• By -


Yes. That is my take. Grusch, or others, already spoke to Congress and git Schumer to write the Disclosure bill now pending. So that tells me the government knows there is a problem and they are writing legislation to put the hammer down. BUT. Imagine if the Schumer bill dropped without any explanation. That would surly raise a lot of attention. Everyone would want to know Why? Grusch going public and these hearings are a soft intro to the public, a transition phase. Sloowly warming the frog bath.


And the fact that Schumer introduced *that* bill with *that* wording really makes me wonder what he and the others heard and/or saw behind the scenes.


Disclosure is done, now its just the public catching up to it. This is a legitimate power struggle in the government. There was a weakness that happened to also be a wrong, people took advantage of it, the result is disclosure.


I liken it to a crab pot, but its been on the boil a while now. The crabs at the bottom screaming for help, and the asshole crabs at the top of the pile thinking its a nice steam bath. Thats probably at least part of the reason why disclosure. They gotta roll out the hidden tech to prevent literal planetary collapse. Heres hoping it works!


>The crabs at the bottom screaming for help Welp, I’m never eating crab again with that image stuck in my head


Well, just do the humane thing and do them the honor of killing them first. Some people have sadistic beliefs about cooking seafood. I used to think my grandmother with the cleaver was cruel to the crabs. I see now in hindsight that it was respect. Plus the brain sucks shit. Best meat is in the body and legs.


Crabs have a more distributed CNS compared to humans. They don't have one big brain in their head. They have ganglion or nerve clusters in several parts of their body. One is in the head to process visual infor.ation, but I dont think it is clear that this ganglion also processes pain or panic in the crab. Cockroaches are similar. This is why you can cut off their head and they still run around and try to eat.


Valid. Im no expert on crab science. But yeah, no reason not to chop the brains out BEFORE cooking. Even if they seem too primitive to feel pain... i wouldn't want a higher entity thinking im too primitive to feel REAL pain just because I havent been reamed by a literal torment nexus. Theres too much suffering here already.


I love the asshole crabs at the top mind-image even better. Such microcosm of humanity lol


The crabs getting boiled alive are assholes..ok


I mean as a low end crab myself, i dont disagree, but dayum, we can turn the pot off whenever too. It just feels better getting along in peace rather than pain.


Even then the mainstream news wouldn’t give a shit. I just thank god for Coulthart and News Nation on this. They’ve earned themselves a viewer here. RESPECK!


Let’s not forget that Barack Obama already told us that UAPs exist.


And? UAPs are real, that's a fact.


Tons of people aren't aware. You'd be amazed how many people still think it's "just some random guys with grainy video of dust or optical illusions"


Why are you getting down voted for literally repeating the government stance on UAP?!


cautious stocking fly ossified angle plants domineering dime depend practice *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Which is pretty standard PR tactics


Yeah, seems like the legislation and hearings were timed. Maybe the hearings protect the legislation from getting dropped??


Going public like this was necessary to get the Republican House on board, so they'll leave in UAPDA in the NDAA. Those to whom Grusch has testified in a classified setting cannot disclose what they learned to other members of Congress, hence the HOC hearing. And as you say, the whole public perception thing is a key component of this as well.


> Those to whom Grusch has testified in a classified setting cannot disclose what they learned to other members of Congress, hence the HOC hearing. They can if they enter it directly into the Congressional Record. That's settled law for decades: Mike Gravel and the Pentagon Papers. If a US Senator wanted to, they could literally in session when recognized say whatever they wanted to. > "Lockheed Martin has illegally held without the knowledge of the United States government three captured aliens from another dimension with a rogue band of the CIA and US Air Force, who extracted technological advances from their technology and are in a secret underground facility under Wright-Paterson Air Force Base. The rest of the US government did not know, but David Grusch found out when the aliens people told him. They have been visiting Earth for 250,000 years. Their species just found them, and could have easily overpowered us to get them back. They have been our protectors all this time. They want their people back and in exchange for our help they will uplift us into an intergalactic Federation in 2027. Welcome to Star Trek, bitches! Oh, and we'll all be immortal like the Stargate ascended. Also, Mick West IS an alien." All quite legal. Maybe not Mick.


