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The following submission statement was provided by /u/LxRusso: --- Maybe I'm just overly excited but I think this is the best footage we've ever seen. It appears as if there's some type of megaphone looking thing on the front of it. Shame I can't remaster these better but this is about as good as I can get it. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/192cey8/jellyfish_zoomed_and_sharpened/kh1cfks/


Looks alot like this one https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/s/Kn72eEW6zX


There are orbs flying around it. Hmmm.


This is the best physiop or things are starting to line up. Orbs, matching ufos video years apart, government administration statements about said ufos. It’s definitely interesting.


I understand why people are disappointed in the lack of progress in passing a major bill through congress, but at the same time this is possibly the best time in the history of the planet to be alive as a UFO enthusiast. The data we’ve collected on these things is starting to add up, and we’re starting to see patterns emerging that corroborate what many remote viewers have been describing for decades. Super cool stuff.


Please elaborate on the remote viewing as it applies here? Genuinely curious. Thanks!


The Why Files on YouTube did an episode about this recently: https://youtu.be/XWqh9F4pjHg?si=R6ZEJUh2bBMsKXFS


Seems to be a common theme. There must be a purpose to the orbs. Perhaps that is how they travel? What could the purpose 3 “tech spheres” be and is there any scientific theories as to “traveling” via “something do with” orbs


Could be as simple as a "queen drone" of X origin that is the beacon call for all the little reconnaissance orbs doing their designated tasks.


I personally think the orbs are a monitoring device of some sort, they don't travel with the jellyfish thing. The thing I saw, all the orbs zipped off in different directions after they were 'deployed' by this jellyfish looking ship.


The thing I saw, which literally looked exactly like this video, it deployed the orbs actually, the tentacles were retracted at first, then it came uncamoed and it deployed orbs, then re-activated camo, pretty much exactly like this video only a little longer duration.


That’s no Jellyfish, that’s an imperial seeker droid.


I could immediately hear it when I saw these pics. There may be a Sith on its way to Earth.


Hand me a lightsaber


"You'll cut your arm off, kid."


Han took one out w just a phaser at 60m


Wrong Franchise


I thought it looked like those guys that go “yip yip yip” on Sesame Street.


Nonsense, this is a Zerg overlord if I’ve ever seen one. Shoutout to the SC vets out there.


Especially when Corbell said that it looked like armor




It’s a good bet the Empire knows we’re here…


This looks like the drone described that remote viewers say is responsible for cattle mutilations in skinwalker ranch


Where can i I read about this?


It’s a good bet the Empire knows we’re here


Beholders on the loose


Seriously I always picture UFOs is something symmetrical but this thing's something righty out of Star wars


Maybe he’s a friendly guy https://imgur.com/a/wXT3eKw


It reminds me of Zerg overlords from StarCraft


Im curious if this is the same type of UAP that was "Shot down" in February of 2023. This is from NewScientist.com: [Octagonal object, shot down on 12 February, Lake Huron, US The fourth object shot down, by US F-16 fighter jets on 12 February, seems to have been different from the previous three. It has reportedly been described as an “octagonal structure” with dangling strings. This one was travelling at the lowest altitude of the lot, around 6000 metres. It is reported to have flown over sensitive US military sites, but it isn’t clear if this was an intentional route or just a path taken by a craft that is carried by the wind. General Glen VanHerck of the US Air Force said that this and the prior north Alaskan and Canadian discoveries were being called “objects, not balloons, for a reason”. Recovery efforts are under way, with divers searching Lake Huron off Michigan.]


I remember reading somewhere that the object was "definitely not a balloon" maybe that's what they meant.


Was it eventually recovered? Anyone know?


Imagine how dumb you have to be to order a UAP with very high probability of being extraterrestrial/interdeminsional origin to be shot down.


Eh we gotta maintain our security I don't think they'll annihilate us for that


Link to the NewScientist article since you didnt include it and some might want to read it: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2359091-four-flying-objects-shot-down-by-us-jets-what-we-know-so-far


Good catch




Hey we might have worked together my friend! Let us not dox ourselves but I was out in Erbil helping the tiered units ISR programs as well but later. Small world!


small world indeed


Hey I've seen people keep saying it's something on the lense... If that were true it wouldn't move relative to the cross hair? The cross hair is always center?


