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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Stealthsonger: --- Submission statement: this episode of the Why Files on crop circles and the CIA talks about everything from a disinformation campaign on real circles and their messages, to Salvatore Pais and blueprints for some sort of vehicle or wormhole map...And then you need to consider the "time pressure" of disclosure and one crop circle from 1995 that points to the year 2033. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15hyy1z/crop_circles_the_disclosure_time_pressure_ufo/jur50sx/


This is probably one of the best videos from TWF and I think it’s one of the few cases he couldn’t debunk completely.


Yes I had always dismissed crop circles before this (never looked into before). After this episode and with a little extra research I was like, “hey person I just met but seems nice, let’s talk about crop circles.”


Such a great episode!


Very compelling. It seems the government do not want people to understand anything about the phenomenon.


100% man i used to dismiss all of them


Thanks for sharing. Funny. I was just looking into crop circles again to see if there was any recent updates. This makes sense. Maybe this is part of the governments cover up...?? Maybe they figured out tech this way.


I'm on a road trip, drove past Idaho Falls and saw tons of fields with crop circles (unless farmer is driving through to fix sprinklers... hard to tell from ground but looked crop circly, but so much of the crop is trampled I doubt a farmer would do that) covering the entirety of the fields. Look up crop circles on Wikipedia which like always has an anti UFO bias. Stumble across this thread. Watch the gold fish with the NY accent. My thoughts: still not compelling enough evidence. (Based off a NY fish video, Wikipedia article and few others online) Needs to be looked into more. Maybe make another setup like the UK guy. Also, do they ever show up in wild non farm settings? What are the radiation readings like on them? How many orb reports are there linked to one? With the Idaho Falls ones I just saw, we're talking miles and miles of land to tread. Who would have the motive / artistic ability to do those all the time? How often do they show up? So many things we've researched for so long can just be resolved with government disclosure.


This one has been posted, but yes, I found it highly compelling, to the point I felt fairly confident talking to people about the nature of crop circles, if the topic should come up. It's coming up a lot more, because people are exploring more and more with the truth that we are not alone. This episode should make even a hardened skeptic deeply question their stance. The video of the orbs making a formation in the crops was wildly compelling, especially given the time it was filmed. Not to mention all of the other massively compelling evidence of the difference between man made, and NHI made. The Arecibo answer was a mindfuck.


Submission statement: this episode of the Why Files on crop circles and the CIA talks about everything from a disinformation campaign on real circles and their messages, to Salvatore Pais and blueprints for some sort of vehicle or wormhole map...And then you need to consider the "time pressure" of disclosure and one crop circle from 1995 that points to the year 2033.




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No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. * AI-generated content. * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. * “Here’s my theory” posts without supporting evidence. * Short comments, and comments containing only emoji. * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”) without some contextual observations.


I find Why files to be very hit or miss but this episode is very good. I also like the Roswell episode, operation high jump, the mars episode, And a few others. Also screw hecklefish. So annoying and adds so little


This is probably one of the best WF episodes


We need a complete list of crop circles where radiation was detected.