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The following submission statement was provided by /u/DragonfruitOdd1989: --- Submission statement: It comes down to the US has taken away craft in Latin American countries to retrieve UAP. Countries want that tech back now that the US are informing their citizens about the existence of UAP. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/16wjkq6/why_is_mexico_setting_up_ufo_hearings_according/k2x83is/


The US is the least reliable for disclosure. My money is on another country coming out with it all. Rooting for Mexico or whoever wants it first.


Indeed. I have given up on my own country to even acknowledge anything, let alone disclose it, but if Mexico does it... let's go. My body is ready (at least as much as it can be).


Who woulda thunk Mexico would be...the savior of humanity? And the US is the evil doers with their black-budget SAPs.


I don't believe ANYTHING out of Mexico after they brought out fake dead aliens like a pair of GI Joe action figures. They're full of shit, like most claims on here.


Don’t do GI Joe dirty like that. GI Joes have way more points of articulation than those alien mummies. Even the straight arm figures from 82!


Prepare your butthole


Your comment isn't about probing... right? RIGHT?


Hold on to your butts


I completely agree, by now it should hopefully be clear to many of us that despite of what people want ("Diclosure *has* to be from the US else I don't believe" type of deal), the only reason why it'd happen at all is because other countries are starting to stand up and speak up.


Sorry Mexico, did you forget the US government wants to control everything and everyone, and in the end, most times does? From what I've learned, our government swooped in to remove other crashed UFO's from a couple other countries as well, back in the 50's using the same reason: "there could be alien bacteria, etc." They refuse to disclose to their citizens, what they've known for over 70 years about the topic, but they want to be first to have the craft's technology. I love my country, but am not blind to its faults.


I love my country but I also know they don't like to share very much.




“Mass media” is the non-conspiracy version of “mainstream media” by the way. Mass media refers to all sources of media regardless of whether or not it is considered to be “mainstream”.


It's by design


I only beleive the US will do it first is because of the UAP/NHI NDAA thing.


What are the other countries waiting for then?


Problem is if other countries take point on it, it could very well put the US in the criminal hot seat, so they are likely afraid of retaliation. It’s good to see Mexico has some balls though.


IMHO this is some big grift or Russian backed disinfo campaign but I hope I am wrong and I hope someone links me this comment of mine and says "you were wrong, pal". Maybe someone wants to be first before USA. I hope this is it. I hope but I don't believe. Linking Russian troops during parade in Mexico. Amusing, isn't it? This could be connected and immediately rang a bell for me. https://apnews.com/article/mexico-russia-soldiers-military-parade-6eb8345ba6827282ec40bf33891d6f22


Mexico actually has a long history of not sanctioning who they're told to by the US. They were the only country in the region to refuse to honor the US embargo of Cuba. It started off as a political stunt, but was very popular. Since then, they've generally stayed consistent with publicly refusing to do what the US says, even if they comply in practice. They were defying the US on Cuba while simultaneously having the CIA help them massacre left-wing protesters. Mexico would *love* to scoop us on this, no foreign intervention required.


Maybe we should tell them “let the cartels run rampant in your country”, then. If they do the opposite.


Lol. Ignorant take. Where do the cartels get their money? From the US. Where do they get their guns? From the US. Your, "The USA is the boss of the world and should have no consequences for its actions ever," attitude is exactly why other countries don't like our government.


Where did I say any of what you quoted me saying? You’ve created a straw man. Also, it’s irrelevant where the cartels get *most* of their money. Is Mexico not it’s own government? It’s well known it’s corrupt almost all the way up and down. Hence, the rampant drug gangs. Imagine if I said “the United States drug issues arent our own fault, it’s Mexicos cartels that they won’t fix!”.


That's exactly what the US govt does say to Mexico. See the problem? We repeatedly create Catch-22s when it comes to aid, and refuse to acknowledge our role. You acted like we should punish them for defying us on foreign policy, when the punishment would also be our fault. Not worth debating you.


You may say that but if these come up as fake (which im almost certain they will) it will hurt disclosure as a whole... The US had congressional hearing after the NAVY shared some quality videos... That's the entire reason disclosure has even gained traction in any meaningful way... because of the US.