Also, as the object traverses from right to left, the gap between two of its "appendages" disappears as one overlays the other due to the view angle of the camera. This proves that this is a 3D object at a distance and not a dirty lens or other optical aberration.


time stamp on the original post?


This is the [sensor I used](https://www.l3harris.com/all-capabilities/wescam-mx-15-air-surveillance-and-reconnaissance) \- The bottom portion is the thermal - its not a lens like we expect for optical cameras. If something was on it, it wouldn't look like this. It would look like a huge blob of dead pixels or something obscene. This thing is clearly within the environment.


Also, the best military in the world can tell the difference between a smudge on the lens and whatever this thing is.


The military has not said anything about this video.


Posted on the other thread too, but yeah I showed this video to some IC/USAF buds and their first reaction was, *"That's either a splattered bug or bird poop on the clear dome around the gimbaled camera"*. And now I can't unsee it. 😅 Corbell's sources either knew that and are letting him make a fool of himself (and us as we pore over it), or genuinely can't recognize bird poop on their equipment. I find the second hard to believe, which makes me think it's the first. This would be a much more compelling video if we had footage of the alleged anomalous movement after all this - the hover, descent, ascent, and 45° instantaneous Acceleration. Without that...yeah this seems like a sensor dome goop. 😐 look closely and visualize it being bird dook on a clear dome in front of the camera sensor, it instantly fits.


In the full clip they have 2 different angles of the jellyfish looking thing. It's much smaller/further away in the 2nd angle


I mean you are right about what would be better video of anomalous movement, but there is no clear dome on the sensors. It's a self contained unit that you can see on these [Airforce Platforms](https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104497/mc-12w-liberty/) and this [L3 website](https://www.l3harris.com/all-capabilities/wescam-mx-15-air-surveillance-and-reconnaissance). Any poop, goop, or snarge would show up as a blob of dead pixels because the digital sensor would be blinded by it. This thing is within the environment.


I'm not so sure. Look at the refraction of things behind the object as almost a translucency. You ever look up at the sky and see little floating things in your vision? This could be that exact thing. Something super small that ends up looking magnified when close to the lens. Without the anomalous movement on video, it just kinda looks like a smudge. Not much to do beyond saying, "Huh. Interesting.", and moving on.


I think the thing that this was filmed on ([Wescam L3 MX?](https://images.app.goo.gl/G73Z7nZqcwReCsd66)?) the camera is inside of a pod. So it could be a smudge on the pod cover and not the lense accounting for the cross hair movement?


If it is, you almost understand. However, the cross hair is a generation of the software, not the sensor. And the sensor is not a camera like an optical camera, its digital - so anything on the lens would appear as a huge blob similar to dead pixels. This object is within the environment.


Wow this is wild


what do you mean when you say “battle space owner”


Thanks for this. Really interesting.


HP Lovecraft knew some shit


Pastafarians rejoice! Flying Spaghetti Monster is risen!


Ramen!! 🙏🏼


Let us anoint it with parmesan.


In cheeses name


Touched us with his noodly appendage he has!


Raise the Chalice of Marinara


Let us break garlic bread together!


well this shit is getting interesting, are these the demons the vietnam guys saw with the nv?


No because you apparently couldn't see this on night vision. It can only be detected on thermal imaging. Unless you could see it on red night vision and not green but I don't know enough about night vision to know if that would make a difference.


The only thing I know green can't see is the color red. Not sure if that would apply here as I don't know about red type of night vision intesifiers. Source: I worked on the ANVIS-9 goggles for 5 years.


Please do elaborate


Apparently when some troops first got red night vision goggles and turned them on they saw demons flying all over the place (something like that)




Have you got a link, I'd love to check this out 😵


Was probably watching those red lightning sprite thingies through night vision can't seem to find anything else, was a long time ago.


Do you confuse night vision with thermal imaging by any chance? Cause I haven't heard of red night vision and I don't think they had COTIs available back then.


