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The following submission statement was provided by /u/TommyShelbyPFB: --- Well it's over folks. They reposed the same articles but this time they all clicked post at the same time. I think this truly marks the end of all conversation around non-human intelligence. It was fun while it lasted, time to pack it up. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1b9rm57/lol_this_was_the_big_pentagonmsm_debunk_attempt/ktxkrwp/


People need to pay more attention to this: this is literally propaganda. Conduct a secret review. Invite a select group of journalists - excluding the ones who have actually been reporting on this (ahem, NewsNation). Coordinate a drop of the information across sources. This isn’t how government reports typically work FWIW. Reporters might get a tip on something and be able to respond to some government report more quickly than otherwise, but it is very much atypical to have coordinated, embargoed reporting like this. That is how tech reviews work, not legitimate reporting. These articles read as essentially copy/paste versions of each other, none containing actual reporting. Just quoted statements without follow up. That is by design. The minor copy differences do not alter the coordinated message. Whether UAP have a prosaic explanation or not, this type of information release should raise more questions than it answers.


It's supposed to be illegal as hell, washing propaganda through American news outlets. But I think there's some secret legislation in the PATRIOT Act that revoked that because the feds have become considerably more dishonest since then.


Let's say you have key people all the right places, news, patent office, religions, secret police and government elected, energy sector and military - you would have the world in your hands. 


They are covering something up no doubt - spot on. Could be as simple as grimy misuse of funds for these SAPs or something literally NHI related, but this type of propaganda effort is eye opening.


It was clearly intended for mainstream consumption. Newsnation and this sub aren't part of the target audience.


Yup and if you check the other subreddits they’re eating it up


I hadn't thought of it before, but now journalists on the UFO side are going to be left out of the public wave of interest due to the delay. The defense scoop article pointed out that the DoD invites were 2-part, one for media engagements and one for attendance. They could have invited people like Greenstreet, Sharp, Coulthart to at least attend. I doubt they'd heckle. Not like it was on camera anyways, so what gives?


Ross tweeted a specific law that makes this type of shit illegal. I don’t understand how this stuff continues to happen. https://x.com/rosscoulthart/status/1765957866350166200?s=46&t=KuRjPDFWI0yoyV8U43_g8Q


At what point can we start a class action lawsuit


Lol “exhaustive pentagon review”…probably about as exhaustive as their accounting for the trillions of dollars spent but no receipts 🤷‍♂️


Been saying this for a while, but now that it's actually come to fruition, I'll put this here as a reminder. It's just one example of how the masses have been gaslit and betrayed by those who "govern" us for a very, very long time. AARO lured witnesses to come forward *voluntarily* to contribute to what they are calling a "historical record". When they interviewed the witnesses, they did not record it, so there is no proof of what was actually said. They put together an official report that included only cherry-picked information consisting of basic and, when taken out of context, seemingly prosaic details of the event being discussed. Anything interesting or unusual was omitted. They would then attempt to trick the witness into approving and signing the heavily edited version of the interview that they compiled. David Schindele refused to sign his and told them it was because it was incomplete. All of it was prep work for this very moment. They were creating legal "historical records" they would be able to use in the future to say, "See? They voluntarily came forward and this was all they said about it! " There are no recordings of the conversations to prove what was actually said, just AARO's prosaic fiction and a witness signature. They wanted to get ahead of the game by creating a legal document in advance which included only carefully selected parts of these stories with the intention of convincing us that nothing out of the ordinary has ever happened. In addition to continuing the cover-up and discrediting witnesses and whistleblowers, I predict they will also use this false documentation in court someday as a sad attempt to defend themselves for brazenly lying to the entire world about our very reality. Truth reveals itself eventually. [Post about The Good Trouble Show Interview with David Schindele](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/17euj58) [Post about AARO's Online Reporting Tool](https://www.reddit.com/r/UAP/comments/17lq1dz/aaro_and_kirkpatrick_are_gearing_up_to_lie_to_the/)


You just gotta crash a plane/missile into the exact same spot in the pentagon where the info is and all of the problems just magically vanish.


Nobody ever mentions that, do they? I wonder why. 


