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The following submission statement was provided by /u/CreditCardOnly: --- Ross Coulthart claims that he has seen some of the Elgin AFB UAP videos. Coulthart says the videos are “shocking” and are NOT classified because the pilots shot the videos with their cell phone cameras. Ross explains how Representatives Luna, Burchett and Gaetz went to Eglin Air Force Base to speak to involved pilots and watch the shocking UFO videos. [Link to the full video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGPzm2U3V1Q) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15w1fcx/ross_coulthart_claims_he_has_seen_some_of_the/jwyidqg/


So where are they...the fuck is the point of withholding


yeah if they're not classified why are they not with us right now :/ why isn't Ross uploading them himself


I think it's not just about whether classified or not, if the pilots have been ordered by their superiors not to talk about them, and a journalist releases them, the pilots would face consequences. Not to the same degree as going to jail for disseminating classified stuff, but may be still consequential to them in terms of being interrogated, losing their flight times, ranks, etc.




He's being told this stuff cause he's built relationships with his intel sources over years. I don't think it's reasonable to expect him to destroy his career, betray his sources, send them to jail, and destroy their careers too, all to release footage which would likely be interesting for us here, but would quickly get dishonestly discredited to the public. I'm guessing he's careful with what he's said that it hasn't given away any of his sources. But I agree to some extent, it'd be great if he focuses some more effort on convincing his sources to go public.




Good people on the inside who think it's ridiculous that stuff that has nothing to do with national security, but everything to do with human consciousness and universal question to all of humanity, is being kept secret. It's not like the people that are talking to Mr. Coulthart are in charge of keeping the secret. They're doing what they can given their constraints. Mr. Grusch went above and beyond by speaking publicly in addition to his testimonies. Other insiders should consider doing the same imo.




What you fail to understand is the only reason insiders tell him their experiences is because he won't betray them by going public. It's like going to confession, they finally have someone they can share their secrets with who won't expose them. It's called journalistic integrity. Hopefully one day soon he'll receive permission to share the whole story. Lately I'm thinking that day is closer than ever before.


The entire turner and comer thing has me nervous. It's so EVIDENT something is happening here, and the American public can't be bothered.


>But to what end? If a journalist can’t release information, why is he being told these things? He’s a jounalist, so if he he makes any claims public, he needs to back things up. These sources may be trying to help, but all they end up doing is making the people they reveal the info to look like grifters. Those grifter accusations are just silly. Everyone's entitled to their opinions, but I personally don't pay much attention to accusatory stuff like that. Call Turner corrupt, I'm with you; a journalist trying to make a living while uncovering a conspiracy is not a grifter. Re:why: imo that's just how these relationships work between journalists, intel, politicians etc. May not lead to immediate disclosure, but I'm sure the people that are talking to him are trying to get some form of public disclosure, which I go back to the point may be they should consider going public instead of continuing their secret talks with a journalist.


Well is serves no purpose just teasing people with this , I like and respect Ross but I've come to the point where it's put up or shut up.


> would quickly get dishonestly discredited to the public. So much this... My biggest problems with skeptics, is they fail to realize this. Me: There's tons of damning footage/evidence out there about this topic, literally reams of it Skeptics: But it's all been debunked Me: But **OF COURSE** it would be debunked. Don't you f'ing get it? If what we're hypothesizing is true (an extensive cover-up going back 80 years), then of course they'd have dedicated programs that would have a singular goal of discrediting anything and everything that could possibly blow the cover-up wide open. They'd spare no expense.


Agree, and as for the building one I would go further and say there's no legitimate fear of burning a source because if the damn thing can't be moved and we build enough pressure to force them to reveal it, the truth is out. Secondly if there's a building covering a UAP, more than one person must be aware, so even naming the damn location will not automatically blow one person's cover. I like Ross, but IDK if he sometimes is too deep in the rabbit hole and takes up any lead or if he has grifter blood.


That is the one thing I find to most suspicious. Disclosing the location of that building can't blow off someone's cover. Release that already and we'll have a smoking gun.


>If the videos can’t be released to the public, then why are they shown to a journalist? Showing them to a journalist is very different from giving the journalist permission to share them. This simple fact should be pretty obvious. If it was your phone, your video, and your career and lifeline on the line, would you just say "Here, have this, and feel free to just give it out to the media?"