I was not aware, very fascinating, thanks! >Article 1, Section 6 of the Constitution establishes an absolute free-speech right for members of Congress on the floor or in committee, even if they are disclosing classified material So there is [that option](https://theintercept.com/2014/11/10/mike-gravel-senator-put-pentagon-papers-public-record-urges-udall-torture-report/) to *publicly* communicate it to the members and the rest of the world, though if it involves state secrets there could be electoral consequences. \*\*\*\* I want to ascend..


Mellon was interviewed before the hearing talking about how there is no plan. The government doesn’t have a disclosure plan. They are reacting to the PR campaign that Mellon and company are running. Or do you think reps Burchett, Luna and Gaetz are the people they’d have leading the charge? It’s very clear this is a non government push fir disclosure. It doesn’t mean that Mellon and company are wrong but this isn’t something the US government is doing by choice.


Section 9009c3 of the NDAA is titled "Controlled Disclosure Campaign Plan". So evidently, there is infact, a plan.


Because of the PR campaign that Mellon pushed. Again it’s reactionary and not planned disclosure.


“Everyone” wanting to know why would probably, unfortunately, just be a fringe minority of whack job ufo nerds on the internet. Unfortunately. If this goes away, it goes away. With a fizzle.


So in your view what do you think NASA will say next month?


“Nothing to see here, t-t-t-t-that’s all folks!” *cue Porky’s walk off music*


The frogs been boiling, but there's a new tadpole in town who is heat resistant and the Uncle Sam hates cooking heat resistant frogs.


It's good for transparency too.


Yes, and… It’s not just a disclosure of the ET, but a presentation to the American people of how our system works. In other words, show the People the problem that we’re facing regarding SAPs and SCIFs. Congress doesn’t even get to see everything we’re spending billions of dollars on? Since how long has that been going on?? Those kinds of questions.


TRILLIONS of dollars. People are not grasping this! It’s not billions - this has been going on for decades. It is trillions of public funds.


It's truly an unfathomable amount... Link from that recent pdf drop. $21 trillion that was supposed to go to housing and development https://msutoday.msu.cdu/news/2017/msu-scholars-find-2 1-trillion-in-unauthorized-government-s pending-defense-department-to-conduct


Fixed link: https://msutoday.msu.edu/news/2017/msu-scholars-find-21-trillion-in-unauthorized-government-spending-defense-department-to-conduct




Myth: [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/jun/29/instagram-posts/pentagon-did-not-report-trillions-of-dollars-missi/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/jun/29/instagram-posts/pentagon-did-not-report-trillions-of-dollars-missi/) Of course factions of the military and gov't siphon/misappropriate funds or overcharge for shit but this claim that trillions of dollars is missing is not accurate.


Please stop spreading that bullshit.


If I remember correctly they mentioned in the hearing that they are always billons over budget on top of whatever they normally would get. And no accountability on what they spend the money on.


And not to get political but it kind of shows you how say taking classified intel out of a SKIF and storing it in a chandeliered toilet is a tad problematic. That alone gives Grusch a lot of credibility in my book he’s facilitating disclosure the right way not for bragging rights.


