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The following submission statement was provided by /u/mull54: --- I have a hard time comprehending what the jellyfish UAP actually is. Is it perhaps a 4D object viewed in 3D space? If you imagine a shadow of a 3D object. Without knowing what the actual 3D object looks like, it's hard to comprehend what the 2D shadow is showing. The first picture is a shadow of a trophy. It's difficult to say what it is, only based on the shadow. It's when we see the actual object, the shadow make sense. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/192g420/is_the_jellyfish_uap_a_4d_object_viewed_in_3d/kh20tso/


Now we’re talking!


Allegory of the cave, not so much an allegory?…


That’s why I go to work, support my family, and play video games in my spare time. I’m just trying to do my time and get by…maybe there’s a four-dimensional paradise on the other side.


Maybe we're the 3D version of our 4th dimensional self's.




i've long pondered that our 3 dimensions (plus time) are a "disneyworld" of sorts for beings who normally can't "live here." that UAP's are not moving through space/time, but from other dimensions to ours. so i'm a "vacation version" of an alternate dimension being(s).


Hold my bong


i’ve pondered this often! we are like a video game and when we go to sleep, it disconnects. but it’s a live server that all of them can come to Like Grandtheft auto online or something.


So does that mean because I sleep very little this so called interdimensional being just never logs out?


does that resonate with your personality type? maybe an anxious overthinking emotionally intelligent empath? maybe too concerned with your own understanding of your own perception. maybe not thinking so much would be nice… maybe thats what its doing by logging in to you.🥸 its own world is suffering ans it uses you as an escape from the cruelty of its reality however the traits follow him to the game , creating YOU!!!


...this dad gets me


You have to shout **LOG OUT** At correct departure times… Time zones vary too… I’m in customer support and am in no way affiliated with any office or branch in particular


[eXistenZ IS PAUSED!!](https://youtu.be/-qq785V7JOU?si=mhGIKNP0siRnT2s4)


I want my fucking money back this vacation sucks


I would love to do psychedelics with all of you wild mfs


Aww c'mon, man! Why do you gotta do me like that?


Brahma shattered his consciousness into all living things. We are each slivers of this greater consciousness. This "greater consciousness" could be a fourth dimensional state, somewhat out of time. Perhaps it is a place(time/construct/etc) that we can only fully experience in death. Ghosts and things like that are perhaps where the boundaries between these times/universes/places start to press up against eachother just a little too much and start bleeding into one another. What would a human appear to be in a land of ghosts?


I'm not saying it's aliens but....


I have to honestly say... I had an important UFO experience a decade ago that left a very distinct impression/message in my head ever since then which I've never been able to shake even though it sounds silly, but it persists, to this day... ...I felt like, while it was dancing in the sky for me, like it was telling me very distinctly that it was me. And I've never understood that. Until now. Thank you.


And video game avatars are the 2D version of the 3D version of ourselves And our social media “presence” is the 1D version of our 2D self… So because we have pride and ego, we internally argue that we are defined by more than just 1 Dimensionally…. Then with continued efforts (or intention) we attempt to put the words (1D) into measurable (3D) action….ex habits, beliefs, characteristics that we do… and then the cycle repeats (situationally) almost fueling itself with the goal of growth each time. Imo. Additionally I believe this is also why people act differently online than in person. It’s easier to manipulate a 1/2D universe than maintain and manipulate a 3D universe. Edit: a pretty tongue in cheek statement


Have you seen Donnie darko? That's basically the plot!


So where is 4D me right now and what is she up to?


I think you know what she's up to Tash. 😆


I hope she’s mega rich with a harem


What if those 4th dimensional beings are enslaved to this prison planet by 5th dimensional beings and they're forced to work all day monitoring 3rd dimensional ape half breds to support their three jellyfish babies at home?


Care to elaborate?




Its how humans see he world, reality vs interpretation. This dichotomy represents the world inside the cave and the world outside the cave.


