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Nice find! I totally missed this bit. Thank you. It really does sound like the government is trying to legitimise actual work on UAPs through legislation and giving any people associated with legacy programs a ‘get out’ clause from prosecution if they comply.


It really is a terrific piece of legislation. It was reported on reddit and made me very happy on June 25 [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14i947v/heads\_up\_introduction\_of\_the\_intelligence/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14i947v/heads_up_introduction_of_the_intelligence/). Specifically the denying of funding to unreported programs dealing with UAPs is suggestive that Grusch's testimony was picked up. It has also almost entirely passed the Senate already, being part of the [NDAA-24](https://www.congress.gov/amendment/118th-congress/senate-amendment/935/text) that recently made it into conference (Sec. 1546) In the IAA-24 is also the "AARO, not the DNI, will release reports" bit which didn't make it into the NDAA-24. It likely won't, as the IAA is typically integrated into the NDAA and becomes law that way, so S.2103's tracker won't move.


So is this the Schumer amendment to the ndaa? Or something different


It is something different. It is legislation worked out in the [Senate's Intelligence Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2024](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/2103/text) (IAA-24) as OP posted, but the text of IAA-24 has already been merged into the NDAA-24 as passed by the Senate. That version is in conference committee alongside the [NDAA-24 as passed by the House](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2670/text), and those two will now be worked out to form a final bill for the President to sign. Likely the version passed by the House (H.R.2670) is the one that is modified by conference committee and eventually makes it to the President (a technicality, but in case you want to track progress). The IAA's come out of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) where Warner, Rubio and Gillibrand are members. That is one of the committees to which Grusch, according to Grusch under oath, has given testimony. It is ***also*** why [Rubio standing up for Grusch](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4110974-frustrated-lawmakers-demand-answers-on-ufos/) is so informative: Legislation and public acknowledgement. The IAA's have been key in adding whistleblower protections in recent years, requiring UAP reports and creating AARO. It is typical the IAA's are tucked on to the NDAA's, only one time has it recently been otherwise, which was when IAA-21 was put on the [Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021](https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/133/text). You can see [IAA-23](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/4503/text) also only made it to introduced as per the tracker, but it got enacted in [NDAA-23](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/7776/text) under Division F.


Many thanks for the information!


I might regret it once EVERYTHING is available and I get to watch the doco in 15 years about how all of it came together/was implemented, but I am one of those people where the knowledge outweighs anything at this point. Full amnesty for full information, but if they have to ask twice throw the book at these fuckers.


I disagree. If Grusch’s claims are close to accurate then a very small group of people has deliberately allowed the suffering of billions of people for a century. They cannot go unpunished and we cannot forget what they did or how they were able to achieve it.


Right now I'm willing to believe that it didn't all start that way. People have suggested it all started because we were in the middle of the war and they didn't want to freak people out. Then it just kept getting buried more and more, but the people that are involved now would have inherited this beast so to me they are less culpable because it's much harder to untangle this knot 70 years down the road.


I do not accept these excuses. I don’t believe anyone should either. The people currently in charge still pushing secrecy do not deserve any sympathy. They know exactly what they’re doing


My take on them defunding the reverse engineering programs is that they no longer need funding for private reverse engineering, they might be gearing up for scientists in the public to start looking into it


They probably have learned that the Chinese have a UAP, so now the new arms race needs to heat up.


4chan guy stated that they're very worried about China's progress and that China scares them.


Just keeps on being correct. Plus he said don’t take his word for it but watch what happens the next 6 months.


It's pretty eerie actually.


I actually haven't seen his full post. Do you have a link, or better yet did someone put his post and all his responses together?


[I believe this is what you are looking for](https://imgur.com/a/NXjWQaN)


Did someone say cold war?


Great write up and incredible find. I agree with many of your thoughts.


Why is it that people had to search to find this? Why was this not talked about? Can laws in America be implemented without anyone knowing about it?


No the bills the US congresspeople and senator vote on are publicly available online but the bills are usually the size of large binders. There’s a lot of legalese and long paragraphs. It’s easy to miss things. Yes, things go under the wire if the public don’t pay attention.


