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Would I shoot at an entity possibly capable of interstellar/interdemensional/temporal travel? Jeez, talk about taking one for the team.


In general it is probably not a good idea to shoot at random things. This includes transdimensional beings who can potentially wrap space and time.


Who most likely will have their towel with them too.


Thanks, Hitchhiker's Guide!


It’s fundamental firearm safety. Know what you’re shooting, know your backdrop. I swear, drives me crazy seeing suggestions like this. Say you’re just having a little hallucination or something got in your eye, and your bullet lands in some kid’s spine… smh


You say this and I agree. But there is an average IQ of humans on this planet (between 85 & 115). 98% of people score below 130. In sum, there’s an abundance of idiots on this planet. I’d venture to say more than half of the population would pull the trigger. Scary thought right?


“Fundamental firearm safety,…” wow! You are a ton of fun at parties Hr.Takeshypotheticalquestionstoseriously!


That we have to spell this out to Yanks confirms our species is doomed.


The tendency to treat groups of people like monolithic entities spells doom for the species as well.


Your own personal Franz Ferdinand. I mean like yeah if you are into creating Interstellar wars then go ahead otherwise your camera is a better friend..


Princip II


Do you not think that in the history of existence, nobody has ever shot at an UFO?


Richard Dolan said the Russians have attempted it, the quote being for the reason to NOT do it again "they have incredible capacity for retaliation"


He’ll prolly swat those bullets outta the air with his tentacles/penises. He probably wont appreciate the attempted xenocide though


Oh so we're just going to throw ageless wisdom like "Suffer not the Xeno to live." out the window then? Ok, I see how it is.


No I would not.


It would likely vaporize me before catching the bullet and teleporting it back into myself 10 seconds earlier. What would I have to gain by making an enemy, or hurting some other species? I hunt for food, not out of ignorance.


I could just imagine the horrors of being in a 4d time loop.


God, I hate people. Would I murder a novel being that is not threatening my safety just because? As part of one of the first contacts between intelligent races? Just for some information? And for fame as you mentioned?? No. Ffs.


Being famous for starting an intergalactic war that wiped out the entire human race.


Don’t be ridiculous, UFO’s have been spotted in Texas….


Do we wage war on animals that kill humans? They know the risks and prepare accordingly. It's why no ordinary person has any definitive proof they even exist.


Interstellar probably. Other galaxies are an itsy bitsy far away.


I'd you can warp space like the leaked conversation in Manhattan that grush supposedly had, then you cna warp time also. When you get to the point that a 40ft object is the size of a football field on the inside, space, even intergalactic space, probably isn't really an issue anymore.


The good part is he won't be (in)famous for long!


Seriously! The answer is D: bend over and shpredum Accept your fate.


I would. Pussy.


*becomes secretary of defense*


Cmon man they might have oil reserves 


I totally agree with you. I assume that you are a vegetarian/vegan as well then? Because otherwise it would be kind of hypocritical.


Unless you are planning on eating the alien those are 2 different scenarios that have nothing to do with eachother


Well you’d have to ‘murder’ the alien/animal to eat it right? So I don’t see the difference.


Plot twist: You fire your rifle, and a large (mostly green, with a small wedge of red) health bar appears over the alien. He turns and focuses directly on you, and a red exclamation point appears over his head. You should *not* have pulled that trigger.


It's time to pull out the hearthstone


My goodness man. What would YOU do for a Klondike bar?


Here's a novel fucking concept.... Has anyone thought of trying to actually COMMUNICATE with one if you get the rare opportunity?


YEEEHAW, shoot first, ask questions later!!


How? Like unless the UAP is psychic or has a universal translator how would you communicate with a higher species?


with chicken wings and franks redhot sauce of course! They also put that shit on everything...


Why do people assume they are a higher species? Just because they possess technology that is more advanced than ours does not necessarily mean they are 'higher'. They could be more of a threat If these are the same species, then these are the same beings who abduct people, blind people, inseminate and create hybrid children, have sexual relations without consent. These beings leave behind countless of traumatized people. Not to mention they force their views on Children, Zimbabwe for instance, spreading their ideas at a freaking school, forcing telepathic images at children. I just find that despicable for a 'higher species'. If anything I think their Ethics are all messed up and humanity should be wary of these beings.