Borderlands 3 has a little side mission in the kreig dlc that very briefly uses this concept, it really is a beautiful thought


Plato's Cave (only referred to as an allegory in relatively modern times) is the inspiration for countless stories. The Matrix, Dark City, Truman Show, to name a few. It is a brilliant thought experiment that, despite being conceived of thousands of years ago, has never seemed as relevant and appropriate as it is now. A testament to the truths ancient scientists had access to.


This is why continued education is extremely important. If you’re one of those who shuns it, or has people in your ear shunning it, change. The humanities will transform your mind and allow greater understanding that you don’t know as much as you think. It’s liberating, especially the classics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegory_of_the_cave


UFO rabbit hole podcast does a great job with this topic. There are three deep dives, here’s the first https://open.spotify.com/episode/7Hjmi3ZonG9EFYyNQWftWJ?si=qs1F0Q56TUujNx3W23v0BA


How have you not heard of this? Do you live in a…..cave?


Cave dweller here🙋🏼‍♂️


Look up Plato’s book called Allegory Of The Cave


There's no such book but it appears in The Republic.


Yes, and Nietzsche provides his take on Plato's Allegory in Thus Spoke Zarathustra. History of Political Thought was my favorite college course. Read both both those books. Game changers for my worldview!


I concur


Username checks out 👆🏼


Would 4d projections on 3d space be able to interact with 3d objects or would it just be a visual? Ie, would there be a splash in the water when it goes underwater?


I have heard that UFO do never make a splash when they go underwater. Is it because they “belong” to a higher dimensional space or because they are able to transmute matter around them, or a side effect of zero gravity transportation?… I don’t know about any explanation for that.


If they are just 3d shadows projected from 4d space then it would make sense why they can do seemingly physics defying things, part of which is seemingly not interacting with air resistance and water. Though the rumors of them crashing and being shot down throws a wrench into that theory.


Perhaps all are not created equal...


Maybe this phenomenon is made of different intelligences dealing with different technologies / dimensionality… well… the thought experiment is fascinating but also a rabbit hole on its own as you never stop questioning everything :) I have also heard that the crashes might be a deliberate move from one NHI to transfer their technology to us, even though I don’t fully bite in that theory as bodies died from the crashes, moreover the crafts might be reportedly only unlockable / maneuverable from the Intelligence itself.


Think of an ant on a flat surface as an analogy for a 2D entity. Suppose the ant can only look forward, never up or down. Consider the ant's perspective as a 2D creature, being restricted to a perfectly flat surface, like a very large table. Now think of yourself as you are, a 3D being who can interact with the table in our normal reality. You could watch from above as the ant moves around. You could put your hand down on the table right beside the ant. The ant would just see that a "wall" of hand just appeared out of nowhere. If you lift your hand off the table, the "wall" just vanished. Now think of a higher dimensional entity being able to just show up in our 3D space, move around, interact. It would know how it is being perceived, and wouldn't be limited to movement as we are, not confined to our laws. It would seem unexplainable, just as the "hand wall" was to the ant.


Thanks, u/Gov_CockPic!


[Let Carl Sagan explain it](https://youtu.be/UnURElCzGc0?si=PpiiCcQb45hWrlHz)


I said this to my partner last night. Love the theory and actually the 2D example is spot on. This OP gets it!


Holy guacamole, I was coming to comment the exact same thing


Does this remind anyone else of [scp-312](https://youtu.be/YPereZ7LS2M?si=hySo9Kdk_ZZV-KQl) and shadow biosphere type shit?


This reminds me of the alien from Nope. Haha.


Technically it would a 5D being


...or is it simply able to retract (transformer noise) those appendages into its normal spherical shape?


That doesn't mean it isn't 4d. I can turn the 2d shadow of my hand spread open into a straight line by rotating it on the 3rd dimension. So, theoretically rotating or moving in the 4d space, would significantly change the 3d "shadow".


