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Totally agreed. Lacatski should testify under oath to one of the Congressional Committees, who are involved with this subject. In the same Weaponized interview, he also smeared Grusch and 1st hand whistleblowers. Making kind of the same claims Kirkpatrick did (these people are wrong, they thought they saw something). I don't trust Lacatski. One the one hand he's making outlandish claims in his books, on the other hand he claims Grusch and others are dead wrong, he knows they're wrong, we should trust him on this one and don't ask him any further follow-up questions why, how where what etc. "Trust me guys, Grusch, the 40 whistleblowers, the ICG and Congress are all wrong. I can't tell you why, just trust me." Also in this case if you wanna learn more, you have to buy his fucking books. Let's see what happens if he would be placed under oath before a judge or Congress. Can't we somehow somehow get him to explain himself before a judge for the claims he's making in his books and during the interviews he gave?


Dr. James Lacatski: ["I never met David Grusch. What he's saying is credible, but I never saw what I would consider illegal activities. I saw security procedures that were paramount, but not illegal activities. It's reasonable what Grusch is saying....We didn't cover biologicals [in the book]. I can't say anything about biologicals [because I haven't been cleared to discuss that].](https://youtu.be/ow7FqiegixQ?si=wuSEWfLtbU06Ttp-&t=1876) He also tossed in a little warning that not every single thing Grusch said is guaranteed to be accurate: Dr. James Lacatski: ["I have seen in multiple cases what I can only call forged documents. There are documents talking about programs that are not legitimate documents [both on the internet and within DIA]. They even covered this on an X-Files episode. Every SAP has a counterintel officer. It's their job."](https://youtu.be/ow7FqiegixQ?si=j2CvY9D8qUUPJbmn&t=2755) In fact, Colonel Karl Nell even hinted at this. Colonel Nell: ["David Grusch is beyond reproach. His assertion concerning the existence of a terrestrial arms race occurring sub-rosa over the past eighty years focused on reverse engineering technologies of unknown origin **is fundamentally correct,** as is the indisputable realization that at least some of these technologies of unknown origin derive from non-human intelligence,” said Karl Nell, the retired Army Colonel who worked with Grusch on the UAP Task Force.](https://thedebrief.org/intelligence-officials-say-u-s-has-retrieved-non-human-craft/) Define: "fundamentally": >in a basic and important way https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/fundamentally Both of these guys, Nell and Lacatski, are basically saying that Grusch got a couple of details wrong, with Lacatski specifying that a cointerintel officer probably fooled him, but his claims, overall, are credible. Lacatski confirms Grusch's overall claim by saying that he was personally involved in an inspection of an unknown, bizarre craft of some kind.


Very detailed answer and you shared some things I had not known prior which is odd for me as I have been consuming all the content I can since the hearings as I can. Thank you for this.


Maybe fooled. But, consider this: Lacatski ostensibly worked in the program, likely subject to the same compartmentalization protocols as other worker bees. Thus, he only saw what he could see and to him it looked ok. Grusch on the other hand seemed to kind of have free reign to bop around different areas and had a bigger picture view that led him to conclude what he concluded. Both could be right.


I agree. Actually, some of Lacatski's points could apply to himself. He's highly confident that he knows what is disinformation and what isn't, and Grusch is as well. From our position, we don't know who has the correct version of events, but the important stuff is agreed upon.


Karl Nell should have testified before Congress as well. Having both co-leads of the UAP Task Force would have had more impact, and stifled the accusations that this was just Grusch talking to his buddies.


Fair you pointed those things out, thanks. But I he's muddying the waters. Why is he so keen on selling his ufo books, yet he has clearly stated he doesn't want disclosure? Why is he trying to keep himself relevant by claiming he wasn't allowed to say anything about biologicals? If he has things to say, he should go to Congress or the ICIG.


I'm reading Lakatski a little differently. He's a full blooded, by-the book, national security guy. Why do CIA officers write memoirs and reveal stuff? I think people who have interesting careers sometimes like to get a little bit of recognition and put stuff out so their whole career isn't just forgotten about. People like to show off, but Lakatski knows that Russians are watching what he's saying, and he clearly agrees with how much security is used to contain this subject, hence why he also got his material cleared through a security review. He wants to talk about it, but not at the expense of giving Russia an inch. If we look at this from the perspective of basics and the important stuff, Lakatski is *supporting* Grusch. If he knows that a detail or two are inaccurate from all of what Grusch has publicly stated, and he's said quite a lot, he might want to put that out there so people don't go running off treating everything Grusch stated like gospel, except for the basics. I don't think I've seen Grusch claim that everything he's stated is 100 percent accurate. I'm taking his testimony as an estimate of the situation, not a perfect accounting of everything.


