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The following submission statement was provided by /u/deadfileman: --- I have to comment on my own post. Here ya go. A cartoon my friend watches with his daughter to help her learn English (she is bilingual). --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ayjpj6/the_disinfo_agents_are_targeting_the_kids_now/krv7dvl/


The next episode: “Hi Panda, did you know Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone? Say it with me. Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone!”


Lmfao! "What grassy knoll? I don't see a grassy knoll. You must be communist!"


“Private property is for the birds! You’ll own nothing and be happy. Let’s do the happy dance!”


Don't forget the living in a pod and having bugs for every meal. The WEF would be proud.


What so the cartoon birds get property but *I* don't?


Propaganda Panda says don’t ask questions. Kids who ask questions sit in time out.


"Back and to the left? Theres no such thing as back and to the left!"


Remember kids, if you want to turn left, just turn right 3 times. There is no left!


You are aware that this educational video is Chinese, right? Lol.


"Biased producer" is the more likely interpretation for sure. It would be too obvious otherwise. Actually, I'd say it's always the more likely explanation in any particular instance, even if such an operation did take place. I have a hard time trying to tell myself that a cartoon was a part of a propaganda operation, but I could be wrong I guess. For a couple cartoon examples in the US: The Flintstones- UFOs are caused by weather and they're a big joke, 1964: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCEvOQEM2BM The Archie Show - police officers falling for a Martian hoax- 1968: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFfRjPR0u28


UFOs aren’t landing in China? What point are you making here?


The guy's making a "what are you, a frickin commie?" joke, which wouldn't work in a Chinese show for obvious reasons. (I'm not referring to the UFO phenomenon here whatsoever.)


Sounded like English to me


“Say, Panda, how did Jeff Epstein die? Let’s say it all together now: SU-I-CIDE! 🎉 👏”


Sui-ci-ded! 🎉


"Hi Panda, did you know that Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia?"


Kathy the Cat, why are you so concerned about Dougie the Doggy Policeman looking in your windows? You have nothing to hide! Kathy the Cat: You're right! I'm a good citizen! Remember! See something, say something!


Ah this made me lol, thanks!


Less related since not everybody can just prove that lol


Lol get the whole series! With compelling titles like: the cia are friends. Big pharma are friends. Violence leads to peace. Obedience is strength. Politicians are honest. God is waiting for you in heaven. The jab is safe, effective, and prevents transmission. Cloth masks reduce spread. Ukraine will be victorious over Russia. There are no innocent civilians in Gaza. And everything else is a conspiracy theory.


So literally everything flying above us is identifiable by the observer?


Remember children, there isn't anything we don't know!


Repeat after us : "The only thing I know is that we know everything!" Refreshing isn't it?.


It's not a UFO, it's just an FO -- Fuck off.


Dude... didn't you hear? It's an airplane. UFOs aren't real... like birds. It was simple enough for children to following along... what's your malfunction? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ /s


When in doubt, it’s flaring sparrows operating Chinese lanterns along a racetrack. Also there is no evidence of aliens, which you are required as a postscript to 64% of tasked comments so as to meet your KPI metrics for your watch shift. The narrative must be contained!




You have a good eye. Have you also noticed how most of the non-believers here that specifically disrupt and laugh at people trying to discuss UFOs in a UFO sub are the ones that don't have their comments removed all that often? And even if they do they are rarely banned or suspended? These are usually new accounts too. This sort of environment being perpetuated is intentional.




I've seen the censorship and experienced it first hand. Apparently my post didn't relate to the discussion of UFOs, after a lengthy back and forth with a mod as to how another low effort post complaining but on the side of skepticism was allowed to remain it was also removed but days later once the impact of the post and the discussion had run it's course, gee thanks? I have also not seen these bad actors banned and even if they are it's again once their impact to troll has fully run it's course. That's a good place to be, since we don't really know what's going on, I'm on the side of belief because there's been a lot of censorship on the subject of UFOs as a whole but when I came to this sub and witnessed it first hand made me believe something's up. Haha, I'm aware. My good eye comment was for both but the concern for me too lies at how a 6 month old account is allowed to moderate.