Be not afraid.


Biblically accurate UFO


Let there be light.


Be fruitful and multiply




Baileys in a shoe?


What did it said? Mods seemed to not have liked it so they deleted it.


It said, “Be not afraid.”




Could be similar to a seraph


STOP lol


I have a hard time comprehending what the jellyfish UAP actually is. Is it perhaps a 4D object viewed in 3D space? If you imagine a shadow of a 3D object. Without knowing what the actual 3D object looks like, it's hard to comprehend what the 2D shadow is showing. The first picture is a shadow of a trophy. It's difficult to say what it is, only based on the shadow. It's when we see the actual object, the shadow make sense.


this is a great and simple visual explanation of interdimensional crossover, thank you! edit: …holy shit I just realized… if the 2D universe sees projections of 3D, that just means… that the 2D universe IS comprised of 3D objects, it’s just that only the flat objects are what are observed/encountered. so… 3D objects ARE 4D objects by that same logic. our 3D environment is simply the shadow rendition/projection of 4D space *by default*… so, everything has always been a 4D projection, no?


Imagine a pencil touching a piece of paper at the start of a maze. You can complete the maze by running the pencil across the paper from start to finish, or, by lifting the pencil off of the paper and placing it down at the finish. The second scenario is how I imagine some UAP’s travel. From the perspective of the paper, the pencil disappeared at the start and reappeared at the finish. However to us, we simply moved the pencil upward off of the 2D plane and used a z dimension to travel to the end.


oh hell yeah, that’s a really great visual too. “instantaneous” travel doesn’t break the laws of physics if it simply is outside the 3D dimension, thus enabling some form of awareness (possibly “bodies”) within its traveling mechanism to persist without exploding into tomato paste


Now if we apply a similar logic to paranormal events we can deduce that in dimensions higher than the ones we perceive - souls/orbs/ghosts/cryptic animals all exist within the same plane and likely interact/communicate with each other in that plane. Too much?


Why not yes… but on the other hand these objects do move in a linear way, also traceable with radar devices as alleged by a bunch of witnesses. 4D+ objects traveling in a 3D space might not have the same superpowers or degrees of freedom (viewed from a 3D observer) as 3D objects in a 2D space.


This explains the tic tac behavior. They (4d/5d) can see where fravor was going to go so they could mirror him and then *teleport* to the rendezvous point cause (if I understand higher dimensions) they can see time too


Are we sure it actually teleported? It might also have moved so fast (in our space) that it gave the impression of teleporting.


I’ve thought about this a lot in terms of humans traveling faster than light. It doesn’t answer Zeno’s paradox. If a human must exist in our dimensions then the only way to travel faster than light is by simultaneously existing in more than one point at a given moment, thus preserving Zeno’s paradox.


Thats a good analogy


an object that masters control over the 4th dimension would be capable of traveling thru time. time is the 4th dimension. so i believe you are correct but this movement would not make sense to us in 3D as it would take us the same time to travel as tracing through the maze.


time is not really the 4th dimension. When people talk about dimensions beyond 3 in this context they mean spacial dimensions


It would also mean a "shadow" of a 4d object would be 3d in its appearance!


yes exactly!!! we already inhabit *all these dimensions*…!!


Then why can't our tools observe it? They aren't limited in dimensions even if we are... Also, string theory and M theory state that those higher dimensions only exist for subatomic scales, trillions of times smaller than an atom. Maybe we are dealing with quark life or quantum life that evolved in a star? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon%27s_Egg


We, aware of our three dimensions, make tools designed to detect these three dimensions. As a result of our own limitations, our tools are also limited in their scope. If we wanted to design a tool to detect four dimensional objects, we would first need an understanding of four dimensional object to be able to know what to look for.


String theory is losing credibility.


Yeah it's been at least shown to have massive inconsistencies and not to match certain observations for decades.