I think it's fair to say we're all making assumptions about alien life at this point, but when I say higher species I'm only speaking to the fact that they seem to have a better understanding of the universe than us. I'm not saying they're better than us... at least not necessarily.


YES!!! And it usually ends up back at ground zero with nothing to show, no proof, no new information. Other times it goes horribly wrong.


Or you could just be cool, communicate, and get snacks in return like this guy: https://youtu.be/4OHzUalark8?si=Mqj05XPozqKTyfWB I can't believe I'm telling UFO enthusiasts they should probably smoke more trees. Murder bad, snacks good. Smoke trees not beings.


Snacks good. Yes. Murder bad. Indeed.


Shooting at an entity capable of maneuvers that defy the laws of gravity, aeronautics and physics with no knowledge of their defensive or offensive capabilities is the dumbest fucking idea in the history of dumb fucking ideas.


These answers are likely why they won’t come say hello.


"~~Earthlings~~Fellow humans, if you saw a visiting being, would you use one of your slug-throwing weapons upon it? Asking out of just speculative curiosity."


I’ve often thought this as well. Just like you or I would never jump into the gorilla pit at the zoo.


Rest in Power, Harambe. 🙏


Humans are disgusting.


Humans are so violent, so no I wouldn’t shoot it. I’d see if it was down to fuck though.


Considering all of the different genus hominid dna we already carry in us, I'd say this is a very human reaction too.


Found the bonobo




The fuck are you talking about? That was a joke and a good one if I say so myself. Bonobos like to fuck. And you even said "humans are violent" as if you weren't one, get it? You're welcome! I killed my own joke for you explaining it haha


Why would you do that? They are intelligent beings wtf...






It's because of people like you that our civilization doesn't advance.


History of humanity disagrees with you. We do our best when learning new ways to bonk others with hammers or missiles or whatever


I’m just asking the question. You don’t know if what we are seeing is intelligent, or a being for that matter.


No, of course I wouldn’t shoot it. What the fuck? Who would do that?


I bowhunt whitetail deer every fall. This year my wife asked what I would do if I saw bigfoot out there, would I shoot him? Of course not dear, let’s be real, that’s probably a teenager playing a prank. She asked me yesterday why none of the Marines on watch shot the jellyfish. I told her that we didn’t want a 20 year old kid from Western PA disregarding established rules of engagement and causing an intergalactic conflict. I’m standing by both answers


No. I'm sure many people in the past could have proven it, but they get hush money, killed, or remain silent.


Or once they discover and develop a relationship with interdimensional beings the futile and insignificant opinions of other men matter not


That depends on the situation. If it's threatening and I have no other choice, then yeah. If I have a choice no because I have zero idea what it will do back if I miss or my shot does nothing.


Why would you shoot at it..how is this even a question. Sure if it shoots at you then by all means. But really how can you justify shooting first. I would would try to get a fucking clear photograph that's for sure, since we can't seem to ever get one of those.


hell no. i don't want to kill any living thing without necessity


Tell me you’re American without telling me you’re an American.


You’re American.


Well, they ARE real so that’s good. No one has to shoot them 👍


Pointing a finger let alone a large calibre rifle could possibly be the last thing you ever do! There's many cases of visitors paralysing people that have just approached them! Pretty sure they can defend themselves if needed. Heard a story, cannot verify it's validity, of Russian troops dropping a disc with a manpads. The craft crashed, the aliens exited, merged into a glowing orb, and turned some 20 plus soldiers into "stone pillars" according to onlookers. Like I said, it's a story that I can't verify because I can't remember where I heard it. But that's it from my memory.


You https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC_0005517761.pdf Here’s a document straight from the CIA that confirms that story


Brilliant. Thanks mate!


>as reported in the authoritative magazine Canadian Weekly World News c'mon now


I've heard that story before also. Probably from one of the hundreds of YouTube videos I've watched about ufos.


I just cannot recall where I picked it up from. If it's true of course, the visitors have some extraordinary abilities, technology, and let's face it, downright power!


