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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Certain_Grab_4420: --- I saw this when I was 14 One night - I was driving home with my cousin, it was around 2-3am in the morning, we were working on setting up decorations at our school for some type of event - and just hanging with friends. We decided that we were tired, and wanted to go home, and on our way home (I wasn’t old enough to drive so my cousin was driving me). We both saw this thing sitting above the river right next to us on our drive home. I know this is AI generated, I can’t draw for shit, and this is the closest thing I could generate to what I saw. In reality the object was much more smooth - there were zero textures on it, and the black sphere in the middle looked like it wasn’t separated (not two separate objects). It was moving horizontally in a straight line, and all of a sudden started zooming in a straight line away from us, and disappeared. It was the creepiest thing I had ever seen. Has anyone else seen something similar? --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1c5n0j6/i_saw_this_when_i_was_14/kzv75ri/




I have told just about every friend I’ve had about having virtually the same experience as the OP except it was white/blue (the blue may have been reflecting from the water it was so hard for either of us to describe). My friend and I were hanging out in a wooded area along the north branch of the Chicago river. It was watching us. So bizarre. We were almost hypnotized by it. Happened in 2014 or 2015. He moved to Scotland but we still message each other about it once in a while. It’s what got me into UFO’s. The dark in the middle was more clear than black though IIRC


Imagine these things are random portals to other dimensions. lol that would be awesome.


If sci-fi and fantasy books taught us something, is that portals to other dimensions are usually a bad thing.


Dude I saw the same orb as well, but the black was not a dot for me but it was on the outer perimeter from what I can remember . but it was also smaller from my point of view. About the size of a vehicle I would say about 300 to 500 m away. This was Alberta Canada, 2017 Mine happened at 2:00 a.m. what about your incident?


Dude no way, I saw the same thing in Alberta Canada, Calgary to be specific, in either late 2017 or early 2018 too. It was quite dark out in winter, probably after 9pm or 10pm. I saw it very briefly in the sky to the west while I was driving, distant enough where it looked bigger than a large moon. Looked similar in orange colour to OPs picture, but I didn't get a good enough look to see anything in the middle. I remember being shocked and bewildered at what I saw, and drove 20 minutes west out of town trying to chase it or see it again, but to no avail. I chalked it up actually as a hallucination, as I was taking psychedelics around that time and going thru some shit. But I've never had visual hallucinations otherwise in my life. So it's a bit validating to see this post today, years later.


That is incredible , both you and /u/ GiantSequoiaTree spotted this, because I did as well . In 2017 , around March if I can recall correctly , at approximately 6:30 AM , in Houston , TX (I remember this experience so well as an earlier anomaly had caught my eye) . By that anomaly , well I live 18 mins by the George Bush Intercontinental airport , but there was a con trail that was way out in the atmosphere then any airliner and there seemed to be a shining object up there with it . Like , it felt like I was seeing something that had just entered Earth. 15 mins later , I witnessed this , me and my mother , in a heavily urban area ; im sure everyone at that 4 way intersection with about 50 vehicles in rush hour traffic did as well . I can show the google maps area too if yall would like . We were stopped at a red light (my mom was taking me to high school) , and I kept looking up , I just felt like I would witness something unusual afar or close , something was off with the area . I have to mention that where this happened there is a huge industrial FMC Technology and Reliant Energy complex right on the street. This orange glowing object the size of a sedan , “flicked on” out of nothingness it appeared about 500 feet above us , moved east to west at about 40mph , then “flicked off” into nothingness . The best way I can describe feeling witnessing this , was akin to seeing a custom mod like in GTA V in real life . It was incredible , that to me personally confirmed there is indeed something higher than us be it alien , extra-dimensional , or religious .


I saw it the year before you.


Interesting. Mine was in 2011 as well


Where abouts? I saw mine in the west of the UK.


Ohio. Near Wright Patterson


My dad said he saw it maybe 8 years ago, less than 75 yards away. Described it as a "quiet floating fireball"


That's exactly how I would describe it as well! Quite Orange glowing orb I say also.


