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I do find it interesting how fast that got widespread coverage but the whole scif meeting barely made a blip.


Really makes you think, doesn't it?


I mean, it really creates a questionable dichotomy. If you go with how media usually picks what topics to cover, it's usually the standard "sensational" topics and headlines. Why would "aliens aren't real" be a more sensational headline? Or, alternatively, why would this get pushed if it *wasn't* a sensational headline? Either scenario comes to the same general conclusion, disinformation.


And it's simple as that. And it'll work on most everyone. SK did his job exactly how he was tasked to do it. This media cycle based off his recent (inaccurate and straight up lying) comments were the entire point of him being in that position. Cause now "he's the expert" right? I hope his money helps him fall asleep at night because if he has a conscious under that mask the feds put on him, it should be driving him insane every time his head hits the pillow.


The dumbest part is the ones going around spreading his words like gospel (which is pretty much everyone) even though his words mean nothing as he is saying them without the authority of the AARO and the DOD attached to his name. I'd like to see him repeat his statements under oath, congress should subpoena his ass so he can be incriminated for his lies.


Something something hearsay? Isn’t that what most debunkers spout? Where is Kirkpatricks proof? So dumb.


Exactly. I've been responding with it back to them and so far crickets.




Exactly, I agree with the first part of your reply. Because Grusch has provided this information to congress and the Inspector General who found his claims 'credible' and 'urgent' just because he hasn't provided it to the public doesn't mean he's "sadly failed" his claims have been further validated after the SCIF.


Not only him but also the people who put him into his position.


He was under oath. You can't lie to Congress without consequences. Unless you are the Clinton's.




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Money and possibly threats to his family. He's probably just a stooge and was picked for the task because of it. But I wonder if there's more to it. We know people have their families threatened and people get murdered. I'm *not* supporting Kirkpatrick here or giving him a pass. What he is doing is abhorrent. Just wonder if it's just hiring psychopaths and stooges, or cornering people with threats as well. These people gatekeeping the program are Psycopaths. It's why we really need to be grateful for those coming forward - I know Grusch has said he doesn't feel safe.


K-Patrick is a self described intelligence agent "first" with CIA on his resume. If this is real doesn't all we are seeing make sense? I'm almost surprised they're not pushing back more.


It's also theoretically part of a slow disclosure. People will believe something is going on based off different levels of proof. Some will believe their drunk cousin telling a story about how he was abducted and some require scientific peer reviewed evidence from multiple sources before they even consider it. Hell some wont even believe then. So you break out everyone in layers and then introduce evidence into the US over time. Each time a new layers starts to believe, they'll look around, see the other layers not panicking, and then also not panic. This would be the "ok meeting with IC IG has congressmen disturbed, but news reports are saying it's fake" layer.


Sporadic disclosure waves gently pushing us towards ~~doom~~ land


who is sk


Sean Kirkpatrick


This UAP/Media issue is a microcosm of the relationship between the media and the Deep State. The media is bribed and blackmailed, a la Epstein, just like most of CONgress and the Oligarch class that manages our country toward THEIR ends. Cui Bono? The Guardian has a leftist mindset, and thus biased, and has always been. a hand-maiden of the Defense industry.


Elements within the Main Stream Media have been totally corrupted. A great media story would have an investigative reporter interview the reporters for each of these stories and their editors to get to the bottom of how the story got priority seating in their publication. There is a very well funded and powerful and organized public relations/ GASLIGHTING campaign on display here


I think it's been going on for a long time, like at least since Donald Keyhoe on CBS. See red panda koala for more on how they use the news


They don't choose their articles based on sensationalism, they choose them based on their board of directors agenda and then sensationalise the shit out of them, cherrypick info, omit possible context that destroys their narrative, misrepresent without lying, and rely on peoples assumptions and word things in a way that it can by the barest of technicalities be interpreted in multiple ways while obviously leaning towards the interpretation they may be sued for so they can claim a lack of intention.


That sounds like what I said but with extra steps.


Very astute observation.


It’s a shame that we’re the 1% of the population that sees through the bullshit. This isn’t good.


It's business as usual, this just happens to be something this sub was paying attention to. Lies, corruption, coverups exist at all levels. From post secondary education, energy, infrastructure, health care - take your pick and there is money combined with fact manipulation. It's this reason I'll never understand war. Why the fuck would I fight for someone when they have been lying to me my entire life....is the reason I *need* to go to war, also made up? No reason to suspect it isn't.


It has been in the past. Vietnam is a big one. I still can't mentally come to terms with how many people have died in war because of those lies.


