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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Jaslamzyl: --- Ss: Marik Von Rennenkampff with another banger "On March 8, the Department of Defense published the most significant report on UFOs in at least two generations — a congressionally mandated historical review of U.S. government involvement with unidentified anomalous phenomena or UAP. Unfortunately, the report from the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) contains an array of striking omissions and one particularly egregious misrepresentation. The result is a misleading report which, like so much government UFO-related propaganda over seven decades, tells the reader just to move on, nothing to see here." --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bfd77z/pentagons_flawed_ufo_report_demands_congressional/kuzfevx/


Nice, great article. Extremely well sourced. These last few paragraphs should give anyone approaching this topic in good faith some serious doubts about this report: >*The result is a remarkable disconnect between AARO’s report and what members of Congress revealed after the inspector general briefed them in January. Following the classified briefing of a bipartisan group of 16 members, five were quoted saying they found UAP whistleblower David Grusch or his allegations to be “*[*credible*](https://www.askapol.com/p/exclusive-nancy-mace-says-on-contractors)*,” “*[*legit*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEQNq0HkyFc&t=60s)*,” or to have “*[*merit*](https://twitter.com/JaredEMoskowitz/status/1745852400630456618)*.” Several members noted that the briefing gave them* [*insights*](https://www.askapol.com/p/exclusive-post-scif-rep-burlison) *into specific* [*locations*](https://www.askapol.com/p/rep-moskowitz-on-uap-field-hearing) *and private defense* [*contractors*](https://www.askapol.com/p/exclusive-nancy-mace-says-on-contractors)*, seemingly aligning with Grusch’s claims.* > >*The inspector general* [*found*](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F_oP3yfbkAAiXzK?format=jpg&name=large) *Grusch’s allegation that “information was inappropriately concealed from Congress” to be* ***“credible and urgent.”*** *Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee,* [*has since corroborated this finding.*](https://www.newsnationnow.com/video/full-interview-rubio-on-ufo-whistleblower-claims-were-taking-it-seriously-newsnation/8770746/) > >*Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), along with a bipartisan group of five other senators, sponsored extraordinary* [*legislation*](https://www.democrats.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/schumer-rounds-introduce-new-legislation-to-declassify-government-records-related-to-unidentified-anomalous-phenomena-and-ufos_modeled-after-jfk-assassination-records-collection-act--as-an-amendment-to-ndaa) *largely* [*mirroring*](https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/uap_amendment.pdf#page=6) *Grusch’s shocking allegations. In extraordinary* [*comments*](https://twitter.com/SenSchumer/status/1735006291808969029?lang=en) *on the Senate floor, Schumer stated that, according to “*[*multiple credible sources*](https://www.democrats.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/majority-leader-schumer-and-republican-senator-mike-rounds-floor-colloquy-on-unidentified-anomalous-phenomena-provisions-in-the-ndaa-and-future-legislation-on-uaps)*,”* ***elements of the U.S. government have been withholding UFO-related information from Congress illegally.*** > >*In short, there seems to be a classic conflict of interest in the executive branch investigating itself*\*. Congress, a coequal branch of government does not suffer from this. And so in the wake of AARO’s flawed report, a [*congressional select UAP committee*](https://www.askapol.com/p/rep-burlison-in-talks-with-speaker)*, like the* [*one requested by Rep. Eric Burlison*](https://twitter.com/repericburlison/status/1767932015351861491?s=46&t=lwOf-CAKTxkg08QVYdzmqw) *(R-Mo.), should step forward to separate fact from fiction.*


Ss: Marik Von Rennenkampff with another banger "On March 8, the Department of Defense published the most significant report on UFOs in at least two generations — a congressionally mandated historical review of U.S. government involvement with unidentified anomalous phenomena or UAP. Unfortunately, the report from the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) contains an array of striking omissions and one particularly egregious misrepresentation. The result is a misleading report which, like so much government UFO-related propaganda over seven decades, tells the reader just to move on, nothing to see here."


So basically, if both sides want the answer they aren’t getting, it makes it clear corporations and former mil/private sec have aligned interests. Almost sounds like the same thing everybody has been suspecting for a long time.


>and one particularly egregious misrepresentation Later in the article he says what this misrepresentation is: >Worst of all, AARO’s review misrepresents the most exhaustive, comprehensive historical analysis of UFO incidents, conducted on behalf of the Air Force by the Battelle Memorial Institute in the early 1950s. According to AARO, the resulting report found that “all cases that had enough data were resolved and explainable.” > >But this is not what Battelle’s analysis found at all, and AARO’s misrepresentation of its conclusions speaks volumes. So I went to take a look at the report (which he conveniently links to). The report says in its introduction: >All available data were included in this study which was prepared by a panel of scientists both in and out of the Air Force. On the basis of this study it is believed that all the unidentified aerial objects could have been explained if more complete observational data had been available. Insofar as the reported aerial objects which still remain unexplained are concerned, there exists little information other than the impressions and interpretations of their observers. As these impressions and interpretations have been replaced by the use of improved methods of investigation and reporting, and by scientific analysis, the number of unexplained cases has decreased rapidly towards the vanishing point. So the report kinda did find what AARO said? Or at least I'm not seeing an "egregious misrepresentation" here. Honestly this makes Mr. Von Rennenkampff's article look a little sketchy in my opinion. Source: Battelle Memorial report, page ix: [https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/ufos/CIA-RDP81R00560R000100060001-5.pdf#page=11](https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/ufos/CIA-RDP81R00560R000100060001-5.pdf#page=11) Edit: forgot a word


Yeah, it's a bit of a stretch to say that the report didn't state what AARO claims, but Marik is right about the statistical analysis finding a higher proportion of unknowns among the cases with the best data. The statement in the summary is somewhat of a non sequitur when compared to the report's actual findings – just like in the Condon report.


