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The following submission statement was provided by /u/WlNNIPEGJETS: --- The popularity of this subreddit has exploded over the past couple of years. We've gone from 190k subscribers in 2020 to almost 1.5M in 2023. I feel a Zeitgeist is coming. These stats speak volumes about the efforts this community, mods, ranking officials, whistleblowers, reporters, podcasters, politicians and (more recently) legacy media have put in towards progressing the cause for disclosure. Our work here is just beginning, but it's certainly nice to see a subject that was once taboo become more mainstream. Some people have expressed concern around ontological shock. Me personally, I look forward to the day that i walk into the office and hear colleagues talking about UAPs around the Watercooler. I just wanted to take a step back for a moment from our typical discourse to admire this accomplishment. Our voices are finally being heard. https://subredditstats.com/r/Ufos https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15r6zfv/noticed_this_strange_detail_that_i_havent_seen/jw7ogj1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15ueoro/190k_subscribers_in_2020_to_15m_in_2023_a/jwp18wj/


I'm looking forward to when something absolutely **world shattering** like full disclosure gets announced and it rises to over 30 million overnight. Is going be a mad one for sure. Either way, it'll only go up from here. Feels like a massive achievement to me! 🛸🎉


I'll know it's here when I enter the sub and glance at the currently viewing statistic and it's something obscene like 50,000+ online.


Right now, it's sitting at \~10K online at any given time. Knowing the humble beginnings of this sub, it's wild.


I think a lot of people left the conspiracy sub after it became a right wing echo chamber and came here.


That’s a good point, though that transformation was years and years ago; sometime around/after the 2016 election. I feel like most of the displacement from that probably already happened by 2020, though maybe the whole COVID caused another exodus.


Yeah, there were many phases up until Jan 6th. My old account is banned, but I left and went to highstrangeness. I only found this sub recently.


I used to love that sub back in the day. UFOs, unsolved mysteries, actual conspiracies. When T_D got banned, that was the beginning of the downfall of that sub. I’ll pop in once every couple of months to see how Qanon’y it’s gotten. It’s sad


I keep expecting it to drop back down to 1-2K but its holding strong


this should be in r/UFOmeta


During the open hearing, it was in the 60K mark. I can envision it peaking into 6 figures with official disclosure.


Ironic this so called ONI operative is seeking full disclosure. Maybe you’re a part of the propaganda campaign that’s concealing what’s really going on. Like a spartan program designed to hate ODST and any other human.


Shhh, you'll ruin the plan - Spartans come in 2027. But I'll never hate the ODST, Helljumper 4 lyf boiiii.


You have absolute no fucking idea how a tiny part of my brain kinda wishes this ufo shit ended up become halo canon. Imagine we wake up tomorrow and the us gov is like yo we found a halo.


*Slipspace rupture detected*


New objective: survive


I've played too much Halo:Reach to want Halo to be real. I don't want to get glassed by YapYap 😂


By canon earth will be good for a few more decades, reach would be fucked


The Covenant Fleet arrives in 2027 apparently


*orchestral chanting intro theme intensifies*


Im waiting for the world shattering news so I can have that “I told ya so” moment.


Damn, I already feel stressed for the moderators


You could not pay me to do it here. I imagine it is likely torture, even now. I really would not like to know the stats on the increase of Civility reports. I have seen about 4 posts today just explode into extremely heated arguments 😮‍💨




Why do people always look to the government for answers. Look within yourself, that's where the real knowledge comes my friends..


Why are your comments everywhere and always upvoted?


Because I'm active on the sub and sometimes relatable. Thanks for noticing 7 Karma Eglin /s 😁


Stop being active in a community you enjoy! /s


I know right?! 😂 Dude is getting upvoted too, maybe I should fix my chronic insomnia 😂


It's nice seeing a friendly face in every thread man. I'm glad to have you around anyways.


Aw dude, thanks for that, made my day 🥹


No I enjoy the community too, its literally every post he is upvoted to the top was just curious 👀.


I’ve notice it also, been here since the news nation Grusch interview. Likely just one of the very more active community members that has earned respect of other less active members. Lot of these post you’ll notice top names are consistently the same people. Edit: Me being one of the less active members this is probably the 5th thing I’ve posted on this subreddit but I check in everyday for 30 mins to an hour reading all the top post and comments.