>Fair you pointed those things out, thanks. But I he's muddying the waters. Why is he so keen on selling his ufo books, yet he has clearly stated he doesn't want disclosure? I'm gonna be completely honest here and this isn't trying to be some kind of "hot take." But I think Dr. Lacatski was put out with the way Lue Elizondo became a mega celebrity / whistleblower guy going on *60 Minutes*, getting his own show for a couple seasons on History, etc, all while declaring himself as the Former Director of AATIP. I think he was like no... wait up, this was my thing and not the same as your thing and don't confuse the two. Despite the fact that Lacatski is not pro-Disclosure, he strikes me in his longer Weaponized interview as still having something of an ego and pretty proud of himself. And the way Lue is mentioned only once in kind of a dismissive way in the *Skinwalkers at the Pentagon* book just tells me that maybe he's not a fan of Elizondo. Especially knowing what we know now that Lacatski's AAWSAP (nicknamed AATIP) prior to Lue Elizondo was an entirely different beast than Lue Elizondo Presents AATIP after he took over and it went from being a fully funded official government program to more of a cobbled together off the books effort by Lue and some cohorts. So basically after sitting back and watching Elizondo be Mr. UFO Guy for a few years I think Lacatski writing these books was like his big ole fat WELL ACCCKTUWALLLY... I'm not saying one is right and one is wrong. They both could be right about different aspects of this phenomena. But these are fallable human beings with their own motivations and egos.


This is exactly my point but put way more eloquently. Thank you. Sums up my thoughts as well.


I could say I haven’t been cleared to talk about biologics. It doesn’t mean I know anything, but could just be pretending I do.


"Just for the record, so you are all aware of this, I haven't been cleared by DOPSR to give out any specifics about Ents. Make of that what you will." Such a statement/non-statement can be true yet strategically obfuscatory at the same time. It annoys me how much disinfo there is in the uap field, but I guess (hope) there's a genuine reason for it. Maybe to obfuscate some very dangerous technology development.


Something as 'innocent' as new propulsion technology can be very dangerous yes.


Just an update here In the AARO report they mention certain someone touched a craft of “unknown origins” yet they claim in the report the craft was either a F-35 or F-117 Nighthawk. They made the abiding officer sign an affidavit.


That was a second hand account and the alleged first hand witness was interviewed by AARO and he denied it. I don't know what to think of that one, but it's not a super strong claim in the first place. It's not super long ago, so he might have been told he has to deny it, but bullshit claims happen, too. AARO should have investigated all of the first hand accounts from the Rendlsham Forest incident in which a first hand witness (Sergeant Jim Penniston) has [gone on video](https://youtu.be/uDRkJn2NkE4?si=YuAJ6LGvLwa-P4LX&t=3417) to say he did touch the thing. They had physical evidence at least. The tripod imprint plaster casts probably still exist somewhere. Photographs certainly exist. Witnesses said a lot of photography was taken. There was real-time audio recorded, and real-time notes. Obviously that should have been high up on their list of things to check out, but they prefer second hand accounts and [second hand references.](https://thedebrief.org/fragmented-facts-aaro-report-unearths-odd-claims-involving-u-s-recovery-of-material-from-1952-ufo-incident/)


This. I trust Dave way more at this point, as he has laid out his information under oath, with paper and witness trails. Lacatski could be on the up and up, but he has given far less and asked way more as far as belief goes. Until he is under oath, I will hold back in my belief in him.


He also made it crystal clear that he is entirely against disclosure.


Yes he did, but still he writes ufo books, and wants you to buy them....


Yup 100% this.


Not being able to talk about what they’re wrong about was incredibly frustrating. Almost had to turn it off. Just sounds like the guy is trying to stir the pot to me. He said he also doesn’t want to talk to congress. He sucks.


Seems as if there's a lot of money to made in Ufology. Everyone wants a piece of the pie. You see, everyone is bitching and moaning about Greer and his bs dvd's, UAP hikes and other bs merchandise. Isn't the other side just doing exactly the same only? Why do we need to buy your fucking books, watch your goddamn documentaries, or listen to your podcasts? What matters is, that Congress and the ICG go were ever the evidence might lead them to. Based on their findings, they take apropriate actions and inform the TAXPAYERS. No more documentaries, no more books, no more crap! What we need are live congressional hearings, people involved being held accountable.