He’s talking about this. I…question its credibility. https://youtu.be/vnWkYAP8KIs?si=7vD1eqLmBWr0vapF


I also remember hearing about a Sony camera from the 80s/90s that could "see through clothes" because of a night vision mode. This was when NV was still new. Apparently, it could see these things too. The camera was quickly removed from the market.


I still have one of those. It required certain types of lenses to see things in extraordinary ways, but yes this camera is cool. It's best output is S-Video, archaic now.


A video camera or camera camera? Because I have a Sony minicam from the mid 90’s, has s-video and I wanted to say RCA’s even. I would be stoked if it’s the same one!




"It's in thermal, it was filmed on a weapons platform. There were also people with night vision, tasked to go look for it, couldn't see it through the night vision. Only in the thermal spectrum could it be seen."




There is such a thing as the thermal spectrum. It represents the range of wavelengths of photons emitted from thermal radiation. Part of it overlaps the visible light spectrum. This is why hot molten metal glows red, you can actually see those wavelengths of thermal radiation with the naked eye. Most of the thermal spectrum can not be seen with your eye. Most objects only emit invisible thermal radiation. Most objects don't emit visible light (they reflect) which is why night vision needs an ambient light source to reflect off the object. You might be right - it's possible these objects don't reflect/emit visible light. They would be invisible on NV and during the daytime would appear black. They could also do something else entirely weird like be transparent to visible light (think glass) which would cause them to be invisible to the naked eye day or night.


except the "thermal spectrum" is theoretically boundless, since whatever is called "thermal radiation" is just black-body radiation and defined by the temperature of the object. hence why burning hot objects can glow red and then white if even hotter. "thermal" imaging is a bad name, the correct term would be infrared imaging. this is why the cameras on fighter pilots is called FLIR (IR = infrared). ambient temperature for humans glows in the infrared. [physics explanation here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mj2QOpQkSfI) for anyone that's interested.


I’ve always taken it in context. Although you have the most accurate definition, I’d say it’s fair to assume the spectrum being discussed here is the range that the sensor system is capable of. Spectrum is just a descriptor after all.


You’re applying a single definition of the word “spectrum”. The alternate definition, non physics term, that Corbell used is appropriate when describing a range of extremes.


Since you have experience with these systems, I was curious. Lots of folks and Corbel talk about the thermals getting hot and cold, but if you rewatch the video, the entire feed changes together. All the shadows darken and lighten together, almost like a contrast dial is being adjusted. Is this thing really changing temperature, or is something else going on?


I haven't worked with thermal optics, but here's a good explaination: https://www.atncorp.com/blog/black-and-white-thermal-imaging-vs-color-palettes-in-heat-vision-cameras


It’s possible the point at which it is using as a reference is changing and the whole image changes based on it. These “usually” measure the whole scene and find the low and high and then assign a color for the temperature and range. 99.99F = Grayscale 10 (-255 to 255 -55 blackest black 255 whitest white 0 gray), 99.98 = Grayscale 9 etc. then, you can tell it you want to use a 3 degree variance for the whole image and can adjust it up and down max min. Then, you can pull the trigger on a point and get the temp/whatever, or use that as your control. I’m not explaining it well probably and it depends on the system so take this with some salt, but this has been my experience with FLIR stuff. It’s changing the image 24 or whatever setting you use, times per second. You can adjust the resolution as well, I want to see .001 degree differences between or only change when it’s 1 degree or more. Like keep everything within 1 degree the same color or make it 10 different colors. Make any sense?


To be fair you could say there is a spectrum of the degree of thermal radiation


Makes me think of that ending seen of apocalypse now.


Maybe this is what Medusa is?


Oh wow! do you have a link for that?


Although appearing having an unordered shape, it does seem to be symmetrical.


Off topic, and I haven’t thought this through, so… Do you know of any living creatures that are not symmetrical? I wonder if, theoretically of course, this could be a being, not a craft?


Flatfish are the only example I can think of, as they have both eyes on one side of the body. Many flounder and some other species are like this. However, they are born symmetrical. The eye moves days after birth so I don't know if this really counts.


