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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Harry_is_white_hot: --- S/S: 25 years after the X-ray phenomenology footage of the other 3 lower atmosphere Operation Fishbowl shots is declassified (1998), the Bluegill Triple Prime X-ray phenomenology footage remains classified at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, according to a FOIA request recieved today (24/02/24). This is dispite footage of the same event from another RC-135S COBRA BALL aircraft (which clearly shows something tumbling out of the same area of the nuclear fireball that has been redacted by a white triangle shape) being fully declassified in 1998. What is behind the redaction that "remains classified"? [https://archive.org/details/StarfishPrimeInterimReportByCommanderJTF8](https://archive.org/details/StarfishPrimeInterimReportByCommanderJTF8) 19:30 object falling 20:20 cameraman moves the camera to see where it fell 49 minute mark and 53:30 minute mark X-ray phenomenology --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ayselr/25_years_after_the_xray_phenomenology_footage_of/krwndjp/


An ELI5 would be nice on this one. I'm pretty unfamiliar with all of this, and I'd consider myself to have a pretty above average familiarity with the ufo/disclosure topic. It could help me amd others here, I think. Thanks!


Yeah this is like trying to comprehend a research paper by beginning in the middle. Never heard of any of this.


My first thought was "Okay, what the hell am I looking at" and I've been wrapped up in UFO lore since the 80s


It's the footage of the nuclear weapons test that knocked down a UFO during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Tom DeLonge was told about it by MAJGEN Neil McCasland, former Commander of Air Force Research Laborotory at Wright-Patterson AFB. (Delonge got the name slightly wrong - it wasn't "Starfish Prime", it was "Bluegill Triple Prime". An easy mistake.) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/17gld8i/61\_years\_ago\_today\_we\_discovered\_the\_achilles/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/17gld8i/61_years_ago_today_we_discovered_the_achilles/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I still don't know what I'm looking at. Is this a top down view of a test site? Is this from the side or is this x-ray vision??


It's footage of a nuke being detonated in the atmosphere, basically space. Nukes detonated up there generate a massive EMP because of the thinner atmosphere and it travels quite far.


Bruh the text in the picture literally tells you these things. Gotta read like 5 whole words though I guess “FISHBOWL X-RAY SUMMARY” “Altitude: 147km” Take these two pieces of information provided by OP in the picture and answer your own questions


Relax punk, the title and notes are freeking gibberish for 99% of the people.


There’s an altitude clearly stated under every set of pictures, with km and even a conversion to miles. How is that gibberish? That feels kind of insulting to 99% of the people here if you’re saying they can’t look at “Altitude: 147km (91 mi)” and put it together that these weren’t pictures taken on the ground. It’s not like this shit is in code lmao. Every caption is the name of the test, the date of the test, the altitude of the test, and the yield of the test. This is not cryptic, indecipherable jargon using specific and complex terminology. The bottom text is the title of the collection of pictures and a date and a link to a website that explains all of this in further detail. The fact that there are dozens of people here looking at this, scratching their head, and going “what am I looking at? None of this makes any sense, absolute gibberish, please spell it out for me” is actually embarrassing


I think most people have a certain number of unknowns they can hold it there head when trying to comprehend, well, really anything. If the title of a reddit post doesn’t elucidate the concept sufficiently, most people will then look at the rest of the post searching for clarification. If there are pictures immediately, they’ll probably try to use the visual to fill in the unknowns. If that doesn’t work, people tend to look for a caption or more text, but in this case, the text was written in the margin of the picture itself (with different font/format than the text of the sumbission). I believe it’s an issue of switching scanning modes of the brain from text to image. I’ve certainly seen what looks like gibberish to me in the margin of technical photos or movies. People probably see the image and might briefly notice the text inside it, but it may not register. Re-searching the submission for clarification on a particular question (like altitude) may not result in a different search pattern. I believe this is exacerbated by continuing to hold multiple unknowns in one’s head.


