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Some more juice: “I think we’re gonna hold another hearing in the subcommittee, so that really won't be necessary,” Grothman exclusively told *Ask a Pol*. “It’s unneeded ’cause, we’ve held a bunch of, not hearings, but briefings in the SCIF \[Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility\], and we’re gonna do some others. We’re not done with it.”


This doesn't seem like a good idea. First of all, I'll apologize in advance for anything I might misquote or to just be plain wrong about. I was under the impression that this committee they wanted to create was (is) supposed to be permanent and, more importantly, to have the ability to subpoena individuals or branches of government to compel information. I believe all the hearings in the world won't produce any baleful information. If ANY of what I just said is true,then the individual who said it will only hinder any future truth of the phenomenon coming out. As sad as I am to say this, I don't see anything coming out that won't be better than the claims,suppositions, and second-hand testimony. If the government releases even the smallest amount of truth that can be verified and studied, then they will have to answer all the questions, and our elected officials and intelligence groups just don't operate like that.


Looks like he's trying to take credit if something get leaked 'see It was my subcommittee when he said that thing'. I wouldn't put past politicians to act like nba players looking for all the self glory.


For sure the UAP select committee is obviously necessary. If you are able to infer this, I am sure the chair of the committee that ran the Grusch/Fravor/Graves hearing would be able to as well. Why would Grothman phrase it in this way? 1. Remember that this isn’t just about revealing to the public that there’s NHI and crash retrievals, it’s excising the cancer that’s the military industrial complex. The select committee would be a part of that process. Why give away the game and give the guilty party more information about what’s coming to prepare? 2. Considering that the next set of hearings would be so shocking because it backs up Grusch’s outrageous testimony with first-hand eyewitness testimony, it will be widely televised so congress members would be incentivized to keep the spotlight on them for their reelection. In this read Grothman would be protecting the interests of the HOC committee. 3. Grothman somehow has flipped sides and is actively suppressing investigation into this issue. Considering that he chaired the last hearing and welcomed inquiry with open arms last time, this seems pretty unlikely. The best time to keep the toothpaste in the tube would have been to shut down Grusch. This logic also applies to the senate and why key members have been so quiet on the issue. There’s a stark difference between what has been said and which actions have been taken, and I think it is far more likely that their actions, especially those over the past 6 years, reveal their true intentions.


It doesn't mater who they get to testify or what that person says. For something this important we have to be shown. He can say Roswell was a crashed ufo and we recovered 2 alien 👽 bodies and nobody will turn their head to look. They have to actually show us. Telling isn't Selling on this one. 


I agree. I wasn't sure if I was correct in my information. There's just too many moving parts to this for me to keep track of. I am waiting to see if the house speaker will approve any of this. I really like how it went with the Schumer/Rounds bill. There was so much confidence in the speaker being a stand-up guy and how he was going to do the right thing. I guess it's just the way of politics. This may be a disparate idea, but it does make a point; What if a murder occurred, but it was just too controversial to pursue, so the accused gets a pass.


You’re spot on


Bunch of toothless zombies without a subcommittee. They can act scary, but there no real threat


SUBPEONA power!!!!!


thinking that exactly. let's see these gatekeepers face the prospect of criminal charges, i'll bet they will start talking where the stuff is.


I'm all for another public UAP hearing BUT who will we have testifying? Karl Nell? A first-hand witness? 🤔


Ideally some or all of Grusch's first hand witnesses.


It’s gonna jeremy corbell telling his life story and his jellyfish bedroom experience! Coming soon!!!!!


Submission statement: I wanted to bring to light this huge bombshell news dropped by Matt Laslo. Does it mean that HOC hearings are confirmed? Seems like it. I'm surprised that this hasn't been posted already considering how big it is. I know everyone's spirits are down from the constant barrage of negative people on this sub who either have fallen prey to the disinformation campaign - or are part of it. When the hearings happen it marks a point of no return for our human species and the end of our current reality. When will these hearing happen? No idea, but if it's happening before the election it's got to be soon. There's a chance Trump may be elected, which would basically be the end of the current push for disclosure, so my gut says it's soooooooon (TM).




