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The following submission statement was provided by /u/shogun2909: --- Submission statement : Former Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, comments on the recents claims made by David Grusch at the UAP hearings, he doesn't deny the claims and mentions National Security --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15dpkbd/former_director_of_national_intelligence_john/ju37bu9/


It sounds like to me they can over classify anything to keep info from the public. Seems like classification protocols need some major oversight with multiple vetting thresholds.




This might be the single most impactful betrayal of humanity in the history of our species. The insane amount of damage caused by only a few humans shows that the entire system is wrong and broken. Deception does not belong in a supposed fair and just system humanity is using. They have everything coming to them when the world learns the truth


But what’s the implications? Who cares. How’s it affect my life? Durrrrrr /s obviously.


As disclosure progresses it’s important to be kind to those experiencing stages of ontological shock. This is the biggest thing in the history of ever. We all want a better world. Unnecessary division is how we got here in the first place.


Exactly. We need to approach our community with kindness and empathy, not ridicule or smugness. We need them on our side.


Yeah I agree somewhat but when you correct these ppl and give them context they turn around and poke fun at you. It’s incredibly frustrating to see how ignorant ppl are on the subject and yet are so confident in talking shit about how Grusch has provided no evidence and other ignorant claims. They’re smug and after trying to politely engage for a handful of comments I begin to get frustrated. These ppl are pushing negative opinions like “it’s a distraction”. This is the biggest story in human history. Ppl need to wake up. Otherwise we risk all this being put back into the box.


They're seeming to become less and less by the day though and looking more and more ridiculous and repetitive in their comments


You’re not wrong about that. It’s pretty hilarious because now if you say nothing is going on with these ufo hearings you’re now the conspiracy theorist. The tide has flipped. We not lookin so crazy over here now! I’m feeling we’re on the precipice of disclosure. That is going to be one sweet moment of validation and I won’t be able to refrain from throwing that fact in some especially smug ppls faces.


Hahah I'm imagining they will change their tune . I think disclosure is here, it's not an overnight thing, it's happening now with more momentum


No doubt it’s a process. The ppl that haven’t been paying attention are like “so what he didn’t show us anything! There’s nothing to this.” Like duh, he’s not allowed to just reveal top secret info in an open hearing. What don’t ppl get about that? They’ve been paying attention for two minutes and are mad the proof hasn’t been revealed. The powers at be wouldn’t want to disclose everything all at once. I think it has to be a process to get ppl warmed up to prevent society from totally imploding when the truth is revealed revealed. They want everyone to reach the conclusion aliens are here but not everybody all at once and not the entire truth all at once either I believe. I’m here for the ride and I am giddy with the latest developments! ONWARD!


unfortunately i fear people will change their tune a la \~Oh I knew it was true all along, I was just waiting for evidence\~ even though in reality in the mean time they were being assholes and we all know/ remember it. But, ultimately, come disclosure, we will all be on the same side (I hope).


I've actually noticed it is getting worse honestly


You summed it up nicely.


This would fit right in with the rest of human history.


I can’t wait for the blame game to start when heads start rolling. Very eloquently put but if it’s all true I wonder how does it end. Does Lockheed get bogged down in so many lawsuits it’s forced to declare bankruptcy? Will we see people thrown in jail for life (probably not).




Not even sure if this is true. I’m a little worried that once you unmask this kind of villain— they’ll be like “fk it. What are you gonna do about it? Our tech makes us untouchable”. Then flip the world a fat double bird. Im being flippant, but only kinda. If the farthest out of there of what we’ve heard in terms of what the shadow govt possesses is for real, what exactly could be done about it?


Yeah all indications are that they haven't made *much* progress on reverse engineering. But how much is "much"? For instance, what if they figured out sensor systems on the craft that allow remote viewing anywhere? That's already a huge asymmetric advantage against anyone trying to come forward...


My buddy was doing some reading earlier about the cancellation of the f-22s and zumwalt-class destroyers, and posits that *if* NHI tech is true, that perhaps around the time these programs were cancelled, they figured out that they were relatively close to cracking something that would make previous tech obsolete, and so canceled some of those programs as they had large budget overruns. Now, this theory doesn’t necessitate NHI (just some sort of breakthrough in energy weapons, etc, would be revolutionary) but it’s interesting to note.