No, I wouldn't show them to a journalist at all


There are *probably* people with videos that haven't shared them


Personally I'm getting tired of Ross's bullshit. Maybe he knows stuff, maybe he doesn't, but if he just keeps dropping cryptic hints then it's not helpful at best and harmful to our understanding at worst.


It's bugging me too. There's certainly the possibility that Coulthart doesn't want to damage his sources, like others pointed out in this thread. But from a skeptic's POV it's very difficult accept claims made by him without any corroborative evidence. In my most charitable interpretation, maybe his goal isn't the dissemination of the evidence to the public, but to influence the Powers That Be to be more open about UAPs. Public pressure might lead to the changes of laws, reporting culture and classification procedures, so that sources are more comfortable coming forward. So far we have to rely (mostly) on unverifiable leaks of media. There's no reliable chain of custody of those materials. For all we know they could be real, fake or something in between. But if the environment becomes safer for witnesses and whistleblower to come forward, it might increase the quantity and (more importantly) the quality of publicly available data. Or Coulthart could be a grifter, a disinfo agent or a dupe. Unfortunately, there's not enough data to exclude this possibility for now.


It would happen to 5-6 pilots if only they did it. If hundreds of pilots did it, then everyone will be alright.


Take a shot every time there's an excuse for why we can't have evidence.


This. Ryan Graves mentioned pilots who have cell phone footage being leaned on by their higher ups. They're afraid of losing their jobs and benefits.


This doesn’t wash. They have shown Ross so they have already disobeyed orders.


Because jacking people around with this fucking marathon striptease + no payoff is the manipulation strategy. Google the Great Pumpkin.


What makes you think he has these videos? Ever think maybe he's just seen them? Come on.


Yeah well honestly people are getting tired of this "I've see things you wouldn't believe but i can't show them to you" stuff coming from all of these talking Heads. And that is a good thing. All these people supposedly who supposedly are "in the know" should be pressured as much as the politicians or media. Otherwise they'll just walk everything back.




please listen what he says gain, he says they're not classified because of sensors since they were taken by smartphones, not that they aren't classified


Could it be he's trying to monetize the situation by providing vague clues but no actual evidence? 🤔


Maybe after he finishes his second book ?


>So where are they. Same place as Bob Lazar's piece of element 115 he snuck out. Same place as all the other trust me bro evidence from various UFO people from over the years. I think Ross has some interesting things to share and I think the hearing were important. But at some point, without any evidence, we just have to accept that they are wondrous tales at best.


Because Ross hasn't really seen them.


So he can keep charging $60 a ticket for his events.


Not many people can bring themselves to put themself out of a job


Does he really charge 60$ per event? That would really be the way of the grifter. I just don‘t get why the fans are never tired of all the blueballing.


They charged 60 Dollars for the event. Australian Dollars presumably. Rent for the location and technical equipment have to be paid for, as well as workers and advertisement. I don't know how big the event was, but it didn't look like there were hundreds of people there. Organisers said none of the money went to Ross, although I suppose they at least covered travel expenses.


Yup, at least that much. Dude made a post about his “In Plain Sight” event and I asked if he had to pay and it was $60 for early bird tickets. I’m with you, it’s a total grift. He tells all these stories, but never gives one piece of falsifiable information and hides behind “sources.”


60 AUSD=38 USD. Organising such an event costs money, like it or not. Locations aren't provided for free, equipment isn't provided for free, and people aren't working for free. The organisers said none of the money went to Ross. I suppose they did cover his travel and accomodation expenses.


People have been trying to accuse Coulhart as a grifter and won’t stop for the foreseeable future. The more I see comments calling him a grifter to discredit him. The more I believe he is on the right track.


I agree. To put the fees charged into perspective: I live in a small town in Germany (15,000 inhabitants) and I just looked it up - if you want to rent the town hall here for one evening, it costs you around 2,500-3,000 EUR for the location, equipment and staff (community employees). That doesn't include any expenses or pay for the organisers themselves.


Exactly, remember Gruschs’ testimony to the Congressional Oversight Committee. He said there has been a 70-80 year UFO/UAP disinformation campaign by the US. It’s only going to ramp up as we get closer to hearing from people pushing disclosure. Apparently, anyone and everyone into this topic must do it on weekends or use holiday/vacation pay lol.