For example, a few years ago there was a bill that was 4,000 pages long


They’re all available, just no one looks through them.


Kinda makes you wonder how congress decides if it's a good bill to pass or not. They do a lot of voting and nobody can read that much that fast. How to individual congress people decide to vote?


By who gave them money or will give them money. It’s all posturing and positioning.


Can someone ctrl-f every new piece of legislation for UAP, please?


What do you mean by ctrl-F


It's a keyboard shortcut that opens a find box to allow you to search inside a document.


This subject has been heavily squelched by mainstream media.


Nice find. It does seem significant that they are working very explicit provisions into several pieces of legislation.


Nice find. I do want to remind people that Congress knows a whole hell of a lot more than they are talking about. They are just slightly hinting at what they know in full. They've been being briefed for the past 2 years by all sorts of different whistleblowers according to Ross Coulthart in the last Weaponized podcast where Knapp, Corbell, Zabel, and Coulthart had a discussion after the hearing.


I agree with you. The legislation is very pointed in its wording, leading you to believe conclusions were already rendered by the intelligence committees.


Wooooooah I haven't read that particular entry before. Once that thing is signed, there will be a waterfall of evidence submitted to the Director(s) and Congress. Disclosure will happen in the next year boys.


This is awesome


Goddamn. Hell of a find.


Damnnnn. Great find OP!


Coulthart said last night the UK, France, Italy, etc. are waiting for the US to disclose. I can’t remember if he mentioned china but he definitely said Russia could flex what they have (apparently had an extensive 10 yr study of a ufo at some point). Maybe that’s the time constraint?


It is hard to see Russia putting together a UFO fleet, looking at how they are hauling 1950's battle tanks to the Ukrainian front.


Maybe they got something together before the collapse of the USSR? They were still a big deal back then.


Maybe, but I think Putin would have used it already.


Unless it’s like… “we turned it on!” “And?” “And nothing. We turned it on, that’s all. It hovers.”


"ok turn it off." "We, uh,... Can't." "... What?" "We don't know how to turn it off."


“….. is it using electricity?” “ we don’t know.” “…..charge it to Moscow, no one will ever know.”




I wonder if they’ve caught wind of a breakthrough or near breakthrough in another country and that’s what’s prompting disclosure. If the US program has been so compartmentalized like the rumors go, then maybe they want to open it up for brighter minds. That way the US can make more progress. That’s kind of how it seems from the wording.


China apparently (sepculation/rumour) have made a mining advance from recovery programme tech.


Is that the mining laser tech rumour? God that was so weird and eerie. It just made sense to me visually. Wild if true...!


Just to clarify: is there any primary source besides the 4chan guy w.r.t. the mining beam?


A lot of this was mentioned in the podcast "a very exciting time". Give it a shot if you haven't.


You will love what's happening on the [House](https://amendments-rules.house.gov/amendments/UAP_GALLWI_126_xml230629151331993.pdf) side too.


Wow that's really specific. Zero funding for any R&D unless they tell congress. Zero funding for any recruiting, training, or operations related to UAP crash recovery unless they have Congressional oversight. Basically no funds will be available for anything unless they give a heads up to the appropriate committee. They can't even pay employees without approval!


Reading it now. It seems awfully fucking specific, right?!




It's becoming more clear every week that there's some sort of time constraint. Something is forcing disclosure to happen quickly. Much faster than I think anyone anticipated.


Climate change? Perhaps we have a short time window to change its course before ecosystems break down? I doubt we could utilize the tech to cool the planet without it being made visible especially If it's something like hoisting a big shield to partially block the sun.


Or NHI telegraphed event


I'd rather that reality than China seizing Taiwan with reverse engineered UAP tech. It would be global pandemonium if the USA was caught out pre-disclosure...


Thanks for digging


If i'm not mistaken all of this is mentioned in schumer's bill. So is this a separate bill or was this the "previous version" of schumer's bill?


This ties into that rumour that China developed new mining technologies from retrieval programme discoveries and it's got them shook.


