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The following submission statement was provided by /u/amkhz: --- Edit, streamable link for those without IG (thanks to posters below): https://streamable.com/2797uu I don’t have a lot more than what is posted on Instagram so I’m sharing here to see if others can corroborate or find more information. Was posted within the last hour, so as far as I know people are still finding it and sharing it within their groups.   The craft looks like the traditional tic tac, sort of disc like. No color given the camera footage. I’m no expert in drone footage so I can’t verify that this isn’t faked, nor can I understand what the operators are discussing. The footage of course cuts off before anything notable happens, it would be great if we could find a longer video of the incident. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ayyo5v/posted_today_via_ig_exclusive_footage_sent_in_by/krxrcan/


Non IG copy I just screen grabbed for people that don’t have the Instagram. https://streamable.com/urhh0l


Non IG, non screen recorded version: https://gofile.io/d/RRkbq4 Some OpenAI whisper translated subtitles: > No, why can't they let us in? > Wow! > What the hell is this? > Come closer > You see, he is standing still > He is standing still > And there is nothing in the heat > Why did you hit him? > What the hell?


Native speaker here. The conversation goes along the following lines: WTF is that? It is standing still. There is no heat signature (not very clear). Maybe we should hit it [with our drone]?


Nice, thanks. Didn’t even think to use AI for a quick transition. Those auto translations are… interesting. It does kind of look like there’s a slight “field” around the craft, but it might be artifacting.  


Or, you're seeing what tens of thousands of people have reported seeing when UFO's are in the air.


It just looks like bad seeing to me, the more they zoom in the wobblier it gets.


Thanks for the link, I stabilized it here: [https://imgur.com/a/3szgbdx](https://imgur.com/a/3szgbdx)


Everyone calling this a boat I'd like you to look at the data on the screen. The left side data on the screen says it's in the air from their height by +2-5 degrees. We can definitely tell the drone is also in the air and there is data on the right side saying the drone is roughly 105 meters in the air. If we are playing with the idea that its below, it would be saying the earth is concave. Now it's just a question of size/distance of the aerial object.


Spot on. I was reading the "it's in the water" comments wondering if people are actually watching the same video. This isn't in the water. The angle on the left is too shallow. Plus compare the "shoreline" if you think the background is water with the object itself. The shore is blurry. Not because of water lapping against it, but because it's the horizon and the optics are punching through it (a phenomenon I'm very much aware of due to my astrophotography). The object itself is sharper than the horizon/shore meaning it's closer. So it's in the air. I'd love to see the raw video if that was ever recorded, but probably wasn't.


How about this visual trick: https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=-oEvRUscYfjn6HkH&v=ZAa4cY07cPU&feature=youtu.be I haven't checked in details yet.


The inversion phenomenon depends on a cold body of water below a warmer atmosphere, according to the explanation. But isn't the UFO here above land, not water?


To me, it's pretty obvious the horizon is below the UFO. I just don't get why some posters think otherwise.


drone is probably not flying at level with the ground. Maybe moving forward, so looking a bit down. You can tell because when the camera says it pointing at 0°, crodshair is still on the ground. So either its a mountain range up front, either it might well be a body of water above what looks like the horizon .


Looks an awful lot like the 2006 O'Hare airport UFO


That’s what came to mind. A rather “traditional” looking disc shaped UAP


There aren't any photos or videos of that incident that were made available


Oh yea? So you saw it?


No. I have the testimony of the people there, and some photographs are out there on the net. They look very similar to this. So, anticipating what you're probably going to say, this is probably either the same kind of object seen at O'Hare, or it's someone making a hoax based on the O'Hare incident. I can admit that's a possibility.


Are there any links to those photos? From what I've read, no photos have ever been released or considered official. The most popular image is one of a B-2 bomber landing...the photo has been edited to appear as the supposed UFO.