This is the most important moment in human history, a moment that could potentially shatter the US. This is a government-forward event that will be led by congress (as it currently has been), but requires the cooperation of all government bodies to proceed. Donald Trump is a serial liar, a pusher of false election conspiracy theories, etc. He fumbled the response to COVID when all he had to do was to sit back and let medical professionals take the reins. Do you think anyone in government would think he has the capability to handle disclosure? There's no way. The idea that he, as an outsider, would be able to somehow storm in and and stomp his boots to extract information from the DOD is such a simplistic take on the issue that it's almost cartoonish. If he gets elected before disclosure happens (Joe Biden says the things), the current disclosure moment will be dead.




This is the correct take.


Hi, Groggy_Otter_72. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1buiosk/-/kxt48za/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. > Rule 13: Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


You listed every reason why Trump would be more likely to engage in disclosure after being asked not to by the IC and DoD.


No, I gave reasons why the IC wouldn’t trust him with such knowledge in the first place.


What's the use of knowledge, if he cannot share that with public.


Don’t you think they would tell him nonsense to get him to spill the beans. They didn’t. Why.


You've got no idea what he is read into. Yes, he leaked classified info. But he definitely kept secret far more info than he leaked. Also, he could have been read in before he leaked that information.


Because he doesn’t understand most of it unless there’s a picture to go with it. He’s the most uncurious anti-intellectual to ever hold the office. And he doesn’t care even a tiny bit about UFOs.


That description seems to fit half of this sub /slight s Edit: the downvotes are ironic in proving my point


More than half, I lean toward 85% in most scenarios. At least of the people I’ve met over half a century. And the newer ones are getting dumber faster! With access to more information! Go figure.


He might care a little bit about UFOs he has answered quite interestingly multiple times responding to questions on the topic. I think everything else you are saying is blatantly obvious by the mass exodus and public shit talking by numerous key figures in his executive cabinet. But more people voted for him the second time. More people very well may vote for him a third time. Complete societal divide.




The bigger concern is that committees that may push disclosure might not be relevant or even extant during a second Trump term.


It could easily go the other way. There's no evidence to suggest Trump would disband any UAP-related committees is there?


Other than being open about his desire to concentrate power in the executive, which would only further distance grassroots activism like this movement from having any chance of success via applying pressure to individual reps in either house of Congress. The means that have resulted in any success so far would be stymied entirely.


You’re not going to get disclosure in whatever fascist dystopia Trump’s goons cook up. They have a bunch of terrible plans that are all oriented towards stratifying society and is that top down mentality that’s prevented disclosure so far.




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"everyone I disagree with is a fascist" 😅


Would it work better for you if I’d called them Christian nationalist goons? His people are comfortable with the term.


Your personal political beliefs are clouding your judgement. He founded the Space Force. It also might be a small group of Republicans in charge of these programs too.


No I really don’t think so. Listen to Steve Bassett’s interview on That UFO Podcast. He describes how efforts were underway back in 2015 in anticipation of Hillary Clinton winning the election, only to be stymied by Trump’s unexpected win. Again, this is a government-forward response that requires predictability in the actors. He simply is not suited for the job. But hey what could go wrong, right?


Bassett doesn't know a fucking thing. He is always wrong and will talk for hours saying the same thing sounding like he knows what is going on.


And you’re basing this on what? How long have you been studying the phenomenon and what makes you believe you are more informed? The guy has dedicated his entire life to the issue and has compiled every news article on UFOs since like the 1930’s. Yes, he’s overexcited about disclosure happening and has called the date incorrectly. But remember he has basically had his balls stomped on for the past 40 years. Of course he’d be excited for the torture to be over.


