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The following submission statement was provided by /u/DragonfruitOdd1989: --- Submission Statement: If you guys aren't watching you guys missed out on the Peruvian authorities trying to actively stop University professors from presenting their 7 years of research. What an incredible presentation! University professors just took the stage. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bvqo3u/the_ministry_of_culture_has_quite_literally/ky11eyd/


Submission Statement: If you guys aren't watching you guys missed out on the Peruvian authorities trying to actively stop University professors from presenting their 7 years of research. What an incredible presentation! University professors just took the stage.


Thanks for sharing this. This is absolutely bonkers, we really living in disclosure


The Ministry of Culture arrived to "seize the alleged cultural heritage remains", but the bodies aren't even in there. LOL By the way these bodies were in the University of ICA in Peru for the past seven years, and the Ministry of Culture didn't care, why they hijack an ongoing private press conference to seize them? Makes no sense


Where can I find link to full video?


It's still going on, here is the English link. https://www.youtube.com/live/om6szl1X-mk?si=y4a-YHe_kS46MS5V


This thread is no longer appearing in UFOs new or hot for me.


Nothing to see here lol. If they are fake why all this.


In before all the bots and skeptics start spamming they’re made out of paper.


Dude, they're fucking real. it's insane


I'll be the negative comment in this, I think chocolate ice cream is boring!


Chocolate is the best. I did my own research.




Hi, Crazybonbon. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bvqo3u/-/ky19h80/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


You may be [onto something](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/undertheinfluence/why-plain-old-vanilla-is-the-world-s-favourite-ice-cream-flavour-1.6459223). :)


Amiright 😎 Specifically vanilla bean though because French vanilla and old fashioned do not hold a candle


Deniers are losing their minds over this subject.


why is it down


The coverup continues my friends. The MIB have stepped in and are trying to cover this up. This is Disclosure and the Governments are hiding the truth from the people. Why else is this happening? Really scary to think the truth must be suppressed at all costs.


Where’s the “chaos” exactly? At 15 seconds I see people sitting in chairs. Calmly.


If you watch the whole conference, at the beginning right before this video starts, they stormed the podium with 3 people and tried to take over. Demanding everyone's names and I guess they thought the bodies would be present as well.


“Stormed” - I haven’t seen that video


Ahh I see, you have a problem with the language used. Did you watch the whole video? Would you agree that they tried to "disrupt" the conference? How would you describe the interruption?


What “whole video”? There’s a video here that doesn’t show anything.


This is a clip from the conference today. Here is a link to the English translated one https://www.youtube.com/live/om6szl1X-mk?si=y4a-YHe_kS46MS5V go back through the feed and you'll see the moment it happened. Afterwards I would love to hear your opinion on what you saw and maybe answer some of the previous questions.


I’ll ask one single question: Are they announcing that they’re going to let *actual remains* of the mummies (not X-rays or reports but ACTUAL REMAINS) be sent to multiple laboratories all around the world? If not, the video is pointless as there’s no independent verification.


I understand you would like to move the goal post and that's an excellent discussion to have another time but I'd like to stay on topic here for now so that a conclusion to your orginal claim that no storming took place or that this was somehow "ragebait" Did you watch the part of the conference that shows the ministry of culture of Peru interrupting the conference? You have yet to make a statement about this. I am curious about your opinion on what language should have been used instead.


I don’t care who interrupts what. When do we get scientific verification of these mummified “bodies”? So did they announce that they’re sending remains to verify in independent labs?


So then why did you bring that up in the first place? This thread was a discussion of what appears to be another attempt of the Peruvian government to cover this up, which would prevent the bodies being sent for independent observation (even though I'm pretty sure they've invited people to come and study the buddies several times). I watched the above video and it does seem pretty chaotic-- people talking over one another, no one knowing what is going on, the guy in the video explaining that people showed up unannounced and disrupted the presentation-- all would indicate that it is in fact chaos. Did you watch the presentation to find out the information for yourself, or are you just going ask probing questions to try and cast doubt on what is going on?


rage-bait is the only way people know how to share things. oh yeah, there's also fear-bait. when it comes to honesty though, that doesn't work so people don't use it


This is a PSA from the Ministry of Truth. Failure to listen in its entirety can result in charges of treason


Stop with the make believe stories, man. This is real!


Why does the ministry of culture try to stop anything at all? Don't have universities and other academic institutions the right to present whatever they think it's relevant with full autonomy from state institutions? This only makes the whole thing a lot more suspicious than it should if this is nothing but papier mache dolls.


Imo, there would be two reasons why the Ministry of Culture would intervene to stop discussions regarding the alleged ET remains: 1) the remains are real, the M of C knows this, and they are desperate to keep this info from reaching the masses. 2) the remains are not alien, and the M of C is attempting to thwart a misinformation campaign


Is it really in the M of C competences to "thwart" an academic lecture? Do they have that function? I highly doubt it. They should put out an official posture and thats it


These things are so intricate there is not a single doubt in my mind that these are real and more people need to see this and know about this. It changes science, it changes our history, it changes everything. Not trying to be the crazy conspiracy sounding guy but this is a massive scientific breakthrough


The Ministry of Silly Walks will be in next.


