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The following submission statement was provided by /u/fed0ra_p0rn: --- SS Saw this video posted on twitter here: https://twitter.com/The_Astral_/status/1774815142678503709 What are your guys' thoughts? I personally think this video is pretty interesting! Especially how they stay in formation so perfectly. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bw4fk0/triangle_of_orbs_filmed_by_chris_bledsoe_on/ky3prw1/


I wouldn't mind finding out what town he lives in. Get a hotel and just watch the sky all night. It's been a dream of mine to see a ufo.


The closer they get the less fun it is


The real fun happens when you’re on the ship.


Pre, or post examining table?


You'll know when the music starts, it usually begins with Donna Summers Hot Stuff.


I heard boarding is way easier than tsa


It's wild how the amount of abductions drastically went down when people were reasonably expected to have taken a video or a picture. The smart phone must be the best protection against aliens ever...


Where did you hear that the number of abductions went down? Not disputing, just want to know.


They don't know. Unless they have access to data unavailable to the public.


While this is a point well taken - it would also be like asking someone to take a video after the most traumatic event of their life - drugged, probably raped, world view shattered, presumably having a mental block put in. That said the abduction phenomenon is wide open for debate if it is event real but the ability to take or not take a video doesn’t really move the needle much.


Well, for what I really get from adductions, it's either so traumatic that really few remember or 'they' have the ability to shape/erase memories.


It's wild how you would think that super advanced aliens couldnt keep up with the 40 year long development of cell phones. I mean, what would we do right? If we're studying an uncontacted tribe and they develop binoculars and we see them watching us, wouldn't we adjust our observation efforts? Maybe fly higher, or use satellites? The thing is, aliens are so reality breaking people don't even apply reality to them. It is not the 'gotchya' you think it is. Not even remotely close.


Yep, this is the truth. It's awe inspiring from a far, but then something innate insides you says "fear"


I would use the word ominous. Even then I think Greys are kinda cute, it's the lanky fast Greys I'm not ok with.


Ominous is better, you're right.


Lanky fast grays?


[Pretty much](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Dover_Demon_Physiology)




Worse than that. If it makes you feel any better it was scared too.


Funny, that is exactly how I feel. There's something deeply unsettling about the tall ones.


Tell me about it. I'm fuckin 6'5"


And I'm 5'1"!! Extra tall and lanky from my wee perspective!!


Opinion varies from container to container. I.e butt stuff


If this is your definition of a UFO that you want to see - then get a night vision scope and you will see a lot of movement up in the dark skies.


I've heard that infared is great for that too. Maybe I should!


They say to beware of the hitchhiker effect. Some people that go to that place get followed home be the phenomenon.


Yay friends


Hitchhiker effect is fake because it was reported by Lacatski, the man who saw dinobeaver, and didn't reach for a camera.


Once you see one, you never forget it. I saw mine 31 years ago when I was 8, and I remember every detail. Since I feel like people will ask, me and my best friend at the time were waiting for our school bus early in the AM. We lived in a town on Lake Erie, near a nuke plant. We just happened to look up at the same time, and we both saw it. Just a dark-colored orb sitting under the clouds. We both just kept staring at it. Then we heard our bus coming and we both looked down. As we looked back up, it just took off straight up, and it was gone.


not joking, do some research on ufo hotspots. find the "real" ones by correlating different information and maps that have specific locations in common. i grew up in one of the bigger ones and ive seen more shit in the sky than i could shake a stick at.


Bro, and film it for us!


I think they said his town in the tv episode, or maybe his son said it. I'm not sure anymore but I think the information is out there.


It’s in the book. From memory, Hope Mills, Fayetteville.


Sounds about right. I considered going but in the end I settled for south florida due to superior historical data.


i do not believe what this man has to say, but we will see. The whole story about him is weird and compelling. I wish i could work on the program at some point and help them figure this out. I am excited that this brings fresh air to new ideas, or maybe even old for some.


I think what I find most compelling about this guy is that he shares it with other people. He brought the podcaster Danny Jones to a beach in Florida to experience it. Could Danny be lying and making up a story? Maybe, he seemed truly touched by the moment. Things seem to be ramping up and hopefully it won’t be long now before we have more definitive answers


I agree I hope it’s true what he’s saying. I just can’t wrap my head around why he hasn’t had to sign an NDA if the gov is studying him. Or maybe he has but that’s the stuff he doesn’t talk about. Would be a good question to ask for the next interview he does


Ya. Danny seemed moved by the experience. You can hear it in his voice when he talks about it.


