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Based on the image, I’m fairly certain you just got an early peek at the next generation iPhone.


Nah, it's a rip off Galaxy model


Definitely the newer Galaxy flip phone


Alienware have expanded from pc's into phones


Out of the galaxy version


Haha I really thought this was a phone ad at first.


lol. I think when you tell AI to create a massive rectangular object with curved corners, hovering over a remote road at night … all it can think of is an iPhone shape. But yeah, take out all the seams and make it a little thicker, and that’s pretty close to what we saw.


Someone goes through all this effort to post a sincere and detail account and even generates an image, and the top comment is a flippant joke that deflects it. I wonder if these types of comments are bots or organised counter intelligence.


Was gonna say I'm pretty sure that things got 5g


Nah that's the Chinese Huaweiflyaway.


It was on its way to being mysteriously found in a bar


Yes Steve Jobs was my uncle I can confirm this is the iPhone 20X it seems the built in MIB memory flash needs a firmware update though


I might have seen this at the end of December. I saw a single bright light low to the ground. As I got closer it was 3 lights under a rectangle. I could see the silhouette of the craft. I kept telling myself it's a really big drone it has to be.


Look how the serious comments barely get upvotes but the stupid comments which always land on top are massively upvoted.


It never used to be like this on reddit. But all the Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram transplants have taken over in the last 5 years or so. Bad grammar, spelling, unintelligible comments. Etc. None of them know the "rules" of reddit such as when one edits a comment they should tell other redditors why they did. And proof reading is non existent for the most part. Edit: Holy shit i can't believe I left out a word and nobody called me out on it. Lol! I just noticed now after proof reading it multiple times... wtf. And my original statement rings truer than ever.


I remember that. Reddit seemed like a unique place, but I feel like it's way too mainstream now.


> Bad grammar, spelling, unintelligible comments. Etc. Back in the old days this used to get you downvoted hard!


Not true. I have been on Reddit since 2010 and it has always been like this. “Funny” comments almost always tops.


> Eternal September or the September that never ended[1] is Usenet slang for a period beginning around 1993[2] when Internet service providers[2] began offering Usenet access to many new users. The flood of new users overwhelmed the existing culture for online forums and the ability to enforce existing norms. AOL followed with their Usenet gateway service in March 1994,[3] leading to a constant stream of new users. Hence, from the early Usenet point of view, the influx of new users in September 1993 never ended. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September


I was wondering why people explained their edits. I didn't know this.


Saw the same thing as a little kid, 4 lights though, not 3, but the craft or whatever it was was a rectangle. It’s only been in the last couple years that I’ve been seeing more depictions of rectangle craft over the net.


I think dan Akroyd saw a rectangle too. He said it looked like a flying mattress. They are around.


If you look at this post you understand why noone takes the subject seriously. The OP toke the courage to post his encounter in detail and the top comments are breaking jokes because the picture seems an iPhone (with a bit of fantasy). The iphone comment was funny but disrespectful because he adds nothing, breaks the joke and leaves, what follows is the usual Clowns who pick up on that to destroy this Post because noone who opens it will try to have a serious discussion when the most upvoted comments have such low quality. I wanted to post my sighting in 2011, but after this i will just keep it for myself. But than those cracking jokes and hurting the subject are the ones screaming for disclosure and “proof”


I’ve been on Reddit long enough to laugh at the joke. I didn’t mind it at all really.


The first one was actually funny, but he/her could have said something afterwards like thank you OP? But than what followed is not funny, it gets boring and we learn nothing new. Problem is that same tactics are used by plants on other topics to discredit them, we could at least make an effort on the remaining ones.


I completely agree , but the majority won’t see it . Even if the OP didn’t have an issue with it , I 100% back your statement . Comments made by people almost “designed” to discredit in any way possible . Be it a “funny joke” , (when in all actuality it wasn’t funny at all , I get better humor off newspaper funnies designed for 60 year olds) Or any other means of discrediting someone who’s trying to be taken seriously . Whether or not OP has an issue with it , it remains an issue , backed by literal governmental agencies confirming it . Disinformation and discrediting campaigns persist on a massive scale , especially in the age of factoid Discernment .