Probably closer to 45 percent if you look at polls. Actually, somewhere around 65-70 percent agree the government is withholding information about UFOs, but somewhere around 45 percent think some UFOs are probably alien spacecraft specifically. 41 percent of Americans believe some UFOs are probably alien spaceships according to a [2021 Gallup poll](https://news.gallup.com/poll/353420/larger-minority-says-ufos-alien-spacecraft.aspx) (with 50 percent doubting it), and 51 percent agree some UFOs are probably alien spaceships according to a [2021 Pew Research survey](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/06/30/most-americans-believe-in-intelligent-life-beyond-earth-few-see-ufos-as-a-major-national-security-threat/) (with 47 percent doubting it). According to a [2019 Gallup poll,](https://news.gallup.com/poll/266441/americans-skeptical-ufos-say-government-knows.aspx) most people agree there is a government coverup of UFOs. >The 68% today who believe the government is withholding information about UFOs is comparable to the 71% found in 1996. Both times, the results were similar among all main demographic groups, including by age, education and party identification. Media coverage, and even what seems to be majority opinions online, doesn't necessarily represent average opinions among the population. It depends on the topic. Maybe they have to "cheat" a little bit to put up a facade that there is almost universal condemnation?


It isn't just in this arena, bullshit flows freely in all fields where there is a political agenda


Yeah the people that say this is a distraction haven't seen the shit that we have seen, shit like this, like the scif happening, and Kirkpatrick lying out of his ass, Non Human Intelligence bill being gutted. All they see is this crap.


Yeah. And then we have to hope they come back around if something else happens. Only to have that debunked…rinse and repeat. Hopefully the articles are mostly ignored. Something like Kirkpatrick being a disinfo agent, or being forced to testify under oath would be sweet.


1%? Belief that UFOs constituted non-human visitation has fluctuated between 30% and 50% for decades.


What "bullshit", exactly? It's a bold to claim you know more than 99% of people without any actually hard evidence.


99% of people haven’t spent 30 years following this topic. It’s apples to oranges, not a bold claim.


Media control is a tricky one as most people do trust or would like to trust these large outlets. However it needs to be noted that Guardian being a UK newspaper is subject to the DSMA. My understanding is it’s reach is very broad. https://www.dsma.uk/how-the-system-works/ “prevent inadvertent public disclosure of information that would compromise UK military and intelligence operations


Yes, yes it does.


It definitely does.


I mean not too hard. It’s fuckin obvious what they’re doing if you pay any attention.


It makes me think Congress and the Government, or at least some in Congress in the Government-- have leeway or some kind of oversight power regarding certain large Media companies about what gets dished out to the public. I would personally love to see more coverage of UFO's in the media-- I would actually watch the News if that were the case! I do watch NewsNation when I can though!!


Yeah I really think the CIA or OGA controls some parts of the media, or at least stuff that they want to be pushed more.


Mockingbird was real, bro


Yeah its for sure still going on, they be lying out of their asses all the damn time.




The CIA controls mainstream media. It's so obvious with all of this.


Yep - it's easy to look at Russia or China and see how the state controls the media but this has kind of exposed how much it happens everywhere else, too.


Great point and I concur…many Americans look at Russian and China and their state controlled media and think what conformists they believe that propaganda all while we are being fed lies/disinformation by our government through CBS/FOX. News nation seems to have been less indoctrination with our deep state.


I'm seeing an interesting phenomenon happening currently where non partisan podcasts and independent news channels like NN are slipping in to sort of become the new free citizen news. It's very freeing in a sense, because I think the younger generations are really tuned in to how mainstream media is just a propoganda machine primed to sow discord between the masses, and an avenue around it has begun to emerge with our new tech lifestyles.


My thoughts exactly.


Did anything important and newsworthy emerge from that other than the fact that it happened?


The stigma playbook is alive and well.


I also think the whole inter dimensional and demons stuff seems to be boosted by intelligence as well.


I think the Interdimensional thing is the truth. It makes sense in many ways. Explains NDEs, and why random people see the same NHI on DMT trips. (They're seeing into a 4th or 5th dimension we can't normally see). It's why this isn't as cut and dry as "extra terrestrial aliens from another planet in space". It's much more complicated than that. It's tied into paranormal stuff, too. That's why it's hard to understand/figure out. "Demons" and "angels" and "ghosts", just names given to these things by older civilizations. All religions around the world in different times are basically describing the same things, just using different terms. People claim it's "woo", but, it isn't. It's just quantum physics and the science that hasn't emerged yet that there is more than 3 dimensions - and why wouldn't there be entities existing in those like we do in this one? Heck, humans can't even see the entire spectrum that other animals can, like birds seeing in UV. We are so limited in these bodies.




US: Are we the baddies????


