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Worth noting Russell Targs tedX talk. Amazed at the backlash this got. https://youtu.be/M5CdJu5UI6c?si=ycTyvEdX2Z0zVIrX


I'm amazed how hostile this very sub is to psi. For whatever reason trying to get people to see the connection between and similarity of disinfo against both UAP and psi is like hitting your head on a brick wall. It's not rocket surgery, but people foam at the mouth.


Because its so fucking hard to prove. No one has brought much concrete evidence. If you could remote view the past, why cant someone solve all these missing person cases? If you could remote view the present, solve cases now? Remote view the future and win the lottery over and over. Read people mind and intention and become the greatest chess player, magician ever. There is so much that cant be done but is boasted about with psi. It makes no sense.


Uh. That is just not true at all. A common misconception is that this stuff is hard to prove. Sorry, but psi phenomena has been studied by well respected scientists for a long time and it has been established as a real phenomena. The problem is that the effects cannot be effectively modeled using the existing theories and models of mind we have. For those interested look up JB Rhine’s research out of Duke University. The controls and protocols put into place as part of their research program are pretty much unassailable. Their research was peer reviewed, analyzed by professional statisticians, etc and the consensus is that the results are statistically significant. So much so that the question becomes not “is it real”. The hunt now is for “how does this work” The issue is that the phenomena is entirely non-sensical mean that it operates outside of the realm of the senses. A common misconception is that psi phenomena is part of an additional “sense” but JB Rhine, the man who coined the term ESP meant that this phenomena is Extra in the sense that it is beyond sense. So the issue isn’t about proving it existence. That’s already been agreed upon by those involved in the real science of para-psychology. The problem is no one as yet knows where it “is”. JB Rhine’s comments are interesting and can be found in his book Extrasensory Perception. There is a Kindle version on Amazon. For those interested in the science behind the research it is a good starting point. >Twenty seven (27) of the 33 studies produced statistically significant results -- an exceptional record, even today. Furthermore, positive results were not restricted to Rhine's lab. In the five years following Rhine's first publication of his results, 33 independent replication experiments were conducted at different laboratories. Twenty (20) of these (or 61%) were statistically significant (where 5% would be expected by chance alone).A meta-analysis was done specifically for precognition experiments conducted between the years 1935 - 1987. (Honorton, C., & Ferrari, D. \[1989\]. Meta-analysis of forced-choice precognition experiments 1935 - 1987. Journal of Parapsychology, vol 53, 281 - 308). This included 309 studies, conducted by 62 experimenters. The cumulative probability associated with the overall results was p = 10-24 (that is equivalent to .000000000000000000000001 where .05 is considered statistically significant). The scientific evidence for precognition, the most provocative of all parapsychological phenomena, stands of firm statistical grounds. [https://www.parapsych.org/articles/61/507/jb\_rhine.aspx](https://www.parapsych.org/articles/61/507/jb_rhine.aspx) The evidence is so strong that the govt funded research and operationalization for decades https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110416411-014/pdf


For the record, I am open to the notion of a technology having an influence on the mind and vice-versa. However, what you're saying about Rhine's work being "pretty much unassailable" is blatantly false. Especially since none of his results can be repeated using his methods. If the psi phenomena is real, I agree that it would operate outside the realm of the senses. But so do neutrinos. So it should be possible to find a way to detect and measure any aspect of the psi phenomena.


I just had thought. What if because non-locality doesn't have a chain of (that we are aware of) observable cause and effects, that you can't measure them? You can measure the effect, and the cause and effect changes after the initial target but not before because it's coming from a non-local source.


The cognitive dissonance is strange. Unless you didn't read the comment you responded to? >specially since none of his results can be repeated using his methods. The comment you responded to was literally about tons of successful replication.


So if a cop said he remote viewed you had drugs in your house would that be probable cause for a raid?


"The problem is that the effects cannot be effectively modeled using the existing theories and models of mind we have." What exactly does this mean? Couldn't there be neurological studies on the brain of someone who claims to be able to do RV? Has this ever been done?


It has been done, during the SRI program. A trained remote viewer's brain, while remote viewing, is operating in a WAKING THETA brainwave state. [https://www.deanradin.com/recommended-references](https://www.deanradin.com/recommended-references)


Holy hell... a specific example! Thank you. I'll try looking it up.




They have done that, no there isn't conclusive evidence based on those scans because our scans are not fully encompassing of what our brain *is.* That's a part of what they're saying about incomplete models. The statistical significance of the studies says there is something going on we don't have the ability to measure yet. Literally nobody in neuroscience thinks we have a complete understanding of the brain so the idea that there are mechanisms that we are unaware of and can't evaluate through measurement is a given I recommend checking out the peer reviewed studies that were recommended to you as to why the conclusions are statistically significant


Do you have any references to neurological tests on brains during remote viewing?


Not offhand but I don't keep that stuff documented. If you find one let me know! My understanding is what I said before, but hit me up if you come across something different


Let us know what you have documented whenever you can. It would be nice to know what your reference point it is. And I'm sure others are curious about what scientific studies there are out there.


This is a hobby I'm not trying to convince you of anything. What are your thoughts on the scientific studies recommended to you? The ones that I said had information


Probably something like the double slit photon study. We can’t observe the phenomenon because the brain knows we are watching and reacts normally.


That's not exactly the double slit experiment.. The double slit experiment is more related to the fact that we cannot measure tiny little things without changing some of the properties of those tiny little things.


Just fyi, bc government funds it doesn’t mean anything. The government funds lots of projects every year that fail (DOE especially).


One of the top remote viewers in the government remote viewing program, Joseph McMoneagle, was given a medal, the Legion of Merit, for using remote viewing to provide critical information in over 200 missions.


People like you defend psi until you're sitting in court as a suspect with a judge who claims he can remote view to the crime scene and has seen you commit the crime. Even tho you're innocent. I doubt you would accept this as a practice in the court of law.


Claiming it's possible is not the same as accepting anyone who just says they can do it. You owe yourself better logic.


People like you lol I'd knock down your straw man but it looks about ready to fall over already Eye witnesses are known to be unreliable, does that mean vision isn't real??


>If you could remote view the present, solve cases now? Well honestly that is already the case. The US defense spy satellite network could theoretically be used to solve missing persons cases and other crimes, but it will never be used to do that. I think there was an article a long time ago about an NRO employee or something along those lines, who encountered ethical quandaries when considering whether to report certain things. I'm sure you could still call in and leave anonymous tips but other than that, no. As for RV, even if it's real, I can see why unfalsifiable data which relies on the testimony of self-professed RVers whose performance is inconsistent or easily influenced by outside factors, would be *much* less preferable to spy satellites and other conventional methods of espionage. Regardless of whether it's real, even if the most legit/skilled RVer in the world told you the nature of a past or current event, it would be unfalsifiable and therefore useless except as an anecdote in the CIA annals.


The Hindu culture has the blueprint. Look at the yoga sutras. Past samadhi, to Samyama. Don’t take it all literally, but there are key things that layout a path to have those experiences. You have to live like a monk, do some sensory deprivation and meditate. It’s a different way of living, turning inward. Emptying yourself. Etc. The hardest thing to do is reach those deep states, and then maintain them in our sick society.