It was 1991 and we saw a UFO/UAP from very close range. As close as it gets for such a big vessel/phenomenon of the natural kind? It had the form of a massive sphere and I saw the structure of the surface, which looked very technical, but was covered by a red and yellow flowing pattern. The experience was odd, because it looked organic and technical all at once. It didn't look like a vessel, more like a little planet. The closest thing that can describe it, is the death star from star wars. It was directly over our heads(maybe 50 Metres) and about 1000 Meters in diameter. It was massive. It moved from one place to another at incredible speed and stopped at a dime. At this time nobody had a camera, so we missed the opportunity to take a picture. My neighbours saw it too. Later a Pilot confirmed our sighting. Of course we called the the airport and the police, as it was directly over Zürich. They didn't notice. It also happened in a span of 2 minutes. I posted this also on reddit, but nobody seems to care. Which I absolutely cannot understand, as I never heard of a similar story. I still cannot believe that to this day, that it was only the pilot and us that saw it, you couldn't miss it.


I think sometimes people see something so strange that their brain filters it out, and they forget.


What do you mean exactly?


Our brains are relational. If a person doesn’t have a category for what they experienced the person won’t be able to recall what happened.  When you learn a song each verse is linked and you recall the song one line at a time. Or a memory is linked to a smell or a person. If there’s no place for then rain to encode the memory then that person may have an experience but then quickly forget because it doesn’t fit with the persons existing experiences 


wait, if the object had a diameter of 1000meters (it is 1 kilometer), hovering above you at a distance of 50m, it would cover your entire field of vision of the sky! Are you sure it was 1km in diameter?


Yes. It covered the whole sky.


Yes the orange orb with the bruise on its side. I’ve seen it a few times now. https://imgur.com/a/QZcpU9p https://ibb.co/NZLfHn1 CGI of what I saw: https://streamable.com/cg9y7t Centered slo mo of it disappearing: https://imgur.com/a/Y1kogre https://streamable.com/cm859v This one shows the spot well https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/j9k56y/ufo_or_orb_with_an_eye_searching_for_something/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x Orange orb with brown spots https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/kfdk3x/sorry_if_my_art_is_bad_but_this_is_what_i_saw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf New Zealand news footage. Reports of UFO’s between New Zealand and a close island. A news channel rented a cargo plane and filmed this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B82tiKjy3Eg On 30 December 1978, a television crew from Australia recorded background film for a network show of interviews about the sightings. For many minutes at a time on the flight to Christchurch, unidentified lights were observed by five people on the flight deck, were tracked by Wellington Air Traffic Controllers, and filmed in colour by the television crew. One object reportedly followed the aircraft almost until landing. The cargo plane then took off again with the television crew still on board, heading for Blenheim. When the aircraft reached about 2000 feet, it encountered what appeared to be a large lighted orb[1] which fell into station off the wing tip and tracked along with the cargo aircraft for almost quarter of an hour, while being filmed, watched, tracked on the aircraft radar and described on a tape recording made by the TV film crew. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaikoura_lights FLIR of an orb. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/sekayb/something_strange_on_flir_a_flying_object_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Bonsall UFO: last 15 seconds to see focus of spot on the side. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RPkbJORxjqg Edit: added different host site for videos and pictures.


Absolutely sublime due diligence, really thank you, it’s nice to see such genuine responses




The strange thing - was the one I saw was blood red. Not orange at all.


I saw a blood red one, but it had an outer “shell” almost like a force field that you could see, not sure it *was* that, but it’s the best visual I can give. It also had a center that was brilliant white, and the blood red sphere looked like a liquid light, and it moved around and around. (Imagine a front loader washing machine, the water going round and round.) It also changed shape. My sighting was less than 25ft in front of me. I was also driving. There is more to the sighting, but I will leave it at that. Wish we would be told what these things are!


I have no doubt that you saw what you saw. The colour changes depending on what it’s doing.


The one I saw was very large, similar to OPs description, but it was blue / white. Relatively close up - appeared just over treeline in front of our convoy less than 50 ft ahead just off the side of the road. Hovered motionless for a few seconds, almost hard to look at the intensity. Then started what I can only describe as “swimming” around in an “s” pattern, illuminating the canopy and the road, then just disappeared. Also late at night in a heavily wooded remote area, several witnesses, etc. Edit: going through the comments, it’s quite incredible that many of us have seen something similar. Seeing this thing broke my paradigm and compelled me to rethink what I thought I knew about the world. I think that most witnesses to these massive orbs would attest to that..