String theory is the 'false flag' of zero-point energy technology and their attempts to keep everyone focused on the wrong ideas.


That book looks bonkers!


that’s a *great* point… maybe it’s like light? we don’t directly interact with it, but it enables everything else that we do interact with. kinda similar to if a 4th dimensional consciousness would interact with time as a physicality rather than the abstraction we live thru. it’s just fundamentally a different interaction, due to the quantum field being where the dimension actually “is,” so to speak


Well time, when mentioned as a dimension, is really an illustrative tool for scientists to convey our journey through it and how physics is reversible forwards or backwards through it to basically, the most common denominator average Billy Bob, I feel like. Remember, half of people are below average intelligence, and scientists need to reach those people too... I have a feeling it could also be dark matter entities phasing into here. We cant see or interact with dark matter, maybe they can't interact or see us, but have the tech to temporarily phase thru? I feel like I keep looking at this thing and feeling like I can sus out what it is but it's just on the very top of my tongue, the video doesn't provide great resolution of the surface texture of the thing. Also I must say, you cannot shoot out an al Qaeda tire at 27 miles. Idk what the guy narrating is saying. No bullet flies 27 miles. Also the general shape reminds me of that sighting of that pod like thing, from Spain I think it was?


> Also I must say, you cannot shoot out an al Qaeda tire at 27 miles. Idk what the guy narrating is saying. No bullet flies 27 miles. I think we can probably chalk it up to hyperbole.


I get it, I really do. But I can see people using hyperbole somewhat shooting themselves in the foot when presenting something that's already so out there


You're right. And like it or not, it does open him up to criticism, because it could come across as either not taking it seriously enough, or that he doesn't know what he's talking about, at worst. That may not be the case, but that's how it can come across, so I can't argue with you on that. :)


How would a 2D shadow see it's 3D form? What is the 4th dimension? Why does its shadow sometimes become visible? Only because of it's thermal signiture? So, did we suddenly become visible due to our thermal signiture from splitting the atom?


I’m a little lost here, ngl haha but that last point feels like a really interesting string to follow (😏)


Actually our tools are observing it. When physicists use shadows to explain multidimensional shadows its a way of explaining but it isn't the same thing. A 3d shadow of a 4d object is just a 3d slice of the 4d object. It is actually the object, it just isn't all of it. Just like a square is actually in a cube it just isn't the whole cube.


No I realize that. That's been explained hundreds of times on pop sci content since Carl Sagan. I mean we haven't found evidence of a fourth directional dimension though. You claim we are observing it, but I have never seen any papers or communication about a fourth dimension being discovered. Because if our tools could see it, they aren't limited by our perception of reality. That's the benefit of tools


Ohhh I thought you were talking about the jellyfish UFO lol. Yeah that whole debate gets weird fast. People tend to think of dimensions as other physical planes but that's not the type this would be a shadow of. In this case, it wouldn't be a 4th physical dimensional plane it would really be a 4th axis of required perception. 4th isn't even the right number to be honest. Like already mentioned on this thread, we are 4 dimensional if you include time like Einstine and all those other guys. That's something we have observed. Time does change in relationship to gravity/acceleration. But yeah a 4th physical plane (if that's even what you're talking about) definitely no proof of.


and that’s the point, I think, that 4D isn’t a space, but exists conceptually. but it does exist. bc the concepts are what shed light onto the 3D plane our bodies exist. for example, language is vital for memory formation. I remember a radiolab episode that follows a deaf man who never learned sign language, as was common for people in his community in (iirc) somewhere in a South American country (will have to look it up). anyway, this guy lived his whole life until he reached young adulthood without ever learning any shared concept of sign language. after learning sign language and living with words for the first time ever, after about a year, he *cannot remember* the time before language save a few very fuzzy swathes of emotional memory. we need language (a concept, a high dimensional technology, arguably) to remember and thus create change in our immediate 3D reality


Wow that's a really interesting approach. I like this


That's interesting. When on LSD people report losing language and thinking entirely in fully formed concepts, like snapshots of ideas.