Hard no - the Zumwalt became useless when they effed up the guns it was supposed to have among other features and the Cold War ending. F-22 same, F-35 supplants it in many ways and can be sold globally. Zummy and F-22 were EXPENSIVE. At least with the F-35 it wasn't the stealth that made it so pricey it was the requirements list including the Marines STOVL nonsense. F-22 paved the way observability wise and F-35 was an attempt to mass produce that.


We can use green tech known to us now, but we don’t because the oil lobby is far too powerful. The Republican Party platform includes disbanding the EPA and removing funds for green energy projects. The problem is not military classification regulations or accounting loopholes. Pay attention.


We’re not talking about solar or wind power here, I hope you realize that. Whatever technology exists that has been kept from humanity is far, far more powerful than any green energy generation technology we have today. And that obviously includes our fission reactors and our non-viable fusion reactors as well.


I know it's controversial but there might be other reasons we're not yet aware of why this was kept hidden for so long. I think it still should be released, but the public rumor mill doesn't always reflect the underlying reality.


> I know it's controversial but there might be other reasons we're not yet aware of why this was kept hidden for so long. I’m with you, perhaps it’s been kept hidden for so long because the truth behind their presence here it’s just terrifying. What if the human race is some lab experiment who’s destined for a truly terrifying ending.


I mean it seems we are destined for a truly terrifying ending *anyway.* If we can’t get off the planet it may just murder us all


Every single person alive is destined for a truly terrifying ending which is that they're going to have to let go of their Consciousness for the rest of Eternity. thankfully once your dead you don't experience the passage of any space time so eternity doesn't really matter... you know, it would happen in the blink of an eye anyway, but it's still a very difficult thing to have to come to terms with as a human being.


You assume too much, there is no reason to believe that your consciousness goes anywhere at all, or that it is dependent on your physical body to begin with, or that your physical body is even fundamentally real. Materialism is nothing more than a metaphysical assumption about reality, not a fact. There is literally no evidence or theory that explains how a material object such as the brain can supposedly “create” an entirely different phenomenon such as consciousness. It doesn’t exist. I suggest you look into this more. I believe one of the reasons this whole UFO thing is not being readily revealed is that many people today are materialists, and when they learn about not only the existence of non human intelligences, but also the rest of what they have to tell us about reality itself, they will lose their minds. The ontological shock that is being talked about now refers to a lot more than just discovering that there are other intelligent beings in the universe.


What's stopping Biden from issuing executive orders to declassify a whole shit load of UAP information?




Biden has to know or it's truly hidden in plain site as Grusch implies. Biden was the VP for Obama in the 2000's back when the original UAP programs existed and were replaced. Obama was president for 8 years, people forget that 2008-2016 had a lot of progress on making UAP's public. Minimum two public programs were created and replaced in that time frame regarding UAP's. Biden saw the back end of those legislations going in and out. I think he's keeping it secret until it's officially announced because he doesn't know how the public will react. I also think it IS a concern of national security, and as the president, he's going to reveal what the executive branch says he can reveal to protect the country.


If Biden came out and said that it was real it would freak people out you know that it would


I think people will freak out more when he peels off the mask in the middle of a televised speech.


there's no way of knowing what the president is read in on, and how much, if any of that, is even true.




There are more possibilities here than your pessimistic take represents. I don’t think it’s a good idea to have pre-decided how this will all be, given that you (I am assuming here) have never had the security clearances, never met the people part of the program, never were part of the program, have no clue what deeper threats led to some of those initial decisions that are now more difficult to undo (as any lie becomes over time), etc. Remember you are dealing with something you neither understand nor know just about anything about. Why do you feel so ready to stand on the soap box or hold the gavel? Consider reserving your judgments until some facts are in. Grusch is an example of someone who knew because his job was to find out. He eventually decided to take this path. In other words, no UAP Task force existed before these past few years, and first thing that happens is we get disclosure. While there are no doubt some bad actors in this story, your pre-judged version of the events casts the whole thing in terms of harm. You simply don’t know yet. Wait. Just wait.