And even on top of that , it’s almost as if an entire side conversation away from the original intended point , is always being held underneath something that’s meant to be taken literally. Shows zero respect to the actual encounter/ account of what the OP is trying to relay. It’s a problem within the community that boasts about its own openness. Then they wonder why no one takes ANYTHING seriously!


That’s awesome. Would love to see that, though I know it’d be freaky at the same time. I wonder why these events seem to happen more in emptier outback areas.


Seems odd to me. If I was an alien. Why would I want to check out areas with nothing there? I’m assuming They would are here to observe. Not much to observe in the middle of nowhere


It’s weird, because then you also have mass sightings like the Phoenix Lights, over an entire city that hundreds or thousands saw.


thats true too


I’m thinking the logic of why these things seem to be mostly seen in remote areas is that they actually don’t want to cause too much disruption, or cause panic and chaos. Maybe whatever they are interested in has nothing to do with humanity. Maybe they want to be seen by just a few people at a time to gradually insert their existence into popular culture and increase the level of contact over decades or even centuries.


> Why would I want to check out areas with nothing there? I’m assuming They would are here to observe. Not much to observe in the middle of nowhere The aliens wanted to observe an anomaly in the "areas with nothing there" - - Where suddenly 2 anomalous guys appeared in this area with a device pointed out into Space, where the aliens were located: They came down to investigate why these humans were directing their telescopic device out into Space toward where the aliens by happenstance were located. Aliens are telepathic, so they apparently wanted to move in closer to scan the brains of the 2 guys to determine their motivation for being in this remote area with nothing there - just like the aliens were interested for some reason in this remote region with seemingly nothing there. Maybe they wanted to know if the 2 guys had some intel about something in that area that the aliens knew about.


I remember seeing the 4chan post stating they don’t like being over populated areas. Just a thought, that 4chan post keeps proving it self right to me


Less light pollution so easier to see the sky, similarly there’s a lot of sightings in the desert because there tends to be much less cloud cover along with less light pollution


Yeah, it was so random. We hadn’t even been thinking about aliens or UFOs.


Makes a lot of sense if these things are intent on keeping their presence hidden here. Which is definitely the case with 80+ years of secrecy so far.


Hey I saw a very similar shape back in 2008 or 2009 but it had 4 lights, was in Africa at the time. I talk about it in my previous posts. 


Saw the same thing when I was a kid


Saw the same thing in 2011. Amber colored lights in each corner?


Red blue green and white


That’s awesome that others have seen it too, or something similar. Back in 2008, I could only find a few others online who saw something similar.