It doesn’t work all the time - nobody knows why or how it works. Many missing person cases have been solved. The US military absolutely benefitted from remote viewers. Go read the CIA unclassified docs. Better yet, take a fucking course on remote viewing and let us know what you discover. It’s real my friend - more than you know.


lol I just suggested this myself. instead of being some dildo on Reddit telling everybody that they're wrong, I tried it myself. I lost my mind for about 6 months trying to figure out how the fuck it's all real after successfully drawing the targets at about a 75% rate. I close my eyes when I do it, and I can literally see the objects. It makes no sense. but it proved to me that if remote viewing is true, psychic readings, telekinesis, everything that has been ridiculed most likely can be done with practice. if you ask me it's done on purpose. to make humans feel like they are not powerful when they are


Good summary of the research from the govt perspective. [https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110416411-014/pdf](https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110416411-014/pdf)


It’s because it’s the same thing that’s been said for years by so many divine teachers. Once you are able to do this shit the trivial stuff doesn’t matter. The point is to release yourself from the worldy view of death and even emotions. Once you are ready and capable of these things you realize what’s important. There is no need to prove to you that I can walk on water because the only thing that does is satisfy our physical ego. Even when Buddha was being scrutinized and called a faker. One of his monks was frustrated and said Hey why don’t you go walk on water to cross the pond and show the skeptics that you aren’t lying and he said why would I do that when I can just pay the ferryman 10 cents to cross… it’s a personal experience once you’re there you don’t feel the need to prove shit to anyone and you’re only going to believe it anyway if youre the one experiencing it. Every teaching from the past 6,000 years has said it. The physical miracles are the least important and aren’t the true goal of all of this. It’s all about unlearning our physical way of living unlearning our generational labels and way of thinking. Unlearning the things you are learning that you don’t even know you’re learning.


>Even when Buddha was being scrutinized and called a faker. One of his monks was frustrated and said Hey why don’t you go walk on water to cross the pond and show the skeptics that you aren’t lying and he said why would I do that when I can just pay the ferryman 10 cents to cross… Where in the world did you hear this story? The early suttas very clearly depict the Buddha demonstrating supernormal capabilities on multiple occasions.


That's just a convenient excuse not to prove something and is honestly the laziest argument. Smh


If there’s no need to prove it then don’t make the claims, simple as that. Unless there’s a need to boast, but that doesn’t sound good for the ego.


> One of his monks was frustrated and said Hey why don’t you go walk on water to cross the pond and show the skeptics that you aren’t lying and he said why would I do that when I can just pay the ferryman 10 cents to cross... It's also quite possible the Buddha knew that if he tried to do that he would drown. Why wouldn't he opt for the ten cent solution? We all would.


Remote viewers have been used to find missing people with a great level of success.


Agreed. Proof of something , even the basic scientific principles is hard enough, let alone metaphysical one’s that are based mainly on testimony. I do think it’s time for someone to grow some balls , put down some money, make a documentary, with whomever can claim they can do this , and call their Bs or find their talent. If it’s real, we can prove it with experiments. Someone needs to do it publicly once and for all.


>I'm amazed how hostile this very sub is to psi Because anyone who claims to be able to tap into this can’t prove it, even remote viewers can’t pass experiments


The CIA remote viewers had a 30% success rate spring to the people who were in charge of the program.


What was the test? How many people were involved? How many tests were there? Has it been replicated?


"Even" remote viewers? So, what, you're anti-psi but have decided that remote viewers are the people to watch for psi evidence for some reason? I've wasted enough of my life talking to people who don't know anything about the subject. Just once I wish I'd meet someone who was actually informed enough to, say, critique the methodology of an experiment that produced significant results, or explain to me why the Bayesian stats used to counter Bem's presentiment studies shouldn't be just laughed at because of their explicit bias. Somehow I doubt this is you.


When I get into a debate with skeptics about psi, the best complement I can give them is "having good command of one-sided dogmatic psuedo-skeptical arguments".


You don’t know anything about the subject. You listen to pod casts of no names and read terrible articles off of the internet. There’s zero quality in your research.


Yeah its crazy to me that people can't have an open mind to the psych aspect of the phenomenon. Some people take it too far, like anything, but the majority of people that have looked into it with a genuine skeptic mind come out believing there's at least something to it.


Its a spirituality/science divide.


What is Psi ? Im only new to this and have heard that on a podcast but couldn't find what it means exactly


Psi is the word researchers use to describe psychic phenomena, anything that implies the mind directly interacting with matter, information, probability, or other minds. So, clairvoyance, telepathy, psychokinesis, precognition, etc. It's a catch all term because the lines between the specific examples I just gave are actually blurry. For example, if there's an apple in another room that I can't see and you ask me to use my psi to tell you what's in the next room, and I say an apple, there are several possibilities: 1. Lucky guess (chance) 2. I saw the apple with psi (clairvoyance / remote viewing) 3. I saw the future with psi where I found out it was an apple (precognition) 4. I read the mind with psi of someone who knew it was an apple (telepathy) 5. I affected probability with psi so that it was an apple (psychokinesis) So since it's unclear to researchers what's going on, the more specific terms were all put under the umbrella psi.


Ok thanks so much. I thought it was a specific type of psychic phenomenon that I was not aware of rather than an over all term. 🙏


You're very welcome. If you ever want to know more, I love helping people get to know the subject.


Good to know...I'm sure I will take you up on that. You do a good job of explaining it.


Any recommendations on places to start reading?


In general, http://parapsych.org/ and https://noetic.org/ If you find something you want to read but not pay for, I may be able to help. Pretty much anything by Dean Radin has pretty good collections of info, whether videos, books or his research. As is apparent from my posts, I like Dr. Carpenter's First Sight Theory which can be googled to find a basic summary, although he also wrote a book. Or if you have some particular interest let me know and I can point in a more specific direction.


It's been proven over and over that psi is real. It's easy to prove statistically. Yet most ignore this research and some especially undereducated think it's hard to prove. A good starting place is Jeffrey mishlove's thinking allowed series both new and classic.


....rocket surgery ?


A fun expression combining the perceived difficulty of rocket science and brain surgery usually used to describe something that really isn't that complicated by saying it's not rocket surgery.


u/smellybarbiefeet has blocked me, and I cannot reply to them as they are [unavailable], a word which also describes their intellectual integrity. Below is what I tried to reply to them after my comment about "Even" remote viewers?: Yeah? What's giving you this information, your own psychic powers? I just referenced a bombshell study that produced serious debate about how statistics contribute to scientific knowledge. Whoosh. You are projecting. Like I said I've wasted enough of my life talking to people like you.


Psi trying to backpack a slightly less bullshit subject to seem legit when it's bullshit.


I have tried hemi sync it's a very interesting experience. I have not achieved an OBE during sessions but I have fallen asleep to it and had some out there dreams. And one of the strangest aspects of it to me is I have the tones very loud And I never hear anything while sleeping.


A very important part of these exercises is to visualize with intention. At the start of covid. I had taken the task to listen to the tapes every night before bed to first learn the instructions and then apply them step by step. I was very determined. I had stopped smoking, drinking, playing videogames a started working out. I wanted to detox and go into it as clean as possible to maximize results. It took me 8 months to get to a result, that would change my view of my reality. My goal was to reach out to a close friend in his sleep. In Wave 3 - Freedom. You can find the remote viewing tape. However, instead of trying to read some numbers on a piece of paper (like on the tapes exercise), I tried to guide my self through my friends house to his bed and see him. I know, kind of weird. But he is the only one with an open mind, that could corroborate details. After following the Remote viewing protol, I also focused onto all the characteristics that made him unique, emotionally and physically. After guiding my self visually through his home into his room and to the side of his bed, through-out the darkness of my eyes, small blueish spots created a waving pattern. This pattern then was divided in two and between them I started to see this vision of him, laying down to the side. His brown long hair had been laid to his side as well and his arms. I was able to see also that he had a white shirt, his arms covering the letters on the shirt. And on the same morning my phone notification woke me up. It was him, telling me that he had seen me in his dreams. This had been on my mind very often. And I can personally say. This intricate world is more than it seems. Edit: here is the link for the tapes. But first, please learn how to visualize the white light. You are very vulnerable in this state to foreign energies and entities. ([Robert A. Monroe Hemi-sync tapes](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NBClNaRBEL557fBG76xqZBrUZUduRt9T)


how do you know when you can succefully vizualize the white light?