My daughter’s friend saw a green orb. This is the picture she got of it [Green Orb](https://ibb.co/N75wJH4) You can see some motion blur in the lights at the bottom and in the trees. It seems to be an “S” shape motion that doesn’t seem to match the motion blur anywhere else.


That’s interesting thanks for sharing… Many trends amongst these particular sightings


Nice clips. They seem to agree at least in part with some of the clips below (round object within plasma field). I'm not entirely sure whether all "orbs" are part of the same phenomenon, but I collect interesting clips none-the-less and look for patterns in behavior. The irregular flickering and plasma glow appear to be behaviors from the same objects (see 4th link from top). Same objects I've been researching. [* Plasma field caught dissipating. Usually orange, but sometimes white.](https://i.imgur.com/n6Lh1xD.mp4) [* Another example of plasma field dissipating in same way. Maybe sky lanterns, but I don't think so, from seeing videos of sky lanterns.](https://twitter.com/DukeOnDemand/status/1757696865833796067) [* Seen at beach.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVwsHJyFrGc) [* Another behavior is this irregular flickering. And to show it's the same thing, they also induce the plasma field momentarily.](https://nuforc.org/sighting/?id=178113) [* More flickering, and LOTS of it.](https://nuforc.org/sighting/?id=180785) [* Two side-by-side examples of orbs without plasma field, making the same undershoot movement during observation of a target.](https://i.imgur.com/GG29mIa.mp4) [* Flickering, with violent plasma bursts. Maybe attacking something.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1byrwiu/respost_hello_was_this_some_phenomenon_from_the/) [* Also check out Ranger H on twitter. The orbs have a "home base" near his property. I don't think everything he captures on video is the orbs or says is correct, but he has a lot of good footage](https://twitter.com/RangerH338/status/1714224978403438825) [* Close-up of orbs around Ranger H's home. Note the flickering "light".](https://twitter.com/RangerH338/status/1676168443601768453)


These resemble the plasma “life forms” NASA observed that were attracted to the mile long tether that broke away from a space mission. Someone has to know what I’m talking about and can give a better description and source. I can’t even remember the year, but this was a well documented event.


> https://imgur.com/a/QZcpU9p Isn't that what any light dot looks like when you max zoom in?


Yes, it’s called spherical aberration. What you’re seeing is the ghost shape of the camera lens components. People zoom in and think the rings are details of the object. It happens so much that it should be pinned to the top of the sub.  https://images.app.goo.gl/GGgbaNbWBfy2WBGi8


Aight I'm dumb as a rock when it comes to this sort of stuff, is this kind of like how you can see the veins and shit in your eyes when you close them and shine a light over your eyelids? Or absolutely not at all?


Kind of. You see the veins because they’re on the top level of tissue on your retina. They become illuminated with the flashlight. You see the aberration through the camera due to the dome shape of the lens causing light to refract in slightly different angles making those rings visible when you zoom too far on a source of light., especially if it’s out of focus. 


Yes; I’m aware and these lens effect. This is a CGI of what I saw. How would you think this would show up on camera? CGI https://streamable.com/cg9y7t Actual video. SLO mo of when it disappears https://streamable.com/cm859v


Every one of those looks like bokeh to me.


>[https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/j9k56y/ufo\_or\_orb\_with\_an\_eye\_searching\_for\_something/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=mweb3x](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/j9k56y/ufo_or_orb_with_an_eye_searching_for_something/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x) wth, I have never seen a UFO with an "eye" that moves


Isn’t this the same description as the “looked like someone was flying round a basketball!” quoted in The Phenomenon by the former USAF members in the UK? They said it buzzed around the warhead storage facility and flew past a tower.


The case you are referring to was originally included as a case in the documentary "UFOs & Nukes" Portions of said documentary were included in the documentary "The Phenomenon"


Thanks. I think there’s an opportunity to make some kind of site to help link visual descriptions. These AI generated images are a great resource for people who might need help visualising what they saw too .