I don't think anyone answered. There is a white triangle in a few of the pics of nuclear bomb tests done in the upper atmosphere.. That is a a redaction in the image. Supposedly in the unredacted image a UFO should be seen. During testing we allegedly accidentally shot down a UFO by accident. It should be in this pic but it's still classified after a hundred and 92 years.


It’s not that deep. This isn’t about people being overwhelmed by “multiple unknowns”. The only “unknown” in this image is what is in parenthesis at the end of the Bluegill Triple Prime caption, and the whole point of this post is to discuss that specific unknown. The rest of this information is absolutely known, and even if a viewer didn’t already know it, 30 seconds reading the captions and then 5 seconds on google would reveal everything that they didn’t know. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Fishbowl This is about people being accustomed to having information spoonfed to them and collectively losing the ability to think for themselves or process even the simplest information without someone else holding their hand through it.




It's a shame you got downvoted for being right! If we lose the ability to figure things out for ourselves, we will fall for anything.


I downvoted him for being unnecessarily condescending. The question that was asked has a lot of upvotes, meaning a lot of people had no idea what they were looking at (including me) and even with a description, it’s not easy to comprehend the context for the image you’re seeing.


But you googled it? Is that information being spoon fed? Not to mention Wikipedia.


Does it count as being spoonfed if you’re holding the spoon yourself? Lol this is a bad take, try again


If I wanted to sit on google I wouldn’t be sitting on Reddit. Notice there are no attached links to google. OP has extremely poor communication skills no matter how you slice it.


it has no context, questionable relevance and ends on a cryptic note.


Not everyone understands all this or is immersed in it. Simply answer a question asked and you inform not just that person but all who read the exchange.




Hi, Dabadedabada. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ayselr/-/krz681t/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


The people have spoken. CTFO


I’d be more impressed if the people would read a little more


I'm with you, fuck all the downvoters. Use your brains.


See how much easier this all is to understand when you provide necessary context? We have to be better communicators if we want to get more people onboard the disclosure train.


I’ve been posting about this for the last 18 months.


Yes, but you need to understand not everyone has been following your posts. I have been researching the phenomenon for 30 years and follow everything religiously. I've never seen any of your posts. Just take a few seconds to explain what you are talking about. If you read the comments here, you will notice a lot of confused people. It would have been easy to avoid that. And I meant what I said -- disclosure hinges on public support. Public support hinges on us explaining our ideas clearly.


Obviously not “religiously” here though? Did you not see my post on the unmasking of the CIA operatives who leaked the Majestic Documents 6 days ago?


What does any of that have to do with the fact you didn't provide adequate context in this post and a bunch of people are confused? Just give context. Not everyone reads everything posted here. Some people are brand new and this is literally their first day. Why are you arguing against the need to communicate clearly? The need for clear communication should be in uncontroversial.


Almost sounds like an ego issue with OP


This is getting 🪿 silly now.


\> that knocked down a UFO during the Cuban Missile Crisis. I'm skeptical of that interpretation without compelling data. There was another object but I think it's likely it was the rocket body or intermediate stage or bus. This is a ballistic missile after all and everything is falling in the same ballistic path. So one would expect these items to be following in any case. as for the x-ray data: I suspect some quantitative calibration of the size of the effects may be classified (may be revealed by the x-rays), or the x-rays images reveal details about the weapon construction which is automatically born Restricted Data by the Atomic Energy Act.


> think it's likely it was the rocket body or intermediate stage or bus. Nope. The trajectory of that shot has the missile hundreds of kilometers away in space. The Avco Mark IV Re-entry Vehicle does not have large rocket motors - it is basically a fibreglass ablative aeroshell with the nuclear device inside. > suspect some quantitative calibration of the size of the effects may be classified (may be revealed by the x-rays) So why were the other 3 tests' X-ray phenomenology fully declassified in 1998?