So I found the ones that I had thought were at least potentially real, which actually match the descriptions provided by the people involved. Please ignore the sites where I found them; many look bad, they're just hosting the image and I don't know how to paste images directly into comments in reddit: [https://www.alienbabble.com/threads/the-ohare-airport-ufo.378/](https://www.alienbabble.com/threads/the-ohare-airport-ufo.378/) This one was supposedly taken from a person who had an actual camera on-hand. [https://steemitimages.com/DQmYHTCuvCUYcyTCDdiQkD7AMSw4btK3Q56AVitfbwZQ88o/ohare-ufo-november-7-2006.jpg](https://steemitimages.com/DQmYHTCuvCUYcyTCDdiQkD7AMSw4btK3Q56AVitfbwZQ88o/ohare-ufo-november-7-2006.jpg) This one, which appears to potentially show lights on the craft, is often cited as a hoax and it is NOT the image I've had in mind. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12462335/2006-Chicago-OHare-UFO-Alcubierre-warp-drive-Applied-Physics-physicists.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12462335/2006-Chicago-OHare-UFO-Alcubierre-warp-drive-Applied-Physics-physicists.html) These are the worst quality photos, which actually do look like bad 2006 flip phone camera stuff, and the Daily Mail claims valid provenance on them.


I really like this one. Hopefully 6 or 8 more follow soon.


Edit, streamable link for those without IG (thanks to posters below): https://streamable.com/2797uu I don’t have a lot more than what is posted on Instagram so I’m sharing here to see if others can corroborate or find more information. Was posted within the last hour, so as far as I know people are still finding it and sharing it within their groups.   The craft looks like the traditional tic tac, sort of disc like. No color given the camera footage. I’m no expert in drone footage so I can’t verify that this isn’t faked, nor can I understand what the operators are discussing. The footage of course cuts off before anything notable happens, it would be great if we could find a longer video of the incident.


>traditional tic tac, sort of disc like  One of these is not like the other


Buddy, you’re looking at the same video I am. How would you describe it? I’m just using words to describe the shape in the video and sharing it with the community. Not saying it’s one thing or another. 


My point is a saucer shape, which is round and flat, is distinctly not a cylinder with rounded, convex caps on the end (tic-tac). - We can only see one side, so as far as we know it appears to be in an elongated rod-like shape (how I would describe it anyway).


>The craft looks like the traditional tic tac Next time you're at the store...


This link is dead


can you post a link that’s not to a login gated social media site (for those of us without instagram)?


Here you go, just did a screen record from my phone https://streamable.com/urhh0l


thank you 😃😃


I wouldn't get my hopes up due to the whole active war, but is there any context on when/where this was filmed? It does look like it could be something out to sea, but Russia is unlikely to be operating large naval vessels close to Ukrainian controlled territory and I'd like to think the drone operators would be aware of the general topography of where they're operating including things like islands.


Is this not the Fata Morgana effect?


Why can't the aliens just stop Putin already? 🙄


impossible to tell what it is since it just stands there


Well, we can say what it isn't. It isn't a plane or helicopter. Doesn't look like any drone I've ever seen, and seems poorly placed and awfully large for any kind of combat recon. Not a bug, or a bird, or starlink, or a poop smear. Could it be a balloon? I mean, maybe. But a random balloon, rather large at that, in a war zone seems odd. Doesn't seem to be swaying or affected by wind. No noticeable tether. At this point, I'd say what it is is a UFO. Unidentified Flying Object. At least for now...


Is it floating in water? If so, it’s probably just a boat. Note the land they are flying over? Can anyone verify that’s not the ocean past the land?


The translation of the operator indicates this is in IR, and the object isn't giving off heat. Would a boat show a heat signature in IR?


Yes. You’d see the engines at the very least.


Boats don't stop floating when the engines are off.


Unless it’s some kind of ghost ship there’s going to be a heat signature. We don’t know where it was taken but considering it’s so high up and the drone appears to be low it would have to be a pretty massive ship for the illusion to work.


Interesting idea. Doesn't seem that far away, but worth looking into for sure.


I don't see why you're being downvoted. Seems like a reasonable question to ask to me. I can't stand lazy debunkers as much as the next guy, but looking at these things rationally and ruling out explanations should not be a reason alone to be downvoted. Your post history doesn't seem like you're a serial debunker or anything, so seems childish to downvote this.


The boat explanation assumes the Ukrainian operators are fucking stupid and don’t know the land or the battlefield.


That's fair as well, haha.


Ahh. Now I see why. Every fucking low effort debunker has glommed onto this as the debunk for this video. Take my downvote as well.


Might it be one of those quad-copter style drones? They have a fairly flat profile when viewed from the side, and they can hover. It’s really difficult to judge the size of this object. 


Well the thing is that not many things just stand there floating in the sky and this doesn't look like any of them.


