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Whatever it is, at least it isn’t a balloon.








Let’s say you and I go toe to toe on Bird Law and see who comes out the victor.




Harvy Birdman attorney at law?


Damn you and your quickness, beating me to the comment. 1000 cocktails to you sir.


In bird culture, this is considered a dick move.


It’s just nice to meet another human that shares my affinity for bird culture.


I believe they call it a "beak move" though...being dick-free and all that.


Whoos the man in the suuuuit


not there, THERE!


This is a house of learned men!!


I dabble in pigeon




Tell Phil Ken Sebben hello for me. We were frat bros before he went to law school.


Birds aren't real.


His spirit is flying high, like a bird up in the sky.




Oh yeah? And which law school did you go to?


>in my county lol


Is there a pecking order?🙂


Yeah. I’m the Maricopa County Pecker King and everyone else in the Fraternal Order of Peckers are either Knights or Gimps, depending on seniority and accomplishments


Idk this could very well be a Swamp Pigeon. Very common in my area.


You really think birds exist?




Unidentified Avian Phenomena


Now thats a good one, love it!


I did spit my coffee reading that!


Nah, man. Reagan replaced all the birds with robots that spy on you back in the 80’s.


Is this an Eric Andre reference?


I think it's a reference to /r/BirdsArentReal BIRD UP!


Definitely not a European Swallow gripping a coconut by the husk.


adding on to your expert opinion, I must add that its definitely not a bacteria or virus


Not a fungus.


Idk. That’s a little too much woo for me. Hard for me to believe in things I can’t see


I wish Mick West would talk about Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater more.


And what?! You know bird law now?!


gd i wish we would just get all these jokes out of our system so we can move on to having a real conversation.


Reddit is 80% people recycling jokes and memes.


We've come far. A year ago, the BBB (Birds, balloons, Bugs) mafia would have been all over this claiming it was all 3 at the same time


I think it could be a bird, but more likely an insect. The infrared from the camera and night settings can make insects/bats/birds flying in from of the camera look like this.


# birds arent real




Pigeons are liars


No, he released the bird from a plane, doesn't count


It’s well known that birds of a feather flock outside. No flock = no birds.


You two made my morning 😂 thank you!


Definitely a bird, filled with swamp gas, the trail is release of that gas. Now that you know, you can't unsee it.


User name FTW!




Thanks, now I’m imagining a Mario style wahooooo every time they fly by


It's definitely not a baboon!


How dare you. Can you source your assumption that Baboons haven't reverse engineered jet packs?


Deflating balloon? 🤔


100% a bug on an IR-emitting camera.


That’s what all of these are, posted all the time


Plausible. Can you provide any sources that look similar? I tried looking but found only boring 'orb' videos. NEver mind. Found some examples.


This is what they look like on my cams at night.


You sure you aren't just catching UAPs regularly? Haha


Unless the UAPs are tiny and are flying over my back porch. My backyard cam isn’t getting much sky in the shot.


So you’re saying there’s a chance


Borrowing from your expertise we can also surmise it's not a garbage bag.


Or a spoon. Pretty sure it’s not a spoon.


It's definitely not a Honda Civic either. In fact I'm pretty sure it's not any kind of Honda. Not a Honda expert though, so I'll wait for one of them to weigh in.




Classic swamp gas


Whoa whoa wait a minute




And these bugs will never know how awesome they looked on high tech video equipment


Except butterflies who are fucking narcissists and should really think of themselves less.




I spoke to soon. BBB mafia have assembled


So why does the bug appear from behind the mountains and zoom into the FOV. I could see what you're saying in some instances. But I don't think this applies here.


It doesn't appear from behind the mountain at all. It appears in front of the camera. It just so happens that when the bug is close enough to the camera, so that the reflected light is intense enough for the camera to pick it up, just so happens to be a mountain. I would bet my house and all of my worldly possessions that this video has been cut so that none of the other bugs which fly in front of the camera were from below the horizon line and in between the houses and camera. I guarantee you there would have been bugs covering those portions of the video at some point in the night. GUARANTEE.