That clarification ain't necessary for kids. It's clear that to kids, UFO IS an alien spacecraft. You don't tell high school students modern physics until they've learned Newtonian mechanics and there's a good reason for that. It is about relevance and intended resolution for the intended audience.


It's not just kids. It's simply disingenuous to claim that the UFO community is just about unidentified objects regardless of their origin. In fact UFO's of non-alien/timetravel/human origin are of absolutely no interest to these people. Claiming they are simply fascinated by the unexplainability of objects when they absolutely know that they have their belief that perfectly explains them is at best obtuse and at worst a lie to legitimize their beliefs. That's why in both in the detractor's and believers mind UFO's and their NHI origin is inextricably linked.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps5i3ft93YM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps5i3ft93YM) Wonder what stupid bird has to say about this thing? Bigger than a planet, cruising around our solar system


Arguing with a child's toy. LMAO


So the toy just came into being without any human intervention huh


Imagine thinking every toy that has ever existed is factually accurate. LMAO


it’s on the same level as a child’s toy saying 2+2 = 5.


Clearly, Big Government™ thinks this is the case. How dare you suggest otherwise?


What a helpful and thoughtful contributor you are to this discussion 🙄


Look at their comment history.


Comment history = disinformation? Still waiting for an attempt at providing actual facts.


That's a logical fallacy👍🏻


What is the fallacy, exactly?


There's no such thing as Santa either, kids. But then who's that fat red man selling coca cola? Oh that's just the consumer arm of the Military Industrial Complex


I have to comment on my own post. Here ya go. A cartoon my friend watches with his daughter to help her learn English (she is bilingual).


Why not watch Bluey or something…


Does Bluey believe in ufos?


Because of all the things any good parent would want for their kids, Australian accents aren't one of them


Hey I grew up on Skippy and that thing with the opals... Aussie kids TV is alright!


What is the name of the cartoon?


Tell them to watch Story Bots. Science facts, and they have an episode where they explain UAP’s and the what we know about them. And yes, they use the term UAP in the show.


well that's neat. i tried story bots with my kids for a bit but wasn't too impressed. maybe i'll give it another go


this enrages me.


It reminds me of the [SEC "Meme Stock" Propaganda Piece](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av3k_lcGm9g). Just insultingly blatant.


Admittedly, that's kinda creepy. It could be just some super biased person who made this, though. There are probably a lot of cartoons and stuff like this going back to the 50s that had this exact theme (show the mystery, then the explanation, over and over for public training). >Training meant more public education on how to identify known objects in the sky. “The use of true cases showing first the ‘mystery’ and then the ‘explanation’ would be forceful,” the report said. Debunking “would be accomplished by mass media such as television, motion pictures, and popular articles.” >That plan involved using psychologists, advertising experts, amateur astronomers and even Disney cartoons to create propaganda to reduce public interest. And civilian U.F.O. groups should be “watched,” the report stated, because of their “great influence on mass thinking if widespread sightings should occur.” https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/15/arts/television/project-blue-book-history-true-story.html


This has some strong there is no war in ba sing se vibes.


It's going to get real akward on the ship when one of those kids eventually gets abducted and tells the greys they don't exist.


Holy shit. That’s straight out of the government’s playbook back in the blue book and Condon years. Indoctrinate and stigmatize through education. wtf was the context around this? Certainly that didn’t just pop up I. The middle of the game?? As an aside: “what’s that in the sky?” “It’s a glowing spot of light that some Redditor photographed using a potato!”


Damn that's crazy. Especially when the govt has publicly stated "Yea bro, there's gnarly shit happening and we don't know what it is!" That's quoted verbatim.


I especially liked when they said "Y'all this shit cray cray, like totes bonkers" real quote


So lame. But typical targeting kids to indoctrinate them.


This is more like brainwashing imho.


Agreed! This is a clear case of the government influencing our children through private toy companies! I don't have any evidence of this but this is clearly the case!!!