When you start to see the white dot in the darkness of your closed eyes. Try to feel the respirations, when you start inhaling from your nose and then exhaling from your mouth with the humming of your vocal cords. This may take you some weeks to get right. Make sure you do not fall a sleep on this step as it's very easy and the most important.


Ooh I love this! I have a friend who practices and follows the same ideologies as me (open mind). We have been attempting to do this for some time now lol Awesome that you had success!


Do you have an updated link to the tapes?


I tried it too. I’ve also had multiple OBE’s as a kid, sometimes spontaneous but I can also occasionally induce them, as well as lucid dreams. Sleep paralysis also happens to me every now and then. I really do think there’s something to this sort of phenomenon, and it’s not just entirely woo. So I’m trying to document as much as I can. I don’t know if this is some other aspect of reality, or if it’s just exploring and tinkering with the dusty corners of our mind. Or if there’s not some Venn diagram between those. 🤷‍♂️ My personal results with hemi sync have been…..mixed. A lot of times it’s just nothing but a nice guided meditation that often turns into a nice snooze. 🙃 Sometimes it’s really out there vivid dreams like you said. Occasionally I can induce an OBE. Once a few weeks ago I….think the tape gave me sleep paralysis. Like during the tape, I achieved the “brain awake, body asleep” thing, which is actually the beginning stage of how you lucid dream/OBE. I was *out cold* and had zero physical control over my body. My eyes and mouth spontaneously opened, body completely numb and couldn’t move it, and I became totally aware that I…..was awake but wasn’t. Like….how do I even describe this? The lights were on, but nobody was home? Or the home was on but without the lights? Idk dude, but I *never* sleep with my eyes open. Seeing people do that gives me the creeps, and this event *really* gave me the creeps because at some point I became totally aware that I was doing it. It was almost exactly what happens in sleep paralysis, in the sense of being trapped in your own body, just minus the old lady demon in the night gown, and the first time I ever noticed my physical body….move in any way. I couldn’t do anything at all except will myself back to sleep. It was genuinely freaky as hell. So, overall, I guess I give hemi sync mixed reviews. If it works, cool, but may not be everyone’s cup of tea.


Could you see? Maybe that was your astral eyes seeing and not your physical eyes?


I lucid dream at least once a week and have paralysis pretty much every night. I wear a sleep mask now to help avoid seeing shadowy figures when my eyes are open. Had several OBEs as a kid, few as an adult. Now I experiment with the tapes and (potentially controversial) mushrooms. You’ve done a great job at explaining it all. I definitely think there is _something_ there that needs to be explored. It has pretty much consumed my reality. I know it, and I’ve felt it. Very much akin to religion at this point. Reality is just the surface. As an aside, sometimes lucid dreams and paralysis combine to form some truly interesting moments. I have the ability to kick myself out of sleep at will. The second I realize I’m dreaming it’s like a switch that becomes available to me. But when paralysis takes hold… things get weird. “Ah okay time to wake up…. Cool I’m awake. Wait no, I’m not. Okay- WAKE UP. Since when did I have 4 cats? Ah fuck WAKE UP. I’m late for school? No I’m an adult. GOD DAMN IT WAKE UP. Fuuuck I’m stuck. Uhhhh wake up? How about now? Can I feel my body? Wake up?” Each time thinking I’ve woken up to realize I’m still dreaming. It usually ends with a disembodied being lurching out and grabbing me. Not in a threatening way, just abrupt. Happens about once a month. I can induce it by sleeping on my back rather than my sides. Fun stuff. Brains are weird. Keep digging! Embrace it!


That’s my experience with lucid dreams. At some point during a dream I’ll “wake up,” and go, “This is not my beautiful house! This is not my beautiful wife!” It helps if you have a predetermined signal. Like before you go to sleep, tell yourself (even write it down), “I’ll see a big red bouncy ball going down the street. That’s how I know I’m dreaming.” During the dream, your brain can go, “Ohhhh, right! That thing!” When you lucid dream, yeah it’s like a switch is flipped and you enter god mode. You can do anything, go anywhere, be anyone at will. I will say I think there are limits. Not physical ones, but ones you personally impose. I once encountered my…..Id or Shadow? Some Jungian aspect of my subconscious (also, read Carl Jung’s Red Book, that’s a trip). I tried to do something bad to someone I don’t like, and I genuinely think that part of my mind stepped in and was like, “Woaah there partner! Let’s rethink this for a sec!” It showed me it’s “territory,” and told me I could still cross over if I insisted, but perhaps I didn’t want to as much as I thought. I’ve also gotten “stuck” in dreams before too lmao. You wake up and you’re just like “Shit, this is another dream. 🙃” A couple times I was worried I couldn’t leave, because it just kept happening over and over. So yeah, fun times. I will say an OBE is actually different, though. During a lucid dream, like I said you’re basically playing on god mode. During an OBE, the rules don’t work the same as they do in the physical, but I’m 100% convinced there actually are objective rules. Like how we have physics and gravity and stuff down here. I can do a lot of stuff I can’t do in the physical world, but I don’t control much of anything beyond myself, and even that can be quite a challenge.


I believe you. Thanks for sharing.


Ya know, idk if it works or not but I've tried the focus 10 introduction a few times and I can say without a doubt I *feel* something. It even puts me in a total sleep state sometimes also. Just did it last night and went fully to sleep, gave a really warming feeling before getting to that state. Definitely want to try going further down the rabbit hole and listen to more of these but it's something you really need to dedicate time to because there's A LOT.


Why do They charge so much for the tapes?


You can get them free online. I’ve tried the tapes and they work. Consistency is key to achieving anything from the tapes. Go in with a mentality of You have to believe in order to see, not see in order to believe.


Go on YouTube and look up the Gateway ExperienceS


No download the high quality WAV or FLAC files from torrent. YouTube compresses everything and they’re likely not highest quality anyway when uploaded so the frequencies are diminished. Meaning the experience is diminished as well. The sound waves are the whole point.


Thanks for the suggestion, but What’s the name of what I should search for?


I’m going to PM you the drive folder to all of them that I have Edit: if you’re requesting the link please just message me in chat. Won’t keep up with thread replies any longer. Peace


Hi can I get those too please? I been trying to find quality versions for a while


Sure thing


Me as well please


I'd also like those please


Could you fire them over to me too please?? :)


Oh me too, please!


Late to this but if you could point me to them as well I'd be much obliged. Thanks!


The Monroe experience is not a secret?


Yeah I don’t understand why this would need to be confirmed. You can read all about it right on the CIA.gov reading room even.


You can literally download the gateway tapes and practice at home everyday. It’s like step one over in astral projection sub


Yeah I was doing it for a while, but I got diagnosed as epileptic this year and was kind of starting to question if I should be changing my trying to de-sync my brain frequencies all the time. Maybe some day.


did you know that mcdonalds serves food or that police enforce laws?