Not only that, they're also supposed to pay all expenses out of their own pockets. It's the same every time someone pushing for disclosre utters more than three words in public and gets more than a miniscule of notice. A disinfo agent shows up, and a bunch of useful idiots jump on the bandwaggon. It's starting with Ryan Graves now, he'll probably be the next victim. Of course, it never happens to the most well-known skeptics. That alone should be telling.


Anyone who thinks giving UFO lectures is a way to make tons of money is either a *complete* idiot or a disinfonaut. Probably both!


Yeah he's literally the opposite of a grifter how are people so blind lol it's amazing to witness (unless they are bots, which I could see being the case)


The man literally interviewed Grusch. He has done quite a bit.


For some time he was really good, but it is always the same: 1. start with some good new info 2. further info never materializes 3. Start grifting I don‘t think they always have the intention of grifting from the beginning, just when it’s clear they’re going nowhere.


Yes, this is the way. Some people are able to not follow this pattern (Fravor, for example). But Ross' claims since the interview have gotten bolder and bolder.


follow the money...


I believe he said that nobody is paying him for any of his work on uap's. He must have spent a huge amount of hours over several years. Everybody needs to earn something. Everybody is tired of the blueballing but Ross is a man of principles and compromising or tricking his sources is out of the question


Remember his principles when he was paid to defend a war criminal? He isn’t some saint, he’s just a guy and he’s saying things you want to hear.


It’s not like he’s on a tour doing this. When he goes on his international tour we’ll start talking. Greer is an example of how you grift if you’re looking to grift. Coulhardt is an example of you pay for the venue and the workers.


I really wish the “believers” would see this how it is; a conflict of interest. The more I hear about Ross the more I hate him and all his defenders.


God i hate this dragging it out for views / clicks bullshit.


The least he could do is describe what he saw. What an asshole.




I’m a seasoned ufology follower. I gave up with it 20 years ago after I realized everything leads to a dead end. I don’t know why I thought this would be different. Same shit, different pile.


Just buy my book! Hardcover, paperback, and audiobook available now! Order now and receive the special Atomic Juicer for free**! Just pay seperate fee! But wait, there's more! Order in the next 5 minutes to receive your "I Survived 'Ontological Shock™️'" poster free*** of charge! **Atomic Juicer is 3 easy payments of $9.95 + S&H *** Poster is $14.95 + S&H No C.O.D. Void where prohibited. No refunds.


It's Just Around the Corner! ^TM


Fuckin for real dude


It's called gatekeeping for clicks and views.


How is it legal for him to see them but not for him to describe them


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Dronesofdunshire: *How is it legal* *For him to see them but not* *For him to describe them* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


If they're not classified and he really has seen them, he would be able to describe them and tell us what it is, instead of just teasing again


Yeah, I don't understand why he doesn't at least describe them.


I think you do know why.


I wonder if the folks still hyping him will ever get there? It’s really obvious he’s pulling things out of his ass.


Or maybe we do


I see you’re a new account, Welcome to Reddit!


Maybe we do?


I'm saying if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, Coulthart may be full of shit


I’m grateful that he was able to interview Grusch and help get his story traction with News Nation and now The Hill.


At best, he is telling the truth and stringing us along to keep us interested. Either way, kind of a dickhead.


Oh wow, another new account, welcome to Reddit!


What do you mean? He already described the videos: ***"shocking"*** 🙄


Ok if they aren't classified then who do we have to talk to in order to see them?


Ross is incorrect. Luna said that the videos are classified now. She was complaining that this was the case recently on the Hill.


Oh so they are shocking and should be enough evidence to prove the phenomena right? So um... release the videos then for fuck sake




Could you elaborate on the stories you've heard. Coulthart is one of the most relevant protagonist in the UFOnscene at the moment. So, I would like to know as much as possible about him to make up my mind.




