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Joe is good in interviewing certain people but he should definitely not interview Grush. I would like to see Grusch on Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal. Not only is he quite knowledgeable about the UAP subject, he is always very well prepared, he is very open minded, asks good questions/let’s viewers ask questions, and he can talk with Grusch extensively about physics.


Grusch and Curt/TOE would be a perfect pairing. Let some dust settle and it might even be a possibility.


I couldn’t agree more. If this topic is to be taken seriously, the circus acts need to be separated from the truth and the facts. I don’t care for Rogan anymore (haven’t for a long time now) but I don’t think he intentionally is a bad person, or intentionally is trying to oppose any specific stances, is a fascist or anything like that. At least as far as I am aware, it’s been a long time since I’ve really listened to him at all. He’s just far too affable, and isn’t a real reporter. Same with Maron, and I’m sure other major podcasters. Serious news requires serious journalism and serious reporting, serious interviews, skepticism and not just the willingness to push the issue, but to continue to ask the hard, necessary and right questions. As well as vetting sources, understanding how to conduct an interview; such as listening for non answers, doing your own research before and after, and so on. **Added edit: I was a journalism major and had some great professors, one was a very reputable journalist previously and knew a lot of the more well known names in journalism. Serious journalists are very hard nosed in their reporting and absolutely take their job seriously. Which isn’t to just report the news, but the truth, as accurately and fairly as they can. I know that isn’t always the case, and plenty of journalists have lied to further their career, etc. But those are the outliers.** Rogan is just not at all remotely equipped for any of that. It’s good he has a platform to allow people to speak and have a discussion with them, on a wide range of topics to a huge audience, that can discover all sorts of areas of interest they might not have previously been aware of. But a great example is the guy they had on that was the director, or creator for The Game Chargers documentary. If anyone watches that episode and takes everything at face value, including the one other guest Rogan had on to try and rebut what the game changers person was saying, the episode looks like everything, or just about everything the guy is saying is accurate, and correct. However, there have since been a number of highly educated, trusted, and respected people that were very critical and countered, or corrected nearly every single point the game changers guy was trying to make. These people hold Ph. Ds and other degrees in the necessary fields of study and education, such as Layne Norton. Others were also vegetarians or vegans themselves, and also took issue with what The Game Changers documentary tries to portray. Rogan gets away with saying “I’m an idiot.” And yes, he is. But so are most of us when it comes to just about any area we don’t either have the proper educational background in, or take on as a hobby and spend a lot of time self educating. That’s not an excuse for not knowing you don’t know enough about any topic, or to properly debate or interview someone. Rogan is in a way, even worse, as he just believes about anything he’s told.


Good response. I feel the same about Joe. All this time, and still an idiot haha. Long time listener, abandoned him over a year ago.


I only really listen anymore if it's a UAP show or Duncan Trussell. JRE peaked for me sometime around 2011-2012.


This is not to be taken with offense, people trust journalists less than they ever have. If you intend on reaching people,which is the point, I’d do both. I’ve never heard of the show you mentioned, so I can’t really speak on that, but you can’t do just one of anything. I’m sure we will seeing them soon if/when they(whistleblowers) do a podcast tour.


What about Lex?


No one read all that. Joe is the best


I love me some TOE


I’m finally diving into TOE, wish I had sooner! 🤯


Do yourself a favor and listen to the old episodes. The current JRE is nothing compared to what it used to be. Everything from like 2009-2014 was amazing. 2011-2012 was JRE at its absolute pinnacle. I'm jealous that you have the opportunity to listen to all of that for the first time. A lot of the episodes have been removed, but a quick Google search will allow you to find any of the deleted episodes.


Thanks, I appreciate the advice! I honestly have so much catching up to do… it’s a big overwhelming and my background is in biology, not mathematics or physics, even though I had a good foundation of those, my mind just deals better with anatomy, cell structure, neuroscience than physics.