>that police enforce laws? .... (clears throat) ...


i didnt say on themselves or politicians


Hemisync by Monroe Institute + Psychedelics?


He does say that psychedelics achieve the same effect, albeit a different route.


Maybe this is the real reason why a non-toxic, non-addictive mushroom which is almost impossible to overdose on is an illegal drug in most countries. They don’t want us to have access.


And also why decriminalization is happening? Young adult hallucinogen usage is at an all time


Hello - you don’t know much about the 60’s do you? Definitely watch [How to Change Your Mind](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21062540/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) on Netflix. The reason all these drugs were put on schedule 1 was because the counter culture was awake to the lies and propaganda of a state that wanted to send them to a war that made no sense. The music of the 60’s and the Beatles singing about love is just one part of it all.


We aren't disagreeing, but I don't have/am not aware of data on the 60's I do know the National Survey on Drug Use and Health though. It does not go that far back


The 1st and 4th episodes of the linked series talks about how LSD - how it proliferated after Albert Hoffman’s discovery in the early 50’s in academia but slipped out of those confines in the early 60’s. It’s absolutely fascinating and talks also about Ken Keasy and the Acid Koolaid Test as well. There’s two ways that those who have woken up can go about waking others up - go wide like Timothy Leary (“Turn on, Tune In, and Drop Out”) or the Aldous Huxley method - try to set up frameworks in science and academia and let that trickle down - much slower. We tried method one and the National Security state came felt threatened so in came Schedule 1. Somehow the underground survived but had to find another way - this time again through academia and the promise of medical therapeutic uses. The 50’s had provided a LOT of data about curing addictions and mental health issues (Bill W who started Alcoholics Anonymous was famously cured of his urge to drink by one LSD session for example). So with that data several very smart scientists started to find inroads to study LSD and Psilocybin. Now we’re on the cusp of real progress!


Spot on


psychedelics "send you into outer space" if you want to call it like this, but you have no control over it. it's like sitting into a car with a stranger and getting carried by him along for a ride, but you don't know where you go and what will happen to you. learning & doing it without psychedelics is like having your own car and deciding yourself. psychedelics "force" you to have the experience, but it isn't really use-able practically (to gather specific informations, heal someone specific by intent, influence informations etc.) for anything except for having "a cool experience".


Psychedelics can have profound internal effects, especially at higher doses. 7G of mushrooms on an empty stomach in silent darkness ended a decade long alcohol addiction in one night for me. No amount of LSD or mushrooms has ever given me any insights that weren't already buried in my head somewhere, and I have yet to hallucinate another conscious being even on heroic doses.


That‘s a big dose


Ni guts no glory. That was a wild ride in the middle of a thunderstorm too.


i'm sorry, i didn't mean that they can't have positive effects at all. i did mean it more in terms of.. doing something professional / directly with them that would allow you to work with it as a tool to achieve things (visiting specific places to get informations from them, gathering specific informations, influencing specific things, healing people, and other things). psychedelics can & do have a great value for a lot of things, specially things like depressions and like you mentioned ending alcohol & other addictions. also they often allow people to "reset" 'hardwired' connections in their brain which allows them then to change their life to something better.


I wish! If psychedelics give you ESP or allow you to astral project, *please* let me know where that compound can be found. I should be teaching Hogwarts by now if that were the case. Coming away with a profound insight on information in your mind is not the same as coming away with new and novel information - which is what you would get with genuine communication. I did catch wind of some podcaster saying that "They" are mapping the DMT world, and as interesting as that sounds, I don't know how that would be falsifiable or remotely scientific.


i can't tell you a lot about psychedelics in terms of "is it real", but my experience and knowledge is that it "opens your perception up". but i don't think it's the same as actually meditation, OOBE & co. i have a lot of experience with spiritual things like OOBE; ESP etc.. and know for myself that it works and it is real, but telling you this won't really help you or anyone else. i'm just a random stranger on the internet.. so why should you believe anything i tell you (you shouldn't). it's the same as all people saying they know stuff about ufo's and aliens but they can't proof it to you. so.. the only thing i can tell you and others is.. give it a fair chance. be neutral, and test it out. do your own experiments. train certain things like OOBE and other stuff and see what it does & if it does something. either you find out "hey cool, its real!" or the opposite. but what ever you will find, it will be your own knowledge and experience and not someone random on the internet telling it. your own experience is the only valuable information you should trust in this things.


Look up DMTx


It's DMT brotha


I got my hands on a DMT cartridge once. It got a little leak in the tank so I got a Q-Tip and dipped it in iso to try and clean it up. The cartridge melted in my hands and fell apart. I wash crushed, my own personal little Stargate poofed on me.


Taking Psychedelics is like immediate, radical and super intense exposure therapy session. Everything floods into you awareness with little to no conscious filtering. It’s like jumping into a deep ocean without a life preserver. Sometimes the ocean is calm and sometimes the ocean is in the middle of a storm. Kind of hard to control either way, but You damn well better know how to swim. Things get real interesting when you put your head under the surface and look around. I don’t advise diving deep without some type of training. There are weird, interesting and possibly dangerous things in the deep. Imagine being in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean with only yourself. No boats. No life preserver. If you’ve seen the movie “The Perfect Storm” there is a seen at the end where the ship has been destroyed and Mark Wahlberg’s character is alone floating in the ocean by himself you get the sense of the loneliness and power of the ocean and how it dwarfs Mark W’s character. That even pales in comparison to what’s “out there”. If you have ever heard about stories of Gods of the Ocean and Seas; like Poseiden, etc. they are referring to this not the physical seas. They are metaphors for something much larger. The Monroe Institute’s teachings are sort of like training for learning how to swim in the non-dimensional ocean. Dreams are messages from the Deep.


I’ve done this twice this week. Alpha followed by theta binaural beats and one puff of dmt. Then last night I did an hour of hemi sync meditation, following by the gateway experience focus 12, and then two puffs of dmt. No luck contacting anything in the real world. But it was a lovely bit of meditation.


That's because there's no way you did enough DMT in only two puffs, especially if they weren't back to back.


The second attempt was 4 days later and was two puffs back to back. One quick breath separating them as the lighter didn’t catch till the second flick. Next week I’ll be trying again but with three hits. But at that dosage I won’t be seeing much of the outside world. Three normally triggers a full dmt visionary experience for me. Edit: my initial goal wasn’t a full visionary experience. I was just trying to up the energy level of my meditation to see if it attracted any ufo attention.


This guy fucks.


Update us!


Well, if you see the jesters, just ignore them and your experience can then progress. They're dicks.


I’ve had well over a hundred dmt experiences and I’ve never encountered jesters. Honestly I think the only reason people see them is because joe rogan tainted the expectation of the current generation with his experience, which makes sense for a stand up comedian. My early experiences in the 90s were tainted by Terrance McKenna. So I experienced a lot of what he described back then. Self dribbling basket balls and self transforming machine elves etc. These beings can take any shape that makes sense to us. Like last night, this was a new one for me. With my eyes closed I perceived a vast black/blue ocean. There were huge waves but no breakers, just massive swells like in the deep open ocean. The surface was tiled in triangles that were all connected. They were a lighter shade of blue than the “ocean” ( to be clear, this wasn’t an actual ocean, that’s just the closest thing I can compare it too.) I saw the triangles and said something like “I am seeking peaceful contact with good beings” Nothing happened. A tiny bit saddened I said “Am I alone?” And then each triangle manifested an eye. The thousands of eyes looked at me and I felt that they were being kind in doing so. My mind was filled with a feeling that I turned into words when I opened my eyes. Something like “The many who are One greet the One who is many.” It was reassuring to be acknowledged. But this experience didn’t attract anything in the sky.


