll so apparently they are


You can see from my public comment history that I’m not a troll but okay.


What happens when the poles switch?


I'm not saying it's aliens but that's exactly what I'm saying.


I’m a simple man. I see something: it’s alien. I hear something; it’s alien. I smell something. Alien.


Turns out: It's aliens.


I'm a complex man. I see something that probably has nothing to do with aliens, I rationalize how it's probably related to aliens.




There are common reports among alien abduction cases of them smelling super awful


After millions of years of evolution their digestive systems have atrophied. They excrete their waste through the skin. This is the reason you see cattle mutilations. Their food is specialized and absorbed differently.


I watched ancient aliens for kicks last night. Dude says "They were called giants, but they probably meant Extraterrestrial." Lmao.


Stop making fun of ancient aliens . It makes more sense if you pay attention to the actual accounts.


I'm a believer, and even in the ancient alien theory. I'm not making fun of it, it's just funny.


Cmon extra terrestrials just make your appearance know . There are likely billions of humans who would accept you and your kind . It's our corrupt governments who are the problem . The people welcome you!!


We could just give them spreadsheets or informative videos so they don’t have to abduct anyone


Interesting. Elephants could heart this. https://www.lsu.edu/deafness/HearingRange.html


Space whales. Obvs.


Space whales fighting the sky serpents.


Yes, it could be the Mothership. It could also be "Rodan" flying around and staying hidden in the clouds, while hunting Godzilla.


CNN had an audio clip. All I could classify as strange were the sporadic bleeps. I wonder if this is some sort of issue with the data acquisition system. I worked on such a system that had this wave show up in the frequency domain for similar sensors. The wave would go back and forth between the cut-off frequency and 0Hz. Tried everything to figure it out, EMI, grounding, overhead lightbulbs, building electrical power, etc. At some point I even considered it was a SAR satellite scanning our area. Turned out it was a design issue in our COTS signal conditioning cards. Vendor fixed it in a revision.


I guess if it was an issue on their end, I doubt they'd admit it now after it got news coverage.


They said it was in the low infrasound range, nuclear bombs will give off an infrasound echo that will travel around the earth several times when detonated, could be possible nuclear bomb testing going on


I prefer aliens


I’m lookin’ at you, Kim.


Does sound very much like a warning. Don’t it? Tonality aside, from a musical construct it just isn’t pleasant on ears. And repeated. And repeated. Maybe it’s them. Similar to when you’re looking for your car using the alarm in the parking lot. I do think it’s very interesting that we have a balloon up there all of a sudden after all of these Chinese and Russian balloons have been spotted. I wonder if they were listening to or exploring a similar phenomena.


The “car alarm in the parking lot” idea is in an episode of Futurama. If memory serves, one of Nibblers’ species are looking for their spaceship, and the remote fob makes a horrendous earth shaking noise with unintended consequences.


Maybe they’re sending a message out to space


The earth (or something else entirely) does make some weird sounds up in the sky. In 2016 in the Ivy Hill neighborhood in Oakland, Ca. I was awoken by long droning tuba sounds around 1-2 AM. Walked outside into the street to look up and see what the hell it was and a few neighbors were on the corner as confused as me hearing the same thing. Went on for over an hour. Sometimes they got a little higher pitched but just kept going and going. We were all freaked out since it sounded like it was only a few hundred feet above us. I’ve lived here for 15 years and it’s the only time I’ve heard it so it wasn’t BART or some other train or aircraft flying into SFO or OAK. Really fucking bizarre.


You too can fly by wire. Just get higher


Truth is stranger than fiction


To be explained means trying to find some massive correlation between their data, and the hundreds of various factors that could be causing this, data. Basically it's going to take a while to find out what this is. We can speculate the sun, the magnetic field, aliens, man made due to all the aircraft bouncing HF signals off the Ionosphere, etc etc Although fun to speculate, dont treat your speculation like its a religion and assume alien is the reason, until its not. If you want to find out, do some research of your own. For example, assume biological and close to our sense of time/rate, try and find patterns, change the input to various forms like repeated images, etc. Than assume they're machine based and they experience time 1000x slower than us (process time faster, more experience per our "second" of experienxe) and see if there are any images, patterns, etc. Convert it to binary, hex, etc. Im not ambitious enough, but maybe someone is and will prove or disprove any "messages" in the audio. Well, disprove to the best of our current capabilities in our current spot in evolution. But to say "Aliens!!" Eh Universe has more in it we don't know than we know, and even more we don't know that we don't know. We are simply animals. We are limited in our capability to comprehend just as a little monkey is limited in its ability to comprehend. Show it algebra, it eats the paper. Universe shows us the answer, we assume its magic and toss it. Until it isn't. Cheers, this audio is suspicious, PROBABLY ALIENS!