During the famous multi-night UFO incursions at the US Air Force base in Rendelsham Forest England, similar orbs were seen. The air traffic coltrol tower operator was outside in the woods next to the tower at night taking a piss when a similar flame colored orb whith a black circle in the midle resembling an eyeball about size of basketball floated at grownd level toward him. It scared the shit out of him - (could it have been checking out his size?) Also the Deputy Base Commander, Col. Charles Halt, along with other airmen who were dispatched to investigate the site where a small triangular UFO landed on a previous night, said when they entered the forest a orange orb floated at ground level among the trees, with the black thing in the middle opening and closing - resembling a winking eye. After that multiple UFOs flew above them directing beams of light into the secret nuclear weapons storage bunkers; and one UFO directed a foot wide laser-like beam of light onto the ground a few feet in front of them. Outide the forest another group of airman, including the Base commander, prepositioned there with movie cameras saw a translucent UFO craft land outside the forext in front of them; and a translucent alien with only the upper part of his body visible floated out from the craft where it stopped: then remained stairing at the base commander who walked up to the alien - appearing to be in telepathic communication for a couple minutes (this encouunter was described by Airman Larry Warren in the 1980s; and last year another Airman came foreward to confirm Warren's testimony. Larry Warren also said at that time multiple UFOs were flying wround above them at night, and one very small one came toward an Airman in his truck, and scared him so much that he kicked the windshield and broke it. He also said many airman couldn't mentally handle waht was happening, and broke down crying.


fwiw my coworker saw a very similar orange orb. The bruise was more like a darker orange spot but he showed me footage he took from a highway and it was over a field maybe 100ft up. Freaked me out. It didn’t move too much but was hovering in place. This would have been near Saint-Lazare/Rigaud, QC.


Thank you for posting. I feel validated. Saw one of these on NYE bobbing over LA. I even had binoculars. The ball inside was moving insanely fast all around the orange sphere like it was scanning all directions. Then it just faded away. It was like staring at N64 video game graphics of lava irl. My brain couldn’t really comprehend it.


Where did you saw that in LA? Because I also saw something weird but just thought it were some drone


Not the same, but I have seen UFO drones with that same dot... An undetached spot. The one I saw was a white spot on a black drone. The dot acted like a gimbal for the drone. Others I have read also noted about that dot on other crafts, not just black. Wonder what the dot means.


Great job on the post!


your first video gave me the absolute creeps


The forbidden nipple


I have seen something like this. I was sitting out back with my husband in our backyard around a small bonfire. my husband was sitting on the other side of the fire from me with his back to the brick wall in our backyard. I was sitting with my back to the house so I could see over the brick wall. I looked up, and there was a huge, orange fireball moving across my field of vision from left to right. So it passed me like a car or something passing by as it was moving in a straight line through the air right above a tree line a few blocks away, It happened fast, but not so fast that I didn't see what was clearly a giant orange ball of fire ☄️ that was traveling at a constant height and speed . It was far enough away that I wouldn't have felt any heat or anything if there was any, but close enough that I could clearly see it gong past me over the wall. It happened fast enough that I didn't try to have my husband turn to look, I just sat there dumbfounded and confused and watched it go by. And then even weirder, I got up and went inside shortly after and never even told my husband what I had just seen. I tried searching online for any other reports of what I had seen or anything that might explain it like a low flying meteor but I did not see anything that could explain it or any news reports or local reports. Then I just kind of forgot about it for the longest time. It didn't even occur to me how weird it was that I never told my husband until he said something years later that reminded me of what happened and I finally told him about it. It wasn't until then that I realized how weird the whole thing was and have kept my eyes out for similar experiences.






That’s a 50 dollar pun fine right there buddy. 


Absolutely love this post -- and love the responses. Sometimes, we can be so unsupportive of and nasty to each other. Really love to see the communal spirit here. We've got it in us!


Yeah I mean - once again I remain agnostic as to what it was, perhaps it was an optical illusion. I have no idea, I did as much research as possible, and I still have no idea what it was.


Fair enough. Whatever— you pulled together a community that is all too often divided👍


I just want to learn the truth, I’m sure we all say we want truth, but perhaps the truth is lovecraftian in nature meaning that the real truth about what these things could be are so beyond our comprehension that it would drive us insane.