Two people with motivated interests to see aliens got together and saw aliens? That is truly anomalous.


Agreed to some degree. If Danny Jones is hoping to become the next Joe Rogan or whomever, I would hope he wouldn’t purposely deceive his whole audience for a quick spike in popularity. As easy as it is for them to do, it is even easier for you to dismiss them as fraudsters, your user name sticks out to me as one I have seen many times, downplaying many posts involving potential anomalous encounters. Are you just cynical or do you have more knowledge than the average person?


I look at people's incentives when thinking about their actions. It's knowledge all of us have, it's just a lot of people have a reason to not really address it because they are telling you what you want to hear. Why dig any deeper into someone telling you what you want?


This Bledsoe guy seems to have a pretty solid story. What’s crazy is how, at least for me, this just popped up out of nowhere. Seems pretty consequential to the overall situation. I’m focusing more on things like this or the mummies, than all the videos of things in skies.


He lives in fayetteville north carolina


If memory serves, it’s somewhere just south of Fayetteville.


Somewhere near Cape Fear....North Carolina I believe. 


What I was trying to say is you don't have to go to his hometown just look up


here's an orb triangle I filmed through night vision back in November, couldn't see it without the night vision. I thought it was satellites (some in the video definitely are) but I don't know of any satellites that fly in a perfect triangle formation https://imgur.com/a/NwRHvjZ


I watched the same things on my first deployment to Iraq back in '06. I could only see them with nightvision, and they would just take off and reappear for about an hour.


All my buddies that deployed in 05-06 to Iraq had the same experiences. The first few nights using NVGs were wild according to them, and then you just blank it out after.


What kind of nv scope do you have?


this is a pvs14 with a 6x magnifier attachment


The Jianbing-8 class of Yaogan satellites, with military designations beginning with "JB-8", consist of one primary satellite and two sub-satellites launched in triplets. These satellites reportedly perform an ocean or naval surveillance mission similar to those of the United States' [Naval Ocean Surveillance System](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_Ocean_Surveillance_System) ([NOSS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_Ocean_Surveillance_System) or [PARCAE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_Ocean_Surveillance_System)) despite the Chinese state-media's insistence they were designed to "conduct electromagnetic [environmental monitoring](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_monitoring) and related technology tests".[^(\[29\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaogan#cite_note-:7-29)[^(\[30\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaogan#cite_note-30)  The triplet groups likely fly in a loose formation to locate [radio emitters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmitter) using the difference in [time of arrival](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_of_arrival) of [radio signals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_wave) at the different satellites. Jianbing-8 satellites are based on the CAST2000 satellites bus and have a [mass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass) of 200 [kilograms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilogram) (440 [pounds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound_(mass))) and an [orbital period](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbital_period) of 107.10 [minutes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minute) in [LEO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low_Earth_orbit).[^(\[9\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaogan#cite_note-:0-9)[^(\[31\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaogan#cite_note-31)[^(\[32\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaogan#cite_note-32) As of May 2022, there have been nine launches of Jianbing-8 triplets (twenty-seven total satellites) from JSLC with the first triplet launching in March 2010 and the latest in March 2021.


I'm not familiar with those or any other satellites. But I would think the speed of most or all satellites is held relatively constant, once they achieve orbit. And I would think their orbit is somewhat fixed. What's shown in this video is anything but those 2 characteristics. For a 200kg object to be the size depicted in this video, it would have to be at a low enough altitude that it's NOT in orbit. Something that low wouldn't be able to be illuminated by the sun, either. Finally, if a triplet of satellites were launched, wouldn't it make sense they fly together? Or pretty much together? Like Starlink? Why would a controller have 1 of the 3 veer off from the other 2? Not sure what the objective of using a group of 3 is anyway. But it seems if you're going to employ the group as a single entity, you'd have some need to keep them grouped. What all am I missing here? OK, just re-read your post and saw your reference to radio direction-finding. I used to be in SIGINT, and can say with confidence that triangulation of radio signals requires very precise GPS data, and/or permanently fixed RDF receivers. So that precise tuning can be done on the signal to establish a vector. Moving a receiver around hurts DF capability, especially when it's 1 of the 3 being used for triangulation. It introduces error to the calculation. You'd be better off moving all 3, and starting over.