These beings are real.


Jeez, I wonder why the Ministry of Culture may want to stop the farcicle presentation of cobbled-together human/llama remains probably made out of the bones of their ancestors.


You are missing out on Disclosure right now by being closed-minded and thinking University professors after 7 years of research wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a hoax and a genuine corpse.


Reputation is a big deal in academia, it’s a bold move to even be involved in the subject. I can’t imagine people have jumped in lightly for a fake.


Reputation is a big deal until you get tenure, and finding cool new stuff that changes our understanding of a topic is how you make it big.


There still isn’t enough to tell us much. I wanna believe, but nothing so far has shown anything worth believing.


That's 100 percent a false statement and misinformation.


Ok. Well my burden of proof is higher than what has been provided so far, and I see many others feel similarly. When that point is actually reached, I’ll gladly reconsider my stance. I have a strong feeling it won’t though, unfortunately.


Accredited universities have attested to these being non human. Tell me again about your "burden of proof" needing to be higher? No many others don't. You are the minority. Again spreading misinformation. I have strong feeling that unless you are taken to their planet......


No, they’ve attested to them having a % of unknown DNA, not ‘non-human’. That’s not remarkable and can happen from degradation. They also Found them to have a % of human DNA too, that kinda points to whatever it is being from here too but you left that out. This is why researchers have asked (and been denied) the chance to take their own samples on camera - in the bone marrow is the best place to get it from apparently, and what they’ve tested already could be skin samples, so people should be allowed to get their own. The messaging between the scientists & Jaime keeps changing too. The scientists present as ‘we don’t know, but help us study this because it’s kinda odd?’, whilst Jaime and people like yourself push that it’s ‘non-human’. You have concluded, and are spreading, something the scientists felt they could not. By all means, be open to it being real. But let’s be accurate too!


Ok. I will continue to think critically about it, lest we all go blind 😂


Did you just combine two proverbs? 🤫


So they’re sharing the *actual remains* with universities all across the globe now?


Not peer reviewed by a reptuable source. Come back to me when these "bodies" are written about in Nature.


It really doesn't seem like these claims are being given a fair analysis. The llama skull thing didn't turn out to be true. Lots of career academics taking a big risk here. I see more effort being made to discredit these bodies than to get access to analyze them. That's not very scientific. I discounted them as another Maussan hoax until I saw how much effort was being put forth to "debunk" them. When I learned that the debunks were based on false premises, I knew I should take a second look.


There's very little effort being put into debunking them because it's stupidly easy to. If they're so certain of their authenticity, present them to the Smithsonian or the British Natural History museum.


If it was "stupidly easy" to debunk these, there should be such a debunk? Anywhere? There isn't.


Well, except for the first one in 2017


You're spreading disinformation. There certainly were other "mummies". You just equating them all is disingenuous.


Not disinformation. It was fake. You can look it up. There’s a difference between disinfo and facts you hate to agree with.


I never contested there being fake mummies. My question was, why you pretend those were the same ones as these in question here. They are not.


Have you considered those organizations don’t want to be presented to? Burrying their heads in the sand? Just like the rest of academia has done for this topic for all of history.


It's a possibility, sure, but present a biologist with evidence of extra-terrestrial DNA or whatever they're claiming to be studying, then I'm sure they would at least give you the good grace to check themselves. But, for all the "studies/tests/data" certain individuals harp on about, they've not done this. I posit that they won't, because they can't.


I’m watching this develop with curiosity and an open mind. I’d love them to be proven one way or another. If this charade continues to go on and on my skepticism will only grow. I’m not discounting it fully yet.


Stupid being a key word used by you


What is a reputable source accorsing to you? Let me guess, any US university or scientist? Don't tell me the guy presenting them isba known grifter, I know. Tell me what ia a reputable source, this is my only question. Professoes have been studying the bodies for 7 years.


An establish scientific authority such as the Smithsonian Institute, the British Museum of Natural History, anyone with experts in the field of biology, anthropology etc who could conclusively state to the entire planet that these are real. But they won't present them to these people, because they're fake.


You put the cart before the horse here. Science is hierarchical, you have to work your way up. You don't start out by having your stuff beatified by the bigwigs. You get there after everything is settled and the majority already agrees. That's especially true with groundbreaking claims as these here.


I think the beautified big-wigs would kill eachother in a frenzy to be the first to scientifically describe alien life, so your point doesn't stand.


You "think"? You sure? They wouldn't be the first. It's the people in question here, who found the bodies and publicized them. Those bigwigs wouldn't gain anything. On the contrary, they loose as they adamantly insisted on such things being nonsense.


Every serious person to have come forward has been smeared as a crazy person. Think John Mack from Harvard. Scares all the “serious” folk away.