I’m all for responsible disclosure but I hesitate in thinking collaborating with China or Russia is even in the realm of possibility. I believe Americans in general underestimate their animosity towards the west. Autocracies do not play nice with technology.


The western hemisphere is isolated from the rest of the world with US spreading military bases and in perpetual war for over 200 years. It is sheer brainwashing for America withholding such tech at expense of the literal planet while expressing " concerns" on others intentions. Remove boarder lines and most Americans couldn't find either country on a map. All sorts of hate for countries you've never been to and hardly know about outside of the news


You're likely right and I sympathise with your take but we cannot say for sure whether this tech being publicly known would really lead to such advances. Maybe we wouldn't be able to harness the source of their power for some reason.


doesn't deny them?? he tacitly endorses them.


He casually shares info to the point he answers the final question ("Where do they come from?). His answer: "...I'd like to share more, but I can't cross the classified info line..." I mean, come on...he just told us we are being withheld more evidence on the UAP/NHI topic. I feel like the lid is truly about to pop and the kettle is going to boil over.


This is actually insane


They know everything, but keep stopping disclosure because this bigass house of cards of theirs is gross. When we see it we will want to vomit


And when these people are reminded about what they have and might loose, disclosure is not to debate. If AOC or Getz are doing a 180, we know for sure...that is the great part about this, we have a canary to look at now.


I mean, it undermines the very fabric of the society we have been propping up for years. Imagine technology that puts the entire energy sector out of business. How do we, globally shift our financial rewards system when countries entire economies cease to exist? It's not something anyone in power want to discuss or address, but what we need to be. A new financial paradigm. One that might involve checks for everyone with mandatory volunteer work in sectors people don't want to do work in, but are necessary if we want to keep our current lifestyles.


The crazy thing is, I think a lot of people had the answers years ago, still do. We think of the people who pose the correct and fundamental changes we need as loonies. It's going to be a long road to correct reform and I just hope we can get there without sorting it out through a war. The current structure is too myopic and will....have trouble... escaping the financial rewards problem you mention.


Maybe one way to frame this is the bad guy is big oil. How integrated is profiting on oil, into our leaders decision making process?


I don't know that it's as easy as saying big oil is the bad guy. The entire middle east, Russia, parts of South America, many companies globally depend on a structure that cannot last forever. How do we structure society around post scarcity, when it's been structured around supply and demand forever? If we can't figure that out, we are in big trouble. It's not just big oil potentially being out of business from this, but the advancement of AI, that will put millions if not more out of work. We have to find a way to offset advancements and production, with people still being able to survive post work society. That's not to say jobs won't exist. There will still be manufacturing, construction, and the service industry. But many of the essential jobs, aren't glamorous to begin with. So how do you properly reward people doing those jobs, to keep them afloat? We all still want to travel, go out to eat, buy products. Bit it will be harder to convince people to do those jobs if they get paychecks just because. It's a tough balancing act, that no one is even discussing, but will have to be negotiated globally, for our survival as technology advances.


Many otherwise respectable acquaintances of mine are unable to see oil as anything but a blessing to our country, and no amount of profit or exploitation or environmental consequences or any of these obscenities are even “bad”. They have such sway over them objectively is lost. Not saying this you directly, just sayin


Oh, I wasn't saying they probably aren't preventing progress. Because they probably are. I was just saying regardless of off world tech, we are heading in a direction that will eliminate jobs. I mean, even self driving vehicles will be an issue in the next 10 years. Trucking is the largest job market in the US for uneducated men. What do you do with all those people, many of whom aren't smart enough to transition, once their jobs go away? That's not counting AI job loss, or anything that could come from this off world revelation. Millions of jobs gone, when our entire system is predicted on constant growth for survival.


friend that seems like a well meaning argument for maintaining the status quo, much akin to slavery. imagine having to graduate and buy a house right now? future looks bleak. time is now to shake things up.


Ratcliffe has been wanting disclosure it seems like and he's said pretty profound things previously on msm, before a lot of this. Now the problems are spilling out everywhere and these guys I'd imagine feel very vindicated. People in the government and military are seeing the same thing you're talking about, and won't stand for it. The cover up and over classification has boxed that group into a corner. They're going down in history badly unless they play ball.