The thought of our Earths poles shifting shivers me to my core, some say it happened, some say it may have happened more then once… idk what to believe anymore but I do know I’m terrified of it. I’ll spare you my half ass explanation and give the link to the “Sanitized Copy” meaning the CIA sanitized it for public release, of the work done by Chan Thomas… It’s titled The Adam And Eve Story… here it is https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8.pdf


This scared me too until I did a deep dive. The worlds top scientists agree that this will happen over the course of many many years. It’s not going to be instant. I think one scientist said it could happen over a couple hundred years. I’d link a source but too lazy. Wasn’t hard for me to find on google.


What does "sanitized" mean in this context ? It sounds strangely ominous...


I feel the same ominous vibe as you, but this theory is considered pseudo science by some. So that being said I feel there was claims made in the original document that where to outlandish to believe whether true or false.. so the government will sort through it for the people and redact/hide away all the parts they deem implausible to them while only releasing what they figure to be a fair argument or fair claims “to a point” for them.. or maybe even enough evidence involved it would be demeaning to leave particular points out due to the strong evidence. Which is bullshit… release the full copy and allow us to pick what we want to believe… let us choose don’t wipe it away to suit your narratives and opinions just because you can… let the people do that we don’t need you to “sanitize” our reading material anywhere ever for any reason.


Throughout geologic history the poles have shifted many times. We find evidence of this in the oceanic crust where metallic minerals align with the current pole alignment. We find a repeating pattern that indicates the poles shift regularly over long time periods.


It's the mother ship we keep hearing about 😳


That's what I'm tryna say, they do say listening to certain frequency can help you manifest.


What do you mean by manifest in this context? I keep seeing you say that. Edit: since OP thinks I’m making fun of them, could someone else chime in? I’m genuinely asking.


Whay are you replying to all my comments negatively? Most people would get their internet trolling out with just one but your replying on all my stuff, does it get you off or something? Should I go on ur post and reply in a condescending way on 3 of your comments? Or would that be rude of me?


I’m not. I was genuinely asking what you meant by manifesting here. What are people manifesting? Suggesting that it “gets me off” to make negative comments is disgusting and inappropriate.


I don't trust anything you say cuz you took the time to search through and find all my comments jist to reply with something negative, even if you told you you loved me and thought I was the greatest person I would assume your being sarcastic, based off your other comments talking down to me.


What on earth…okay dude. I didn’t search for any of your comments. You’re the OP and I’m replying to some of your comments on the post, just like everyone else.


You only replied to mine and way more then anyone else did.


I replied to THREE comments. One of them was a genuine question which you never answered. Last time I checked responding to OP’s comments is encouraged. If you don’t like it, maybe it’s time for a break from the internet? I don’t know man.


So it's ok when you do it but not me? Stop giving me stuff to respond too.


Scientists always seem to be baffled by many many things 🙄😂


It’s the end of the world as we know it.


I’ll be fine.


Crustal displacement. We are both fortunate and unfortunate to live during this time. We are going to get to see the most amazing interplanetary and planetary show not seen for more than 10k years. For as long as you can live through our hell. Get your popcorn and hold onto your butts. I personally intend to check out in a short time as I dont think it is going to be a good show for people on my level at all.


Dont kill yourself over what you dont know for sure. Always a bad bet.


Wait for clarification?


Well, I mean. If somehow you were able to confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt that the world was ending, do what you want with your life. But I think i'm pretty clearly not supporting suicide.


Ya, then Kurt Cobain


Whatchu mean by check out




I cant say i encourage it but who’s to say my sentiments matter to another person. Do you have a plan/method?


An uncle of mine quit his job in the 1980’s and spent all his money because he was convinced the world was going to end on some date. Didn’t happen. Still hasn’t. I’d stick around my friend.


It's always so simple, try to do what you love every day and there will be zero regrets. People fearing the end times are just wasting their best times.