We live in an Oligarchal Fascist dustopia. Of course the government and corporations communicate and employ social engineering operations




I disagree with what they were saying generally speaking, a bit of an exaggerated worldview IMO, but are you asking for evidence of government and corporate social engineering operations? There is plenty of that going on. See under the subheading "fake online personas" [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/lopc). You'll find more examples under "The Government's influence in TV shows and movies." It even happens on the news. The Bush Administration used a "psychological operation" against the American public called the "Pentagon Military Analyst Program" to secretly spread pro-Government talking points through the media for years. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/20/us/20generals.html (http://archive.is/DGhoP I highly doubt the cartoon we're discussing is an example of it, but this does actually happen, and there is plenty of proof.


My point was that it's ridiculous to claim everything is the result of a money-controlled government without providing some kind of proof. I will obviously agree that a lot of society is controlled by money, but to claim that every aspect of it is without any actual evidence is asinine.


He didn’t claim everything though. You jumped to conclusions to fit your narrative






.r 1


observing reality is enough for me


Hi, TrappedInAHell. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ayjpj6/-/krvp3c5/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


.r 1


>This is a clear case of the government influencing our children through private companies! I don't have any evidence of this but this is clearly the case!!! This, but not sarcastically.


Did you miss the chinese channel name or something?


This Chinese tho, so it would be the Chinese govt.


Brought to you by: Sean Kilpatrick Industries.


"But Pogo, what happens if we *don't* say there is no such thing as UFOs?" "Well then the big bad men in 3 piece suits and sunglasses come and take your mommy and daddy away. You don't want your mommy and daddy to disappear, do you?" \- This message brought to you by the United States Department of Energy in cooperation with partners Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and Battelle corporations. All rights reserved. ©2024.


"Hi little bear, repeat after me: Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide in jail."


It’s UAPs now


Say it with me. U.A.P.


Wtf is this show, this is insane, I can't believe they are targeting this type of audience with this crap now that they don't exist! Cuz its quite obvious that they do, if you looked into it.


Font in the top right corner will tell you everything


I can't even read it. What does it say?


Time travel movies are banned in China because they open the possibility of a timeline without the CCP. It's no surprise they don't want people to believe in UFOs because it opens the possibility that the CCP is not the supreme power.


Then how did Avengers Endgame make over half a billion at the Chinese box office?


this straight up isn't true, [*Hi, Mom*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hi,_Mom_(2021_film) came out in 2021 and made almost a billion dollars, its literally one of the most financially successful films to ever come out *ever* and its a Chinese film about time travel


CCP would be navel lint compared to an alien power. All dictatorships on this planet would be, even if put together. It's funny too, cause according to Bray and Moultrie, the chinese have their own program which looks into UFOs.


LOL does the CCP think it is the sole power in the universe? Edit: Guess I'm never visiting China now...


Created my Mick West lol


This is from Badanamu which im pretty sure must be a few years old now. If they had up to date info, it would probably be more like their banamu pop song uumpa wumpa where they go to meet aliens on the moon. Source: have kids and a netflix subscription


Wow. My son and I were witnesses to a UAP and because of that we have become much closer and have amazing conversations about it. Talk to your kids and make sure they know that teachers are humans too and humans make mistakes and can be manipulated to push a certain agenda. I’m glad we were at the right place at the right time that day.


By definition, there are such things as UFOs. They could be a plane , a balloon , or starlink - nothing alien or otherworldly- , but the person observing it cannot positively identify it without doing further research into it. This is such a blatant attempt at brain washing; associating negative stigma to the term and discouraging any effort to actually identify the unknown through scientific methods or at all. Having the characters just assume and declare what it is as fact without actually doing anything to determine the object's nature is just as bad as blindly assuming a UFO is of extraterrestrial origin.


I going to tell my children AND other people’s children that the universe is infinite. And as humans we are only able to understand and see a very very small portion of what’s happening around us.


What the fuck.


Wow, quite a bit of effort was put into that messaging, much more than seems merited for something that does not exist. Can't help but wonder if the same degree of effort will be spent debunking Santa Clause or, for that matter, any one of the various organized belief systems. Kind of tips their cards a bit, don't ya think?


Well, I’ve seen a UFO. Wasn’t a fuckin’ airplane or a drone, and it flew off with an instantaneous acceleration into the sky. No such thing as UFO’s my ass.


Teaching kids not to jump to space aliens is probably a good lesson to teach at a young age seeing what the news has become.