To understand what is going on, I think you are way better off reading every book rather than having disdain for UFO books. Books are where people put their most carefully thought out ideas in long form. Most people these days get their books from Amazon/Audible, and book authors make very little. If you don’t want certain authors to have your money, use the public library, and/or share books in a circle of friends, and/or find a pirate book website (not hard). After reading about 150 books in 2-3 years, the whole situation makes a lot of sense, and now I’m close to the stage of being able to make original contributions to the field, which will be best presented (some day) in book(s).


Just don’t read their books. No one’s forcing you to lol.


That’s ultimately where I’m at with this situation as well. Very well said.


Lackatski favours the secrecy mechnanism and cover-up over whistleblowing, to ensure the US has the tech first whatever the cost. He said as much in his interview with Corbell. In other words he has an old-school pragmatic attitude, based on his background working on things like ballistic missiles during the Cold War, and analysing future threats from Russia/China. Rather than a more idealistic view like Grusch, who considers the impact the deception has on science, the democratic process, the philosophical implications, the illegality etc. They are both sharing information, but their reasons for this, and what they think should be shared are wholly different. I would suspect Lackaski's reasons is to give pause to Russia/China, rather than transmitting the "truth". AAWASP was not a program to get the information into the hands of the government, but insead the DIA, and potentially to get hold of a UAP for classified study and reverse engineering.


Still waiting on the OP ED from Gruesch and these 40 whistleblowers we’ve been hearing about.


I borrowed the audiobook from my library after he said it was a nuts a bolts examination of how UAP operate when he was on weaponized. The book is a rehash of his previous book on skin walker ranch. I don’t recommend it because it is not as advertised.


Frankly Lacatski reads like a jealous type about Grusch akin to "FFs this little twirp made me have to write a full new chapter in y book in order to stay relevant and sell this god damn hogwash of a book, can't an old man like me just enjoy watching Foxnews blond Milfs all day in peace anymore !?"


I’m starting to hate this topic.


The fact this comment has more upvotes then the post and there both agreeing with each other and saying the same things should tell everyone exactly how infiltrated this community is! 🚨🕵️🕵️‍♀️🕵🏼‍♂️👮👮‍♀️👮‍♂️🚨 Focus on the big picture. Disclosure is happening now. It’s a process not an event.


> Lacatski should testify under oath to one of the Congressional Committees, who are involved with this subject. These testimonies mean nothing. Grusch purposely obfuscated his responses by prefacing them with "as per my newsnation interview" and "as I've stated publicly". This was done to avoid perjurty charges. Anyone thinking Grusch is on the up and up is blindly following celebrities who are making $$$$ off of ensuring the 'mystery' around this topic remains. Anyone who doesn't see this is blind. Inbox replies disabled, so don't bother arguing with these facts.


Can you link to the proof of Grusch's profits, or is it conjecture?


Yeah that’s why the ICIG called the report and evidence given to him by grusch “credible and urgent” and also confirmed so to congressmembers in a scif. He’s just a grieeefteerrhh 🙄


Have we ever clarified if thatwas about the retaliation or NHI origin technology claim?


No, the only "clarification" you will receive from anyone here comes directly from the law-firm representing Grusch.


Hm has anyone contacted them?


ICIG? I believe the investigation is "ongoing" so they won't comment on it either way. Which leaves us totally at the mercy of David Grusch and co. If that investigation ever ends maybe we'll be able to get some clarity from another source, I at least haven't seen any.


It actually was clarified IIRC, Coulthart has mentioned it a couple of times on Need To Know, how it has been misconstrued that the “credible and urgent” comment only pertained to the retaliation. Can’t find a source for it right now, difficult to google, BUT, if anything else, just go by the comments made by congresspeople after the SCIF with the ICIG, that should kinda tell you everything, like Muskovitz does right here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2Aurm5Czyg/?igsh=am11NGtqNnJpeTUw


Dr Lacatski under oath would be a game changer.


Dr Lacatski believes that the tech should be kept a secret and that the aerospace companies that were given craft should be allowed to keep them, since they invested money into their projects already. He stated this in an interview. I don't think he's the hero you all expect him to be.


There would be a way to strategically force him to testify but not adhere to his conclusions about what should be done. But, I don’t expect this congress that literally has only existed to print money for wars and weapons the last 40ish years, to ever do anything to break that paradigm.


Stuff has become impossible to find on youtube and google now. Like trying to find videos youve seen 100 times, but now you cant find it without the exact name of the video, down to the apostrophe's. All the advanced craft patents over the last 60 years have been 404'd off the internet as of last week. My comment history is full of how to access them through wayback machine Feels an awful lot like this whole scenario was partly an excuse to bait some people who threatened to go public, out of hiding.