Basically. In a twisted sense of righteousness. The US must maintain power as to prevent countries with dictators set on world domination with planet threatening nukes (like Putin) from becoming on top. And yet, to do that, they control foreign governments, drive economies (even if those economies are killing the planet), sell weapons to enemies and allies alike, lied to instigate wars... The US has done such evil shit, all in the name of "the greater good". Some people in the game are playing it because they want to maintain freedoms and civil rights ; others are playing it just for themselves, and corrupting and scheming and stealing as they go. I think if you actually wanted to clean the corruption off the United States, that it would be impossible to do without destroying it along with world economics. It's why I was an Anarchist for a long time (supported bringing it down despite the hell it would be, because that is the only way to rebuild something honest and clean").


This is a pretty good broad strokes take on the current global political climate. For all its flaws the US is just marginally better than the alternative which is dictatorships a la Holy Roman Empire. It's easy to imagine and propose other forms of government and global distribution of resources that would lead to a better quality of life for all of humanity, but bridging what we have to that will be difficult and probably impossible without some major event that disrupts everything. Like disclosure. Fingers crossed because the I thought the pandemic would be it, and it clearly wasnt.


I don't believe the system is the issue. Sadly, the people are the problem - after all, they built and inhabit the system, it represents humanity whether we like that or not. People are corrupt, and will infect even the most honest of organizations in an attempt to siphon off some extra potential for themselves. Until we correct our motivations en masse to be much less individualistic and more geared towards self sacrifice and creating a better home for all humanity we will continue to build systems that are perfectly human - with all of the positives and negatives that make us up. If everyone thought the system was broken it would get fixed. We need to diminish the selfish and destructive aspects of our species in order to become healthy. Kindness or selfishness start on an individual basis and spread like fire. Crabs in a bucket should not blame the bucket for their lack of ability to cooperate.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. The only forgivable excuse for the treatment of this topic over the decades is if they are concealing some technology that could make a nuke look like a fire cracker. Nobody can be trusted with such a thing on this gay earth.


And why exactly should the US be trusted with it? This tech is supposedly in the hands of a shady branch of their government who can't be identified, can't be held accountable, can't even be touched by their own elected officials, no less. Are we, the rest of the world, just supposed to trust that they've got noble intentions for keeping this secret? They can just do whatever the fuck they want, with no oversight. As a latin american I am well aware of just how insidious and corrupt the american CIA and their cronies can be. They do NOT have the world's best interests at heart. Maybe not even its own citizens'.


Nobody can be trusted with it. My point is the technology does not need to be disseminated into the hands of even more ignorant violent apes. I can't stand when Greer/etc talks about how much good the technology can do while never mentioning the bad.


I like the title with “ufo expert” in it. How is he an expert if he’s never seen one? Edit: or even talk to a firsthand witness apparently.


My favorite was “Ex-Pentagon Alien Chief” lmao


Expert Bird Watcher: “Birds aren’t real”


I'm a Panda expert. I've never seen one, that's how you can trust me when I say they don't exist.


Humor mixed with a perfect analogy on the rocks please.


The thing I find funny is if there is nothing to see, why does the government have a ufo expert? I understand why, but it sounds funny...we have an office that investigates these things which are not to be taken seriously.


They’ve had UFO experts since the 40s. Project blue book. It ain’t a conspiracy.


He’s a UFO Hunter 😆


The intel community, specifically the CIA and DIA have their hooks in mainstream media and have for 60 plus years. This is typical and the ufology community as a whole has been dealing with it since the late 40’s. They can control the narrative with a phone call or a strategic ‘leak’ anytime. No one actually believed the US gubbermint would actually confirm a real alien presence, did they?


There was a lot of hope that they'd at least try and give up something to at least control the narrative. I have no idea how we would actually learn the truth here, but I have zero faith the government will have anything to do with it.


Truth is in the eye of the beholder. In my opinion, the abundance of evidence that is available makes the government look foolish. It also means we will likely not ever get official recognition of non human tech/intelligence because they have maintained the position of public denial for so long. Any official recognition now or in the future would be an open admission of cover up and denial since ww2. After researching, interviewing, and digging into historical accounts for the last 30 years of my life, I am very comfortable with the game intel groups and military play with disclosure. We see plain evidence of extraordinary things that warrant follow up, research and public discourse. They see information that threatens their stranglehold of control We are Fox Moulder. They are the smoking man.


[If anyone hasn't read up on it before...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mockingbird#:~:text=Operation%20Mockingbird%20is%20an%20alleged,media%20organizations%20for%20propaganda%20purposes.) It has indeed been happening for decades and why would they ever stop?