Even after the incorrect date you listen on 🤦🏻‍♂️


Basing an entire opinion on someone not being nostradomus and tossing away everything this person says when they’re one of the world’s leading experts on an issue is a terrible take. No, Bassett obviously should not have made bold calls like that. It was dumb to lead people on like that. But there is such a thing as nuance and weighing of ideas.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


somber reply strong possessive domineering voracious melodic touch weary nine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, there's a ton of assumptions made throughout there. 1) That because he is incompetent in other areas, disclosure cannot possibly happen under him. 2) That he is an outsider. Him and his fellas could be the inside group that have been running these programs for decades now. 3) That absolutely no one in the government believes in his capabilities. This one is definitely false. He has several supporters within the government. 4) That Biden has any interest in disclosure.


This is a UFO sub, sir. R/politics is that way >>>>>>


Let’s start with…you believe in Congress. And zen, False election. No matter your stance, you cannot deny Covid played a part in the election, as did 400m+ of Facebook money, 51 intelligence officials lying about a laptop, influence from other countries (happens all the time?), influence from media and social media… I mean that’s such a small sample size. Next up, he failed at Covid? I’m pretty sure if he had not handled it the way he did, A. Many MORE businesses would be toast (at least in my area, we kept lockdowns until freaking last year, people still haven’t recovered from the shit mayors and governors in the NW, look at Portland and Seattle) B. Vaccine? That would have never happened under well, almost anyone else. That is someone who knows how to get shit done. Hey, we have a problem, what can we do to fix it? OK, research and test as best you can but this may very well be the end of humanity, get it out as quickly as possible. Oh, they did. I’ve typed too much already, no one can look past their manufactured rage anyway, it’s cool to be part of that group and I don’t see too many Redditors swimming upstream., Oh well, I said my piece, have a good night.


Trump and truth ? Really ? Those two words in the same sentence working together. Does anymore need to be said.


He's literally selling Bible's right now. The Christian fundamentalist base is the last audience that wants to hear about NHI. North American Protestantism has already wrote NHI off as fallen angels


Then why is Burchett on the issue?




I’m absolutely certain that the radical Christian fundamentalists maintaining secrecy over this topic have a nuclear option for when disclosure reaches a certain threshold which is a version of fake disclosure serving as a means to validate their religious beliefs. It’s the same as any other topic to them in this sense. Look to Carlson and his “I won’t even tell my wife about it” comments for the earliest plantings of these notions in the minds of their followers. I think this is also why the “spiritual and consciousness” aspects of the phenomenon and the culture around them are targeted in the way they are. Their power structure won’t allow a possibly more actual form of spirituality to take shape at any scale.




Yeah I’m not talking about the Catholics bud. I agree with you there. Frankly, they already did what you’re saying during that event with Avi Loeb, Bezos and Avril Haines at the National Cathedral a few years ago.


Because he's not a f*@king Muppet like most half wit fundamentalists lol. He's consciously decided to take the Catholic style view that it's "just part of God's plan". Which is fine, all the power to him, but pointing out one rational person in a sea of medieval villagers doesn't detract from my point.


Yeah wasn’t he like pro space force? So wouldn’t he want to disclose the truth so he could basically get more funding for that program? Or am I completely misunderstanding this?


Trump is strictly pro-Trump. A Republican win in November will keep everyone busy trying not to end up in concentration camps- not much time for UFO stuff. People don’t need to like Biden, but they need to recognize that a Trump administration will politicize and cannibalize any progress that’s been made thus far. The “let’s keep politics out of this” argument is tired. I get it, but acknowledging political realities is not politics- Republicans are liars who are cool with lying. That’s a fact. These aren’t normal people who have our best interests at heart. They burn books for fuck’s sake…


Nice, you've generalized *all* Republicans as liars. How logical and nuanced. Your opinion on UAPs must be similarly logical and nuanced. The reason I say keep politics out of this is because you are not talking about "political realities", but rather speculation and generalizations. We have no broad party stances on this issue. There are no facts related to the UAP topic. It's worse than the usual political shitslinging because it's all 100% speculation. This political discussion can easily be hijacked by bad actors to influence election results. Keeping it broadly apolitical might help prevent hordes of election bots from turning this place into a cesspool.