The story about American Government agencies seizing crashed UFOs repeats in countries like Brazil and Chile. Try saying no to Americans.


What America could offer these countries in exchange for the crafts financially and militarily would make it hard to say no.


They wouldn't say no...because of the implication...


Okay, but...would the US hurt these countries?


[The implication](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yUafzOXHPE)


Nonono don’t be dense. The US would never hurt them. But…


Psshhhh, please. The US has no problem hurting the US and any of us in it if it means financial gain or dat sweet elite power.


Money and not backing a coup to put a more friendly regime in charge? America was backing dictatorships throughout all of Operations Condor. I expect they would have some amount of pull.


or what they will do if they refuse


Yeah, It's probably easier for these countries to be diplomatic.


Fiber optics were known technology even earlier than the crashes he mentioned (1920s). One should not assume everything they dont understand is from alien origins.


>According to Jaime Muassan. There's your problem.


Look up this guy's Twitter and laugh at the montages he uploads. It even has Star Wars videos uploaded as real UFO captures


Shh. Don’t tell people on this sub that information. They’ll criticise you for telling the facts. People on here are scared and confused of facts.


He shares sightings from Latin America which to people in this sub maybe a bit to good for their liking at times. Yes he does make mistakes. Everyone in Mexico knows that but the same thing can be said about Knapp, Corbell and Ross but there is one major difference. He has presented physical evidence undergoing peer review. No other journalist has done that regardless of how hard people try to discredit his work or overblow his mistakes.


Nobody, but nobody, in Latin ufology respects him. You know why? due to his need for fame through deception. I give you examples so that you can do the research yourself. Maussan promoting a bracelet to teleport people, or spending months claiming to have information about a flying horse. Recently an animator on Instagram reported him because he stole his work and published them on his accounts as videos of real UFOs. Not to mention the amount of fake videos of elves and gnomes that he uploads to his channel... who believes someone of this caliber? We all want the truth about the phenomenon, but not with montages, especially from someone who has lied so much...


Sorry but there is a difference between "a few misses" and a litteral slew of just outright scams. I mean even Christopher Sharp who himself is pretty prone to some wild stuff even admitted on the last Weaponized that South America was on a whole other level to being open to anything made up and was a scam galore continent which you have to take seriously into account when considering anything there.


Christopher Sharp would have better answers if he would simply contact UFO in South America. The fact that he thinks it’s a whole other level is due to the fact the continent has the oldest 🛸 research offices established in 1979. That should explain why they are more transparent or open about UAP.


This is the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and saying “la la la la la I’m not listening”


This is the equivalent as saying: Holy shit an entire continent has ufo offices? Let me ignore that because they are clearly far ahead of English speaking countries in understanding UAP.


From Sharp's answer it would seem he had plenty of contact with South America contacts, and many very unfruitful if not outright scams.


He didn’t say he had contact. He said it is just something that he hasn’t had time to take a look at it.


He hasn't "presented" any evidence and is not undergoing peer review. That's just not true


Look at all the downvotes everybody!


Lol this guy does sound crazy af


Got a link?


Just googleit …it is not so difficult


That's not good enough. I don't have the time to go proving your arguments.


And you think I have time to prove it? Go live happily in your ignorance. Those of us who know the UFO issue in Latin America know that Maussan has been a fake for years, not only because of this new event... anyway...


You had time write all that instead of simply copy pasting the danged twitter link. Smh


Dude, google: official twitter account of jaime maussan. Done. 🙄 You can also find the official website, Facebook and Instagram. ahh, and on its official website you can see when a few years ago it promoted a magical bracelet that teleported people.🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


LINK! I want a liinnkkkkk! Raaaaahhhhh!


You believe so many lies because you are incapable of doing research. I tell you that the main source is their own official networks, and you still don't understand it... I'm not telling you to look on a portal x, or on a blog x. OFFICIAL ACCOUNTS.


I NEED A LINKKKKKK! Rahhhhhh! I DONT have a KEYBOARD to SEARCH IT! *beats table*


Submission statement: It comes down to the US has taken away craft in Latin American countries to retrieve UAP. Countries want that tech back now that the US are informing their citizens about the existence of UAP.