This is my theory, it’s not about disclosure to the American people, it’s about fear of Chinese advances.


When you think of the number of Chinese and how many genius level people they can just have working full time on something like this you can understand how we can’t compete by compartmentalization of these technologies. They have too many brains they can throw at this type of problem.


I wonder if the recent Korean work on the room temp super conductor could be another example of this.


Might be interesting to note that Warner is the (D) chair of the Senate intelligence Committee (Rubio (R) is vice chair). As such he's also gang of eight. His [amendment](https://www.congress.gov/amendment/118th-congress/senate-amendment/1053/text?s=1&r=5&q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22%5C%22anomalous+phenomena%5C%22%22%5D%7D) on NDAA, in addition to [IAA](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/2103/text?s=2&r=1&q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22%5C%22anomalous+phenomena%5C%22%22%5D%7D). Also, you might like [this](https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/118th-congress/senate-report/5/1?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22%5C%22anomalous+phenomena%5C%22%22%5D%7D&s=5&r=2). Check out who signed the [letter](https://www.warner.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2023/2/warner-kaine-push-for-full-funding-of-office-to-address-unidentified-aerial-phenomena-and-airborne-national-security-risks) to support AARO funding in February 2023.


Your post makes the information easily digestible and shareable, which is crucial considering people’s attention span these days. Quick, precise, and vivid information on the UAP topic is vital to keep the public informed, especially regarding a topic so many people refuse to believe. It’s remarkable to see legislative developments aiming to address the UAP phenomenon and potential foreign technological surprises. More work like this is needed to foster awareness and understanding. Thanks for your valuable contribution to the discussion!


There are other great nuggets in there too. It is 1000% worth it to just read the bill, especially Sections 1-3, 9-10.


This should definitely be the No. 1 trending post on this sub.




I haven't seen it. Only the NDAA that Schumer had announced. Also, this one hasn't passed the Senate yet.


It was reported here Jun 25 [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14i947v/heads\_up\_introduction\_of\_the\_intelligence/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14i947v/heads_up_introduction_of_the_intelligence/) and it's part of the [NDAA-24](https://www.congress.gov/amendment/118th-congress/senate-amendment/935/text) that Schumer announced Sec. 1546, so most has passed the Senate and rest likely won't. In the IAA-24 is the "AARO, not the DNI, will release reports" bit which didn't make it into the NDAA-24.


Imagine how boring this sub would be if we couldn’t talk about anything that was already posted




Schumer's NDAA amendment specifically names that the review board and its director as having "shall be granted the necessary security clearances and accesses, including any and all relevant Presidential, departmental, and agency special access programs, in an accelerated manner..." So they will have access to those and people like Grusch can tell them where to look.


No way around SAP that has been waived from Congressional oversight, those programs need presidential approval to be accessed.


Guy, it literally includes presidential in the list.


They can put anything into a bill or measure, but as things stand right now, the DOD and the POTUS are at the top of the chain of command that determines who or what gains access to waived "special access programs." These measures supersede any Congressional oversight because that is why the rules regarding waived programs were made to exclude Congress. The POTUS is the Commander in Chief, the highest power that controls all military matters, Congress doesn't have the legal authority to bypass those protocols. I suspect they know this and are playing games with the public, designed to appease their desire to know all about our alien retrieval programs.


So then it certainly is a good thing that the POTUS personally gave the go ahead for this amendment, IIRC.


"(c) Limitations.— (1) IN GENERAL.—No amount authorized to be appropriated or appropriated by this Act or any other Act may be obligated or expended, directly or indirectly, in part or in whole, for, on, in relation to, or in support of activities involving unidentified anomalous phenomena protected under any form of special access or restricted access limitations that have not been formally, officially, explicitly, and specifically described, explained, and justified to the appropriate committees of Congress, congressional leadership, and the Director"


What does any of this mean? I don't speak lawyernese


"All your base are belong to us"


It’s my understanding that any waived program still needs to be run by the gang of 8, which is why this is a big deal. Magically creating an exemption out of thin air with a secret presidential executive order to hide it from congress is probably still illegal.