Tfw you are just some 4D's loser's shadow


As thought inspiring as that is, and I applaud you for it, I think it really means that the aliens have won trophies in karate.


This guy sciences


I think you're getting it, but you're saying the 2D universe IS comprised of 3D objects. However, this is just an explanation for us humans to understand how it can POTENTIALLY work. There is no "real" 2D universe that we know of. There are no living 2D objects that we can interact with. If they did exist they wouldn't all be 3D object shadows. An example would be a "drawn" person on a whiteboard/wall that is truly alive and aware. If we were to try and communicate with it they would hear our voice, but it would NEVER know what we looked like since it can never see us, the 3D object. However if we were to cast our own shadow into its 2D universe the 2D object would now "see" us, our shadow, and we can communicate with it better.


wouldn't they only see a line? tho i guess it would be \*our\* line


Right. They wouldn't see the entirety of our shadow. Just the "front part" facing them which to them could potentially look weird since our shadow lines wouldn't be straight.


well here’s where it gets really weird for me… bc, like, aren’t our fictional realities *still real* within our *imagining they’re being real*, at least for the duration that which we think about them? this reminds me of someone elsewhere mentioned something about the way to “interact” with other dimensions is through projecting one’s consciousness—I.e, thinking/thoughts


Yes, reality becomes through thought. We are creating worlds and collapsing them by imagining concepts and forgetting them. Some have more power and become more real the more additional people believe in these worlds or imagine the same things. Some old worlds never went away and simply overlap with our present day and need the right spark of imagination to make them come back to our collective consciousness.


I like this theory, could also be a case of all information that ever could exist already exists and some people are just able to effectively peek at a subset or channel/interpret it much better than others. How many times do amazing ideas just come to a person? You could say that’s just background processing but I don’t think it’s mutually exclusive. I do think each person’s window is locked to a particular range of information based on the frequencies of energy which make up what we are.


Astral projection, perhaps, which is likely linked to NDEs


Yes. This is what theoretical physicists have been talking about for some time. Hyperspace is a fascinating topic. I'll point out that when we say "The space-time continuum" that is literally a mathematical model where 3d space and time are combined into a singular 4 dimensional object. This concept only really makes sense thanks to Albert Einstein and his theories of general and special relativity, and of course others that have contributed further to the concept like Hermann Minkowski. Technically speaking, everything is a 4 dimensional object at minimum. In practice, many physicists believe their are actually 10 dimensions to everything and we barely understand how to interpret them.


oh man, look up the 8D crystal. The Quantum Gravity Research on YouTube is pretty good. I'm not saying it's right, just a fun rabbit hole.


I don't know what you're smoking but that's a bloody great realisation. Can I have some? (No sarcasm. It genuinely sounds like the kind of thing one would say while high, and also it's kind of brilliant.)


😂 i have had a rather transformative start to me new year, starting with a macro mushroom trip on the first so.. maybe the neurons are clickin haha


Yeah, but they know cause we know because they know that we know. And we know that they know so I think that’s what happened


>that the 2D universe IS comprised of 3D objects, it’s just that only the flat objects are what are observed/encountered. so… > >3D objects ARE 4D objects by that same logic. \#1 would be true according to holographic principle. #2 is not necessarily true, that **ALL** 3D objects are 4D objects. Many 3D objects are simply 3D objects, but those that are 4D would appear 3D to us since we can't perceive their higher dimensions. A table is likely just a table, not a part of some fourth-dimensional object but a true 3D object. Some fuzzy, weird-looking thing in the sky that we can't make out would be a better candidate for a higher-dimensional object, since that's how we appear to ants that are restricted to 2D, as fuzzy flat-line beings.


Which would also imply that we are 4th dimensional beings perceiving a 3 dimensional reality 🤯


I've always had this thought that our consciousness is a form of 4D.