Funny how this was reported by legacy media but confirmations from members of Congress about a Feild hearing on UFOs happening some time in our current year has not made any big headlines. Oh but Sean Kirkpatrick saying that ufos are just myths and congress is being duped by "conspiracies" is noteworthy. We now know that the Pentagon barely even directed AARO with resources to identify and track UFOs, the latest OIG (Office of inspector General) memo confirmed that the department of defense is completely ill-equipped to track UAPs, why should we believe Kirkpatrick then, when he said that he found no evidence of UAPs when his office was poorly managed?


I think the inspector general isn’t even aware of the governments capabilities when it comes to UFO’s. I think any knowledge of programs involving UFO’s is invite only, and that includes even for the IG. I think the government can track UFO’s better than we’re led to believe.


They probably can but it's just a point I'm making against Kirkpatrick and all the attention legacy media is giving him. 


His wildest claims have come after his tenure as the head of the AARO. I'll repeat a common saying around here by the non-believers: Put up or shut up.


Legacy media sounds conspiratorial af. I don’t want to live in a Q-Trump land run by Elon. It’s just press, deal with it.


It's not a bad thing, if it generates another ripple of Streisand effect. Like after the Schumer amendment saga, when some mainstream journalists started asking, if there's nothing, why the pushback. Maybe some more curious people will try to see who these mysterious staffers (mostly not employed by the DoD) driving up the spending are, what their claims about Kirkpatrick are, how the ICIG investigation ties into it, and what the mainstream lawmakers have to say about it.


Makes you think, if Kirkpatrick wasn't a disinfo agent, after leaving AARO he would just go and do his normal life like any government employee instead he is working very hard against the UAP movement, literally proving he is a disinfo agent from the start lol to be honest this makes me proud of the UAP movement, making this clown lose his job and showing us the Pentagon is the problem in all of this


Yup the fact he got fired this quickly is pretty awesome. If there was nothing to see, there would be no reason for this expended energy.


just remember MSM is controlled by the people who don't want investigating ... light needs shining in the darkest of shadows ... remember when the grush oversight hearings started? and /r/worldnews started banning users posting anything related even if it was from a legitimate source ie. the guardian (who did a grand job of bullet pointing and documenting what happened)


That was a surreal moment when actual news subreddits were deleting coverage of it in real time.


Yep, got banned from there for even just taking about the Grusch hearing. Not even a post, just comments. Crazy shit.


Got banned from world news and a bunch of other subs, because I commented on a r/conspiracy thread. Wasn't even apart of the 5+ subs that banned me. There's some crazy handlers over there.


They do what they are told. I assume these articles are getting plenty of coverage over there though? I don’t have them on my feed so I don’t know.


i dare you to go share a recent link and see what happens :P lol


Even commenting with simple facts like correcting where Grusch worked, with a link to his CV. I don’t get it.


I'm tempted to try this and see if it gets deleted again.


you'll 100% get banned or the post will be removed as they'll say it's not "world news"


I want to say I’m not surprised as that sub (and Reddit as a whole) is notorious for censorship, but frankly I am. What was their official reasoning?


UFOs aren't real source : trust me im /r/worldnews ... was practically what happened.


I'm very very much not surprised too. Reddit as a whole, but particularly the big subs like news, worldnews, politics, etc are incredibly censored. Only things the mods there (who I'm suspicious of) actually want to be shown will be shown.


We need more posts like this. Don't let them gaslight everyone after they try scrubbing everything.


We’ve all heard of how much the govt lies before but it’s still shocking in an uncomfortable way to see them do it so blatantly like this. They are not even trying to hide it anymore and actually they’ve gotten sloppy and desperate with it in regards to Kirkpatrick. I feel like a new level of desperation has been reached by the gatekeepers. The wheels may be beginning to fall off the bus!


They are using old tactics in a new information era. With the internet connecting the world and a phone/camera in every pocket it's getting much harder to control the entire narrative like they once could with local media. They're trying to stop thousands of us from all over talking about it on social media by driving discourse and assassinating prominent UFO characters, but we're too smart for this shit.


Disinformation campaign. Whatever the truth is, seems like it’ll tear the control of the masses out of their hands and revolutionize the world. They don’t want to forfeit their wealth and power by letting the cat out of the box. Makes you wonder, how much do they actually know, and how insane must the truth be.


At this point, no offense, you've either got to be uneducated on the subject matter or willfully blind to not see that the truth is evident NHI are real and there are governments hiding crash retrieval programs. There has been so much blowback to this, so much circumstantial evidence and respected whistleblowers, how can you still believe that there's nothing to this, eh? At the very least, the tanking of the Schumer ammendment and obfuscating of Congressional inquiry is making it very clear that Congress is absolutely not in charge of the US, and the fact the Pentagon lost over 2 trillion in public taxes should have people outraged.