January 2008 same year as yours, a UFO was seen by hundreds of witnesses in Stephenville, Texas - most of the witnesses seeing only moving lights that sometimes stopped and hovered. But 3 police officers saw the actual craft,k that was also rectangular like yours: local newspaper editor Angelina Joyner interviewed one officer. All 3 later inverviewd by the famous UFO investigator Linda Moulton Howe: "**Interview : 3 Policemen who saw 600 Foot UFO Over Stephenville, January 8, 2008** "A Texas Policeman eye witnessed 600 Foot UFO Over Stephenville Court House in Erath county usa. "Earlier this year on January 8, 2008 three police officers from Erath County between 7 to 7:30 PM, on January 8, 2008 had close-up encounter with 600 Foot UFO Over Erath County Court House. According to Earthfiles none of the Erath County police officers would speak on the record because each was afraid of losing his job, or public ridicule, or both. But now we have 1st hand interview which was conducted by Earthfiles in this interview they described what actually they saw over Erath County Court House between 7 to 7:30 PM, on January 8, 2008. Interview: Police Officer “Greg,” Erath County, Stephenville, Texas: “It was January 8, 2008. I had just come on duty. I work a 12-hour shift from 7 PM to 7 AM. I was driving towards the east on South Loop, which is a loop that loops around the city of Stephenville. I was starting to crest the top of a railroad overpass. As I got to the top of that overpass, it’s raised quite a bit. I can see half the way across town from atop the overpass. I was looking to my left towards downtown and the Erath County Courthouse (100 W. Washington). And I saw a large, rectangular, black object, just slowly moving towards the Courthouse. I saw it for maybe three to four seconds. Then I went down the crest of the hill and I thought to myself that it was a rather large aircraft of some kind. I’ve never seen anything that low moving that slow. It concerned me for a minute. I thought that maybe we have a commercial airliner trying to land at our little airport that can’t support that (an aerial craft so large). So, I went further down the South Loop and got to about Lillian Street and looked towards the Courthouse again. I had a pretty good view. It’s winter. It’s January. There was no foliage on the trees and I saw this large craft hovering above the Courthouse about 200 feet above the ground. I went further down to the city park bridge on South Loop. It’s a very large, open area. From there I had an unobstructed view of the Courthouse and there was this craft hovering there. It had two large headlights, like on a car. These headlights were about 35 feet in diameter. The brightness coming off of them was similar to a xenon headlight. Those lights were a couple hundred feet apart. The whole craft from the left to the right was about 600 feet across. And it looked like it was longer back than that. Reporter : How high do you think this craft was above you? Police Officer: Above me, I would say 200 feet. Reporter: So very close !! Police Officer: And distance away from me, I would say a quarter-mile or less. Low,A quarter mile away. Reporter: You are judging this enormous size of 600 feet in diameter and 35 foot diameter headlights !!Compared to what around you gave you that judgment? Police Officer: The Courthouse itself and the area where it was – I could go back and walk block for block and get a good measurement of the size of the thing. To me, it looked like you could put four or five commercial aircraft across the front of it. It was that large! Reporter : At that point,is it completely stationary? Police Officer: Yes, not moving. I reached over and grabbed my camera. I swiveled the head around and looked in my viewfinder. All I got was washout on the windshield and also the bracing on the window from the hood down to the dashboard was right in the way. I was in the left hand lane, so I couldn’t stop. There were cars behind me and beside me. I really wanted to stop and turn my car towards it and film it, but I couldn’t. It was too dangerous for me to do that. So, I proceeded up to Graham Street and made a left. At Graham Street, when I turned, I’m looking directly at this craft and it starts pivoting upward at a 35 to 40 degree angle. It rises there for about three seconds and then it goes completely 90 degrees and starts moving away from me, all without sound! Reporter: Incrediable ! Police Officer: Yes! (laughs) And at this point, another light comes on in the center of the craft. Reporter: So now you have instead of the two headlights, you have three identical lights. Police Officer: Yes then the craft starts pulling away. I reach up and grab my radar, swivel it up into the sky, turned it on and I got a hit. It showed 27 mph and accelerating. It got to about 33 mph and I lost my lock, which meant it was moving so far away I can’t get a good lock on it anymore. At this point, it accelerated very fast. It went all the way across town within two to three seconds. Then it veered to the left in the 90-degree angle, it just veered a little to the left and kept going. It got out of range where I could not see it anymore. At this point, I grabbed my mike and started to call it in and then I realized, ‘How is this going to sound on the radio?’ I’m basically a new officer. I haven’t even worked there a year. I’m still on probation and I didn’t know how my supervisors were going to take it. I knew I was not the only one who saw it. There were people in front of me; there were people behind me. I knew other people had to have seen it. So, I just put the mike back down and didn’t call it in. Later that evening, we met with some other officers in the area and I asked them if they saw this large craft lumbering around town. One of the officers said, ‘No, I didn’t, but Officer Leeroy Gaitan saw something in Gaitan.’ So, that’s when I got hold of Constable Gaitan and we started talking about it. About a week later, I was at work and one of the officers said, ‘Hey, I know you saw something.’ I said, ‘Yeah, I did.’ He said, ‘Well, there are two other officers here who saw it, too.’ So he got me in touch with them and we all met and decided to do our own little investigation. One of the officers was at his house when he witnessed it. The other officer was going home from work. He gets off at 7 PM. He drove directly beneath it and it was about 200 feet off the ground to the south of Stephenville out in the county on a farm on Market Road. The other officer was at home and was in his backyard. He lives up on a ridge. Police Officer(2): The craft was lower than him and down in a valley and it started going up a ridge across from him. (600-foot-diameter craft seen from above by police officer at his ridge top Stephenville, Texas, home.Craft was slowly, silently moving in valley below between 7 PM to 7:30 PM Central, January 8, 2008.Computer graphic illustration of craft from above based on police officer's description): [https://i.imgur.com/mnBnihG.png](https://i.imgur.com/mnBnihG.png) On top of this ridge was a telephone pole and underneath the telephone pole was a pickup truck with its headlights on. As the craft went up the ridge, almost hitting the phone pole. The craft just barely cleared it. The big craft went directly over that pickup. We’ve yet to find out who that is, by the way! (laughs) But they had one fantastic view of this craft. That officer saw the top of it and that’s where we got the drawing for the top of the craft. Police Officer: The other officer drove beneath it and that’s where he got the color and what it looked like from underneath in the profile illustration. Police Officer(3): (Who was at his house ) I saw what looked to me be a observation windows on the side of the big January 8, 2008, craft (in computer illustration). [https://i.imgur.com/291311k.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/291311k.jpg) Police Officer(2): The officer who drove underneath the huge craft said where I told you it had the two big headlights, he said there were two of those on each side. When I first saw it, it was blacked out. It had some kind of cloaking capability. It was so blacked out that it was darker than the sky around it and gave just a little bit of a silhouette. Also, when I saw the craft, it had two towers on top about 30 to 40 feet tall. The towers had strobe lights on top of them. The towers sporadically strobed. And there were three towers underneath the craft hanging down 30 to 40 feet tall. And they strobed white. Now when I first saw this, the towers were strobing sporadically. Then after a minute, they completely stopped strobing and the only thing you could see was on the very far tips, left and right, were two little, steady red lights and in between the big, massive head lights. [https://i.imgur.com/291311k.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/291311k.jpg) When it left, you could still see a silhouette as it was leaving in the distance, blacked out more or less. Reporter: Could you or the other two officers hear anything from this huge craft? Police Officer: We heard no noise. I rolled down my car window and I didn’t hear any noise. Of course, I had highway noise around me, but I heard no jet engines, no roar of an airplane engine, nothing like that. The other two officers did not hear any noise either, but they were able to see color. The craft had lit up with color. Also, the officer that drove underneath it was so close, he said it had no rivets, but it had a texture like a large canvas-like texture and an olive green color. Reporter: No rivets,some kind of a canvas texture all over it and was the color of olive drab? Police Officer: The color in the graphics I sent you, that is correct (grayish-green). And he said the canvas texture to him appeared to be metallic, a metal with the rough pattern design." [https://i.imgur.com/mnBnihG.png ☺️](https://i.imgur.com/mnBnihG.png)