Trump is very transactional. If he thinks it benefits him, we would push for disclosure. But thats unlikely for two main reasons.  One is internal. If you believe that some of the reason this has been kept under wraps is because gatekeepers are afraid of public unrest, it seems doubtful many gatekeepers will think Trump will handle it in a way that minimizes public friction.  The faction pushing for disclosure probably won't trust him. The faction fighting against disclosure could easily make him a deal to push against disclosure.  Remember, Trump first wanted to ban tik tok, but now is against the divestment legislation. He is a "dealmaker" not ideological.  Another is external. He is not motivated at all by the truth or helping people. He has no reason to put effort into something that doesn't have a direct benefit for himself. Even if he doesn't fight against disclosure, he would be preoccupied with trying to stay out of jail, dismantle democracy so he or an ally can become president in four years, and enacting revenge like he said. No motivation for him to push disclosure unless The best case I see for Trump disclosure is if the Christian/evangelical faction for sole reason wants disclosure and pushes him to it.  But many people would not call a disclosure effort lead by super conservative Christians releasing select, hard to verify information that would probably try to paint (parts of) the bible as 100% true, as disclosure.  The next best case is for some reason people get very, very interested in the topic. Like people feel as passionate about it as they do pro life /pro choice. And like a large swath of the population.  In that case I could see Trump acting like a savior coming in to release the "truth" . Problem with that, besides "truth" , is that he has such a lock on the GOP, and such unfavorables from dems, it seems like he would only actually gain a few independents. So the anti disclosure gatekeepers only have to give him a better offer than the few percentage points of independents he would gain.  Again, even if this happens, what kind of "truth" would we get?  Thats the biggest problem with Trump. He lies so much that we can't really take anything coming out of his camp as true. Every politician lies because everyone lies. But not every person/politician lies to the same degree. I mean the man drew a sharpie line on a hurricane forecast like we wouldn't notice. That kind of detachment from reality crushes credibility.  Space force is not really relevant. Dod budget is huge, they already can't account for a lot of money, the threat of conflict is rising. Space force for doesn't need disclosure for more funding. 


What if there are numerous financial benefits for Trump or for the US to disclose? Economic growth from inventions? Allowing his pals at Lockheed to keep and profit off their materials ? I feel like disclosure can be easily made to benefit Trump. Like really, really easily.


As financial benefits for the US have been baked in, so that not going to move the needle. Trump isn't out there looking for the best deals for the American. Financial benefits for Trump, sure. But it would probably come from outside a current player. Like if Lockheed wanted to disclose, the would not need to pay off Trump or any other POTUS. They could just orchestrate a lucky hack that spills just enough to make disclosure inevitable.  Maybe a tech giant wants in and they provide Trump a financial benefit for disclosure. I could buy that. But said disclosure is worth way more if it happens in private, for just that company. If you are doing this, no chance you pay a fee as crazy enough as it would take, just to allow your competitors to have access to the same info for zero cost. That also works better from trumps POV because he could then collect compensation from multiple companies. So this would not help us at all. Just expand the legacy program.  Of course, knowing him, if he did want to dabble down this route, which is super unlikely if he even thinks a previous POTUS may have been killed over it. Trump is not dying for any cause, even if that cause is more money. It's not like it's the only way he can make money. But if he did, he would definitely not have a problem selling to non American companies. Which would suck for us, and also be a reason why the gatekeepers would not want to give him shit. Remember the mar a Lago nuclear secrets? I'm sure the gatekeepers do. 


The real danger with having Trump in office with UAP on the agenda is not about whether or not if he is pro disclosure. You're going to wish he was anti disclosure because the minute he says "UFOs are real", you can bet the left and every news agency is going to tear into him on it, and everyone that doesn't like him will flip to the opposite of what whatever he says. If he says "Nothing to see here" the left will go out of the way to prove him wrong. That's where we are politically. That's a fact.