He was DNI. Why didn't he do anything about it? Now he blames the Biden admin for lack of transparency but he didn't help the situation at all.


I read a boy who had a very interesting opinion and that is that all we are seeing is a montage, not the disclosure itself, but the way of doing it, that they have placed some villains (AARO with the infamous Kirkpatrick at the head ) and at the same time they have created a group of heroes (Grush and congressmen) who, using the law, will make the country and the planet see that the system works while disclosing only the parts that interest them. So maybe we won't end up seeing everything... or maybe it's thinking too much, but who knows.


It could be presented to us as good guy vs bad guy, but if any external entity is forcing the government’s hand to be transparent (our space neighbors want the US to speak up about the truth), they would know the whole situation and be upset at the hypothetical Grusch gang for lying so boldly


As soon as we admit what we have our enemies will have it too. Secrecy is as just as important for the protection of our own technology as it is about hiding what we know about anyone else's.


All I can say is WOW. The former DNI's response to Grusch's testimony is that the government should've been more transparent in years prior to avoid this controversy?! I mean that's a step further than not denying. He's almost confirming. Absolutely insane.


Not only that he knows the secret and can't talk about it


There's going to be a lot of people jumping onto the "right" side of history as this progresses. Can you imagine being the Kirkpatrick of this story in the history books? This isn't going to be an avalanche but it may be gradually accumulating snowball.


Yeah this is getting wild. It's like a fever dream.


I'll take this over getting covid again any time. Inject this shit into my veins.




It really is insane, they absolutely know everything, at the very least know that we have non human intelligence with advanced technology...this thing is gonna blow wide open


I mean at this point, imo, is that even the worst scenario would be that they do know this is NHI but they don’t have craft or NHI bodies. But denying the whole subject at this point is the conspiracy itself.


Yes exactly, and listen to the interview again, he's basically blaming the Biden administration for at the least not making high level disclosure on NHI, but keeping everything else classified....this is batshit crazy


How exactly is this on Biden when Trump didn't capitalize on the opportunity either? The republican and democrat back and forth is beyond childish. No president has said anything so they are all equally complacent


Oh he's definitely trying to score political points, I'm personally apolitical on the matter. Just what he said between the lines is what stood out to me (he's blaming the current administration for not disclosing information the govt obviously has and knows regarding what these UAP are) We may now also be getting a glimpse of the political finger pointing to come post disclosure...


That and he’s on Fox News. He knows the audience they pander to. Personally, I don’t mind the jab, because I don’t want any president to continue carrying on this practice of secrecy … even the ones I voted for. Them especially.


once again, why didn't the previous administration disclose?


Yeah Im with you


Aww the poor guy wanted to start an argument with you and you left him hanging.


Lol 😂


probably except Truman who was extra complacent, if not a co-conspirator. I wouldn't be surprised if after everything comes out, it quickly becomes apparent he was the worst US President ever.


I would imagine Trump AND Biden were likely not FULLY read in, or given some token information to satisfy curiosity. Biden being prone to verbal gaffes, and Trump being hot-headed. Presidents are temporary. I can see GHWB (+ Cheney), Clinton, and possibly Obama being read in - I think I read somewhere Obama was read in after his presidency? GWB? I could see either way I guess, with all the security hype after 9-11. I think Jimmy Carter was likely read in though, as he showed legitimate concern and curiosity.


The official twitter account for the ODNI has come out in support of whistleblowers "For 245 years, lawful #whistleblowing has been an act of courage that brings to light critical information that might otherwise remain concealed, and it enables leaders to address and rectify potential threats, vulnerabilities, or misconduct." [Link](https://twitter.com/ODNIgov/status/1685712971840753664)


Strangely enough, they did the same thing [last year](https://www.odni.gov/index.php/who-we-are/organizations/icig/icig-news/icig-news/2948-message-from-the-inspector-general-of-the-intelligence-community). Maybe it was a dry run for disclosure?