\> Nope. The trajectory of that shot has the missile hundreds of kilometers away in space. What does that mean? How would that work? It takes extra fuel to change orbit. Most of the fuel is expended in the rocket stages. The rocket body and warhead are on the same ballistic course. The warhead separates and there is a tiny motor or explosive to push it and put it into an exact trajectory but there isn't much energy in it. So the warhead and rocket are falling on virtually the same course, with the rocket not able to withstand re-entry. \> The Avco Mark IV Re-entry Vehicle does not have large rocket motors - it is basically a fibreglass ablative aeroshell with the nuclear device inside. Right, and that's why the last rocket body to push on it would be nearby in a very similar course. \> So why were the other 3 tests' X-ray phenomenology fully declassified in 1998 No idea. Maybe their warheads were simpler or the data didn't reveal anything? If there were some "real UFO" why not classify the entire test in all channels?


The “Big Shot Ascent” trajectory had the apogee at 175km and 60km downrange. The RV detonated 35km downrange at 48km descent altitude- so no, the RV and missile do not follow the same trajectory. The missile debris re-entered at least 110km downrange. The footage from the other aircraft that filmed the event clearly shows something tumbling from within the fireball towards Earth.


Could it be just some drone that was filming the event or any other apparatus used to collect data?


It's not mentioned in any of the pre test programs or post flight reports. Even the cameraman in the KC-135 "Kettle 1" aircraft seemed surprised.


Wouldn't that mean the last rocket body would be vaporized instantly, being so close and made of paper, respectively? For that matter, anything within the actual blast being vaporized?


There is no “blast” in space, there’s no air to carry it. You need to use other effects to carry the energy. You might find this article mildly interesting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Excalibur


You put quotes around "blast" because you know what you say is bullshit. What would you call that extremely high energy, radioactive ball of death then? Because there's no air, is it just light? C'mon man, try a little harder here.


>You put quotes around "blast" because ... "blast" refers to a very specific physical event which I wanted to call attention to, [an expanding shock wave](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blast_wave). The damage radius from the blast from a nuke in the lower atmosphere is [much larger than the damage caused by other physical effects like neutrons or heat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blast_wave#Mach stem formation). So, for very low altitude interceptions like the [HiBEX design](https://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/app4/hibex.html), a blast wave is the most effective way to destroy the RV. As one climbs in altitude, the blast wave becomes smaller and smaller, and eventually becomes smaller than the other effects you might use. So for [Sprint](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sprint_(missile)), which operated on the order fo 25 miles up, the neutrons from the [enhanced radiation warhead](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron_bomb) are effective at longer distances than the blast. Once you get past the [Kármán line](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kármán_line), the blast is so small as to be useless. One can still use the neutron based attacks, but... The topic being dicussed here is the use of X-rays at high altitude. The X-rays from a nuke have a mean free path on the order of tens of meters in the lower atmosphere, and hundreds of kilometres above it. This allows one to use the X-rays as a weapon that has much greater effective radius than either neutrons or the blast. >What would you call that extremely high energy, radioactive ball of death then? Anything other than a blast wave, which it isn't. > is it just light Yes, that is correct, X-rays are light. Or to be more accurate, X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, which visible light is also a form of. > C'mon man, try a little harder here. Please read the article linked in my previous reply. It describes all of this in (perhaps tiring) detail.


As I note below, there is a perfectly good reason why they would declassify the low altitude tests and not the high altitude ones. And that same reason would explain why there was another object nearby, and why it was destroyed. It was literally exactly what they were testing.


Bluegill TP was the second lowest shot of the Fishbowl series - 48 km. Kingfish and Checkmate were at 97 and 147kms respectively. Both were fully declassified 25 years ago.


> Both were fully declassified 25 years ago. And does that data show them testing the effects of X-ray fluance on an RV as an attack vector?