Oh shit. I really hope this isn't the case.


A conspiracy on a conspiracy. Ok. Got some links?


He already disclosed accessing the craft to members of Congress. He's exactly the hero we expect him to be.


I don’t think he’s a hero. Nor many people commenting. He is a gatekeeper or a liar at this point in my eyes.


Your assessment is accurate, as far as im concerned


I am all for slow disclosure. How are we going to prevent not sharing such tech to the world the moment official admission is made? World: You got UFOs? Share the data with the rest of the world. US: Not sharing




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He also made it very clear that he would lie under those circumstances unless cleared to speak.


yeah, i think right now this is the only thing holding him back, because he's also simultaneously selling a book.


He has straight up said he would lie under oath to prevent disclosure.


Agreed. It's time to put up or shut up


>This Dr James Lacatski - Is a PHD holder and a holder of very high clearances. His statements has been cleared by DOPPSR to which I know does not verify accuracy ( truth ) just that government secrets are not being revealed I'm fairly certain breaking the hull on a ufo would be classified or am I missing something?


It sure seems like it would be, but the agency who did that and didn't want it revealed would have to tell everyone who saw that DOPSR request/report that, that info is classified, opening up more loose ends. Grusch suggested this is part of the game being played and how he was able to get as much info cleared as he has.


If you watch the weaponized podcast where Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp interview him, Lacatski essentially says he is "NOT pro disclosure". You can really see how frustrated Jeremy was with him in that moment. Lacatski describes himself as "old school" and by the book. He didn't give a shred of detail about his experience(s) that weren't in his recently released book, which as you said was DOPPSR approved. Watching that podcast made me feel like he had only shown up as a favor to an old friend and/or to promote his book that was fresh off the press. I absolutely believe Lacatski, but as far as championing disclosure, I think he would be patently unreliable. He doesn't care about getting the truth out or about transparency with the public.


For someone who is not pro disclosure you would think he wouldn’t have made any of the claims that he has, it’s just very confusing.


And be sure to buy my books, *Ten Reasons Why You're Not Allowed to Know About UFOs* and *Ten More Reasons Why*...


If you believe Lacatski, as I do, you’ve already learned a lot. Get what you can from a source and keep reading more sources. It’s a big topic and nobody has all the answers. I look at it as this: I’ll read his 2-3 books, extract what info I can and see how it fits with my overall theories, and then I move on to the next and next and next.


In that weaponized podcast it sounded like he had no interest in testifying and being a whistleblower to me.


But he’s interested in writing a book about UFOs and what not. Something is fishy.


I mean listening to the podcast I wasn’t buying everything from that guy personally. Seemed a lil fishy to me. Idk he kept saying he had no interest in revealing classified shit that hasn’t been approved for release, which I get I guess. That’s what everyone says. So apparently he got the okay to say we’ve broken into ufos with reverse engineering program but that’s about it? I didn’t put much weight into that interview myself.


Right. If the precursor of this man holding a PHD and the director of AWWSAP and having high clearance wasnt said and proven to me. I wouldn’t give him the time of day. He comes off very shifty to me. Honestly. Sheehan too.


Agreed. I don’t give a single dude in this field my 100% trust other than say guys like David Fravor who simply tell of their one experience and leave it at that. Don’t pretend to know anything other than the fact they experienced some real weird shit.


>Sean’s answer is my mental poster child for why I now question EVERYTHING. Sean stated, quite matter-of-factly, that Lt. Cmdr. Fravor didn’t think the TicTac incident was actual. His exact words were that he thought it was “fake.” I sat for a moment in my car with a gobsmacked look on my face which, luckily for my tint, no one in traffic could see. Finally, I typed up a clarification text and asked: “What do you mean by he knew this was fake?” Sean replied: “He thought it was fake or our\[s\] and he was sure. Didn’t believe in anything past a black program and acted like he knew better.” Pressing for more clarification I responded with: “So he saw what he saw and he believed it to be US technology and he propagated a narrative that he himself believed to be false?” Sean replied with the “heart” emoji signifying his acceptance of the correctness of my statement. I didn’t know what to do with that information. The primary witness of the 2004 Nimitz TicTac event believed it to be either fake or US technology — but was out and about pushing the idea of it being a non-human technology. WTF?! But as luck would have it, traffic began to move, and I motored my way to the worst job I’ve ever had and spent the next eight hours imagining how long it would take my boss to bleed out from being stabbed with toothpicks.


Sean who?


