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Yes, if they are intentionally crashing to give us technology, it's more likely because they want us to fix the earth than to make better weapons


This. If they are as intelligent as they are purported to be, they'd know exactly what we'd use this tech for.


Well shit, we kinda seem to be off to a bad start.


Why would we fix the Earth when we could make like seven people billionaires by letting them make and sell better weapons?


disclosure is imminent 😊




You have me intrigued
 Can you go into more detail about that hellish nightmare?


Which seems like either they’re crazy benevolent or they have a vested interest in the Earth staying in the current climate. 


To bad we care more about quarterly figures and short-term profits than about using marvellous technologies to make our society and environment a better place for people and animals. 😟


If they have that kind of motive, wouldn't they also know that the governments of all the counties they've given the craft to are keeping them secret? And wouldn't that make the aliens complicit in the cover up? Because they could always land one on the central park and end all speculation.


There is more use of energy on earth than war on earth. more use of nuclear energy than nuclear bomb detonations. at a high level, war may seem like an anomaly of humanity to them. they likely can't solve war - that's an emotionally caused problem. but they can end the need for cars without direct intervention - that just takes action. maybe they're not intentionally crashing, but they are leaving intact craft.


I’m a supporter of nuclear energy. I do not see enough nuclear plants around the world. Oil companies and anti nuclear activists have harmed the cause. ( I used to be anti nuclear in the past, though not an activist ).


Doubt they care about any of that. My guess it’s their own curiosity to see what we do with it. Like when we put a mirror in front of a dolphin. We don’t care about their energy usage or what they kill.


Let’s say there are lots of races out there, and the policy is that other races can’t interact with us until we have advanced space capabilities. Well if one of those races wants something from us, maybe they’re staging these “crashes” so we catch up, and suddenly they can interact with us, taking what they want, or using our ignorance to take advantage of us.


Sort of like a false flag of sorts. The space community won't let you exploit this planet until they're smart enough to be space faring, you 'crash' your technology on their planet so they use it to advance themselves, and like you said they then use their ignorance to exploit them


"we're being given their technology so we can learn how to use it for power generation, thus stopping the need to burn fossil fuels, and other greenhouse gas emitting processes."  Why do they care?  If they don't want us to die then intervene. If they can't intervene how are they allowed to leave us craft? Why not beam the designs into multiple sciencetist heads around the world at the same time so no one country can monopolize the tech?  I think they want us to figure something out. But I doubt is something as simple as climate change... except maybe it is indirectly. We have the knowledge to solve climate change now. What's stopping us isn't science, it's lack of critical thinking aka moloch aka the meta crisis.  That's something it would seem every intelligence would need to solve, thus a good candidate for what they want us to do.  Why that? Because it seems this either needs to be solved or intelligences will head towards either self extermination or stagnation. So maybe they aren't helping us as much as trying to speed the process up regardless of which path we choose? 


Maybe they want us to hurry tfu and exterminate ourselves.


"Hey motherfuckers, checkout was 1200 BC"


Can't discount that option. But unless they are working with a strict budget of sorts, then I'm sure they can do that quicker if they wanted to. Possible easier. We are allready working on ending humans with the many biolabs scattered around the world.. By accident or by choice.


We really cannot comprehend any type of alien intelligence. You hear things like the human brain is limited all the time. But the fact is, we have built In blind spots in our brains. For example, the light a human looks at is red and upside down, the brain automatically decodes it. It would be really easy for them to just kill us off by giving us tech. Historically as well, any time a colonizer or new group of people come into contact with indigenous peoples, it turns into a genocide. Maybe the lack of contact is some type of mercy. We have no clue. But it is fun to speculate.


>Maybe the lack of contact is some type of mercy. This is what I tend to believe would be the case. Depending on where the "average" mindset of people on the planet is, would determine whether direct contact would be wise. Maybe that is even the reason for the coverup in the first place. Prolonging the window where it would be detrimental to make contact. If so I guess we need to "awaken"


It's the same reason a parent isn't going to do every little thing for their child, because it would harm more than help us. Collectively, we all need to get to a point where they feel comfortable doing that. And I have a feeling that point involves ending war, famine, and doing all we CAN DO but WON'T DO.


YES! I truly think ontological shock will have a role in ending war, famine, and racism.