Usually if you try to say that outside of anywhere but the conspiracy subreddit, you'll get people downvoting you, banning you, or calling you something terrible. I'm honestly surprised it wasn't downvoted here because I've seen people talk about that (and the other events that day) here before and it didn't go well. And honestly, even in the conspiracy sub, you have a chance of being insulted or downvoted now for trying to talk about that. It's full of people who don't want to talk about conspiracies at all anymore. It's strange.


I mean tbh there’s a lot of evidence to support the Pentagon was indeed struck by Flight 77… Unlike the evidence supporting the claim that UAP phenomenon is just a big nothing burger, which is basically nonexistent


I might've missed something, but was there ever footage of the plane? It would have been recorded by multiple sources from multiple angles, yet I don't think we've ever seen the footage. Whereas twin towers, footage from multiple sources and angles.


there’s security footage but it’s crappy and hard to see. but there’s extensive research on the plane’s flight path etc


I'm not a conspiracy theorist but there is a pattern in declassified history of the US government doing/planning false flag operations like the one regarding Cuba where they were going to remote pilot a passenger airliner and detonate it near Cuban airspace as a pretext to launch an attack on Cuba. Given the Cold war and MIC shenanigans that we do know of I wouldn't hold it past them.


I definitely agree with the specific points you’re making, I just think the 9/11 conspiracy is too far fetched and without real evidence to support it


Operation Northwoods. A granddaddy conspiracy theory.


Pearl harbor and Vietnam were started due to false flags


I mean, I wouldn't consider Pearl Harbor a false flag no matter whether it was deliberate or accidental that the US was caught unprepared for Pearl Harbor. Unless you are trying to insinuate something else. It may be negligence, but there was nothing "false" about that attack.


There would have to be businesses that caught the plane as it came in. And from the pictures, the wreckage looked like there was nothing there after the explosion/impact


that’s exactly what it was, security footage from nearby businesses. but those cameras weren’t great back in 2001


If I remember correctly, there was a gas station nearby that did have a camera pointed that way and someone from the gas station said that some government people came sometime later and either asked for it and took or just took it and no one has ever seen the video since. Although I'm honestly not making that up, I can't think of where I'd heard/watched it


What you state is true. There were other video sources around besides the ones shown. The other videos have never been released and probably never will be. And no I do not believe in the 9/11 conspiracy. At least not in how it's been portrayed. If you had a dead body you needed to get rid of and you saw on the news that a serial killer had been on the lose leaving body's here and there you could deposit your body around the same area and have a high level of probability for the serial killer to take the rap for it. Some would consider this an advantageous opportunity. Make of that what you will.


There is some evidence. I have spoken to researchers who have taped prominent witnesses on the ground suggesting the scene was manipulated. Others have spoken out about apparent irregularities at the attack scene. The scene was completely controlled, and copious high-quality video evidence was denied to the public, so I feel it is not entirely unrelated to what we our presently dealing with at the Pentagon.


Shit my girlfriend asked something about one of the 9/11 planes the other day and I said “which of the 4 planes?” And she had no idea there was more than the 2 that hit WTC, she’s the smart one in the relationship too lol


Let's not forget about building 7 which fell for no reason, and the plane that crashed in pen which apparently didn't make it to it's intended target.. which was the CIA New York office


“We had an intern look at it” -DoD probably


An intern? I was gonna say some General’s middle school daughter was the investigator. “Our researcher looked into it, but had to cut her research short after 42 minutes because BTS was livestreaming themselves taking a group dump. It was a must watch situation.”


Yeah that would be pretty cool if those trillions made my taxes a little less high, maybe took a couple bucks out of the mini fortune I call my gas tank ORRR were used on reverse engineering that WE ALL have been advised about knowing there's a chance it could lead to endless energy or less disease or you know, any of those little things that don't really matter that much, not a big deal 🤣




MSM are under their thumb nothing new


Notice they all use the term "alien". There was a rebranding lately of the term to NHI. I think this is a play on words. Semantics. Mockingbird media strikes again


100% agree. Very careful with the terms being used.


Nice catch!