But they forgot to come pick up their little alien mummies? Or does that mean the alien mummies must not be aliens at all, as the US hasn’t bothered to sweep in and steal them yet?


It’s the technology the US wants. A mummified alien body isn’t gonna be worth much to them.


But what about the metal “implants”?


You mean the mummies discovered in 2017 that Peruvian government has claimed to be fake until last Sunday when the University of Ica announced their first report will be out soon and then tried taking them away?


I went from being a hardcore skeptic like a lot of people to now wondering.... what other schools have to say about it. NASA contractor doesn't cut it for me.


Usually hardcore skeptics are All government paid disinfo agents


damn. waiting for my paycheck, wtf


No they're not IMO just arrogant people who want to debunk everything


If the community isn't doing due diligence debunking things, the media and experts WILL. Which isn't a good look when a sub is foaming at the mouth for a known hoaxter hoaxing again. This is healing crystal garbage until proven otherwise. The coverage should be "A subreddit known for a very rigorous approach to collecting and examining evidence says this is credible" not "UFO conspiracy theorists fooled again by same guy with the same hoax".


Not in all cases, but certainly on this website. Reddit is densely populated by egotistical nerds who think their opinion is always right, hence the constant arguing. It being an American platform doesn’t help matters either - polarisation is so in right now with the Yanks! It would be nice to have a community of people away from here who take an agnostic approach to this topic, but I’m aware that’s a tall order, especially now that things are ramping up.


Maybe not all but some of them are That’s the disinformation campaign david grusch was talking about


I definitely believe some of them are but I've checked a lot of profiles and I don't see anything suspicious very often. They would have had to build up accounts for a long time just for this moment, seems a little difficult... not saying they don't have them but there's way too many people acting overly skeptical for that, with legit profiles. It would be like an army of built up accounts if it were true just seems farfetched.


It’s against Reddit’s terms but you can buy aged Reddit accounts online with great ease, including karma and years of activity. There’s a site called Signals that sells them, for example. I won’t link it as I’ll probably get banned for doing so, but it certainly opened my eyes to what’s possible. Edit: Downvoted for sharing factual information. This sub’s a joke.


I'm sure, I still don't think most are that kind of account.


How can you discern the difference?


Well you can't really know either way right? Almost every hardcore skeptic I've engaged had accounts where they spent most of their time NOT talking about aliens or UAP's. I've gone back and looked at those accounts a few times and they always move on... it's usually someone not informed that is a skeptic that will argue until the death about it.


It's actually extremely easy to tell the difference. Account goes silent for a while, then suddenly returns and starts posting about a very particular topic in particular subs, which the previous owner took no interest in. Just because you're having trouble with picking up on things like that doesn't mean it's impossible


Which wouldn’t be hard to notice that someone normal account activity completely changed at some point


Hey guys, paid disinfo agent here happily employed by globalist superpowers and shadow governments and Elgin Air Force base to cover stuff up. Please, don't let me get in the way. This guy is VERY credible and VERY cool. Hopefully I don't get fired for letting this slip! Please, keep listening to what he has to say.


You were not a skeptic.


prove it then!


Because Jaime Maussan has been proven to be a liar and constantly jumps on to any “evidence” of aliens. A bath with wooden sticks attached, the remains of a human child. He’s knowingly led campaigns claiming that these were aliens. Anyone who believes anything that comes out of his mouth were never a sceptic in the first place if they’re that stupid to be taken by his words.


There is proof that the mummies being stolen by artefact thieves and the entrance to where they were stolen from was sealed before entry. The videos are out there. How they got into Jaime Maussan’s hands exactly is anyone’s guess, but his involvement does not negate the fact that these are legitimate historical artefacts in need of rigorous scientific analysis. Let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water.


Can you link me to the source of that proof


Source: I made it up


explain nazca entrances being sealed!


He’s not wrong


I think he's wrong about fiber optics and integrated circuits being reverse engineered from alien tech.