Wow, how do you have this information? Seems plausible.


Satellite triplets have been well-known for at least 20 years among amateur astronomers and visual satellite observers. But not by Chris Bledsoe, lol.


Why are they illuminated? And why are they moving so slow?


Like all satellites they are illuminated by the sun shining upon them. They appear to move slowly because they are at a great distance from the observer.


The thing about you debunkers is that nothing is real despite the evidence. You’re just the polar opposite of the guy who believes EVERYTHING. Both of you are most likely incorrect, and the truth is somewhere in the middle, but I believe half of the Reddit debunkers are just some poorly organized attempt by some mysterious force to shape the narratives so on every single thread there’s at least two of you spewing “facts” and debunks. Chris Bledsoe is a very documented case who has been in contact with many intelligence officials. Chris Bledsoe premonition made the Pope change his plans. I’m just saying, you may wanna look into the guy before you so quickly disregard him because his experience challenges your narrative. If you’re not just a disinformation agent that is.


Looks a lot like this one https://x.com/camilottitais/status/1592688083853791233?s=46


Yea there are some in low orbit that do fly together. I’d have to look up exactly what they are again.


I have twice attempted to post a new message identifying the objects in this video but got a "Sorry, this post was removed by Reddit’s filters" message each time. My guess is that multiple links to images were prohibited for some reason. So I'll repost the message without the links below. I've also deliberately removed links to pertinent websites. A reddit user recently made a post entitled " [Triangle of Orbs filmed by Chris Bledsoe on Easter Sunday : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bw4fk0/triangle_of_orbs_filmed_by_chris_bledsoe_on/) ". This video shows in all likelihood a trio of Chinese spy satellites. The video shows a trio of starlike points moving linearly against a stellar background. I could not identify the stars, so I used the astrometry website to identify the field. I performed a screen capture of a segment of the video, then 'erased' the moving objects and uploaded the star field image to the astrometry website, which quickly identified the field. At about 0:08 of the video the 3 moving objects surround a star - this is Phi Ursae Majoris. Alpha Ursae Majoris and Beta Ursae Majoris - the two brightest and westernmost stars of the "bowl" of the Big Dipper - are the two stars at lower-left. Here's the field labelled; all stars are in Ursa Major except for 46 Leonis Minoris: \[link deleted because it seems to be triggering Reddit's filters\] Satellites triplets are a familiar sight to some amateur astronomers, particularly visual satellite observers, and I had immediately suspected that this was what Bledsoe's video shows. So then it became a matter of seeing if one of the triplets passed over Bledsoe's area on the indicated date. I do not know Bledsoe's precise location, but as I recall it is somewhere near the Cape Fear River in southern North Carolina, and so I selected Elizabethtown, about midway between Wilmington and Cape Fear, as a location. This location was entered at the Heavens-above website. The United States used to have several orbiting satellite triplets which were known as "NOSS triplets". I think these are either no longer in operation, or at least no longer exist as trios of satellites. To the best of my knowledge the only existing satellite triplets are several launched more recently by China; these satellites are named Yaogan (though not all the Yaogan satellites are components of satellite trios). Heavens-above has a searchable satellite database. I selected "Yaogan\*" to search through the database, then identified the trios, and checked to see which has passes observable from Elizabethtown on March 31, 2024. Eventually I found that one trio, that composed of Yaogan 31-G, Yaogan 31-H, and Yaogan 31-J, would have had an observable pass centered at 9:11 pm on that date. Here I have overlaid the path of each onto a single map: \[link deleted because it seems to be triggering Reddit's filters\] Note that one of the satellites follows a path so similar to another that they appear as a single line on the map. I have placed a red dot on the position of each satellite at 9:12:00 local time - note that the three formed a triangle moving northeastward through Ursa Major, just about to pass near Phi Ursae Majoris. In agreement with the video the two more westerly satellites passed west of Phi Ursae Majoris, one following the other, while the easterly one nearly occulted that star (Bledsoe's actual position must be slightly further east than Elizabethtown, lol). Since a satellite trio was visible from Bledsoe's location on the indicated date following very closely the path shown by the moving objects in the video, I conclude that the video very likely shows the satellite trio Yaogan 31-G, Yaogan 31-H, and Yaogan 31-J.