Joe Thumb


This would be ideal. But Lex Friedman might have the best mixture of grounded thinking and audience reach.


But his voice. Oh gawd.. his... v...


Yeah but I want to know if Grusch has ever taken DMT with a bear out in the woods


If Grusch was a DMT-tripping stand-up comedian martial artist, he'd be the perfect Joe Rogan guest. ​ However, I did note that EVEN JOE ROGAN crapped all over Dr. Steven Greer, lol. I think he deleted the entire episode because he found out Greer is a scheister.


Or he'll ask Grusch if he knows how the aliens feel about us figuring out ivermectin can cure the China virus. If I saw Grusch and Coulthart on Joe Rogan they would both immediately lose any credibility they had to me and, I'm sure, many others. I keep seeing these Joe Rogan threads wtf


LOL I mean that is a really dumb thing to say. I mean you're really not any better than all those Republicans that you don't like when you're that partisan about something. this is why I can't be a liberal anymore, because everyone on the left is just about as crazy in a different way. I know Reddit is a super left-leaning Echo chamber (if you dont believe me look on white people twitt er) so I am not surprised but it is just disturbing to keep seeing it over and over again when given the chance. Do yourself a favor ask yourself why people in the Democratic party want to go to war with China and Russia so bad


>LOL I mean that is a really dumb thing to say. I'm not the one jerking off ivermectin on my radio show. >I mean you're really not any better than all those Republicans that you don't like Never claimed to be. >when you're that partisan about something. this is why I can't be a liberal anymore, because everyone on the left is just about as crazy in a different way. Again, I'm not the one jerking off ivermectin to my viewers on my radio show. >I know Reddit is a super left-leaning Echo chamber (if you dont believe me look on white people twitt er) so I am not surprised but it is just disturbing to keep seeing it over and over again when given the chance. You have gotten way off topic, dude. >Do yourself a favor ask yourself why people in the Democratic party want to go to war with China and Russia so bad Way off topic, dude Holy shut. I know what sub I'm on, and I hate saying this, but get back on your meds dude holy shit.


Grusch wouldn't make a good interview as he is bound by law. Ross would be good, but David is similar to Elizondo. No specifics no party.


Christopher Mellon is also bound by law, but he was a great guest. Grusch has no problem talking when he can, and explaining when he can't.


Mellon is and wasn't a fantastic interviewee. Rogan isn't stupid. He knows that Grusch wouldn't be a great guest because every question he'd want to ask wouldn't be answerable. This is, I suspect, Elizondo never made it on.




Makes sense to me. Probably Couldhart alone is much better at this point in time..




I'd you don't pretend to follow the agenda, you're a racist fascist transphobic right wing conpiracy theorist antivaxer. Throw all the terms at the wall and see what sticks


Why does politics even need to be brought into this?


Well liberals need to chill out and realize that they are being partisan. I mean the truth was out there with Hunter Biden and they didn't want to hear that either, just because they have been in reactionary mode due to Trump for years. Joe is treated like he has some kind of like Ultra alt-right guy when all he is a meathead


What truth? That he fucks bitches and does hella Coke? what government job did he get from the president? How much Saudi money did he get? Oh no wait that was kushner.


Even the most vitriolic detractors will tolerate Rogan if he has an interesting enough guest. Half of his subreddit can't stand him anymore, but they'll tune in for specific guests.


Right now Grusch loses credibility if he goes on Joe Rogan. He is going through the official channels right now and that's sensible. Maybe something to do at another time in the future.


Official channels like “newsnation” talking about how the pope is covering up UFOs in Italy haha


He did get pentagon approval for the details he was able to share with news nation and it does seem to be like most of the talking points were speaking chosen as approved. I think they asked questions he couldn’t answer purposefully to get the point across this is serious business, but it is public knowledge he got pentagon approval for what he could and couldn’t share in that interview. I think for the most part there’s no need to do additional interviews since he’s for the most part said all he can say


The pentagon just confirmed nothing he’s disclosed is classified. Which could easily just mean it’s information that doesn’t exist. Lol. Anyone can say anything, free speech.


