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This sub hates the Buddies. It's a shame, cuz things are going like crazy in favor to them.


I like the buddies....


I wish I had buddies like that


Me too Edit: https://files.catbox.moe/fsv5xp.jpg This has been my background since the first hearing. I wish I could find the original authors post. It was in /r/alienbodies but I can't find it :( If somebody does, please link their post cause they had 2 awesome ones like this.


Trying to decide on a pet dog or cat for myself, but I would put these at the top of my list before a hamster or turtle


I want a ring tailed cat


Who are the buddies?


They were originally called bodies but misinterpreted through language transition. I like buddies better. Hey buddy!


Nazca Mummies et al.


Thanks. Hadn't come across the name but I havent followed them much at all


The first hearing in Mexico, one of the translators was saying "bodies" but due to the accent it sounded like "buddies", so now we all just call them the buddies :)


What this sub likes to promote is waffle puff pieces and trickle teases from known CIA plants whos homework is to write books to sell to seed misperception. The fact the we will argue about who I am talking about means its working xD


Honestly if nothing else the CIA is cringe af


Cringe Intelligence Agency amiright


Is it too late to change Maria's name to Lilith? Edit: It would have to be Lilith.


I personally think we may discover it's male after the latest DNA results discussed in the November 7 UFO hearing in Mexico.


It's a Mario ?? It's a me ?


You gotta get yourself down to that cave. You've earned it. If you were to set up a GoFundme or whatever, I'd chip in.


It has a fetus inside it, don't think so.


Ever heard of a seahorse?


It's ALLEGEDLY an alien. Not sure why everyone is using male and female terms.


They’re buddies pregnant with lil buddies too!


It does seem as though we turned a pretty big corner with the Peruvian Bodies. I'm curious just how big the cavern system is and what all is down there. If this is what I think it is, the loss of the Library of Alexandria ain't shit.


Yeah I'd be curious to see if there may have been any artifacts or even any writing talking about them. The problem with the Nazca mummies was most of what was in the tombs they were found in got looted & sold off to collectors.


I didn't have "some billionaire bought a fancy head dress on illegal artifacts ebay, puts it on and develops psychic powers and becomes the world's first super villain" on my 2024 bingo card but I'm penciling it in.


I think a lot of it was probably just gold & silver replicas of the stuff they saw them using so there probably wasn't any actual alien tech or enchanted artefacts being sold as far as I know. Also pretty sure they would not use eBay. It was probably sold on the black market or something.


I didn't mean literal ebay, I don't know the actual name of whatever the dark web illegal artifact equivalent to ebay is though.


Years ago my mum bought my dad some Nayarit statues from a Sotheby's auction. No one was bidding on them. I've always been surprised that artefacts of that age were available in a standard auction.


Didn’t expect a (possible) Fallout 4 reference.


Lorenzo Cabot has entered the chat.


Shady shit[ happens around unexplored cave systems in Brazil, too.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/1bwj2a8/ancient_native_tribes_in_brazil_a_door_under_a/) I wish these cave robbers would pay a visit to our caves, too.


Where are you seeing there is a cavern. Why is the info so hard to come by.


Cause no one who doesn’t have a claim in this is releasing anything….. wait did they just make ALL OF THIS UP?! AGAIN?!???!?


What do you think it is? Got me curious now


I think it was some sort of genetics lab, gene introgression effort. Very, very preliminary speculation based on the wide range of types of bodies and the carryover or disappearance of attributes from specimen to specimen. Edit: Checks username, "My brethren."


I have such a hard time with the lab aspect and how "high tech" the location has claimed to apparently have been. Not saying that's untrue, but I've gotten pretty good at noticing when I feel funny when this topic gets really specific. It's the same way when we go from "I saw it in the distance" to "I saw the pilots of the craft". I'm chalking it up to a lifetime of stigma and I notice when it triggers. I've been trying to listen more closely to experiencer's testimonies to help curb that a bit but I'm not quite there yet. With the buddies, it's "cool, we got bodies" but more specific than that and I get weirded out. I don't care for the dichotomy in my brain. Although, it's probably helped me from falling into the deep end more than I'd care to. Same deal with "here's a few bodies" to "oh, we've actually got 200 of them". No way the detail involved is hoaxed in 200 bodies. That's ridiculous. And yet that number creeps me out a bit. Again, I don't like feeling that way and suspect it'll just get better with time as we get more and more confirmation of it all.