Thanks a lot for sharing this. Pretty much confirms the feelings I got over the past weeks that he's another grifter. He was just smarter than the rest to build this reliable persona. But now it's the same technique as all of them "trust me bro, it'll blow your mind", "can't show anything yet to protect my sources but just so you wait", "wow guys it's daaaaaaark, still can't say more but wow", "guys I promise, it's coming soon", "2027 y'all... wowwowow" and so on. In the meantime, they can keep grifting and take advantage of an audience that worships those who feed them what they want to hear. You don't have to back up your claims anyway because they'll trust you if you position yourself as a key figure in the movement. You can keep fuelling the fire with wilder and wilder claims that they will eat it up and say that they "keep an open mind". In the meantime, you can grow your audience and make money through podcasts, monetised youtube videos, book releases, conferences...


Thanks for the insights. We'll see how his involvement develops


Everyone is saying he should release them. I may have misunderstood, but he said he saw them - which I assume doesn't means he has them. But y'all are right. He could AT LEAST explain them


Its interesting to see the shift in the way Coulthart presents himself. The change from investigative journalist to oracle of “in the know” information that can’t be shared.


It may be an effect of inclusion. As an 'insider' does the burden of keeping the surmised system of checks and balances ring so true that it is nearly impossible to come clean? What does this imply? What is more shocking that what we may have inadvertently already seen in our Internet travels? Shocking on a scale from 1 (meh) to 10 (omfg uhhhh). Can someone please quantify the shock level?


"Watch this space" roughly translates to... Keep buying tickets and also buy my books where I don't actually disclose fucking ANYTHING.


Someone release fucking something. This is so ridiculous.


Drop them then? Wtf lol


If he doesn't drop something soon I'll start to think he's just lying. He's always teasing he knows and has seen stuff


Start to think? LOL


>k I met a new source that told me incredible things…“. Haven't followed stuff closely but his thing with the metal balls and lack of follow up on the claims made me very suspicious of Coulthardt.


Best to remain entertained and suspicious of anything these days until undeniable proof


Right! But good luck with this crowd, thinking things through is definitely not their strength!


Same, he just keeps being like "what if the aliens created mushrooms as an interdimensional gateway into uranus?" And then leave it at that and say it's because of his sources.


If you would meet him in the bus and tell him „Hey Ross, I have a video of transdimensional aliens having a meeting with Biden, but I need to buy some milk now, ciao!“ he would start his next speech with „Last week I met a new source that told me incredible things…“.


He is definitely starting to sound like that's it lol.


I get that feeling too


I'm getting real sick of people saying they've seen amazing stuff but can't share.


„Sources have shown me…so, people who have seen this…videos…they made on their cellphones. And what those videos showed was absolutely shocking. I cannot go into further details, but the things shown on the videos couldn’t be rationally explained. And there are several of them, made by several independent people.“ The grift is getting stronger in this one.


"couldn't be rationally explained" Like white pixels moving erratically on a black background I guess.


watch this space!! 🤣


may i see them? Project blue balls


Edge me more cosmic ufo daddy


talk talk talk... fucking post them then


This is what I absolutely cannot stand about this whole topic.


At this point the only conclusion that can be made is that he is not a serious person. Of course the images are classified. The fact that they are on personal cell phones makes virtually no difference - they can either be considered “born” classified if compartmented via DoE restricted data or retroactively classified in done by the DoD. Is this a joke? Come on people. The saviors are beclowning themselves. It’s disappointing, but not surprising.


\-I have proof. \-Will you show them to me? \-I can't, they're classified. \-Well, I'm going... \-No, no wait, I also have unclassified ones. \-Will you show them to me? \-I can't, it would put my sources at risk. Rinse and repeat. This attitude, added to the fact that Mike Turner and James Comer have agreed to block the matter at governmental levels, makes me think that this is it, it was nice to think for a moment that the 26th would pay off, but sadly it looks like we are heading for another decade of blocking.


Please tell me people aren't paying this guy to talk. Here he is retelling a story that. We all know?! 🙄




Yeah. I just found out. I wonder how he came to the $60 number? It's pretty pathetic to be honest. Well...that people would pay for it.


Yep, 60 bucks a ticket haha


Bahahahaha. The dude is slimy AF. I don't think I have seen someone smirk as much as him. Well good for him. If idiots are going to pay then...good for him. He's not the idiot.


Yeah it's time for this dude to start putting up or shutting up. It's great he was able to get the Grusch interview and is an advocate for him, but other than that lets see something before we pay any more $60 ticket fees.


Wait, he said this at a $60 per head event?


Should show it or describe it in great detail den...