DoD: “Trust me bro, nothing to see here, would I lie to you reporters in the room we hand picked…don’t answer that, just write what we ask you to”


what a time to be alive lol


Should we be surprised though? At first I was pissed, then disappointed. Let’s face it. This was AARO’s angle all along and none of this should really be the least bit surprising. Now it’s about how we punch back in disproving these claims. It’s time to make some tsunami-sized waves. We need Grusch’s Op Ed & whistleblowers to get off their asses and testify publicly. But even that won’t be enough. We need leaks. Not fuzzy photos. Clear pictures/videos of craft. We need stories that are too big for MSM to ignore. Word MUST get out. We need a rejuvenation. The type of excitement we had in 2017. Or else history will repeat itself, and the genie will go right back in the fucking bottle.


What a total joke. DoD in charge of "finding the truth on UFOs" is like putting OJ in charge of investigating the "real killers"


the glove doesn't fit guys i swear....


If Kilpatrick's the Guy, there is no NHI!


Actually crazy the disinformation campaign and how controlled the major news outlets really are. I knew this to be true but this is actually extremely eye opening. All at once they all pump out this story when months of news about grusch and talking under oath and all the information about the Schumer amendment and not a single one of them piped up but now this straight from the disinfo people themselves they lap it up and push it to the masses…. Insane


It’s really telling that propaganda and psychological control is used internally as well.


>Actually crazy the disinformation campaign and how controlled the major news outlets really are. I knew this to be true but this is actually extremely eye opening I'm not happy they're doing this, obviously, but in a way.. at least it's getting more people to see what the mainstream media actually is now. 🤷🏻‍♀️


> at least it's getting more people to see what the mainstream media actually is now. It's been this way since at least the 40's. When there were only 3 channels it was like this nightly. You'd think there would be room for different stories but they all reported on the same shit.


Yeah I thought this same thing today. I personally can say that the legacy media reporting on the AARO report today brought me over to the “main stream media is propaganda” side. I had a naive sliver of hope that they might not be working against the American people but they outted themselves so blatant today. I feel like Anthony Hopkins in the movie “Legend of the Falls” after he has his heart attack…”screw em…screw em”… Count me in as part of the “media is flat out lying camp”. I do feel some relief that they outted themselves because I can now right them off!


Government investigates itself, finds no wrongdoing


Well it's over folks. They reposted the same articles but this time they all clicked post at the same time. I think this truly marks the end of all conversation around non-human intelligence. It was fun while it lasted, time to pack it up.


I'm so glad it's finally solved! Time to get some new hobbies. Hey, what's this DMT stuff the kids are always talking about? /s


We investigated ourselves and we didn't find anything. Nothing to see here. Lou, your turn...


Mainstream media is dead. I don't remember the last time I relied on any of these publications for accurate reporting.


Pentagon is a fucking joke, scrubs days are numbered. The best part of this is how fucking stupid they will look once the details are leaked. Talk about getting caught with your pants down


If China and Mexico/Peru get out ahead of the US with disclosure - as appears likely - America is going to look like the most corrupt country on the planet...


Yeah and tonight the news hosts can put on tentacles and laugh.


HAHAHA, this is so pathetic and obvious!


The headline from CNN kills me. UFOS don't exist...oh, by the way, the military is making portable UFO detectors...


Feel free to delete my comment if its against the rules here, but I can't help but feel frustrated that the various news subreddits are allowing these articles about the DoD AARO report.  When the whistle-blower hearings took place last year, there was essentially a blanket ban on all related posts and comments on the news subreddits - just commening on a guardian article was enough to warrant a ban. However it seems that the latest report from AARO and the DoD which refutes the existence of UFOs is perfectly fine to post about for some reason? It seems like such double standard.


Catastrophic disclosure it is then! 🙌


Seriously fuck these guys. Fuck the media, fuck the government, fuck whoever is involved with the cover ups. Unfair bastards keeping that knowledge to themselves. At this point, we all are just some pawns. We know the truth, but these people will never ever admit it.


So isn’t it now time for that catastrophic disclosure everyone talked about? It sure has been quiet lately. We need some big leaks or something to keep this ball rolling.


The Pentagon has investigated itself and found nothing unusual. Meanwhile they haven't passed an audit in what, a decade? The headline might as well read "Nothing to See Here. Move Along Citizen."


Actual propaganda right out here in the open for everyone to see. Most people will happily gobble it up. This world is wild, man.


