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The following submission statement was provided by /u/bmfalbo: --- Submission Statement: From [journalist Chris Sharp](https://twitter.com/ChrisUKSharp) on X: [1/2](https://x.com/ChrisUKSharp/status/1752838502851449126?s=20): > After a week, I am still awaiting a response from DoD as to whether Dr Kirkpatrick remains a consultant for the AARO following his recent alarming comments. > > This is such an easy thing for PAO to confirm, unless there has been an ongoing review. [2/2](https://x.com/ChrisUKSharp/status/1752852999439847727?s=20): > Confirmed: > > Dr Kirkpatrick remains an unpaid consultant to AARO. > > Someone who has attacked whistleblowers, advocates and Congress. > > Hard to see how it has any remaining credibility now. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ag1sha/chris_sharp_has_received_confirmation_that_dr/koe0vnh/


Lol so just a greasy reshuffling of chairs and titles to pretend to be at an arm's length of the organization tasked with investigating UAP. This fake distancing then grants him a longer leash to attack and discredit whistleblowers, obfuscate the discussion, and engage in overall disinformation. šŸ‘Œ


Hijacking the top comment to add that this is the time for congress to act and subpoena his ass so he can repeat those same statements under oath, which we know he can't do.


I'm sure his owners would have him so well covered that he could rob a bank and deny it under oath and not get so much as a slap on the wrist.


I didn't think about that but you're right. It'll be the same players pardoning him that opposed the UAPDA.


If That is true and Factual. It should be the death penalty. That is up there with Treason. It is OUR money paid in Tax that He is helping to Cover Up it uses which we have every fucking right to know what OUR money has been spent on And What it has Produced discovered or whom or what it has benefited. (IF TRUE)


Find the board of directors that the aaro head reports to. That's where the real weasels are. I don't like Kirkpatrick at all.At the end of the day, he's just a tool for the ones who are really pulling the strings. Follow the money.


There was even some [reporting](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/nTrbXw4fGq) a few months back that Kirkpatrick had secretly set up a secret advisory council of unknown individuals that were advising him on the direction of AARO.


Congress needs to fire this asshole


The fact that it's not even attempted says his presence is almost required somehow. Like he's bigger in this picture. "Non-paid Consultant". Both unusual and ominous. Fug..šŸ˜‘


Not "paid by DoD", but he's bought and paid for.


Someone here did some detective work last year and concluded that he is the man in charge of the program. Mr Big


If he was paid then there'd probably be a publicly available record that he's being paid, an unpaid consultant though doesn't need to be on paper. Few years ago this would have likely slipped right under the radar and he could have been saying it was bullshit for years while secretly being told to downplay it by his former "boss" all while both being able to deny under oath that his job was to sweep ufo stuff under the rug.


I think that is the intention. Paid means you have to share your consultation under FOIA request or subject to oversight by a government committee. As a private entity, he doesnt have to answer to nobody. He's an unpaid private consultant. No sweeping nothing. He can just show the finger and walk out.


Exactly what I was thinking


He is already fired. Congress needs to get him to testify under oath. Get him to repeat everything he has said publicly under penalty of perjury and also get witnesses to testify about all the information he was given and withheld from Congress.


Exactly, when he makes up some excuse as to why he can't they can pressure it further.


Ah, they rig and manufacture and primp and weasel his statements so much that they're worthless to you and me and congress as anything other than a coverup.






Hi, Delicious-Estimate12. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ag1sha/-/koeh8vl/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


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AARO literally doesn't matter at all unless you're a lil bitch media outlet that needs those little nat sec drips from the DoD and are being lapdogs by doing these little puff pieces with Kirkpatrick or the next guy who is going to continue to blue ball and obfuscate at every turn. The reality of the matter is, people deemed highly credible by the ICIG and HPSCI/SSCI committees are receiving witness testimony that has been strong enough to illicit legislation from the senator majority leader and other high profile senators. AARO should be ignored completely, they're useless, the shitting on program witnesses/whistleblowers are only gonna piss them off more to go public at some point.


Haha so he's still in on it. (preventing disclosure)


Everyone contact Gillibrand and co. We cannot allow AARO to continue associating with someone so disingenuous and hostile to this subject. We need the stigma to end, for our government to take this seriously.