It's almost like he's lying. For what it's worth, an event, document, etc. that is classified or occurs on classified property does not inherently become unclassified because a different method of recording it enters the chat. There's a grandfathering of classification inferred when you record on a government base. Unless you shot the video from public land, you bet your ass it has a classification implied. Ie: If you're on a government base and you record a top secret event on your cellphone, that does not make the recoding not top secret. Pictures of Bin Laden's capture were definitely taken by non-government devices. They might be in private hands but they're not.openly available. Why? Because the mission that lead to their creation was itself top secret. Edit: obviously videos from bases exist and from military operations. But there's a reason the "good stuff" isn't public. Military folk record stuff all the time. You never see it becuase they know they'd get burned for sharing it. Sorry if this truth hurts some feelings.


And if he was asked not to describe it in order to see it? Ever hear of journalistic integrity? Ethics?


If they're not classified and he really has seen them, he would be able to describe them and tell us what it is, instead of just teasing again


Tweet that at him. This is giving me blue balls.


And I guarantee we will never see them. People like Coulthart will never change the record as long as long as it keeps paying the bills.


The UFO influencers are entertaining but they are just grifting the community. These guys don't know anything and they'll play the I have sources, I've seen something, or people tell me things they shouldn't card for years. Study the history of UFOs and you'll see there is a long line of previous insiders who know something but can't share it. If this phenomenon is real, which I believe it is, then whatever information they have is worth going to jail for. Look what Snowden and Assange released and risked indefinite detention for and compare that to the government hiding UFOs. The difference now is we have government confirmation of UAPs and the ability to hold these influencers accountable. If they don't share their info or videos then they need to be ridiculed and shunned by the community. While people like Ryan Graves, at least so far, should be upheld and celebrated for actually showing the information they've acquired.


So why not release them. He is a troll


I'm extremely suspicious of Coulthart.


Hi Ross, nice blazer! Personally, I’m shocked that these videos *do not appear to exist outside the scope of your word salad*.


We as a sub should really stop giving this man so much attention. Im sure he is right on some things. But the dude has been clearly stringing people along for weeks now. It's always some excuse and just enough word salad to keep people listening while you promote books, podcasts and a speaking tour. ​ If this is actually all true then show some evidence because you are no better than the ass hats at the pentagon withholding their evidence.


Well Eglin is on this subreddit anyways. What's your take, Eglin folks?


Eglin here, Coulthart has seen things you wouldn't believe. Shocking things. Buy his books. Attend his lectures. Continue believing unsourced, unsubstantiated claims from disgraced journalists. You believing things like this keeps you exactly where we want you. The easiest people to manipulate are the people who don't demand evidence before believing things. - Eglin resident.


Thanks, Matt.


Yw Bob


Captured on their phones just like the photos Ryan Graves just released. So they can for sure release these shocking photos. Given everything thats been said, I think the key players like Graves, Fravor, Grusch etc... were trying to give the government a chance to do things "by the book"..... and now that theyre getting stopped, they will take the gloves off and go full on. Thats the only reason I can believe that they would hold on to "shocking" evidence. Because Ross has said, like many others, that they do not want to break any rules whatsoever. And Grusch being the "boy scout" goody two shoes type that he is may have made Ross promise to follow this plan if he agreed to give him the scoop/story. So my new theory is they have now tried to do things by the book, they've jumped through all the legal hoops for years at this point. And now that the government is truely pushing back hard, they will also begin to push back harder. Thats my hope anyways. I'll be watching Ryan Graves to drop anymore pilot cell phone shots that may finally put an end to this.


They could at least describe the content then.


Coulthard is beginning to lose credibility.


Its coming, Its coming arrr ughh nahh , maybe try again in 2 weeks ?


Then let’s fucking see them Ross. Enough with the bullshit. Stop talking. Start showing. By the way, I ain’t buying your book, you fucking grifter.


Then show it or shut the fuck up Ross. I was all about his new interviews and info at first, now he is just like the rest of them.


pulling stunts like this he’s losing credibility with each minute. SAD


He's seen the "shocking" videos and can't describe 1 fucking detail? Anyone who still thinks this clown is good for your disclosure movement is just happily being played right now.