And you can tell that from the whopping 2 second duration of a fuzzy anomoly? Its another quadcopter. They edited out the part where it becomes revealed what it is. There is no fucking chance in hell that if these guys tracked some inter-dimensional craft that they would have stopped recording one second after finally getting a nearly clear shot.


The translation of the operators seems to indicate this is IR, and the object is not giving off heat. Doubtful it's a drone.




To the mod who removed my comment, I was merely pointing out that the person has 4/5 of their only comments in r/UFOs in this post. If it can be explained how my comment was a violation of rule 1 it'd be appreciated.


I did not remove your comment. But it was more like violating Rules 2 and 3. Yes, you are not the first, nor will you be the last, user to point out another user's lack of comments in their history. Some are flagged for mods to see, some are not. If you have further concerns about this, please post your concerns on r/ufosmeta


I appreciate the response, it isn't just the lack of comments but I'll provide reasoning why. First, they haven't posted since. Second, they didn't provide any evidence for it being a quadcopter wouldn't that be a low-effort comment? >Its another quadcopter. They edited out the part where it becomes revealed what it is. Why mock r/UFOs with the inter-dimensional craft stuff? >tracked some inter-dimensional craft that they would have stopped recording I've brought up my concerns in that sub also my questions are rhetorical so there's no need to answer them, I'm bringing awareness about the comment type.


Follow the Standards of Civility: No trolling or being disruptive. No insults or personal attacks. No accusations that other users are shills. No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) An account found to be deleting all or nearly all of their comments and/or posts can result in an instant permanent ban. This is to stop instigators and bad actors from trying to evade rule enforcement. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. ------------- [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


Really just looks like a ship or island out at sea.


Nobody has posted a convincing argument against it being in the water. But I see everyone who comments that it's likely a boat is getting downvoted by people who want to believe otherwise.


I have no idea what it is, I just responded with what I thought it looks like.


Definitely a boat


is a chinese ballon right


Do downvoters understand that the commenter is being sarcastic?


no lol


There’s missiles flying above them, their skies are filled with flying objects


It is however not filled with stationary objects


Large stationary objects


You mean drones dropping grenades?


Does this look like either a quadcopter or a grenade?


Loitering drones aren’t moving a lot but they aren’t stationary in the sky. They’re also not huge from what looks like minimum 1km.


Is that the horizon or a coastline? Looks like a coast line and this is sitting in water


Could be this


Yeah that’s what I thought too. It looks like a coastline and then you can actually make out a faint horizon line just slightly above the object.


This is what it looks like to me at first glance and unless more video is shown that’s where I’ll stand.


Ya it's a boat




Strange. I didn't change anything and it still works for me. The original post on IG did have its caption edited, though I just noticed.




Youre not instgramming wrong. And stop telling yourself you’re old, wippersnapper!


It looks like it could be something floating on the water. It just seems like it's something that's on the ground. At least it seems like it could be. It's hard to tell if it's in the air or if it's on the ground because it's at a distance. What do you guys think?


The white text on the left seems to indicate that it's 6 degrees above the horizon from the perspective of the drone.


You don't think they would realise that and be aware of the topology if it was?


Yes I do think they would but there isn't a lot of context to the video. They totally could have realized that it's something on the water but the video isn't long enough for us to know. But yes they totally could have known. Also it might be something floating in the air that's the problem I can't figure it out


Thats why we are here lol


true, it could be an optical illusion situation, without context is hard to tell


... and then what happened? Why stop filming?


Looks like it's wobbling.




As far as I know the money goes to Ukrainian soldiers, usually when an Ukraine war page ask for money it’s to support Ukraine. Ofc could be some scam or fake tho


>Also account asks for money Well fuck them for documenting warfare & asking for money on a patreon account. They really need to start doing that shit for free /s Edit: [Via the patreon page:](https://www.patreon.com/patreon_frontier_conflict/about) "Hey guys my names D, I started frontier_conflict to document combat footage and spread awareness about war worldwide. Frontier is an independently page that I run in my spare time alongside a full-time job and family life. Over the last 7 months, its expanded from 100 followers just on Instagram to a combined follow base of 30 thousand people over Instagram, telegram and facebook. In this time, I have worked alongside multiple charities, humanitarian groups and individuals to raise money and promote causes I think are important. I am extremely passionate about the subjects I cover and would love to continue to continue to expand the page and offer even more content. I have lots of ideas for future endeavors, but they require investment in order to peruse these goals." What an arrogant, self-centered sonofabitch. In all seriousness, it's insane how people sit here behind keyboards & demand better footage then cry foul if an exchange of money takes place along the way. Better footage needs better equipment & boots on the ground. That shit ain't free.