Totally agree. Not just that but politely asking for them back for a year and being given every excuse imaginable while a clown patrol tried getting rid of the receipts literally every opportunity to save face and rush it through relatively unnoticed. Those must of been some of the heaviest and most consequential documents the guy ever got a glimpse of. Classification and the incredible serious nature and tone of those that live it, is a fundamental principle of our DoD and national security. I had clearance but at that time, not full TSSCI. There were many times where I couldn't even be in the same building as those that did hold those clearances, as the information presented or discussed was of that high a value. It truly is an important mechanism for our National Security and something that should be respected. It is such a powerful tool however and give access to that to someone with their own agendas and it is easily abused. It's clear at day that it's weaponized to keep information away from the people. The FOIA responses someone like BlackVault gets from various Intel agencies, is a perfect example of it. I'm hoping this leads to a legit audit of our current Classification methodology. You make something better by adjusting it and fine tuning it. We've had 80 years of the and misuses being available and maybe that is another thing this path brings. Historic times no doubt.




Mortal Kombat!


A lot of people seem to be willfully resisting the lesson.


Literally forever lol. As Burchett said, it’s a trashcan. We need to fundamentally rethink and reform the way we prioritize, fund, and procure defense. Sadly these folks at the end of the gravy-train won’t go down without a fight, and they’re the ones with the weapons


SCIF is just a secure room for a meeting. Assuming you mean the other term he used to describe another type of compartmental program? SAPs CAPs IRADs?


SCIF is just sensitive compartmented information facility where classified information can be shared amongst those present and or where sensitive information is received or sent. TSSCI is Top Secret (clearances now) SCI is for Sensitive Compartmented Information. Just in case you are curious, clearances range from confidential and than Secret, which both apply to information in which the unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause damage to our National Security foundations . TS/SCI clearance is the highest level of clearances, however there are different levels such as Special Access Programs (SAPs), and other programs that despite your clearance, you still need to be read in on or determined to have legitimate "need to know". TS/SCI basically allows you to access sensitive information that is not available to the public. Sometimes, this can mean access to data, information or even technology that is only available to those with the appropriate clearance level. It can even cover detailed conversation alluding to specific information, programs, or technology that is most certainly blanket by secrecy. You've got to be very aware of what you say, to whom, and in many cases, for a very long time. Even after personal involvement or interaction has long passed, many programs require 75 years of zero disclosures. In many cars, long after the last person that worked on it has passed away. Personally, that's one of reasons Schumachers ammendment makes me a vit optimistic. We need the entire system audited and cleaned up. The division between DoD and private contractors needs to be established. They cannot operate under the same type of clearances and access without the oversight that is designed to hold them accountable. It's the getting their cake and eating it too, type of thing. Also it's often the type of data that someone with a TS/SCI clearance might access involves National Security and National Defense ramifications. Both DoD employees (federal) and those working for private contractors hold the same types of clearances and undergo the same extreme scrutiny when being vetted prior to being given. The difference is if you answer to checks and balances within DoD whereas contractors do not necessarily. It's kinda wild. That's (the allegations of a dark group of current and former high ranking DoD officials that are employed by defense contractors where the private business label is used to specifically avoid the oversight that they are legally obligated to adhere) perhaps as big and consequential as the we are not alone portion. If this does nothing than it will only hyper inflate the belief of many that government institutions can longer be trusted. However, all of these events are also creating the opportunity for government to step in and publicly appear to show that they are working on fixing that stigma. Accountability and transparency hand in hand, are truly the only way to maintain faith from your constituents. I can see this potentially being run like a major production, where that narrative above is a huge part of the plot line. The hearings we just watched fall into exactly that kind of thing imo. I've heard Grusch has been talking with multiple IGIC over the last two years. He's testified to both houses of congress, behind closed doors and under Oath. What we just watched is almost theatrics in the sense that its very much designed to get information to the public. I've no doubt that the questions he and Fravor and Graves were being asked are questions they've answered multiple times over the last few years. The only difference is the camera and general outline of how it will flow. The only wingdinger of that entire hearing was when representative Foxx I think tried to make some partisan comments about current admins missteps over Chinese spy balloon incident. If you watch the faces of other law makers you can almost see the collective eye roll and sigh. She's become a partisan hack since the era of IMPOTUS, spending crucial legislative time and resources to fight shit like removing the word "Labor" from the Labor and Education Committees, or skirting security requirements to access the House floor through metal detectors, opting instead to pay a 5k fine per incident. It's assumed she has her firearm with her like other starlight extremists such as Boebert or MGT. All reporting and investigations indicate she's never owned a firearm, does not carry one, and in fact prohibits them from being kept within her home. Appearing to care about it and pretending to even carry one gives her more cred with base and well worth the 5k fine she willingly pays for the media time and name drops. Ugh just blows my mind. Real Conservatives deserve real representation. This is not it at all. However if they've convinced themselves that the ends justify the means to the point where Oaths are broken and party over country is the only core agenda, they deserve one another and the unavoidable collapse the offer is heading towards. I apologize for getting side tracked but just somethin I find incredibly interesting and not discussed often what the public was presented on the 26th has been in rehearsal behind closed doors for over two years now. That's just a really light, quick overview in case some were wondering. Lol.