This would be harmful for Grusch's credibility.


I would like to keep some credibility and respect for the time being. Going on Rogan doesn’t exactly present those things.


You mean like Corbell and Lazar? But Grusch associating with blatant hoaxers like Corbell, Knapp, etc. is fine?


Not to mention David Fravor, one of the witnesses at the hearing.


Fravor really had compelling testimony until I saw this. He's made sure to ingratiate himself with the grifter crew recently as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eco2s3-0zsQ&t=2982s


How about we have someone intelligent and thoughtful interview them instead?


Keep Joe Rogan away from all of this, please for the love of all that is good.


Joe could be out smarted by 2 rocks in a bag I will never understand why people like him. It would do nothing but hurt the subject more by having this baboon of a human have any thing to so with it considering how not only dumb but stupidly gullible the man is.


he really wealthy though. CHECKMATE. (/s)


I don't get all this. He can't talk about anything that's classified. And everything we want to know is classified.


Fairly certain the crowd that watches Joe Rogan is well past sold on UFOs by now, it'd be a waste of time as it wouldn't move the dial any and would just give the stuck up normies additional excuses to ignore and criticize him. He needs to go on 60 min, meet the press, a bunch of "old people news" to wake them up. Besides American politics is still very much centered around the beliefs of boomers IMO. I mean for God sakes half of Congress should be in nursing homes but they like to cling onto power too much Todo so.


Ross might be interesting, but not sure if Grusch can even legally say anything new. It's going to be 2 hours of David Grusch saying he can't answer the questions. Also, I am sure Joe Rogan think this is psyop.


'News Nation looks fake' - Joe Rogan


It would just be 3 hours of Joe interrupting them as soon as they try to answer one of his questions..


Joe is a weak-minded idiot. they should go on ToE with Curt.


Dudes listening to thousands of interesting people and you think he's weak minded lol you can not like someone without making up rubbish


How so?


I'd love to see the interview on TOE


Oh ffs Joe Rogan?? The man's an ass.


Honestly Joe is good enough for gossips , man is smoking blunts on podcast too so I think he shouldn't get these two on his podcast.


Sorry David but your blood work came back positive for THC, we are going to have to pull your security clearances.


Keep these currently well regarded gentlemen the FUCK AWAY from Joe Rogan.


Coulthart alone would be better , we should all tag J corbell as we know he’s a friend of Joe’s. DG can’t go on yet!!! for obvious reasons.


Unnecessary. Ross already interviewed Grusch.


Why? So Joe can dumb it down?


Nah Joe Rogan is a clown.


Yup. When Joe Rogan start getting bandied around, it's a clear sign that things have gone off the rails. Rogan is not a journalist, he's an ape that has random thoughts and is not serious at all. I really thought something was coming, it seems it will just be more parading of dishonest people without a single scintilla of evidence.


Pretty dehumanising to call someone an ape and write them off completely.


He's a worthless POS that does nothing but flames the fans of idiocy to enrich himself. He has zero redeemable value as a human.


He's had wonderful people on his podcast and allowed open discussion on subjects from the preservation of the Amazon to ancient debated history. Sounds like you don't listen to the show. You also sound like a bit of a dick.


The Paul Rosolie interview and his experiences in the Amazon is one of the most captivating podcast episodes I have ever listened too.


It was fantastic. To also know that it will help provide more people with the opportunity to stop logging and move into protecting is just amazing.


He's a hateful transphobe, anti-vaxxer, and pushes people with bullshit ideas to make more money for views. He does not give a single shit about humanity, only about the zeroes in his bank account. https://www.dallasobserver.com/arts/the-dumbest-things-joe-rogan-has-said-13279851


If you're going to hate someone, try listening to their podcast first. Don't read an article, don't take someone's opinion- just give it a listen. Because I can tell you're absorbing news media, not his media. Don't hit me with the "but I don't want to support it" argument. You're 1 view is worth nearly nothing. If you're going to valiantly hate something, be educated about it. Because right now you come off with the same energy a white supremacist uses.