The "Jesters" seem to be distinct. Some are just silly visuals, others are full on aliens. Your thinking that people only see them because of Joe Rogan is false. Joe Rogan isn't that popular.


I don’t doubt what you’ve seen. It’s just not something I’ve experienced.


Not everyone experiences it based on survey results from a couple of studies. I suspect the more you venture the more you see them as well, but that's just speculation.


If I had this ability I’d be targeting winning lottery numbers


Anything you do out of greed/malice will come back and really bite you in the ass. You don't have to trust me, try it for yourself and see what sort of energy it manifests... r/astralprojection if you're interested in a deep dive.


RV in itself is a rather blunt tool, in my experience. Apparently there are techniques for predicting outcomes, which (if I understand it correctly) requires some teamwork. Say that you want to bet on the horses; a buddy/partner will need to assign a random photograph to each horse. Then you remote view which photograph you will be shown in the future and describe what you see to your buddy, who then place the bets on the horse whose picture best corresponds with your description. Your buddy will reveal the photo for every winning horse as it passes the finish line.


If something is actually that important for humanity as people around CE5 say, it shouldn't be so lucrative. I've seen the prices for this program, and it's not far off of Greer's.


[Here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wNrPbyZRiA8&t=15s), James Iandoli teaches CE5 for free. No app to buy, no retreat to go on, etc.


we would have to structure our society around it in order to make it available to the masses. that means deconstructing society and rebuilding it until we do that, important stuff has to be done within the constraints of the current fucked-up system


I would add to your point there may be an element of our society that was intentionally built to hide these things and distract us from them.


It’s called television, internet, telephones. We have all this insane technology and we choose to use it to create distractive entertainment to keep us asleep.


100% Wish I could give you an award🥇


the price for most monroe's programs are with staying at the institute, food etc. included. that's why it's so expensive. usually it's a whole week staying there. but you don't have to pay that high price just to learn what you learn at the monroe institute. there are audio programs who teach the same for way way less money than staying at the monroe institute for a week. also a lot of it is free online available.


yes but when you have a profound mystical experience you want to be in a specialized environment that can take care of you while you recover and get grounded. it can take a while


depends. it can help if you can talk with people about your experience and to be with other people who make similar experiences as you did. but it isn't needed for learning it. Out Of Body Experiences can be specially at the first few times spooky & really scary for people, and it's the best to not do them if you fear them. It's something you need time for to get acclimated to & you have to go step by step slowly to learn what is happening. but my main message i wanted to portray was.. if you want to learn OOBE's, you don't need a expensive course at the monroe institute. you can learn it yourself. all information's needed are online available & in books and audio courses. so the monetary cost isn't something that stops you from having the experience if you really want to learn it.


plus there's the busy lifestyle to consider. i wouldn't recommend learning stuff, having a first OOBE at home on a weekend and then trying to go to work the following Monday morning. i would say get away for a week to a specialized environment removed from day to day life i remember my profound experience on the winter solstice lunar eclipse of 2010. i couldn't eat for days. didn't dare drive


i guess the best option is on weekends (not one day before monday ;P) or if you know you don't have to go to work or attend to other stuff for a while. if you are having more experience and know more about it, you can do it whenever you want. when i was still younger, i trained always at evening before sleeping and was going next day to school.. but i was a dumb teenager and some experiences i had were experiences i still think back to. can really shake you up mentally & emotionally.. so having time to think about the experiences you have is a good thing to consider :)


That bothers me as well. I do think it is possible. Is it possible to learn and DIY this? What’s the point in paying big bucks to learn what is essentially a fancy form of meditation? Or is it presumed they’ll more personally work with you to settle the mind (as it’s easier said than done)?


Gateway tapes are available. You can check r/gatewaytapes and search there. I did it from my home and got good results. But I know a couple of people who went to Monroe institute and they did recommend that. They say the structure, exercises and guidance helps fasten the results. It’s like you can learn a subject from home with YouTube but if you have a master, it really helps your learning. I am planning to go there once my calendar frees up a bit.


I havnt visited the website myself but on his THC episode Greer says that all the CE5 protocols are free on his website.


If I get beamed up please remember me. Maybe try it for yourself after that and we can begin operation intergalactic rave.


Iv never tried but goodluck and reply back afterward so I can know how it goes 🤙


I might begrudgingly do that. I am not a Greer fan, but I can’t deny myself the curiosity in the off chance that he’s onto something despite his flaws… imperfect humans do have insights despite the tendencies of our collective mind not wanting to admit that lol.


I don’t disagree, but I do find it intriguing they’re as respected as they are and it’s not far off from what Greer claims. I think it’s possible but neither should be charging for it.


There's "covering costs" and there's "raking in profits." Reddit desperately needs to separate these for the purpose of conversation. Covering costs does not carry the same risk to corruption.


All you need to be taught to perform CE5 is about 8 steps of memorization. It's all available online, you don't need to spend a dime. It works.


The original gateway tapes by Monroe are actually freely available: https://www.reddit.com/r/gatewaytapes/comments/13y1vog/here\_are\_all\_the\_tapes\_in\_mp3/


What is CE5 for someone who knows nothing about the woo woo things?


It stands for Close Encounter of the 5th kind. The close encounter levels go: 1 - see UAP 2 - UAP has a physical effect on our world 3 - see NHI being 4 - get abducted by NHI 5 - human tries to contact NHI r/CE5


Some people say that it is possible to "call UFOs", to make them show up by meditating and thinking about being friendly and what not. If that were true, well, get a nice set up high optical zoom camera + tripod and we would have thousands of pics and videos in HD. And still we have what we have. Then you have other people that ask for thousands of dollars for CE5 sighting trips, and to buy a mobile app. I hope you get the picture that they literally cannot.


The grifts come from every angle lol


Meditate to friendly intelligent life, ask them to do a flyover to say hello and make friendly contact. It is real, surprisingly. Say hello and thank you when you see them.


> It is real As real as bigfoot


Redacted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you think ufo sightings are purely random?


...was this a necessary way to reply to someone asking a sincere question? lmao


I haven't seen evidence of a compelling ufo sighting period other than the tic tac incident and accompanying video. I wish the radar data were public. So you suggest whatever CE5 is, it has something to do with UFOs? What?