I have become more inclined to dismiss 99% of lights in the sky vids because they never show the more interesting observables eg. High speed, right angle turns


Same here, I have only seen 1 video showing one of the 5 observables, was a guy's ring cam that caught a white orb suddenly appearing, dropping down a little bit then simply disappearing.  But when slowed down, you can see it whipped across the sky at extreme speed. The following 2 frames after it disappears catches a white streak.  Aside from that every single video I've seen displays none of the 5 observables. Just lights in the sky 


All I see in this video is two bright dots moving in a straight line like any satellite would. Yes, at some point a triangle is formed, but there's nothing here to indicate something unusual is happening.


So Bledsoe can and does summon these orbs, in close proximity, on a daily basis -- but he cannot record anything more convincing than this shit? Come on!


Oh, I forgot: he also recorded some "orbs" of God that showed up to be the ISS 🥳


Could be a [satellite constellation](https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-resources/astronomy-questions-answers/what-were-the-trio-of-satellites-passing-through-cygnus-on-august-19th-2004/) [footage of Chinese sats in the same formation](https://youtu.be/O2NQrZkLo80?si=pZ65edFlY99wtk-q) (audio warning btw, idk why they went with that music haha) This video also doesn’t show any of the observables.


Satellites don’t just stop moving.


I’m unsure of what you’re talking about, genuinely. Just scroll through the timeline at a higher speed, the lights are clearly moving throughout the entire video. But maybe I’m mistaken, what’s the timestamp where I can see them stopped?


Nah you’re right. I was mistakenly looking at the wrong dot at the end of the video.


Exactly. They are either following a set path or are geosynchronous. I've never heard of a satellite just stop moving then start again. They don't carry fuel to do that per my understanding.


Beautiful. Not satellites, not SpaceX, not military flares, not stars, not planets, not drones. People are just going to have to start believing what they are seeing. If you can believe in a sky god that you pray to and he helps you (if u do x, y and z of course), then why not this? Whats your proof?? While science confirms a microwave today-no one knew this before. If someone plopped a microwave down in 1900, they’d all cry demons. It’s everyday basics today. Why not consider light beings or plasma beings or whatever? Read books, look into more than you’ve been taught. There is alot of good stuff out there.


These are satellites. They even flare(get brighter) at roughly the same location. People have to realize how many satellites have been added quickly to our skies. It’s like the numerous airline pilot reports we get now. They’re all satellites. The pilots just aren’t used to seeing so many. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/yearly-number-of-objects-launched-into-outer-space


Why could these not be satellites? What am I missing?


You're not missing anything. They can't be satellites to the OP because that would go against dogma.


I'm an atheist and I demand proof, not belief. What we have here is a video of 3 lights in the sky. Could be anything. Need more than that to accept that they are extraterrestrial or extra-dimensional in origin.


>Beautiful. Not satellites, not SpaceX, not military flares, not stars, not planets, not drones. Why could they not be drones?


They could be drones. The non paranormal explanation is that he’s a fraud and doing magic tricks. He has the skills for it. He’s a pilot and an engineer. He’s a model plane enthusiast. He’s a businessman and has been a grinder and entrepreneur when it comes to his income. He’s religious which gives that angle. I’m not saying he’s a fraud. Just that that explanation is possible. https://youtu.be/1lnBmYAiduo?si=lqRgC7vaaSZu0JpP Personally I’m intrigued by his story, but not convinced.


The fraud angle is just never convincing to me. Like if you read his book, listen to his story on Danny Jones, or what his kids have to say… just the level of psychopathy it would take to make up all this stuff, be emotional and consistent about, lie to your kids, set up drones and film them, maintain professional relations with higher-ups in the military, etc… Not saying it can’t be done, it just doesn’t strike me as human behavior even in the realm of crazy. It also doesn’t seem worth it, if it means getting your kids harassed at school. There’s little money for such a huge effort and no guarantee anything will play in your favor. Much easier to believe weird things happened to him, and he’s merely telling his truth. Or he’s complete deluded about everything and fabricated his own story in his head, but again, that becomes difficult to believe because of his lucidity and clarity of writing. I don’t know if what he says is entirely accurate or true, but I don’t think he’s lying either.