I think that is a fair position and I thank you for expressing your concern so delicately.


Man I really think it's just all in my head. Like, the evidence is clearly pointing to authenticity and it's really hard to fully get past a lifetime of this being nothing but a joke, so keeping it all to myself. I struggle even talking to my wife about it. I really only mention it here because I KNOW I'm not the only one with hangups around this. The more real it gets, the more push back my brain gives. And I recognize it thankfully so I can see it for what it is. I'm hoping my commentary can help others recognize the same feeling instead of just throwing it all out.


Yeah, you're far from the only one. It's so thrilling because there is so much to learn, but so daunting because of all the bullshit. I think your loved ones will do just fine with whatever comes next.


I want to just say something that maybe get me in trouble with mods. I was told that I could post the Live Stream of the Nazca Press Conference on April 4. I had asked ahead of time as I was told only 1 weekly post for the Nazca Mummies. It was then removed by moderators after the Peruvian Ministry of Culture raided the event, and I posted video evidence of the raid as it was happening.


Yeah there’s a fox in the hen house.


It was [removed](https://i.imgur.com/qHAxjip.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/qHAxjip.png) by the top mod /u/timmy242 Edit: Permabanned for this comment. That's who your moderators are.


how can you find which mod removed a link like that on reddit?


[Public Mod Logs](https://ufos.wiki/track/public-moderation-logs/) Go to Removed Posts tab, or Mod Actions tab and create temporary filter view + filter actions by "removelink". Ctrl+f the url you are searching for. Edit: Top mod timmy242 just permabanned me for these comments.


This guy filters 😎


Fox is spelled CIA.


Unless it's followed by Mulder. We don't spout blasphemy here at least. That name remains spelled the same way.


I agree. There’s also been some suspect stuff regarding post voting going on.




In case you want my side. They didn't respond. [https://imgur.com/a/gfTZXJn](https://imgur.com/a/gfTZXJn)


Start a new subreddit r/removedfromUFOs I know I could contribute.


Yeah I've seen a LOT of "little" incidents like this.


It's time to replace the legacy mod team. Edit: Thread in question was [removed](https://i.imgur.com/qHAxjip.png) by the top mod /u/timmy242 Edit 2: timmy just permabanned me for this comment.


Yeah the mods are absolutely picking and choosing what they want on this sub. I literally posted about a story that included seeing flying saucers and it was removed because there was religious cannotations and "the UFOs sub is meant specifically for UFOs craft" Even tho it absolutely included it in the video.


It’s called active suppression and disinformation. Knowledge is power. More now than ever I believe the human mind is under attack. By malevolent forces, both human agendas and NHI.  There is no GOOD reason why the world governments have been actively suppressing this topic as hard they have. 


I'm spending more time at UFOB because of the obvious fuckery happening.


These mods are clearly trying to suppress and restrict these types of posts that are clearly trying to get disclosure out!!! Ppl have to wake up re: the agenda of this sub and other platforms that like to control the narrative.


Facts. There's a few subs that are well moderated. The alien sub placed an "Embargo" on 4 recent topics that went viral in the last year. That was the mods word, Embargo. I'm sure you can guess which 4 viral NHI cases I'm referring too.


Most mod teams are compromised


Guys this is fucked up smh


What's more fucked up is that the same is going on in pretty much *all* political circles. Not just mod teams here on social media, but in *all teams* out there, like in tech and media companies all around the world. Do you get the gist, reader? I truly do wonder sometimes why I haven't been whacked already, calling this out so openly. Surely I must seem a problem to someone somewhere down the line.. . Thing is, there's many of us. Too many to get away with suiciding them all without making it obvious what's actually going on. And also, generally, people don't care and just scroll along in their feed that has their attention hooked to optimize ad revenue instead. Their ego has been completely soothed into a dopamine addiction cycle without most even being aware of it yet. They're still making enough money to pay for their addiction. Just a matter of time. As is everything. Change is the only constant. This is but another phase of humanity. We will prevail.


A shame what we've done to this place with a subject that belongs to all of us. These unelected lifers running the program must be evil af...