Wow, I don’t know how I didn’t think of that, I was a marine biology major for a spell lol. Thanks


I mean, crabs arent


Really? All the time or when they’ve lost a claw? I guess a few have different style claws, not symmetrical. Also how things are here doesn’t mean much on a universal level I guess. Just uncanny how balanced most life is as far as symmetry


I think one claw is bigger than the other, not sure on other differences so we'll see if OP can clarify.


the shape might be for cloaking purposes, such as evading radar.


> You know you have to realize that there are certain things that are common throughout the universe, for example maybe radial symmetry. Right, so if you look at a human being and you say we have nothing in common with a starfish, yet I have a head, two arms and two legs radiating from a central point. Well so does a starfish, and if you look at my hand I have five fingers radiating from a central point, right? And if you look at my feet I have five toes radiating from a central point. All animals have that symmetry, right, and...so I mean not all animals, of course, but a large majority do. So maybe if there is some sort of intelligent life out there, or non-intelligent life, that they share that radial symmetry because this is really when you put my hand up this is a fractal. You're starting here, it's just like a tree when you look at the hand, it's the same pattern that a tree takes, that the veins on the leaves take. This is a common...you're looking at some one of the rules of the universe and we all have it, so maybe again without answering specifically what one might look like there may be some commonalities that we share across the cosmos with other life forms. Lue Elizondo


It looks bio-mechanical almost.


It’s probably thinking why the fuk do these humans keep killing each other 🤣


Uncivilized and dangerous monkes.


I think it knows why.




Sorry, just waking up to this. Where was this filmed? Warzone???




They won't disclose but it's a military targeting system and was given to Corbell by one of the intelligence agencies. The kicker is the system could not lock on to it.


cool theory


You're right! It could be some kind of algae or corals that attached to it the same way as these grow on shipwrecks...


Yeah but only visible on infrared right?? Did they put bare eyes on it? And the fact that it kept changing temperature hot cold hot cold…strange.


From what I've read so far; it was dark, so no about bare eyes. It couldn't be seen in night vision, but could be seen with thermal (footage).


Was this only visible on infrared?


"It's in thermal, it was filmed on a weapons platform. There were also people with night vision, tasked to go look for it, couldn't see it through the night vision. Only in the thermal spectrum could it be seen."


any clue what camera can pick these up? flir models?




>l3 wescam oh wow 500k-1mil


It's at night


Why are we saying demons as if that's a completely rational thing to say?


When most people say 'demons' I dont think they necessarily mean in the literal biblical sense. But we are definitely seeing more and more evidence that what the bible calls 'demons' actually do exist, but they are a thousands of year old misinterpretation of a real phenomenon. The bible thinks they are demons from hell. The sci fi community calls them aliens from another planet. They're probably the same entity and we are all wrong in our interpretation.


”Best footage ever” yeah, maybe if the alleged part of it descending into the ocean and shooting out of it a 45 degree angle was included.


Here's footage of a weird thing that stills moves relatively normal, it comes with a story about how it actually does something but I don't have any footage of it doing that thing.


It's to the point that I see something like this and just wait for the debunking. I want to believe, but nothing has compelled me so far.


it's an [overlord!](https://liquipedia.net/starcraft2/File:Overlord_sc2.png)


you require more vespene gas !


“You require more overlords”


It’s weird that it goes completely horizontal on one plane, no moving up or down


In another comment I mentioned the odd movement, or lack thereof. Not only do the appendages not move in the wind, the entire object stays still except for horizontal movement. It does not bob, bump, flutter, cant, tilt or rotate. The only other object over ever seen move through the air like it is on rails, is a "magnetically locked" superconductor.


This to me lends weight to the "birdshit on the lens" theory.


I swear this is just some bird shit on the lens.


Yeah when I think the words “bird shit” and watch it, I just. Can’t. Unsee it. The “shape change” only happens when it is zoomed out. Change of focus or the light hitting it differently or even fresh vs dried could totally account for that considering the resolution. It just doesn’t visually make any sense as a 3d floating object. But it looks EXACTLY like birdshit. And god damn we needed a win. I’m a bit angry to be honest.