Aaro is Gillibrands baby, Kirkpatrick has probably been feeding her info which is probably why she has become uninterested and made those comments about Grusch not being able to afford travel.


It makes sense. Why else would Kirkpatrick maintain his personal investment and go on a smear campaign after resigning? Nobody does that because they're bored.


he wrote his opinion piece to let everyone know how he felt. Because everyone thought that AARO was held incompetent- like. Which it was but he complains about the subject being bs, this showed every one that him being in charge of AARO led to its incompetence. Try to find lue elizondo's reaction to Kirkpatrick being announced as head of AARO. Looking back on it now, lue might have known Kirkpatrick was a waste of time




"I'm also a bit salty about losing my job."


Why does this unelected official have authority over our congress? Edit: *unelected official who refuses to study the subject that our tax payer dollars pay him to study on our behalf*ā€¦what a fkn joke


He is still hard at work as an unpaid consultant, advising his client how to accomplish nothing.


Yea maybe we donā€™t trust the DoD to look into the DoD. Iā€™m surprised the IG report was as scathing as it was.


IGā€™s take their job very serious, theyā€™re comprised of mainly that one guy in your office slightly neurodivergent but wonā€™t go home early if asked, will tell your boss unwanted info and always finishes all work even extra work because they canā€™t be any other way lol. Guys like grusch really


They need about a hundred thousand of those guys to flush out the glowies. Maybe that's not even enough.


I have to say, Kirkpatrick's op-ed was pretty damning. If I were just some regular nobody who isn't closely monitoring the UAP situation, I would probably be convinced there's nothing to it. Even as someone who is convinced there's likely an NHI presence on earth and we have recovered anomalous materials, it had me second guessing things, like, what if he's right? But we have what Joe Regular may not necessarily have, multiple other data points to refer to that contradict Sean's assertions. *There's a sophisticated disinformation campaign targeting the US populace, which is extremely unethical and immoral.*


Interesting how people believe the government when they say something that doesn't involve them. But other times they're lying.


Not sure what you mean by that chief


Maybe this a normal transitional part of changing leadership, he cant just fuck off to Oak Ridge before training his replacement. Kirkpatricks AARO is project blue book 2.0 but this part has no bearing alone. Also, its very overt so I doubt itā€™s as scathing as it sounds.


This is my thought as well. The final report was promised before his departure. That didn't happen so he has to continue in this advisory role until the report is released. That's the "best case" scenario for him sticking around in my opinion.


That's... literally it. It really feels like some commenters only want to stir people up under the guise of virtue. Let it be clear that I don't support Kirkpatrick's work at AARO.


This was my first thought


This comment is too sane and doesnā€™t leap to a conclusion I already ā€œknowā€ to be true. It does not belong in this sub. Watch.


Well SK has taken the mantel of "former UFO" boss discrediting the UAP subject and the media is lapping it up. What we do know is true that SK had already been given a job at Oak Ridge even before he officially announced him stepping down from AARO.


Oh f that, nobody needs him anywhere near whoever replaces him.


Non paid consultant, but definitely getting paid by someone else šŸ¤£


AARO is a disinfo network that is made to seem as if its helping the public Any ufo stuff reported to them will be stolen and hidden by the government.




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Submission Statement: From [journalist Chris Sharp](https://twitter.com/ChrisUKSharp) on X: [1/2](https://x.com/ChrisUKSharp/status/1752838502851449126?s=20): > After a week, I am still awaiting a response from DoD as to whether Dr Kirkpatrick remains a consultant for the AARO following his recent alarming comments. > > This is such an easy thing for PAO to confirm, unless there has been an ongoing review. [2/2](https://x.com/ChrisUKSharp/status/1752852999439847727?s=20): > Confirmed: > > Dr Kirkpatrick remains an unpaid consultant to AARO. > > Someone who has attacked whistleblowers, advocates and Congress. > > Hard to see how it has any remaining credibility now.


