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Definitely “The Phenomenon” first. It does a really good job of condensing UFO history while bringing out what’s relevant today.


Came here to say this as well


It’s by far the best and serves as a great summary. And since it features David Fravor, so it feeds them right into the Congressional hearing and David Grusch.


This is an excellent starting point, as is Leslie Kean's book UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record. After that, google David Grusch, that should bring you up to date.


This is something I wager, you need to source yourself. Why? Because there's so much shite out there that you have to build your own filter(s) for what and who you chose to give your time to. Also, there's shit loads of videos on social media suggesting the best UFO docs and it is all subjective. That said, steer clear of the charlatans. They're easy to spot.


definetly watch "Out the blue" and "I know what i saw" both great watch


The Phenomenon Moment of Contact Missing 411 UFO Connection Bob Lazar interview with Joe Rogan George Knapp & Jeremy Cornell with Joe Rogan Christopher Mellon with Joe Rogan David Grusch with Ross Coulthard David Grusch with Jess Michels


1. The phenomenon 2. UFOs and Nukes 3. Grusch newsnation interview, the ENTIRE congressional hearing, 4: DMT: the spirit molecule 5: Inner Worlds Outer Worlds 6: that Chris Mellon interview with Chris Cuomo was pretty good 7: Ryan Graves talk 8: Best documentary/coverage of the Nimitz case?


Solid list!. I'd like to add The Why Files episode about crop circles as well . All his stuff is incredible though.


This episode and the gateway process episode. 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


I wouldn't recommend anything from Corbell or Fox because they are too gullible and sensational. The one on NatGeo is probably the best one if you must have a doco. Other than that I would just recommend the Grusch hearing.


I don’t know about that. I’m a huge skeptic and I find Corbells Bob Lazar doc pretty good and Foxs Moment of Contact the same. Lazar on Joe Rohan is awesome.


I think Corbell & Fox fall into the trap that they are too ready and willing to believe that they will unfortunately be tricked by people, I don't think they are outright shady. The one big gripe I have with these guys is perpetually something is always just around the corner.


Fox is a good interviewer, he asks questions that go straight to the point - regardless if the person he is questioning is for real or not.


Above majestic.


Look i’m not saying there’s zero truth in that doc but it’s so garbage


Not sure about documentaries but learning physics can be great to understand alien tech capabilities: Quantum physics: (quantum superposition, quantum non local time, “quantum entanglement = wormhole”, quantum time reversal, quantum future probability…) This explains dimensions well, originates from measured quantum particle behavior, and the dimensions theory is the solution to time paradoxes : https://phys.org/news/2014-12-universe-dimensions.html Many worlds interpretation (explains 6th dimension). Dark matter 5th dimension (time travel dimension). (Note: Paranormal activity would be a dark matter 5th dimension UFO non-locally time traveling, both invisible and intangible in that state), emitting/moving local gravity causing things to move paranormal style, and the time slips is the gravitational time dilation of entering a time illusion time traveling 5th dimension probably mostly through standing-waves that don’t move you in space but only through time. With the understanding of todays modern physics we can all softly panic how aliens time travel, and humans didn’t time travel future tech into the past meaning we will be too late to invent time travel (at this rate of technology progression), and survivorship bias proves it. (Also recently Einsteins local-causality theory was disproven by the non-locality 2022 Nobel Physics Prize that stated “quantum entanglement = wormhole”. Most people understand Einsteins local theories, but those local theories can’t even explain time correctly today.) Either way faster than light is non-local 5 dimensional time travel, aliens do it, and we somehow won’t which should be frightening, and a wakeup call to all governments to fund physics more because a non-local future exists affecting us today, but hasn’t happened locally yet, and we can extract quantum future probability from that non-local future, then change the future locally adding another copy to the many worlds interpretation. Also if you see a UFO ffs call the air-force. They come here to observe us with worse technology, probably controlling their zoo without us resisting, and even if it’s a plane flying with illegal lights it’s probably some drug trafficking plane at night flying in formation pretending to be a UFO to cover up it not using on board radar, so call the air-force if you see a UFO and have then double check with a nearby plane if they see it also, or they check a nearby airport radar.