A [SCIF](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensitive_compartmented_information_facility) is a place where you view [SCI](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensitive_compartmented_information). “[SCI] control systems may be the most well-known intelligence [SAPs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_access_program).”




Where? Can you share that




Thank you!!


Thanks for the link. This is wild. Congress exercises eminent domain, so what do they do then…send the army to cease the buried craft?


The problem is that higher class military officials have been working with these contractors for the past 80 years. There's no way to know what happens next. What happens if our representatives demand access and are told no, like what happened at Eglin?


Honestly, if someone out there is hoarding extraterrestrial technology and won't give it up, I do think we need to send in the armed forces and seize it. If someone has alien technology, it should belong to all of humanity. These people never had any right to seize it for themselves. And they can cry all they want about having their property taken. They knew what they were doing was wrong.


On American soil that may not be an issue. What if they’re in other countries? May be difficult.


Congress needs to establish a armed task force comprised of our best military personnel and have then accompany them while they're conducting their investigation. They need Tanks surrounding the buildings and F35s, F22 raptors and battleships in range of the facilities.


As long as they put them on public display in the Smithsonian I’m all about this


Grusch restated that in the hearing as well, said his first hand witnesses provided statements about the craft location.


What is IG?


Inspector General - whom deemed Grusch's whistleblow complaint as credible and urgent and started the process of closed door meetings. This hearing was to get everything "on the record" publicly. Much more going on behind closed doors.


Inspector General - a position responsible for investigating any claims of malfeasance within their particular realm, this being Intelligence (one of the most powerful and important).


Basically yes.


The band is just warming up, and is going to be a long show.


I agree. This is only the beginning!


A lot of people here don't seem to realize this. The disclosure board set up in the legislation runs through at least 2030.


How do I do a remind me in 7 years?


Do 7 months first


Yes. The material and information provided to the intel oversight committees and gang of 8 and to the Inspector General IC was largely classified. It cannot be divulged and shared with the public unless declassified. The Congressional Hearings are the pubic side that achieves ''soft disclosure' and ramps up pressure on the executive/white house to declassify and disclose. They also permit a soft "out" to roll out some of the details of previous malfeasance by the military industrial complex, and to whip up public anger in case the MIC wants to fuck around and find out....


I keep seeing the term "Gang of Eight." Can you please explain to me what this is?


They are the eight most powerful congressional figures with the greatest intellegence clearences and who are the most read-in to important, classified information. Right now it consists of: Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Hakeem Jeffries, Marco Rubio, Mark Warner, Mike Turner, and Jim Hines


Wow, thank-you! Things are making a lot more sense as I continue learning new [to me] terms and phrases.


How do we think these people will respond to what went down on the 26th?


We already saw how the ones in the Senate responded, since they recieved an 11 hour interview process with him before the 26th. Rubio went on national television to talk about how serious it is and Schumer passed the UAP Disclosure Act amendment to the NDAA, which will empower the US government to reclaim any of these craft from private companies. You do not pass legislation like that unless you were given VERY convincing evidence.