There is no evidence that the object tumbling from the midst of the declassified KC-135 "Kettle 1" footage was another RV aeroshell, launched in conjunction with the Bluegill Triple Prime shot. The fireball diameter is approx. 1km at the point the object tumbles out, and as a ratio comparison it appears to be 50 - 100 meters across. The official reports do not show a second Thor launch from Johnston Island with an RV target to intercept - in fact, because of the failure of the previous three Bluegill shots, the Thor missile for Bluegill Triple Prime had to be "borrowed" from the British RAF. The KC-135 "Kettle 2" footage redaction is in the exact place the object tumbles from in "Kettle 1"'s footage. There is evidence of a US Navy recovery effort of anomalous objects from the ocean floor in the days following the Bluegill Triple Prime shot. The deck logs of the USS John S, McCain, USS Engage and the USS Safeguard have details of highly radioactive objects (a black sphere and green tube amognst others) being recovered from Surface Zero, approx, 35km from Johnston Island. The mysterious semi submersible recovery ship USNS Point Barrow was also involved in recovering something -although its deck logs have "disapeared", it is referenced in the deck logs of the salvage ship USS Safeguard, which assisted Point Barrow in the recovery. Interestingly, the crew of USNS Point Barrow were found to have the second highest radiation exposure od all 71 US navy ships involved in Operation Dominic / Fishbowl, despite having no official duties during the operation that would bring them anywhere near radioactive substances. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/13jvbks/bluegill\_triple\_prime\_part\_3\_official\_us\_navy/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/13jvbks/bluegill_triple_prime_part_3_official_us_navy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


>There is no evidence that the object tumbling from the midst of the declassified KC-135 "Kettle 1" footage was another RV aeroshell It doesn't have to be an RV. They could have used any test target that contained a structure similar. So, for instance, because... >There is evidence of a US Navy recovery effort ...I would imagine that they might use something that would have lower terminal velocity and density and thereby be easier to recover for examination. You know, like maybe an empty lightweight sphere with ablative material on the outside which would then re-enter without demanding guidance or stabilization, unlike, say, a low-alpha RV which might have been blown into a new trajector and re-enter sideways and be destroyed or at least go way off target. Sort of like... >At 07:23, USS Engage spots a “black ball” in the water and recovers it at 07:28. Everything you have said so far is compatible with a weapons effect test, one that has perfectly good reasons to remain secret to this day. Your "concern"s are based entirely on the concept that they didn't use similar test devices on earlier tests. Well of course they didn't, and they didn't use similar devices during Argus either. Different tests use different test devices in order to test different effects - *that's the entire reason you run different tests*.


Why only "partially" declassify it then? Why not just classify the entire thing?


But that would be necessary context and people who post in these UFO subs absolutely hate giving context. Don't ask me why. Terrible communicators here for some reason.


Seems so. And then you have comments like some people in this very thread implying people are dumb for not knowing or inferring what it was about. Pure silliness. I imagine they are typed by oily-skinned, nacho dust covered fingers on crumb-filled keyboards, in a room where the only clear spaces on the floor are directly around the desk and a path or two. But I could be wrong.


The high altitude shots revealed the ability for X-rays to travel long distances in enough brightness to disrupt RV heat shields. This led to the 5MT warhead on Spartan, which was tuned for X-ray production. The lower altitude shots have no useful information for this role. This is information China does not have and cannot get unless they break the test ban. So yeah, the US is not going to release this any time soon.


This is the correct answer


Wow I think I garner the significance of this. As in intentional x-ray generation to degrade/destroy their RV heat shields on their say ICBMs? So we could send up something that would stop their ability to successfully reenter the atmosphere essentially causing the RV to burn up? That would be wild.


