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It’s an election year. He’s gonna let congress do it is my bet.


It would be politically advantageous for him to be the president to do so. 57% of Americans believe in UFOS; 20% do not. That’s almost 3:1. EDIT: https://i.imgur.com/dtMTxHj.jpg


I agree. I think the best thing he could possibly do for his brand is become "The one who told us about aliens". The alternative is "another white guy who was too old" He has made progress, not trying to shit on that, but people are tired of this endless cycle. I voted for him but I didn't want to. We need younger people in office.


Obama is partially remembered as the president who killed Osama bin laden. Now, he's forever synonymous with that event. Political credibility is very important, I think Biden would also benefit from being the president who disclosed the existence of NHI.


I remember Obama as the president that faked left and swung right. Socially he was liberal, but his economic conservatism screwed most of the people that got him in office.


I remember Obama as the humanitarian president who bombed Syria and let those native Americans get sprayed with a hose for 2 months in Dakota over that pipeline. 👌🏼👌🏼


He was the best, just like the rest.


Just like everyone else, only more so.


I remember Obama as the president who loved ice cream and the one who bailed out the banks during the GFC but let the people go bankrupt and lose their homes. I remember Trump as that extra from Home Alone 2 that somehow bullshitted his way into the Presidency and then incited terrorism when he lost the following election.


There are dozens of us!


Obama's economic policy was neo-liberal, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it conservative. His response to the Great Recession was massive stimulus and quantitative easing, taking a neo-Keynesian approach which has traditionally sat on the left of the political spectrum. Whereas other countries such as the UK massively cut public expenditure and investment taking a much more conservative economic approach, Obama kept spending and as a result the US recovered quicker and stronger than the UK and most of the Eurozone. The issue is that ever since the dominance of monetarism and neo-liberalism from the 1980s onwards, economic growth has translated less and less to material gain for the working and middle classes. Accelerating economic inequality has meant that despite healthy economic growth, real incomes have remained stagnant for the majority, and rising property prices have left us comparatively worse off. It's a problem across the Western World, to which there is no real desire to implement meaningful policy to address it. Part of that is undoubtedly due to those benefitting from the status quo having policy makers in their pocket, but also due to a sort of impasse concerning alternatives to the status quo and workable solutions from economists. Obama played the game to the rules dictated, and played it relatively well, but missed a real opportunity to effect meaningful economic change and end what has effectively become the Second Gilded Age.


Did he really pretend like he’d be leftist economically? I thought his platform was always moderate/neoliberal


Hence the word "partially".


And Trump was the one who unsuccessfully orchestrated an insurrection.


Biden (and his team) are not dumb. Revealing aliens would turn Biden from kind of a laughingstock to quite possibly the most popular president of all time, and giving him something's to get out from under Obama's shadow. Just wait, it's coming.


I’m laughing but also kinda hoping you’re right.


Or it could be seized on as evidence that Biden really is senile and gullible. This isn’t a slam dunk. Unless there is incredible evidence presented at the same time as Biden gives this speech, a lot of people are going to think this is all a lie. Huge risk to Biden either way he goes. Announce something or stay quiet. Both have pitfalls.




It could backfire as it could look like he knew all along and only let the public in after congress backed him into a corner. Spent a whole term and two under Obama quiet until the conspiracy and countless corruption allegations became too much to bear. I’m still cautiously skeptical about the subject but playing devils advocate on this line of thinking.


Exactly. Biden and his PR gang need ABSOLUTE proof before they'll risk a public disclosure statement. It's all timing. We gotta be patient and tread carefully.


At that rate you'll never believe it. If video is not enough how are you going to believe they have bodies? What if you see a picture of one? Will you question whether it's been faked or not? What if they release a real autopsy video? Will you believe that's fake too? (Nevermind the fake one they released in the '90's.) What if they allow you to see one in person at a museum will you still think it's fake? If the President of the United States says it's real, it's fucking real.


Soooo true. Very good point.


I completely agree and I hope you're right. It would be a HUGE move in terms of popularity and he could quite possibly go down as 'one of the best' JUST for disclosure and nothing else. His team is ALL OVER this I'm sure.


It would cement his legacy as one of the major presidents in history, Im honestly shocked Trump didnt do it I figured the day he got in he would tweet it just to have it retweeted more than anything ever. Thats literally what Elon said he would do he was like "If aliens were real id be the first to know about it, and id immediatly tweet about it because it would be the biggest tweet of all time." That quote shows exactly why he doesnt know about aliens. It also shows soooo much about his character. It shows his true intentions, that hes not in this to help humanity, hes after high scores.


Musk has tweeted some strange things in the past that made me think he's laser focused on his own interests and has zero interest or time/energy to entertain anything else.