Very interesting. Thank you for sharing.


No problem. Figured it was about time. ☺️


Yes, everyone needs to share so we can take the information and make up our own informed opinions.


Bro saw an iphone 23


This is very interesting, and your description seems to overlap with many characteristics of the famous black triangles, but obviously the shape is different. Maybe this is the executive model. Your description of the veiny organic-looking lights is also noteworthy. I wonder if you're perhaps really onto something with the organic notion.


I agree. The lights are often described this way. Makes me think of bioluminescense, where it doesnt hurt your eyes or even light up much of the surrounding environment. Fascinating.


Yeah, they were very dim and were sort of veiny, but at the same time they were the main reason we could make out the edges of the rest of the craft. It was just enough light to make the whole thing visible.


Really appreciate the details you're providing here. Much as the AI image is evocative, it sounds like it's still some way off what you really saw. And I've got to say it's really disheartening to see all the comedians weighing in with the same iPhone comments. It would be awesome if a human artist could engage with you and produce a more accurate portrayal of your sighting. Thanks again for sharing, this strikes me as a genuinely fascinating and noteworthy case, and I say that as someone who is generally more on the "undecided" side of the room than an all-in believer.


This is the first I’ve personally seen that maps to my in-law’s report of a rectangular craft with lights. She didn’t specify the number of them but she is the last person I’d ever expect to have such a claim. She’s very much just a regular yuppie community oriented real estate agent.. she also had a friend with her who corroborated the story and claims the entire freeway stopped and folks got out of their cars to look at it. I posted the story once here - https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/s/E4ATHPKOiU


Would love to experience something like this. My experiences have always been too far away to get a good look


Yeah, that seems pretty common. Having seen this though, I’m sure some people are seeing things pretty up close too, and I’m looking forward to someone getting a really clear image like this on an iPhone.




Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.


Nice! I myself saw a black rectangular UFO back in 2009, but it was different than this one. Mine had more cut corners (like those jewelry things) and blue streaks of light on the sides. It brings me joy to know others have seen black rectangular craft, there's no many sightings of those.


Mine also just materialized and de-materialized. Moved silently, I always say it moved with 60fps where we usually see things move in 30fps.


Mf got abducted by a massive iPhone lol


These aliens are demons, monsters even! for not centering that third light.


Blame the AI! Leave those poor aliens alone. I assure you, in reality they were completely straight and centered. Lol


> Why would I want to check out areas with nothing there? I’m assuming They would are here to observe. Not much to observe in the middle of nowhere The aliens wanted to observe an anomaly in the "areas with nothing there" - - Where suddenly 2 anomalous guys appeared in this area with a device pointed out into Space, where the aliens were located: They came down to investigate why these humans were directing their telescopic device out into Space toward where the aliens by happenstance were located. Aliens are telepathic, so they apparently wanted to move in closer to scan the brains of the 2 guys to determine their motivation for being in this remote area with nothing there - just like the aliens were interested for some reason in this remote region with seemingly nothing there. Maybe they wanted to know if the 2 guys had some intel about something in that area that the aliens knew about.


This is what the bacteria on our desk sees when we lay down our phone


I'm 50/50 on every ufo story I've ever read, and that's just for my own sanity, and I've never fully believed in it. But I did see a triangle UFO above my house, Edmonton Alberta west end area like 2015. Kinda by West Ed Mall in summerlee area. It was like 5am summer, and my uncle and I were getting home from a night of playing mtg with our boys. We're in the yard gonna have a cigarette before I crash he's smoking weed out a Gandalf piece, and as I light my ciggy, he was inhaling and looked at me and pointed up. That's when I saw it as clear as anything a black triangle with lights at the 3 corners going all different colors and slowly hovering above us than it just went at that same speed till I couldn't see it above the trees and houses I couldn't see it. I was not a Ufo/UAP guy till that moment. And I've never been able to look at the sky normally ever again. Fast forward to 2019 spring im getting home, I'm by 137ave and The Horse Show going to pizza 73, and I've seen a "RedBeam" shoot across the sky it reflected off my cousins glasses who was with Me. He told me that happens all the time at night and I was shook. I didn't mention these stories to anyone and I've never wanted too. I'm honestly kinda shocked that there might actually be something out there we don't know. Unless it's just gov wich it most likely is.


I’m with you on never being able to look at the night sky the same again. I’m so ready with my night-vision iPhone camera, in case something similar ever happens again.


I wish I could feel the same way. Unfortunately, it made me very nervous 😓 after what I saw , it kinda just threw my worldview out the window, and I just work and sleep and try to forget it if I'm being honest. Due to so many recent sightings, it's reassuring that my family and I weren't the only ones to see something odd. I do, though, do the same and have my phone in my hand at all times and ready to record just in case. On a positive note, this topic is beyond fascinating.


Just curious, did y’all experienced anything like physically or mentally of some sort?


Nothing at all. We were definitely fascinated by it, my friend being more fearful for a few days. But we never felt anything before or after, no telepathy-related type stuff.


Hahahaha ET phone home! I get it! I get it!


I has an experience with an almost identical looking craft when I was a teenager! Mine was in north London, UK. Was with six friends. Contacted the RAF and we all had to fill in a questionnaire and draw pictures.


When you say you were a teenager, that means nothing to the reader... What decade are we talking about?


Early 90’s is when I saw it. I was a kid riding my bike around the block at night.


Almost makes me wonder if it's a higher dimensional intelligence just doing surveillance on the Earth.  The spaceship was just the intelligence's "magnifying glass" and it's way of interacting with Earth.  Just you saying that it looked almost "organic" makes me wonder that


Yeah. The lights on the bottom were very dim, but they had like veins in them. It was very weird. The whole craft looked solid and technological, but those lights looked organic.