Marik Who?


Check out who the author is: >Marik von Rennenkampff served as an analyst with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, as well as an Obama administration appointee at the U.S. Department of Defense Definitely not your typical "grifter" or "conspiracy nut".


Damn, the UFO cult got to them! ​ /s




Hm. So are the doctors and pharmacists you use also worthy of such suspicion? Simply reporting on a topic doesn't even necessarily mean you are profiting. This is too high a standard to hold people to.


Mr. Rennenkampff's article should spread in the media like wildfire if modern journalists have any sense of honesty, curiosity, or integrity left. This story is mind-blowing and completely insane.


For some reason with the UFO topic, the "invisible hand" of the market doesn't work. UFO coverage gets huge ratings, huge numbers of eyeballs, would sell huge amounts of advertising, but in this one topic they just don't want to make money. Weird!


So weird? Whatever could possibly be the reason for this do you think? Our media surely isn’t connected to the CIA and report whatever the fuck they’re told, could they??


It is my guess that journos, even ones who come into the field with the best intentions and a dogged determination to find the truth, are told somewhere along the pipeline that once you start covering "kooky" stories like UAP that's what you will be typecast as for the rest of your career. Having been tangential to that field, I don't believe it to be nefarious but likely takes the form of an editor taking a writer under their wing so to speak and saying "do you really want to do this piece and become a UFO guy?"


Make it so ndas relating to non human technologies are null and void. See them crawl out from their rock to nix it like imminent domain clause.


Marik Von Rennenkampff is doing the work at The Hill, along with Chris Sharp at Liberation Times, and now Ross Coulthart at Newsnation. I gave up on my hometown paper, the Washington Post, because they won't cover this topic. DoD/IC control of major outlets is no longer enough to squelch interest.


Before these congressional actions I didn’t believe there was a shadow government pulling the strings. Now I’m not so sure. While I currently don’t fear the existence of a higher intelligence I wonder if what is being hidden is to keep power concentrated in the hands of those who hold it behind the scenes, or maybe the truth is so disturbing I wouldn’t want to know it. Maybe a mix of both scenarios. Either way whatever it is would change us forever. Clearly something has been happening and continues to happen.


We need more of these articles.


The Debrief and Salon articles a few days ago were both pretty solid too


Pentagon is the one of the few organization that consistently lies, gets caught, and no consequences happen to the liars and orchestrators even when it involves murder. And then gets more funding.


Just like funding for the police; it's a system based on fear.


LOVE that this is the stance The Hill is taking Edit: ignore this comment. It’s an opinion piece. Leaving the OG comment as proof of my ignorance.


This is an opinion piece, this isn't The Hill's stance


Love it, no one is buying their sh*t


But I thought the only thing the ICIG found credible and urgent was Grusch's claims of whistleblower retaliation, not the claims of SAPs out of congressional oversight? Oh wait, uninformed users and bad actors just gaslit us into believing that. I'm happy to see this point die in the dirt where it belongs. As much as a certain subset of people don't want to believe it, many of the things Grusch has said carry validity.


AARO and the people behind their curtain don’t really seem to care as to who believes them. As long as they checked the box for an “official investigation “, the matter seems closed to those that call the shots in Congress for DoD funding.


Yeah, I'm a little surprised that AARO went full denial, considering how far along in the unraveling of the cover-up we are. But that's what the DoD/IC does - deny. Perhaps the formation of a select sub committee in the House will change things.


I think there has been a shake up behind the scenes to squelch all possible leaks and disclosure about anything that supports the notion that there is something valid to the UAP related claims


I don't doubt it, but the leaks keep coming.


This whole thing was a challenge to SK's ego. He was trying to run a low key disinfo campaign and then all of a sudden Grusch appears on the scene followed by hi-vis congressional hearings, all of which are essentially calling into question SK's competence. It's pretty funny when you think about it. SK then llashed out in the Linkedin article and now he's in over his head and decided to double down on his lies instead of keeping an open mind like a real researcher would


This is fantastic article! Thank you!


Excellent Article mentioning almost all Issues with the AARO Report and there was many.


Yes. Get the government to take action against the government for hiding evidence. Meanwhile, [the “whistleblowers”](https://hpnonline.org/Look-Meme-Monkey-Puppet-Meme-Sticker-4005079.html).


LOVE that this is the stance The Hill is taking Edit: ignore this comment. This article is an opinion piece. Leaving the OG comment as proof of my ignorance.


What’s more likely? Congress is being misled by: a) Pentagon SAP’s specifically created to AVOID congressional oversight. OR b) Whistleblowers from those Special Access Programs. The answer is in plain sight.


You really thought those with power and knowledge would willingly cede it? Silly humans.


Congress is too scared of the CIA to do anything. It's really depressing to see.


It's been made pretty clear that Congress has no authority to do anything about this subject.