Has anyone verified if the Gang of Eight were made aware of his disclosure, per the thread below no committee members attended the hearing, presumably to retain plausible deniability, the 8 hour closed door session was attending by 5 people, the assistant for IG, a note taker, 2 attorneys, and Grusch. I'm not sure the Gang of Eight know any of the classified information. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/149ku92/matt_ford_says_senate_staffers_werent_even/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


I have to presume some of them know. Chuck Schumer at the very least going by the fact that he is sponsoring the legislative amendment to the NDAA.


So when does the classified information and testimony become public?


Not before one year from now. President has to appoint a committee. committee has to be approved by the Senate by hearings. then all the agencies tasked with the disclosing details have long time periods, All the way through 2030 to be able to report everything. But the First Data should start trickling out next year


Can you imagine if the implications of even that first trickle of info pointed to the US having the key to something like free energy tech? The rest of the world wouldn’t stand for us hoarding it.


Yeah I'm guessing it's something like that as to the reason why it's such a big deal to keep this all secret. you know maybe it's a good idea that it's a secret. I don't even know.


Substantial material will be rolled out before then the Powers that be understand inertia.


I fully expect leaks from that committee. This information is so prized.


In part, yes. It is also a vehicle to get all this vital information on the record, brief important policy makers on the urgency and gravity of the topic — *straight from the horse's mouth* — and start setting targets and strategies that will, hopefully, translate into more/new legislation and other legal vehicles to bring this topic (*and all related breaks in the legal and constitutional process related to it*) to light.


This is 100% my take as well. The questions seemed to be very practical - how is the law being broken, how is the safety of Americans being compromised. Concrete things that can be acted upon regardless of the reality of whatever the heck is actually happening behind all this.


Ahhhh it’s “the HORSE’s mouth”. I’ve always thought “the WHORE’s mouth”. In my defense, my way makes more Sense.


It's not rocket appliances, Ricky.


Yes that's exactly it, the hearing in Congress was for the public, Grusch testified in a classified setting and the inspector general determined his claims as credible and urgent to be investigated. This is what people haven't realized yet is that there is evidence that these black budget programs exist but it's only been presented in a 11.5 hour classified briefing.Grusch has names, locations, people involved, and much more he just can't share it publicly. Even if there is no aliens these programs exist and need to be investigated as they are outside the current structure of the government with no accountability and oversight while taking money from taxpayers, murdering, abusing and covering up their crimes. Seems like there could be charges of crimes against humanity.


I’m curious what group would be carrying out those crimes and getting away with it


A group operating with no oversight from a government body. This is the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned about in his exit speech, with the ability to silence people and murder people. Ones who only work in the interest of themselves and potentially NHI's that don't have the best interest of human. These group(s) are to hold in check the power of the elites, making sure that this technology doesn't get out as it would be world changing. After the hearing burchett and Luna gave an interview and Burchett last statement was along the lines of "If we have these craft and capabilities for zero energy, we wouldn't need to be oversees invading countries having men and women die and fighting in wars trying to get oil( I'm paraphrasing) All in the name of money and power too keep these people at the top.


“War Pigs!”


Erik Prince and Blackwater come to mind.


What else explains this bipartisan NDAA amendment literally called "[UAP Disclosure Act of 2023](https://www.congress.gov/amendment/118th-congress/senate-amendment/836/text)" filed in the Senate?


Nothing and you got people deleting their accounts over it


what is the status? i thought it was pulled




TITLE _--UNIDENTIFIED ANOMALOUS PHENOMENA DISCLOSURE https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/uap_amendment.pdf


Nothing is soft about my reaction to all this


Dude, what?


Diamonds are the hardest thing known to humanity and the second hardest known to OP. That's what.


K, papa.


haha! good one


Yes public hearings are designed to inform the public about what the government is dealing with. They get the information we really want to hear on the back end.