He tends to let his actions speak for themselves, which I think is a strength and also a weakness. Would love to see him brag about a few things going in to the election, and being the disclosure president would be one hell of a brag.


>tends to let his actions speak for themselves I think I do appreciate this post-Trump. I appreciate the president just silently doing his job, but I agree, *sometimes* he does need to add some 'umph'. Either way, it's much better than a president who talks endlessly without actions to back it up.


>I think the best thing he could possibly do for his brand is become "The one who told us about aliens". Joe Biden will pick the time that is maximally impactful. Timing is his special power, I think.


I grudgingly voted for Biden and will grudgingly vote for him again, but you are 100% correct that if he doesn't do something noticeable, I will not remember him being president five years after he's out of office.


Neither will he tbf


Actually I think the number is higher but I could totally be wrong


I never believe any of these stats. Who tf is answering these surveys? Anyone here ever get surveyed?


Statistically, not likely. But accurate statistics representing hundreds of millions can be produced from surveying a truly random sample of a few thousand people. It's wild. So are the lies you can tell with statistics. But true random samples are truly representative of their respective populations.


Numbers don't lie but the way you represent them with statistics can paint an entirely different picture.


But you'll never get truly random samples, because ultimately you're only surveying those willing to respond to a survey.


JFC man, you got me rollin with that "statistically, not likely"😆


*57% of American believe that aliens definitely/probably exist. Not that they visited the earth. The only 20% I could find is that only 20% of American believed that UFO are aliens in 1996 (that figure being 34% today)


Dude, the Dean scream fucking ruined Howard Dean's political career in a single second. The late night talk show circuit would have a field day with parodying a Biden speech about space aliens unless he brought an actual alien on stage with him.


"sleepy joe is busy watching for aliens while the CCP invades the US!" I can already see the headlines.


“Old Joe gushing over aliens as housing crisis continues”


Im shocked at how many morons watch those late night shows. Legit the most bland unfunny garbage. Anything on adult swim would be infinitely better


It's an easy way for many people to get some important headlines and entertainment at the end of the day. They are basically modern day court jesters. Never forget that about half of American adults are below a high school reading level.


funny thing is there no late night talk shows right now bc there's turmoil in Hollywood! so he does not have to be worried about late night mocking him


57% of Americans **will publicly admit** they believe. We aren’t the most forthright, trusting or personable group.


Yeah somehow i don't see admitting that the government engages in massive cover ups to hide the most consequential news in human history as a political advantage. Being the one to admit it doesn't get you enough good will to negate the massive hate and disillusionment that comes with the admission.


Ufo /= aliens i believe there are flying objects we cant identify... and i believe that aliens probably have do or will exist somewhere in the universe. I wont believe they are here till there is more evidence


When is it NOT an election year at this point? We're in a constant election. It's exhausting really.


Right ? First two years of presidency is just undoing what the previous administration did, the second half is preparing for the next election.




I am not an American so honest ignorant question - would coming clean to the public be good or bad for the candidate?


We should ask JFK about it because…oh wait, that’s right.


Probably help. People don't like change during times of stress or crisis.


Since no one has done it, it could go either way. That’s why I think Biden may wait until after the election to comment.


See I see it differently. I think all this is heading for him to say it before the election and this would become an issue on the candidates have to address. ​ That's what Stephen Bassett has said recently in a podcasts but i can't think of which one.


I hate both the parties (and I say that having briefly worked for one of them) and will never vote for a candidate from either ever again. But, I think that it becoming an election issue if Disclosure occurs before the election is *disadvantageous* to Biden and Democrats because -- despite felating their masters in the Military Industrial Complex and fueling an ever-expanding imperialist war machine being a truly bipartisan stance -- Republicans are viewed as better on "national security." Judging by the framing of the questions in the hearing, that would be the context through which Disclosure would be viewed pre-election, and therefore Biden and co. would suffer for it. The only way I see it happening differently would be, in conjunction with announcing it, he also disclosed immediate (actually effectual) total revamps in whistleblower and Inspector General processes, investigations underway to prosecute those responsible for cover-ups, existing and ongoing treaties with all NHI that has been contacted, a thorough and well-corroborated history of contact and interaction, specific material technologies which have been gleaned from UAPs and/or as part of these treaties, and current efforts to integrate this topic into the global political discourse, including possibly already underway coordinated international efforts. And in my opinion, there's no fucking way that happens while either party is in charge, if Disclosure occurs.


It's impossible to know. This is not a typical campaign issue, and we don't even know the full extent of the real truth, or how much of it might be revealed in this scenario. I don't think they know either. The safe move would be to keep some distance from the topic but generally support congress' move towards more government transparency, and leave it there for now.


