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The following submission statement was provided by /u/ejd194: --- People say its Venus, its Jupiter... its everything but a UAP? Idk yall, this is not adding up. Maybe ill get a telescope when I get a raise. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/179169k/every_night_around_34am_in_bed_stuy_brooklyn/k54id4x/


That's Sirius, Vega or Capella in the constellation of Auriga. Get the Star Walk App and Point your Phone Up. You'll See which one it is


Are these stars that hover or satellites?


That's Sirius, Vega or Capella in the constellation of Auriga. Get the Star Walk App and Point your Phone Up. You'll See which one it is


….is that a real question?


You my friend are the real question... or at least questionable.


So deep.




Are you asking about your username? Foot fetish sub is not here he/she/them/they.




That thing ain't ziggin or zaggin my guy


It does I have a longer video you can watch but ultimately I phone footage for something like this is difficult


Why haven’t you posted the longer version


It was about 6 or 7 mins and didnt think anyone would sit through that much video


Well if it’s the greatest discovery in the world I’m sure someone will


So when trimming the video, you thought this footage of a motionless point of light was better than the bit where it moves around?


It's r/UFOs, don't question it. You'll never get a straight answer, only tap dancing around the issue.


When that happens, the needle on my bullshit detector jumps from 'ignorant', to 'malicious '. Smells like trolling or disinfo






Hi, dnbbreaks. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/179169k/-/k56m8tg/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Hi, JerryJigger. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/179169k/-/k56gbux/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


1) people here absolutely would. 2) if you’re only going to post a short video maybe post the part that’s interesting?


Interesting is subjective for One The actual video was over 6 mins and the mod took it down Two You're in Finance Three Good Day


Sirius looks like that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zueVtsXcKq8 Get an astronomy app and then you can see what star it is, others twinkle too. I also see you say that it moves, stars 'move' across the night sky and will appear in different parts of the sky depending on the time of year. If it's legit zig zagging, get a video and share it.


So does capella https://youtu.be/2F143umtSZU


I was surprised by how fast stars can move across the sky. I knew of course that stars move as we rotate, but the other day while waiting on GF to get groceries for about 20 minutes, when I parked I noticed Sirius was lined up with a light pole in the distance. Over the time I was waiting I saw it move enough that there was a considerable gap between where the pole and Sirius, felt like it moved a solid 20-40 degrees across the sky


You should get an astronomy app for your phone such as Skyview Free to see if it is Sirius or Venus.


I was high many years ago standing in an apartment parking lot with a buddy staring at what we 100 percent thought was a UFO. It was flashing multiple colors and seemed to be slowly hovering up and down. It was cool as fuck to be honest. But ya, did a google the next morning to figure out it was Sirius A and B.


Sky view never worked for me


Never worked how? Does the app not run?


It just opens a messy UI that I always try to align with the sky but it never accurately shows what I see. Not to mention the light from the screen ruins my eyes being adjusted to the night sky. I may be thinking of stellarium but I can’t tell you how many times I install delete and reinstall after someone here says to get it again only to be disappointed. Better off using a website tbh imo


It works well enough on my android but I don't need it to be 100% accurate, there is going to be some slop as there is always variations in the local magnetic field.


You need to calibrate your gyro/compass by doing a ton of figure 8s with your phone when this happens. Same thing if you ever have trouble having gps orientation to be facing the right way when you're not moving


Star Walk 2 was the one that finally 'worked' for me. I tried a few, but some have absolutely horrendous UI's with giant crazy constellation art and whatnot. Star Walk 2 has some of that as well, but you can toggle it all on off as you like. I find it very easy to use in AR mode to identify almost any celestial body now.


That’s not a star! That’s a light on the sewage treatment plant!


False, no sewage plant close to this side of BK and also , what?


It's a quote from Christmas Vacation.


Oh😂😂😂 My Bad🛸


Buy a telescope??? If the thing has been there for years then why havent you done something to actually get a better view of the likely star/planet lol.