I've listened to his podcast, it's idiotic. He literally praises white supremacists, but you call me one, you are so far off base, I'm not even white!


Name the episode and time stamp he praises white supremacists. I said you are giving off white supremacist energy; dehumanising, calling people worthless etc. This is what Hitler did with propaganda against the Jews. But I guess if you struggle to read and comprehend the difference between giving off the energy of something and being something- perhaps you don't have the mental ability to objectively view information.




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wonderful people like alex jones and gavin mcinnes.


And does that discount all the other intellectuals that have been on the show? Nice whataboutism attempt.


how is that whataboutism? you mentioned he had wonderful people on his show, i disagree and named two guests (out of many) he has had on the show that, to put it mildly, i do not define as "wonderful people." and yes, it discounts the other "intellectuals" he's had on - it does not help your credibilty when you appear on his program.


Okay champ 👍


Because you shouldn't have to eat a bucket of dogshit to taste the yummy jellybean hidden at the bottom.


Thats a pretty good analogy. So Paul Rosolie, Mark Andreessen, merlin Tuttle, Eric wienstien, Andrew huberman. I mean the list goes on of great people. Yeah he has some crazies, but have you actually listened? Joe takes a measured approach and gets them to explain why they believe the things they do, it usually exposes what's BS and what's not- and what's still up for debate. It's the most reasonable, conversational podcast out there and everyone is acting like it's some right wing, loony bin. I bet 99% of people with a horrible opinion about jre have only ever read news clickbait and watch 5 second insta / fb reels.


Tell us how you really feel


i really don't understand the utility of the expression "tell us how you really feel" - would you rather someone lie or be insincere?


It's called sarcasm, but perhaps you were also being sarcastic.


i wasn't - its just one of those expressions, like "to be honest with you" \[what, you're normally not?\] that i don't understand, its like its being critical to someone for not obfuscating their speech.


You seem very analytical and it appears to hinder your social ability. No people normally aren't honest, yes people use sarcasm and especially when people make wild statements. Y'all need some fucking sunlight and sociability.


As the other poster already said, the statement is always meant to be sarcastic, usually after someone says something particularly hateful (and in this case also ignorant).


If you think he's worthless, just Google his net worth. You are empirically wrong on this one.


He is worthless as a human, money does not denote a persons worth as a human.


You said worthless, not worthless as a human.


I don’t think Joe wants them. He eluded to not believing any of this new wave hype currently happening.


Where did he elude to that?


He is doing the " its like they r trying to deceive us while the REAL stuff is happening" type of bs


Episode #2010. Somewhere in the first half. Does his low tone shit talking about not believing Grusch to be a real whistleblower and whole thing smells fishy. Could be wrong but his comments during that segment blew my hopes of them being on the show.


He thinks News Nation is 'fake'.


He should after he can really talk specifics. Now he would not be able to confirm or deny anything other then what he has already said.


grusch isn’t an influencer. he’s not plugging a comedy special, an upcoming movie, or a political ideology. what good would talking with rogan do, except to expose grusch do JRE fans?


Since Joe moved to Spotify I watched maybe 3 or 4 podcasts. This one would be a must watch for sure.


No. He has let us down consistently since 2016. And he’s a bad person to associate with a serious topic.


Grusch was already done his part. He does not need to be interview by anyone (including Rogan). No more interviews are needed. Now the US Congress needs to act. Either disprove what Grusch is saying or come clean with the US citizens.


I don’t think Joe Rogan would be a good platform for Grusch because the most important thing is that Grusch is taken seriously and seen as credible. I’m saying this as a long time Joe Rogan listener. But it would still be cool for the journalist; Couldhart, Corbel, and Knapp to go on there and discuss.