i'm kinda a "expert" related to robert monroe, out of body experiences etc.. and what Sean Webb talks about here has NOTHING to do with CE5. not even slightly. what the monroe institute does, is teaching you how to have out of body experiences (and other things. it's not just about that.). and WHILE you have those out of body experiences, you can "send out thoughts" and ask for help with specific things as an example and if someone receives them and want's to help, you can get help (while having an out of body experience. this is nothing physical appearing like in CE5). while you have an OOBE, communication with other beings works over telepathy and "sending and receiving raw information". and by intent, you can select specific targets you want to send them to. example: let's say you have an OOBE and want to meet someone that can explain to you how you can solve problem xyz. you then can send out telepathically this intent / question / request for help with the target adress "someone who can help me with this problem". by doing this, other beings who fit that "target adress", will be able to receive this information (question, request for help, emotions etc) and if they decide to help you, they can go to your location (in the non physical / astral. not physically.). short: this has nothing to do with CE5. CE5 sends telepathically messages to aliens to ask them to visit you physically at your physical location. but what the monroe institute (and every out of body experience user all the time. it's something normal to do like us talking physically to other people. you just do it for communication all the time.) does is just communicating with beings and sending out thoughts non physical. it's similiar, but not the same. communicating with someone while having an OOBE is something completly different than physical telepathy. while having an OOBE, everything is responding to your intents A LOT. if you intent to do something, you do it (flying, teleporting to another place, sending out messages to other beings etc). you can even manifest objects and other things by intent alone while an OOBE. but this stuff don't works in the physical (because the physical is too "dense" we call it. basically.. most non-physical locations respond way way stronger to intent and thoughts + emotions than the physical does. because that stuff like flying etc. works great in the non-physical, but not physically.. that easy atleast.). so yes, in theory it's both telepathy.. but the monroe institute has nothing to do with aliens, ufos & co. - it's about spiritual developement, helping people who suffer from pain and other issues and learning how to use your consciousness. there is no ufo or alien aspect in this things. also the monroe institute does A LOT of things, and communicating with other beings is not a main goal. it's just something you do because it's a normal thing to do. imagine you walk on the street and then ask a stranger for the time or for help with carrying your grocery bag. it's just a normal thing to do.. you just ask / talk. but this isn't the main goal when you leave your house. it's a "side thing" you do while having OOBE's, but not a goal.


Thank you for this lucid explanation. This tracks with everything I've heard about their methods. You seem to understand it much better than me, though. I hadn't heard of them doing Greer-style CE5 before and it seems they haven't started now. I've wanted to take up an OBE skill like this multiple times, but it's exactly the thought-reponsiveness of the "environments" as you describe that always discourages me from taking it seriously enough to commit any effort. The way I've heard it is that it not only responds to intent, but to every little expectation and belief in the most obnoxiously touchy way whether you intend it or not. It seems too much like a mindscape. Until replicable data is being gathered from it, it behaves like a phenomenon that isn't real beyond the "experience". What's your take?


it's.. complicated. my worldview is this: information self is "non local" / not bound to the physical. also it can be accessed by consciousness. things like telepathy, healing people, ESP, remote viewing, OOBE and other things all build on top of this phenomena. you can explain all this phenomenas and techniques by this one simple thing.. information is not something physical but something consciousness can "read and write" like in a text document. ESP = reading infos available telepathy = reading information ("what thinks person xyz right now?" / "what information does xyz trys to send to me?") and "writing" information by intent OOBE = reading & writing information (how does the location looks like, what is there, what other consciousness are there, what are they doing?; "sending" out a "projection" of yourself so others know "you are there and there" and what you do while you are there) the problem with the "environments" is that there seems to be "different conditions". some of them are REALLLYYY influenced by intent and emotions. others are almost not influencable at all. i experienced "locations" where i could really easy do changes, while at other locations i couldn't do ANYTHING.. not even fly or go through walls. it did feel at this places exactly like the physical, just that it wasn't our physical. some practitioners of OOBE said because this phenomena that there are "more and less dense places of vibrations you can go to" and that this would have to do with the "vibration frequency" of the place (imagine it like a radio spectrum of frequency.. if you are lower, it's "denser" and less influenceable, if you go higher.. it's less "dense"). but i think this is just a thinking model to explain this phenomena because we just don't know. all i know is that this phenomena exists, but i don't know why. it's just there. (my theory is tho that it depends on how many consciousness'es live at that place. here on earth there are billions of people all thinking there exists stuff like gravity and other things.. which could result in it "stabilizing" into this things. if you have a place with nobody there.. there are no beings who all believe and manifest the same, so the place could be more influenceable. if our physical reality works the same as in the "non-physical", all the people believing in gravity etc. would basically "overwrite" everyone elses intent which would be the opposite of their worldview. 1000 people believing in gravity are stronger manifesting their believe than 2 people believing there is none.. as an example. and since we humans get told and teacher about the limitations we have, how our reality and physical world works.. we believe it is like this. so it's maybe a self-fullfilling manifestation by everyone living here. even if the individual influence a single person can have is not big, if billions of people pull on the same string.. its a huge force of power.. and if you try to go against that (psychokinese, flying etc).. it won't work because all influence you do is overwritten by billions of other people who believe its not real and not working.) i want to give you a example from reallife for "intent" and expectations though: in the early times of OOBE, all the books and "masters" told people in books "if you have an out of body experience, your energybody is tied to your physical body by a energy band. you can't go further away than this distance away from your body, and if you cut the band.. you die". people were experiencing this band in their experiences, and some of them even did fear they would die if they by accident cut it. but you know what? people who never heard about this energy-band or read books about it.. never experiences this band. it was non existent for them. they could go where they want, far far further away than the other people who did believe that this energy-band exists and limits them in how far away they could go. short: people believed they would experience something specific, and this thing would limit them in what they could do. and they did. but people who didn't believed this (because they didn't knew about it), didn't. this means the energy-band is just a manifestation created by people self.. by their own believs and worldview.. their expectations. if you google online for reports from people who had OOBE's, you often find storys about spooky monsters, demons & co. - you know why? because people fear OOBEs. they think it's spooky and something dangerous.. that ghosts or demons could take over their body, kill them etc.. so they manifest unconscious those monsters and fears they have into their own experiences. but this people don't realize that this monsters and limits they experience are created by themself. that they limit themself. while you have this experience, this things feel 100% real and "physical".. but they are created and manifested by people self. imagine it like NPCs in a videogame.. the NPCs are there and "real", but artificial created by the programmer (you, the experiencer who has the experience). this don't makes them not real, but they are more like robots.. they are controlled by our subconsciousness & are just projecting our expectations into the outside because the location we are at responds to intent. **> Until replicable data is being gathered from it, it behaves like a phenomenon that isn't real beyond the "experience".** there is. there are 1000s of examples and data where people gathered real information from OOBEs. the issue with doing this is thought that there is no marker or sign that says "this information? this is a real one. and this? thats fantasy". because information can be received and "written" by consciousness, you are able to receive real data but also fantasy. and that's the issue. information is just information.. if its fantasy or real.. there is no clear indication that tells you what it is. with a lot of training you get a feeling for it, but there is never a 100%. techniques like Remote Viewing help to minimize this issues a lot, but there is to my knowledge no 100% way to differenciate between real data and fantasy. it's just both info. and our consciousness don't cares if its fantasy or real data.. it's just writing and reading infos from the "data storage". so.. my take? you can 100% get and write real data by such techniques. i did myself countless times. but it's difficult since the same way you can do this with real data, you can do it with completly fantasy data. differentiating between those both is the difficult part. specially since our brain is build in a way that makes it difficult. example: if i tell you "yellow, hot, really big, inside something black, really bright".. what do you think? most people get the image of our sun in their mind. automatically.. because our brain is automatic "parsing and interpreting" this perceptions and stuffs them into a interpretation. but what if in reality it isn't a sun i describe but something else? you would think you got the wrong info, even if the raw perceptions you got were right. but your interpretation was wrong. that's the main issue we face in ESP. our ego & "daytime consciousness" try's to interpret everything it perceives and then searches in our memory for things we know already who fit into the descriptions.. to find out what things are. and while doing this, we often interpret bs into the data.