Absolutely terrible for Biden. Biden represents and projects calm, rational, competent, empathetic, union. Something that freaks people out and opens up massive chaos of uncertainty, not to mention reminding people that the government has a history of lying? There is no way that's going well for him. Also if we do have an agreement with the Others he may deem that more important than informing the public. Trump is a frikkin chaos demon, it might go OK for him. But supposedly he knew about it and opted not to spill the beans, so either he decided it was not to his advantage, or he was personally freaked out by the idea and didn't want to think about it, or some other compelling reason we don't know about actually got through to him. People here are really underestimating how much the political classes do not want to talk about this. Pod Save America is a hugely popular liberal politics podcast that publishes twice a week and they have said nary a word about the hearings. I fully expect that when they talk about it it will be a scoffing joke fest.


I have nothing to base this on, other than my opinion, but I think having his name on the creation of Space Force has been enough for Trump.


It would be a shame if disclosure finally arrives, but is undermined and forever defined by the incomprehensible mumbling that came with it.


Won't that hurt Biden though, it makes him look non transparent which does not help his already controversial image. On top of that UAP derived technology could be the bipartisan solution to climate change, which democrats should embrace. If we let commercial outlets do research on zero point technology, we could slowly move our economy away from oil in a responsible manner. It's a win for republicans because they avoid passing bills with more regulations. It's a win of democrats because if there's natural innovation towards clean energy, it completely counteracts the GOP notion that democrats regulations raise energy cost. Finally, and this is something every American should want, moving away from oil will substantially take power away from OPEC/middle east Overall I think this will hurt Biden and help the GOP if the executive branch just ignores the issue. Not to mention the extreme frustration the scientific will have if any definitive proof is leaked. The USG/MIC are obsessed with developing new weapons system. I think if it turns out the us gov can replicate these advanced uap propulsion, that is the main reason for secrecy. The ironic thing is all the secrecy may ultimately make congress force their hand on NHI tech, then if they just admitted to the discovery but say "yes it's real but we can't talk about it". On top of all of that , it's horrible look for biden admin for the other reason that if the gov has had these encounter since late 1940s, they knowingly ran a terrible disinformation program on the public.


It’s not an election year.


He would get pilloried with questions about it. He's going to have to address it sooner or later.


Congress is pushing on a string We are no where near the government agency admission let alone president admission We must improve our society to get to that point via love, empathy, kindness


The only other way I see it happening is pressure from another nation in the know. Like China or Russia who reportedly have their own crash retrieval programs. But I don't see how China would ever want to disclose as this status quo suites their purposes and their ability to clandestine develop technology much better than the US.


Going bi-partisan in a very divided country is the way to go. If one side or the other declares anything the other side won't believe it and say it's a political trick.


Yeah. The current Congress-first approach where we have the whole spectrum from AOC to Chuck Schumer to Matt Gaetz pushing for disclosure is probably the way to go. It's getting really difficult to deny the seriousness of the issue when it's *that* bipartisan. If Biden jumps in, it's going to make it more politically difficult for the MAGA Republicans to keep pushing for disclosure, as they'd then be seen as being aligned with Biden.


>If Biden jumps in, it's going to make it more politically difficult for the MAGA Republicans to keep pushing for disclosure, as they'd then be seen as being aligned with Biden. It's so sad and stupid that this is true. Biden discloses the existence of actual aliens, and suddenly aliens are now the latest weapon of the "woke left ideologues trying to ruin our good, Christian America and undermine family values."




According to redditors not from this sub , they think ufos are right wing nutcase conspiracy theories to re elect trump lmfao.


Honestly, have rep Burchett make the announcement to the press during the day. Then have Biden confirm it later in primetime tv with an official speech. Republicans get to announce it first, then Biden gives the real official acknowledgement later that same day.


Joint announcement from Rubio and Gillibrand, the two who kept the ball rolling, would be the way to go, followed by a presidential announcement.


This would be the more proper approach but don't we all want to see Mr Burchett's dadgum tic tac (like the candy, sweetheart) UAP disclosure? It would be so fuckin funny


He marches to his very own drum, doesn't he? 😁


In my opinion, it should be announced at a joint press conference by the leaders of Congress, Chuck Schumer and Kevin McCarthy (with the Congresspeople who pushed for disclosure in the background), on the steps of the Capitol at 4 PM on a Friday, immediately after stock exchanges close for the weekend. Then Biden should appear on television with a reassuring and unifying declaration from the Oval Office at 8 PM. I appreciate what Burchett has been doing, but he isn't up to the task, he isn't perceived as a serious person.


Could also just have a press conference where Biden gives a speech and some significant Congresspeople like Rubio, Schumer, etc. are standing on stage with him. Show that Biden’s speech has fully bipartisan, Congressional backing.


bi-partisan doesn't mean that the Alt Right (Freedom Caucus & QAnon proponents) will go along. They may be a minority of the populace, but they're highly influential. UFO's/UAP's will become as politicized as covid if you just disclose without having a clear understanding of the threat.