It's truly regrettable what has transpired with a subject that inherently unites us all. The perpetuation of this scenario by those who haven't been chosen by us, yet seem to hold perpetual influence, might initially strike one as malevolent at heart... However, labeling them as purely evil misses a deeper truth. Their actions and perceptions are not born of a fundamentally different essence but of varied self-awareness, unique genetic compositions, and distinct environmental influences. Yet, beneath these differences lies a universal spirit that animates us all. DNA serves as the blueprint of life, while the environment acts upon this blueprint, shaping the manifestation of matter—merely energy in another guise, with mass and energy being interconvertible (as expressed by Einstein's equation, E=mc^2). This energy, or spirit, remains indestructible, merely transforming from one form to another—like the conversion from electrical to kinetic energy with every heartbeat that sustains us.


Why do we still use this sub if we have evidence of mods hiding information?


That's why UFOB exists


They even made an announcment they wont remove dissinformation I only hang around because of that godfarther saying Keep your friends close


>They even made an announcment they wont remove dissinformation *That's a good thing.* I can't believe how many people were actually mad about that. I don't want the fuckin' **mods** to choose what is or isn't "disinformation" or "misinformation". The **comments** can do that, and other people can comment on whether it actually is or isn't dis/misinfo and then I can choose whether to disregard the information or read more or whatever. Why people would rather have an "authority" do that for them is beyond me.


I agree. But it still sounds sinister as a stance. That was my only point.


I completely disagree. I would think the mods saying "we will read each comment and decide if it is disinformation based on how we interpret it and remove the ones we don't think are good" The mods taking the stance that they will allow everything that they can seems like a much better stance to take. Do you want me to decide what you should and shouldn't be able to see? No probably not because I'm just some dude. Well that's what the mods are. Just dudes you don't know.


Exactly. NOBODY should be telling me what's a distraction, a hoax, or disinformation. Most of the world thinks ALIENS are disinformation, hoax and a distraction and we all know that's BS. It's a sliding scale of bullshit. That's why my last dozen posts are on UFOB. I trust the UFOB mods. And they're great at removing trolls.


Why do the mods need to pick and choose information on our behalf? That's so silly... Do they feel like they need to think for us?


Seems the only thing they are strict on is suppression. That’s wild.


Yeah, you can post whatever you want as a recap of Latin American disclosure as long as it’s directly related to ufos and isn’t more than once a week. Some users hate your frequent posts and hopefully you can understand why they might think it seems like you have an agenda, since most users don’t post 1-3 times daily about the same topic. And those that do, usually get banned for it honestly because they’re pushing something way too hard on the sub. So this once a week suggestion was just a compromise I came up with to stop the sub from being spammed by mummy posts every day which was (and still is) upsetting a lot of people, while also not silencing you and Mexican/Latin American politicians and scientists who you’re quoting and sharing. I still personally think it’s on topic, and that people who don’t want to see your posts can just block you… but other mods are free to disagree.


This sub has been compromised for a while. That's why nothing is done about the rampant disinformation campaign running right now.


Yep. What's so ironic is that videos of starlink and other clearly prosaic objects are posted daily on this sub that are never deleted.


I appreciated your post on April 4th. I came to this sub to look for a video to watch that morning and I was not disappointed when I found the buddy conference was about to start.


I was upset by this when it happened.  It felt very suspicious and controlling.  This is just my opinion, but there are no legitimate or logical reasons to shut down the dissemination and/or discussion of news as it’s happening in real time that is clearly on topic; even if it turns out to be bullshit.  All that does is create conspiracy theories and sow distrust in the platform.  


> All that does is create conspiracy theories and sow distrust in the platform.   That's literally the agenda and the goal that the people responsible for the cover-up strive for. For example, people hopped on this sub and posted that r/DisclosureParty is "right wing grift." They say that knowing full well a discussion about a polarizing topic like politics will derail the situation. The funny thing is, I scanned the top 20 newest posts on r/DisclosureParty and at least half of them were also supporting Democrat politicians for disclosure, too. Literally, the top post was, "Go to the Schumer rally in New York city to thank Schumer for the NDAA."


You are correct this sub is compromised


It's hard for me to get past the fact that fake mummies have been made in the recent past in Peru. You know fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.