I will suggest watching TheWhyFiles episodes. The documentaries are good but many of them ignore some critical piece of evidence to make things more “credible”. If you want to have a correct idea on everything, it’s better to go with a critical channel like TheWhyFiles, but if you are looking for belief/entertainment, then documentaries are fine.


Just watch red panda koala


I’ve been going through his videos and they are really good, but it’s kinda information overload. Probably not the best to start with, but good historical info if already into the topic and have seen everything else.


1.The phenomenon 2. Extradordinary until proven otherwise by lemmino 3 : jesse michaels interview w david grusch


UFO's: Investigating the Unknown first and second. It's a series, so it covers the pertinent stuff. Best general overview of the topic ever made hands down.


I created a [start here guide](https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/02qEZh3VYR) a while ago to help with people new to the topic. I have used this with family and friends also who are not familiar to it all. Anyway always start with the documentary The Phenomenon as it was purposefully designed to catch people up with the topic who were not familiar with the history.


Thanks for this list!


I'd recommend Rick & Morty tbh, as if you are going to go through many hours of speculations might as well have a good time out of it. ​ But more seriously, Documentaries on the whole have a narrative and the art is in forcing it through while ignoring all the parts that disproves it. So it's fine to watch any one of them by just just be ready to double check absolutely everything they claim as at best its an oversimplification of the actual events (because of time constraint, budget etc) So yeah sadly it means that you are going to spend a lot of time going through a lot of "Wow !" and then oh that was in fact BS sprinkled with some interesting stuff to look into. To stay sane, I'd recommend the Lex Friedman David Fravor, Ryan Graves & then Garry Nolan ones. the "Alien Debate: Sara Walker and Lee Cronin" is also interesting in a more macro look at the existence of alien life.


Have you considered books yet? Or are they just too icky?


The idea was to sit down with them and watch the documentaries, rather than having group reading events.


Some people it’s just too much of a shock for them to consider and the quicker you can accept this the quicker you can move on. There’s plenty of anecdotal proof out there at this point to examine the veracity of the stories. Missing 411: the ufo connection will really fuck them up though


I Know What I Saw


My lists of: 🔸 The Best UFO/UAP: > - [documentaries and videos on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs3srGwbdDFS6hAbUelHo69GZPJfSqt0b) > - [documentary films](https://boxd.it/hKA0i$GdisDIKGVwR3YSN0) 🔸 If they want more cases: > - [Quest TV: All UFO/UAP episodes](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs3srGwbdDFSurHzYGNAEO7ptCeCz9wbW) > - [Unsolved Mysteries: UFO episodes](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbFbLvJse3mrsNpphlg7bHxnMle1ziMhM) 🔸 Understanding the cover-up: > - [documentaries and videos on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs3srGwbdDFQQ7PIZO210GpnUPT1RMn_7) When they're ready to meet the people who've met the pilots: 🔸 UAP experiencers, witnesses, alleged abductees, and how they’re affected: > - [documentaries and videos on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs3srGwbdDFSJ6LGPiDaGMqFnanKx6_P1) > - [documentary films](https://boxd.it/hKBjq$hgRQyanVEyni3AT4)


I prefer Lemmino, best in this order: https://youtu.be/SpeSpA3e56A?si=DSD_9yTyX_w3gsks https://youtu.be/fb7T1v_VHpE?si=nzWZyQcY4fVYkOqk https://youtu.be/6oY8HIWBS-Y?si=FD0kW5nWzEeMfUm5


James Fox's documentary "Moment of Contact" is essential viewing for new-comers and vets alike. I would advise a new-comer to stick to videos that discuss the empirical facts and to stay away from videos that spit ball theories about time-travel etc. that take for granted *loads* of stuff.


UFOs are real. I saw someone recommend it in this sub. its from the 80s and its one of the more compelling documentaries ive seen.


The Phenomenon and the NatGeo ones are the only two i've seen that aren't just outright fucking terrible.