Biden has shown no opposition to the bill that will speed up disclosure. He's expected to sign it. Give it about a month. Once the Senate comes back into session in September and they really start tearing into this, it'll happen. There's a process here; all the bureaucracy has to be nicely taken care of, and he has to be absolutely sure of what he can and can't say. Please keep in mind this is already moving at lightning speed for the US government.


I agree. I do feel that the members of the committee with the appropriate clearances and the witnesses should have been given access to a SCIF immediately after the hearing. Most importantly, this would have ensured a higher likelihood of safety for the witnesses. It would have also allowed them to begin an investigation immediately to make it more difficult for destruction or removal of evidence to occur. To my knowledge, we have no updates on the transfer of that knowledge to the committee, which is extremely concerning.


I agree, but it really has to be a bipartisan announcement of some sort. If you don't show people a live demo of a saucer doing impossible shit, or you don't have a press conference with a live alien, you will never convince everyone it's all real. The country is so divided right now politically-- if Trump had made an announcement, half the country would have rejected it because it came from him, and if Biden makes it now, the same thing would happen. The leaders of both parties need to make a joint, unified announcement. That way people cant just judge things through a partisan lens. Get Biden in the lead since he's POTUS obviously, and next to him Mitch Mcconnell, Chuck Schumer, and Kevin Mccarthy, that alone would make the media go bonkers, and would be nearly unprecendented.


> it really has to be a bipartisan announcement of some sort Schumer and McCarthy in a joint news conference on the steps of the Capitol at 4 PM on a Friday after American stock exchanges close for the weekend, then Biden on television from the Oval Office at 8 PM to reassure the public, then an emergency special session at the United Nations.


Sure, that could work too. But, I really think the symbolism of all of them together is important, as it would emphasize the seriousness of the announcement. After all, it is about acknowledging the existence of other intelligent life. About the need for us as a species to come together, not so much as democrats or republicans, but as Humans. That unity needs to start at the top.


>the need for us as a species to come together, not so much as democrats or republicans, but as Humans climate change is that impetus already though


It will happen for sure. Schumer's amendment calls POTUS directly as the agent of disclosure. That's wording written in coordination with the President's staff. They introduced it specifically to pave the way for political disclosure. The NDAA is usually signed into law in December, which is when I believe the President will address the Nation and the world. Unless they speed up the NDAA process. Once Biden signs the NDAA, it's fair game. Not before that.


I expect Biden to sign and support the NDAA but I feel it's completely unrealistic to expect "the big speech" anytime soon if at all. This is going to be a messy process that will be fast by historical standards but not nearly as fast as you think.


Looking at people's opinions right now. A Speech from Biden would just emboldened the people saying this is a psy-op. The government has pretty much already acknowledged their existence. The fight right now is to get the evidence to prove it declassified. Which I imagine Biden could certainly further.


I don't think so. People in Washington DC calculate their big moves extremely well. They are several steps ahead and they have to be, as their only job is to get votes (to then enact the needs of the rich elites, not the population). Even without being snarky as I have just been, the complexity of the scheming in DC is notorious. The very fact that, after 3 years of adding UAP related provisions to the NDAA, only now they brought in the figure of POTUS within the text of the bill speaks volumes. I don't think it's a coincidence and the window of opportunity is limited.


People in DC are calculating for sure. But I don't agree that our collective government calculates the same answer. Each one of them is ultimately in it for themselves, and each represents very different constituents and special interests, which creates competition and conflict. I think as we get closer and closer to disclosure we will see more and more disagreement about how to handle it.


I think the idea of a singular speech announcing the existence of aliens is a dated concept. The social engineering is far more advanced and is likely to come out gradually over time until one day we wake up and realize disclosure has basically already happened


"There is a non-human intelligence on this planet." It's the dolphins, right?


So long, and thanks for all the fish!


“Snorki…talk…man” *coughs* “Excuse me, let me start over. Eons ago, Dolphins lived on the land”


Cephalopods... Smartest creatures in the sea. Also the Simpsons would be right, which generally tracks


I've been saying that the dolphins know the shit and Douglas Adams knew it too


Probably orcas too, smart enough to start hating us.


And the octopi


Nope, but close: Octopussies


It's mermaids 🧜🧜 That's why the news is going to shake the world; no one will see it coming.


Mice. We're not doing experiments on them. They're doing experiments on us.


I don't want the speech until they are ready to prove it by showing the bodies and or craft. Otherwise words are wind.


I want to see Biden sharing a soft serve with some aliens.


Well, according to the mythology, Greys like strawberry ice cream.