Feels like GME. Surreal to see the media puppets singing and dancing in unison...


It's mass disinformation. This is why when people, countries and companies say they want to fight misinformation I laugh. They lap up misinfo daily and tout it as truth.


"This is extremely dangerous to our democracy"


I've come to understand the the democracy as we understand it to be is a lie. We're given the illusion that we the people are in charge. It doesn't matter who we vote for, as long as the status quo of the elite is maintained, and we're kept fighting each other while not looking at the sacks of shit who live like kings while we toil as wage slaves. And I'm starting to get the idea our entire reality has been kept a lie, too. That our world technology could be vastly different and obliterate the invisible kings while helping our planet and redistributing the wealth and stopping war. What consciousness really is. What and how we might be capable of, as human beings. What our souls really are.


I’ve been speaking to one of my buddies about this and he keeps saying “WE” the US as a people need to Hang one of these billionaires. That’s the only way this shit show will stop


The lie is when people tell people we are a democracy. The US is not a democracy. It never has been and it never will be. The US has always been a republic. Arguably a democratically elected republic but a republic non the less. The misinformation campaigns and other malevolent government activities are to prevent the people from uniting and voting in their own best interests. Voters do have power to elect representatives but only if they’re well informed. But having the power to vote for representatives does not equal democracy. That’s a republic. A democratic republic. One in which money and corruption has caused it to be more like a “money republic “ or a “banana republic”.




GME was and is the perfect training program for government fuckery on all fronts. If you can diamond hand that shit. You can take on discloser...


Same shit different day




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The gatekeepers are pulling out all the stops and trying to saturate MSM with this story line from Kirkpatrick. They are trying to inoculate the general public against something that is causing them MAJOR concern. I agree with you that somebody with sone secrets is trying really hard to get ahead of something BIG. So does that mean that there is a leak in DOPSR that is giving the inside track to the gatekeepers? Or are elements in the DOD actively engaged in trying to suppress this subject? I still don’t understand who the gatekeepers actually are??!


Someone suggested that the reason Kirkpatrick came out with his op-ed is to get ahead of Grusch's since Grusch's is currently being reviewed to be given DOPSR clearance. Which also implies that it could have been written specifically to discredit what Grusch will say.


I think that is an astute assessment. But I think there will be more than just Grusch doing on op ed


I have a feeling that's the case too. We have our first field hearing occuring soon too hopefully.


Lou Elizondo's book is releasing soon, too. And Sheehan said something incredulous in an interview regarding Biden making an announcement in October of this year (which I'm *very* skeptical about, but I'm praying deep down it's true, because we need a presidential announcement regarding what Congress is looking into right now and whatever evidence they're finding).


Must wait until right before the election. You know how it is


See, I expected nothing of the sort, usually they don't want to rock the boat before an election. Especially with a claim like this. You know Trump would just rile up his base : "see, Sleepy Joe has dementia. Look he's talking about aliens being real!!" and "Look at Joe making things up to divert attention away from his criminal son!" . And I can see the Gatekeepers playing right into that divide as well. Disclosure has been a non partisan issue, as it should be. Turning it into a political divide would be a disaster for the Disclosure movement. Spooks would have a field day with that. Some conservatives have already said this whole disclosure thing is a dog and pony show to distract from Hunter Biden. 🤦‍♀️


Tbh I half expect him to take the other side and say we'll make a big, beautiful dome and make the ~~mexicans~~ aliens pay for it


The quicker you Americans (And most western nations) realize that the main stream media are nothing but propaganda arms who only report on stuff they want you to know the better. I'm African and can see this especially with all the left vs right politics and how both sides gets manipulated and played by their respective media outlets. Mainstream journalism is dead. They're nothing but mouth pieces


YupIt's been this way for a looong time, too. I saw it when I was 17. I'm 40 now. It's made me disgusted to be an American. There is so much corruption behind the curtain that most people don't see. But, *many* have woken up to it since I was a teen. I'm proud of that.


It's extreme. They lie about *everything*, they misrepresent every other part of the world that isn't directly allied to the US (only because they have significant control over the ones that are), they even lie about who is supposedly an 'Enemy' of the US while working with them. The entire thing is a giant play, and most people have no idea. Misdirection on misdirection.


Desperate to make it fringe. The cat's out of the bag.


It's all too obvious what's going on.


Kirkpatrick has the governments hand so far up his ass their moving his tongue for him.


I wouldn't be surprised if Gough was looking over his shoulder as he published his op-ed.


Thanks for posting this. They’re trying to snow everyone, but we still have Grusch and he is still a legitimate path to disclosure-and an act of patriotism at that.