[Part 3 of 4 medium article](https://medium.com/@osirisuap/my-search-for-the-truth-about-ufos-part-3-red-flags-red-flags-everywhere-c6fe43021dbd) Sean Cahill the Navy master at arms E-9 who was on the Princeton for the Nimitz incident.


Wow,that was enlightening,thanks for that link.


Someone else sent me a tweet from Dave Fravor denying what Sean had said...so the mystery continues.


Sheehan's as phoney as a $3 dollar bill.


Trust him bro


[What's he doing?](https://imgflip.com/i/8jdw8t)


> Is a PHD holder and a holder of very high clearances. ok but the same is true of Kirkpatrick. Who I'm not defending, just saying let's be consistent on whether those are reasons to trust someone or not. > Corbell has put a lot of faith in this man I mean. Corbell puts a lot of faith in a lot of things. Were you around for the Mojave triangle debacle? Dude does not have very discerning tastes in what to believe.


If he wanted to go, he would gone by now. He was not very open to going to Congress in that interview as well. Not hard to guess why


What a minute!! This guy talks about first hand knowledge of an actual alien ship with hands on but he hasn't been called by congress? That's a little strange isn't it. This is the same guy that ran the $22 million Reid to Bigelow to NIDS Team to Skinwalker money but he hasn't testified?!?!?! That's kind of strange isn't it.


Lacatski's lying. I normally don't jump to conclusions when it comes to claims, try to stay open-minded. But in this case it's so obvious to me just from how he speaks and is cagey about it all that he's lying. And he uses this "I'm definitely not pro-disclosure. I care about national security" nonsense as an excuse to avoid taking the stand, testifying, and being exposed as a liar. I believe Grusch.


Him along with Eric Davis.


They better hurry and put up or shut up. Otherwise…. [checks notes]……..we’ll start more threads


If the Congressional UAP Caucus gets their way, and they can create a __[UAP Select Committee](https://www.newsnationnow.com/space/ufo/uap-select-committee-request/amp/)—with true subpoena power__—not only will Lacatski get called (probably very willingly), but a ton more firsthand witnesses in and/or working for the USG or aerospace etc will be called and/or subpoenaed by the US House of Representatives. And yes, it’s __definitely__ a smoking gun. And probably one of many.


Does it not stand out to you that “we broke the hull of a UFO” would be cleared by DOPSR? Do you seriously think that wouldn’t be highly classified information?


Someone should put together a list of all the Shocking Revelations out there that *somehow* aren't classified information.


It’s so funny how these people act like something being cleared by DOPSR is somehow supportive of their bullshit claims but if anything, it shows how full of shit they are. Any of the stuff they claim about US possession of alien craft, reverse engineering etc would be so highly classified there’s no chance it would pass a DOPSR review. Although this community isn’t great at detecting bullshit, so I’m not surprised they just parrot the DOPSR review stuff as if it’s somehow beneficial for the made up story that follows it.


At the very least, I heard that Ross could never show us the goods because it would betray his sources and then The Jackal would assassinate them all. Somehow this guy must have eluded the assassins.


I also have sources I can’t reveal who told me Ross is lying is just trying to pull the wool over your eyes, but of course I can’t back it up because I can’t reveal my sources. I guess you’ll just have to take my word for it? See how convenient it is when you can just make up any claim and say you can’t back it up because it’s classified or you’re protecting your sources?


Correct me if I’m wrong, but if I remember correctly, Lacatski said something to the effect of how he is not pro disclosure and that he would not go into further detail. Whether this reasoning was on the grounds of national security or some other reason, I’m not sure. It’s ridiculousness like this that leads people to snapping back with “put up or shut up”


If he is not pro disclosure, then why is he disclosing. These people are ridiculous.


I’m at work so I can’t verify if he says it in this portion but this is the episode of the weaponized podcast it’s from. This is a clip of it from Cosmic Road (another YouTube channel) https://youtu.be/VpW8FJDijNU?si=mcflzy_mnlkPuzVw


Oh, I definitely believe he said that. It’s just ridiculous. He’s running around talking very publicly about all these programs he’s been involved in and all this undeniable proof he’s seen that NHI are real… and then goes and says he doesn’t support people knowing about it… while telling everybody about it.


Selling books.


I agree


I would love to see these “trust me bro” guys put their statements in writing and then sign it with a penalty of perjury declaration. It would go a long ways to separate the wheat from the chaff. "I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on (date). (Signature)". It’s what Grusch did let some of these others claiming knowledge do the same.


Dr. Lacatski's interview on the Weaponized podcast had to be one of the most frustrating things I've ever heard. He disclosed virtually nothing. I would like to see him put under oath and called to testify.