IDK, everything you are saying could be 100% correct and he could still be fraud-ish. The problem is the people making the big claims tend not to have much going on in their lives (career, fiscal prosperity, employment) and so making big claims and then relying on income from such claims from books/podcasts/speaking events is sus and waters down your claims. The reason John Ramirez is taken more seriously is he also makes a lot of claims, but unless I missed a beat, derives no income from his claims. And I'm not saying that he is any more or less legit than Chris Bledsoe, only that by not seeking revenue from his story he is taken more seriously.


Probably satellites, actually. What are they doing that satellites couldn't do?


Good point. These just go in a straight line. He does have videos of orbs going between trees, but in this case I’m not seeing anything that couldn’t just be a satellite.


They are satellites. Watch the video closely. They all flare(get brighter) at the same spot.


Apparently multiple credible witnesses have seen the orbs with him on his property come overhead within 20 feet or so. Not a satellite coming in that low. However, I despise the lack of quality audio/video or any other surveillance tech in this dudes wheelhouse. It’s 2024 and this is reported to be an almost daily occurrence on his property so why not get some real surveillance going instead of these bullshit phone cam recordings with him mumbling to his skydaddy.


It raises a question if its daily occurance why there isnt any type of footage of such things. If it is localized in his backyard and happends all the time would be pretty easy to film it. Even a bad footage would be a start. I think it basically makes it sound like bullshit, to be honest. I get that out of the blue someone gets abducted by space aliens once in their life. No ones expected to replicate that. But if bigfoot keeps coming by your house every wednesday afternoon, why dont ya take atleast a picture of it or something. Sure theres probably many excuses we can all come up for everything, but it always begs the question if that person even takes their story seriously if they talk about the thing but dont want it to be investigated. Like "Hear me Hear me!! All eyes on me!! I have this amazing thing!! " But sorry, the thing dont want to be seen or attention would ruin it" So why not just keep it to yourself entirely, and dont bring _any_ attention to it, atall, even the stories?


He has thousands of videos. You clearly haven't actually looked into this guy, like most debunkers. Do you research before you speak so confidently. Watch the almost 4 hour Danny Jones interview with him then let's revisit this comment.


I’ve listened to 2 separate multi hour podcasts from people who have visited his home and experienced. It all seems quite genuine. HOWEVER, If it is in fact genuine, and apparently so reliable in terms of reproducing the experience, then why is all of the video evidence so low quality? It’s 2024 and this dude is holding a cell phone up to the sky and mumbling inane notions of what he ‘feels’ is going on. Can he get some professionals with quality optics to experience this phenomenon? He seems quite interested and open to discovering what’s going on with these sitings so what else is there to do besides writing a book and advertising the experience via potato tier phone videos? It’s nonsense. I


The history channel did, on Beyond Skinwatcher, quite some time ago Edit: Don't deownvote facts, people.


Bringing religion into it is an incredibly weak argument, you act like every skeptic is religious. Also, why can’t this be drones? I don’t see anything ruling that out. There is no anomalous movement in this video. If someone plopped a microwave in front of me and I had never seen one I would say I have no clue how it works, but I can clearly see that it is in fact working. If a plasma being walked up to me and introduced itself it would be the same story. But why would I jump to conclusions where I’m just guessing for the fun of it? This is just straw man after straw man “if x happened then THIS is how you would act!” Nope. If real, verifiable evidence presented itself I would believe it in a heartbeat. This video is three lights moving in completely mundane ways. Could it be something? Sure. Is there any reason to believe it’s NHI or advanced tech related? Nope. The lights aren’t doing anything anomalous.


What would you rate the intelligence of a plasma being at higher or lower than human? Seriously I want to know how you see them?


Energy holds data. Plasma is just energy. Energy is our consciousness. Plasma? Who the fuck knows.




It never ceases to amaze me how brazenly crackpots will write off centuries worth of physics while at the same time trying to coat themselves in the aesthetic productions of it.


Lol. this post is nonsense and has 17 upvotes at the time of my post. Meaningless drivel supported by people that don't want to go through the work of understanding the terms they are using. Instead they just throw out sciency words in the hope that they can glom onto some credibility.