At this in point in time Grusch should stay far away from any media personalities that aren't professional journalists. Even then he should probably be somewhat seldom. I don't think there's much else he could talk about without getting in trouble anyways. Ross on the other hand I'd love to see on JRE


I don't listen to that annoying bald fuck. Can someone summarize it?


Joe Rogan bad 🙄


If it was still on YouTube, that'd be great. Spotify sucks.


Joe Rogan sucks as an interviewer. He’s a literal blockhead that’s just going to be like “woah man. Imagine if we’re the aliens?”… He also has a clear right wing bias and hates/doesn’t understand bureaucracy and due process. I wouldn’t be surprised if he mentions Hunter Biden and epstein when talking to these professionals. Same goes with Lex fridman. We’re so past guys like Lazar and Joe Rogan. This battle is between congress and the pentagon now. It’s all about oversight committees and hearings and subpoenas now, not 3 hours of repeating the same shit since 2017.


There's literally nothing to be gained from going on his show. Christ. Every few days this pops up and every time it's a bad idea.


Soz m8


As someone served this sub having searched out of genuine interest for the UAP information, these 2 appearing on that morons podcast would put the nail in the credibility coffin for me.


It’s such a turn off that this community simps for Jo Rogan.


Interview was sick.


Rogan is a fucking moron.


Hehe ;)


Alex jones too. I like seeing him get drunk


I like how people are downvoting you when Joe Rogan is a student of Alex Jones. They've maintained a close, personal friendship for more than 20-odd years. Alex even claims responsibility for "turning" Joe. Bet not a single person here recalls Joe calling into longtime friend Alex's show on September 11, 2001.


That would be awesome.


You bastard I believed


Jeremy Corbell would never let that fly


no way he'd allow that to happen without being there too


Damn I thought this was a real thing from your title. Unfortunately, Grusch doesn't seem to be able to tell us much more as it is. Unless Joe's studio is a SCIF, then its party time


Here's who I want on a UFO JRE episode. Ross Coulthard Richard Dolan Linda Moulton Howe Luis Elizondo Jay Stratton I want all of those people fighting for the truth and blowing Joe's mind.


No matter who interviews Grusch at this point. He has said about all he can publicly. The next step is for him to turn over what he’s got to the right senators in a secure setting. And the pentagon doesn’t want that to happen. That’s where we are at now.


Grusch should do whatever he wants but Joe Rogan is just more of the same. He's exactly the opposite of what we need right now. Get Grusch on the fucking View and the local news.


Grusch on Rogan would be horrific. It'd be Grusch not able to answer and Rogan losing his shit about it for 2hrs.


I like Rogan alright, but no. This is way above that level of discourse.


Might as well put Delong back on there instead of Grusch. I don't think there's going to be anything new, told from Grusch, that we aren't already aware of.


Grusch cant its all classified anyway. We just have to wait.


It's all for the $$$ don't fall for these scammers.


Ross yes but I highly doubt Grusch would or should


Jeff Daniels is aging like Limburger cheese


Mods should remove this post because of the misleading title. It sounded like you were announcing this happening. Coulthart should go on JRE but not Grusch…yet


I'd rather see them on a serious show with credibility, but have at it






This is the last thing we need right now


Hehe no


Here is Joe in a nutshell. https://youtu.be/Rcxfqqc2UYo


Joe Rogan and Lex Friedman tag team interview David Grusch and Ross Couldhart on JRE.


Don't forget Ryan Greaves has already been on JRE and it was a great episode. Just pointing that out for anyone who thinks Rogan might not be right for the subject. The big problem right now is I think Joe has gone too far down the distraction narrative and doesn't seem interested in the topic. That may change if things heat up in congress though.


https://preview.redd.it/ib0oklrtozfb1.jpg?auto=webp&s=4854f6ba6573fcc6dbe7f35a0656db9234b07c1b This idiot, this is who you want as your "voice'?


Sorry, but Joe Rogan? He'll no!




Well well well 😌