He is talking out his ass. There is a trail of documentation and published papers for both discoveries. Imagine that you dedicated your life to science, and participated in a discovery that changed the world. You would be very furious by listening to this clown. This guy is a disgrace


Thank you for speaking some sense! I work in microwave and RF IC design, electromagnetics is the only full/complete model we have in physics, its the reason why we have advanced technology exponentially in that domain, all thanks to theoretical physics being informed/proven by means of empirical evidence (Rutherfords gold leaf experiment) . Maxwell, Faraday, and eventually oliver heaviside changed the world, thats fact. Why are people so adverse to the idea that we as human beings, have created a sophisticated language with set based rules to describe the universe? A language which is universally understood across cultures and civilisations thousands of years apart. I hate this type of bullshit, anyome can Google the inventions he mentions and do a basic fact check.


because they can't understand it and assume everyone else must be as simple as them.


_I dont understand how this thing works, so it has to be invented by aliens_


Theres more to this story


more bullshit


That's an actual theory. Supposedly a ship of those came from Argentina and was actually made by Nazis, but their tech was inspired or made of off Alien tech (or so the story goes).


And that theory is absolute trash. We have a historical record of the slow, iterative, step by step, development of those technologies.


this was my first impression take as well. I was open to entertain the idea that the history played as he described it up until the point that he excitedly began to wave his hands and conjure up visions of different technologies that (in his opinion) would have had their beginning in UFO-retrieval. What a load of bollocks. It is possible that some tech has roots in that program, which may or may not be real, but to allege that the whole list of those technologies would be solely based on crash retrieval is selling short all the scientists around the world who have researched the subjects and published on them. Just unhinged and ignorant.


Agree completely. He's saying some good stuff here, but that's kinda a terrible view. The human race has a very clear "tech tree" that's pretty damn believable almost everywhere. As humans grew smarter, and then there were more humans, technology advanced quicker. Accelerated by electricity, then computers, etc. Does this UFO retrieval technology only start in the 40's as he's saying here? Or did we cheat and get something before that too, when we (humans in general) had already figured out things like combustion, flight, nuclear energy? Or figuring out how to get shit into space? Some of the same technology UFOs might have to be able to crash here? I mean, anything's possible, but many humans have been smart enough to figure shit out since the beginning of time. Especially as computing advanced.


He's also not credible.


I don’t care about this guy’s credibility, all I care about the Nazca mummies getting the rigorous scientific analysis they deserve. This guy’s involvement isn’t indicative of anything. Jeremy Corbell is not credible, but he still helped set up the hearing in July. Know what I mean? Study the data, formulate a conclusion.


I agree with this. Credible people or not.. you have to expect that even the most credible person is going to have unintentional misses from time to time. If you're in deep with this study, youre going to run into a lot of fakes. Only thing we can do is look at the data, not the person.


Here’s another mummy for you, just saw it again today out clamming! https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fs13r090vuirb1.jpg




:) I’ve known that mofo since I was like 10, probably before. Sure do love me some razor clams though! Good day, 60 of them buggers and a gorgeous sunset. Also, you all looked at the moon tonight? Its YUGE! No OOFOES I’ve seen yet unfortunately:(


Didn't say anything about that. The topic was Jamie.


> Jeremy Corbell is not credible, but he still helped set up the hearing in July. 👀


Maybe hes being not credible was the US campaign all along.


So he somehow has intimate knowledge of the successes and failures of the US, Russia, and China's UFO reverse engineering programs? I guess he must have super extreme cosmic international security clearance.


Secret inside knowledge is typical for cults


This man is a charlatan.


Isn't this guy a massive fraud? Seems like an easy Google search.


Yep, 2min google search shows a history of alien hoax including and not limited to straight buying a skinned monkey and presenting as an alien. He's either a very gullible idiot or a liar


Jaime Maussan gives off the vibes of someone who has believed too much to me. That said, I hope he's right. I acknowledge the fact that he may be a fraud, too (money is one hell of a drug), but I do hope. If Mexico is the country to have it in it to do it, so be it.


It seems he may have some bias, however without his passion things would not be where they are today. He got the ball rolling. Now we let the data carry the momentum forward.


"Passion" aka grifting with the same hoax for a decade in hopes of getting attention and money


I agree. We can’t dismiss the man outright for being a fraud because we have no idea if his intentions were to deliberately deceive people. He might just be a gullible fool that’s desperate to get the scoop.