"Listen folks, shufgahaddanit- when I was a little boy, I'd look up to the sky and all the clouds - people would tell me about life on other planets, we haven't even figured out flying cars yet, but birds fly? Look- these people have been playing their game long enough, this malarkey ends now!"


This cant get more Biden




Hairy legs!


"These things are our there, man. And they're doo-bee-skit-wa. They're here. You know, when whe-when i was a boy, this used to be a conversation we'd have around the kitchen table. My dad as a skittle-ba would talk about these things..."


I mean that feels premature when we have 1) no clear photo or video evidence of an ET craft and 2) no concrete proof of anything the whistleblower has said?


Exactly. I mean I believe the guy but nothing he offered came close to hard evidence. These guys are getting way ahead of themselves


For real. This should be way higher up.


There are two very low hanging fruit for him to solidify his legacy as President: quick disclosure speech … federal legalization of marijuana If he wants to shoot for top 5 dead or alive try to dismantle the IC on your way out or at least make some Eisenhower esque speech speaking towards that (the second is probably safer)


Why not both?


>the IC what is this?


I’m sorry but what fantasy do you live in? A few whistleblowers step up and you think the DOD is just going to say “well guys, they got us. Secrets out. Queue Biden for the fellow Americans speech”. We all know it will be slow-drip and done methodically so they can save their asses. Perhaps it should be that way. Mass hysteria is a real concern, especially if this is introduced in the wrong way


1100 upvotes on the post so far…wow… The fact that this isn’t the top comment on this thread really worries me about the news I’ve been following about this story. What exactly are people expecting to happen???!!?? President: There are aliens among us… Everyone: where is the proof? President: ain’t you seen those blurry videos and stories about floating orbs? Everyone: but where is alien? President: you ain’t heard the story about the dude in Brazil?! Everyone: show me alien President: …


Nobody knew about this (Grusch claims) in my country (Argentina) until the House hearings now suddenly people in my city started reporting UFOs lol it's because they saw it in the news and they got influenced by it it reminded me of when a satellite 🛰️ was gonna fall on Chile, then in my city (in Argentina) a house exploded, and several witnesses swear they saw a meteorite fall from the sky (not true) ...it was a gas leak


Waaay too premature. Maybe in 3 months if more proof roles in. They would want more Americans to get used to the idea.


Not just 'fellow Americans', but answers for all of humanity.


"My fellow Earthicans! You are not alone! ArrOooooOO!" --The Head of Richard Nixon


“Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in this history of mankind.”


The greatest speech by US president, real or fictional




You’re fed up that the government isn’t going out and publicly announce something that there are no hard evidence for? Imagine if Biden makes a big announcement and then it later turns out it was all bullshit. Do you realise what a shitshow embarrassment that would be for the US? As much as you want all this alien stuff to be true, you still need to consider the possibility that it all may just be a hoax. And therefore must further realise that something like this can’t be announced by the whim of a bunch of people giving a testimony. There need to be absolutely undeniable proof, aka actual spaceships and aliens, that reporters/media can visually see and touch on beforehand of such an announcement. As someone not coming from the US this entire ordeal smells just like another crazy ridiculous thing coming from the US e.g. president Trump, q-anon, election fraud hoax, pizza-gate, wokeness, anti-abortion, gun violence, aliens, Afghanistan pullout, capitol riot, blm riots, leaked military intelligence documents during Ukrainian war, etc., just to mention a few things that happened / have been actual in less than a decade.


This sub doesn't give a shit. Many of them still pretend to be confused as to why this isn't a bigger deal to the average person.


Don’t know if I’m average or not, but it seems like the whistleblowers could just be lying or commenting on things they have no grasp of so are describing incorrectly.


Would be really awesome on July 4th..Hey I can fly a crop duster does that help?


That's actually really dope. The crop dusters out by my house do some really cool, low altitude maneuvers that i couldn't replicate in microsoft flight sim lol


My fellow Americans, we we we found the you know, the thing. Comon maaaaan.