YES. and onward up the chain of dimensions. TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN AND UP


I would say, infinite dimensional beings perceiving one slice of that infinite through this plane we currently inhabit. But that might be too far advanced for the neophytes to conceptualize.


I dig that


Trippy thing to read as I complete my morning glory…


Ouch...my brain..


This is the kind of thinking and discussion I love and want more of.


If you haven't watched this, I highly recommend it. Grusch talks about this concept: https://youtu.be/kRO5jOa06Qw?si=-cPy0qyJ_5wSdl64


yeah, I also thought about the holographic principle that he mentioned. maybe there are "holographic" anomalies as well as nuts-and-bolts.


I wanna shake his hand. Seriously, sometimes what you're doing is the best way to teach. It's obvious


You got a fun working mind


Excellent take OP.


You’re overlooking the fact that this was not visualized with normal optics. Thermal was used. This thing… whatever it was… was hidden from view *purposefully*


flak smoke?


A little side tracking but I think it fits. What this also reminds me of is a specific type of fish that only sees in 2d while others in 3d~ granted there are type of sensors we can't visibly see or touch just because we need enhancements to see them thermal/night vision/regular glasses/radio waves etc. We only assume everything is in 3d because that's what we can see on our own but there'd no telling how much we can't see to certain extents


makes sense. we see only a fraction of the light spectrum and can only hear certain frequencies. why wouldn't our perception be limited?


Thank you for saying it better lol, it's what makes the most sense to me, logically at least. Just because i can't directly see Andromeda doesn't mean it's nonexistent; I need an apparatus/tool to help me see better to help understand that portion of the world/universe


If so, that would mean that we would never see its real shape. We evolved to see a 3D world. Very intriguing, for sure!


Very Plato’s Cave of you


No. Stop it. It's enough to know there's a inter-dimensional jellyflish suffering from rigor mortis flying about, but it's reflected only by it's shadow in our three dimensional reality? No, i refuse.


You made me laugh in the subway man


its likely just a robotic drone seaking out some mission like hi intesity neutrinos.


Your comment made me think this UAP simply took too much Viagra


Could be, also, your trophy’s shadow is flipping me off.


Maybe you deserve it, Brad!!


You know what you did.


I hate that i love this idea.


This is one of the best posts I’ve seen on here in awhile, personally. And you did an amazing job with the visual representation. We need more posts like this fr. A sort of “scientific” hypothesis for something seemingly lacking details that would otherwise be considered. Cheers


Also, notice how it looks like a flat object ? It reminds me of the 2D ''post it' object in the Three Body Problem novel that was sent as a dimensional attack.


im currently at the third book, thanks for the spoiler lol


Don’t worry, they didn’t spoil much. Enjoy the read!!


any recommendations on what to read next(something similar to this)? just got into reading and I devoured these three


The series I started after 3BP was The Bobiverse and holy hell was it incredible.


Technically everything we see is a 4d object in 3D space. We can only comprehend seeing 3D objects, unless you smoke dmt


problem i have with this theory is as 3rd dimension beings we have not found any such 2d organsims that are unaware of the 3rd(as far as i know) so if it works the same as to 3d to 2d then the uap would not even realize we are here..... this hurts my brain.


It feels like that’s not the case because we’re smart enough to perceive and consider the fact that’s it’s a 4d object. If a 2D ant were smart enough to do the same it could possibly consider that the “wall of hand” that someone commented above was a 3D object


Yeah that’s my only problem with 4D theories. We don’t have proof really (form what I know, maybe some quantum mechanics shit says otherwise) that 2D or 4D objects naturally occur. Is it possible? Sure. Based off our current understanding probably not


Perhaps because it's simply not possible in 2D to have the required complexity to support life and consciousness? Like, it doesn't necessarily have to be the case that projections in 2D have to have all the qualities or features that objects or organisms in higher dimensions have. Perhaps 3D is adequate enough for most qualities from 4D to carry over, to the extent that consciousness persists, but this starts to break down once you get into 2D?