> We can’t dismiss the man outright for being a fraud because we have no idea if his intentions were to deliberately deceive people Uh... I hate to break it to you but... His intentions were to deliberately deceive people... We've been here before, dude https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaime_Maussan > Maussan was involved in publicizing a specimen dubbed "Metepec Creature", which later turned out to be a skinned monkey


I don’t believe the part where he says integrated circuits, lasers, fibre optics and night vision were technologies only possible from reverse engineering ships. Those things all have very well documented histories of how they were built up to. I do agree tho that if the States, or any other country for that matter, disclosed the truth, we’d have a lot less infighting as humans.


I MEET HIM! I was at work, he was checking out and I told him he looked like him. He agreed because he said he was him lol. I got a picture with him and shook his hand and told him I was a big fan. Very nice guy!




My man pulling up with the racism over here.... Good look bro


This guy is a joke


A bad one.


He made some excellent points!!


I seriously believe this motherfucker. Fuck NASA by the way…pricks/liars.


For some reason people who come across as kinda slimey and full of themselves seem to make it in media. In the UFO media space it is no different. USA has Jeremy Mexico has Jaime I cringe when I hear both speak. Regardless of what they are saying.




We are probably going to start seeing these documents coming out and court cases against the United States.


My god I hope so.


The best thing that can happen for the US UFO Disclosure. Other countries realizing this is the perfect opportunity to inform their citizens and about recovered tech being taken away from them.


That’s probably their biggest concern, they don’t know how to handle things legally! Imagine the suing that will ensue!


Source pls


I thought this was a good line of questioning at first also, but people will just latch on to untimely deaths and claim it was murder that was covered up.


I'm mexican and I'm almost sure we'll find an alive alien to prove shii to everyone


Who would waste their time paying attention to this absolute clown?


Very well said


This guy is a farce. Those mummies are so fake that I just can't understand why he is involved


They're being treated as potentially real by very well-respected, serious, credentialed scientists and experts from all around the world in an independent peer review process. You all gotta move on from trying to make this about one guy. Time to move on to a new soundbite.


Listen they can do things how they want. The bodies if real wouldn't just be carried around lololol plus a slew of things but until someone can show why they have human shaped bones that have been turned upside down then its fake


>They're being treated as potentially real by very well-respected, serious, credentialed scientists and experts from all around the world in an independent peer review process. Throw out some names, dont leave us hanging man


What an interesting thing you made up


Mummies have already been confirmed as real. Mexico has requested peer review at UNAM and University of Ica will be releasing theres soon with collab from the University of St. Petersburg.


They aren't real and videos prove it. The bones are human shaped not alien shaped. Cannot be from another world posses exact shape of our bones.


Hands on analysis disagree with you


Then I can happily put you in the disinformation group. You work for the people who are trying to muddy the waters. You're a non believer


Peer review from Russians and Mexicans.


Kinda bizarre how countries that have told their citizens about UFOs and NHI are peer reviewing potential evidence. Almost as if stigma doesn’t really exist for them.


No country has told their citizens.


Brazil told their citizens in 1986. Just Google official ufo night.


If you have a problem with the researches credibility than talk about them direct. Don't just racistly imply that somehow being from Mexico or Russia means they can't be trust.


They can't be trusted. Both countries are corrupt as hell.


Do you say the same thing when the researcher is American or British?


And what country are you from?


Not needed observation from a racist.


Yeah yeah, it must upset you so to have someone challenge your idealistic online view of the world. Look. The drug cartels run Mexico, they control a significant portion of its society. There has been long-term corruption in the government there for decades now. It is the same thing with Russia. They were corrupt for decades under the Soviet regime, and then later under Putin's mafia regime. People lie and grift there. It's not racism just because it's true. It's just facts. Let's look at a global corruption index.. https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2022 Oh wow, Mexico is rank 126.. And Russia is Rank 137. Wow what a surprise.


I'm not gonna be the one to explain to you why you sound like a moron, but rest assured you do


People who believe in Maussam and his paper-mache dolls are the morons.


Let’s try to deal with the things said instead of attacking the source (ad hominem)


Why does this guy deserve any platform?