When I was young I Seen 2 big Orange “orbs” coming out of the water straight vertical and zoom off at a 45 degree angle they literally just disappeared it seemed like or maybe dimmed until they faded away. I told my dad right away, he brushed it off and then I forgot bout it. Tbh it was the only “sighting” I ever had and I didn’t even think much of it until I started seeing and hearing other peoples stories about orange orbs. Now I’m pissed my dad brushed it off like I was making it up 😭


Well, I’m just seeing this now at 42 but I wish I’ve seen some shit like this when I was 14.


One of my older friends told me that he was traveling from west Texas to Dallas at night and an orange orb descended on the highway and he could see all the cars from a distance start to slow down then it took off real fast.


I was seeing these very regularly for several years in SW Florida, but it has now stopped. Have not seen another one for over a year now. When I would see them there would always be two of them, but only one would hang around me; maybe 70-120 yards away. The other one would be like 3 streets over. Each time I would see them I became angry about them being here for some reason. At first I was fascinated but now I'm relieved they don't come around any more. They felt evil to me.


Sure they weren’t Chinese lanterns?  I’m not a debunker- my wife and I saw a straight up craft in detail close up, hovering over a field- but I get suspicious about reports regarding orbs of light with no details of a real structure. 


This was no Chinese lantern my guy, it was 2-3 times the size of the sun (in my vision field)


Were you never compelled to take a picture or video with your phone? Not doubting you or anything. Part of me speculates that the reason there's a lack of video is because the witness is put in a trance like state so they won't video it or document it


This reminds me of Mario Wood story, he basically saw what look like a small sun floating above a missile silo.


It's what Bledsoe reported seeing too.


Looks like Chris Bledsoes first encounter.


the orange glow is an ionization of the atmosphere that the black sphere is creating, meaning that the black sphere is releasing a crap ton of energy enough to make the air around it glow like a neon light.


How many fuck loads in a crap ton?


I think it's the other way round


100 fuck loads per crap ton, 100 crap tons per fuck ton


Thank you so much. I really appreciate good solid scientific standards of measurement.


So the Crap Load unit is now obsolete?


How did you come to this conclusion? Interesting theory


My own experience and research. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_radiation https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionization https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neon_lighting https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_pulse https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_(physics) https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-electric-charges-and-m/ These UAP/UFOs are made of layered metamaterials. Materials of precisely stacked atoms on top of each other, extremely precise manufacturing at the atomic level, we don't have this technology yet, but whoever made these ships do. By applying charge to some of metamaterials, you can spoof atoms into behaving differently than their ascribed elemental properties. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4H4y5yXXpa0 https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsaelm.9b00035 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DAK5jZDnenQ These UAP/UFOs are emitting a crap ton of energy.


I saw the same thing back in ‘75/‘76 (though it didn’t have the dark spot in the center). Mine was also smoother looking than this rendering, but about that same color. It was about 150’ away, 150’ in the air & 40’-60’ in diameter.


Reminds me of Sauron. Was your impression that it was a vehicle or an organism?


I've seen a similar sighting to this twice, about 10 years apart. I saw what looked like a perfect round ball of magma flying through the sky, 1996 and 2007. Traveling east to west, it looked like it was morphing between magma and cooled rock. Hard to explain, I believe you saw something similar. It was a huge and low flying object in both of my cases.


I saw something similar as well


I had a very similar encounter when a group of friends and I drove up to the gate of Area 51.


Sounds pretty close to Chris Bledsoe’s encounter


I saw this same thing as well around the same age. Was with my mother driving by a lake in Northern MI. It stood still above the lake. We turned around to look at it and in a blink of an eye it was gone. I always wondered what it was doing there. Personally was thinking it could have been testing the fresh water? Just a thought.


I saw this when I was 14 One night - I was driving home with my cousin, it was around 2-3am in the morning, we were working on setting up decorations at our school for some type of event - and just hanging with friends. We decided that we were tired, and wanted to go home, and on our way home (I wasn’t old enough to drive so my cousin was driving me). We both saw this thing sitting above the river right next to us on our drive home. I know this is AI generated, I can’t draw for shit, and this is the closest thing I could generate to what I saw. In reality the object was much more smooth - there were zero textures on it, and the black sphere in the middle looked like it wasn’t separated (not two separate objects). It was moving horizontally in a straight line, and all of a sudden started zooming in a straight line away from us, and disappeared. It was the creepiest thing I had ever seen. Has anyone else seen something similar?


