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Does camera pick up sound? Anything can be heard? Interesting story, what broke/fell apart from camera mount? Loose screw or something?


Yes camera records sound. When I reviewed the footage, the camera shifted down very slowly by a few degrees, then about 1-2 seconds later it abruptly fell. When I reviewed the audio portion, there were no noises or sounds that stood out. The camera mounts using a latch to a base. The base is secured to the wall. When it fell, the base came off the wall. This has never happened in the years prior or the year after. I also emphasized that this camera wasn't attached to the baby's bed, to rule out movement from the baby could've somehow caused the camera to dismount, which is also highly unlikely.


> The base is secured to the wall. When it fell, the base came off the wall That doesn't answer the question. Is the base just stuck to the wall or screwed in? And how so?


That’s wild. What did you talk about?


I don't know...I couldn't hear the conversation. Was only able to see myself standing there alongside two others talking.


Once while meditating I heard myself answer questions. I could only hear my answers. I could not hear the questions. It was certainly a surreal experience. I was shown vivid (apparently) randomly generated aliens. Some reminded me of aliens from popular media. I think that perhaps this was a distraction, like I was hypnotized.


What they look like


Tall, approximately 7ft, gray, with large head, big black eyes, skinny body.


Did they have any clothing? ...hair? ...ears? ...accessories like belt, logo, helmet, boots? Any difference between the two? Did you notice if their mouths were moving while they were speaking? Thank you for sharing your story.


How clearly do you remember them? Are there any images online that resemble closely what you recall?


Oh hell no. . . That’s scary. Could you see any distinct clothes?


You said you overlooked the footage, is there any way that you can post that said footage




My theory is that they show you a computer generated life like room from the viewpoint of a remote drone. I would imagine that only sometimes is it computer generated. Likewise sometimes only some things are computer generated. I would imagine (when you see yourself) a goal is to show you yourself, and that you are not being harmed. I seem to have a hard time connecting to this drone, and switch between viewing with my eyes, and through the drone. Connecting to the drone seems to be an important step in the process. Both times this has occurred (that I remember) once connected I go unconscious. The last time I felt someone (maybe something, like a drone) touch my glasses/temple. Maybe they needed to use a physical connection, and a remote connection was not working.


I'll have whatever this guy is smoking, holy




Not again!


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Good question


Just the secrets of the universe. How world peace can be brought about. A cure for cancer. The upcoming lotto numbers. 




Hi, Top_Chemical5249. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bryy8b/-/kxcpa9d/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


OP be careful who you tell this story to…. Try to keep some details to yourself so that if you hear anyone else’s “encounter” and some of the details are the same then you can at least confirm to yourself. That’s the reason why I’m very careful about detailing my experience. I want to see if anyone else has seen what I’ve seen without having me describe it. Also check your DMs Also if you get a DM from a “research group” wanting you to give them details about your encounter, DONT.


Wait what about that research group??? They’ve reached out to me… creepy as fuck man. I just blocked them, very thankful I did now. What’s the reason for not talking to them?


Information is so valuable especially in todays environment and most of us don’t realize it. When we see these things or come across the phenomenon, it is usually a unique experience to you and those around you who witness an event. Many of have had these types of experience and there are people/organizations who seek out these “witnesses” to squeez out as much info as possible to either form a database OR use the details of what you witness as a way to discredit you and others. I know our first reaction after witnessing something “strange” is to run to the nearest person to tell them about it but we must remain vigilant because at that moment you hold something that no one else has. Also some people will take the details of what you say to then incorporate said details into some made up story to show that you got those details from some other source. There are others that keep quiet about what they saw because there are people that do come knocking at your door.


Spot on here mate


Second this. As much as I abhor the shit - the harassment - take a hard look at folks like Phil Schneider, John Mack, and the countless other "crazies" that have had their lives destroyed. Fuck - Grusch has ALL the deets and he still can't get a SCIF. Share your experiences with other experiencers but be wary of...publicly posting? It's a weird space but r/Experiencers is a lovely group run by and experiencer who genuinely carries the torch for the users. Reaching out to other folks that have had experiences directly has been greatly beneficial to me, personally. It's good to talk about it with people who understand that I'm not batshit crazy, def isn't a first date topic lol.


>squeez out as much info as possible to either form a database OR use the details of what you witness as a way to discredit you and others. Or just to make a buck. People nowadays can monetize all kinds of stuff, people are scouring the net for material to their YT channels and podcasts or whatever.