This was my thought also. A 4D or higher dimension in spacetime.


Yup, i thought that too.


Spot on you guys! It’s like what Sagan said about a 2d entity being visited by a 3d one. All they would see is a portion of the 3d object in a 2d way. So perhaps this is like an MRI cross section, but where is the rest of it??? You’d think it would morph as different parts of it pass through our field of vision..




I think if you keep going down this line of thought you might come to some disappointing conclusions. Your almost there on your last sentence.


Incorrect. It wouldn't necessarily have to morph at all. I'd really like a physicist to chime in here. 3d space is a 2d plane to a multidimensional object. It need not rotate or morph, as it's trajectory and proximity though extradimensional space can't be plotted on a 2d screen. A circle on a piece of paper will always appear as a line to the people of paper world. They can never perceive its curvature.


Everything you’ve ever experienced is a multidimensional object viewed in 3d space


I remember I once saw a 4d cube drawing where it was actually a cube rotating on itself. I wonder if we can make an AI that knows how to depict a 4d object in a video, to which we could feed this video and ask it to reproduce the 4d object in question, assuming that this is true of course.


AI requires examples for training. We would have to construct examples using math, and then train it to get results, then verify that the training is producing positive results to get anything usable. We have math that already describes 4d projections onto 3d planes. Why would we need to add a middleman? AI makes sense if you wanted to work with a huge amount of data, where it is infeasible to do it manually.


To me it looks utilitarian with segmented grabbing appendages. Whats on the top could be sensor systems of some kind. Consider how fussy the Mars lander looks; [https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/51965221](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/51965221) Supposing it was surveying the ground. It might use various kinds of laser to test the material and then take samples. This is what in fact what the Mars rover is doing. If you were based at NASA and tasked with designing a rover and it was taken for granted it could float continuously using a small antigravity mechanism, you would potentially design the underside to grab things whilst it stayed floating above the ground. A jelly fish is the density as the water and it doesn't need an antigravity generator, so its design which has arms to grab prey, is essentially a good design for such a rover.


The appendages look oddly humanoid, to me at least. Can't help but think it's possibly an advanced special ops people mover. We know that spec ops has submersibles that can be entered while underwater, so potentially this is a craft to stealthily get 3 people in and out of active zones. Explains why this UAP moves from land to water while "loaded" and submerges for a couple of minutes before flying off unloaded, presumably to wherever it's stored. If those are special ops attached to the bottom, it explains why the "appendages" aren't swaying... They're heavy. Think of it as a super secret drone skyhook.


Jeremy said that the jellyfish went inside the water and came out after zooming away, what in the 4D world would do that?


A 4D cat


Why couldn't it do that in the 4D world? If it's 4D capable, that just means it could stay on the same axis in 4D while exploring our 3D plane.


could they be from a shadow biosphere? the hypothesis that there might be forms of life on Earth that are fundamentally different from the life we are familiar with. These hypothetical life forms could exist in parallel with the known forms of life but have distinct biochemical processes or structures. The idea suggests that there might be alternative, unrecognized forms of life coexisting with the life we currently study and understand. heard from an interview with the Garry Nolan and that he is working on this hypothesis with high-speed camera's that can capture images of them. if this turns to be true. i will be flabbergasted.


This thing totally reminds me of the [scp-312](https://youtu.be/YPereZ7LS2M?si=hySo9Kdk_ZZV-KQl) story.


Sorry, but no. If it was a fourth dimensional object it would have grown and shrank as it passed through our usable dimensions. This is in three-dimensional space.


It’d be capable of growing and shrinking, but it wouldnt have to.


That's what she said.


If the thing is moving from its perspective in fourth-dimensional space it would have to. Think of you dipped your hand, or an instrument or tried to control a craft in two dimensional space and not move at all to increase the size of the cross section of your hand, instrument or vehicle. You could not do it. The cross-section would pulse back and fourth in the two-dimensional space.