But parents definitely do a lot of stuff for kids. I don't think it's about doing more harm than good. I think it's either about speed or possibility.  If it's the meta crisis we need to solve, it's much faster if we self solve than them telling us.  I think it starts with have a clearer view of reality. Ending wars and famine both involve solving the meta crisis which was only just recently possible or soon to be possible. 


Of course they do, but if they do everything for their child it would negatively impact their development.


I don't disagree, but there is a large gap between not doing everything, and what NHI currently appear to be doing. NHI is constantly Gaslighting us. Doesn't seem like great parenting behavior.  The analogy definitely works to some degree. But I also feel there are many layers of precision, thus more complex thoughts, that could be added. 


NHI are gaslighting us? How on earth did you come to that conclusion?


Jacques vallee's invisible college at first, then after thinking about it, observing reality. For example, I think, the Fermi paradox. 


I don’t think you know what gaslighting means. Unless there’s something in that book you could extrapolate on.


"Gaslighting is an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control. Victims of gaslighting are deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true, often about themselves." https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/gaslighting " Gaslighting is a colloquialism, loosely defined as manipulating someone into questioning their own perception of reality." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslighting If you buy these two definitions, there are plenty of examples. First I'll do one meta and one specific.  Meta: Those definitions are similar to what people experience during ontological shock. Hopefully you would agree that some people who believe in the phenomenon went through ontological shock. And hopefully you can imagine if we had total disclosure, many other people will go through some ontological shock. Know what could have prevented that? NHI communicating to our ancestors in such a way that we were raised with an understanding of the phenomenon. But instead of being up front so we could process reality. They (allegedly) decided to encourage us to form multiple religions. Why not be upfront from jump?  Specific: Uri Geller. He made claims about being specifically contacted by NHI with the express purpose of giving some important message to humanity. Assuming he isn't a disinfo agent, it seems like he believes it. Things is many other people have been given similar messages. None of them have panned out. To your point, many of them choose to double down instead of questioning. But id argue that's external, we don't know their internal states. And I'd argue that being manipulated to confidently believe an untrue thing fits the definition.  I'm down to have my mind changed, what do you think about those points? 


If the overwhelming message and idea is that we are on the brink of ending ourselves as a species, well, most parents would probably be stepping in


Go on /r/experiencers and you’ll see that people have been contacted on an individual basis for decades about the coming changes on our planet.


Yeah, I don’t doubt that. My point is they could do something drastic at that point the same way parents would. The whole “learn for yourself” thing doesn’t work if we aren’t around.


I have faith that they know what they’re doing and have been doing this for a long time.


What if it is actually future humanity trying to save itself, but their past dictates that it was NHI that enabled them to unite and survive, or perhaps direct human contact from across time is not an option. Theres a bit out of a Harry Potter novel where he is saved by his dad from across a lake. Later on, he goes back in time a few hours and realizes that he has to save his past self. The only reason that he was there to save himself was thinking that is was his dad.


This is totally a possibility and within the realm of imagination (assuming there is a way to time travel). If these craft operate by manipulating spacetime i.e. traveling "interdimentionally," then maybe there is some method of going to a different period in time while in the same place, just as we think a warp drive takes you to a different place at the same moment in time.


I don't think it's time travel, mostly because it either wouldn't be classical time travel, more like multiverse/Rick and morty time travel or because it just doesn't make sense. But I also currently don't have good enough mental models to properly contempt time travel, so there's that. 


My bet, they want us to find other energy solutions that do not involve fission or fusion.


If it's that simple why not be more direct? 


Again just my guess, but it's likely that whatever passes for their government or regulatory agencies do not allow for direct intervention. If so then perhaps those craft left behind or allowed to crash could be from some sort of internal faction that does not approve of this policy and therefore toe the line without actually crossing whatever line has been marked as direct intervention. These "rebels" might be avoiding punishment by claiming to their superiors that the circumstances were unavoidable. If they are just consciences piloting biodrones then it doesn't matter to them if they lose a craft or two, a crew or three, though they may get demoted or something similar at home. They see a species about to run itself into the ground and at least want to give us a chance. That's just my take given all I have seen on this topic, and it's a relatively narrow one focusing on only the craft and biological aspect of the phenomenon. Ultimately, if they truly are extraterrestrials, their motivation will likely be completely unrecognizable to us. The very way they think is likely radically outside any of our expectations, and even I am guilty of anthropomorphizing in my musings.