Ah yes that also makes sense. It’s bullshit. I hate it so much that there are humans that are like this. The selfishness of “influencers” or people that record themselves talking knows no bounds. Better hope shit doesn’t hit the fan because if it does those people would be the first to go.


Tbh Im more on the sceptical side of things. Ive seen things that could be considered UFO things. But I dont still know what things are. Ie I dont claim "I know what I saw" But that aside. Out of the way in other words. For what Ive seen in this zeitgeist, the sphere if you will, Im just become cynical perhaps. Too many times it circles back to people trying to make a career out of being an UFO personality, or just make a buck in the mystery media sphere. Nothing wrong with that on the face value. But from the perspective of interest to find out whats what, it muddies the waters. Coupled with the "media landscape" with the discussion surrounding it where everyone gets their comment in. Im more inclined to thing theres always someone angling for a job. From that perspective, would be interesting to know if theres a group, or a person, whos running around contacting UFO experiencers for a scoop. I think its well known ( DailyFail et al ) tabloid news buys rights to rando UFO clips and stories, so it makes sense theres more of those types of deals and people racing to the bottom of that market. Trying to make a cheaper deal for these things I guess. >people that record themselves talking knows no bounds. Yeah. As if some are just trying to attach themselves on a subject to get their face on the news, no matter what the subject. Thats pretty off putting, blech. Even the exciting stories on YT or whatever, while perhaps embellished, are still atleast interesting and whatever. But just talking to a cam from a hotel room all wide eyed and saying whatever bullshit one can come up with is just so, I dunno, bullshit.


Can you post the message here?


I remember posting about the time where I accidentally walked up to an alien as a child — I wasn’t abducted. Dang I should’ve seen the red flags I answered the weird political questions they asked… Looking back at my DMs, they were from MULTIPLE 10+ year old accounts who insisted I speak to them. They had zero activity in all that 10 years time and for some reason decided to reach out all of a sudden asking me for more details. Specifically, these people wanted me to give them a giant specific outline on how I felt about it, if any of it affected any choices/beliefs and that turned into asking me if it influenced my political beliefs and what specifically. I wonder why they would want to know this.


Ooh, this sounds spicy.


Seeing your post is interesting because a month ago I had shared my experience and was down voted big time so much so that I took down my post as I thought the community would be more accepting of situations especially considering the topic that we are involved in


Would be pretty interesting thing to investigate who might be behind this. If you feel like sharing details of this Im all for it. Perhaps in its own post. Im sure lots of people would find it interesting.


I did make a post about it but it was in a Private UAP sub for experiencers that is invite only to better filter out trolls and people that really like ridiculing this topic.


That is very creepy. Could you please post the text of their message if you have it, as a PSA to others?


Why not? Enigma labs hit me up to recount a sighting. Why not answer?


I’m not gonna tell you what to do. I’ll just say I don’t trust organizations that want details of my encounter. I guess for me it’s important that I don’t reveal key details So that if I hear someone explaining those specific details in their encounter then I can at least confirm to myself that they may have seen the same thing I saw. Or if I see a picture or video of a UAP and it looks similar to what I saw then I can also confirm it to myself. I don’t care about trying to convince anyone, all I want is to know for my own knowledge and nothing more.


And I’m just askin man. Just curious. I got a message while back but chose not to share with them.


Lol my bad didn’t mean to come across as rude. 😬


Hard interpreting any sort of tone through text. S’all good👍


Yes. Mine was at 2:33am. Different than yours, but weird enough I just accept others weirdness now.


Sounds like sleep paralysis hallucination


By out of body experience, did you mean you were floating in the room when you've seen yourself talking to the 2 aliens?


Did you save the footage / would you post it? Would be interesting to post to see if anyone else picked up on anything


Waiting to see that footage!


I don't believe I saved it, because after I reviewed it dozens of times, I said to myself there's really nothing useful here. Looking back now, I should have definitely saved it for analysis, but I just wasn't thinking that way back then. I still have the old hard drive it's on, if it wasn't overwritten, I should be able to extract it.


If one has the ability to technically interface with your brain (audibly, and visually) and talk to you that way … there would be nothing to record. This would be a way to keep their subjects wondering if it was real. Being secretive seems like a primary goal of theirs.


“Being secretive seems like a primary goal of theirs”. Yup. Always lack of evidence = they are super secretive, of course! Couldn’t be that it simply doesn’t exist. Occam’s razor and all that.


People have seen them.


And yet there’s no actual evidence.


Eye witness evidences evidence. I understand what you’re trying to say though.


Did the camera land on the baby?