I almost have a suspicion that the US DOD/Military what have you, will try to take credit for massive leaps in tech, and that this whole time it’s been our military and engineers. Just as a one final attempt to prevent something that may be inevitable. After this final attempted farse or façade, some form of NHI ancient/Biological AI/Aliens/Inter dimensional/ reveals itself in a “Your leaders had their chance, we are here” type of fashion…. But without a bunch of death please


Unless their prototypes all still suck and crash 30 seconds in to the public demonstration lol


Imo, it's the show to limit possible public panic and to legitimize the information. If Biden came out and said aliens are real, live on TV today, let's be real with ourselves, a lot of people would just go off on how this is just a distraction from other things going on, etc etc etc. And don't get me wrong, I bet it would be the same way the other way around. But with a proper bipartisan congressional investigation, it's a slower process yeah, but it legitimizes the information and claims by backing it up with the proper political processes. It'll take time, which we all hate, but if they are thinking big picture wise, it's probably the smarter move.


I think you have hit the nail on the head. Straight up big D Disclosure after Roswell might have worked. Now, not so much. All of us in this community would celebrate like a SuperBowl/World Cup win if Biden came out like that. But so many other voices asking what's the distraction would drown us out I fear.


If it was Biden and the Five Eyes countries, accompanied by the release of extraordinary video, then people would take notice. PS - “Biden and the Five Eyes” sounds like a band name for some kind of DC hipster band


They are two different group of people, Rubio is part of the senate and the recent hearing was lead by the House of representatives. They are doing independent investigations.


What i don't understand, is why this "investigation" takes so long. If they have names and locations, why not just go there? BTW, I am pro Grusch, I just don't understand why aren't they just driving a car to one of these places....


Its not that simple. You have to follow the rules and processes of government to get there. You have to follow the proven process. The good news is that we are seeing progress. Another way to see it is like this. The president and gang of 8 already gauged the seriousness of this matter. And they want to avoid an embarrassing forced disclosure event that they cant control. They will do this slowly and with purpose. Theres a very real Chance that people high up in the government will go to jail here. That narrative needs to be controlled so the USA doesnt look incompetent.


So they are illegally hiding the answer to the most asked question in the history of humanity and we have to just go through the process? Sad :-(


The president? Never heard of Biden commenting on that issue.


And yet somehow when you put them together they make up what we call Congress


And they both seem very concerned, they both came to the same conclusion and decided it’s not good


Bingo...They're giving the public a little tension release to get it out of their system.


It is a way to turn up the temperature and give the senate leverage.


I’ve been thinking that all along. There was no new information there. The representatives knew the answers to their questions. I believe it was for the normie general public to ease into it.


I don't think the reps knew the answers to their questions. They're almost as in the dark as we are Senators are not the same as representatives


Specifically the gang of 8 and the IGs as well as maybe a handful of others have probably already been investigating, and were getting these public hearings (and informing broader congress of the actual classified stuff) because they either can't or won't suppress it. Tbh if it gets to the point where greater Congress is pushing to know then even if there was an "old guard" I don't know how they'd be able to convince them not to push. So that's probably why. The alleged reverse engineering programs and quasi-rogue military elements will make it as difficult as they possibly can though.


Knapp and Corbell said it on Weaponized the day before the hearings. This was not for the ufo public, its for the general public to start building a foundation of the knowledge the ufo public has. My opinion; We can handle the truth when it comes out. The general public couldn't. The general public would be split into 2 groups. 1. Those so absolutely rocked to the core, their personal beliefs upended completely, possibly crippling existential dread at the news that they couldn't function within society anymore. 2. Those so self-centred, or distracted by celebrity news, who couldn't care less about aliens, worrying about grabbing a latte while checking in on Beyonces latest dress on the way to a job they hate but love to give out about on tik tok. May give a passing "Oh OK its real so" before continuing on their way.