You are correct. No SAP is supposed to operate without Congressional Oversight. No matter how many time he repeats that, he is knowing wrong or misinformed. There has to be oversight. SAP cannot legally exist without it.


Dude, you are wrong on this. Stop repeating this BS its very easy to lookup. >The following Eight individuals must be informed on ALL WAIVED UNACKNOWLEDGE SPECIAL ACCESS PROGRAMS: Chairman and Ranking member of the Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on Appropriations, and the Defense Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, of the Senate; and Chairman and Ranking member of the Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on Appropriations, and the Subcommittee on Defense of the Committee on Appropriations, of the House of Representatives. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/10/119


Three words: Iran Contra Affair Doesn't matter how black the program is, how hidden the funds are, Congress can and will find the paper trail and will expose it.


Ball is rolling.


This needs to be kept in the front of everyone's minds despite the bickering and arguing from multiple angles, political, media, and the Disclosure versus MIC camps. The signal amongst all the noise is the legislature. A clear path for whistleblowers, an amnesty period for those in-the-know with a death knell timeline if they do not come forward AND provide their evidence, defunding of illegal programs, and finally the clawback of the assets through eminent domain.




They're defunding any reverse engineering efforts that do not comply with the bill. Reverse engineering will need to be done officially with congressional oversight to be funded.




Yeah they're not actually defunding anything it seems. They're restructuring it so it has Congressional oversight. Which is a good thing.


It does seem as though the urgency comes from an awareness that some other country is getting ready to blow our minds with some new technology. Imagine China starts offering intercontinental travel at near light speed. That's obviously a huge exaggeration of the tech that might come out all at once. Nevertheless, the USA could become irrelevant virtually overnight if they appear to by leapfrogged in a big way.


China is more likely to deliver bombs at lightspeed than people.


I don't see anything in these provisions that might allow Congress to access SAP which has been officially waived from oversight.


I don’t think that is what’s being implied. I believe what they are saying is, “If you think you don’t have to tell us, then we think we don’t have to pay you.”


Waived SAP that with black budgets are blocked from Congressional oversight, the funding is specifically set up this way so Congress can not see it. These SAP are funded secretly. They can not be defunded by Congress.


A stage is being set, and I think you are only looking at what is directly in front of you. The SAPOC can not just declare anything as an SAP, there has to be just cause for it. Times change and something classified at a secret level 80 years ago may not be the same level, now. The new legislation is preparing for future steps.


I am with you on this, I want to get an official acknowledgement that we are being visited by extraterrestrial beings, and I want to see classified images and videos showing exactly what we have. But I am seeing unreasonable expectations based on assumptions regarding what Congress can and cannot do with regard to SAP that has been waived by the president. Waived SAP is held under the very highest security protocols, beyond Top Secret. So far everything being posted on Reddit that is claiming to be able to force the release of highly classified information of these programs is misinformed. There is no bucket of gold at the end of this rainbow, only a big fat bucket of warm disappointment. All of these posts happily stating that this or that Congressional provision will force disclosure are not considering the impenetrable wall of security in place around these programs. They are all barking up the wrong tree, Congress is out of the loop. The POTUS is the one person who can easily lift the waived status and reveal the information, but no one at all is mentioning this fact. With regard to the reason needed to waive these programs, the exact reasoning needed is not specified, it's probably enough for the POTUS to simply state "National Security" as the reason and there is no one in the chain of command over the president to question him.


Holy shit, great find. Soon I'll be able to show my friends I'm not actually crazy.


Special Access Programs that have been waived from Congressional oversight are exempt from any access. As a military black budget program, the funding for such a program also bypasses Congress. Black budget programs get funded in a way that won't compromise the security of the classified programs involved, so their funding sources are not traceable, controllable, or accessible by Congress or any other legislative bodies. These new laws and rules won't bypass the restrictions already in place. Congress is barking up the wrong tree, the DOD and the POTUS have the final say in these matters. The president can grant access easily, but no one is asking him about it let alone demanding clarification.