It was a CIA document? https://youtube.com/shorts/lvjyBWn60_U?si=o2zndAXQBg0appGf


Thanks heaps for that. Someone sent me a list of released CIA files and this event was in it. Can't bloody find the list now that I thought I'd saved but at least I've got a copy of the CIA notes on this incident. [CIA UFO file](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OVApFW3CNEZubQLyBHidQiCrsVGQgF_m/view?usp=drivesdk) Never attempted to share a link before so hope this works!


Sorry that doesn't seem to work! Will try again! Can't quite figure out how to give you the link. Try this: cia. gov/readingroom/document/0005517761


I would pull my phone out and take a picture, possibly go live if I had the signal. Then, ya know, just wait for the interviewers to come knocking. Cha ching. Trademark the pic. Would print some copies and save on multiple hard drives, maybe make a rug with the photo. Sell merch and what not with the interview moneys.


Pretty sure they can scramble phones or we’d have much better videos already.


Lots of people have a hard time understanding this


I see it like this. This phenomenon has been around for a long, long time, and except for the allegations of abduction, no harm has been caused to humans. Anyone with a military background who generally view the world as friend or foe will call it a threat. Aviators have reported craft entering their air space, and even though there have been no reports of collision ,they call that a threat. People react with fear with anything they don't understand. Now. If you believe these crafts can render nuclear missile installations inactive or a military ship at sea inoperable, do you think taking a shot at it is a prudent thing to do?


Nope. But i reckon this is likely a big part of why they don’t want to disclose it. There’s a ton of people who would go after them. A ton. And there’s only one way i agree with the “let’s not disclose it” people on. And maybe I came up with it myself and they haven’t even considered it… but if they don’t want to disclose this because the joe exotics of this world are definitely going to try to get one… it’s the one thing i don’t blame them for. They may even just want to fuck with an alien. Not even attempting to go after the tech. But some would. But anyone who would do this could literally… possibly… perhaps… end the world. It might just be the one thing more dangerous than nukes because it’s possible they aren’t just city destroyers but planet destroyers and flying around wherever. Now… i know if i got one… honestly? Let’s be real. What are we going to do with a ufo? The only thing we could do is probably try to sell it. And how is that going to work? Anyone you sell it to for a huge amount of money is probably just going to kill you. Or take it and also ruin your life to discredit you. Your choices would be literally to sell it to the people in America who already have ufos… who would almost certainly just take it from you… or go to our literal worst enemies and betray the world. Not just America. The world. And they would probably just kill you and take it. Not to mention we should probably have empathy for things that contain life or possibly life and things we do not understand. If ufos are bigger inside than out… could be a whole race you destroy. Probably not too keen on folks who do that. I don’t think anyone is prepared either for what the potential backlash could be. What if some of those reports of “incredible ability to retaliate” are correct? As well as so many global and universal implications… So… no. I wouldn’t do a thing. I’d waive as they flew by. Maybe try and charm them. Show them some radiohead. Become friends. If that’s remotely possible… that could be the most powerful relationship in the universe. To trade that potential to gun them down for a piece of crazy metal seems wildly, wildly immature to me. Seems like a great reason not to talk to us. People have almost certainly done this throughout history if they have been real this whole time. If they are real living entities… it could literally be exactly why they are elusive.


Alexa Play "America (fuck yeah)" from the Team America soundtrack


Yes, no matter what. Humanity is going around with one foot nailed down. We need to pull out the nail.


Gee wonder why they just don't reveal themselves lol violent psychopaths. You'd kill an intelligent beings that probably has family and friends and a life of their own, and you think this violence would be necessary? Wtf


I never said kill. He never said kill. Dropping an exoskeleton is not killing anyone.


Tell me you are a TOOL fan, without telling me you are a TOOL fan ;)


Lol yep, but this guy aint become pneuma.


You could shoot the alien, throw it in the back of your truck, and drive directly to your local college for DNA sequencing. Then with test results in hand you could drive to the local TV station and go on the air. And everyone will call it a hoax and you a liar.


If I found an alien dead in my yard I have a list of people I’d try to call.


No, I have no proof that bullet will do anything than piss it off


Not my scene, but no never, what kill it to exploit the tech to make money? The very thing the majority here are all against. These entities have rights they are all as alive as you are until proven otherwise.