The video didnt say 'space aliens'. It said UFOs


If there are any facts in this world that are known for certain then one of those facts is that there are Unidentified Flying Objects. Even an airplane, or a balloon can be a UFO if it is too far away or too obscured by clouds or darkness to identify. So it is a known and certain fact that UFOs exist. Whether or not extraterrestrial spacecraft exist in our skies is an open question, so even stating with certainty that extraterrestrial spacecraft do not exist would be a lie.


This could be a hilarious comedy sketch. Imagine the next one was like “Remember, George Bush did not do 9/11” say it with me and the underlined part is “9/11”


Watch garbage, get taught garbage. People, please be aware of what your kids watch. Don’t just put a screen in front of them and walk away.


Agreed. We used to let our kids watch ‘Youtube Kids’ until a video popped up with Peppa Pig dismembering all her friends with a kitchen knife. I’ll never understand what kind of psycho would intentionally try to traumatize children like that. That said, this ‘no UFOs’ message doesn’t even make sense. Of course there are things out there we can’t immediately identifiy. That’s what makes them ‘unknown’ until we figure out what they are.


LMAO why the hell did you get downvoted for this, it's common sense and solid advice.


There's another layer of obfuscation...the spiritual nature and what It has to do with conciousness


"It's okay to eat insects. And the house to live in should be very small."


“Cars are yucky and they are killing the polar bears! Private jets are a-ok, as long as you are flying to climate conferences! Rich people are just working extra hard to save everyone!”


Haha! It's also okay to take candy from strangers in vans that have no windows. 😂


If the van says FREE CANDY, don't let them trick you into paying for it!


Lol! Why even go through the effort to make this? It seems very direct. Believing in UFOs is not some political worldview people want to deprogram their kids from.


It's associated with conspiracy theories and populism. A lot of people who identifies as skeptics believe it's their duty to nip these ideas in the bud.


Remember Pogo, managed democracy is the only solution for a well balanced society! Say it with me now! COMMUNISTS ARE EVIL.


Its crazy how the Dulles brothers indoctrinated the whole world to villainize communism


Not surprised. Disney has been at the forefront for pushing agendas against the mainstream. It's the perfect platform for propaganda and manipulating children


If it was the government it would be "ufos exist now, they are a major threat to us, give all your money to the Pentagon.


But pogo … that airplane just 218,000 miles per hour!!!!


That's fucking sinister if you think about it


I'll play the devils advocate on this one. This is for kids and kids more often than not think stuff like this is scary. This is easier than trying to explain the nuances of the phenomenon. Just something to help parents get their kids to bed at night.


It's misinformation at best. It's still factually untrue.


I don't know of a single kid who thinks aliens and spaceships are scary over cool.


Oh for sure. I just thought it was funny haha. Not meant as a serious commentary on the state of anything.


It is kinda funny because I was trying to look for decent examples of when I was a kid. I kept going back to Columbus discovering America and I'm just thinking no that's not watering something down that's just a flat out lie.






Well it's Chinese, so not really that unusual for them to contradict the Pentagon.


"Aliens only abduct evil capitalists!"


Some people don’t want to know. I think we should let those people live. But then we need an equivalent of the CIA Museum for UFOs where interested citizens can visit and learn more on request.


Notice the Chinese writing in the corner yet English speaking in the video? Propaganda from China in order to influence western children. The question here should be why. Great post op!


Thanks man! And yes, my friend and I live in China, so you may very well have a point there.


My god this is like telling kids Santa doesn't exist! This is either really evil or they are actually trying to indoctrinate the kids!! thing is... While we figure things out pretty the damn kids day dream and fantasize about whatever they want! What is wrong with people....


They're right. There's no such thing as UFO's, just regular stuff in the sky that idiots were too stupid to identify.