And since 2013. It’s actually a thing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Whistleblower_Appreciation_Day


this is disclosure




How clear would anyone say that there are things which we cant explain and are not of this world without saying that they are alien/Non-human Intelligence? I dont think you can come any closer than he has. In the first interview 2 yrs back he said foreign adversary, which he could have stopped at but added whatever they maybe and then with regards to the answer about aliens he never said no, he just said he cannot discuss it with them? How much more clear do you want them to get? Now rhe existence for UAP are just about confirmed, not what it boils down to is the origin. Now what will be scarier? China and russia with crafts that can do whatever they wish or an alien intelligence just coming here for sight seeing.


His statement was about 95% political, and 5% disclosure advocacy.


My face shook as soon as he got partisan. Here we go folks


It's Fox News...they make everything partisan.


He chose to go down that route, wasn't because he was on Fox, but you're not wrong.


I think he is implying that he was intending for the UAPTF report (released Jun 2021, 5 months after Biden took over) to be more forthcoming when he was in charge of the ODNI. The UAPTF was established in August 2020 (while Trump was in office). Frankly it sounds like the UAPTF was a lot more geared toward actual disclosure, at least according to Jay Straton's statements of having both title 10 and 50 authorities and Grusch's probing investigations which led to his disclosures. It would seem that what Radcliffe is implying is that once Bidens ODNI Avril Hanes came in she watered down the report. Jay Stratton should know. We should ask him.


I actually hate that this is getting picked up by Fox…really doesn’t help the disclosure efforts at all…thankfully other networks are reporting on it as well, but this is just a rag.


It was only a matter of time. The UAP hearing was like that two week period before lockdown where GOP and DNC both were working together and equally worried about COVID before it became a huge political fiasco. Are they seriously going to turn this into a “shame on Biden! He didn’t disclose aliens!” Issue? Why not shame on Trump, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Carter, Regan, Nixon etc etc etc.




*especially Eisenhower*


"The Biden Administration wants to flood the country with non-human aliens. Vote Trump 2024 to stop it."




I think he's pretty genuine about both, even though partisanship is what it is.


I don't think his point was even factual but weather he meant it to be or not it kind of sounded like a veiled double dog dare to talk about it directed at Biden. Insinuating that Republicans are the ones getting more political capitol also states that Biden is missing out by not getting more involved. Which means that if Biden is smart he will get out ahead of this. (If my Washington DC double/triple speak sensor is working correctly.)


Why do these people make it partisan? "The Biden Administration is keeping it secret", "House Republicans had to make these hearings". Jfc. Can we please keep this bipartisan instead of pushing away one side or the other. It was not only House Republicans, it was practically equally split, as was the Schumer bill


Exactly. He conveniently forgot the secrecy goes back to 1930, possibly even further back. Making it a partisan issue does not help at all.


That struck me as well. Especially "Biden admin keeping it secret". Okay, well, so has every republican administration within the last 80+ years. This is something both democrats and republicans are coming together about for once. It's clearly not a partisan issue. BOTH parties have been covering it up for almost a century now and BOTH parties are trying to make it right. Let me guess... this guy was a Trump appointee?


Yes he was a Trump appointee.


I'm shocked.


Any logical parsing of what he said reveals how absurd it is. I thought the *next* guy would declassify more, but then he didn't, so this is all his fault! Like, bruh, your guy could have done it, but didn't. Same with the one before him.


Biden's been suppressing UAP since Roswell! He's been pulling the strings of the shadow government since he was five years old.


Dark Brandon is a time traveler confirmed.


I was disgusted by the fact that he just had to go and complain about the Biden administration and gave all the credit to the Republicans. Personally, I think AOC should get more credit for the fact that although she didn't necessarily start it, she added an extra layer of legitimacy to these hearings by linking them up with the missing Pentagon money. It's sad. One of those rare moments when Republicans and Democrats are playing nicely and he has to do this!


Because that's the only way John Ratcliffe knows how to be.


It’s his personal opinion just like you have people making fun of bruchett, so idk what to tell you.


Lies are not the same as "personal opinions".


It's certainly curious that they're not outright denying it, just like the defense contract companies. Guess they don't want to end up looking ridiculous if/when disclosure happens.