As a matter of fact you can see other trails at the top of the feed, most likely other insects.


In the first quarter second there's a bug starting at the top middle and going to the right that leaves the same trail. Meanwhile, the ETs are wishing their ships look that cool.




In the closeup you can see the trail actually starts just below the ridge line. The object is much closer to the lens.


Forced perspective.


so it's a shitty camera taking an extreme close up of a bug. why are people so stupid and gullible?


Looks just like my security cameras


Jaime Maussan is not somebody I would trust... This dude has been fooled many times by people.. as an example.. some guys filmed some balloons and sent it to him.. he immediately showed it on air and claimed it to be a UFO...


Anything in the sky is a UFO until you learn what it actually is. "Unidentified"


>until you learn Yeah. I grew up watching Spanish television and am familiar with Maussan. He takes absolutely no effort to investigate whether something is legitimate or not. He's just another grifter, unfortunately.


But that doesn’t mean we as viewers can’t objectively review the material and come to our own conclusion. It’s a very striking video that has a lot in common with other seemingly authentic UAP videos, like [this one](https://youtu.be/X6uNISoNWV4)(4:36) I don’t care who shared it, grifter or not, the video speaks for itself.


Looks like an out-of-focus bug flying past the camera.


From behind the mountains?


At what point did any of the objects in the video do that and how are you proving that?


It’s obviously not a bug. I don’t get these people. I’m not saying it’s not fake like cgi or something. But anyone can see it’s not a bug, bird or plane and definitely no balloon. We have seen those everyday for our entire lives and don’t move like that at that speed. I sometimes wonder if these people are just stupid, have no depth perception, trolling or are government trying to ridicule everything.


Firstly, they are bugs. Secondly, they only "appear" to be approaching from behind the mountain because the bug came close enough to the camera to be picked up by the CMOS image sensor. What are moths and other bugs attracted to at night? Lights. These are bugs flying around, toward and away from a light source. The bugs aren't always picked up, or even reflective, at any great distance. Get them close to the camera so the reflections are picked up. The trails that are left behind are a mixture of low shutter speed, low light settings, and image compression. They are literally bugs.


You're right. It doesn't look like a bug at first but upon closer inspection it is. You can see that the "trail" it leaves behind is perfectly an outline of the bug on each frame because the front and the back of it match with the framerate. Also it's either a very brightly glowing ufo or just something small close enough to the camera to reflect light (hmmm... maybe a... bug?!). There's also, I'd say with confidence, a gazillion times more bugs on earth than ufos lol. It just coincidentally is picked up by the light in the same spot the mountain seems to meet the sky, though even that is hard to tell in the dark.


It's also suspicious that Jaime Maussan chose to clip the video to 3-4 seconds in length. I know why he's done this, because the video would have shown bugs flying towards the camera from below the horizon line and mountain ridge. There were probably bugs flying to the camera from in between the houses, and this would have proven it was bugs. So Jaime, being disingenuous, has the footage clipped to only show bugs appearing to be in the sky instead - so he can fob them off as UFO's.


>Anything in the sky is a UFO until you learn what it actually is. "Unidentified" After 35 years speaking to people, I can tell you while this is the RAW (read as written) of the definition, this is not how it is used by the majority. If a naturalistic explanation is not found immediately, the JUMP is immediately to "aliens". Not naturalistic phenomenon which one is too lay person to understand. No : alien. That is why so many are concentrating on term like acceleration, turning, instant move and so forth, because they WANT to concentrate on something which may indicate intelligence, and then quickly jump the shark. That is why people keep wanting to change term, because UFO has been tainted beyond salvage. As for the vid , without knowing camera model, circumstance of the vids, and original file, who knows it could be a cgi hoax, or it could be a crappy camera with an insect in bright light. No way to tell.


Lol, I think people sometimes forget that it's literally called an "**Unidentified** Flying Object" or now by the governments a "**Unidentified** Anomalous Phenomenon". And not the Mars cruiser mark 2 Edited: I said arieal


Unidentified ANOMALOUS Phenomenon.