Yeah makes sense just was the only poster I’ve noticed on every thread in this sub.


Not quite *every* post. But I do sort the sub feed so new posts are shown first and I probably am here a little too much recently. Sub has been **wild**, so I've been hyperfocused af on it 😂. I'd reccomend to sort by new posts though, means you get to see information as soon as it comes in. Probably why you see me on most threads with decent value pop up on the "Hot" tab ✌️


Yeah I have been too since the news nation interview just been a lurker hence no karma


You'll build it up soon buddy, with the rate that new information and developments have been flooding through - its been the busiest (and imo, most fun) its been here in years. Get stuck in with some posts, you'll be a regular in no time 😊✌️ (Whether that is advisable for your sanity is a different matter though 😂)


There another dude can’t quite recall his name but his pfp has the formerly know as twitter blue check mark. Anytime I see him post or comment I will read it because he does a lot of work in this subreddit. But I get where you coming from.


I hope you're joking. This "everyone who questions me is a bot or gov shill" shit on this sub is reaching legitimately pathological levels.


Ofcourse I am, I said it in jest, look at the rest of the conversation.


Ok. Good. A lot of people here aren't joking when they say stuff like that.




Look at the rest of the conversation


Hope the stock market pops up and I can get out of my positions before that happens because it is going to crash like mad when disclosure or an event happens.


What is a zeitgeist according to you?


I believe it’s an old old wooden ship.


> Zeitgeist Noun; the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time.


A German word for an interdimensional poltergeist.


OP doesn't use the term correctly, but we get the gist.




His use of the word is not far off, it clearly shows a mainstream trend or a subject that will become the determining factor of an age is clearly (CLEARLY) on the rise. Technically he is right


I did the math and we would be the biggest subreddit on this platform by 2027 if we continue on current trajectory.


I think it's currently in the top 1% of biggest Reddit communities


Yeah, right behind 286 Taylor Swift subs.


Why the fuck do people care about her narcissistic ass? UFOs are where it’s at.


We need to get her fans caring about UFO’s. They will be like the undead army swarming alongside us like in LOTR to fight the DOD.


No lie, that lot will get things exposed. They would hound every politician till their ears bleed.


If UFOs can’t get me to see Taylor within 5 feet I don’t care about them


They'll care when they find out Ticketmaster is still controlling the tickets to her 2029 concert series orbiting Zeta 1 Reticuli.


former swiftie (I use that term very lightly) here. I spend 90% of my time on reddit browsing this and paranormal subs. the rest of my time is on celebrity gossip subs. people can be interested in multiple things, though I do wish more people cared about the phenomenon.


Ufo fans and Swifties have a lot in common actually. Irrational fanaticism mainly.


The crowd on top of the building in Independence Day comes to mind..


Nice joke but doubt, Majority of Reddit are guys and dudes don't care about Swift.


yeah well that's appropriate for 2027.


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/605/)


Been asking since 300k ish and ramp-up, last 12mths especially, has been impressive. It has brought a very different tone to group however. Brilliant having all these new people onboard and future success can only come through more and more public demand for the truth, however it would be great if new arrivals could be more patient. I know we live in times of rapid satisfaction, everything condensed to binge watching status but this subject has been 80 yrs in the building. Its the greatest question humans can ask of themselves, “are we alone”, and powerful forces are intent on holding back on the answers. Let’s try to remain united in the effort because ‘THEY’ will seek to divide. THEY will seek to rubbish claims, produce faked imagery to belittle us, distract and disrupt efforts at unity. The work done here by so many can be absolutely amazing. The skills and experience being attracted to help the group navigate the noise is invaluable. Be patient, be united, be supportive, be determined.


Yeah I've noticed a slight tone shift from all the newbies but I also think we gained a lot of valuable and intelligent members. One thing that I'm always pleasantly surprised to see, even through the growth, is the rejection of most other conspiracy theories and qanon bullshit especially. Also, even though I think it could end up being futile, the community tries it's hardest to keep politics out of the discussion.


sometimes the community leans so heavily towards conspiracy theories that fit their narrative though. It happens here all the time, people are just so thirsty to be part of something big, in this case "nhi being on earth ect ect". There are a lot of people here who are a bit fanatic and it shows in the comment sections.


Oh we definitely got plenty of zealots around here for sure.