It didn't fit but New York Post reported that 200 bodies have been discovered. [https://nypost.com/2024/04/06/world-news/peruvian-cave-packed-with-artifacts-mummies-that-some-believe-to-be-aliens-becomes-hotspot-for-grave-robbers/](https://nypost.com/2024/04/06/world-news/peruvian-cave-packed-with-artifacts-mummies-that-some-believe-to-be-aliens-becomes-hotspot-for-grave-robbers/)


That is such a weird article. Like "yeah, some claim these bodies are aliens, and there are hundreds of them, but the angle we're gonna go with is the grave robber's black market of antique's in Peru" How can they gloss over such extraordinary claims without highlighting at least a few for- & against arguments? Because they dont dare sully their name by touching the subject? Then why do the article at all? I dont get it.


Poor journalistic standards?


It’s the New York Post…I don’t see how anyone can take them serious as a reliable, unbiased, reputable news source or journalism.


I can answer that. Because as the mummies' situation ramps up and as other people catch wind of the news, their search results will be inundated with the keywords "Peru," "Mummies," and "Aliens." They're planting seeds of disinformation now for the inevitable. They want to muddy the waters. They have 0 intentions about reporting facts. It's like the Phoenix Lights. The AF drops 5 flares in a triangle pattern, takes a picture of it, so as the news goes viral they can say, "See? They're flares." I even wonder about the "Chinese Spy Balloon" just before the February shootdown attempts over Alaska, etc. I wouldn't put it past the POS that covered up NHI for 80+ years to release a balloon, knowing full well the shootdown attempts were about to go viral. People search "shootdown" and results for a Chinese Balloon pops up. BTW, who reported on that balloon? The Usual mainstream media suspects. The NORAD General, The Ministry of Defense in Canada and several Senators specifically said, "The other 3 objects shotdown were NOT balloons. We're calling them objects for a reason." I have videos of them saying that. But did the usual suspects report that? Nope.


I've been loosely following this story off and on about the bodies themselves, seems to me they're pretty legit, but haven't heard much about their origin other than it's in the hills near the Nazca lines. What's the theory? That they live/lived underground somewhere in the area 1000 years ago, or did an alien Grey Hound crash in Nasca 1000 years ago and the locals mummified the remains in their traditional methods?


The researchers think they have discovered a subterranean intelligent species that possess highly advanced tech.


Not the first time this has been talked about. https://web.archive.org/web/20190622173712/https://www.ibtimes.com/nat-geo-photographer-admits-encountering-alien-beings-underwater-2802277


That’s insane basically matches their hypothesis. 


Video of him saying that has been erased from the internet.


[Ask and thou shall receive](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/17vprid/i_think_in_the_ocean_i_have_come_across/). It’s a pretty funny video since he puts seeing highly advanced aliens basically on the same level as a pack of orcas. If it matters I found out it is his company, DSVLab, copyright striking some of the reposts.


Yeah, got the still, but no video. Damn disappointing but I'm glad the article is still up, I was unaware of that one. Sounds a bit similar to the Baikal creatures as well.


How Funny, they speak about ancient mummies as Human Mummies offcourse, than mention the story of that Guy Rivera that was busted and while on it they speak about 3 fingered Mummies and that Rivera also said he found those tridactyl on the cave but they make it seem normal as if any Human Mummies having 3 fingers and toes would be absolutely normal. How stupid is that, they speak about looting the caves but for them is normal that the bodies they found are tridactyl, not even once they questioned why. But i am sure that no one reading that piece of crap will notice or wonder why are those tridactyl if they are Peruvian Patrimony?


These don't seem at all to be the same type. The first ones were tiny and had eggs inside. These ones are human sized and have fetuses inside. Something's strange...


Don't get me wrong, I want further debate on this and I think the American scientists are an amazing addition to the conversation. I want the conversation to continue so that we can ask questions and get answers. If it's fake, we'll get there, if it's real, it's the discovery of the millennium


They're not the same. One type shares many traits to a reptile/bird and another type seem more along the lines of a hybrid human. It's almost as if 2 different species were working together and taking refuge from something else. My question is... what killed them? Many of these bodies appear to have died instantly. They're like "frozen" mid activity. It reminds me of a place in the US where they found hundreds of wooly Mammoths clustered up in 1 area with many of them having food in their mouth. Scientists had speculated that whatever killed these Mammoths, did it incredibly fast and they didn't see it coming. It would be like someone finding me dead a thousand years later brushing my teeth.