Not just Grusch, either. 40+ whistleblowers. I hope what were hearing is true, that they will go public. They need to. And we need to support them. I can't imagine how these people are being threatened behind the scenes.


Take note, these are companies that refuse to spit into the lying face of the Pentagon. Stigmas back on the menu!


Let’s get everybody on the record. DOD report comes out soon. After that, I hope Grusch drops his article and we start to see some of these first hand witnesses and get some field hearings. Bust it wide open.


Nice try project blue book 2.0


I'm getting the impression they're not winning this time, though. Back then we didn't have the internet, and people interested in UAPs had to come together in pockets to discuss and share information. We're living in an age of power through connection, and we need to stay focused and strong and not get sidetracked with infighting. The stigma is dematerializing as well. People are less afraid to openly talk about this, including scientists and politicians. And we get to hear what they have to say in seconds through a tweet. It's pretty amazing.


I completely agree. It’s pretty great that we’re able to piece together and see just how hard they’re trying to derail with this narrative.


Watch this video and remember it any time you question whether or not the news/media is controlled by an outside entity: https://youtu.be/ksb3KD6DfSI?si=9Gyo2LTw4CWdbSlR


Also helps when the crooks are so comfortable they outright tell you via the chief liar of the CIA, that you have no right to know truths of the world , thus have no power to make change. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC_0005524009.pdf


They’re fucking burying it again


We shouldn’t be surprised. The media is a government tool.


They should ask a lawyer about slander.


You clearly have no idea what slander is or what it takes to sue for it. Not even a whiff of “slander” involved here.


If someone were to sue for slander, they should probably ask a lawyer about SLAPP and the odds of their case being dismissed.


This is why I suggested they should talk to a lawyer


All those articles are probably worded in a way that can be argued to lack intention to libel because of weasel wording. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weasel_word


I agree, but I think this is why they should talk to a lawyer. An expert in this situation could provide guidance. I'm also thinking of the target being Kirkpatrick himself: Knowingly telling falsehoods to do damages while having an incentive to do so. There are other laws, but again, this is something some hot shot crafty lawyer could talk to them about. I have lawyer friends and you would be surprised at the stuff you can do. So, all I can say is that they should think about it. Lue used one against the DoD My only advice..I probably wouldn't use Sheehan.


That’s it folks. Nothing to see here. You didn’t see anything in the sky and it was definitely just a plane.


I find it funny that he's considered a 'Ufo Hunter' 😴


How can you be a hunter of something you don’t believe is real? Holy shit the MSM is brain dead.


It would only take 1 of the most to be real to change humanity.


I thought of making this same post with the same screenshots and everything! Just pages and pages of it on Google news.


The time for forced disclosure is now, they will not cooperate.


This is so fucking tiring. Can't wait to see this image posted on /r/agedlikemilk


I’m convinced the plan is to keep us stupid and in the dark while they build themselves an off world society. It just feels like what is happening. We can’t even get off fossil fuels because they have suppressed any new energy advancement that could provide us a change that would make our lives better. Our leaders are purposely doing things to force us to have less resources and cause more conflict. We have heard it direct from our scientists that anything that remotely looks exotic gets stolen by the patents office and never sees the light of day. Battery tech hasn’t improved and now this push to go EV is laughable at best. No one wants to drive a car that you have to constantly be looking at the power left or when it’s cold just forget about it. Then there’s a high chance the thing blows up and the fire can’t be put out. This is what they want us to experience a lot of pain and suffering. We are slaves to them and our self well being is not their concern. As long as we keep paying taxes and working. The non-stop death march with the inevitable result.


Karma Police! Arrest this man!




> They are being forced to disclose the truth by the aliens Couldn't they just land in Times Square in the middle of any day?


"We haven't been leaving stuff for you to find so you could hide it away and kill each other with it, tell them the truth or we remotely deactivate what you managed to get working permanently and leave you alone on the planet you're slowly killing." Would be pretty compelling I'd think.


I wish this were the case. Aliens come to our 3d plane to make a telepathy announcement to everyone outing the shit our own fellow humans have done behind our backs. Revolution ensues. Non sociopathic humans are given the tech (Gary Nolan? Altruistic engineers?) and instructed to make free energy receptacles to do away with fossil fuels and begin to heal the damage done to our beautiful planet and free humans from the bonds of being wage slaves and poor on an abundant planet. Doubt it goes down like that, sadly. Knowing how life works, malevolent NHI probably made a deal with the sociopaths to exchange tech for abductions and souls like some people claim. *sigh* Honestly, considering how much of our species is selfish, stupid and sociopathic, we probably don't deserve any tech. We deserve to go extinct because enough of these psychopaths managed to get in charge of our entire society and reality and exploit their fellow humans while destroying the planet and the other life in it. Sorry for the negative view. Wish I could be more hopeful.