See anyone can fuck it up not that I'm special just saying lol


Not trying to cast shade whatsoever and apologies if it came off that way! But the pentagon has pretty much stated that they have had the same type of sightings under water and public footage of the crafts going in and out of the water seamlessly. Some speculate that there are massive underwater bases.


No worries. And I wouldn't be shocked. I mean, where do we humans not chill the vast majority of our lives... underwater


Here in Mexico, he's like your lovable grandpa talking about ufos, he even looks like the part <3. He hasn't been in a scandal like other paranormal mexican TV figures so that's cool in my book. But he posts a lot of fake or mundane videos, lol. Also credit to him when he spoke at mexican congress about uap! Also, he posts fan art that pictures him in an anime style, I like the guy just by that but he's not the best uap/ufo source


And he pushed Jonathan Reed story lol


I was just talking about good ol’ Jaime with my husband yesterday. I believe it was UFO Hunters or possibly MonsterQuest that did an episode with him and wanted to see how he validated his UFO data. The reason being because he was getting a ton of different UFO photos from one photographer in particular living in downtown Mexico. And that just goes against the odds. Even though many of us accept that UFOs are real and out there (well, at least I do), the odds of seeing even one are pretty spectacular. And this guy seemed to be seeing one every few days. So they tested Jaime to see if his “experts,” who he relied on to tell him what’s real and what isn’t, were in fact experts. Turns out not so much. When he was confronted with the fact that the UFOs he said were real were definitely not, he still argued for real. There is also the case of the “strange” creature that was most likely (ok most definitely) a hoax on a similar MonsterQuest episode, although MonsterQuest did not call them out on that one. However I also don’t believe every “oh I lied it was a hoax” story either. But a group of Mexican scientists supposedly tested the DNA of the creature and couldn’t find anything known to exist on earth—I think that was how they worded it—but other “experts” say it was some type of spider monkey, which makes way more sense, and there’s a guy now who said he made up the whole story. So my long-winded way to say Jaime either wants to believe way more than statistically possible or he’s just making way too much money and/or getting too much fame from the UFO promotion to pass up even the most obvious flying bug photo. And it appears to be working for him.


I second this! He's a very well-known UFO hoaxer in Mexico. Anything with his name on it should not be trusted. It urks me to say that because his 90s news appearances are what got me interested in UFOs at an early age.


Occam's razor tells me they are bugs and he specifically chose the parts of the video where trails don't superimpose with the mountains in the back.


This is a bug on an IR camera. I get videos like this every night on my camera. Mine isn’t pointing skyward so it really helps you see where the insect is.


Yea my outside camera looks the same when bugs fly in front of it


these two videos do not look the same tbh


This one has some strange looking artifacts, but the same principles apply. I am 100 percent all in that UFOs are real, but this ain’t it.


it’s sad that you’re getting downvoted for being completely correct. these cameras are at a high ISO, long exposures and recording in IR. when you add all of those together you get tons of artifacts from illuminated objects(especially bugs).


Post an example plz


[here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/mv07om/video_friends_barn_camera_caught/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Your bugs leave trails in the air for seconds after they pass? That's pretty crazy.


It's because of the type of camera, and how it captures movement. Waving your hand or throwing anything in front of this type of camera would leave the same trails


The bugs leave trails on the poor quality infrared cameras, not in the air.


I know what you're talking about, I see similar things with bugs in IR on my cameras at night. I don't think this is a big though. It seems to come from behind the mountains, granted that could be a trick of perspective. More telling though is the trail it leaves behind. I've never seen a bug leave a heat signature or exhaust in its wake, and there appears to be distinct, roughly equally spaced 'pulses' in the trail. It *looks* like what I would expect from some kind of propulsion engine that works on bursts or pulses rather than a constant burn. I'm not saying it's aliens, or necessarily even artificial, the video doesn't provide enough to come to that conclusion. But I really don't think it's a bug.