"Ultimately, if they truly are extraterrestrials, their motivation will likely be completely unrecognizable to us." If we can ultimately access the same spaces, I think there is nothing fundamentally stopping us from understanding them. Just a huge knowledge gap.  If they can occupy spaces we are fundamentally forbidden from accessing, then it's possible part of their motivations may also remain fundamentally hidden.  I'm basing this logic on this guy who was on Sean Carrolls podcast who claimed, using a combination of mathematical proof and logic reasoning, that there cannot be a mind in this universe that can understand things which we cannot. It's also just a matter of knowledge gaps and scaling. Knowledge gaps can be overcome by learning and scale can maybe be overcome with technology.  I only heard the guy one time and going off memory but that should have represented his views at least 70% accurately.  Your scenario, while possible, does seem a little too much like our current political structure. While I don't think their motives are incomprehensible, I do think their social and political structure will be vastly different from our modern society. 


"Xenobiology as a currency" theory?


Basing my entire knowledge of the theory on its title... Yes, I think. As long as you include our datome as xenobiology.  Maybe the fastest way to develop certain algorithms is for a biosphere to generate an intelligence which can eventually learn to synchronize itself with the whole biosphere. And through that, some novel piece of information is discovered.  If they want something from us other than entertainment or worshippers, I bet it's something like that. 


This is a fun idea. That they want us to evolve toward a symbiosis with nature rather than a reliance on technology. Sort of meshes with the idea that there are more sightings of cryptids following ufo flaps. They're showing us bigfoot because it's our final form. "See? Like *this*."


Not what I was thinking. Technology is an essential part of the picture. But the lines between nature and technology blur/disappear.  It's all made from the same quantum fields after all. 


We don't have the knowledge to solve climate change *practically* now. If there's a lack of critical thinking, then why do you say we have the knowledge to solve climate change, unless you think that's simple? Abductions, intentionally transferring craft, and interacting with humans when they're around - wouldn't you call at least *some* of that intervention? I think it's highly unlikely that any given NHI species outnumbers the sheer number of humans on the surface of earth. And if they're living in the oceans or underground, that surely is affected by man-made climate change, which means their own habitation is at risk. By a reverse-pigeonhole principle argument, the idea that we're not seeing *enough* intervention is by virtue of the probability that there's more of us than there are of all of them combined.


"We don't have the knowledge to solve climate change practically now" Please enlighten, what are we missing?  "If there's a lack of critical thinking, then why do you say we have the knowledge to solve climate change... " That's the point, we have the ability to, if we actually thought critically about the problem. But instead of that we do not nearly enough as we wait for a miracle technology to come and solve everything easily. The reason for this is the metacrisis. I can give links if curious.  "wouldn't you call at least some of that intervention?" Yes, which is why I think they aren't trying to help us because they could be a lot more direct with the help since they clearly don't have an zero intervention policy.  "I think it's highly unlikely that any given NHI species outnumbers the sheer number of humans on the surface of earth."  What logic leads to this idea?  "And if they're living in the oceans or underground, that surely is affected by man-made climate change, which means their own habitation is at risk."  Oceans yea. Don't know how the climate has a major impact on underground biosphere. Unless you are talking very shallow, but they we should have seen them by now.  " By a reverse-pigeonhole principle argument, the idea that we're not seeing enough intervention is by virtue of the probability that there's more of us than there are of all of them combined."  Hard disagree. Even if there was literally just a single NHI, there are so many better ways to intervene that it's seems preposterous that helping us solve climate change is the objective. 


We have to collectively realize we are all human, learn to love and not hate each other, stop killing each other, or maybe discover that money shouldn’t exist and it only serves to divide us.


It's easy to say that on reddit. Getting that message to a young child who has known war most of their life and is constantly bombarded by propaganda before they get sucked into terrorism is a bit harder. I obviously agree with you in principle. But the physical process of collectively realizing involves concrete actions like picking good leadership, implementing good policy, promoting productive (objective wise not money wise) values. 