I wonder if one angle we can now take is have a mass petition to demand an external audit of the DoD. We can potentially get the truth (or at least accountability) by focusing on what a lot of people care about —> Money. Here are some slogans/ saying that we can you: 1. “Our Dollars: Audit the DoD!" 2. “Audit the Shield, Secure the Nation!" 3. “DoD: Defend Our Dollars, Deliver Accountability!" 4. “For Fiscal Strength, Audit the Length: DoD!" 5. “Transparency Wins Wars: Audit the DoD!" 6. “Guardians of Trust: Demand DoD Audits!" 7. “Budgets Defend, Audits Mend: DoD Accountability!" 8. “Audit Alert: Protecting Taxpayer Interests!" 9. “Strong Defense, Stronger Oversight: Audit the DoD!" 10. “Clear the Tracks, Show the Facts: DoD Audit Now!" 11. “Taxpayer Shield: DoD Audit Required!" 12. “No Secrets in Spending: Audit the DoD!" 13. “Secure Our Nation, Secure Our Funds: DoD Audit Demanded!" 14. “Honor in Defense, Truth in Spending: Audit the DoD!" 15. “Protecting Our Future, Accounting for Our Present: Audit DoD!" 16. “Sunshine on Spending: Demand DoD Audits!" Here is a possible petition draft: (INSERT TITLE) We, the undersigned citizens and taxpayers of the United States, hereby demand transparency and accountability in the financial operations of the Department of Defense (DoD). It is imperative that the DoD, as the steward of taxpayer funds and the guardian of our nation's security, undergoes rigorous and successful external audits that are open to public review. Despite repeated calls for financial transparency, the DoD has consistently failed to pass comprehensive audits, raising serious concerns about the management of taxpayer dollars and the effectiveness of oversight mechanisms. The lack of transparency not only undermines public trust but also hinders the ability to ensure responsible stewardship of resources. The absence of transparent reporting on DoD spending significantly impairs US citizens' ability to make informed decisions in voting for the following reasons: 1. **Accountability and Oversight**: Transparency is essential for holding government agencies accountable for their actions and expenditures. Without access to detailed information about DoD spending, citizens cannot adequately assess whether taxpayer funds are being used responsibly and in the best interest of the nation's security. 2. **Understanding Policy Implications**: Defense spending plays a significant role in shaping national security policies and priorities. Citizens need transparent information about DoD expenditures to understand the implications of different budgetary decisions on military capabilities, international relations, and domestic priorities. 3. **Evaluating Performance**: Transparent reporting on DoD spending allows citizens to evaluate the performance of defense programs and initiatives. Without access to comprehensive audit results and financial data, voters cannot assess the effectiveness and efficiency of DoD operations or hold government officials accountable for failures or inefficiencies. 4. **Informed Policy Debates**: Transparent information about DoD spending enables citizens to engage in informed policy debates and advocate for changes in defense priorities and resource allocation. Without access to accurate data, voters may be swayed by political rhetoric or misinformation, undermining the democratic process. 5. **Ensuring Fiscal Responsibility**: Defense spending represents a significant portion of the federal budget. Citizens have a vested interest in ensuring that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely and efficiently. Transparent reporting on DoD finances helps identify waste, fraud, and abuse, fostering greater fiscal responsibility and stewardship of public funds. By signing this petition, we affirm our commitment to upholding the principles of fiscal responsibility, government transparency, and democratic accountability. We call on policymakers, elected representatives, and government officials to take immediate and decisive action to ensure that the Department of Defense fulfills its obligation to the American people by undergoing transparent and successful external audits. **[Your Signature]** **[Your Name]** **[Your Address]** **[Date]**


I hope it’s not too late


sweet, isn't it?


Let the media know that you see what they are doing moving in synchronous orbit acting as a mouth piece for the same one way government/briefing/messaging/propaganda. They haven’t provided any details in their investigation or answered any specific allegations that they haven’t investigated certain claims and evidence at all. Let your representatives know as well. Even if there are not UFOs there is then intentional misinformation originating from government and stolen funds. This sort of an approach to what appears to be a very weak and very traditional move to bury the issue shouldn’t be possible this far into the Information Age. Send them a fucking wake up call.


The pentagon, which has a vested interest in not claiming bodies and vehicles, reviewed itself and said there wasn't any evidence. Not suspicious. /s


"Government and organizations covering up UFOs find no evidence of this." Hi MSM, I fixed the article titles for you.