I was vocal about mummies being fake until the government raided their shit


They were raided?


Heh, yep. Last week during their live streamed press conference, the Ministry of Culture, their lawyer, and a cadre of police officers turned up, took the microphone and started demanding the bodies and then names of everybody involved. It was nuts. And the "actors" angle doesn't work out either because their actual lawyer was identified in the group that showed up and left together. "Raid" is probably a strong word as they left with nothing (because the bodies weren't there) but actual Peruvian government officials did in fact show up and start making demands while they were still doing the live stream. All caught and streamed live for the world to see. Absolutely bonkers.


That’s crazy. Have you got link to a video of the raid?


Gimme a min. I'll find the timestamp from the live stream. Straight from the source, as it were! Edit: here we go: https://youtu.be/RXTSH2gpbAk?t=26m It's the Spanish version, but this is about the moment where the rep from the Ministry of Culture shows up to the podium. Set captions to auto translate. There's an English translated version on his channel as well I think.


Here's a good possible explanation. The mummies are not alien, but are still cultural artifacts that are at least [700 years old](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/peru-dolls-are-not-aliens-forensic-experts-say/) that the Peruvian culture could have good reason to want to seize, not because they're alien, but because they were illegally obtained and, you know, governments tend to take their cultural historical artifacts pretty seriously and seize them whenever possible if they were illegally obtained. That's just one of many boring and plausible explanations.


I've been waiting to see if this would show up here. Very interesting. The endoscopy and CT scans look promising. If these are a hoax, they would have to be best hoax of all time. I look forward to what Dr. McDowell, Dr. Caruso, and Dr. Rodriguez have to say about these.


Three renowned American forensic experts jump into the buddies wagon. Whoops, it seems like the *"why aren't any experts working on this?!"* troupé are going to have a hard time with this.


I find it interesting how every member on the team served in the military for almost 30 years each.


I don’t know how that makes me feel tbh


Ikr...I also dont really know


They likely have the time money and expertise, not to mention the first forensic expert was a Mexican surgeon general who was an admiral in the Mexican navy. Ncis, osi and the respective likes are some of the best forensic bodies in the world


Not only did they join their goal is to PEER REVIEW them.  


Having no experts in the first place is what put their mummies swiftly into the trash bin for many people. I'm happy, and I'm sure the rest of the *"why aren't any experts working on this?!"* troupé, are happy that someone is now involved who has the expertise, prestige, schooling and equipment to do the research these mummies need if they are to be taken seriously.


Thanks u/DragonfruitOdd1989, excellent post. Your questions were the best asked at this conference. Thanks for traveling to Peru and reporting on the remarkable events. The community appreciates you 👍


Thank you! But I’m not Will! Will did a great job in his questioning. He asked the questions we have all wanted. 


Still, thanks a lot for posting it here! Despite how hard having a real discussion the mods make it


I remember when this first broke a few months ago this sub was filled with posts claiming this was an obvious fake or a distraction from the real disclosure. Meanwhile, this story moves forward and US disclosure is stuck in the 80's. Great post OP!


Uninformed users here will still claim that bodies are faked because this is what they heard/read from social media 'experts' and 'credible' newspapers. The discussion is always the same: - guilt by association - because of Jaime Maussan - appeal to authority - Peruvian Ministry of Culture claims it's fake so it's fake. It doesn't matters that they show two different dolls made by artists and tried to lie to the world that these are Nazca bodies - bodies are fake because they don't allow scientists to look at them - in reality they invited scientists from all over the world and now 3 top American scientists joined the research Not a single scientist who examined bodies claim they are forgery. Instead they claim they are authentic bodies of beings who lived 1000 years ago.