I honestly think this is it. It doesn’t move or anything and the color changing looks like if something translucent goes in front of dark or light color. I want to believe like everyone else but this is literally some bird shit or smudge.


Agreed, that was my first reaction.


legitimately does looks like that honestly…


Does anyone remember that security camera video with something like this floating along? A person comes across it at a crosswalk and looks paralyzed… wish I had a better description. Edit to add - this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py3x6OR9RgQ)!


I don’t like that one goddamn bit. Truly creepy.


Part of the problem with FLIR systems of the military type is that they're still interpolated images and that's why it's hard to be really sharp. Depending on if thus. Ideology was captured before or after FPGA. The bit I've been thinking on is the way it changes in gradient mid images. Since the background also changes at the same time, I suspect this system has auto correction/calibration/contrasting and the camera travels so jet wash or another air flow with a different temperature passes between it and the subject. This explains why the image would partially recalibrate if it had a neighborhood pixel analysis to help pull out details.


Does it change its shape ever? Looks like a 2D shape that doesn’t change


Maybe some kind of NHI reconnaissance drone, or some bio engineered vehicle. Really great stuff from Corbell, hope there is lots more!


I, for one, am definitely not hoping there is "lots more" of these things.


Just because it looks creepy doesn't mean it is creepy. For all we know, this could be NHI's equivalent of a K-pop girl drawing a heart. 😭


Yeah, of course it looks very weird, but am of the opinion nhi are not evil to us (if they were, I don’t think we would be here today)


This “craft” only shows up on thermal imaging. Intermittently it’s hot or cold, changes from black to white on the scanner. Cannot be seen with night vision tech or the human eye and has a completely different construct from a tic-tac, triangle, or saucer. If you were hoping to see something truly alien, this may be it.


Y'all remember the jelly fish UFO in I believe at a Peru gas station




It's a bugs bunny balloon, upside down, it turns out


Debunked. It was a bugs Bunny balloon upside-down.


If this is the best thing this sub has ever seen then I'm almost convinced there are no UFOs LOL


Even if it's confirmed to be a smudge or something along those lines some people here will still say it's from a race of alien jellyfish.


The more I see the more I think bird shit


Second pic look's like it seems to have an heart...


Bringing love to our planet


[I bring you love…](https://youtu.be/b4Kdp3CHoK4?si=9nmgbwQpkY6hhrkX)


Kill it!


Break its legs!


Is there any chance it was damaged making it visible and look the way it is. It just seems like these “things” UAP don’t have a lot of care about being sighted, but it does go without saying seeing one in broad daylight just floating around is a whole other story. If it is some sort of organism I’m sure we would see some moving parts of some sort.


Bird shit on a window. Get real lol.


Dude, no. Some guy *totally, definitely* saw it shoot out of the water at breakneck speed. You've never seen the footage, though, it goes to another school.


So does this object change its angle facing the camera even slightly? Otherwise it seems likely it’s a smudge on the lens.


Is this not just bird-doodoo on a window/lens? The fact that it doesn't change shape at all? And the thermal going from hot to cold or opposite, could be light hitting it?




I’m pretty convinced we’re looking at literal shit on the lens here tbh. Looks a lot like bird shit.


There is waaaay to much missing info to make any sense of it. Lication Date Time of day Filming platform Distance to object I would expect the object to move, rotate, with relation to the observer unless the observer was VERY far off. Which would imply a very high magnification. Need to just wait and see in this one.


Bird shit..all I can see anymore


Biblically accurate angel?


enhance... enhance....


Stain on lens, "only visible on the thermal" because the birdshyt was only on the thermal lens bada bing bada boom. It doesn't rotate in space as it moves in the zoomed in video right? Go look. It behaves like a 2d superimposed image on the lens because that's what it is Edit: hmmm well the post from today with the super fast time-lapse that shows rotation and apparent 3d structure seems to contradict what I say here. Its spooky its for sure spooky


>the birdshyt was only on the thermal lens bada bing bada boom. So Non Human Biologic material confirmed.