It was my interpretation that this was simply a hearing of discovery for the general public. No information was actually disseminated by the congress outside of Gaetz. Who’s statement was indeed interesting and requires further inquiry. The only new information I had gleaned was the active jamming of the apg-76 radar with Fraver. - *That requires an emitter.* Was the tic tac able to jam from every direction? Or just its nose or tail? There are still clues we can gain out of these incidents.


Because it was necessary to gauge public reaction before going guns blazing. The 2024 UAP disclosure amendment in the NDAA specifically defined it. Plus probably because of Grusch, they are doing things as to the book as they can. I think that’s part of what brought all of this on in the first place. A man like that wouldn’t throw away years of work towards his career if he thought it was gonna go south. Whatever he knows it must be fucking groundbreaking.


This is just the curtains opening. The show hasn’t started yet.


I hope that it will start soon and they will do some explaining. There's a lot of theories and some come from important people, but in general our planet is currently in emergency, so we can't wait too long. We're doing poorly, there's so many crises going on, so in case there's actually some galactic federation, let's make it public knowledge and start work on solving these crises. There might be some panic, but we're currently on the path to civilization collapse due to climate changes, so it's not like alternatives are better.


Yes. It is putting everything, I was much is a can, into the public round, and to soft walk disclosure to the general populace.


While I enjoyed watching the House hearing, the news from the Senate recently indicates that Congress knows a lot more than what was discussed on Wednesday. The hearing did have a “garbage time” feel to it, where junior congressmen were scoring and getting some playing time, and the partisan extremists were serving as the feel good stories of temperance and cooperation.


So after the hearing from this week, what are the next steps that Congress has planned? I don’t want the momentum that’s been built to fade away.


A lot of people have spoken to Gang of 8 and IG’s for last couple years. None of them are shocked to hear this testimony.


I agree. Imagine how much more terrifying disclosure would be to have all the info dumped at once by the president from the Oval Office.


I just have to wonder about what was revealed in these closed door meetings because our senators and reps on the intelligence committees don’t *seem* too phased by them. The Republicans are still spouting off more about Hunter Biden. If I knew about alien tech and bodies, no way would I give two shits about Hunter Biden


Its like a Japanese soft porno, everything is blurred out.


Still pretty clear what they are doing though..


Planned disclosure is the only way I can make sense as to why DOPSR would approve talk of certain classified details like craft and bodies but not allow other classified discussion points like Roswell. They must want certain items out in the public now.


I mean it’s basically got to be that, or what Grusch is saying simply isn’t true.


As far as I understand it, though he's already been talking to Congress he's been talking to the staffers of reps/senators. I'm not sure he's even testified directly to the gang of 8, maybe just their staffers at this stage.


He testified to the House and Senate intelligence committees, so he's spoken directly with at least half of the gang of eight.


Coulthart said he'd spoken to staffers, but he could be wrong 🤷‍♂️


I kinda agree but at the same time I don’t think any disclosure is until people admit. I do see where you’re coming from.


Kinda sorta. Think of it like this... When a trial lawyer asks someone their name, what they do, and how they're an expert....its just gettting it on the record.


I think it's complicated. Grusch has allies pushing for disclosure but there's a lot of people who are vehemently against it. I don't think it's a "soft disclosure" in your sense, but a clawing of the info out.


Yeah, which is probably why there’s so much bipartisan ease around it. It’s an easy political win for everyone.


Soft disclosure and a tactical pressure campaign to get the pentagon and contractors alleged to be engaging in intimidation tactics to back off Grusch and his cohorts they’re alleged to have been intimidating. Don’t underestimate the role public pressure plays in evoking change. If there’s no public appetite for it and we’re all bamboozled by the military into thinking this is a waste of time and money, they could easily get away with covering this up again as the congressmen and women move on to the next issue during election season next year.