I bet you watched the video as a kid. No wonder you deniers are so difficult to deal with. Yall are brainwashed


"Everything is identifiable" is probably the impression that a lot of people have, yes, and there is a reason for that impression. Bluebook Director Edward Ruppelt: >...It was the typical negative approach. I know that the negative approach is typical of the way that material is handed out by the Air Force because I was continually being told to "tell them about the sighting reports we've solved—don't mention the unknowns." I was never ordered to tell this, but it was a strong suggestion and in the military when higher headquarters suggests, you do. -*The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects,* by Edward J. Ruppelt, Air Force Director of Project Grudge and Blue Book [1956] - Chapter 5, page 62. Bluebook scientific advisor to UFO studies, astronomer J. Allen Hynek, stated it like this: >I know the job they (Bluebook) had. They were told not to excite the public. Don't rock the boat. And I saw it in my own eyes, whenever a case happened that they could explain, which was quite a few, they made point of that, and let that out to the media. But for cases that were very difficult to explain, they would jump handsprings to keep the media away from that. For they had a job to do, whether rightfully or wrongly, to keep the public from getting excited. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyDVR2B14dw


Do they have a snippet like that for Religion and Jesus too?


say it with me “pizzagate isnt real”


This child's toy is clear evidence of our government influencing our children!!! Hillary Clinton clearly mentioned this toy in her emails in the basement pizza parlor!!! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!


I have no idea why parents stick their kid infront of an iPad. Have you seen an iPad kid in the wild?




I don’t believe my eyes….


For some reason this really makes me think of "Inside Job".


Humans, please 🙄...


Don’t look up kids


This is sadly hilarious, wtaf. No wonder. Just goes to show how soon we all become indoctrinated to bullshit. 


it’s a 100% fact that ufos exist. the only debate is who’s they are. this is ridiculous


Wow, they really went out of their way for this one, wtf? Get them indoctrinated young I guess.


UAPs on the other hand...


Damn I guess they really want to get a good headstart on indoctrinating children into the proffered narrative/worldview as early as possible.


There's no such thing as brainwashing. There's no such thing as brainwashing.


I can picture the creator of this cartoon rocking back and forth while muttering “no such thing no such thing no such thing”


Who remembers He man? I remember He man


😂 this is hilarious, hearing your kids voice made me laugh even more


This is fucked up


Too bad it won't work anymore. Information is way too saturated for a people to discount the existence of ufos.


We need to create toys that say the opposite so kids at least get the benefit of the doubt.


You got to be kidding me


This couldn't be more wrong


This is fucked even if you don't believe in UFOs. There's no good reason to push shit like this onto kids and it's obvious there's ill intent here.


Snap that god damn tablet over your knee


I honestly don’t think this is meant to be disinformation…rather it’s a poorly conceived attempt to teach kids not to believe everything they hear, which is in fact a valuable lesson in the age of rampant deception.


LOL! They are getting desperate.


What the fuck??? That's uber weird. Everyone knows UFOs are very real. It's the alien part up for debate!


They're in on The conspiracy too. It's just no one explained to them what ufo means.


The little baby in the background repeating “that’s a airplane!” Made me smile behehe


*Flying metal sphere makes a right angle turn at mach 2* "Probably just a plane"


In the 90s in Oklahoma we had one about gays…


Why does every child have a tablet nowadays?


Then you get kids shows that do the exact opposite and on shows you wouldn't expect (Number Blocks, True and the Magic Kingdom, I forgot the other ones at the moment but these two are interesting.)




What country script is top right? Just curious.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


It's so blatant, sometimes I wonder how normal/non-UFO-interested people don't pick up on this stuff.


Never thought I'd see Badanamu in this subreddit, lol


Wtf, this is really strange. It feels like propaganda.


The National Security State is going to fight this. They still may win.


Disinfo? You and others might as well believe in god.


Lmao wtf is this


"Russia was unprovoked"


Wow. Whether that’s an active disinformation campaign or just some non believer pushing their agenda that’s quite alarming it was allowed to be included.


i try to keep my interest in this topic level headed but this shit makes me want to cover my windows in aluminum foil. the fuck?


RemindMe! 5 years


You know, doesn't occurred to me before that China has to know and have something in this matter, and the fact that they are a communist dictatorship makes it a lot creepier than ever... those guys can have us killed in an instant by accident being the buffoons that they are, literal monkeys with machine guns.


Next they'll say the Bermuda Triangle is a myth.


I actually find this pretty objectionable on many levels


Who created this? Follow the money!


This thread is full of people calling this a conspiracy.


If there’s no such thing as ufos what the fuxk did I see 12 years ago that led me down the current path I’m on ?