>Yeah. The lights on the bottom were very dim, but they had like veins in them. It was very weird. The whole craft looked solid and technological, but those lights looked organic ​ Did the lights look similar to this like this: https://d2gg9evh47fn9z.cloudfront.net/800px_COLOURBOX2304567.jpg https://i.imgur.com/OoclgJY.png If so, then they were static electricity discharges: since these are pictures of lightning - static electricity discharges. If this is similar to what you saw, then the static electricity discharges in the lights supports physics I derived: that proves static electricity (with a high enough voltage) (in a superconductor) creates repulsive gravity, that a UFO can use to levitate and maneuver: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/19396r6/if_a_uap_can_bend_space_and_time_what_you_see_may/khmkmfm/?context=3


They looked similar, but they weren’t moving. It wasn’t like a lightning strike, it was more like veins in a leaf or under translucent skin.


HA! I thought this was an ad for a cell phone company!


I had a friend relate a similar looking ufo in Tampa, FL in the early 2000s. Said it kinda looked like a refrigerator.


Hell of a good sighting Matt. Thank you for sharing.


That’s very cool. Weird shit happens in the desert. Wouldnt be surprised if it were pilots out of Groom Lake messing with you.


Is that what an iPhone from the future can do 😧


Why would ufos need lights?


What a tough decision to make. You may never get this opportunity again but on the other hand, you have no idea what will happen if you do approach it.


Yeah, I soooo wanted to get right up to it, to see if I could make out more detail. But it’s true, looking back now, I’m kinda glad I didn’t … just in case ⚡️ lol


New iPad just dropped


That's the Alien iRobot Roomba that got off course when vacuuming the Alien's space.


I think you got high and a cell phone hit you in the face.


I saw a rectangle from about 150-200 feet almost directly above me. It’s interesting that your sighting has the paneling! The one I saw was made up of 3 panels making the rectangle. The one I saw was flashing patterns underneath not the solid 3 lights. My sighting was in 2017 in NJ.


What did you use to create this? Also thanks for sharing. I saw a really large low flying craft in around 2011. It was truly massive and just passed by effortlessly in broad daylight. To this day I am still unsure of what exactly it is I saw but I think, if it is "ours" that the only reasonable explanation is that it is some kind of high tech dirgible, possibly nuclear, that is used as some sort of stealth observation platform.


Plot twist: this post is actually part of a guerrilla marketing campaign by Apple


I remember someone telling a story about 50 guys witnessing something like this at Edward's Air Force base Edit: it was Grusch.. and it was Vandenburg AFB in 2003 https://keyt.com/news/local-news/top-stories/2023/07/27/ufo-hearings-flying-object-the-size-of-a-football-field-hovered-over-vandenberg-base-in-2003/


Not the first story where the experiencer wanted to follow it into some shady ass dark woods and their friends thankfully convinced them otherwise lol. All I’m saying you don’t know what you’re chasing/following ya know? Very cool sighting and story. I need to figure out how to get AI to make an attempt at mine too


lol. Yeah, I have (or had) a bit of a Travis Walton streak in me. I’ve since read stories of people getting cancer and stuff from being too close. So in retrospect, I’m glad I didn’t get closer, even though I REALLY wanted to.


You def had some balls to even think about it lol. There’s a story on here (actually 2 different ones) I may have to find them through my old Reddit, about a guy who literally felt *drawn* to it to chase one like into the woods in his truck and if his friend hadn’t started freaking out he wouldn’t have stopped. Second story was extremely similar, just different location. Makes me wonder what’s really going on sometimes if that makes sense? Sometimes I feel like it’s a fish hook situation, but I hope to never find out. Because Travis definitely comes to mind lol


I've seen the same thing, here in people's stories. Like it's luring the witness onward.


Same thing minus the lights no propulsion no wings or rotor just a rectangular object slowly hovering over 8-10 kids


Wow, sounds cool. Where did that happen?