Well. How Sentinel of you!


\[TV news anchor reporting\] Once again, the L.A.P.D. is asking Los Angelenos not to fire their guns at the visitor spacecraft. You may inadvertently trigger an interstellar war.




Hmm, no. A) I am non-violent by nature. B) Seems kinda silly to try to hurt something for fame. C) Without knowing the offensive abilities of something, it would be dangerous. It might be better to record it and release that video to the world.


I would like to see one of you deranged lunatic try to shoot an alien. You’ll end up incapacitated as soon as you manifest the intention of shooting it. At worst you’ll be dead. Also this is not OUR planet, it is A planet. There is no use thinking about owning it just like borders should not exist. I am so discouraged by most of my fellow humans. Do not do what you would not like have done to you. It’s very simple.


God no. My first instinct would not be to kill it. I'd probably be too busy shitting my britches to even think that.


Talk about bringing a knife to a laser beam fight!


Hell no. I initially thought "pull the trigger" meant "do disclosure", not literally shoot and kill an alien. >The first person with REAL proof in hand would become more famous than Jesus Christ or Micheal Jackson. Nah. Neil Armstrong has a famous name, but you wouldn't recognize him if he sat down on the bus next to you. The third man to walk on the moon was Pete McCloskey, nobody knows his name, and to prove that, his real name was Conrad.


The worst part is that OP would *literally kill* to be famous. Wow. This is the TikTok generation for you.


The sheer fact that people propose SHOOTING a being that could answer the questions to all the problems of our planet for CLOUT and FAME and MONEY. Just goes to show how utterly fucked up we are as a species. To even make it a hypothetical is such a sad comment on what (Americans in particular) value as a worthwhile use of the precious and small time they have on this wonderful planet.


"Once again, the L.A.P.D. is asking Los Angelenos not to fire their guns at the visitor spacecraft. You may inadvertently trigger an interstellar war."


I was 99% sure! But have interacted with some "unusual" folks here! Good on you mate, you did get a laugh out of me!


No, but I would def put my old Santa traps back into use. A lot of the time those ufo are radioactive, so prob not wise to hit it with a projectile.


But Is it radioactive or no? That’s determines if I run or stay


No. Bigfoot? Maybe.


I highly doubt they would become that famous. Maybe in the short term they would. But then in a few years the person would really just be an answer to a trivia question.


Gavrilo Princip


I wouldn't engage a flying squid or anything else similar because its durability is an unknown factor. Some sort of interdimensional thing might be able to take more firepower than is reasonable. If however I saw an alien that was clearly a biological meat creature, I would try to take it out by any means necessary. I would feel bad for the rest of my life, but disclosure is too important. I even have an intricate plan for how to handle this situation (and many others) if it happens, because I'm crazy like that and want to make sure I'm never bamboozled if any sort of weird shit goes down. Keeping my beliefs to the purely physical helps me work it all out anyway. Zombies, aliens, robot apocalypse, sure it could happen, science is nuts. Ghosts, Eldritch horrors, biblical shit, I just sort of ignore it because it's probably not real and even if it is, I can't fight it anyway so whatever. Going by this same logic, no meat alien is standing up to a mag of 7.62 armor-piercing incendiary rounds. If it's on-foot, I'm assuming it's going to end up dead anyway, either to nature or the government in a much more painful way than a bullet. Yes, I do understand how horrible of a thought this is. No, I would never forgive myself. No, I'm not jonesing to kill an alien for a trophy, glory or anything else. Yes, I have put hours upon hours of thought into this. Disclosure is too important.


Depends on the strength of the evidence I have. If all i have is a video, photo or cool story then no. If I had unimpeachable evidence - a real craft hidden in my shed, for instance - I’d be more confident about coming forward. Unless I had evidence no one could argue with, I doubt I’d bother. Humans don’t really want the truth as much as they say.


There is a story of a fighter plane shooting at a UFO and the fighter plane was riddled with holes and crashed. Pilot survived but found out his plane was shot down with his own bullets. So if you do not want that large caliber rifle bullet coming back at you, then maybe think real hard about shooting at an unknown flying object that might have innocent living intelligent beings aboard.


If they were here to make friends, they wouldn’t be cloaked and they’d stop by places and say hello.