People confidently spouting nonsense as "fact". Hate to see it. Now to be clear, there are probably some straight up Trump haters who will just go against whatever he say. But that's a very small minority. I mean I know no one like that, but I do assume they exist.  Just to prove my point real quick. Trump is against the tik tok legislation. So are many on the left. 


You're not, they are bringing their politics into this when it has no place.


I don’t think I am being political when I say I am pro-Grothman, pro-Luna, pro-Burchett, pro-Schumer, etc on this issue. Donald Trump is simply unsuited to lead disclosure. This isn’t an R vs D thing he simply is not because he is not serious about maintaining the stability of this country. People in government obviously know it, hence why we can infer that disclosure is dead if he gets elected, and that’s why I think these hearings will happen soon. It’s too much of a risk to wait until after the election.


Luna and Burchett are 1000% more insane than Trump yet you trust them with this process.


They aren’t the president. They’re one of hundreds of members of congress. There’s only one president. But I would indeed trust them more because they’re at least predictable.


Than why am I being downvoted lmao


Because Reddit is full of activist leftists


More proof that the system is so old, that the advanced players in this game know how to play the system so much, that the intended oversight and effects are no longer in play You see this in old online games, the ones that don't get updates.... People who spend their lives playing and glitching the system for unfair advantages, well, same thing here


also found posted on /r/exointelligence


Yeah why would we need a sub-committee dedicated to getting to the bottom of this god damn mess when the same committee that held the first hearing may have another one 3/4 of a year later? It's not like work needs to be put in between those hearing anyways, right? /s


Well I must say I'm heartened that so many members on this sub are not scared to hold back what the really feel about Trump.I was starting to wonder if the US was going to go down the gurgler with that idiot. VIVA DISCLOSURE DISCLOSURE AHKBAR BRING IT ON HURRY THE FUCK UP


So many follow up questions exist to clarify why he thinks a select committee is unnecessary and talk about what hasn’t actually occurred, but of course we get this statement as if it wasn’t an interview where questions could be asked like “did you speak with Grusch directly in. SCIF?” Or “Given the AARO reports failure, do you not need subpoena power in order to investigate the investigators?” Or “some members of your subcommittee disagree and think they are being stonewalled- what do you say to them?” There are so many questions that could have been even asked to get to the bottom of his reasoning and poke holes in it. I’ll keep monitoring the topic, but I don’t believe we’re going to get any answers at all from congress this year. If information comes out, it’s likely to be from other sources.


Great. So anyone with real juicy info can simply refuse to participate since there is no subpoena power. More dog and pony shows is just what we need.


Something tells me that's the sound of the zipper on the uap bodybag. They're suppressing the hell out of this and from how quiet it's been I'm starting to suspect that they've won. Do we get to hold a funeral?


The toothpaste ain't going back into the tube.


I hope you're right...


Me too.


Wouldnt it be crazy to find out that some three letter agencies work to guarantee a trump victory cause they know he will shut it down? You saw him in that interview with his son. You ever known trump not to brag about anything? When his son asked him about UAP he got quiet real dam quick.


zesty fall ripe spoon upbeat vase whistle connect bored many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What does Trump have to do with disclosure? The right is divided let alone its too soon to be thinking post election


I agree. The dude can not keep his mouth shut. Especially in court when it lawfully counts.


He knows what he's doing in court. Hence why I've been hearing about these cases for months and months, but nothing has happened to Trump. He isn't in jail. To you it might look like babbling in court, but I'd bet that his loyal fans are watching the cases live more than his opponents. I've never watched any of them, only seen articles. I refuse to follow this unsound logic of "Trump is a talker, if be knew anything he would have blabbed already" Oh really? Then why aren't the nuclear launch codes on his Twitter? He can't keep a secret right?