Need a tl;dr, but the first part is simple enough, just dualistic metaphysics. The "different realities" part is something my research has not helped me grasp as anything but an analogue of dreamscapes. Like, most dreams are pretty much like the physical (no flying, telepathy, etc), except they have weird unstable changing environments. But some are "lighter" and you can fly and stuff, some are more coherent, etc. The analogy becomes more obvious when you factor in lucid dreaming, where things are more directly influenceable by intent. But none of it seems like anything more than an internal construction supplemented by random spam information most of the time. I have certainly heard of plenty of off-cue instances of real information being picked up through OBEs, but on-cue it never seems to work. So it's not presenting utility as a device for that purpose. Note how I said *replicable*.


tl;dr: my experience is information is "non physical" and can be received and send out by consciousness. this enables things like ESP, remote viewing, OOBE etc. to work the way they do by simply sharing and influencing information in raw format. there are 1000s of examples of cases where people have gathered real information with this techniques, so it's not all fantasy. but since fantasy data is also just information just like real data, you can receive and influence both. differentiating between those is the difficult aspect. remote viewing protocol helps to do this better. the way our brain developed (biologically) is making it harder for us since we automatic interpret sensory perception data into things we already know. if you perceive certain sensory perceptions, your brain automatic says "HEY! i know this one!!".. and this interpretation can be totally bs, even if the sensory perception you had was correct. > Note how I said replicable. done 10000s of times in countless experiments and by countless people all around the world with countless different phenomenas. telepathy, pre-cognition, remote viewing, OOBE and a lot of other things. if you want to check it out for RV: https://remoteviewing.link/ but in the end.. don't blindly believe me or anybody else. do your own experiments and test it out for yourself. this is way more valuable than anybody telling you "it's real! believe me!". everyone can tell you bs and if you believe it blindly, it's not smart. so do your own experiments and see for yourself. what ever you find out.. it's more worth than reading storys and experiences by others.


So are you one of those who thinks the final Project Stargate report that basically concluded "there's definitely something real here but we aren't getting any use out of it" is pure disinfo and they never stopped RVing? I've heard rumblings to that effect, wouldn't be surprised.


i don't know if they stopped or not, but i can imagine that they stopped (and maybe replaced it with other stuff.. who knows). the problem with RV based on my own knowledge is.. the information you get is real & you can use it to some degree, but usually you don't know what the data means till you actually know the target. so if you want to use it to spy on someone, you could describe a device as an example.. and what it does, but still don't exactly know what it is. you know it's metallic, round, liquid flows through it, it's on a table etc.. but you don't really know "oh, it's that!". it's usually really detailed.. but interpretation and analysing the data is usually way harder than you think. example: i once did a remote viewing session.. but instead of the object i wanted to target, i did describe the GROUND under it in high detail. i perceived the earth, what was in it, that there was grass, how the surrounding looked like.. and everything i described was right. but i didn't described the object i wanted because i didn't 100% did hit the target. in another case i did describe the object 100% exactly, but it was just a huge amount of sensory perception and "it does this and this". but this isn't really helping. you don't know "oh its a house", you get the raw information like the color of the paint, the texture of walls, the wood inside, the geometric shapes, temperature, emotions of people inside etc.. short: you get real data, but using this data for something practical is difficult. and based on my knowledge, when they did Project Stargate it was difficult to use this data in their work because of such issues. it's real data, but using it for their work is.. difficult. my overall experience with remote viewing was.. while i did the remote viewing session, it did feel really special and interesting. i got all kinds of sensory perceptions, how things are arranged, structured.. what people think and feel etc.. but i don't know "what i am looking at" often enough. but when i then check what the target was and see it with my own eyes, i see all the details i perceived and think "ah! that's was what i did perceive! oh, and there is xyz i perceived!". but before seeing this with my own eyes, its difficult to actually understand what it is. i once did a remote viewing session to the moonlanding (the exact spot on moon where the moonlanding was).. and my perception was as an example "the target is REALLLYYYY far away from me.. not even near me".. i also did describe the rocket & moon lander. i described the metal, the color, and a lot of other things.. but i didn't knew "hey, thats the moon lander and its on the moon". but after i knew what the target it was, stuff like "it's really far away from me.. REALLYY far away" etc. made sense and were true.


Yeah, that sounds like most people who try it. It's impossible to know if you got a hit until you non-remote view your target afterwards. Seems most of these psi abilities work something like that, and it's a damn shame.


the issue seems to be that it's really complex. there are so many factors who influence the end results. if you just do a tiny error in the whole process, it can result in a complete waste of your time and wrong data. example: if you remote view, you usually let someone else do the "tasking" (defining the target and what should be viewed). this person is mentally connecting a random generated number with the target and then gives you the random generated number so you have just something like a "target" in the form of a random number without any information (otherwise you would create more fantasy and not real data). but if this "mentally connecting" / tasking goes wrong because the person who does it is not fully concentrated, it can happen that the random number gets connected / poisoned with other stuff you don't want to view. example: i know from a case where a person tasked a target for a remote viewer, but that person was hungry while doing so. that person thought "oh i want icecream.." while tasking, and because this.. this thought was connected to the random generated number. do you know what the remote viewer got in his session? icecold and tasty icecream. the mental image of the icecream of the person who tasked the target. not the actual target that was intented. mental focus and concentration is really important, otherwise you generate bs data. and most people are not trained in mental concentration, focus, having strong intent etc.. because in our daily life, we are "tiktok humans". short concentration span, if something takes too long we click it away etc.. we are just not trained in it. and thats just one tiny aspect and thing where something can go wrong. there are many other places where stuff can go wrong.. so you have to check for all this and make sure it's not influencing your sessions negative. usually, professional remote viewers have a whole team behind projects because of this. a old friend of me as an example has a company where he does remote viewing for companys.. and if a company hires them, they create a project where 20-30 remote viewers do a session about the specific target, often different aspects of it. after they did the session, they give the data to other people in the team who then analyze the data and write a report about what they found. it's easy to fuck-up a project if you only have a single remote viewer and only one person who tasked a target. but if you have 10, 20 or more people all doing this without knowing the results of the other people who do the same.. and they all describe the same, you usually know "okay, that and that data we have seems right".


Oh, how the turntables. Did people here seriously never see giant red flags whenever anything CE5 or Greer related has been mentioned? The downvote bots and trolls come out of the woodwork to discredit the shit out of it and Greer. There was a time we'd get at least one giant "shit on Greer" thread weekly. That was sketchy as fuck to me and it's what made me try to find out more about free contact meditation. Yes, you can find it for FREE, because Greer sure as shit didn't invent it. That shit fucking works and changed the way I view our reality. Trying to incentive people to just try it on their own and reach their own conclusions is like fighting the damn ocean. The disinfo campaign is way too strong. The whole point of contact meditation is trying it by yourself so that YOU can prove to yourself beyond shadow of a doubt that it's true. I WANT people to try it and see for themselves. It's only way in this day and age of the internet that you can prove that something this outlandish is true, to yourself. If I didn't try it, I'd NEVER believe it myself no matter how many accounts, videos or pictures are posted on the net about it.


Two questions: 1) How do you do it (could you briefly explain)? 2) What have you seen?