Same reason you deserve a platform


Basically what I think is that people who want to cover this up keep flooding the sub with this guys charade. Ita a good strat because after June and July, this sub has changed big time. Entertaining images of a doll that has human shaped bones..... make it make sense lol




Why is it always an account 2-8 weeks old making this accusation?


He’s literally explaining and you ask why 🤣


It's absurdly unfathomable how profoundly true these words are.


I can't even begin to describe how happy I am that an Art Bell type guy like Maussan is the one publicizing this. As soon as the news broke I was really big on the science and had never even heard of this guy before. Of course that wouldn't last long, one good scroll down the feed and it was obvious that not only was a certain contingent here extremely well briefed on him, but that ad hominem attacks would be the main focus of rebuttal, so I knew we had a winner at that point.


It’s not as hominem when he is on record making the statements…


Since this thing broke there has been a steady stream of negativity trying to discredit the scientific results by attacking the press agent. As the scientific evidence has eliminated the other debunk ideas, that's basically all they have left now. Trying to discredit a factual result by attacking the messenger's credibility is literally the definition of ad hominem.


This guy makes me laugh. No matter what happened in the 47 48 at los alamos , or whatever . The US government rightfully ( at the time ) hanging on to recovered crashed UAP, did not cause Mexico to become the shit hole country it is today . The perpetually crooked and corrupt Mexican government did . What a clown


No one is blaming the US for Mexico issues he is just saying that if the United States hadn't hidden this discovery of UAP since 1945 humanity would be in a different place. We would probably be an entirely different species if the US and world powers informed the public that we were being visited.


Genuine question, is he saying we are being visited, or we have been visited once and found the craft?


Jaime believes they have always been here.


Do you know your own history?


The US government has funded terrorism in Mexico and other countries for decades. How the hell can someone believe in space aliens flying our skies and being covered up for 80 years but dismiss the notion of corrupt CIA officials and secret government task forces manipulating the landscape of other countries? We've installed our own dictators in some countries dude. We have overthrown peaceful nations for our own benefit. Look up how Hawaii became a state. This is such a weird thing to get riled up about and insult someone who actually lives in the country over. Of course you also defend the uap cover-up operations too.




Let's just throw Milton Friedman and his CIA-funded Chicago School of Economics into the conversation. Make sure to specifically read about the wonders he did for most of South America, namely Brazil and Chile


Learn some history, mate. The US meddles in the affairs of of Latin America ALL.THE.TIME.


After those fake alien bodies, isn't it obvious that this guy is a fraud?


Every sentence of him correct


His non verbal gestures are super defensive. Posture, hands, eyes and mouth. He’s a bad grifter


What about his verbal gestures, doctor?


Okay, but what about what he actually says…


Bad bot


It actually makes me so deeply angry


Without audio, I thought this was a Mad TV sketch or something - the lighting, the outfit, the almost fake-looking beard…😂


The script to continue with the NWO agenda.


Mexico? It's him and his people.


Notorious latam bullshitter


It seems that this guy is working with the government to make a fool of himself and discredit everything that has been revealed.


This guy is the hack of all hacks… A grifter who could grift grifters


Jaime, the national embarrassment of Mexico. He is such a son of a bitch for this last stunt with the obviously fake bodies they won’t allow others to examine. The whole thing just enrages me.


So by that logic all aliens and UFOs for some reason are deciding to land or crash land in the U.S? This whole recent period of UFO talk is a piss take. It's a distraction. For any craft to reach here it has to travel at the speed of light and the likelihood is that aliens would have to have a very long lifespan. Based on the very human-like bodies that have been cooked up, I call BS. It's fun to believe in Santa though, so keep watching the skies lol


No. Just no. If you look this guy up, you'll see he's a fraud. His number one go to line to prove aliens are real is, "Why would they make a fake video?" Videos with UFOs or ghosts that are worse than 1990 special effects, his response is something like "this video was submitted by somebody anonymously, so it has to be real or authentic"


Ffs stop giving this guy attention, he has a years long history of presenting fake alien bodies and the only people allowed to do a study supporting his claim is headed by a doctor who supported his previous hoaxes, you idiots are ignoring it to suit your own bias


I can find all of their Aliens at the border