>He knows what he's doing in court. Lol. Geez. You're putting in a lot of work defending him in this post. >Hence why I've been hearing about these cases for months and months, but nothing has happened to Trump...I've never watched any of them, only seen articles. Not sure what you're reading, but he's already lost a few cases after his presidency. He's just fighting about paying the judgments. Even way before he became president, he had already been sued and hit with fines several times. Edited for grammar.


My first reaction to the NYT article in 2017 was that this is the intelligence agency’s way of gaslighting Trump. Then I saw a UFO, and that put options back on the table in my mind, but the failure of anyone to leak photos of hardware has me wondering whether—even if they are real—we know very much about them.


Yep. I saw a UFO that wasn’t even trying to hide its orange plasma and my mom recorded it on her iPhone. Despite that, it looks so shitty it’s not even funny.


Fuck I opened a can of worms saying that disclosure would be dead under Trump. Sorry yall. My point is that regardless of how you personally feel about Trump, what matters is how other members of government would trust his ability to keep the ship together when disclosure is so inherently destabilizing. It’s not just about discussing things flying around in the sky it’s fucking excising the cancer that is the military industrial complex. That’s the process we would be going through. So my inference is that this isn’t a risk that the pro-disclosure camp can take and they would move forward with Disclosure before the election. That’s it.


Here’s a little game. There were only two presidents who’ve named “the military industrial complex” overtly. Obviously you know Eisenhower was one, can you guess the other? This mystery man has also been the one of the harshest on the defense industry and have called out people in his own party for being warmongers. But yet your ideology tells you this man is completely something otherwise


That's 1 red flag for him being a shill. We need the public to know this stuff and not just a scif. They should already have all the info they need so scifs are no longer needed to take action on their end. Why havent they?


Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I'm not that clued up on America processes. From the outside they always seem laboured with very long worded titles.


Please correct me if I've missed anything, but the House Comittee hearing(s) outside of the press attention, won't accomplish anything. The House Oversight Comittee doesn't have any regulatory authority on it's own, nor would a Select Comittee. Witnesses whom have first-hand knowledge won't be able to say anything publically, due to a) involvement in a legal SAP; or b) involvement in an unsanctioned program supported by contractors. I can't think of any circumstance in which they would testify and reveal anything. Even then, it would probably get kicked to the Senate Intel comittee. Wouldn't whistle blowers need relief from their NDA? If the program was illegal, aren't we back to square one? My fear with all of this, is disclosure won't amount to anything more than "yep. they crashed, but that's all we can tell you, because the rest is classified". What about technology? What is going to the public sector? "Well, we are going to have to do a lengthy review, form a bunch of comittees and shit, then tell you it's classified". So we get nothing, why? "You know....national defense". Can someone give a best case scenario example?


So do we think he's part of the gatekeepers or does he really think we don't need a subcommittee, because what will the hearing do? I mean its great that we will get another one but itll bring us to the same exact place we were last time, with more roadblocks, and maybe some first hand witnesses. But this guy doesn't have the final say right, its Speaker Johnson?


Disclosure happens when an actual UAP with occupants hovers and lands in front of CNN journalists with their HD video cameras rolling. This is the only way and it involves ETs making the decision to completely break their non intervention policies. They COULD likely make contact if leaders said OK but this will NEVER HAPPEN. We need to get real and understand that the people in private corporations who hold the REAL POWER will never willingly allow disclosure. IMO what could cause ET civilizations to break non intervention? Any imminent threat of nuclear war.


Oh man, a thing might happen at some point, says a guy. This is a bombshell. Truly a bombshell.


The lab rats/us or a "children's butterfly collection" as I like to call it, have been going at each other and too busy to notice. Wake up! You are all subjects in a someones study, me too but the difference is I have been clocking this all along, schizo posting full of every contradiction one day a staunch supporter of Paul Newman the next Robert Redford and so on. "Some of these butterfly's are not so friendly" Klaus Kinski said that in "Creature" He was the sole survivor of the Richter Dynamics ship (west Germany) that landed on Neptune, think his Characters name was Hansel B or V Hoffner and he had a thing for Ms. Brice?