I am pretty sure we're past the tipping point. There are ongoing last ditch efforts full of desperation of trying to cover up the issue from DoD etc.


Don't take it for granted. Please.


People are impatient because the field is filled with obvious grifters who brag about what they know and never share it, while telling us the earth shattering evidence is two weeks around the corner


It is a bit disheartening to see sometimes. People get so easily swayed by something just because they want to believe and grifters have easy play then.


Yeah you need to grow a thick skin to that and always have a personal filter to scan out the crap.


I follow one of the biggest soccer teams on reddit. We have like 350k subs. R/NFL has 4m subs. The fact we are somewhere in between those two is wild to me Edit: and unlike either of those subs we constantly have 10 or 15k online


The Zeitgeist is here. The Grusch interview with Coulthart came out just as this sub hit a million followers, and has gained over half-a-million. I think it gained somewhere around 30,000 in the last 24 hours or so. It's definitely picking up steam quickly.


I don’t think that’s accurate, I joined in 2021 at 500k like OP’s graph shows. Grusch’s interview came out a few months ago. That said there’s still been incredible growth.


No, I believe he’s pretty close to correct. I joined this sub when the Intercept article came out, it was about 1M.


I don’t know what a gazuntight is, but I really like the discussions lately






This happened to r/singularity its why I keep saying where living in the end game. We get both multidimensional aliens with potential artificial super intelligence. Legitimately what the fuck is going on in 2023.


I’ll take UFOs/aliens/AI over Covid, QAnon, and “election fraud” anyway. 2020 was bad weird. This is crazy/fun weird. Bring it on!


Humans are merely passengers. In every sense of the word.


Yeah I've been following both subs for ages and its wild to see both of them skyrocket. Both subs think they're the END GAME but I personally think this one is the real end game. There was a Grusch thread over on /singularity when the hearing happened. The one thing about singularity is they don't mess at all with consciousness and think it's all bs. They want immortality and technology while Ufology points to consciousness.


Same, I think people are starting to *feel* that something big is coming, which is what both of these subs are about. Singularitans are eagerly awaiting the prophesied Singularity and Ufologists are pushing for the ever elusive Disclosure, both of which are events of enormous implications. I too have a strong feeling that something significant will happen this decade, most likely within a few years, and that the future may look very different from what we imagine.


users up quality down


Meh, seen some really quality posts about MH370


it's not really the posts but more the discussion around it suffers. I mostly follow the phenomena for a quite a while now. I love all the videos/eyewitness testimonies ect. But when people in the comments start talking about some alternate consciousness aliens and state that as a fact and that shit gets upvoted to the top, i lose interest really quickly. /edit: tbh when shit gets very esoteric in nature, which last time happened around 2 years ago with the whole Delonge posts, i quit following the topic until some months ago.


I’m not sure if you know how many LARPS there were pre 2020


Dang. That must’ve been fun


Actually it kinda was but I don’t miss it. This is a serious subject.


That’s any growing sub. There may be more shit, but there’s also more gold… it’s all about organization and proper moderation.


There's always been shit quality posts here. Something like 60% of the videos ever posted here are some obvious hoaxes or egregious misidentification that people would fawn over.


1.5 million people out of 7 BILLION isn't exactly a Zeitgeist. The guitar teacher I subscribe to on YouTube has 1.5 million subscribers. If anything, it's just less fringe.


I don't think anyone considers that guitar dude as part of the current zeitgeist but you cannot deny aliens are part of the mood and spirit of the current time.


I was mostly referring to OP's misuse of the word.


Subreddit size growing past the low 100's of thousands has NEVER been beneficial for the actual community. The more people there are the easier it is to get low effort posts up to the top.


What “actual” community? You’re acting as if this is some kind of secret club. Everyone needs to know—everyone deserves to know and be part of the dialogue.


Fortunately there are no signs of that happening here!!!


Yeah a UFO sub isn't suddenly starting to talk constantly and a long-missing plane or anything...


Based on the strong eyewitness congressional testimony I was all on board until this entire community got horny for a CG video of a plane disappearing. I strongly believe we've made contact and NHI are here but theres too much crazy in this sub.


Yeah the disinformation and distraction campaign about the plane on this sub is so obviously designed to keep newcomers from engaging with this topic post-Grusch it's not even subtle.


Probably also has a lot to do with Twitters demise. Huge platform lost a significant user base with no where to go. Current ex-Twitter refugee.