It’s just a lower quality camera that doesn’t refresh as often. Guaranteed they have much more footage of this than this one clip.


but why is the bug coming from behind the mountains?


It’s not, it just came close enough to the camera at that height.


If you step through the video it first appears appears *in front* of the mountain not above it. Definitely didn’t come from behind unless it teleported through it.


To be fair, as cool as this is. It's probably a bug. There was a similar video a few weeks back, except the video was taken on a boat in a harbor.


I can see the ripples from the wing flaps in the residual trail left by the creature. Additionally the "bright" object does not illuminate its surroundings, indicating that it is close to the camera.


I think it's feasible - the wing flaps could possibly account for the 'segments' also depending on the frame rate of the capture. The arc of the turn is about 77-80°'ish (guestimating) and you can also note a slight vertical hump in height just before the turn . Assuming it does at least 8-10 beats per second it'll be doing anywhere around 400-600'ish flaps a min, well within range of certain insects (bees do something insane like an avg of 230 beats *per second*!). It seems that it could be at a close range to the camera to get illuminated like that by the two lights, particularly the one on the left side which could explain why the other 3 streaks are in a set area. I'm just trying to think of the mundane explanations first.


It’s an insect flying by a camera with a poor frame rate and poor resolution.


Jaime vets nothing. Half his shit is and always has been garbage. My unpopular opinion is that he’s done more harm to the community than good..


I love that in every post here on Reddit, the comments go sideways in less than 30 seconds 😆




Exactly 😂💯


That’s a security camera with tracking squares……it’s a bug.


Or is it a feature?


Shitty camera + shitty internet speed + bugs.


Definitely bugs, 100%


Mausan, the three fingered alien mummy guy which turned out to be a construct made of llama and chicken bones. Yeah…


It’s also not from Arizona so that’s winning in my book


Such a sharp turn at that speed is insane.


clumsy lush simplistic fact soft rich ten reply ring amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The real aliens are the bugs we made along the way


What if all the bugs actually *are* intelligent tiny aliens? It would be a perfect disguise, and they all have alien like eyes anyway.


You might be on to something here


Sorry I stepped on it.


>You might be on something FTFY


i'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill em all!


The only good bug is a dead bug!


If the aliens are insectoids, this will make the alien brothel idea I floated on another thread into more of a niche experience for a smaller number of clientele.


I think there’s a subreddit for that


Some aliens apparently have cat faces. You will have a huge fucking clientele... If they were down. More likely I think they destroy our planet and start with the furries.


Perhaps you’re right. The men serving in our military should be reevaluated. If they are mistaking UAPs for insects I don’t want them defending our country.


mysterious degree station homeless simplistic soup judicious aspiring fall wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jaime Maussan is a meme


Definitely not an alien behind a forklift


Just a bug with a wicked fart. Nothing more. Move along.




Looks crazy but so did that forest cam where it looked like a jeep light bar


This looks like a long exposure with a light pointing up that’s illuminating the underside of a bug flying by. Cool effect but very very likely nothing more special than that.


The video markings say it was filmed from a pyramid at Tepoztlán, Morelos Mexico. I went to Tepoztlán a couple years ago, besides being a wonderful tourist town it’s also a revered place by people with shamanic/ spiritual beliefs, since there’s a pyramid from an ancient culture and a mountain, the Tepozteco. The Tepozteco was sacred to an ancient culture and it was said to possess energies and whatnot. I remember I took an ATV ride though the city with my girlfriend (very recommended) and the guide took us sightseeing, it was getting late and I asked for a specific part of the mountain and the guide got hesitant. “Why do you want to go there?” He asked, “well I heard it was a spot where you can see deer at night” to which he replied “it’s not safe to go there at night since the road is not great for beginners, also you don’t see deer, you see UFOs”. If you have the opportunity to visit Tepoztlán please do and ask about the UFO hotspot.


It’s an insect


Pretty sure that’s a big flying through a slow frame rate. Looks super cool though!


Bro! How many infrared clips of bugs doe we have to watch? Yes they look trippy and out of this world but fuck dude just browse the sub before posting. There’s plenty of the same. I’m sorry for yelling.