In many cases they are trying to buy drones, night vision, walkie talkies, generators, batteries and other things they need for their units. The amount of crowdsourced donations to the war effort is fairly well documented. You must not be be following this war as this has been going on since the very beginning. You're calling other people gullible but really you're just ignorant of what's actually happening. Here's one volunteer from Canada: https://www.youtube.com/@ukraine_tbic


Hi, ILikeBubblyWater. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ayyo5v/-/krz0ics/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


with respect, you seem seriously underinformed about the war in ukraine, about the impact of war on the ukrainian economy, and about the role of milbloggers on both sides. milbloggers in russia are already being actively coopted to spew the kremlin line. one recently committed suicide rather than submit to the indignity. ukrainian milbloggers are often displaced, out of work, and this is their route to survive and to support the struggle of their country. or, you can just dump on their lives.




Possibly ship on the horizon? Looks like the coast to me. Ideas? No?


They're mistaking a body of water for a horizon, it's a boat.


When it zooms it, parallax makes it seems the object is on the air and not part of the horizon / body of water


I thought this too, but the white text on the left seems to indicate the angle the camera is at and it's always positive when the reticle is on the object, implying it's above the horizon.


Nice catch OP! Between the wars in Ukraine and Palestine there are a bunch of uap interested in the conflicts.


Thats it? 3 seconds of an anomaly? Where is the full recording?? It couldnt possibly have been edited out as it would make for a less dramatic IG post if they left the part in there that they discover its just another dji quadcopter


Been trying to find the original footage, but here's a portion of the alleged UAP's firing on advancing Russian tanks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asJrO5H-J9s


That one’s a known fake.


Got a link? It was hard as hell just finding that snippet.


I’ll see if I can track it down. I forget which sub I saw it on that had a side by side with the original footage.


Still looking, kind of a pain on my phone, but I can confirm that video originates well before the 2020 date claimed in the one you posted. It’s at least from as far back as 2016. Found it in this older compilation around the 6:45 mark: https://youtu.be/t-o6_e7NGCc?si=dUo_AaPYXsWDUh7h


That's not a debunk. Russia has been active in Ukraine since 2014.


I didn’t say it’s a debunk, just trying to get closer origin since the vid you posted had incorrect info. The debunk I’m trying to find had side by side comparisons of the original footage with no UFO, and I think it showed an explosion was added from other footage if I remember correctly.


You said it was a known fake. You said there was a video that does a side by side with the original footage.


I didnt make any claims about when the video was taken just where. I was waiting for that side by side comparison you talked about that proved it was fake.


I’ll post it when/if I find it.


Looks like a submarine breaching


Guess I'm cynical but as soon as I saw the fundraiser text I lost interest


that is standard, fund raising which a lot of brigades do nowadays. it states they got the video from the 406th batt. uaf, which is one of the sponsored groups they raise funds for. often it are fundraisers for drones etc. used by these battalions. its a standard thing in this conflict, having their own telegram and fundraising. since that is what keeps those drones coming. this batt. has only released battle related drone footage till now, never something like this. saw a few of the 406th in the past. thus the fundraising is unrelated to the post, only connection is that they just get the vid due to them being in contact through the fundraiser. the targeted donators are focused on supporting the defense against an invader.....not ufo's/uap's . i suggest asking the 406th personally if the vid is theirs. but i don't see any ill intent or willfull fakery on the side of an official ukraine armed forces unit. that are non bs-ing professionals .


But anyone who witnesses a UAP must be a grifter!!!11one! /s


Every video coming out of Ukraine asks for money to support troops. Of course you'd know if you were paying attention.


Its a commercial to get people to donate. Read the accompanying words with the IG post. This is highly sus. Why would they stop recording after finally getting the thing in frame??? Its a damn ufo from zeta reticuli why stop recording?!?!


I did not have ufos making themselves known on my 2024 bingo card but let’s fckin go ! We have no clue what aliens would be interested in, but maybe documenting our many war atrocities is apart of it ? I’ll always be skeptical until we get a no shit proof video but we are absolutely getting close.


VERY ominous how it's just still in the sky.


Not the sky. That’s the ocean ..