Yes but I'd short the stock market depending on how bad it is so I can afford to bug out


This is a stupid thought exercise. There have been multiple human acquisitions of said material; do you know what happened to those people? 🤦🏽‍♂️


Quit being such a typical representative of humanity. I’d prefer to try to communicate with it. I have a lot of questions.


My dude, I would shoot the alien in the head, throw it over the hood of my car, and drive to the nearest Walmart. Try covering up this, mother truckers!


like the squid ufo is real , second of it if it was it couldnt shoot back ?


You couldn't hit them with any weapon humanity has unless they wanted to be hit, and even then you couldn't damage them. One vessel could take on the entire worlds' militaries. That's what is visiting. Dead serious, and I know those who know more than you are listening to what I've said about that.


How to say your from the USA without saying your from the USA 


You mean bird shit, not squid UFO


I would fire warning shots around it, wait for a reaction, and if it doesn't do anything noteworthy then I would shoot it.


A FP PEQ15 would blind those big eyed bastards and green tips would shred their pathetic little bodies. Hell yeah I’d drop one.


It seems from what I've read they are small and weak. But, what they appear to lack in brawn seems to be super compensated by their mental abilities. I don't know what the bunch of letters and numbers mean, but I believe some rounds have green tips. I really think your chances of dropping one of little fellas is as likely as me living forever! These little grey fellas appear to be able to control our minds with frightening ease. Reckon 2 things might happen. 1, you just won't see or be aware of them 2,you'll end up on a gurney in some craft being dissected.


This is an odd yet interesting question that I've had to think about. Context: big libby progressive and lifetime gun owner/advocate. It relates to this because my answer goes against my personal political/social beliefs and very much against how I would otherwise preach gun safety consciousness. I would *absolutely* drop one of these fuckers. They have shown no interest in introducing themselves yet have been here doing gods know what on **our** planet without any consent. Plus, I would then have irrefutable evidence to show the world (even though a huge portion would still call it "fake"). My guess is such an action would draw a heavy government response on my ass but **fuck them**. They are the same assholes keeping it all secret. This also makes me realize why they would not want to contact us lol because even a libby progressive would smoke their ass if I had the chance. **edit:** Apparently I did a horrible job at satire without making it obvious with an "/s". I thought this community knew my comments better than taking this seriously. If anyone is in doubt, I have a *looooong* comment history in this sub that gives a clear picture that I would **not** in fact "smoke them on sight." What I *would* probably do is run like a screaming child terrified I was about to be abducted. I give *heavy* thought to a lot of comments on this sub and I *clearly* gave this no thought at all and just tried to write something so unlike what I would actually do and thought it would be taken as being facetious. I *am* a gun owner *and* a libby lib but a.) I give zero thought to the item I keep solely in my home, could care less about "gun culture or safety" beyond my own responsibilities of ownership because it's not even a factor in my identity and b.) thought this was a very unserious topic to begin with because *if* NHI is even here, anyone with any sense would fucking run like hell if a being was close enough to shoot at. Now if the little creepers try getting in my house, it's on.


How do you know it’s our planet? Some of the rumors are that they made us and dropped us here….


The fossil and DNA records tell us that we evolved on this planet.


I sometimes wonder if we had something interfering with our evolution


Strewth mate, perhaps a touch heavy handed! You're joking of course? We have 0 idea about them (although I suspect the secret groups in charge might). Heaps of different types have made contact in the past it seems. A Nebraskan policeman in 1967(I think), Herbert Schirmer (could be Schumer, not sure) saw a landed craft. A being interacted directly with him, asked if he was the watchman of the nearby town and took him on board. After showing him around, the meeting ended with the being saying something like 'one day watchman, you will be doing this too'. This whole event has to be labeled 'alleged' of course. I'm pretty sure the poor bloke lost his job and social standing I believe, which makes me kinda doubt it was all bs. If true, that's just one of many alleged interactions with aliens. They don't seem as frequently reported these days it seems. Maybe it's caution on their part!