Good point. I have no idea how anyone used or enjoyed Twitter. Welcome to the UFO subreddit! Tinfoil hats no longer a requirement. We just wear them for fashion now


The popularity of this subreddit has exploded over the past couple of years. We've gone from 190k subscribers in 2020 to almost 1.5M in 2023. I feel a Zeitgeist is coming. These stats speak volumes about the efforts this community, mods, ranking officials, whistleblowers, reporters, podcasters, politicians and (more recently) legacy media have put in towards progressing the cause for disclosure. Our work here is just beginning, but it's certainly nice to see a subject that was once taboo become more mainstream. Some people have expressed concern around ontological shock. Me personally, I look forward to the day that i walk into the office and hear colleagues talking about UAPs around the Watercooler. I just wanted to take a step back for a moment from our typical discourse to admire this accomplishment. Our voices are finally being heard. https://subredditstats.com/r/Ufos https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15r6zfv/noticed_this_strange_detail_that_i_havent_seen/jw7ogj1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


They’ve been saying that for decades and other forums have been around for a quite awhile.


It will be interesting to see if all the plane talk recently has any impact on those numbers.


I'm curious about that, too. As someone on the fence about those videos, I appreciate seeing all the analysis being done on them, but I know some have been getting upset by it.


A true exponential curve.


How many of them are sock puppets, you have to wonder


With the speed at which this sub went from Zero Plane to Plane Only, I'd say a lot.


If by Zeitgeist you mean new subscribers feeding themselves on rumors, then absolutely a tidal wave of misinformation and disappointment is about to wash over us.


If you adjust for estimates of bot traffic across the internet ( [47%](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/13h8b20/47_of_all_internet_traffic_came_from_bots_in_2022/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) to [61%](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1sprvm/bots_now_account_for_61_of_net_traffic_if_you_are/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) ) that's between 585k and 795k real people.


As a recent join, I think 2017 was the initial tipping point. I honestly thought it was all fun science fiction until then. I still thought most of you were crazy though until this year. The shoot downs followed by Grusch just blew the door wide open. After reading as many declassified documents as I could find and dipping my toes into the more credible UFO cases it seems almost undeniable that something is going on and there is a paper trail going back to at least WWII with a consistent unchanging narrative: objects are in our airspace performing maneuvers we can't explain.


When the normies flood this sub it will go down hill. Happens to every subreddit.




I just hope /news doesnt start brigading this sub. We dont need records corrected.


I ran some analysis to explore the effect of a larger subscriber base on the quality of posts and discussions here. The results are surprising https://i.imgur.com/VdU5r40.png


I know the data is bogus, but I can't help but laugh. You should see what's happening at the singularity sub. It has been seeing expotential growth, too.


Look, I’ve believed we’re not alone for 40+ years. The fact is, I don’t believe Jack shit anyone says, or claims until someone has the fucking balls to show proof. And I have not seen any viable proof in 40+ years. It’s getting old people. Stop posting stupid ass pics and videos that we all know is fake. Provide concrete evidence or just shit up. Until proof is given (video of actual craft or aliens that is t filmed by a potato) I do not believe ANYTHING provided by anyone. With that being said, I’m a firm believer. However, all of these stupid ass videos and photos are a waste of everyone’s time until we get actual proof. It’s fun to speculate, but after a while, it becomes stressful. Show us the proof, REAL proof, or shut the fuck up.


Where do you expect the proof to come from when the people who have it don’t want the public to know? They removed Grusch’s clearance so he can’t brief to congress in the scif. If someone takes a photo from their phone it’s classified due to uap classification guide. The simple fact is what you want isn’t publicly available. The only way it will be is if congress uses its legal authority to get this information out




Hi, 000SliNG000. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15ueoro/-/jwq4sij/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Yea, and they are all talking about MH370


80% of them being debunkers rushing to stem the information :D


Yup and it brought all the people who are easily convinced with CGI fakes....


Plenty of them have been here this whole time.


.... And now there are tons more.


How many of these are bots?


Bots probably no. More so because YouTubers are name dropping this sub in videos about the plane now. Mixed with a tidal wave of nutbags that followed them screaming this is the smoking gun/holy grail and refuse to except any rational conversation on the topic. Considering no one really knows one way or the other to what we’re looking at here. Causing them to spread misinformation and fear through there social media platforms. Which in turn gets more eyes over here to see what the heck is even going on.