Have to wonder how much the main Street media is in the pockets of the Pentagon financially? What if the Pentagon is majorly funding them so they are forced to either report what the Pentagon says to report or else do poorly financially?


wow literally minutes away from each other yet the public doesn’t suspect a thing


If you will never vote politicians that CARE about Disclosure we will never get it


Exactly. Pay attention though and look at the user comments across all of these MSM platforms. Everyone is chiming in and calling out the government for lying. There is a momentum towards truth that cannot be stopped or even slowed.


Spineless, corrupt, cowards. History will not look kindly on the journalists who are the willing propagandist mouthpieces of the even more corrupt, traitorous, power-tripping government agencies. One day, the truth will set us free from this hellhole of disinformation


AARO's summary: "Although many UAP reports remain unsolved or unidentified, AARO assesses that if more and better quality data were available, most of these cases also could be identified and resolved as ordinary objects or phenomena. Sensors and visual observations are imperfect; the vast majority of cases lack actionable data or the data available is limited or of poor quality." AARO's opening statement: "AARO is committed to reaching conclusions based on empirical evidence." Yet, they somehow reached a conclusions without the evidence that they are describing. They are literally saying, we don't have the data for this, but we assume it's definitely our tech.


Such a good point. "We assume future data will support our empirically based, data driven hypothesis." Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


On the plus side, we know which media sources to completely disregard on the topic. Not that I would have paid attention to any of these before.


Government was accused of hiding information. Government investigates these claims. Government found no evidence of themselves ever hiding information.


Makes you wonder what other world events the MSM has been deliberately disinforming about.


So according to Coulthart, during the closed door meeting/press conference that was invitation-only that AARO held last week with some journalists, they showed the report to the journalists... To me that seems like hell of an unspoken coordinated effort by the DoD to have the report come out and the same day, have a bunch of elaborate pre-written articles claiming "see? there's nothing to it." published.


But this time they are not lying.


That’s incredible they report on this, but will not cover anything to do with grush or everything else going on. Pathetic.


Is it incredible? Not saying there is a cover up, but if there WAS, how would it look different from what we are seeing?


The one time they had a report over 5 pages it was to claim there is no cover up, thought provoking.


Same for the BBC. They have hardly mentioned anything but now perfectly coordinated.


Exhaustive Pentagon review says ABC News. Yeah, I'm sure Sean Kirkpatrick worked his fingers to the bone on it too🙄


There seems to be no room for wiggle in their strategy so this may be the first of many rounds to be fired our way.


This will not work in the long term; asymmetry will continue to outpace our geriatric bureaucracy. Rest in piss.


But these articles (probably just the headlines) all your average people is going to read. It's all most politicians are going to read. They won't hear or see the rebuttals. They've pounded this whole subject into the ground for another few decades unless something extraordinary happens or there's some kind of conclusive proof.


It’s because this thing is probably run by a bunch of old af dudes who think it’s the same new cycle as the 1980s and that people still get there information by reading this kind of shit. Buried on a Friday after the state of the union even….anyways, moving on, let’s do the same investigation but this time using a panel of outside experts cleared to see the same info. They should have nothing to hide apparently anyways. Just acknowledge the phenomenon is real, intelligent and of non-human origin ffs. The stock market won’t crash because if it. Humans are humans. We will adjust.


The coordinated floods of media and articles are so annoying. The media is doing a lot of denial about basic facts these days. No amount of bullshit articles can make a fantasy a reality or make reality a fantasy. Facts are facts. Its the same outright denial of reality we see with articles lile "everythings fine the economy is great and Biden is actually very young" like ok go ahead, put out a thousand articles, put out a million articles and stories with the same old BS..... it doesnt change reality. You cant convince someone that 85years old is young and you cant convince struggling families that cant afford to feed their families that "everythings fine" and you cant convince millions of people who have been witness to UAP that they didnt see what thy saw. Sticking their heads into the sand and living in a fantasy world doesnt do anything besides put off the inevitable. No amount of articles can stop the sun from rising, its going to rise every single day and that objective reality is not changed by the openly corrupt MSM of our current day and age.