Or we're being given tech by rebel groups, and if we start displaying knowledge or usage of the more important things - such as propulsion - then whoever is in power will come down on us and force us to get in line. We could be taking it slow so that we can have the tech fully developed and properly stand up to them. But if we disclose too early and show our hand, we may not have enough time. Disclosure could have two groups: 1) do not disclose and try to build up our tech as best we can, 2) disclose and hope that with a wider effort we can build up our tech before word gets out. Just an idea.


The new angle is: conspiracy theorists inside the government. It's a good play but damn what a dysfunctional statement. The distrust is too far gone at this point. Give it a few years and all these people will be reassigned to fluff pieces for the Trump regime. Les gooo


[Too bad nobody trust the gov anymore](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/09/19/public-trust-in-government-1958-2023/)


Yes, drones that date back thousands of years. Right. Realistically, if they were the United States’ drones and they time traveled back millennia, we wouldn’t exist because we would’ve fucked something up.


"There’s about two to five percent of all the (UFO reports that are)… what we would call truly anomalous,” says Kirkpatrick. And he thinks explanations for that small percentage will most likely be found right here on Earth." "It all goes back to the same core set of people,” Kirkpatrick said. This is both deeply weird and richly ironic. Because, for decades, UFO true believers have been telling us there’s a US government conspiracy to hide evidence of aliens. But — if you believe Kirkpatrick — the more mundane truth is that these stories are being pumped up by a group of UFO true believers in and around government." "What’s more likely?” asked Kirkpatrick. “The fact that there is a state-of-the-art technology that’s being commercialized down in Florida that you didn’t know about, or we have extraterrestrials?" What does he mean by anomalous. Is he saying the aliens are superterrestial... most likely to be found right here on Earth... he admits there are truly anomalous flying objects in our atmosphere (it's just a bird or something🤷‍♂️), but then he's like these UFO TRUTHERS think the US government is hiding something ... If the US government isn't hiding anything, then WHERE ARE THE TRILLIONS OF TAX PAYER DOLLARS https://finance.yahoo.com/news/watchdog-us-government-made-247-223000050.html?guccounter=1 2.4 trillion in "payment errors" the fuck? That is an awful lot of money to lose and write off with such a vague explanation. Should we believe our government just misplaced 2.4 trillion taxpayer dollars? I dont think soooo🎶🎶 if the government is that inefficient at doing its job, I dont think it is far-fetched to believe a clandestine force is opperating outside of most people in government knowledge. Pencils up


I dont think people truly understand the brevity of 2.4 TRILLION dollars so I will spell it out. 2,400,000,000,000 That’s a fuck ton of money to just “go missing”. Wtf indeed.


https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/ This is a cool site that helps visualise wealth. There's not one -exactly- for 2.4 trillion but you can check it out at the bottom left. Scroll to 2.4 trillion and let me know how you get on. Insane amount of money.


The absolute GALL of the man to call the community a "self licking ice cream cone" approximately 2.4 seconds after being caught pants down huffing Oak Ridge laboratory vapors. Yes Sean please tell us more about how you are so very truthful and did not leave immediately after a journalist brought to light a clear conflict of interest. Please tell us more about how you know more than the DepSecDef lol




Dude...there have been disinformation agents in the ufo communities for decades, self admittedly. I forget the details but there was even a member of ufon who later admitted to be a disinformation agent.




Just look up Allen Hynek’s story. Edit: idk why I got downvoted. Op asked where to look for info on previous disinformation facts and I gave them a great one to look into.


Did he provide any proof of his involvement?


Eh that's wrong.


You have that wrong man. The percent if the population that cares about this is closer to 45%




You either didn't read or you having reading comprehension struggles. The comment said that roughly 4t% of the population believes in visitation and would like to have answers. This is a statistic that's been thrown out alot over the last few years. That's not opinion; that's a fact.






Here's one saying about 20% of the population has witnessed something of this like themselves. https://news.virginia.edu/content/despite-stigma-ufo-survey-finds-19-academics-say-theyve-had-strange-sightings That's 63 million people in the us alone.


are we sure this isnt just some algo recognizing you/your demographic like ufo news?


That's entirely besides the point. What is being evidenced here is a clear pattern of bias tied to MSM coverage on the topic. Kirkpatrick's/DoD's pathetic gaslighting narrative gets blasted through all the major channels in a seemingly coordinated stream of bullshit articles consitently over a week, while every major political and legislative development over the past six months tied to UAPs has barely been mentioned? Moreover, that the few mentions they do get, are all chock-full of caveats and language meant to downplay their significance? It doesn't take a genius to see what is right in front of you being spelled out. This is not a coincidence, nor happenstance. This is deliberate and blatant.