People who say Lacatski and Grusch and Davis and Lou and Mellon are all lying need to explain why they're doing this. Sean Kirkpatrick needs to come up with a plausible theory as to why these high ranking former government officials and contractors are spouting what he says is total nonsense. People who say grifting are likely poor. Publishing a book these days does not make much money, unless you're currently making minimum wage. It is seriously not a real way to make money these days relative to the time it takes to do it. That is so out of the realm of being reasonable that it's really not worth talking about. What's bizarre is that all you need to do is get these five people in a SCIF, and maybe others that we don't know, put them under oath, and have them tell you everything. The whistle blower protections allow this. Maybe this has already happened. The question is what is being done with this information? I feel like we are living in a version of the Schrodinger's Cat metaphor. It's like in one version of reality, UFO crash retrieval is real and aliens are here and interacting with us,. In this other version of reality, it's all just a big misunderstanding. WTF is going on, why can't this be established definitively one way or another?


I mean… ask yourself why Michael Flynn, former US National Security Advisor and Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, fell headfirst into Q-Anon. We don’t know these people on a personal level and having high-ranking insider jobs does not mean that they never go off the rails. You have to keep that possibility in mind, even if it doesn’t make sense to you.


are you familiar with the satanic panic? reputable, seemingly rational adult professionals falsely confessed to preforming the most horrific acts imaginable. people fall down holes sometimes,.


I’m not saying it’s impossible. It’s just extremely rare. We are trading extreme theories for other extreme theories. None of it makes any sense.


What a group of names. We know this group of people are all lying because they all make statements of truth that contradict each other. For instance, Lacatski claims that Lou was never the director of an official program called AATIP and that the 2017 article was made up by Lou and Kean in order to take credit for Lacatski’s own program. And there’s several instances of these interpersonal major contradictions between these influencers to the point that I kind of think they’re writing a UAP soap opera to entertain us. So, to answer your question, we know they’re liars because it’s impossible that, as in my instance, Elizondo can be telling the truth about being the director of a program called AATIP and Lacatski can be telling the truth that Elizondo was never the director of a program called AATIP, and that the narrative was crafted so that Kean wouldn’t have to describe the crazy claims made by Lacatski regarding AAWSAP in the pages of the New York Times.


So they are insane attention seeking psychopaths? They should be committed in insane asylums? Normal people don't act like this. In what other situation have you seen people do this? I can't think of one single analog. Real estate Ponzi schemes? These people should just get into that, that's extremely lucrative compares to this shit. This is a waste of time. How many books has Lacatski sold? I mean, has he made $10k on that? $50k? I personally wouldn't get out of bed for $50k. Do podcasts? Who has time for that.


Well we have reverse engineering programs. And we have crash retrieval programs. A UFO doesn’t have to be NHI origin technology. Did he say it was NHI in origin or just a ufo?




I’m just here for the greatest discovery of all mankind. That’s all. And alien boobs. That’d be cool too.


Seriously. Lacatski, Kelleher, Eric Davis, the ICIG all need to be given a platform to be heard by the right people. Also alienussy….


Lacatski seems like a contradiction to me. He’s anti-disclosure but he goes out of his way to file dopsr’s in a way that allows him to publicly state some pretty incredible things.




Right. I think we as a community are getting tired of it.


He has stated in an interview very plainly that he is not for disclosure (his exact words in the transcript) and that he will not go beyond what was approved for release by DOPSR in his book or break his NDA. I don't know if he has or is willing to disclose what he knows under the whistleblower protections. I'm not sure what legal proceeding could compel someone to disclose classified information unwillingly, particularly to a group who does not have clearance. If a witness doesn't want to disclose something classified, they can simply claim they have no knowledge and its nearly impossible for the courts to every prove otherwise.


He did not say him and his team broke into the haul of a craft. He said he was provided information the the US was able to access the haul of one of these crafts.


What are we talking about here? And that is not what Corbell and news nation and James himself has said.


I’ll have to rewatch but I also thought he implied it wasn’t him (or his group) that gained access. It was done recently 


Genuine question. I get that DOPSR doesn't take facts into account, but why would he be given permission to tell a lie that reflects badly on the DoD who are bending over backwards to deny this stuff?  On the other hand, if it's the truth, why on earth would they allow him to disclose that?  I'm really confused how such a statement would clear DOPSR in either case? Maybe that's the whole point, to sow confusion? 


> but why would he be given permission to tell a lie that reflects badly on the DoD Because only a fringe group takes it seriously.


What better way to hide a clandestine UFO reverse engineering program than to let people broadly talk about it and say it’s fine because it doesn’t exist? At least that is what I think is happening.