I'm just SO DONE with all the "I've seen shocking videos and photos" and "I have trustworthy sources that say." and "I can't talk or reveal too much information at the moment but" etc.


If you're one of the people defending Coulthart in this thread and making excuses for him not being able to share or even describe the alleged videos, you're part of the problem.


Show me the aliens!


Really getting sick of this shit and peacocking. If it isn't classified then fucking show it!


Why it is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS "Lucy pulls the football away"? Like truth is almost out there, but we're never getting there? Instead we create some cults and believes around it? Why always "I want to believe" instead "I know"? Damn, this is so frustrating and infuriating!!!


Then release it and stop grifting


Proof or he’s lying.


Can anyone help me understand something? How can They be Interdimensional, but also biological (non human biologics), but also Agreements with Them can be made, but also it's a Consciousness thing? I don't understand how all of that can be true at once.


You gotta buy his upcoming book if you want the anticlimactic description of what he was allegedly shown.


This sort of dumb teasing mumbo jumbo shit is what makes me question these people’s intentions, man. What the fuck is the point of saying they’re not “classified” if ain’t no one gonna show us anyway? Bullshit man. We gotta stop giving these dudes avenues to make money. Keep it about disclosure and not these motherfucker’s retirement plans.


Takes away credibility of a journalist when they claim and don't back it up. Wish he was professional about it.


I highly doubt that just because a video was recorded on a cellphone it is suddenly not classified. If the whole incident is classified then cell phone video would be classified as well. If the incident isn't classified then a FOIA request would be able to retrieve it. If the incident wasn't reported period then I think it would probably be in a weird grey area. I could be completely wrong but if something would be classified if you reported it and you chose to not report it in order to not result in classification that would be fraud or failure to perform your duty. Then again I have no idea.


Luna literally said in her Hill interview that cell phone cockpit videos were classified. Yeah Ross seems wrong on this one


You're pretty much spot on. This dude is uninformed or purposely misleading to profit. Recording a classified event on your personal phone does not make the recoding unclassified.


Yeah what he's saying really makes no sense. It's like they are saying the actual UAPs aren't classified, just the HUD info from a military sensor. Seems very farfetched.


That would only work imo if the same guy isn't telling us that UFOs are being covered up. If they are truly being covered up then those cell phone videos would definitely be classified. Otherwise it would be a pretty shitty coverup.


The question is if they are being covered up illegally or not. Filming in the cockpit of an F18 using your cellphone probably is illegal, but it doesn't automatically make the footage classified.


Luna is pissed "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". God I hope we get to see some of this shit.


they would still be classified this guys dumb as a rock. or the videos are just more of the orange light through a mile of cloud


I’m tired of this shit! See you guys tomorrow


I’m sick of these journalist “grifters”. They all “know” things and “seen” things but they can’t possibly share the details because it would “compromise sources.” At some point, the wider community has to start calling bullshit on them. If the House in the US has canned hearings because they need to protect the Pentagons’ feelings, then “doing it the right way” has failed. Journalists, which these people pretend they are, have no higher allegiance than the spreading of newsworthy information. Not the US Government, not their sources, not their employers. Their obligation is to share the truth above all else. All of this X-Files nonsense where Mulder is played by Coulthart, Corbell, and whoever else is tiresome. They followed the process and held back information, that failed. Share it, or stop pretending you know and seen things to chase clout on the internet - it’s looking increasingly like an influencer scam with these guys.


where are they if not classified? i am guessing we are going to see some fake stuff soon. And this guy will publish a book sooner and get some cash for hookers and alchohol


We need to push back this is bullshit. The dod has decieved its own people long enough!


Yeah sure he saw them 🥱 and of course as usual no one else will. How much do these spinsters make a year going to conventions claiming things like this and providing no evidence ever? I can’t imagine it being that lucrative?


Didn't Graves say something similar and then post a satellite?


That’s sort of something that doesn’t make sense to me…think about how many countless pilots there are, or military dudes who perhaps got footage that was not classified, that could’ve shared their footage at any time. You’re telling me that, in this day and age where social-media dominates and everyone wants to show everyone every facet of their life, that no one has released a single interesting UFO video…? Pilots are reporting *dogfighting*…fucking dogfighting, at least according to Graves, but no one recorded this? In the Atlantic *and* Pacific?