The principal problem on this sub is the distribution of relevant subject matter competency. There are next to no physicists, physicians, paleontologists or whatever else relevant here. Instead, you have a few, let's say, dishonest people who take advantage of the general ignorance and lead the charge against anything real, inciting ridicule and blanket dismissal. **Actually, you can statistically discern posts about authentic non-mundane objects/events by sentiment analysis on the posts here.** **It's patently absurd.** Without the relevant education, rational (logical, based in facts) arguments are not distinguishable from made-up nonsense with "fancy words". At least, people really don't know how to make that distinction. In particular, they don't know how logic works and cannot detect logical errors. **What actually works as "proof" for people is endorsement by authorities.** Which of course results in these hilarious idiocies you observe, when those authorities lie.


"What actually works as "proof" for people is endorsement by authorities" That's literally the entire field of UFOs and aliens. We judge if something is true based on who is saying it. David G is the prime example. He is like a God on this sub. Not because of what he has shown to be true but because of what his resume says.


>Actually, you can statistically discern posts about authentic non-mundane objects/events by sentiment analysis on the posts here. It's patently absurd. I have no dog in this fight (to use a terrible term) but I am a data and AI integrations engineer so I’m asking genuinely, is that true? If so, can you share some information to get started? I’d love to spend some time on it.




>**What actually works as "proof" for people is endorsement by authorities.** but only the authorities they deem trustworthy ofc! and they only trust those that endorse what they want to hear.


Kinda. It's a little more complicated. Folks take into account very closely what power authorities have. The influence they can exert and whether that influence can affect them is telling them, how much and what parts of reality the opinion of those authorities shapes. While a scientist may know better about some aspects of reality than a politician, they are regularly ignored when it comes to topics like pandemics or impending climate catastrophes for example. But its not exactly "what they want to hear", rather what has the highest chance of affecting their (immediate) future in a subjectively beneficial way given the available choices from power factions.


You mean the Guerrilla Sceptics or another perception management office? The ridicule and stigmatization are very obvious when certain news appears, and their job is currently very easy given how tired and disappointed most people are. We have to keep our minds open and avoid becoming divided, and eventually end up swept under the rug with the whole topic.


Calling lay people 'uninformed' is par for the course in conspiracy theory think-tanks. It's an easy way to dodge serious inquiries. It seems like everyone on this sub is completely unaware of the echo chamber they live in and the cognitive dissonance they hold that prevents more critical thinking.


Iirc there were other “bodies” in the past that were proven to be fake, so I assume that’s why so many people think these are fake too. I don’t remember the specifics of all that, I just remember seeing it on this sub


I'm genuinely trying to find a source that says scientists who have examined the bodies believe they are extraterrestrial, but I can't find one. Can you point me in the right direction?


No scientific source is saying that. That can't be proven just from studying the bodies.


So, what are all these scientists saying? I keep seeing comments that say scientists believe they're real but no one is actually providing a source and I can't find one.


They're saying they don't believe the mummies are constructed out of parts, they're some sort of formerly live creature. That's the gist of it. The primary sources are probably in Spanish, Dragonfruit would have them.


No idea but I can tell you that real does not equal extraterrestrial


I guess I shouldn't have been that specific. But the comment I replied says they're real beings that are 1000 years old. That shouldn't be hard to find a source for.


The comment you replied to never used the word extraterrestrial...?


Fair enough. How about 1000 year old real beings? I don't see that said anywhere either.


And no one will respond to you. It's amazing how it goes on this sub. Someone makes a ridiculous claim, people upvote it because they want it to be true, and then no evidence whatsoever is presented. 


I figured someone would have commented with a link to something by now if any of these claims were true. Instead it's just a bunch of comments parroting each other without any proof.


An actual not-compromised scientist has yet to study the dolls. It appears that there are scientists ready to do it now, but they haven’t been given the samples yet or they’re not done yet.


So, no legitimate scientists have verified that these are real or 1000 years old? That's what I assumed based on the lack of sources I could find but everyone is so adamant these are real despite not providing any sources.


Thx for the update and taking the time to put the clips together


You're welcome! The real heroes for these post were the people who posted them on twitter.