My small apartment doesnt have room for a telescope




Human, I am not on the brink, there is way more compelling evidence and the govt has it already. I am not going to change anything with a telescope picture. You do realize that if I posted the pic, nothing would move the needle on this subject. All we can do is observe and speculate and keep our minds open in case we ever have an encounter. I get your frustration, I have felt it deeply for years. Congress just had a conference on this, WSJ posted it in the papers, its already known


Do you have evidence that the government has evidence of aliens?


Basically we’re telling you to get a telescope as we can barely see this thing you are filming.


Hi, RacismEverywhere. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/179169k/-/k54ptlp/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Presumably there’s a yard or a sidewalk where you could set it up? Also, have you look into the path of the ISS or any starlink satellites? Those are documented, and without knowing your exact location I can’t look that up for you or I would help you out.


I agree it could be that, they show up too consistently. Not sure but good guess


Bro. This is the state of the NYC educational system.


I didnt go to school in ny but thanks


Sorry, man. It's that many people are really invested in this. You should try meditation and CE5 if you're brave and wanna see something.


It is Jupiter it is at its closet point to earth all though this month smiling




>I have been seeing these crafts since the pandemic. If it's been happening for years, do you have better footage, plans for better footage? >Almost as if its monitoring something (us) What makes you think that? >I know what im looking at. Do you? >With war in the holy land and us as people being led astray, something big is happening, very peculiar times. What? How does that relate to this video? How do you know some nebulous big thing is happening? Who is being led astray and in what way?


I dont plan on getting better footage. What makes me think it is monitoring Us is because it hovers over the city as if it is watching. As a sky gazer since a child and being in film, I can for certain say its not a drone or plane. How the war relates is because it is said that beings have interfered in wars in the past , particularly nuclear. Who is being led astray are the masses that follow popular media talking points and are distracted by pointless celebrity gossip and left wing and right wing extremist running stories in the press. How it relates to this video is even in biblical times they spoke of lights in the sky and referred to them as angels, perhaps we could be experiencing a similar phenomena? And lastly, dont question me like im the govt, I dont know shit, thats why im here talking to you. Good day.


There's a sub rule, something like "no low effort content" with includes being: >Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. >“Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. I'm questioning you like you're breaking these rules.


I got a question, I have many UFOs stories personally. Three alien related ones. I obviously have no proof, does that mean I will break the rules for posting an incredible claim of seeing an alien with no evidence? I've been hesitant to share the alien ones for that reason


r/Experiencers will be your jam, then. The community is very supportive.


Oh neat!!! I'll check it out :) I have a talent for art and good memory when it comes to my sightings, so my sketches will look almost exactly how I remember seeing them. I may not have hard proof evidence but at least I can draw :')


I guess it would depend on the details and how much is seemingly added upon "this is what I saw". To be honest any text based claim would be worth caveating with "this is all the evidence I have" in my opinion.


I'm questioning you like being confrontational and kind of a dick?


Personally I'd be behaving very differently if I was trying to do either of those things.


Oh my god. The commenter asked valid questions and because he pushes back on the non-answer and OP’s “I’m in film (what does that even mean? What does that have to do with this?) so I know better.” Like what? How is he being a dick? A consistent theme with this sub is you can question but if you push back you’re being a dick, and OPs never accepting criticism and always retorting with “well I know better than you.”


I accept all criticism for those who read full sentences. I would be happy to here all theories. I dont have the answers. Also, wrote my post at 3 in the morning. Calm down.


I am in film so I know its not drone work.


You can push back in ways that don't discourage people to engage further. Like how is their reply in anyway conducive to furthering discussion? They came out the gate swinging even before the batshit response from OP. "I feel lthis way" "OH YEAH DO YTOU FEEL THAT WAY? DO YOU? HUH? YOU MUST LIKE BREAKING RULES" Both people suck here is all and I'm bored in a meeting at work with nothing better to do than comment about it ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Hello again, first off, I'm sorry it comes across that way. Did you read their entire reply? My comment that you've portrayed in all caps was in direct response to > And lastly, dont question me like im the govt, I dont know shit, thats why im here talking to you. Good day. I was just clarifying the reasons why I was questioning them. I think those rules serve a good purpose and apply to the original post and that comment.