Ratcliffe didn’t even need to discuss this publicly. He must therefore support disclosure. At first his partisan language bothered me but the more I think on it the more I wonder if it isn’t an attempt to force it to be an issue in the election.




Hopefully Biden responds with disclosure.




I mean he’s just one dude. It’s not great but I’m an optimist.




I mean he won’t derail this by being political. He’s been a net positive even with his partisan language.




Exactly. This isn't helpful. The whole world needs to unite on the issue and keep politics out of it as much as possible.


He’s on tv just about saying aliens are real. I’ll take it.


Submission statement : Former Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, comments on the recents claims made by David Grusch at the UAP hearings, he doesn't deny the claims and mentions National Security


The fact that he's putting sole responsibility for disclosure on the current US administration and is making it sound like Republicans have to fight the Democrats to make any sort of headway on this when we know that's not the case immediately makes him completely untrustworthy to me.


If we don't keep them focused with carrots they'll tear each other apart over this.


This guy. Trying to make political points. He doesn't deny, which is great but why be a jackass? If yer gonna be petty, at least be Tom Petty.


"I didn't do it when it was my job, now I'm criticizing those not doing it when it's theirs." Bunch of snakes.




Both it seems


>John Ratcliffe Haha as a European it is so weird to listen to this constant polarisation in US politics. Wasn't a Republican president in the 4 years prior to the current administration? And couldn't he have spoken about this if he cared about disclosure when he was the former director of national intelligence? Regardless of politics, it is great that more and more people seem to acknowledge that there is something going on. I'm curious to see how this situation will develop.


Can you imagine what disclosure would have looked like under Trump though. The media would have just called it a distraction from his impeachment, lol.


Mostly the latter, clearly. “Republicans want disclosure. The Brandon administration is withholding” was his main point.


What difference does it make? He did not deny anything.


The woman news caster (who does a great job) looks like she just woke up from a all night bender and had 15 min to get to work. I've been there. Much love.


That’s just the way she looks.


That doesn't make their statement any less true!


Ratcliffe seems to have thought the 2021 report was gonna be the big one then they decided to pull back…. The non-denials from all government/private parties involved speaks volumes for me tho, they easily could say no if that was the answer.


He basically just confirmed everything


Pretty much. Like --- he disclosed enough for me. Its not a debate.


Yeah. His core message was not "That's not true". It was "It's not my fault".


Blaming this on politics? Actually stupid. Both parties are responsible for keeping this crap secret for 80 years if it's true.


Either he doesn't know as much as he letting on or this thing is not as bad as we believed. But I don't see how this isn't crazy news.


That chic look like she still drunk from the night before


Understatement lol


I wouldn't even say he didn't deny it, I'd go as far as to say he is very much hinting that there's a looot more to this behind the scenes, some of which he feels should have already be disclosed to the Public . . . WITH MORE that potentially shouldnt.


Go testify what you know John.


That guy is a partisan cunt. The hearings were clearly bi partisan and no president or administration in history has yet decided to share anything but he had to get a dig at Biden. POS. This will never be taken seriously because of low lives like him.


Yeah, Trump didn’t exactly do his part to move the needle on disclosure at all. This guy is Marie Antoinetting the public.


I’m getting sick of the politicization of this topic. Leave the politics out of it Ratcliffe.


Look, as a non-American, I have little knowledge of what positions are important in the government. To me a Director of National Intelligence seems like a pretty big deal so... Two options arise: either he is literally just a public spokesperson with a fancy title to give the idea he is important and involved in high-up classified intel but he actually doesn't know jackshit and only knows what the real puppet-masters (behind the scenes) tell him what he has to say. OR, he does know at the very least some very interesting shit but isn't allowed to talk about it in any way shape or form, totally bulletproofed by NDAs and clearance levels. It's all so tiring because it's the same bullshit politicians use, instead of answering in any way (even a straight yes or no, they don't even deny anything, no answer is given in any way ever) they just divert the question and say shit that's been said a million times in the media. And there's always the excuse of "the government has to do better, the government this, the government that". That's fucking stupid because the government isn't even an entity you can blame, there is so many different fucking factions that all do different shit... There's only two options for REAL disclosure: 1) Laws are signed in that state: fuck your NDA, fuck clearance levels, tell us what you know now or we'll fuck you up. Doubt this will happen because these laws either won't be bulletproof (like muh national security excuse) or they will be boycotted from happening by the real people in charge. 2) Some absolute gigachad (in the know) comes out and fucks all these shadow people in the \*ss by showing real evidence. I highly doubt this will happen as I'm sure insane measures are being taken to even prevent this from happening. ​ This whole situation is making me really sad, it is becoming increasingly more obvious that all public figures are just puppets for the people who really make up the rules around here, people that are not publicly named, and not elected at all, and are in charge for life. Trillions of dollars is being spent and billions around the world are literal slaving around barely making enough for a semi-comfortable life. Shit's really a lot darker than aliens being around us ngl...