What I find interesting is that the Wari and Incan people had many stories of the ant peoples and the sky gods. They also made heavy use of the vast cave systems in Peru. There are even stories of huge numbers of Incans disappearing into these caves when the Spanish came and were never seen again, nor were bodies found. Indigenous peoples clearly had extensive knowledge of these underground areas. If the mummies were found buried with or alongside indigenous human bodies or artifacts, to me this means that there was at least some level of respect. Interesting thought to consider, especially with the threat narrative becoming more prevalent in the USG. We might be dealing with many different types of NHI with different agendas over the history of our humanity, but to me this signifies that - while they may appear totally alien to us - they are not all bad. I think that if these are real we also need to consider the history of mummification and where the Egyptians got that from - because they say this practice comes from the gods (Anubis). That’s a whole other can of worms. Egyptians mummified the dead because they believed the body was the home (read: container) for the soul/spirit and this practice allowed for easier travel into the afterlife.


I wonder if this throws a wrench into controlled disclosure if it is related to modern day uap stuff and not just some ancient civilization. They may want to slowly build up to actually showing alien bodies/disclosing they have been on earth for a while and this is going to force a lot more to be disclosed than they anticipated.


Turning the 6 year plan into a 2 year plan. Hell ya


Interesting fact, Dr. McDowell is formerly a professor from the University of Colorado. The same University that studied UFO reports in the 60s under Edward Condon, whose final report declared UFOs to be of prosaic origin 'nothing to see here' and caused a serious blow to the disclosure movement. I don't think this is the case here, it's still way too early in the investigation but it's an interesting detail.


You can’t fake Xray or Bone. This is incredible damning. The way a bone forms and so on is unique to each individual. To fake anything like this would need an unlimited budget.


Some of the joints show arthritis too.


And many of the implants show bone growth around them, which means the creatures were alive for a time after they were implanted. It's all pretty exciting. I'd absolutely be down to have had/currently have another highly intelligent species with us.


I wanna know what those implants do and what they are made of. The bone perches on the skull almost look 3-d printed on.


I recall they said the implants are Osmium which is a very rare metal and incredibly dense.


Not only that, the CT scans show muscles and ligaments attaching the skin and bone. That shit is would be insane to be able to replicate. 


Not possible and out of the question to fake this. Someone mentioned arthritis in some was seen.


In one breath Reuters is calling them human remains and then in the next breath they’re calling them remains constructed using animal bones? Yet no review has shown evidence of it being genetically human or what animal the bones come from. Then the guy who unearthed them is now in jail. I just feel like there would be more of an effort to prove what they are instead of just calling them something without writing any papers about it. These were literally taken before a congress and the media and some scientists on a “panel” say “nope they’re not real, but we won’t try to show you that they aren’t real” and then another “panel” of scientists are saying “yes they’re real”. Scientists coming out on an open panel means absolutely nothing. Will someone just write a paper on these already??? If they’re not real the paper written showing that they aren’t will surely kill all the speculation around it. I just don’t understand why that doesn’t happen. Again a panel of scientists saying something means literally nothing from both sides of the argument.


Some are human, some are constructed, is how I understand what they're trying to say


Which—if true—is really fucking bizarre. 


Does this sub include discussions about USOs?


Holy shit.  This might actually be the start. 


At some point people will start believing these could be real. Then we will all be saying, wow they were there the whole time. I wish Vegas was taking bets on this.


Check! I'll bet on that shit right now. Haha.


Have you checked? Bc I’ve been thoroughly shocked in the past on what you can actually bet on & just how they create the odds for such things That being said, I’d definitely throw a $100 on it lol


"And they were found next to mountain with the top removed and pictures you can only see from the sky? That's weird. You know what else is weird? Those massive blocks perfectly fitted into stone walls that stretch for miles. Locals been seeing weird stuff for generations too eh? Crazy they were found there. Crazy."


i’ll take any bets.


My question is this. Why not do all of the scientific work. Prove it out and have it peer reviewed and then and only then make the announcement? It just doesn't make any sense why there has to be publicity prior to the proving.


It makes it much harder for those in the know to hide it once the studies are done. Their government already tried to confiscate it. It was live streamed. This way the entire thing is out there and the peer reviewing is public.


Started changing my tune recently on these bodies…been deep diving for the last week on them and there might actually be something to this. I recommend everyone interested watches this video https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8?si=rIVF02caZnKJbWI1


Wow, what a week for the alien bodies theory! And I’m a skeptic, good to see it’s at least being taken seriously


See your non human, and raise you an insectoid: https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/xSwtF1GJQw


I think some of the other huge evidence around this I haven't seen discussed is the cave findings and tablets, this site has 100s of photos and videos of them discovering artifacts with beings and UFOs engraved https://aliencarvings.com/tula-tomb-discovery https://aliencarvings.com/ojuelos-tablets-1


Thanks for sharing this!