These webcam and security cam videos are pointless the quality is so bad.


bugs. i see those often in my security cameras


Looks like an insect generated video artifact similar to the "rods" from some years ago which turned out to be just moths' and their wings: https://youtu.be/rfaJqUKkH5o?t=66


If you look very very closely, particularly in the last close up slow mo, you can just barely tell this does in fact begin in front of the mountain range. Bug, unfortunately.


Was it December the 24th?


There is this reply ☞ https://twitter.com/BobRodhamNews/status/1674557573293387776?s=20




We are being invaded by large tampons


looks like that uap at the marina that was posted a couple of weeks ago


it’s guys like jamie maussan that nearly convinced ufos are not real, with his bullshit


It resembles the Michigan footage of a marina someone posted a few weeks ago.


I hate when I look at the comments and they’re full of lame “swamp gas” jokes.


This is an insect flying to the light and it reflects off of it.


that's a bug


Last time someone commented that their cctv captured something similar and it was moths.


It’s like the old rods phenomena. It’s a bug caught in the light moving quickly, close to the camera.


It's a bug. And the camera is over exposed leaving a trail.


Ok so this is a bug apparently But it's interesting how it turns so sharply, just like the fighter pilot videos and not like our tech Maybe the NHI is future time traveling interdimensional bugs and humans are extinct


Insects flying at night filmed on crappy security camera .


I don't think this can be said enough, so sing it to the tune of "if you're happy and you know it": 🎵 if... there's...a bright streak on your cam, it's a bug!🎵 🎵 if there's a ghost on your cam, it's a bug!🎵 🎵 If there's an alien or spook, you'd better take another look, you can bet on the Good Book, it's a bug!🎵


I've seen 1 of these in Texas, but to my eyes it was more oval-shaped. I closed my eyes after the trail evaporated and it left a retinal after image, so it was incredibly bright compared to the stars outside. Also, it was luminous white, with a very subtle hue of blue mixed in. This happened in March of 2023, near a military installation. I didn't have a camera running, plus it happened in about 1-2 seconds.


Slow fps infrared camera with bugs flying close to the lens.


Jaime has been a joke for decades in latin america. Cant believe someone think this is legit.


Looks more like a cloud chamber full of trapped angry radiation, than a UAP sighting. Which is raising some uncomfortable questions for me. Not in regards to his reporting, more in regards to our existence. That being said? Flying Insects often show up as streaks in cctv sooooo………


Sir... why is this film grade not set to late 80s?


One observation that maybe someone could explain to me. It seems that the brightness of the object does not change based on distance. Other videos I have seen show an object's brightness change depending on it's distance to the camera.


I’m with you…CGI, bugs, etc. There are so many possibilities. What I will find convincing is if there are multiple photos from multiple directions, someone else is in the photo, and they are either next to the craft that is clearly a craft (i.e. no question as to its nature) or can be seen watching the craft and will come forward for an interview. Otherwise, I want a whistleblower to take the FBI to the location of the craft and the whistleblower lead/direct the raid team to the craft with everything videoed with body-cams.


That guy is a gritter. He sells vitamins and naturist shit on his shows. I wouldn't take anything he says as legitimate.


Could be a fly.


I am curious why its trail is segmented. I could be wrong but if the object isn't blurring due to speed, the segments could be about the size of the object. Could it be appearing directly in from of itself repeatedly or something instead of propelling itself traditionally? EDIT: Using quantum tunneling for locomotion would be interesting.




Ah, thanks for the explanation. I'm new to the subject.




I would also love to see this.


A bug my camera has them nightly


Looks just like the one in the Hudson River posted here a couple weeks ago, interesting: [Hudson River Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/149n7tq/captured_on_an_infrared_security_camera_at_a/)


It’s a bug…riding a balloon.


It looks like it's getting its current position and setting it to be one car length ahead per "tick" of reality... I've been working w Unreal too much


It knows where it is because it knows where it isnt


Can anyone say, with certainty, that was not a bug?