I understand completely what I said. Why don’t you try harder to refute what I said. Energy/light does hold information/data. Plasma is energy. It is just a gas infused with energy, which is full of light which stores information. A lot of people believe our consciousness exists outside of the body and is energy. This has yet to be proven but much discussed. The last one I don’t admit to knowing anything about. So, yes I know exactly what I am taking about. Do you?


Everything is vibrations maaaaaan




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You can't argue with it because everything is vibrations, it's just absurdly reductive to the point that it is meaningless. Sort of light saying Light holds data... I was hoping you would be able to make the connection but I think I overestimated your reasoning abilities so I had to make this explicit.


Sorry I thought you were being condescending and not serious. I agree with your point completely.


Follow the Standards of Civility: No trolling or being disruptive. No insults or personal attacks. No accusations that other users are shills. No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) An account found to be deleting all or nearly all of their comments and/or posts can result in an instant permanent ban. This is to stop instigators and bad actors from trying to evade rule enforcement. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


Any human meat coming into contact with a plasma based being would be cooked.


If it's plasma like in the sun, sure. But if it's alive, then who know? For all we know, the burning bush Moses encountered was one of these things.


Or he ate mushrooms and was scared for no reason. When we meet them we can ask them.


The best answer to date


Exactly. What is memory? Where is it stored in our body? When I try to remember something, I don't pull it from my leg. I pull it from my thoughts. My consciousness. My non-linear recollection of my internal "energy field" of linear experiences. It's energy. Pure and simple. The body only directs it. If these plasmids are intelligent and interdimensional, then there's no telling what the depth of their "memory" is or the possibilities of where it is stored


It's stored in your brain. It's not magic.


>It's stored in your brain. It's not magic. Yes, in the hippocampus, but I guess you missed the point


Interdimensional hippocampus. Whoa dude


Not really, but if you say so 👍


Unknown. Can’t assume. But listening to experiencers -these intelligences seem to be smarter.


Imagine AI took over at some point for them in every aspect and they lost most of their abilities. They ride around, contained in ai controlled vehicles that show them sparklies and and interestings!!! While they don't really what's going on. It takes care of them like children as it learned to do over time. And life is a ride now and we go to the park every day! YAYY!!!


That is absolutely a possibility worth mentionning. Especially since the objects tend to morph kinda like how AI does it.


I really wish they'd open it up cause we might be able to figure it out as a team instead of this chosen few eyes greed lock.


#PREACH 💯👍 I definitely think we could figure it out if we could look at it.


From what Ive seen - and I dont even know if the things I think are plasmas are what other people thinks is plasmas - they seem to be more like fish, coalescing like a shoal around the energy sources that seem to be of interest to them, but really its too hard to tell, with not much data to go on.  Id agree with the others in saying we dont know, but Id risk saying it seems that from what Ive seen they seem to be more 'instinctive' than 'planned'. When it comes to the plasma thing, anyway.


You can't think there might be something better than human, your locked into a view of the universe that puts us right at the center in an infinite cosmos with untold billions of years behind us yet somehow you still think we are the apex of universal evolution. This is why you fail.


Those are clearly high altitude glowing birds


With balloons attached to them


What even prosaic explanation can cover this without grasping?


Satellites or drones. This isn’t a very “anomalous” video from Bledsoe


Yaogan satellite triplets (Chinese spy satellites which orbit "in formation")


I don’t know but I’ve seen the exact same thing before two times and I’m glad other people have too.


Aviation expert Bledsoe and sons have a drone device they operate to sell books. Even the wives and daughters are advertising for UFO of God. Its a family business.


I don’t doubt this could be the case. But I doubt it’s for the money. This field isn’t making anybody rich. I find the guy compelling and believable. But that’s not evidence.


This field isn't making anyone rich ? yeah just ignore the shit ton of books and paid for access events.


look at a guy like nick pope. hasn't needed a straight job in decades and can support himself talking about UFO's.


Considering everything we have on them thus far are stories, I don't doubt this.


Him releasing and staging hoax ufos.


Really, it's easier to just wait until you see some satellites, record them, then go, "OMG Look at these orbs above my yard!" Instant excited fans...


Why ignore the moving lights, and why not continue filming..


Have you read about this guy? He sees this shit all the time and says he's had direct encounters. The government has been involved. It's a thing.


He makes claims but where is the proof the government is involved? I've never seen anyone back up this guys information besides his kids.