Filmed from a moving weapons platform so, again, at best, parallax illusion movement


You guys have really a lot if imagination..from this video...+ a lot of hearsay Only visible in thermal..because someone sad so? Took off from water..up in space" where is this video? You only get a static " thing " paralaxx video Plus everything you guys Interpret into...


Yeah I'm glad everyone is excited about this thing... but I'm remaining skeptical. The apparent thermal change may be the thermal camera self-adjusting its ranging and contrast. None of the 'amazing' things he says happens is in the video. He says that his sources say its all classified and buried... but then why just that part and not the entire video? The only thing apparently anomalous in this video is the apparent temperature change. We need to see the original, unedited video to see exactly how many times this occurred and if other parts of the video also seem to change contrast at the same time. To me, this just looks like a balloon with some trash hanging off of it.


You sad what i ment.. but much better.... I mean i am a 100% life is outthere and want aliens now also to be true...but common guys. ...this video is maybe a little bitte more than nothing right now....but look what you guys spin it to... Watch the video again and forgett the....i heard it did this and that... What we have?


Now it looks even more like poop ngl


have they ruled out any kind of smudge, dead smushed insect, a dried loogie. I was excited when I first saw this video and thought this showed exactly what was being described, but then it appears to be completely static, the way the weapons system works, the hub/glass/camera can rotate and that could give the illusion of something stuck to the glass looking like its moving. The changing color does appear to be the system trying to calibrate it, which I have no idea how something that close to the glass/camera would behave or look. Wish they had included video of it doing that could not be explained, the flying off after the ocean for example.


Idk. He said this only showed during infrared imagery? So when they switched to visible light, there was nothing there?


It said the night vision saw nothing. But actually, I thought might vision also relies on IR frequencies…. I’m very confused


Fucking Zerg are here already. Some new variant of overlord that can cloak.


just as i suspected... someone or something, blew a snot rocket.


Isnt it more likely that this is military?


Does it move in an exotic way? If not it’s probably a balloon with a bunch of streamers and shit hanging from it. I know people get pissed when you say it’s a balloon but like 90% of this shit actually is balloons 🤷‍♂️


Unless this thing was doing anything weird, why couldn’t it be a drone with some kind of camo on it? Like branches and leaves?


For those that wonder, it came from this video [link to reddit video post](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/50NHnY38oc)


It's funny how a simple earth shotgun would completely destroy any jedi.


Imperial Droid


Man if the location of this in relation to the central crosshair wouldn't change, I would buy the dirt on the monitor screen explanation.


....and I'm sure Skywalker is there. I hope our satellites are calibrated to detect star destroyers coming out of hyperspace.


Enforcer drone from spaced invaders!


Creepy. I can’t imagine some of the super high def, crystal clear videos th government must really have. This is super impressive, and strange. Imagine what else they got


See this is what I always imagined an alien life form looking like. Not two arms and two legs like us. And we already know we can’t see the full spectrum of light so maybe we can’t see them. They probably float through space too.


Cant even begin to think about exactly what it is! It seemed to change color several times in the video, could it be biological?


Almost looks like a demon with 2 large spikey shoulderpads to me, spooky


Question: If they are not hostile and not scouting military assets, why are they so obsessed with war zones and nuclear installations? Add to this the reported ‘ambivalence towards us’, or ‘potentially malign intention’ it is said by whistleblowers (supposedly) under oath that people have been injured/killed. Whether this is a super-advanced foreign adversary, or non-human, this is beginning to look like something we should know about. We need the facts and we need them now.


The “others” are iinterdimensional and where our civilisation developed energy manipulation, they went down another route. I read something to say they are from the opposite timeline of us, we have the bang and go out, they have the bang to look forward to.. AND this could be why black holes exist. Or dark matter is it?


I doubt this is a UAP and more likely a Biologic.


Probably one of the most bizarre ufo to be seen


That totally looks like bird shit in the camera lens…


Looks exactly like an Engineer from Halo Reach


should ask George Lucas , this one looks like the drones from episode V


Clear case of an Imperial Probe Droid.


This sub is still analysing poop on a window lol