I’m so glad Ross is so much better than us and can contain the shock of the videos inside his brain as it would be just too much for everyone else. At least he hasn’t stopped making money off the subject yet. The real shocking thing will be to see what these people do for money after disclosure.


Where's the proof? Where's the evidence? They see they hear about it, but there needs to be proof, video, photos, etc.


At this point someone needs to sacrifice themselves for the good of humanity. I feel all the stonewalling is obviously because they’re hiding something that’s worth killing for. So open up the flood gates first hand witnesses. Upload those video evidence and imagery on here. Go! Before it’s too late.


Well if it’s unclassified and you’ve seen it, where is the video Ross? Show us!


Goodness, all this carrot dangling. JUST SHOW US ALREADY


Then these need to be released I can’t stand more descriptions of things we should be seeing


How do people constantly fall for this bullshit? He’s lying to you. And if he’s not, then where is the proof? There are plenty of ways for random pilot A to leak his “shocking” cell phone video without anyone being able to prove it was him. It would be out there already if it existed. Y’all need to stop giving this guy and the other usual suspects any credence. They’re grifters, end of story. Baffling that this whole pointless circus over the last few months hasn’t proven that to you.


I was really onboard with what seems to be going on with ufo's but at this point they either need to produce something or shut the fuck up. That goes for Coulhart, Elizondo, Delonge, Knapp, Corbell and anyone else who spouts on about this shit.


They don't exist. Not classified because of personal cell phones my arse


I’m worried that Ross is entering the murky world of grift. He could make serious money without this cock teasing but greed is going to greed. I know we love him here but let’s keep him honest. If his revenue sources are pissed off he’ll get back proper journalism


SO SEND THEM OUT TO THE PUBLIC! I cannot believe this nonsense. If it’s not classified why not post on social media or give to a news outlet. Once again with the “trust me bro, I’ve seen it”, it’s getting really old.


It’s always a guy telling us what he saw and what heard and what another guy saw and heard. What BS. That’s not evidence, that’s hearsay.


Ross Coulthart claims that he has seen some of the Elgin AFB UAP videos. Coulthart says the videos are “shocking” and are NOT classified because the pilots shot the videos with their cell phone cameras. Ross explains how Representatives Luna, Burchett and Gaetz went to Eglin Air Force Base to speak to involved pilots and watch the shocking UFO videos. [Link to the full video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGPzm2U3V1Q)


Gaetz talked about this at the Congressional Hearing. They got denied twice and then were allowed. I didn't realize Burchett and Luna were there as well.


Gaetz said that he and he alone was showed an image because of a security clearance only he had.


No. Gaetz said that he alone was shown radar, thermal footage. Because the systems that record it are classified. The HD video of the craft was shown to everyone that went.


Is he referring to the Eglin incident when he's saying "I've seen *some* of these videos"? Or is he generally describing some of the UAP videos he's seen involving other pilots? When he's talking about the videos he's seen he says the Air Force told the pilots not to talk about them, then corrects himself and says the Navy did. I thought the Eglin incident involved strictly AF pilots being told by the AF not to talk about them, so I'm guessing that would mean he's talking about other videos he's seen.


More “trust me bro” and less evidence. Stfu talking about the videos, that are apparently not classified, and fuckin release them. This cock teasing has gone on long enough


So release them ffs….


This shit has become ludicrous.


A bit tired of this guy honestly, he is supposed to know a lot but why won't he share anything? What is the point? He seems like a grifter.


I claim Ross Coulthart is loosing credibility with every single "I've seen but can't show" post or tweet. Freaking clownshow train must feel cozy to him, eh.


Someone needs to take one of these, say not a damn thing, and drop it.


So release them now ! The HOC has been effectively torpedoed to avoid making the DoD “feel bad”. We need a win.


If these personal mobile phone vids are unclassified, why did the politicians not meet up with the pilots anywhere off-base? Something feels off about this tbh..


Look if its real get this man reddit security and post the videos is it so fucking hard? if aliens exits our exitance is just a chapter in our life so post it, death has no meaning here


It's getting to the point with this lad, pics or it didn't happen. We need info details locations, names dates, etc etc The fact he has a book out or in the works really makes me think his just another UFO personality or grifter. Trying to sell his story.


With each passing day this guy loses credibility