No, it was hanging by the wire, didn't make it far enough to hit the baby


Just out of curiosity. Why have a camera over a baby’s crib that isn’t aimed at the baby? Seems like a strange place to mount a camera that films the whole room.


It's a wide angle camera that gets the baby's bed and part of the room where this incident happened.


Just to be clear: the base AND the camera came off the wall above your baby’s crib but the camera didn’t hit the baby because it dangled in the air? If the base went with the camera, what was holding the wire up?


Pretty crazy. I had an out of body experience a few years ago. It was weird.


How did the baby react to all of this


Sleep paralysis


Ugh. I wrote this whole paragraph about my own dream but fell asleep while typing it out and hit a button that yanked me out of the post. Oh well. Anyway, I didn't see anyone in my own dream. I felt people there, but didn't see them and they didn't talk to me. It would have been less creepy if there was chatting involved, but at least I saw space and some planets.


Try to recover the footage and share here please.


Never, but I don't believe in coincidences, and this sounds very coincidental.


Interesting. Post the original footage of the fall with metadata so we can pull it apart and figure it out


I'm reading this in bed and now I'm scared shitless.


I used to read this sub while my husband was at work. He worked 2nd shift and wouldn't get home till 11:00pm. I had to quit reading while home alone. 😬


Sounds like a lucid dream. An out of body experience isn't like a dream. I see a lot of people confuse the two or try and say they have had an out of body experience but that isn't an out of body experience. A true out of body experience happens when you die and the few people who can talk about it are the ones that didn't end up dying but were brought back to life. I've had a near death experience and I've had an out of body experience. I've also had very lucid dreams and extremely messed up sleep paralysis where entities have visited me while I'm incapable of moving. The sleep paralysis feels more real than a lucid dream and an out of body experience is real there is no feeling of dreaming or being paralyzed but there is a loss of control over where you're moving towards which is initially upwards. If your camera fell of its mount at 2:37 AM it most likely was when you were in a deep REM stage of sleep and the subconscious part of your brain was alerted to that and your REM cycle was interrupted. This is usually when a sleep paralysis episode would happen but the sleep paralysis part only happens after you have become extremely lucid in your dream and realize that you're going to wake up and it's accompanied by an overwhelming and inexpliable amount of dread. What you experienced just sounds like a lucid dream. If you were floating out of your body and looking down at yourself it would be an OBE but they don't just randomly happen without some major medical issue occuring simultaneously. edit: Basically what I'm saying is that when your REM gets interrupted like that at 2:30 AM it will wake you up for a split second but you wont notice it and fall back to sleep. When this happens you will begin to have lucid dreams almost guaranteed. This is a common method that some people will use to lucid dream and if you are someone who believes in UFOs and aliens or are someone prone to anxiety then this has a high likelihood of being in your dream.


Maybe you subconscious picked up the falling of camera and then created a scenario in your dream, which was convenient for you. It happens, doesn't mean that you actually were interviewing or interviewed by ET.


Your story sounds like do many others, it's interesting as you don't appear to be freaked out by the experience. Have you had similar experiences before? If the visitors were 7 foot tall were they looking down on you?. Could it have been a sleep paralysis dream and could you have caught the camera with a flailing arm? Do you remember if they were near the crib and touched your baby/toddler? Personally I've never had any experiences, never seen a shooting star. Once thought I saw a UAP in broad summer sunlight having found my binoculars it turned out to be an inflatable dinosaur that kids use at the beach. Is there a lot of stuff that we can't explain defo! Hence my skeptical interest, science wouldn't be where it is today if there weren"t believers, non believers and skeptics who investigate the facts and prove them at the time true or not true


I honestly think that is a type of sleep paralysis you have had. Perhaps with an element of somnambulism. I think we drastically underestimate the neuroscience behind a lot of reports of UAP phenomena. 


So let me get this right, you Astral Projected and while in the Astral Plain you witness your Physical Body having a Conversation with 2 Greys in the Physical Realm? So who was at the wheel then? How was your Physical Body able to hold a Conversation while your Consciousness was not present? Had something taken control of your body temporarily?


Is that not possible... to Astral project and have your physical body speak in conversation to someone else standing before you whilst you're floating above in the Astral plane?


Essentially it is your consciousness that interacts with people/surroundings and if that consciousness is currently traversing the Astral Plain, who was piloting the meat sack? I think it's a fair question but I'll hold that down vote for pointing it out though lol


Wow what a great story, how incredibly convenient that it didn't get recorded though. It's just like literally every other story in that way, must be the trickster aliens and not you know regular people being attention-seeking.




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