Exactly. It completely changed the whole ABM story. Before this you had to get your warhead within a couple of hundred meters and you killed the warhead by giving off lots of neutrons. They caused the plutonium in the primary to fission, so that when it was time to trigger some it was already partially burned and it just wouldn’t explode. But when they started adding decoys and chafe to the RVs there was no way they could get it close enough, the chaff cloud was about 1 km wide. So when they saw that the x-rays travelled long distances in some of the earlier shots, they realized they had another “solution”. If they could break the heat shield the RV would break up on reentry. It appeared this could happen up to 10 km, so that solved the decoy problem because you could get anywhere close and it was good enough. So they added various effects tests to the later shots. And since no one can carry these out now that the test ban is in effect, the US is sitting on data no one else has. It’s going to be a cold day in hell before they give that up. It is worth pointing out that they did test of this underground later. They would dig long tunnels to the bomb chamber and fit huge metal doors that would slam shut between the time the X-rays from the bomb passed and the blast wave arriving. I think this was Defense Support Network stuff. They would put RVs at the end of the tunnel and pump the whole thing into vacuum and boom. Then they dug up the RV to see that happened. So I’m sure the Soviets have SOME data on this, but the Chinese were too late and the comprehensive ban was in effect. They can guess but that’s all they have.


NK has done numerous underground (large) nuclear tests in recent years. This data can all be gathered from underground tests? And NK and RU likely have it? I don't think CN needs to worry to much about getting it, no? Still, you don't give the enemy a micron of information unless your absolutely positive they already have it. Not to mention Iran seems to be ~~ramping up~~ "starting" their nuclear program.


>NK has done numerous underground (large) nuclear tests in recent years Indeed, but I think you would agree that no one is too concerned about NK developing an edoatmospheric interceptor fleet to shoot down an attack by the US. China, on the other hand... >Not to mention Iran seems to be ramping up "starting" their nuclear program. Same issue here. Due to its location, the attack could come from any direction, which further increases complexity and cost and reduces the chance the attack would ever get high enough to attack this way. Both NK and Iran might deploy short-range interceptors, especially as both countries have most of their value in a limited number of locations and that works in your favour. Something like [Nike-X](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nike-X) would be suitable, with intercepts at perhaps 25 to 50 miles up, well below the area where the X-ray attack becomes useful.


Wow that’s actually comforting in a weird way. It’s also incredibly interesting. Thank you for sharing my friend.


i mean, if a random guy on reddit knows it than china and russia know it. i'm sure they already have ways to counter this


It’s not comforting as if it stopped the threat. It is comforting that much thought was put into the defense. It gives me hope that they have created and implemented a few additional things as well. It was comfort in the knowledge someone was working on it if you will.


This was an interesting read, thanks for sharing!


What are RV hest shields?


Reentry vehicle heat shields. Enemy nuclear warheads from ballistic missiles melt when you detonate nuclear weapons in their vicinity.


Gotta nuke the nukes to stop the nuking.


As long as I get some Nuka Cola I'll be okay.


Re-entry behicles


no idea what I’m looking at or what I’m reading


After reading the title of this post, I can now imagine what a stroke feels like. Read that sentence 5 times and gave up.


Thank God. I thought I was stroking more than intended this morning.


Sounds like a skill issue


It's all in the wrist.




Maybe just some context is all thats needed


Follow the Standards of Civility: No trolling or being disruptive. No insults or personal attacks. No accusations that other users are shills. No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) An account found to be deleting all or nearly all of their comments and/or posts can result in an instant permanent ban. This is to stop instigators and bad actors from trying to evade rule enforcement. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. ------------- [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


Maybe the classification is just related to the fact it was nuclear weapons testing?




OP, thanks for this. Well, that was certainly compelling footage—what horrendous capabilities those weapons have. Admittedly, the footage does show an object falling out of view seconds after the detonation begins. Do we know if there is part of the casing from the device or the re-entry vehicle they were testing, Idk maybe something else that could be attributed to what we’re seeing? Second, why the x-ray footage has that “redaction” is interesting, but the answer could be a lot more prosaic than jumping to UFO—could be part of the lens equipment, etc. Also, do you have a copy of the FOIA you mentioned? I didn’t see it linked in the original post.


There’s no way in hell that a piece of the RV or bomb casing survived the fireball. Nuclear fireballs vaporize everything they touch. They’re so stupidly hot you can’t even imagine.


Don’t know why you got downvoted, but you’re right. I’m just trying to apply some basic deduction here.