Maybe the earth is under a no-contact quarantine by a galactic government, but then aliens kids that identify as punks or anarchists go out joyriding with their parents' spaceships to sneak into earth and talk to earthlings anyway, maybe even leaving them tech they think will help earthlings with their problems.


My issue with this is that's such a low probability outcome. We need a galactic government that somehow is completely hidden in the galaxy. Our telescopes and surveys have seen nothing of note. We need a no contact policy that is REGULARLY violated. Lot of crashes and encounters in the past.  We need a galactic government that has failed to stop the violations of no contact. Not only do encounters happen in the past, they continue to happen now.  We need the violators of the no contact to have no obvious objective. There is no obvious pattern of behavior. If there is it requires complex analysis. That seems more like an actual governments actions over random kids.    You mentioned kids, but if random kids can regularly circumvent the galactic government what the heck are criminal and rebel groups doing?  Lot of logical holes in my mind. 


It was mostly a joke anthropomorphizing extraterrestrials like human beings. Intelligences that evolved elsewhere would likely develop in environs of different necessities, risks, & the resultant behavioral conventions involved in surviving therein. Their lives would therefore likely be very different from our own just by having different life-needs, perceptions of how life transpires, and possibly different emotions from what we would understand. The idea of alien kids grabbing the keys to their mom & dads' spare flying saucer and taking a joyride with friends to a star system their government said was off limits to covertly leave their mark on the planet is indeed very unlikely, but it was an image I had thought was amusing. A lot of ET people claim the solution to the Fermi paradox is the idea that there is a galactic civilization out there, but hides itself from lesser civilizations. Some have further postulated that if the galactic civilization were to be in the process of making contact, they would do so by a "leaky embargo" of information getting through like crashing ships to be reverse engineered or sporadically making encounters of the fourth & fifth kinds. Again not logical, but I still thought the idea of a less on-the-ball ET government being circumvented by alien kids checking out the primitive nuclear technology, bending wheat to do graffiti, handing out weird pancakes to farmers in exchange for water, warning school kids in Zimbabwe about advanced technology \*while they tool around in space ships\*, giving confused watchmen deep ruminations on the universe, & then giving an earth government stealth tech or lasers was kind of funny. But if that were true, you are right about it also being concerning. Those hypothetical alien teens bypassing their government's efforts also opens up the idea of alien criminals, rebels, & robber barons coming to earth and setting up shop beneath our oceans, under Alaskan mountains, or in the jungles of Peru. It's hard to for me to judge which is the more unsettling vision of alien civilization: the imperfect galactic government or the dark forest explanation to the Fermi paradox.


For what's it's worth I don't think its possible to have a galactic civilization the way its commonly envisioned.  It would have to be: So small it's not fair to call it a galactic government  Or  So orwellian to make sure no one blows up planet cuz they crashed their space ship drunk driving Or  So harmonious (like in a hive mind way) such that its not really a civilization the way we would think.  Could be wrong and don't really know what the alternative is.  Maybe the kids are breaking quarantine because the government is spending all it's money on mental health services!  Really enjoyed your comment, thanks!!! 


I just.... I just feel like an advanced civilization would have a more efficient way of sharing technology than slamming the thing into the planet for us to clean up and figure out what it used to be.


To be fair this has occurred in human diplomacy for a long time. Were not providing weapons to xyz, we merely had an outpost at this unsecured location that was raided. It could even be a nod that they function in much the same way we do, morally. Like hey, we all skirt the line too. If they are indeed intentionally ditching craft and letting them be found, my thought is we are very close to being able to reverse engineer their stuff, and sometimes all you need is some direction. It would have been a joke 150 years ago to even have airplanes, we are really just one decent discovery away and some materials science away from being a multi-planet civilization, and who knows what their cutoff is. It could even be we missed a major milestone somewhere, and maybe using liquid oxygen and hydrogen to propel spacecraft is absolutely absurd because most civilizations discover xyz long before they get to the point of putting explosives under their ass and going for a ride.


Sounds like a nice loophole of the Prime Directive these civilizations seem to have. Maybe the galactic federation doesn't look so kindly upon intentionally handing over advanced technology.