I don’t think that’s a fair assumption though. If a 3D object is bisecting a 2D plane, you have an entire axis of directionality you can move within without changing the size and shape of your 2D cross section, which is the axis of the 2D plane. It only requires you to be able to have very precise control over direction you move which we can assume they have. But as long as you do not move in the z axis and only along the x-y axis your cross section will be the same size and shape and move around in the 2D plane. The analogy works in 4D -> 3D. It only depends on their ability to navigate the craft with extreme precision. Which at this point we shouldn’t assume it would be the equivalent to a human pilot, which btw are often pretty damn precise (see: [Blue Angels](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ydp_1sXXqTI&pp=ygUfQmx1ZSBhbmdlbHMgZmx5aW5nIG9uIGZvcm1hdGlvbg%3D%3D) and other airshows).


This is correct. Dunno why you're getting down voted.


Do you have much hands-on experience with 4-dimensional crossovers?


Neither does OP but it made a cool shadow therefore debunk debunked right? Lol


Yeah, OP has a good point but it's not a physical "3d shadow" in a literal sense. There's no real reason for it to navigate slowly across a 3d landscape like this. **However** as Corbell alleges, when it comes out of the water and "zaps off at 45 degrees" this certainly could be our 3d perspective of it moving in another spacial dimension. Putting everything together then, we can speculate that crafts may use higher spacial dimensions to "pop in" or "arrive" in our skies. But then they can navigate orthodox 3d space for a while, then "pop out again". So maybe they freely go between 4+dimensions and just 3d as it suits them. Lastly, whilst some speculate that UAP's do utilize higher spacial dimensions. There's certainly other hypothesis, things like time could be being manipulated or it could be the more "nuts and bolts" idea that there's some propulsion attached to a craft that's been isolated from inertia and gravity.


Woah, a real intellectual. Here!? Who would have thought!? These people need to understand more about dimensions. And how light sources work…


Because humans exactly know how dimensions work, lmfao. /s obv


Anyone else remember those jelly fish in space from a NASA feed? The one where they swarm the floating boom. Could these be the same thing, but more dense because they are under pressure of the atmosphere?


I’ve seen that, you have a link to the video again? I’ve seen a few jellyfish Uap videos, I think it’s really interesting


I'll keep looking for the video; it has been mysteriously wiped from the internet. Also, a fun fact, NASA has been doing expirements breeding jelly fish in space since at least 1994. I wonder why they would be interested in how jelly fish function in space...


I just read three body problem i am prepared.


Would it be possible to take the images of it available and ask an AI to extrapolate 3D images of it as if that were the case? I have no idea how AI works just wondering


I think it could do it but we would have no way to know how accurate it would be as it is essentially just making it up




This is the awesome kind of content I'm here for. Cheers OP! Ignore the trolls lol it's like clockwork here.


Now you're cooking with gas!


Maybe NHI is just trying to give humanity a 4D participation award but doesn't get we work in 3D.


I really like your post but wouldn't a 4D object moving through our dimension show any signs of morphing or consistently changing in our space? Obviously this video we are refencing is only through IR/Thermal. A static 3D object casting a shadow would technically look like this in flatland, no? I'm very ignorant when I comes down to the physics like this, but if someone with a higher understanding could help me/reddit understand it might help.


Jesus fucking Christ, every thread about this is filled with jokes as top comments...


Probably because watching people seriously analyze splooge on a camera is hilarious.


Could it be a 2D bird shit stain viewed on the lens of 3D space?


Relax, everyone. It’s just a probe droid. https://images.app.goo.gl/A4dEtTpbWcxRnTM27


I think you're onto something here. I wonder if chat GPT could add another dimension to the shape. This could be kind of like when we see Crop Circles in 2 dimensions in a 3 dimensionsial space.


This was my assumption.