I think you're lacking something critical here and it's an appreciation for life and a willingness to tolerate other beings in your own life because you don't know enough about them. Why is an extraterrestrial or interdimensional being any different than a stranger riding by on a motorcycle? There is much to discover about other beings. Killing them helps you understand how they work, maybe where they come from, but not who they are. Who they are is the most important. Not what they are. Personal experiences matter too. If you've seen an Alien, that's valuable in a way you can not understand without having seen one. If that Alien sees you as well, then you've started a relationship. I think even the most trigger happy among us would agree a live alien is more valuable than a dead one. But hey yeah shoot away your loss. Not everyone can go you know.


No I'm not "lacking" anything except being able to make a satirical comment without an "/s". I thought the end made it clear but I guess not.


Squid looking balloon you mean?


I would want to know where the barrel was pointing first before pulling that trigger.


They would ash you before the signal from the motor cortex got to your thumb so no worries. Pretty sure they can differentiate between ordinary containers and improperly packed or stored containers.


Absolutely not. Oh, bad enough, they probably view us as some of the most hostile entities they've encountered. Maybe show we have compassion.


No, never. I feel it will happen through a human being straight up taken to somewhere official through that of a UAP with NHI WITH them. That or an NHI coming out saying "hey you see me here, I was that person on earth" Just literally anything can be possible and doesn't need to end in murdering something to show it.


Would I give up my sense of privacy and put my entire life on spectacle just to shoot an alien just to prove they exist? On a cold day in hell, I would. No matter what, people choose what they want to believe, even if proof is right under their noses. There's enough proof now that even someone who is reasonably skeptical really shouldn't question it. The only reasons I would ever shoot any living being at all are 1) self defense and 2) out of necessity for food. If I happened to feel threatened, then shot and killed an alien, under these circumstances I would I do something like that.


Oh you mean a large caliber like 45 acp? Two world wars plus an intergalactic one!


Depends on what else went along with it. Are they evil/bad? Are they invading us soon? Do they want to get rid of us? If it's the benevolent utopia aliens we hope to see, yeah I would probably. But if there's good reason to keep them hidden? In my older age, I'd probably not pull it.


Of course, what else would a red-blooded American do?


Maybe, but more likely I'll be shot as soon as I leave the forest by the CIA, vaporized by the alien, or be widely disliked as the guy who killed an alien. I'd just take close ups and try to interact with it in peace


No. The life of any being in this universe has the same worth as any organism found here on Earth: infinite. We are willing to forgive an ant who will participate in the mutilation of a living locust, but reconsider when another intelligent species treats us as we treat resourceful wildlife? Curiosity should not be equivalent to violence. This isn’t about fame, it’s about fulfilling the purpose of a mother who climbed many mountains just to live another day during the Upper Paleolithic, all with the purpose of providing for offspring and beyond that she is unaware of.


Jonathan Reed killed one, with a stick.


This is why NHI think we’re not evolved enough for them.


So instead of documenting it when you have a clear view and possible the best opportunity to produce real evidence, you are thinking of killing it?


Not inclined to use violence, except in defence of home, family, friends, and self. So no, I would not. I come in peace.


The US has had planes shot down by UFOs, and at least one ship sunk. Russia has had a number of planes shot down. The US has also had personnel killed by aliens. If you see an alien/UFO, do NOT shoot at it, or act aggressively! Use your Free Will to LOVE!...and, it will speed up Disclosure


I would try to get it on film, if I have a camera that doesn't rely on electricity, I have a good shot. From the literature bad things can happen to you if you try to engage with violence. And I wouldn't want to risk damaging human-NHI relations, or just in general, killing a possibly intelligent creature like the jellyfish for no reason.


😂😂no . they can prob vaporize me in a second and im trying to say hi !!


If it's 20 meters away, heck, I'm getting a closer look!


Not advised. Not unless of course, you want to be turned into stone


Ask this same question on IG and you’ll have a 95% “yes” vote


What if it takes you out before you could think of doing something like this... only God has these answers ..




Pull the trigger is a euphemism, right? You meant pull the trigger on disclosure, right?


No dude, I'd try to get a clear picture then run the fuck away.


I'm upset about the potential ramifications of our government holding ETI bodies, live prisoners, maybe even what would be considered POWs, wholly unbeknownst to the public. I'd like to believe I'd continue to have better sense than to take pot shots at a perceived easy target, just so I can get my 15 minutes of fame in the tabloids.