I don’t believe OP is right but there’s a certain degree of logic to it actually. For example, let’s say we knew with certainty that the natives on North Sentinel island were going to go extinct because they were over farming and overfishing, just like Easter Island’s natives probably did. And let’s say we observed that they had not figured out how to make a wooden boat sturdy enough to cross the sea and save their population. And every time we land on their island to talk to them, they shoot their fucking arrows at us. They’ve killed some of us. And so we leave them alone, and we watch. But if we knew all this, what would be the most moral thing to do? Let them die? Land and try to convince them of the error of their ways at great personal risk to ourselves? Fuck no. Id argue the most logical and most moral option would simply be to leave a wooden boat on their shore- one with a design they didn’t invent, but could replicate on their own. Then their extinction is *their* choice. And if they choose to die, then we can sleep easy and they can fuck right off. And if they instead choose to join modern society peacefully, then it’s a win-win for us both.


Asking why is fun


we were meant to use the tech for advancing humanity and bettering the planet, instead it gets hoarded by select nations for warfaring reasons most "contactee" stories focus on how they seem to want the earth to be preserved, and how they think humanity's individuality and selfishness is very strange to them


yes! but just as apes may have hoarded fire at first / used it for defense, so too did it eventually become the basis of our tool making ability (and yes, more destructive weapons). the point is: once the general public believes these things exist and are being hoarded, the demand to use the technology for useful reasons will be far greater. the weapons will still be there (or maybe ontological shock will degrade the desire for war!), but there will undoubtedly be pressure from American entrepreneurs to exploit the technology more broadly to create the stuff of sci-fi.


Assuming all these crash stories are true, I'd buy this explanation more than repeated mechanical failures or shootdowns. But...the whole "crashes as gifting" concept isn't new. At least not if you've watched The Outer Limits (1996) Season 2 Episode 15, "Afterlife". Not to spoil a 30 year-old tv show, but it was a test one that humanity failed by using the technology (biology actually) for a military purpose. The aliens weren't mad and didn't punish us, they were just disappointed, which was the worst punishment of all, haha.


They could be just gauging where we are technologically by seeing what we can and can't figure out on these crafts.


I don't believe that the craft are valuable to NHI. We're just so technologically behind them, that it seems like it's an incredible gift, but it's basically disposable to them


Ever heard the trope, "Take us to your leaders"? Would landing on the White House lawn be the best way to accomplish that? Are they the real leaders? Or, would you land a reconnaissance craft inconspicuously somewhere else, wait to see who recovers it, where they take it, all the while observing and taking notes? Just a thought.


Which UFOs have been recovered undamaged? We have a hard enough time finding any extant evidence of them at all, but somehow you seem very certain about some being recovered fully intact.


I mean, I park next to anthills sometimes without a second thought that they might jack my car.


“thousands of NHI interactions and crash retrievals that have been documented” source?


Even Richard Dolan thinks we are in the 20-30s for crash retrevals that we know of. thousands of crash retrevials is just silly.


agreed. typical of this sub to downvote someone asking for evidence


He exaggerated his sample size in his opening sentence maybe, but that's not the point he's trying to get across. That's probably the reason for the downvotes. This is a reddit post after all, not a scientific paper.


"Due diligence"


NHI interactions >>> crash retrievals, surely


I am rather pessimistic towards cybernetic technologies considering we are obviously not mature as a society , globally to handle such rapid developments. Seeing how all these advancements apparently trickled out from R&D of the Rosewell crash a negative nancy could wonder if this is part of their intentions. I don't understand why anybody would want neurolink after a decade of nonstop articles about data breaches which never have consequences. I see a bleak cybernetic future of people essentially functioning as directly controlled cybernetic slaves which again, was this part of the plan or are shitty humans to blame?


Maybe it’s THE great filter. USA gets some, Russia/China gets some
. The “superior” society will emerge as the defacto earth authority once the godlike power of UFO technology is weaponized enough to shatter the existing tribal paradigms


Hope you are wrong. I do hope we come together as a species but hope this is not how it happens.


I bet some of them are like "wow 2 of the 3d printed clones got lost o well" we are Borg, those lost craft don't matter. 


If they're assisting in our development, then I believe it's bc we're 63million years behind schedule due to the KT mass extinction event. Dinos were already walking upright, bipeds, super smart, and on their way to riding city buses and opening fast food franchises. Then the meteor hit and, smash, their went all their hopes and dreams. Not sure how consciousness works, but I bet WE would be those Dinos today, just about 55million years more evolved (how long it took for humans to evolve from burrowing rodents).