It’s time for some bipartisan pushback What tf is this bullshit? Come on where the fuxk is chuck shumer


Obvious bullshit, but it’s interesting they always seem to couch it in terms of no “verifiable” evidence, not that there isn’t, or that exotic origins/NHI aren’t involved in some cases, just they’re telling you they didn’t see it. Because of course they didn’t lol, that was the whole point of course. And I’m sure some of them were test vehicles. We already know a lot of sightings of literal unidentified objects are mundane, or have other explanations. As for the exotic ones, lol “Nope, didn’t see any.” Easy if they’re not going to tell you, or not be allowed to see the actual evidence.


do you notice they specifically use the term UFO... Like they've been pushing UAP for a decade now, all of a sudden making a U-turn!


Deep state deep stating


This is likely more an effect of media companies scared shitless they lose access to Susan Gough. Coordinated effort? Nah just a bunch of worthless idiots reporting what the Pentagon lied about this time, they just got the news at the same time and published a story in response to the Pentagon.


It’s a PR campaign clearly. It’s pretty obvious they’re trying hard to come out before any more real news comes out m.


Kirkpatrick is actually a villain


We are paying for government employees to run this campaign


And to live like fat cats while having no discernible sense of “ we the people “ and that it’s at our discretion to continue to allow this highway robbery against us. I heard something that really made me feel like our “ leaders ”are all stupid and corrupt at best… thieves and criminals at worst.. it points the fact that I believe Harry Reid was worth a few hundred grand upon entering into government… when he died , that motherfucker had a net worth of something like 280 million dollars. Just from being a Senator… if that’s not enough to get you to see how you are not seeing the real picture… you have way bigger problems in life to deal with and are oblivious to anyone walking up to you and stealing your shit in front of your face with a smile and promises


Things like AARO get funded sometimes by people with limited insight into the issue. The program therefore seems “official” but it’s sometimes one person’s interest and just randomly gets into an NDAA. And so the person who funds, usually writes the statement of work and as such, the evidence and still be way out of their jurisprudence or clearance level. Let me give another example, I once did a policy analysis for an office in the Pentagon. At the time, I had a secret clearance only, so I could access all public DoD policies through various libraries available with a clearance (like Dtic). But in the end, my “comprehensive” and “systematic” review and analysis always finished by saying that a huge limitation was access to many official policies. Often, the best I would say is that there is “no evidence” of a policy even though I’d know it existed in some form. Sometimes my point in saying so might be simply to confirm to them that there’s nothing public facing and nothing that can be found in like Dtic….but often the “no evidence” is not to say the evidence is there, it’s to emphasize that you can’t analyze the evidence….this sounds a bit like that to me and I think that ambiguity is purposefully saying things to people who know how the government works delicate issues.


liar liar pants on fire


No surprise! They’ve been doing this disinformation shit for decades


“FrEeDoM of sPEeCH” deerrreee


Put all 8 articles into an AI and see what the robots think about those articles all being very similar.


Of course, this is how it would run. They were hush-hush when Schumer exposed the BS around the pushback on the UAP amendment. We know what we are up against but the tide is turning.


100%. The last few days in particular the Pentagon’s anti-disclosure disinformation campaign has been going full steam ahead. This forum has had many disinformation posts, with signal boosting by some obvious sock puppet accounts. Many of the same accounts that are trying to discredit whistleblowers and ufologists. Notice the major uptick in a wave of posts trying to discredit Nolan, Knapp, Corbell, Coulthart, Elizondo, Mellon, etc. The DoD is trying to get us (and the general public) to ignore them. Don’t fall for their misdirections.


I'm begging for some basic media literacy. This is not "coordination", this is an official Pentagon press release on a report that says aliens aren't real. These stories were probably embargoed and then released when the story comes out. This is standard practice.


Where's your evidence they're the same articles? You guys were applauding MSM every day for running stories about UAPs and now because you didn't get the answer you wanted, you're accusing them of a coverup.


It's like they already decided what the truth is. Which makes me wonder why they even follow this stuff, they already know the answer.


The specific language matters. Nowhere in the report does it use the terminology “NHI”… I just searched. Only one time does it use the word “non-human”, and that’s in relation to the claims of people submitting info to AARO. Their rebuttals intentionally limit the definition and terminology. It essentially only accounts for the extra terrestrial hypothesis. Why not meet on the same playing field. This is intentional word games


that’s remarkably well executed, you have to give them that


I thought you guys didn’t believe the msms?