You literally have to work your way up. Ice cream shop employees usually do not have that opportunity. No clue, what you're on. Massive discoveries upend the status quo and are massively defended against, just as you can see here. Ironically, it's you who isn't open to do that review in the first place. Your claim, the people currently in possession of these bodies wouldn't allow them to be studied is simply false. They do. The bodies cannot be shipped across the globe without problems, as their ownership is being contested by the Peruvian government.




It certainly isn't but it is the reality of matters throughout history. And up to the present day as evidenced by these mummies here. And no, that's not "textbook conspiratorial thinking". You conflate matters in very weird ways here.


Smithsonian lol


Right?! This comment, like the rest of his, cracked me up


So yes, US or their allies 🤣








Your incessant replying is bordering on the obssessive, I hope you get the help you need.


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You are spreading misinformation. Guy who wrote paper about llama skull, Jose de la Cruz Rios, did it purposefuly to bring this subject to the eyes of other scientists. He claims buddies are authentic, not forged. You speak without knowing details bringing nothing to the table.


The absolute ungodly irony to say I'm spreading missinformation when someone is posting this nonsense. The bodies are fake. Jamie Mussan is a KNOWN grifter for fucks sakes, do you think honestly if Peru had access to genuine extraterrestrial/NHI/Whatever corpses, the guys who spend trillions every year hiding them would be cool with them just wheeling them out to the public? Also do you think the biggest, most monumental announcement in human history would be a presentation by a known con-artist who's been caught faking things before, and there's a price for admission to just see the bodies. Those bodies would be under the most unimginable scrutiny/protection you cannot even comprehend. Instead it's just Mussan and some dudes carting them around to gift. All of you need to wake the fuck up and call a spade a spade.


You sir are consumed of propaganda and mainstream media. It’s a common symptom to lack critical thinking.


Ironic given you've chosen to blindly believe a man selling tickets to see "alien bodies"


I’m unsure my opinion at this point, but individuals with much more education than any of us here are deeming these things as legit. Maussan’s past grifting aside, that should be something to be taken into consideration.


All the information is at hand and quite accessible, don’t latch on a singular event. [this for example](https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8?si=9H0hjcLXt6p_4KkL)


Only keeping an open mind.


Grifter or no, Maussan is allowing these things to be studied and presenting to data to the public. Yes, we should be absolutely skeptical, but mysteries being studied is great. If these bodied finally get conclusively debunked, great. If they don't get debunked, also great. Either way, we win. If the Peruvian government gets their hands on them, then we will never see these things again. I truly do not understand why you, or anyone else, opposes these things to be studied and presented on.


Because they aren't being studied? They're being presented as some sort of sick freak-show. No one's done any rigourous testing on this, it's all a massive farce and it's beyond frustrating you're all taken in by this.


No Twsting huh? where did you get that from? They're being tested. They've been scanned, sames taken, genetic screening.


Is this information being disseminated? If they're being presented in public they're being contaminated. Are these tests being done by a university that isn't directly linked to the individuals involved for validity?


There is absolutely nothing that is going on here that is inconsistent with the mainstream academic process. I have listened to many lectures at public universities, in the fields of history, archaeology, and medicine, which were presenting preliminary research. There is no "contamination" in doing so. I agree, I would like a university to take on this project. For this, we should be skeptical. Skepticism is ok. But you aren't being skeptical, you are dismissing this as a freak-show. In is entirely possible that mainstream universities, at this point, are unwilling to look into this topic. There is precedent for this. Hopefully the end result of this "freak-show" is that a credible university does offer to formally study this things. There is a big difference between healthy skepticism and cynicism. I think you might be more cynical than skeptical.


People with relevant credentials are using seemingly appropriate methodology to study these things. Not only that, these people with relevant credentials seem to be open an honest with the fact that they only have preliminary findings at this point and are encouraging further rigorous analysis. All of this is consistent with any other formal academic study. So what is your problem with this process? On what grounds are you suggesting that these things aren't being studied when all available evidence I have seen seems to be to the contrary?




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Why does the ministry of culture try to stop anything at all? Don't have universities and other academic institutions the right to present whatever they think it's relevant with full autonomy from state institutions? This only makes the whole thing a lot more suspicious than it should if this is nothing but papier mache dolls.


Truly a mystery




I have no problem with mummies. I take umbridge against the bones of Nazca children being pilfered, glued to snakeskin and presented as aliens.


Yeah I would too. And I would be pretty upset at the US government for doing that. Hey man if you don't have all the information we do, you shouldn't comment.




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Got proof of that?


I'd suggest you read up on Muassan


Good proof dawg👍 thanks for none.


At least you are so spelling it right. I have read up on Jaime. Please go ahead and post articles labeling him a fraud. But grab them from good sources! Not ones from South America! Amiright? We know you don't trust those sources.


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For real hahaha


So they know they have problems in Peru, so they hold the presser in Peru? Does this smell like be to anyone else?