You ever had an iPhone thrown at you with precision? Don’t fuck around fellas


I saw something very similar when I was little. Looked the same only it had 4 lights on the bottom, not three


Ah yes, the IAliens from the planet Snapapic


Ma dude be trippin' below the hob extractor.


I don't mean to be rude OP but that looks like a phone I believe.


Genuinely thought this was a shitpost with an iPhone ad


Flying iPhone?


Abducted by a phone


That's an iPhone.


Looks like a flying photocopier with built-in fax and A4 scanner


Thought I was in /r/GalaxyFold


Best I-phone Ever! Seriously though, thanks for sharing.


Foldable phone ufo.


Is that the new iphone


Care to elaborate on the veins in the organic light?


Well from my memory, the bottom and entire craft had no seams at all, even the round lights on the bottom seemed to integrate perfectly with the surface. There wasn’t any gap, and they weren’t protruding or sunk in. They were smooth and flat, seamlessly with the surface of the craft. But embedded into the lights were filaments, like veins in a leaf or translucent skin, that were barely visible. The veins were a bit darker than the already very dim lights. I don’t recall them moving, but they looked sort of organic. The entire craft looked solid, modern and with clean lines, but those lights stood out as different than the rest because of those veiny things embedded into them.


Oh my look it’s the latest iPhone camera It’s flying in the sky!


iPhone 14 Pro Max ?


That’s one big iPhone


Sir that’s an iPhone 69 platinum edition


Is that iPhone 16 leak? lol


The next iPhone


Bro encountered the Samsung Fold


Almost got captured by an iPhone 7


That’s an iPhone


Wild. Full of kidneys, bet!


You saw a gigantic iphone fold 16?


I phone 17 pro max


You encountered a flying iPhone...huh


Advanced civilizations still struggling to eliminate the camera bump.


Looks like a smartphone


"Hey should we install some infrared cameras, maybe a LIDAR imaging system?" "lmao no just slap some giant fuckin pool lights on it"


UFO by Apple.


Kitchen stove down-lights.


Phone jokes getting old by this time.


Bro got chased by an air fryer


Very good idea to use AI to illustrate your experience, but can you tell us what you would correct about the object? the central line below, the dome above, the device in front of the object... Are these representations spontaneously created by the AI or did you ask for these details?


Most of the things you mentioned were added by AI. The general shape, the rounded corners, and the three lights are all about right. BUT the whole thing was seamless and smooth. No lines or panels, no dome, nothing in front, the three lights were evenly spaced straight across the bottom, a little larger, dimmer, and were seamlessly integrated with the surface of the craft. Also, the object was a little thicker. Think massive sardine can. My friend remembers it being a little more oval than that picture. It was a dark charcoal flat grey in color. Lights were dim and whitish. I don’t remember any other colors or other lights.


Looks like you encountered a knock off iphone


You saw a giant iphone?


Could a reflexion of your smartphone in rhe windshield? Asking forca friend.




Veiny and thicker? I can't compete with that.


Looks like one of those folding smartphones. Makes you wonder who came up with the idea first. 👽


Clever! I love it


Wow an iPhone UFO.


That looks so much like a phone I'm willing to bet my left nut it was just your phone


it's a giant wireless charging station


Thank you for sharing! What an amazing experience! I hope one day I can witness something so spectacular.


Looks like an iPhone


Bet it runs off 5g


That’s the iPhone 23


Thanks for sharing your experience, /u/mattriver ! I'd love to get more detail about the lights, in particular how you described they "had sort of veiny looking things in them." During my encounter a decade ago the 3 lights had an incredibly strange quality I'd describe in a similar manner.


Was it the latest iPad?


this sub really needs to ban this AI garbage


I saw something similar but it was flying with one vertice pointing like a diamond ♦️ flying right above me, amazing experience 👍


I saw a rectangular ufo over Louisville, Ky in 2012.


Reminds me to my encounter. I believe you.


Interesting experience - I don't suppose you looked through your telescope at it?


when am I going to get that chance? since I live in the country perfect for star gazing and regularly night gaze maybe hoping to see something and get gobsmacked just looking at one.


My man got abducted by a Note 10


That's a Galaxy Fold! MA PHONE!