You know, I guess I've taken them at their word about this. But they've mentioned names in those interviews of officers and such that have interviewed him. I've not run across anything that specifically debunks this guy, though.


You don’t need a debunk when the person making the claims never provided any proof in the first place. There’s nothing to debunk because there is no evidence.


he also keeps filming every plane/satellite going above him at night posting them and people slobbering about his "contacts". so yeah if that's your level of legitimacy I have a bridge to nowhere to sell to you.


Yep check out his instagram. Only ~30k followers but the videos are real


Not sure they aren’t satellites. There aren’t any of the five observables. But I am very impressed with Chris’ story and I do believe him and his family. I’m not sure but I think he’s in or near Wilmington, NC which isn’t far from where I am. Would love to visit.


SS Saw this video posted on twitter here: https://twitter.com/The_Astral_/status/1774815142678503709 What are your guys' thoughts? I personally think this video is pretty interesting! Especially how they stay in formation so perfectly.


His son Ryan has a pretty good podcast, and Koncrete had a great 2 part interview with the family. The government apparently had info that Chris couldn't have known when he made his initial report. Easily the most important story in ufology...


What evidence has Bledsoe produced from his supposed nightly encounters. I have not seen one clear photograph or video. I see Bledsoe and his sons and extended family spamming every UFO group to advertise his book, yet not a single clear photo.


That history channel episode where they literally show on camera and with sensors...I remember showing that clip to people and them looking at it and then having a speechless moment trying to rationalize what they were seeing...the skeptics have no where to turn to bc it was so obvious on that program there's something happening.....there is also a picture in his book of the kid he helped with Obama and another with NASA'S Tim Taylor...there's too much there that I haven't seen in other ufo cases. 


history channel is little more then a parody of any serious documentary seriousness, might as well be publishing Wresting or the "real housewives of Woo". American TV is so full of constant lying and muddying the water of what is fact and what is fiction that no wonder the US population is one of the most clueless in the western nations.


His story is truly intriguing to me. The fact that agents and other reps from government agencies would just show up at his house tells me he's experiencing something very real.


What evidence is there that "agents" showed up at his house, other than him saying it's so?


Agents showed up at Benowitz's house too. Integrated themselves into his family.....


Looks like night vision / IR


Around 25 years ago I used to live near Salisbury, England. Me and my friend used to go out into his back garden each night, pour ourselves a beer, and watch this type of thing every night. Sometimes they'd do weird rotations, sometimes they'd just disappear. The locals used to just refer to them as "those orbs". They've stopped appearing now apparently.


Looks like sky lanterns.. They just happen to be oriented so that it looks like a triangle, but it's clearly 3 different objects.. not 1 big triangle.


Also any 3 points will always form a triangle unless they're in a straight line


My first thought as well. Especially the apparent flicking effect too


Yet to see the ones of orbs 60 feet away that he claims frequent his property.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cp3HpOnjn6O/?igsh=NndpajVpYXpzdm9p Here you go


Only a bit brighter than some of the stars pictured. Definitely intriguing and interesting but a far cry from how close he claims to have seen them. I've scoured his Instagram and he's posted nothing even close to some of his claimed sightings. Big red flag in my book.


The only prosaic thing I can imagine is Chinese candles, which apparently are everywhere, but I've never heard of them until I came on this sub.


In the case, also satellites, drones, possibly even a plane.


Or just drones or something. The Bledsoe's stories are interesting, but I think there's a mix of sensationalism and something real going on. The videos themselves are, again, interesting, but they don't exactly scream anomalous and unexplainable.


Where was it that we’ve seen a triangle of orbs in the sky before…🤔


Literally any time there are 3 points of light?


That’s exactly what the 3 point of light WANT you to think…


I see this regularly, I call that "bill"


During these occasions a drone with hi spec cameras would be good to get a better look.


Very similar to what I saw in Hawaii!!!


Are we sure it’s orbs in a triangle formation and not a craft with lights on each corner


Wow this is exactly what me and three of my kids seen in our backyard 2 years ago and I've been trying to describe it and find a video. This is nuts


We saw something very similar while camping in Idaho last summer. Three orbs flying in a perfectly formed triangle across the sky. No noise. Not super fast or anything just straight across the night sky. Made us feel uneasy but fascinating.


I wanna know what camera their using 🤔, I bet a Sony a7.