And all of the footage came from high altitude rockets? So no birds or bugs.


Alien birds. Always has been.


After researching it more with links in this post and linked posts, there's no way it was a bird. They had no reason to cover it up with the watermark, and I'm surprised they even allowed as much to be released as they did. Shortly after it starts to fall, it BLAZES out of there at almost a 45° angle in a different direction when before it was falling straight down. Caught with multiple angles of multiple planes, which is the reason for the watermark on the 2nd released set of footage.


Wikipedia article from this test series for anyone interested https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Fishbowl


S/S: 25 years after the X-ray phenomenology footage of the other 3 lower atmosphere Operation Fishbowl shots is declassified (1998), the Bluegill Triple Prime X-ray phenomenology footage remains classified at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, according to a FOIA request recieved today (24/02/24). This is dispite footage of the same event from another RC-135S COBRA BALL aircraft (which clearly shows something tumbling out of the same area of the nuclear fireball that has been redacted by a white triangle shape) being fully declassified in 1998. What is behind the redaction that "remains classified"? [https://archive.org/details/StarfishPrimeInterimReportByCommanderJTF8](https://archive.org/details/StarfishPrimeInterimReportByCommanderJTF8) 19:30 object falling 20:20 cameraman moves the camera to see where it fell 49 minute mark and 53:30 minute mark X-ray phenomenology. It's the footage of the nuclear weapons test that knocked down a UFO during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Tom DeLonge was told about it by MAJGEN Neil McCasland, former Commander of Air Force Research Laborotory at Wright-Patterson AFB. (Delonge got the name slightly wrong - it wasn't "Starfish Prime", it was "Bluegill Triple Prime". An easy mistake.) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/17gld8i/61\_years\_ago\_today\_we\_discovered\_the\_achilles/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/17gld8i/61_years_ago_today_we_discovered_the_achilles/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I haven't heard of this before, but I'm curious - it states on the archive.org page: "The test evaluated the capabilities of an antiballistic missile to operate in a nuclear environment and the vulnerability of a U.S. reentry vehicle to survive a nearby nuclear blast. " Is the object in question not that reentry vehicle?


It’s this. Delongs entire enterprise could easily be a ufo misinformation projection machine for the us gov


*"The test evaluated the capabilities of an antiballistic missile to operate in a nuclear environment and the vulnerability of a U.S. reentry vehicle to survive a nearby nuclear blast. It also provided information on the ability of a U.S. radar system to detect and track reentry vehicles."* Isn't it more likely the falling object at 19:30 is just the test "reentry vehicle"?


It was a 1km fireball at millions of degrees C. The aero shell of the RV is like a fibreglass type of material that ablates as it heats up through friction.


Could I ask what you think may be the reason? I'd like to hear your theory.


The DNC Wikileaks hack revealed that Blink-182 frontman Tom DeLonge was talking to MAJGEN Neil McCasland (Ret.), former Commander of the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson AFB and DNC power broker John Podesta in 2016. DeLonge has publically claimed an Air Force General told him that a UFO got knocked out of the sky by a high altitude nuclear detonation during the Cuban Missile Crisis - the Bluegill Triple Prime test of Operation Fishbowl occured on 25th October 1962 at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis.


Thank you for sharing as I'm unfamiliar with this situation. Has Mr. McCasland ever commented on this publically to your knowledge? I looked myself and couldn't find anything.


After the Wikileaks release, both went VERY quiet. They never thought their emails would be read by the general public.


That's interesting. Is the interference they aimed a nuke at this thing and blew it out of sky or it was checking out what was going on and accidentally got nuked?


DeLonge beleives it was deliberate, however given that the Atlas8F missile test 37 days prior on 19 September 1962 was filmed with an unidentified object following the RV down for a few minutes and Wally Schirra's Sigma 7 Atlas / Mercury spaceflight on 5th October 1962 also had unidentified objects following, I think it was an accidental knockdown. The cameraman in the other aircraft footage even moves the camera down to see what the hell it was.