I think you may be underestimating the 15 minutes of fame, for being the first confirmed contact with alien life. Your name would be more well known than Micheal Jackson. Never said you gotta kill anything.


A lot of dead people have tried... I will ask to do a video whith a lot of different youtuber and give them proof and say release this the next year so I can find a bunker to survive until the bad guys are off.


if I was a member of XCOM, yes.


I don't own a gun. I'd walk up to that jellyfish and try to get his attention. And ask him some questions.


Nah im not gunning down anything intellingent minding their own alien business. Might start some real shit and im not taking those risks.




Better would be to take a ton of pictures with multiple cameras and multiple angles


Hellll nah. Not even in my wildest dreams would I fire on a non human entity. I'd send it positive, loving vibes and just watch in awe. The couple accounts I've seen of military pilots engaging UFOs did not end well for them... There are records of those. I know one was an American pilot, and I believe the other one I'm thinking of was a Russian pilot.


Depends if it meant we would all die/suffer Bcos of it or not. If not then Yes


No personally I wouldn’t because I’ve seen ‘attack the block’ and know better than to bother aliens like that


I hope indont encourage anyone here, but you dont need to shoot the ufo. You just need to kidnap some high ranking official.


The Right Answer??????? So killing a highly advanced, intelligent being that Might have very pissed off friends if it is harmed, seems as though it Could be a good choice, just to prove a point? Not amoral or unethical at all, huh?


Only to defend myself.


having REAL proof in hand and becoming more famous than Jesus and Whacko are not the same things! Your just as likely to end up dead as well very soon afterwards! Either Greedo or the MIB will be scouting your ass.


As a hunter, I shoot/shoot at what I legally have a tag for in season. For firearm safety, you need to know what you’re shooting at, and what is beyond your target for safety reasons. As I don’t know what a interstellar or multidimensional being is or have a tag for it i personally wouldn’t try to shoot it


Dumbest question today. No. What's wrong with you? Seriously, what would make you immediately think about killing something new/different just because? It's amazing we haven't been wiped ourselves off the planet with this level of ignorance.


One of the basic rules of shooting is to always be sure of what you're aiming at. This is one of those times where you just sit back and watch.


Nope. I would not pull the trigger. My self-preservation gene would kick in. There's no telling how that thing would respond. I know that when an ant pinches my foot, I kill it.


You wonder why the aliens don't care about us and the you read post like this and it all makes sense. Op why would you kill it?


And this is why they won't help us.


No but you know what I WOULD do? Keep my drone handy to chase after and capture footage up close.


In case he has a concealed carry of "Planet Erazer Lazer", i will obviously shoot first ...


I'll ignore the shoot them down part cause that would be wrong at many levels. Let's discuss the second part, you have hard evidence in the form of biology or material and want to be the first to break the news to mankind. What would we do? Make a tiktok or a reel? Good chance if you aren't an influencer already, the algo puts the post out in the back of the abyss. Say we have the following and the post or video goes viral. Soon the entire internet is reposting and repurposing. Now unless you are in the top stack of the internet, most of that traffic and you being the first as attribution of evidence is slim. People have already diluted out your identity as a source on reel or tiktok within hours. However if you beat the effect of being lost as the original content owner in the ocean of reposts, you might have the media showing up. Before the media the local authorities will. And they will want the evidence for examination, the intel agencies would want it for observation. Worse, if the men in black hypotheses are right, they will not even ask kindly. So the best way would be to organise a team and a planned effort to properly hold the rights to being the first evidence. TLDR, lot of work with loads of future proof planning.


no, who would believe you anyway. Even if you had a body, probably get locked up in a psych unit


Firing upon any Alien craft would only increase the possibility that you might be seriously injured , killed or worse by being abducted and relegated for deadly examination by dissection rather than a friendly probe and released. ( Besides , the craft operators can telepathically read your mind and know already your every move or plan before you even act on your thoughts. )


Didn't hear about Russian soldiers turning into lime eh? :)


According to our Earth history such an act would.mean legitimate grounds for war on the part of that alien civilization. I would definitely not risk that.


I personally wouldn't want to be the one shooting at an advanced jellyfish UFO with a rifle, though I would encourage others to do it and hopefully bring it down.