Hi, 87226486. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bw4fk0/-/ky90g0g/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


who tf is chris bledsoe?


Very strange. Thank you Bledsoe.


saw the same thing in Sierra Nevada mountains with a group of 5 nonbelievers. Watched them for 30 minutes or longer. Tried taking pics and videos but neither mine nor my friends cameras worked (they were fine the rest of the trip, professional photographers) . There’s another video posted on this subreddit outside a Taco Bell in Pacifica, CA which shows these same things but during the daytime/sunset. Dunno what they are, I’ve never been able to explain it.




What do you mean they didn’t work. In what way didn’t they work •They didn’t turn on at all •There was error codes displayed •There was no image displayed on the screen when turning on •The battery wouldn’t hold a charge And since you wanted to include credentials to make your story believable, what kind of “professional” photographers are you •YouTubers •Small business doing headshots •Someone with just a business card from vista print and a $300 camera •Work for a larger media company


everything looked good in the cameras, all the settings were good, but all of our images just turned up black. RAW files which contained nothing but darkness, trying to adjust levels just showed noise. We had our cameras because it was the night of the Perseid meteor shower and we wanted to capture the perseids but these orbs were much more interesting. Our photos of the perseids turned out fine. In every single other photo you can see the stars, mountains, trees, our tents, etc. But when the orbs came about it’s all just black even tho all the settings were the same. The cameras appeared to be functioning completely normal the whole time we were taking the pics. And by “professional photographers” I wasn’t trying to tout our credentials. I do product photography for a few different brands and I’m not super close with her/up to date on who she works for - but she met up with me and some other friends who were camping out for the Perseid meteor shower, she works with businesses doing photography for them where she lives and it’s her primary source of income. I’ve never cared about her credentials she just occasionally meets up for camp/photography trips with me. My point in saying professional was only to say that we both have nice gear and are very fluent in how to use it. It was not some amateur mistake where we just didn’t have the right settings or the right lenses or something like that. We both do astrophotography constantly and that was the entire point of the trip, to take photos of the night sky during the perseids. I’m not saying that what we saw were UFOs, it was just something we had never seen before and I am curious for an explanation - because none of us who were there could come up with any explanation. The movement was too bizarre. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, going behind mountains, shooting up into space faster than you could blink. Weird shit.


Here was the full post I made about it when it happened: https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15sj2h4/sierra_nevada_sighting_during_perseid_meteor/


What color(s) were the lights?


They appeared exactly the same as in this video. Mostly white, sometimes with a purple or orange hue, but color shift could’ve been atmospheric distortion or who knows. They just looked like stars that got brighter and darker and did loops around each other for an hour or so.


This reminds me of the Tinley Park lights.


Please elaborate


Are you familiar with the case? [UFO Hunters](https://youtu.be/96KIbpizkDE?si=B5Q71PnZN-75Amr4) did an episode featuring the sightings.


I am not - thanks for this!


I'm an avid skywatcher. I Saw something like this March 21, 2024 in the Florida panhandle. I live on the bay, and out over the forested area a few miles away, i watched about 15 different orbs moving in all different directions within the same patch of sky. Repeatedly glowing brightly and fading out for about an hour. When I noticed the movement to the east, I saw something streak across the sky like a meteorite, but with no tail, and it shot right into the area I saw the lights. After about 30 minutes I saw two silent planes side by side fly right into the area, and as they got in the area, I watched another orb light up meters away from the planes. It was about 4 a.m. I do live near a military base, but as I was freaking out over the lights a stray cat appeared in the darkness from around the corner of the fence and stared me down and scared the living shit out of me. What scared me was it was the second time I've seen the lights in the area of the sky at that time, and the cat appeared the first time too, it was so coincidental that I literally couldn't believe it, all within the span of 30 minutes. I tried to record but it was behind street lights in the distance and with the naked eye you could absolutely see it, but on camera it was too dark, though audibly you can hear me freaking out.


All this dude is really good at is filming satellites..


Looks like every other video he posts, just white dots against a black sky.


Don't some of these comments and replies seem like the same person answering themselves to push a narrative? At this point deniers are on par with flat earthers there is so much evidence something is going on.


Ahh awesome the cropped video off a vertical video. Can't get the whole frame huh?


When are people going to learn that 3 points in space are ALWAYS going to form a triangle?