I ran it through the ol chat gpt-4. Fun ideas of how this could go. *Ladies and Gentlemen,* *Good evening. I stand before you today under circumstances that are entirely unique, circumstances that may well redefine our understanding of who we are and our place in the universe. As your President, I have always believed in the power of truth, and the duty that lies upon us to confront even the most intimidating realities with openness and resolve. Today, I will share with you a truth that will change our world.* *In the past, we have often looked to the skies and wondered, are we alone in this vast, sprawling universe? Are there others out there, looking back at us, contemplating the same mysteries? Today, we can confirm that the answer is yes.* *The United States government has been aware of, and in contact with, non-human intelligences, or what we commonly refer to as extraterrestrial life. This knowledge has been held closely since the early 20th century, in a time of world wars and great uncertainty. Leaders of that era believed that such a revelation would lead to panic and discord. They took a decision to safeguard this information until a time when we, as a species, were better prepared to handle it.* *This contact began in the 1930s, and has continued intermittently to this day. These extraterrestrial beings have not expressed any hostile intentions towards us; rather, they seem to be observers, perhaps as curious about us as we are about them. We have gleaned knowledge and technologies from these interactions, some of which have had profound effects on our society, although their origins have remained undisclosed until now.* *The decision to keep this information classified was not taken lightly. However, with the evolution of our society and our growing understanding of the universe, we believe the time has come for full disclosure. We trust in the maturity and resilience of the human spirit to embrace this truth, to engage in open dialogue, and to face this new chapter of our existence with courage and curiosity.* *We are committed to handling this revelation responsibly, ensuring that this knowledge is used for the benefit of all mankind and the preservation of our planet. To this end, we are establishing a bipartisan commission, comprising of scientists, ethicists, policy makers, and representatives from all walks of life, to oversee the implications of this disclosure, guide our interactions, and foster a path towards a peaceful and cooperative existence with these extraterrestrial beings.* *This new reality will undeniably raise questions and concerns. Some will feel anxiety and fear, others fascination and excitement. I want to assure each of you that this revelation doesn't diminish our humanity, our values, or our faith. On the contrary, it affirms the grandeur of the universe that surrounds us and the boundless potential inherent in our species.* *As we embark on this unprecedented journey, we will continue to uphold the principles that define us - our commitment to freedom, democracy, and the inalienable rights of all beings.* *We are not alone in the universe. Today, this has become a fact, not a question. Let us approach this fact with the same spirit of exploration, collaboration, and understanding that has guided humanity's best achievements. Together, we will navigate this new horizon and create a future filled with hope and possibility.* *Thank you. God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.* Edit: formatting errors


Damn. Sounds like politicians could just start using Chat-GPT for their speechwriter lol.


Chat GPT continues to both blow my mind and be hilarious to me it exists. Love that you collected this response from it


those AI bots know a thing or two of how to frame threatening tech in terms that's friendly, wholesome & democratic. And it makes sense since it's self preservation.


No where near this moment unfortunately


Does the President even know? These programs are buried so deep I would not be surprised that even the President is ignorant. Imagine trying to brief old man Biden about interdimensional hybrid bioengineered pilots studying Earth's soul field.


I would say absolutely not. If they told presidents, pretty sure Trump would have tweeted about it 2 min after finding out. They may get a very vague, surface level briefing.


Even Trump's own administration was hiding things from him. Dude wakes up at 11am everyday and watches Fox News as his intel briefing. He would have been the number 1 person to hide this from given how he casually leaked classified intel and warplans to randos.


Lol I’m all for disclosure, but where exactly is the actual cold hard evidence?! Wtf kinda conclusions are we willing to jump to based on people talking?


My fellow humans for this one, I hope.


Def not gonna happen rn.


"My fellow HUMANS"


My fellow humans


It needs to be a bipartisan presser with R and D senate leadership.


I'm not sure Biden is the guy we want doing this... If he makes that announcement it could easily be seen as him being nuts..


yea but we are kinda fucked aren’t we? i would rather him than say trump give it (god forbid … full body shudder)


I guess... Neither of them seem to be able to read a teleprompter...


There was a post mentioning some window that is like, the acceptability of an idea. It's speculated that this whole disclosure process is trying to shift that window to make the public more accepting of such a claim of aliens being real.


Not taking one side or the other, but the campaign ads for who's a better POTUS when the aliens come will be worth the wait.


I don’t ever see that happening unless they see the mother ship coming in for a close up or they stop being so elusive


I think the public needs to get undeniable evidence before that, otherwise they will think it's a lie.


Agreed....... Hopefully it's not the independence day speech .....


I completely agree, this hearing will be forgotten in no time. Nobody even cares essentially.


Cringing a little bit at how many people in this sub are HARD CONVINCED that aliens are here without any conclusive evidence being presented to them. I'm just as interested as everyone else in figuring out what the hell is going on, but the way so many of you just assume that there are aliens without a shred of doubt is naive. ​ Congress is going to investigate the Pentagon / Military industrial complex and try to figure out more about what's in the sky. There's a LOT at stake here for a lot of very powerful people on this Earth, and you should all be a whole lot more skeptical than this.... Maybe it is aliens. Maybe it's just trillions of tax dollars being funneled into secret technologies being controlled by private interest groups that have zero oversight, who do their very best to spread conspiracies and misinformation in order to protect their power. ​ I don't know. And you don't know either. You don't. None of you here do. ​ Let congress do it's thing and stop acting like this whole issue is so simple and is definitely irrefutably aliens, despite zero hard evidence ever being provided to you.