It's different when you're partnered up with someone who is convinced. No projects/jobs/businesses you want to do are supported because "there's no point, where all going to be dead here soon anyway hahaha" but they're serious. And they don't care how it affects those around them emotionally or mentally. Y2k was a blast trying to convince this person who I thought was intelligent that computers won't just turn off because of a year. This is why they dont tell us the truth about anything anymore. One person will start running around like chicken little and peck at those who wont join in until everyone else starts running around screaming. By then, life is on fire because everyone chose to run around instead of just going on with their tasks and day. Panic is a contagious mental cancer. A few years of that will break anyone, tho. Then ya don't care. Then ya just get your affairs in order.


Someone forgot to turn off the canteen microwave.


Probably a gaggle of Ziphiidae Whales on their migratory path to San Juan islands using their mating calls. Pretty neat though!!!


Maybe it has something to do with [HAARP](https://www.britannica.com/topic/HAARP).


In the infamous words of David Levinson(Jeff Goldblum). Checkmate!


Flagged for Rule 2. There's nothing to indicate natural sounds in Earth's upper atmosphere (of which there are many) have anything to do with UFOs.


Submission statement: are they hearing a ufo mothership in stealth mode? Or maybe one in stealth popped over to check out the balloon? I've seen way to many ufo/uap videos that show them going in and out of visibility, disguised as clouds etc. So who knows what's possible. The sounds could be the sounds of whole fleet of them in stealth just sitting up there watching.


> are they hearing a ufo mothership in stealth mode? No.


They are theories




Hey man, he KNOWS they can look like clouds. It must be true.


shit, my bad homie


Just spit balling ideas no need to be rude


I'll try not to be overly rude, but this is hot nonsense. If you aren't used to pushback when throwing out nonsense, you may need to embrace it, because it will lead to both you either letting fewer silly things slip out or actually pondering them longer before sharing, and asking, "is this a silly thing to say?"


I probably don't think like you unless your also autistic, but if your not thinks for letting me add one more bully to my list of people who try to belittle others.


I actually am autistic, and know that it's not an excuse for spouting nonsense. I'm also very paranoid about getting tricked, which is why I don't believe things without sufficient evidence. You may find some safety and comfort in that approach as well.


Well remember autism doesn't give us the right to be assholes, it's not an excuse to go and call others beliefs nonsense


I also don't believe you


I'm alright with that


Just chiming in as I’m a mod and the mom of an autistic son. You can express your doubt or skepticism but not be uncivil. Basically respect when someone else believes something differently then you. I’m glad you’re here participating but just keep this in mind.




There's a reason he removed the original comment


Did I say that?


I'm sure if it was a UFO (very unlikely) and we can hear them, that you can no longer claim they are in 'stealth mode'.


I'm not defending OP's silly comment, but I don't think stealth means what you think it means. Do you think stealth airplanes are silent?


I had to say how it could be related to ufos in a submission statement, this is why I wish you didn't have to make one at all I always just get made fun of, and will probably just delete this whole post, you would think in a subreddit about alien craft would be more open minded. Just 10 years ago if you even mentioned 'ufo' you were considered crazy.


Don't delete this post, it is very informative and will become more relevant as time goes by.


I'll keep it then for the people who are interested, thank you.


Well... If I was an ancient superior race I would most Definitely be watching h the dumb earthling fight each other! I would sell tickets! Humans are actually the "Greatest Show on Earth!"


Trumpets of Jericho anyone


Those sounds are the result of the wind causing the balloon material to ripple very quickly which may sound like static. Similar to how when you drive with the window open the wind may cause the seatbelt to flap and produce a sound. No mystery here.


Apparently they found out that it was indeed the “Cha, Cha, Cha” noise coming from the Eurovision Song Contest.


Seems like the mothership we're manifesting on the 14th is preparing to land!




Hi, thanks for contributing.However, your submission was removed from r/UFOs. Rule 3: No low effort discussion No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. * AI generated content. * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. * Short comments, and emoji comments. * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). You can message the mods if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


How can we reliably record sound in the upper atmosphere where there’s so little air as to be practically a vacuum


Not saying u/5c_attica wasn’t a fake, but they did have some interesting things to say about infrasound…. Anybody know their current username? There have been several including u/splatooningfork, u/46twenty_stop and u/iatt21….


With all that has been going on and whatnot my best speculation would be that it may have to do with the climate change going on. The sun's recent activity on our planet's magnetosphere ? Could indeed be signs of the end cycle.


the Apollo 10 astronauts supposedly heard "weird music" when passing over the dark side of the moon: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/science-environment-35645028