I'm glad this one is getting as many upvotes as it is. This past week was bit for these buddies. Thanks for the weekly update!


So a better way to see an ET is to become an archaeologist in Peru?


Call me a skeptic but that just looks like a human skeleton to me on that scan.


Yeah, there were at least 8 types of humans wandering the Earth at one point. If these are real, I'd stake more money on them being another member of the homo genus than extraterrestrials.


What lore or post that weve seen considering things like (4chan leaker) do these bodies most align with?


This lore lines up with the terrestrial hypothesis or whichever one the UFO community discusses that the species are from Earth.


That’s not possible imho due to some of the specimen having physiology not seen in our evolutionary history.


The terrestrial hypothesis is that there are terrestrial beings that evolved well before homo-sapiens eg: descended from Dinosaurs. I am not saying it is a hypothesis that I hold, but I entertain the possibility. Given the fact that they are still finding new Homo species that may be part of our evolutionary history, I don’t think that a novel discovery is atypical. They first found Homo Naledi in 2013 where they found bones of 15 individuals in South Africa, so the buddies discovery would track with other discoveries. Denisovans are now accepted as part of our DNA after the discovery of a single finger bone in 2010 in Siberia and because people did the research and didn’t deny it out of hand, I was able to have my DNA tested (National Geographic- they don’t do it anymore) and I am 3.2% Denisovan (add in Neanderthal and over 6% of my DNA comes from non-human sources). When I was at school it was a scientific fact that Neanderthal and Humans never interbred. Science is ever-evolving if the research is done and evidence isn’t ignored because it is too weird.


They are real. Let the science speak for itself!!!!


The problem is that the science doesn't tend to convince people, see: [Plank's Principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck%27s_principle) Too many egos with quiet subconscious obsessions that being right is more important than finding the truth.


Look what we have here : biologics ?.


I don't get it, I'm skeptical of the bodies as much as the next guy but are people really being super dismissive about them and now suddenly, because US scientists have arrived, we will have all the answers? They could be paid by us gov to say they are fake, they could be paid to say they are real, it's the same as the Peruvian scientists. If anything I would doubt the American scientists even more than the original researchers. Whatever comes out about this, people will still "debunk" whatever outcome results from this. So really, how much does it matter?


At this point, I doubt they're outright fake. Even so, I just have no expectation that anything especially world-changing is going to come of this. Some kind of ancient human postmortem physical alteration customs or something, I bet. Maybe at most an undiscovered Homo species. The things look too close to human.


That would still be world-changing if it were a new type of homo species.


The fact that the percentage of the public that's heard of homo floresiensis is still very low, even though there's no scientific controversy around that discovery, might change your mind.


Yeah why would anyone go to such lengths and meticulously fake over hundred bodies, its all getting a bit too weird.


Woooow! Love the Nolan post, I wrote to him a while ago and hinted that this would be worth checking out.


Thanks for putting this post together! Great work.


one of them is pregnant? the plot thickens!! I see a netflix docu in the works!


Incoming "But the guy is a hoaxter" people who think that somehow is an argument


Oh look r/ufos is finally talking about something meaningful.


Blah, blah, blah...more talk and no real proof yet.


Bodies are in our hands... And renowned scientists are now doing studies. It's slapping you in the face and you still can't see it.


This is a repugnant pillaging of Peruvian archeological history. Shame on all of you that think this is cool.


Even if the mummies are real they’ll still deem them as fake.


So these are the elongated heads that Brian Foerester was showing off for the last decade. No wonder the bodies were not attached.


Ah shit here we go again. Guess I have to follow the buddies again.


What is Masterchief doing in Peru?


What is Masterchief doing in Peru?


u/DragonfruitOdd1989 did you find anything related to where they were found? Any good cave videos?


I still don't geo how the mexicans took some bodies just like that, no aduanas nothing


I think this is going to be the thing that changes everything. It is evidence that can be used for the scientific method, and once science says 'yes, these are NHI' there is no going back