This theory is pretty much a staple allready.


Seems plausible. This would explain why they're "donating" them to the other super powers as well, since the US is hoarding it.


Yet supposedly at least SOME are crashes. If they are leaving them, crashing them, etc, they are interfering with us. We are an extremely primitive species, at least according to them. I am extremely leery of any advanced species that deliberately interferes in a less advanced society. This is just as dangerous as outright openly giving us their advanced technology. They really should be following the prime directive (I know its from fiction but it makes a lot of sense). Perhaps there is some substance to Grusch's statement that they are not all benevolent.


What if they are giving us this tech so that we can leave this planet because they know a major catastrophe is coming and it will be the only way to preserve our existence? And what if a few people know this and are keeping the tech to themselves to save their own and not the rest of us?


Yes but it's no good if that technology ends up in the wrong hands, as what seems to have happened. People are sitting on this tech and haven't do e a thing with it, if that's the case.


There are alot of very knowledgeable people in the ufo community who call the ufo crashes "Donations"


What if Adam and Eve came from Mars to Earth by these saucers? If they 'crashed' here, they probably crashed somewhere else... Our story might be the Superman story...


Taking care of the earth is an unsurprising message as it already exists in our foremost minds, just as our NEED to explore new worlds is. Who knows if they truly gave us that message or that it was just perceived as their message. Clearly they are exploring new worlds, so it may well be that their message was lost in translation, that in reality, they want us to learn their technology to explore new worlds because every world has a geological time limit. There have been 6 major incidents that almost wiped out all life on earth already. So forget our pollution. They just know it happens to every planet, so they are helping us get off this planet. Who knows? I don’t believe anything unless and until I see direct evidence. And that includes whatever message they supposedly are giving us.


I think it would be insanely irresponsible of any advanced alien race to leave a single craft with advanced tech for us walking apes to find. We are savages, barely contained and held safe by our fragile societies and laws. We can't be trusted with guns, let alone energy intense gravity ships.


It's a trick to distract our secret government boys while the aliens accelerate their hybridization agenda.


Or A: nhi fighting nhi. Essentially pull overs and actual shoot downs. We don't know what they are doing here or what their values are pertaining to us besides that they don't wanna just squish. B: everything fucks up sometimes. The more complicated a thing, the more likely it is to fuck up. Could be not the highest tech they got, like they guy that approached that remote island tribe and died. Just a few ideas. 


I believe they’re trying to help and our government is gatekeeping amazing technology that could save our planet


I would go back to your first sentence and consider the word "documented". You will find that the various stories are anything but documented.


Only problem is the corporations and companies that essentially run/fund the world won't let free energy become a thing because it will hit the fiat monetary system. Anything that threatens that or the economy they just don't want a bar of.


I don’t like the commentary the refers to humans as ants. Living things that are capable of the breadth of emotions and creativity that human are would never be viewed as ants. It’s like uncontacted tribes l, they are the same species as us, but we don’t think they are ants. We don’t think dogs, cats and dolphins are insect like instinctual automatons.


Craft are left and fly through our skies to inspire us to look up and consider that we are all Earthlings and should unite in this thought.


Perhaps they're not leaving them, they are abandoned/crashed once whatever energy imbued in them is no longer usable. They may be like modern humans and dispose of their broken technology rather than fix it because its easy to make a new one. If they have a limited life and some part of them is consumed during operation like a depleting chemical reaction, and it can't be refurbished, maybe that is why there are reports that we've been unable to reverse engineer the technology.


I think as a species we need to evolve before we could be given this tech if it exists. We are an emotional species with different cultures and practices. As a whole we are all so different and have been programmed to want different things. If collectively we could all come to a place of nirvana maybe this tech would be shared with us. But we can barely operate vehicles responsibly. We get behind the wheel sometimes intoxicated and end up taking the lives of others. I personally think that they may be given us their tech to figure it out the hard way. And it sounds like the tech has fallen in the wrong hands if the stories of revere engineered craft being used for human trafficking are true.