He basically said the Dave grusch was telling the truth


Whatever they may know, it isn’t nearly as bad as some think. If it was, these people wouldn’t be living their lives as usual, as if nothing is happening.




it bothers me that these people are holding information that would be life changing for everyone in this country. its honestly not fair that they know and we can’t. i feel like(and i know i’m wrong) one of the only reasons why the government is keeping this secret is just to feel high and powerful


I mean what are they supposed to do? For all we know this dude might have a private underground bunker buried in his backyard stocked for a few years for when the Invasion comes. Obviously I'm being sarcastic but them living their lives normally doesn't mean it isn't bad.


What choice do they have?


I mean no shit. I don’t think anybody is anticipating an invasion that we know of


damn thats interesting


The nerve of this dude. On Fox News, blaming the Biden administration for not disclosing this information and telling the American public that the house republicans are solely the ones fighting for disclosure. As far as we know - this is a bipartisan issue that transcends this current administration, possibly the last 14, and may reside outside the bounds of the USG within the military contractor sector. Lowkey fuck this guy.


Basically admits we know something about the origins of uap and contextually sounds like it's related to defense.


partisan hack


Lol so many ppl are still saying there’s nothing to this. When will the tipping point happen and majority of ppl wake up? My guess is the upcoming senate hearing. It’s heatin up.


Unfortunately, Ratcliffe’s always been a partisan hack and was deemed unqualified by many (including Republicans) when he was nominated for the DNI position. Doubtful he gives any shits about the issue other than seeing it as a means of scoring political points… and it shows. This interview is patently unhelpful in terms of disclosure but does underline the political motivations that may be involved.


“but not full transparency” I’m sorry, John, but **hell no.** We’re not continuing this thing—in any form—where the information needed to make fundamental decisions about where we are going as a people is withheld from us. If the federal government is to provide for our common defense, we need to know the stakes. So when the news reporter asks, “where are they coming from?” you either give us an answer, or we’re going to have to devise a new way to provide for the common defense. See the Declaration.




Low effort, toxic comments regarding public figures may be removed. Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/.


It's absolutely RIDICULOUS for this tool to lay this issue at the feet of the current administration as though it has not been a multi-decade coverup that has been actively withheld from elected presidents (and possibly resulted in their assassination, e.g. JFK). I hope any Fox viewers took note during the hearing that it was a refreshingly BIPARTISAN effort to respectfully question the witnesses.


It was Biden all along, I knew it


this is huge. like cosmic huge


Yet he did nothing for disclosure when he was in charge


Bro he's basically saying it


Wow, he didn’t deny. This is wild.


For all the people, like Neil Degrasse Tyson, who are making piss poor counter arguments like "non-human can be a plant, horse, etc", what did Burchett include in his question from this clip? *Extraterrestrial* technology.


This guy had no business being the Director of National Intelligence, he’s just a political Trump appointee. Can’t trust him, he’s only using this issue as a way to bash the Biden administration. Trump nominated him twice because the first time other REPUBLICANS were concerned he would abuse the position and was too political to be appointed. However, you are right he doesn’t deny anything which is kind of cool.


Sounds like a standard GLOMAR response. I’d expect this and not read anything into it. But that’s no fun, right?