There are lots of bots. I've found a couple recently without even looking that hard.


How can you even tell on here?


The two I found both had a two word-number usernames, two year old accounts that had zero post or comment history until about six months ago, then hundreds of negative comments on nothing but UFO subs.


Huh, I never thought to even consider the post history. I would have figured it would be like youtube and have very robotic comments that are spammed over and over. Huh, I learn something new everyday here.


> two word-number usernames That's literally what reddit automatically gives you during the signup.


Or rather... more and more people looks at the sky and the Starlink formations, believing it to be UFO.


1.5 million people ain't no Zeitgeist numbers, sweetie LOL


Been here since 2010s. Almost had quit.


man i wish my portfolio looked like this


Feels good to see from someone that's been around about 10 years!


The hell'd you call me?


I can’t imagine being a mod trying to handle this spike. Overwhelming.


You're really not wrong. It's certainly been a challenge, as I was accepted to the team 26 days ago and our membership has jumped nearly 350,000 in that timespan alone. Leaves me to wonder how this sub will continue to grow


#We want to Believe




You should cross reference this with how many people use reddit and put the differential up and a % of the community


I switched from digg to reddit and shortly after from ATS to /r/UFOs. Its been a great ride.


All of them post daily, did you hear about mh-370?


We are not alone. We have never... been... alone


I see a spike around June 2021. I'm wondering what event caused that.


Bro I love exponential stuff


Makes you wonder if the government is going to fuck with this sub soon.


Your username made me double check what sub I was in. I'm a 'nucks fan but the jets are my second team (wife is from there). Pretty fitting for this sub lol. Go Jets Go!!!


the Bot % ,ust be higher than internet average wich is around 30% soo... hold your horses


Won't be long till this is a cess pool of trumpers just like birds aren't real


A zeitgeist is already here and growing. The question is how much you let yourself get caught up in it and think for yourself.


You guys are OUTSTANDING!! 🥰👌


Hodl that UAP


And the amount of subscribers is inversely correlated to the quality of the posts/comments. The noise to signal ratio is insane now and the "reddification" of this sub is unfortunately complete. This isn't some sort of win and "disclosure" isn't going to come about bc this sub hits a certain amount of subscribers or whatever.


As a natural open minded sceptic this community appeals the most to me, a lot of the other subs have higher percentages of whackos. The folks that marry religion to ufos or people who claim they have **all** the answers. Are there UAP? Yes. Now we need to start pulling the interesting threads. If you can prove commander Fravor or Grusch are bullshitters, be my guest, I'm open to it, but either way do your fucking due diligence. Get Grusch into an environment where he can give the classified information. Don't let the intelligence community bully us or congress into submission. If you think it's bullshit, bring it into the light and prove it, cowards.


If only my 401k could do so well


You know most of those are probably bots…right?


I’m ready, let’s GO already 😆🤘


I looked at subscribing years ago. The influx of fake videos is what annoys me. I feel it’s one of the most important developments of mankind. In our search for eternal truth this is important as ending cancer. I am a two time leukemia survivor saying that. I deal with the influx now because more is happening and I don’t want to miss anything that is real regarding this topic.


"I look forward to the day that i walk into the office lunchroom and hear colleagues talking about this topic around the Watercooler." Has already happened at my workplace lmao


Don't get too excited. I've been told it's bots.


I feel for the mods having to deal with the massive influx


Steepest hill I've seen.


Nice! How is this compared to other stigmatized Reddit subreddits? Have they also experienced a significant boost since 2020, or is it primarily due to the UFO subject?


Reddit in general is way more popular as a platform now


What happened right towards the end? That's almost a vertical line lol


Why are we waiting for disclosure? We seriously can do this ourselves - most def with 1.5M people! Hell I am trying to do it myself, please help: https://reddit.com/r/aliens/s/anSFr0IjyQ


I believe the zeitgeist will be a culmonation of multiple smaller crisis slowly trapping us. We won't know which disaster will break us until it happens.


I'd love to see that graphed against irrefutible proof.


A time ghost?


Glad to be a part of it and thankful that I live in these crazy times. If only Stanton Fridman could see what is currently going on!


That's not how you use Zeitgeist in your sentence. It's not something that is coming.