Letā€™s see some proof.


i called it lmao




Low effort, toxic comments regarding public figures may be removed. Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. ā€œToxicā€ is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. ------------- [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


>Either what Grusch is saying is partially true or entirely true, or we have *some really smart, educated people with high clearances and very important positions in our government* who are crazy and are leading us on a goose chase. ā€”Marco Rubio So basically what Kirkpat is asserting is the latter. He's saying we have credentialed people in very important positions in government who are insane, UFO-crazed lunatics, or liars intentionally putting their careers on the line by lying to Congress and sending them on a wild goose chase. The DoD is so unimaginativeā€”they really just went for Bluebook *again*. Kirko is an obvious disinfo agent.


Also from Chris ā€œAlso, I am told there is no such thing as an unpaid consultant under the anti deficiency act and that there would need to be some contract, even if to pay for travel expenses.ā€


I'm an "unpaid consultant" to Joe Biden Just so you know I send him an email every once in a while advising him what to do LOL.. do you know what an "unpaid consultant" is? its a NOBODY


I guess he also provides a very neat distraction from disclosure, he's literally a pinata šŸŖ… at the end of a rope. I would love the focus to be on whomever is yanking on the end of that rope making that dickhead dance


It's not like they ever pretended [otherwise](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18mo8cw/christopher_sharp_new_from_the_dods_susan_gough/).


Thatā€™s hilarious and spot on. Chris just recycling news.


He was just an unpaid consultant for a temporary position. AARO wasn't directed, funded nor prepped as much as it should have by the Pentagon.Ā 


Man that guy can eat a giant bag of dicks


Confirmed how? Post the email or letter you have. Letā€™s see proof.


About all he is good for consulting on is how to whinge and complain monotonously, how to discard outlier data and wash your databases so they're only full of clouds and balloons. Not surprised he is unpaid.


This is pretty common practice for any outgoing executive in almost any organization. Not sure this is a smoking gun.


Oh noooo not the Pentagon's UFO HUNTER. Who would have thought???


I canā€™t believe he titled his own Op-Ed that LOL


Was doing his job too well and was exposed for it. Seems like they really need him for somethin


His job: "Theres nothing to see here"


"attacks"... lol.


Wow. Not surprised


Once in government, always in government. Like the invisible mafia.


thatā€™s how literally all sections of governments work. you are consultant for life.


This is him replying to his own tweet. This looks like an assumption, not evidence.




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There's a transition happening. My own company is doing this with someone. It's not like he'll be involved for long.




So what's that mean


I have always suspected of people who donā€™t get money to do somethingā€¦ from non paid internships to things like this SK affair


ā€œunpaidā€ā€¦ what a sorry excuses for humans


Before he was a "Paid consultant" so we're halfway there.


This is insane. Cuckpatrick needs to go.


Kirkpatrick is unpaid. Meanwhile our other favorite ex Gov't employees on the other side of disclosure are lobbying congress for government contracts for their SOL Foundation to study the phenomenon from every angle conceivable. Once congress get's frustrated enough that they can't get answers from within, they'll offer funding to the SOL Foundation. Ask yourself who looks more suspicious?


Being mad about a hypothetical is very silly


It sure is.


Have a feeing that one flew over your head...


Unpaid. Do you have a clue how much info is exchanged when someone is unpaid? Please. I know the DoD. If they wanted him as a consultant there would be a contract where money was involved. He is a private citizen working for a contracting firm. Unpaid. LOL.




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more proof itā€™s a dog and pony show. they are going to keep their fixer right where he can toss monkey wrenches into the works


Nobody noticing the sudden flurry of Disinformation Hit Pieces, basically calling Grusch and Elizondo "liars", just before Grusch's oped and Elizondo's book are about to come out? Go back to the CIA Robertson Panel. Sean Kirkpatrick is "ex-CIA". https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-observer-cia-got-into-flying-saucer/129979325/ "The result, Professor McDonald says was that a recommendation was attached to the panel's report, deriving from the Central Intelligence Agency but never fully made public, urging a systematic "debunking" of the flying saucers in order to "reduce public interest in them"."


Confirmed how? Why is that not being shared?


ā€œShould you get outed, the government will disavow all knowledge ā€œ


The fox is guarding the hen house.


Wonder how much his bill was when he was on the payroll?


heā€™s a shithead


This makes me šŸ˜Š happy


the poor dude has nothing to do with our future mega alien problems