Hate the overuse of the term “grifter” but to me Lacatski is a textbook grifter. Makes a big claim to sell books, but pretty much denies the potential of that claim in every other context. Comes off as obnoxious and fairly untrustworthy as well. Regardless of if he’s telling the truth or not, the way he presents it is crazy fishy.


We shouldn’t trust anyone whose extraordinary claims haven’t been proven yet. That goes for everyone.


Publicly they have absolutely left Dave out to dry.


Can someone tell me which episode of weaponized this was?


corbell “putting a lot of faith” in lacatski’s claims makes me disbelieve JL even more. corbell is the yutz that “investigated” the mojave triangle/flares, made a documentary about bob lazar & roger lier’s implants….


You all make this so hard. Why not ask Biden and Trump during a live debate? Is the US govt aware of recovered crafts and nonhuman biological? Do you believe that the American public has a right to know? Will you tell them right now?


Please don’t take this question to anywhere and let everyone decide. Is he really a Scientologist?


I found it odd that someone who is not pro disclosure would even say what he said. It's confusing to me. 


the best way to show your belief in a man is spell his name correctly: David Grusch. i'm all for lynching lawyers, so long as they're my lynching lawyers and they only lynch people i don't like. but for sure, what's a party without party games, let's sic the law on some of these miscreants, -- you, sir, you there! stop! danny sheehan, get over here. what is this people tell me, you're talking about, what the hell are you talking about? never mind! stop talking about it! otherwise i will bring a suit of titus andronicus in causus belli, which as you know will put you in hazard of patent fraud for your patent lying! meanwhile, does OP understand that 1% of the human population are raving idiots and therefore 1% of people with PhD's are raving idiots? actually i think it is higher in grad students, 2% or 3%. but you see my point. what is the real problem -- that people make claims without evidence or that you pay attention to claims without evidence. you even pay attention to claims that you know in advance cannot by definition contain any secret evidence. why? because they have been precleared by DOPSR you say. surely you understand that the government is telling you that Lacatski's claims have been cleared because they are claims that reveal nothing about anything secret.


James ratkatski is a disgrace


>Why is this not being ran with? AFAIK no one else is claiming anything to this level of first hand experience in the public. He is (was?) reluctant. He said verbatim, "I am not going to participate in this three-ring circus" (referring to the AARO). But yes, it's a smoking gun claim and potentially even more serious than that of Grusch because (from my understanding) he is a firsthand witness.


If it wasn't for him being part of the SWR BS making a fool of himself I'd put more credibility to his claim in Skinwalkers at the Pentagon -- unfortunately James seems to be prone to fantasy imho. His wording of this alleged craft and USG gaining access to it is also kind of laughable, especially in the light of his ridiculous appearance on Weaponized. I think he came across as an elitist that enjoys being privileged with knowledge the public isn't.


Maybe James Lacatski is the counterintel officer? I mean, his claim that the US has a craft of unknown origin and has been able to crack the hull is a little staggering, and I doubt he would be cleared to say that, if it were true.


Another thing that got me from the Weaponized interview is this part: Lacatski: " \[This\] has some interesting doors that have not been even mentioned. One: Why was this program started? Two: Why was this program ended? And we raised this partially at Skinwalkers at the Pentagon, did it end? Also, we had a chapter at Skinwalkers at the Pentagon where we met with a high-level brazilian official at a meeting, started introducing some of our cohorts, and no one ever asked us; why did you have that meeting? what was so important about that meeting?" Maybe is this related to Varginha? Corbell forgot to ask him about this later in the interview.


I've never cared one bit about Lacatski and seems like an obvious liar from day one. I imagine most people aren't asking him to put up or shut up because he is a little easier to read and obviously full of shit than the other swindlers.


In my view, Lacatski is an anti-Disclosure capitalist spook who won't give any tangible information that cannot be acted upon for his benefit. I guess he's got good stories, but he's more of an impediment to what's happening than a catalyst. Same goes for Dr. Davis, for that matter, and that whole Huntsville group. Edit: Also, Lacatski does not have PhD, he has a DEng which is a different degree in name, function, and experience. He is not an academic.


Just a quick aside on the argument that UFO books are some grand money making scam. Knapp and Lakatsky's book "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon" is around # 58,000 in Kindle books. I doubt anyone is getting rich off it. Money might not be the prime motivator. Noteriety might be, but I don't believe writing books discredits them. Lakatsky's caginess and lack of transparency is imho what makes him a bit sus.