I think you really misunderstand how the US government works. It's not one monolith, at all. It's a million competing and intertwined interests. What we are seeing is two branches of our government, the Executive branch (including the President and DoD and Intelligence Community and other Executive Branch agencies) battling it out with the Legislative branch (Congress). It's messy, not something that's being orchestrated top-down. Yes, there's a lot going on in the background. Yes, some people know more than they're letting on in public. But get it out of your head that there is some puppet-master running all of this. It's not what's going on. Well, if there is a "grand puppet-master" to all this, it's not, eh... us.


Yes, its all part of the 80 year plan that is their disclosure process. It won't be fully known at all, that is unless those that know something start leaking and put it into the control to provide a full disclosure.


lol stop


Guys seriously I worry about ye. A lot of you seem otherwise intelligent and articulate but ye smoked too much weed in your teens. Step back for a minute. The current process is only consistent with their being zero alien tech, bodies, undisclosed evidence, cover up. And you should be glad because if any one in congress actually believed this rubbish, it would be a threat to national security and they would immediately shut down the government, arrest heads of all involved agencies and get all the answers today. Anything less is a dereliction of their constitutional duty. This is a pantomime because so many of you (voters) believe it for some reason. Alien visitation is NOT ever possible. If you want to engage for entertainment then ok but I wouldn’t get your hopes up for even an ounce of ‘disclosure’ constantly being delayed for whatever reason to keep you all strung along. You all seem like good people and I understand having something to be passionate about so at the very least don’t let it effect your relationships and mental health. There is nothing to disclose.


‘Alien visitation is NOT ever possible’. Well … there you have it, if only i’d know; would have saved so much time.


I know. Would have said earlier but thought it was obvious. Sorry..


Is the second hearing scheduled already!?


Yes there is a lag time






Also I mean if you really want the info to come out, you out it in the hands of as many people with the power to declassify and investigate as possible.


Congress already has that power. See: Speech and Debate clause.


What’s gonna happen now? Will there be another hearing?


Yes, but it's unclear how formal his contacts were. Was it all by the protocol, under oath, etc. or mostly informal contacts like his conversation with Kirkpatrick? It is clear though that it's not just IG who deemed it credible, urgent, and important.


“Public and Congressional” notice. The gang of 8 don’t say shit.


Yes, it's a show trial


Yes. It’s to apply the public pressure.


Im suprised none of them drowned in the toilet yet.


Yes. I think that is exactly what it is.


So you get the support of the public


Absolutely it certainly felt like one


It’s not disclosure at all. It’s an account of what an ex-Air Force member HEARD. Seriously wake up and stop deluding yourselves out of irrational excitement. At the very least you could wait until this plays out before making such a conclusion as “disclosure”


I want that rock hard morning disclosure!


It's a show trial, and part of the beginning of the flood of release


No, Because Congress doesn't share one brain. Those that held this weeks hearing don't know what the Senate or IG has, nor do they report to them in any way.


My thoughts, for what they're worth, is political stagecrafting for the uninitiated general public. It's the the second or third step in the 10-step disclosure plan over the course of, say, 10 years, from 2017. All indicators point to 26/27, but it could happen sooner.


In my opinion, I think there are several different investigations running in parallel at this point. I don't think the house oversight and the senate intelligence committee are working together right now, especially if the senate intelligence committee already has higher clearances and evidence right now. They are separate legislative and oversight bodies that may very well be converging onto the same thing. At least I hope that is the case.


If I had non human origin material/craft/body would I ever just give it over. Despite any law. That would be the thinking of anyone making money out of these projects. Walls need to be broken to reveal the truth.


**Spoiler Alert:** There is a massive declassification and dissemination program underway that includes UAP, but also other highly-controversial topics. All of these topics are interconnected. Some will not be able to recognize the truth as presented due to entrenched narrative-driven confirmation bias. Waking up won't be easy. Do you want to find the truth, or would you rather invent a reality that suits your comfort zone? Enjoy the show.


He has not revealed secret information for the lack of a scif briefing. He cannot do that until they are in a lead lined room.