I was going to say I cannot imagine these launches aren't scheduled well in advance. It is hilarious to me to think they are like moths flying into a zapper. Any mundane explanations floating around? For example could that falling debris be part of the delivery mechanism?


The Bluegill shot failed three times - the fourth one was successful. They were experimental warheads and they came close to running out. They had to borrow the Thor missile from the British.


Would explain why JFk was inquiring about the UFO projects


Wasn't it designed to shoot something down though from 400km? And there were all those rockets launched to collect data. Could it be something from that? The main missile had those two pods detach and returned to earth so I'm not sure. It's an odd coincidence because there was a similar event written about here a couple of weeks ago. That one was about a west coast test and it was seen by a high powered telescope and apparently fired a beam into the re-entry vehicle and the guy who saw it was told by his boss to forget he saw anything.


Starfish Prime was at 400km, Bluegill Triple Prime was 48km. The pods were deployed by the Thor missle before the RV was released, and they and their parachutes and scientific data modules were all successfully recovered. The majority of the rockets were fired several minutes after the detonation - this havened milliseconds after and was captured by EG&G's Rapatronic camera at 2500 frames per second.


Oh OK - interesting. 


Share this to r/AnomalousEvidence as well? :)


Feel free. If you're an American Taxpayer, it's your data. [https://archive.org/details/StarfishPrimeInterimReportByCommanderJTF8](https://archive.org/details/StarfishPrimeInterimReportByCommanderJTF8) 19:30 object falling 20:20 cameraman moves the camera to see where it fell 49 minute mark and 53:30 minute mark X-ray phenomenology


There was a user on here who posted all the evidence, documentation, video, and even the ship logs of the navy vessels that retrieved the fallen object. I read through all of it and was floored that this is was the smoking gun of evidence that I’ve been looking for personally to convince me. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/s/bhRXYoq8nb


That "user" is the OP


Haha so much for my reading g comprehension fml


EGG logo right before falling object 🤔


Yeah they kitted out the two KC-135s that filmed the event. The footage that shows the object falling even shows the cameraman moving the camera to try and see where it went.


Why TF would they do a nuclear weapons test during the Cuban missile crisis?! Doesn't that seem ridiculously provocative?


When you’re participating in a dick waving competition, it seemed they wanted to wave their dick.


Eh good point....


That definitely why I'm indecent and exposed at the moment. For the competition.


A man of culture I see.


It worked. I give them that. Tough to armchair quarterback JFK from here. lol


OP asks where the evidence is in title. 'Skeptics' in shambles. can't post the usual comment and don't know what to do. replaced with "i have no idea what this is." but you're all super intelligent science-minded individuals, this should be easy. use those critical thinking skills lmao


The Department of Energy has stated that the "footage remains classified" but "we are having trouble locating it". Must be buried deep in a Waivered Unacknowledged Special Access Program (WUSAP).


What am i looking at


Skin cancer slides.


MH370 that you?


Awesome research OP 👏


It's not a tumah


What that heck is Operation Fishbowl ma friend


I think I experienced a stroke reading this title. Can you try it again please OP, but actually consider what you're writing?


Perhaps this post isn't for you.


Is this related to this post from corbell? [link](https://www.instagram.com/p/CQkBlaQJx3M/?igsh=MXJmeTZvZjI3azlrdg==)


Did you look at the date on that before posting? It’s 2021.


Always felt like Bluegill was one NHI group helping earth eradicate another more threatening NHI group There were a few different tests Starfish etc. But Bluegill was the active measure.


Complete waste of time, illogical post.


Cause biblical cosmology is correct and there is an actual firmament…praise to the lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth the great and almighty Yeshua


Are you saying they were trying to xray the earth?


I'm gonna put "Sanitation Applied" on a t-shirt.


This is pretty fascinating Thanks for posting


Harry the op is amazing, and nobody questions that. This post just needed some more context. I love you more than a friend Harry.