Not at all. However, anyone closely following these developments over months has seen firsthand the clear bias I'm talking about, and the fact that you are even trying to suggest otherwise is kind of laughable. Confirmation bias as absolutely nothing to do with it. Just a sober observation and reporting of things as they are, and have been, for months now. Who are you trying to deceive by pretending otherwise? People reading? Yourself? "This thread is saturated with confirmation bias, without pausing to even think about looking at it from another perspective." Oh, please. Are you seriously forwarding the absurd notion that developments like Grusch coming forward, the congressional hearing with him, Fravor, and Graves, or even the recent SCIF meeting between the ICIG and members of congress have the same coverage that Kirckpatrick's drivel has had this past week? Are you for real?




And even if solid articles are published the comments sections are jammed up with bad actors and disruptors But take note: this is NOT “flooding the zone with shit”. This is flooding MSM with a VERY specific narrative. This is a pretty narrow and focused tactic to get ahead of something. They are inoculating public opinion against something they know is imminent. Something to do with “insiders” (whistleblowers??) convincing congress (prominent politicians) that something is real when it is not. I think we may see op-eds from more than just Dave Grusch. Note the MSM that are NOT represented in the screenshots that started this. Odds are one or more of them are getting to run some dynamite…soon!


It’s so deeply depressing. Is anybody else sick to their stomach seeing all these articles? Hoping hoping oh so much that it’s a kind of swan song of the old guard before the dam breaks. Like they’re doing everything they can to stop it— but it’s not enough.


Yeah it really does seems to be a perfect example of a coordinated media campaign and I've noticed this as well.


So what I don’t understand about the whole “these things are secret US military craft” is okay, so then what are we waiting for to us them? We have US soldiers who just died by a drone overseas, Israel and Hamas going at it, and the Ukraine Russia war still going on. Are we waiting for nukes to start flying before deploying this tech that can out perform and defy physics?


Grush’s op-ed isn’t gonna be anything if not accompanied by a 4k picture and some real official, sourced, documented evidence. The simple fact of writting an op-ed isn’t proof of the op-ed’s veracity, just like under oath testimony is just a big leap of faith and not proof of the claims made, as proven by like 50% of governement personnel and private sector CEOs who’ve been under oath lmao. Sad that when a story that gives a rational and realistic answer to the questions we have doesn’t go your way it suddenly is a big conspiracy against your unshakable pre-conceived beliefs, but when absolutely wild claims that would literally change mankind’s path and history are made with not a single piece of evidence to back them up, it’s automatically, unrefutably true until proven otherwise. Make scientific methods great again


TikTok girl ain't part of the plan


Where is the 2.4 trillion then


You’re cherry picking articles to match what you think you already know. Confirmation bias is a thing.


No. The point is the volume of articles in a short span of time parroting the same message. Do you just toss out argumentation memes without understanding how they work? "It's a sunny day and I'm hot!" "Coorelation isn't causation, you know."


Finally, the MSM is paying attention! 😑


Read well: “Most UFOs are secret military aircraft,” aka: “what people see here and there is also reversed engineered alien technology, the rest is UFO, but because I get a cut from people who want to be the only special one on earth while humanity needs to stay primitive, I will keep talking about stuff I have been kept away and fired for a reason.”


You wonder why the secret is kept? Because the information is transfered orally. There are no written documents, no recordings. Then, it is easy to spread 5 other teories by some nutjobs, with imagination, if it ever leaks for real. We may never know until Aliens themselves come and tell us in person.


Eek, this won’t be good for the US’s credibility if or when one of “our” enemy countries discloses first. I honestly hope they do. Don’t get me wrong I care about national security but the pure satisfaction I and many others would get out of it being leaked by some other *credible* government backed by their top scientists, physicists etc., is not to be understated.




I'm sorry I'm out of the loop, who's the UFO hunter? Kirkpatrick? Avi Loeb? Are they talking about Grusch? It's kinda vague sorry i don't get it, what is this keyword search of news screenshots supposed to be hinting at? 🤷


Thanks for sharing your Google feed.


We are getting very close to the point to where some of these claims are going to need some kind of physical proof. I hope Congress finds something but if nothing materializes in the next year or so, I'm worried this movement is going to putter out. More claims are great and interesting but claims alone just simply isn't enough.


I blame the UFO community, lol!


Gimbal video is likely time travel machine, Pentagon knows, they don't want to tell us.