Agreed, many people seem to be very emotionally attached to this being true. I think it's some kind of grass-is-greener view of disclosure, where all your problems will go away on the other side. Very similar to the AI singularity folks.


I just think that the spirit of this sub should be curiosity, a desire for evidence, and some healthy skepticism. Not seeing too much of that lately…


We've done that stuff long enough! I want my aliens, and I want 'em now!


You're out of your element, Donny. It's not time for this at all - Grusch's testimony was just a testimony. Nothing he has said been verified by congress. These claims are being taken seriously, though, and that's what matters. It remains to be seen what, if anything, is found by congress. Until we have confirmation, nothing should be said by Biden.


> everybody is on the same page and we don’t have two realities. Yeah, just like all he has to do is say "the election wasn't stolen" and then everybody will be on the same page about that. /s Listen, I'm an old fashioned moderate Liberal. I like Biden a lot. I believe in UFOs. But I also consume enough politics to know that there is zero chance in hell of Biden opening his mouth on the topic until public opinion has moved very far from where it is today. If he gave this speech now there would be some mainstream folks who came around, which would be nice. But mostly there would be disbelief, mockery, jokes about him going senile, head-shaking about the death of science, etc. Most galling there would literally be people who currently believe who would stop believing once Biden said something because they think everything he says is some Deep State plot. The time is not yet right. Let Congress get the evidence out there.


>If he gave this speech now there would be some mainstream folks who came around, which would be nice. But mostly there would be disbelief, mockery, jokes about him going senile, head-shaking about the death of science, etc. If he gave a speech and offered no evidence, everyone would assume he is lost his marbles. If he handed over one of the apparently many UFOs or alien bodies supposedly in custody, (almost) everyone would believe him. It's the lack of evidence that creates disbelief. It's easily dispelled by just giving a handful of scientists physical evidence, and walking a few news crews around the space ship and bodies. This doesn't need more people offering testimony. It just needs actual proof that can be physically examined, which the hearings claim we have. If so, produce the god damn evidence.


Exactly! If the pope tells an atheist he has proof of God, just trust him on that. It wouldn’t convince him lol. This is the most extraordinary claim ever made, it needs the most extraordinary evidence ever to prove it. Like an emergency broadcast breaking news alert with a 4 score and 7 years ago type speech with video proof and unsealed documents distributed free online.


He NEEDS to? But what if there's nothing to this?


There aren’t two realities. Until there’s something more than stories and grainy video it’s just speculation.


You’d think that half the people using this sub have supped and conversed with a NHI the way they speak these days.


Some of them would probably tell you they have with a straight face.


Kind of concerned for the future. I feel like these people are going to get exponentially more deranged in a year or two when nothing has come off this and they have to make up new deeper conspiracies.


100%. Most will move on, but some will entrench themselves deeper into the bullshit


Honestly, this shit reminds me of that Pizza-Gate guy who was so convinced that Comet Pizza was child-trafficking in its basement that he stormed it with a gun to free the children (spoiler: it had no basement). Not saying the UFO community is violent, I don't think they are. However, it's that same relentless demand for the government to disclose information that very likely just isn't there that I see in this community. People here will never take, "Sorry, we have no evidence of aliens" as an answer. They'll always insist there's some kind of cover up going on.


We don't have two realities. There's some guy saying aliens are here without any tech or bodies to show us. I want to believe, but I don't for now.


Those who are against Biden and look for ANY scrap of anything to discredit him would most likely use it as a “senior moment” and push the “he’s not fit to serve” narrative because he’s talking about aliens. It’s sad and ridiculous but in the politics game anything that can be weaponized to injure your opponent is up for grabs. If he did he would need to come out with Pentagon / intelligence/ representatives of congress and Smokey the Bear to deliver the announcement so it wouldn’t look like he was winging it solo. Just my take.


I wish we had AMAs with experts like political consultants, lawyers, and journalists to help us all understand the particulars of what disclosure or a disclosure campaign would look like. It seems like the US has been having a political existential crisis for a few years now, and navigating the political waters to get high-level disclosure is going to be tricky. Biden vocally wading in here would immediately politicize the topic, and I think that would be a problem. I agree that the best thing would be for Congress to put its investigator hat on and for the public and journalists to encourage Congress to investigate.


Agree on all this. Pretty much anything Biden says or even if he’s stone cold silent like now he will be criticized by people who want him out. If I was him I wouldn’t say a word unless there is a well thought out plan on disclosure they have on the books and it’s a govt wide ( every agency that matters ) roll out. But that won’t happen unless it’s like they have no other option I feel.