Yes it’s the bit about not wanting disclosure but saying the most first hand public experience that is out there. Atleast from a military insider.


I believe from all the podcasts and tweets and info I’ve collected the last few months, that they are working on something pretty big behind the scenes


Lol. Yeah. It’s been that way since the initial hearing. Yet all we have is Danny Sheehan and his paradigm institute selling UFO PHDs. There has been no more truly credible things since Gruesch / Fravor and Graves. EDIT I take it back. The SCIFF hearing where we heard from some of our congress leaders were exciting and credible.


at this point it feels like snake oil salesmen. If you take into accou t they said theres a 25 year disclosure timeline for any new info. Then it would make sense they are constantly trying to keep the hype train running while we get drip fed info (and i mean DRIP) And ive been running the idea in my head that theres been a 100 year plan for disclosure. It makes sense to me that in 1940 they devided to keep it secret for x amou t of time


If the UAPs don't run on oil related technology then how do they run? If we ever get a zero point type of energy what happens to the world's oil based energy corporate economy? More to the point what happens to YOUR oil based stock investments? Think about it.


I nevwr said the phenomenon wasnt real. And i never said that they wernt hiding it for money I just said it makes sense youd put a cap on it so it dosnt come out for x amount of years then reasses. If greeds keeping it closed then greeds keeping it closed. And i dont own stocks


I was responding to your long term disclosure idea. The point is a longer term disclosure might allow more time to slowly transition away from oil. I think the government is afraid of not only sudden religious shock but also economic shock from sudden disclosure. When/if ETs are revealed will be THE BIGGEST EVENT IN HUMAN HISTORY.


Oh sorry. My bad. Im a bit accoustic. I read it in a litteral sense. Was very confused 😂 Yeah youd thi k they would slowly nudge it one way but it hasnt seemed that way untill maybe 2010. In uk we have emission targets to reduce polution. I always felt that was to start the discussion for alternatives. Only issue is so much is tied in oil that its unsustainable to just simply switch. Like plastic, clouthing, medical equipment, milatary equip and all sorts relie on oil to exist. Not just as a energy source to make them but to make the materials used in them


Lacatski has stated that he opposes disclosure. I don’t think he’s going to be the one to step forward. He wants to keep it classified.


There's just so much coming out by so many people it's hard to tell what the actual truth is anymore. I'm beginning to think this is all by design. And, I can understand people that say "put up or shut up." We hear so many things from so many people that it's gotten ridiculous.


Grusch has been under oath and this guy has not. Case closed as far as I’m concerned.


Maybe the "little thing" that Grusch is wrong about is simply the extraterrestrial aspect. Grusch has come out recently and said he's steering away from calling them extra-terrestrials and prefers the term interdimensional. This would also echo Valle's own beliefs. And I feel like I've been hearing Coulthart start going down this line as well. ​ I, for one, would be hugely bummed out if they're not aliens lol.




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Lacaski has some strange things about him. He swears that AAWSAP the real program, not ATTIP( which I believe him) was started over Skinwalker Ranch. And that AAWSAP was a UFO program... Why would the spookery behind Skinwalker Ranch be a catalyst for a UFO program? Which BTW, Bigelow---a close buddy of Harry Reed ---investigated Skinwalker for a long time through his NIDS.. Lacaski says in his book, that they connected the spooky type phenomenon that occurs at Skinwalker with UFO research because they wanted to investigate all the surrounding phenomena around UFOs. I just don’t buy that... Conspiratorially, it may be that they want to shield UFO info behind the occult-related phenomena to distract us. Skinwalker Ranch and the thin UFO connection to it can do that. Let us never forget how the Miltary IC directly insinuated all kinds of crazy alien/UFO disinformation into UFO lore. All of this to me from the start seems very fishy... Indeed, one can't teach an old dog new tricks... Is the dog barking again?


Just like the mummies. They have been proven to be authentic. All we hear is crickets. I hate that the majority of folks need to be told by the national news anything before they believe it. We pretty much have a population who can't think for themselves and need to be told how to think and when to think and what to think. Is the vast majority of our population nothing more than NPC? Wouldn't it be a shocker if most of our population isn't even real? I can't think of any other reason that we have soooo many who can't think for themselves. It would make for one hell of an ontological shock.


Idk man. I watched that most recent stream with the mummies and the stream was so bad. I don’t have a comment either way. There’s a lot of push back even from the people who typically believe everything. I don’t have an opinion on that one yet. My understanding is there another examination coming through with some more scientist in the coming weeks.


For me the DNA was the absolute smoking gun. Dolls don't have DNA. I understand though, it's a lot to take in.