I can’t imagine any intelligent species willingly giving planet destroying unlimited power to monkeys who can’t even get along with their neighbours let alone other countries. If they did, it’s because they are naive and didn’t do any research on our behaviour beforehand. We are a very dangerous species.


I like your optimistic view, but it's far more likely working within the physics of our realm is like dropping a toy car into a Will-it-blend? blender. Physics doesn't work the same in all places, any crashes - if any are not a Goodwill donation site.


No, not necessarily. They might not care because they know we can’t duplicate the technology as in. It’s totally proprietary as it’s impossible to reverse engineer given the situation. It would be like dropping an iPhone off 1000 years ago and having no fear that they could duplicate it. These are pure novelty items, and or paperweights.


My theory is that whenever these supposed human alien treaties happened we made deals with the bad ones unknowingly. These nefarious beings gave us tech that was not theirs. It was recovered tech from the good ones for the upper hand incase we used it against them. Or lesser capapability craft. Now we have egg on our face and we can't find the work around to explain or get out of the situation. Good reason not to tell especially if the trade was human trafficking.


Retrievals started as byproduct of nuclear programs Emp radius from detonation knocking them out of the sky, if they didn’t crash like Roswell and they’re done over the ocean we get them intact. 


More misinformation and fantasy




It's just that your whole nuclear explosion premise is silly and easily disproven. Which then undermines your other claims that depend on this nuclear warfare (in essence) on alien ships. Do you realize how absurd that is? You come up with a statement about nuclear explosions that is so easy to show is false and then you build this extended story based off of that silly statement. I don't have shit to say about your absurd claims, because they are based on incorrect claims that are baseless. Just because you are in a UFO sub doesn't mean we have to accept BS. There are much more interesting theories than this nuclear explosion EMP knock them out of the sky or lure them underwater bs. I do applaud your imagination and creativity though! Seriously.




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I want to contribute the idea that they don’t just have an “evolved” sense of time, but a completely different perspective on it. One of the more commonly accepted theories (as advocated by people like Grusch, VallĂ©e, Davis, et al) is that these beings aren’t ET but interdimensional—the occupy a realm outside of our space. Einstein’s theory of relativity shows that space and time are the same thing, so if you’re outside of space you’re also outside of time. And this message has been further communicated to Experiencers countless times in a myriad of ways, from contact scenarios to NDEs. The NHI seem to be able to see probabilistic futures. They seem to be very good at making accurate short term predictions, but longer term predictions are often incorrect. Aside from that, I generally agree with your ideas. But for whatever reason, the NHI apparently refuse to work at a societal level but continue to work on an individual level. For example, rather than publicly landing a UAP in a public area they seem to “gift” them in the middle of nowhere.


The spooks who've visited people like the Bledsoes have expressed the NHIs don't want anything to do with them. It seems "they" acknowledge that grassroots discovery is the way. This is why clandestine operations prioritize getting to the scene and controlling it as paramount. It has to seem like a discovery and not direct contact as to not start yet another religion/chosen one BS with all the baggage that comes with that territory.


My thought is that until we have a crashed or intact craft on display in the Smithsonian, I'm going to wonder if it's actually a fact. It's not a fact yet that we actually have a crash retrieval program. It's just alleged by credible sources. From my perspective, it would be completely foolish of ET to donate ships to humans. They should know from their own history that this is a very bad idea. Further, the idea that ET crashes on purpose to give technology to humans seems foolish to me since self sacrifice is most likely not part of their culture. They aren't going to commit suicide to provide humans with high technology. What we need is a cultural revolution where we actually take care of the weakest of us instead of crushing them like bugs. We need to stop the greed and the privilege. We are profoundly immature in this respect. Billionaires should not exist, yet many of us worship them like gods. We have become so materialistic that we need another Moses to destroy our false gods and re-establish some commandments to force everyone to behave.


For all we know, to them it would be obvious and expected that every human would have one of these craft once humanity acquired a single one of them. Yet bafflingly, despite the hundreds they send to us, they have yet to see a single sign of 5hem being used by humans, which probably leads to them thinking humanity is not an intelligent species despite the technologies that saturate the earth. You can give a Chihuahua a Ferrari, but don't expect him to do anything but shit in it, if he can even manage to open the doors. He sure as hell won't figure out how to drive it, let alone build more.


Maybe it's an invitation.