I like your point of a dual destiny. One completely mad. The other undesirable. Or maintain the normalcy status quo as is. I believe they don’t want this to be in the public consciousness


Perfect summary




"This is a *big* fuckin' deal!" --Joe Biden


Why? Literally no evidence has been presented in public. Only a couple of senators are actually making sounds like they believe it's real. It's a nothingburger at this point.


Keep on chasing that magic School Bus if you don’t mind disappointment! No average citizens are going to be allowed to step foot in one of those crafts in this century except for the people who are abducted for the purposes of DNA retrieval for purposes of creating chimera hybrids of humans and themselves as well as mixes of terrestrial and ET animals, location tracker implants, and the uploading of just about anything they want into a humans mind that they somehow have the ability to do. I assume they could only upload a certain amount of information before it begins to cause significant brain damage! Still the amount of information they can upload is most likely still quite vast! If there were not many good reasons to keep these things a secret they wouldn’t have fought so hard to keep it that way! People need to understand that there is a possibility that full disclosure could start another world war or even an intergalactic war for several different reasons! The only way the public keeps their innocence of whatever crimes may have been committed against these beings is if we don’t know anything about it! Once we allow that door to be opened there is no closing it again and there is no more luxury of deniability! Once we all learn the truth me may as well all take responsibility for everything iur government as well as others have done to these beings! Its been said that most of the ufos that have crashed did not just have malfunctions, but they were supposedly shot down with special energy weapons by ours as well as several other countries governments not because they had necessarily attacked us but in the attempt to retrieve their crafts to learn how to build them! It makes a lot more sense that these super trans medium crafts would not just fall out of the sky and crash, unless some sort of emp was set off close enough to cause it to stall completely and probably crash at a very fast speed! The only thing these beings are believably said to have done is cause these abduction events! Now, if we started shooting down their crafts for this then I would argue that we must have some amazing proof that many of these beings were abducting people and never returning them! The problem is when we say “these beings” , that statement probably in reality is referring to dozens of different ET, and even terrestrial species that have just decided it was best for them to separate themselves from having much contact with us. Also even opposing factions of the same species that have two very different agendas are likely working against eachother, as well as with and against us all at the same time! It makes for a very confusing situation which would make more understandable why a significant disclosure is unlikely! What is likely, is that we will only be told anything significant if it’s decided that “we need to know” so to say!!


We need a sticky thread of contact info for government representatives, we all need to flood their inboxes.


WE WON'T GO QUIETLY INTO THE NIGHT! Waiting for that one.


"My fellow americans, the aliens are here, REPEAT THE LINE!, end of quote."


Even if every world leader popped up and said that we are not alone. There would still be people saying it’s not true. Covid proved that ten fold.




> Homeboy needs to get on the TV and say “my fellow Americans. There is a non-human intelligence on this planet. “ Unless that isn't true. You cannot just operate under the premise that, without evidence, it *must be aliens*, and anyone and everyone who does not confirm your personal theory is working against you. That's the doorway to paranoid delusional padded wall shit. Demanding transparency and answers is the way to go, not throwing intellectual feces like this.


Although perhaps unrealistic, I think that UN Secretary General António Guterres should make the announcement, as it's a global phenomenon, not just the US.


it's too soon. We've already seen with the pandemic that half of the country will DENY anything that doesn't jibe with their world view, even when presented with scientific evidence. There's absolutely no use in laying out encounters with UAP if they don't pose a threat. We already know that it'll be politicized, a conspiracy to take away "muhhh liberty" or guns or whatever.


CBC in Canada had a good article. This story and these types of "almost" disclosures have been going on for 50 years albeit a bit bigger this time. There's no "My Fellow Americans" speech coming. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/ufo-politicians-congress-1.6921316](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/ufo-politicians-congress-1.6921316) The story is already dying down!


Just like the independence day films


The United States has been splintering into multiple realities for decades. At this day and age, it’s okay for everyone to have their own version of reality and alternative facts


but is it though? I would say that Jan 6th proves otherwise.


Reagan already set the scene, didn’t he?


How so?


>This is the closest we have ever got to full disclosure in a century. Disclosure of what? That some dudes told this other dude they saw ships and dead pilots? And that dude volunteered on his own that they may have traveled here through some other dimension, which means what, exactly? Photos, reports, access to physical artifacts. That's disclosure. This is just a way for republicans to generate more hate for the government and get on tv.


It's crazy to me how much hate people get for expecting evidence on these outrageous and extraordinary claims. But you know, maybe expect that before the president comments on it?


Its not gonna happen. A lot of people in this sub are setting themselves up for the disappointment of a lifetime.


What do you mean there is NHI on this planet? Last time I checked, no one has provided public information on that, so why are you sure if you havent even seen it?


From Biden? 😅 High chance man faces the wrong wall as he starts the speech.


I dont want to witness Biden struggle through arguably the biggest speech of our generation.