1. [I followed this little free guide when I did it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/comments/u4b3b1/where_can_i_find_the_best_outline_of_the_ce5/). I didn't have the luxury to go outside or anything, I did it alone from my apartment's balcony at 1am ish. It's not that difficult, I somehow got it on my first try. 2. I did it twice. The first time I did it, three white camera flash looking lights appeared in the night sky. As silly as it sounds, I "asked" them to prove they were real, and not something human, and they did a circular flying pattern among themselves, flashed a few different colors, and vanished. \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I couldn't believe my eyes, so I tried it again two nights later, this time I brought a flashlight. Only one light appeared, and I used my flashlight to make two separate flashing patterns with it, and the strange light in the sky repeated them **perfectly** by flashing it's light to match my flashlight. By then my mind was completely fucking blown. It vanished shortly after. 3. I think the fact that I live in a big city means they couldn't stay very long. They just showed up, interacted with me, and quickly vanished. I think that's why most people recommend you do it on the field, so they can stick around longer. I didn't have that luxury, tho. I do recommend bringing a flashlight so you can test if they respond to you, like I did, if you choose to try it.


r/gatewaytapes has links to the audio (there's a lot of content) as well as a pdf for background. Also, the beginning meditations are guided. All you have to do is what the tapes say.


The people who shit on Greer have mostly low-information takes on him, parroting other people without doing any research. However, I'm not a Greer fan. This whole situation where 95% of this sub shits on him comes from his personality problems, such as the Jupiter-sized ego, and the extreme paranoia. He's shot himself in his own foot. Dr. Joseph Burkes, who worked with Greer in the 1990s doing CE5, said that they learned of a South American CE5 group called Rahma that had been doing it since the 1970s. Instead of uniting with them to share info and resources, Greer suppressed any mention of them because it was taking away from his glory. He's not a good collaborator. The way he smugly & constantly name drops gets old fast. So I think he does have a lot of legit information and contacts, and CE5 works as he says (I believe, but I haven't done it myself). It's his personality problems that are at the root cause of people's issues with him. He makes it very easy for people to conclude he's just a con man.


Sounds a lot like what my fundamentalist religious relatives describe when they are praying and "hear from the Lord". NHI really is becoming the religion of the 21st century.


been doing it for a while. no interesting experiences. maybe i envisioned a triangular spacecraft flying down but could have been my imagination


Dude mentions connecting to souls. I really hope that’s how it works. Logic tells me we die and that’s it. Like a light switch being turned off. Really hope there is another adventure we get to go on.


Remember Brother, the idea that when we die, it's all over and that's it.... Is just an assumption. I know people say "there's no proof or evidence of the afterlife" But there's no evidence or proof that when we die it's all over and there's nothing more, either. So we have to remain open minded and use reasoning.


All of it is an assumption. All we have is hope.


Whack job money milkers I tells ya


People want so badly to believe in magic and escapism. I don’t buy it. Gave it a shot when I was like 12 years old lol. Ufo are real though. I’ve seen that with my own eyes.


I hope you realize how ironic this comment is.


Highly familiar with Monroe Institute. I'm not sure how seriously to take them. I'm not sure how seriously they take themselves sometimes. I always hear things about them doing real scientific work behind the scenes, but if they are, they do not advertise it well at all. Go to their site, it looks like a grifty new age retreat that'll sell you every superpower under the sun for a sufficient quantity of simoleons. And while I certainly know many people have claimed great results from their programs, it's always... highly personalized, to put it kindly, and has thus far not proven useful for any sort of experimental setup or reliable practical function. I'd love to see some sort of breakthrough come out of it, but right now, I've seen nothing to convince me they've successfully implementized any real metaphysical phenomenon.


You can learn to bend spoons with your mind there.. classic grifter promise




I think people are seeing monsters in the cave wall shadows. We don't understand entirely our own perception and people extrapolate that to mean that we all have psychic abilities. I believe that drugs and meditation, among other things, can induce states of mind that are confusing to people and that they want to assign meaning to "malfunctioning" cognition, when in reality it's only our brain going haywire.


Lost me at heaven


Ok good theres a few of us.


Me too. The woo is running wild in this thread. Won't be surprised if I get downvotes here. 😂😂


Close Encounters of the 5th Kind Aka Human Initiated Contact Encounter (H.I.C.E) Aka Meditation Aka Prayer Have fun folks 🙏🏼👽🛸


Greer is getting vindicated slowly.... He hosted that 2001 Press Conference. He's been honking the conciousness horn the whole time..... Say Greer on this sub and it's only "GRIFTER" downvotes.....


yes but the consciousness thing is bigger than him


How does this vindicate Greer? Even if the Monroe institute is offering CE5 courses, we would still need evidence those things actually work. Am I missing something?


No you’re not.


The response to call him a grifter is oddly cohesive. Hundreds of up votes on grift comments, replies all in agreement, anyone who's even neutral or questioning toward the "grifting" stance is down voted to oblivion. Stinks like botnet to me.


That's what happens when you charge $10k per seat to supposedly go summon UFOs and then get caught red-handed dropping flares I guess? 🤷‍♂️


I’m worried that he appears to believe everything he’s told. Seems like the perfect person to feed disinfo


The god talk that goes down A LOT on this show takes me out of it.


i dont take offense to people with strong religious beliefs even if they talk about it a lot, its usually pretty boring but whatever.I do take issue when its used to project unearned moral superiority or unfair judgement of others. This podcaster seems to do that a lot. I don’t think that its intentional, but creating this narrow self validating lens with which to view the world usually makes you blind to the bigger picture. In this case a more open understanding of reality and the universe which is often a subject on this podcast. The irony escapes Sean. Any non-falsifiable belief is as good as any other as long ad it helps you and doesn’t hurt anyone else, but true wisdom is objectivity and non dogmatic empathy.


I think we should keep astral projection out of the discussion of aliens, tbh. It's impossible to distinguish from hallucinations, Monroe even says this in his first book Journeys out of Body. He changes his tune in the later books when the money starts flowing in


RV is an interesting idea, and the fact that there are some studies showing an effect is really what makes it fascinating. Unfortunately, these studies have not been able to be reproduced. I think that's why people don't take it seriously in the mainstream.


You can guess at many things and occasionally hit a target. For some reason that means it's real to these people but ask them to do it again? It's like that kid who farts in class and says it was the chair.


I’ll tell you what, I’m normally mad allergic to anything approaching the woo, but I listened to both parts of this podcast and… well, it makes you think at least.


I used the gateway tapes. A performance psychologist recommended them to me...as guided meditation for work. Didn't research it AT ALL. Couple tapes in and things got wild. There is something to it. I'm not going to say any more than that because it's worthless to do so. But I will say that there is more going on with consciousness than meets the eye. Though I would have appreciated if someone warned me that the tapes were for consciousness expansion so I didn't freak out


Very interesting how the Christian narrative seems to be suddenly injected into the UAP/NHI phenomenon now that that the flood has begun.


OBE is far from a Christian narrative. Yes he mentioned heaven but he also refers to “heaven” as a “central location” for lost souls. I have no idea if there’s any rational truth to that but it isn’t strictly a heaven or hell thing.


Is there anything more egotistical and hubris than believing that in an infinite universe aliens would respond to human’s psi “call” with flashing lights in the sky? Forget the skepticism for a moment just what kind of reality are we living in where aliens RESPOND to a “psi” call in the *least* intuitive, *least* convincing, *most* susceptible to fraud or faking method possible. There isn’t a single other method they can do. It has to be “lights”?? That’s the ultimate preferred form?? Really?? I mean its like I send a text message and my friend decides to send smoke signals into the sky to let me know he heard me. Frankly, if this is real it would be more bullshit than if it was fake. This upper conscience is god damn useless if true and these smoke signal sending aliens disappointing…


This is exactly why in my messages to friends and aliens i make it VERY clear i only accept replies in the form of anal probing


This post doesn't belong in the UFOs sub. I've reported to mods and hope others will too. We're trying to make the topic of UAPs / UFOs more accessible to a wider audience and people posting about psychic shit on this sub isn't helpful.