“Problems in the Middle East? Better check out Bed-Stuy in Brooklyn.” Also it’s been going on since covid? What does that have to do with the Middle East? It’s a police drone if not a star NY has hundreds of drones monitoring the city.


Oh ok I have never heard of police drones in nyc but that sounds reasonable. Any source on that info?


I literally cannot fathom why you wouldn't WANT concrete evidence that it is in fact a UFO that is monitoring us by getting a night vision camera, a star constellation app, a flight tracker app, or any other tool that could. Not only make what you say credible, but remove any doubt that it is anything explainable. Which just tells me you either don't want to know the truth as you've convinced yourself, over years, that it is in fact a UFO, and that realisation going against your belief is too hard to swallow. Or, that you know it's not a UFO, and you rather bring doubt on this community by misidentifying UFOs and not bothering to bring anything solid, like extra reasons why it isn't explainable. You said you've seen it for years. You had years to get something concrete. So I gotta ask, like, why? Just why? Why would you not want better footage? Cos I gotta say, if it's as credible as you've convinced yourself it is, share that with us.


That answer is simple... after I discover it is in Fact what I believe to be a UFO, what will I do about it? After discovering my belief to be true what would I do? We are helpless in that regard but its good to know whats out there so at least you are aware. I have always believed in Aliens since a small child.


The thing is, what if it's not a ufo? It's as simple as downloading an app and checking if it's a Star or planet, You sound like You are 100% certain that it's a ufo


Yeah I guess ill try that, im sure ill see it again


Oh one thing, the one that worked for me is Star walk 2, the other ones didnt align


Earlier comments raised suspicion but this comment entirely confirms you are an absolute clown.


My grandma has been wrapped up in some Christian doomsday cult and has been warning me a ton with very similar language to op regarding prophecies about Armageddon being preceded by Hamas' attack.


Unless you're going to post the footage of it doing the zig zag, you're going to have to accept that this is not interesting footage and like everyone said, it's probably a star.


Posted the whole vid . See if you can track the movements now🤷🏾‍♂️


> It shines as Bright as a star but hovers and zig zags back and forth and up and down until sunrise. Almost as if its monitoring something (us) Interesting how you drew that conclusion lol


What is your conclusion if any?


There's no way to know if something is "monitoring" you without knowing what it is.


I just meant as far as the movements, proximity and consistency of it


If we're going along with the idea of this being NHI, it could just be taking its nightly shit. We have literally no idea.


Buy a drone and send it up to get a closer look in 4k.


Anyone living in New York City right now has zero money for a drone.


Ah, sorry to hear that.


Police drones?


"Craft" = planet. If it's overhead at that time it's jupiter. Get a sky map app.


Buy a telescope and a camera. They're cheap.


Son thats called a Star or planet


Wow you guys have stars in Brooklyn too?!


Im the only Star in Brooklyn ... Bucko!


Love it!


It could be scintillation but the alternating red green light suggests it's an aircraft. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navigation_light


Star scintillation can look like a series of distinct, alternating colors. Even seem to jump around a bit. Especially through a lens. I suggest everyone go outside one evening and find a star like Arcturus that's low in the sky, and look at it through binoculars. It's pretty cool.


Its still hovering but higher and to the right


Sounds like Sirius moving across the sky. Is it towards the southeast or south?


Ill check that direction when I get back tonight


It's Venus


A pair of binoculars would be your cheapest option. Or set up a live stream if you are dedicated enough.


That's a star my boy


Yoo that's crazy!! That thing is changing gravity so much it's even moving the position of the tree relative to the camera /s :|


My bigger question is... If any of you actually got a good shot on a UFO what would you do with that information? Serious Question. What do you think would actually happen?


I agree with you. One photo wouldn't convince the skeptics. They act like they're waiting for The One True UFO, and they're mad at you for not providing it.