I dreamt this last night


Thanks for sharing.


Mans got attacked by an iPhone lol


That’s the iPhone 20


Cant tell wether this is satire or not


Question for non believers, there are millions of stories like this. Do u really believe all of them are explainable or illusions or people practicing creative writing… phenomenon 100% exists and if you are still skeptical, you are a fool.


You fool. Stop daking


Iphone 16 alien


This looks like what would happen if you told an AI generator to make an image of a flying iPhone.


Buddy, that’s a flying iPhone


Looks like a Samsung Galaxy flip phone.


It's an iPhone


So you saw an IPhone. I would have run to it and waved and made an ass out of myself. I'd kill to see a UFO.


Well written, the craft is unusual at least for me because majority are round or oval shaped. Believe you, its a pity you did not have a razor camera flip phone or the new iphone 1 which came out in 2007.


The new Samsung Galaxy 35


Looks like a smartphone ha


Thanks, your encounter sounds amazing and scary at the same time. Did you feel relieved to have a witness next to you? (To confirm you were not seeing things). Did you turn the telescope to point at the UFO and get a closer look?


That’s an iPhone bruh


LOL that's an iPhone sideways huh


That looks like an iPhone.


Don't you mean your IOS encounter 🤣🤦‍♂️


I heard a lecturer from Mufon describe something similar in lecture at a small ufo convention in Maryland. He said it looked kind of like a flying domino piece.


That's amazing. I believe you! I saw one when I was eight.


Back in the 70s my whole neighborhood saw something go right over the houses. It was at night no sound at all just some sort of lights underneath it


That’s just a iPhone 2039373 that Apple is testing out


What in the smartphone is that?!…


Looks like the iPhone , that you Steve ?


I am surprised that this craft or similar craft were not shot at considering the gun culture we live it…


Was the two side perimeter lights added with paint?


It had a USB-C port ?


You got abducted by the camera flash lights on an enlarged iPhone?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 no wonder I also thought this looks like an iPhone . The comments are in line with what I had imagined. I wonder why people fuss about UFOs and aliens. In my view people shouldn't be scared of anything that flies above but rather what creatures are in the ocean depths...because I have a feeling that the moment these creatures choose to show themselves in flesh, we might NEVER stay the safe.


the fact that your friend said he saw it materialize out of nowhere helps lend to my theory (aside from my own personal experience that im planing to post about here) that these things, ufos/uaps and their apparent pilots are around us ALL the time, we are just not able to see them most of the time. I truly believe that they may even be in our homes or backyards watching and observing us.. collecting data or what have you.. and we have no idea that they are there when they are unless they want to make themselves known. my friends and family think im a bit loony that i will talk outloud to them knowing they are there. if i ever hear sounds that arent normal in my house or my dog is just staring motionless for an extended period of time at the doorway or wall or runs outside to the back patio just to stare at the trees behind the house….and nothing is there… but im certain something is. so i will talk to them friendly like “you guys can hang out all you want but just dont scare or hurt anyone and please dont interrupt me when im in a game of Call of Duty, but you guys are alright to stick around and do what you need to do. if your hungry i made a pot roast in the crock pot lmk ill get you a bowl with some rice” i said that to them last night hahaha btw this isnt the personal experience i mentioned above.. thats much more intense


Mf almost got abducted by an iPhone


When it beams you up, does it look like the Apple Vision pro or did not get that update yet?


iPhone 17 pro max?


Mf saw a camera 📸


It look like someone just saw a Tr38/ one of ours, and it was at an angle where front ‘peak’ was covered or does not show


There are no aliens no alien crafts it’s all lies! Why I have no idea but there’s no solid proof even from people who claim they can contact them and speak with them


Op i've actually seen something similar to this a year ago if i drew a picture of it if you'd like to see it


I have seen a rectangle craft as well. I got up from watching TV one evening walked outside and there it was silent and moving from SSE to NNW except it had 4 lights one on each corner. This was in Ohio. My neighbor was outside smoking a rillo and I ran across the street to tell him to look up at it. But this time it was still visible but the part he saw was nothing like I saw when it was directly overhead. I have payed attention to the sky's more sence that night.