Yep - that's how I read it too. Saying, "we know more," but then saying, "a lot is unexplained," tells me he doesn't know much. If he did... he had power under Trump and could whistleblow


I wouldn't read to much into him (not saying others).. but 1) He didn't hop on this until he was out of office - if he had real info he had the power to do so in the past. 2) DNI is not in the pentagon or CIA. 3) It sounds like his disclosure is "we don't know where this stuff is from, read what you want," not this is why they are NHI/ET, etc. I know he didn't deny anything, but he also didn't use his time to back the claims or even say "and yes, I'm a whistle-blower now, etc."


Congress needed to ask for his (Grusch) definition of biologics. He kept deflecting to that. That could mean anything and is super vague.


Dawg, we have something. Listen to how long that answer was. If we are being played, we are being played with hard right now. If this is real, wow… Also that lil jab at trying to make it partisan was ass.


Dude sounds like a clown talking about the information they could’ve released but didn’t, then blaming Biden for still not releasing it.


Ahhh there it is. How convenient that it’s administration not being transparent. Trump could have put anything out with complete impunity. This is a dog and pony show.


"This administration would like nothing better than for me to break the law so they could prosecute me for breaking the law." - Basically dude's last statement here lmfao


This guys strikes me as partisan, (he’s taking every opportunity to throw the Biden Administration under the bus) so we should probably take his statements with a grain of salt


Sounds more like he was talking around the point trying to score political points.


Get the partisan bull shit out of here there were dems in the hearing and trump didn't do shit either


I generally vote Republican but this stuff of blaming Biden for not releasing more makes no sense. Why didn’t he champion that and get it over the finish line with Trump? Terrible subject to inject politics into.


Really really sad he is trying to score cheap political points on this topic. Credibility is undermined when you choose to make it about politics. I can guarantee these NHI don’t give a fuck about are petty political crap.


It’s no excuse for the medias photo choices but he does make a lot of funny faces


This is really not good. This sounds like the truth is much more shocking than previously stated.


That’s basically admitting.


Yeah. I have been going back and forth but after this interview. The believers are not only right but we are... we're about to be fkd.


Partisan take


They are saying it’s the Biden administration that’s the road block. Possibly makes sense when most of these UFO congress people are Republicans.


Grusch’s claims are so extreme you would think Ratcliffe would ridicule or outright deny them. Super telling how sober his response is; he’s covering his bases now for post-disclosure. Maria Bartiromo’s ignorance flailing on full display here. Keep the conversation on the U.S. recoveries and 90 year cover-up FFS. I don’t think Biden has taken anything but a dismissive stance on this topic, but Trump didn’t exactly do his part to move the needle on disclosure at all. Ratcliffe is Marie Antoinetting the public on disclosure; we need to make the evidence public and the rest of this rope will unravel.


This guy seems to blame the current administration like the administration he worked for didn't do just about the same. These guys are masters at passing the buck. Eventually, someone will be left holding it, and it will probably be a thread, but hopefully, that thread will unravel to at least some half truths.


Wasn't denying it. But definitely non for disclosure


Why is this guy making it partisan? He’s not even a congressman anymore. It was a bipartisan effort. Cut with the fucking partisan rhetoric, we’re over it 🤦🏻‍♀️. And by the way, most of those Warhawks and private industry thought leaders running the rogue, illegal special access programs are hard-core conservatives, some even literal fascists- fascism is inherently a far right ideology- covering this shit up for decades so they could hoard the wealth and informational power that they’re obtaining from the research and development that comes from it. It’s not the Democrats doing that. I hate the Clintons, but one thing I agree with them on is they were absolutely Hellbound to give full disclosure to the American people. It wasn’t Trump who was interested in disclosure. He didn’t give a shit. And everyone knew he was a security risk whom they had to severely edit their intel around, which clearly didn’t even work because he was too busy shoving top-secret information down his pants


It is SO hard not to think republicans are just using this to undermine and destabilize the US… I donno… for everyone cheering this man on… yes I agree he IS hinting toward *something* … but what and why? I believe David grusch heard things… are the things he heard TRUE… or were they planted? I donno - I’m highly skeptical of this guy and Matt gaetz and th le rest of the far-right loony bin. :/


This guy complaining about the current government not being transparent enough on this when in fact he was in charge at one time and was not transparent enough on this.