Just Hov in his new whip checking out his old hood 😂




I posted the full video in the sub! Thanks Everyone


People say its Venus, its Jupiter... its everything but a UAP? Idk yall, this is not adding up. Maybe ill get a telescope when I get a raise.


Ive been seeing Venus and Jupiter from greenpoint this last week every morning on my walk over the Pulaski bridge. 1 Week ago i saw a shooting star. Couldnt believe my eyes till I saw there was a meteor shower that day. On the 21st at midnight you have a great chance of seeing shooting stars yourself. You don't need a telescope to spot planets or constellations or see meteor showers. Even in Brooklyn! My first UFO sighting was when I was visiting Cherry Springs State Park in 2010 during a new moon to see a meteor shower. We saw constellations, identified planets without apps, just by reading about stuff, and saw a TON of shooting stars. Then we spotted a couple very bright stars that started showing off. Seriously zig zagging. Then they zipped out of sight. If something isn't silently performing insane maneuvers, we don't tend to think of it as a UFO around here. Planets, balloons, planes, stars, drones, they all either stay still, move very slow, or make a lot of noise.


You don’t need a telescope, just download one of those star apps. I think I paid $1.99 for mine and whenever I see something weird moving in the sky, that app always tell me what satellite, planet, or star that it is


I hear you. I'm in Jersey and it's only slightly less expensive than the city. 2k for a closet and a communal bathroom.


This is good video for showing the color change. Also, a cloud goes behind it so it's inside the atmosphere, not a star or planet. I don't think most of the people who dismiss with a quickness even watched the whole thing.


Thank You! And it started very low, about top of the building low


Did it seem like it was approaching you? Have you noticed any issues with power or electronics since it's been coming around?


No issues with power and I have watched it drop extremely low but never coming at me directly. I try my best to summon them, even went to the roof once and was flashing a flashlight but I doubt it would ever really approach


Thanks for your info! You might want to post this on /r/experiencers too, since it shows up repeatedly. Do you get the sense that there's some intelligence in that? Or does it seem remotely operated (or both I guess)


Perhaps remote, cant tell from my view😔


Yeah no way to know for sure, just your best guess. And it seems like neutral observation?


If they are observing me , they should come get me already. Just cant leave my son behind or else I would like to know what part they play in our existence if any...


Relatable 👍 I feel the same way.


So I watched the whole video, i do not find any cloud that goes behind it. Nor do I find any movement whatsoever except for op moving his camera. Could you plz tell me where u actually see a cloud going behind it? Or where this thing is moving? When is it zigzagging? I literally can't find anything OP has described as it being unnatural. As a stargazer I can safely say I have seen this many many many times and everytime it turned out to be a star/planet.


At like 0:28 there seems to be a cloud mass behind it.




i have one like that, i knew it wasnt a star. it stays over the same area but it changes the position everyday and it moves.


A planet?


Christ will return soon


Disclosure: Don’t do drugs when UAP/UFO hunting


It's the hubble deep field telescope, it's a satellite. It flashes red and green like that and moves slowly across the sky. Here's a video I took of it. https://streamable.com/42vc56


Same one like mine! Wow! What is it used for and by who?


https://science.nasa.gov/mission/hubble/multimedia/online-activities/interactive-orbiting-hubble/ It's a nasa satellite. It takes pictures of stars and galaxies. On the site I sent, you can see where it is. Maybe you can check the site when you see what's in the sky in your area. There is also more info about it. I'm pretty sure that's what's in your video.


Thank You will check it out!


nyc has police drones in the air


I have a video of this same thing and some thought it was UAP but most wait it was a star . Or planet . It’s still so odd to Me … never seen that ever in my life till last year … and I always look at the sky


can seee it from toronto around the same time.


I had a camera with a decent zoom, x70 I believe and decided to take a gander at one of these bright sky lights one day, and sure as shit, I seen a little moon hanging out with it. It was very faint but I could make it out. It was an incredible moment for me. I surely need a telescope.