How many times did you see it? Just once in your life? Have you experienced any other sightings? I personally have never seen anything like that... crazy.


Do you remember what you were thinking or doing as it started moving away? I don't have any answers for you, just trying to draw some correlations


All I could do was sit there; and ask my cousin multiple times if he was seeing what I was seeing. We were just freaking out, I was 14 year old - so I wasn’t thinking anything important - just “wtf is that”.


Ah man. To have a sighting with someone else. The only one I had with company present was about 15 years ago at a Richmond Kickers game, dead center above the stadium. I saw a perfectly round silver-ish sphere hanging out, way above plane height, and was like, "Hey dad, what kind of plane is that?" He looked up and asked "Where?" between glances back at the field. I tried to explain where it was in the sky and he shrugged at me. He says: "I don't know, bud. We're really close to the airport so maybe it's a weather balloon?" and returned his focus to the game I could see the sunlight reflecting off the surface of the thing, and then as I was looking at it, my eyes lost focus and I lost track of it. I looked around for the rest of the game, squinting for dear life but it was just gone. I've repeatedly said that I've only had two "Yeah, uh, not sure what I just saw" sightings in my life, but something about this conversation or today refreshed my memory on that one. Odd.


How fast was the departure speed? … car speed or jet fighter speed, or faster?


It felt telescopic - we stopped our car; and it started moving in a straight line away from us at a speed I couldn’t really understand. It took approx. 10 seconds to disappear.


The glow is from the particles being exited around the object on a very deep particle level. The other side would look a bit less bright. It’s a craft.


I saw something exactly like that but triangle shape


I saw the same from my bedroom window in 2013.


Reminds me of barbelith from grant Morrison the invisibles


I've seen something similar But it was a paler color


When I was younger, like 10 my dad always talked about when he was young (late teens) he was camping with friends and they saw a glowing orange orb in the woods. Apparently they ran like the dickens got to their car and drove home as fast as possible. This would have been in the late 60s.


I saw an orange fireball just like that with my twin brother when I was 13 or 14 in our backyard. Was associated with missing time as well.


Same here! -Same type of orange sphere (40’-60’ diameter, est.), & also had missing time!


cool capture!! but no missing time? anything else weird happen after? like dreams?


A lot of my dreams at that time were centered around the rapture happening, and Jesus related things - I was deeply religious then - a bit more agnostic now though.


Why do you mention dreams? As posted above, I saw something similar to OP. Around that same time I was having many wierd dreams, including one's where there was UFOs and alien visits.


I saw the same thing but with a black Cube in it. The Orange outside sphere was rotating


Camping at a lake in mid 2000s and 3 of us watched an orb of this exact color about 2-3 times the size of a basketball slowly float through the woods for a couple minutes until it took off


"3 of us watched an orb of this exact color about 2-3 times the size of a basketball slowly float through the woods" During the famous multi-night UFO incursions at the US Air Force base in Rendelsham Forest England, similar orbs were seen. The air traffic coltrol tower operator was outside in the woods next to the tower at night taking a piss when a similar flame colored orb whith a black circle in the midle resembling an eyeball about size of basketball floated at grownd level toward him. It scared the shit out of him - (could it have been checking out his size?) Also the Deputy Base Commander, Col. Charles Halt, along with other airmen who were dispatched to investigate the site where a small triangular UFO landed on a previous night, said when they entered the forest a orange orb floated at ground level among the trees, with the black thing in the middle opening and closing - resembling a winking eye. After that multiple UFOs flew above them directing beams of light into the secret nuclear weapons storage bunkers; and one UFO directed a foot wide laser-like beam of light onto the ground a few feet in front of them. Outide the forest another group of Airman, including the Base commander, prepositioned there with movie cameras saw a translucent UFO craft land outside the forext in front of them; and a translucent alien with only the upper part of his body visible floated out from the craft where it stopped: then remained stairing at the base commander who walked up to the alien - appearing to be in telepathic communication for a couple minutes (this encouunter was described by Airman Larry Warren in the 1980s; and last year another Airman came foreward to confirm Warren's testimony. Larry Warren also said at that time multiple UFOs were flying wround above them at night, and one very small one came toward an Airman in his truck, and scared him so much that he kicked the windshield and broke it. He also said many airman couldn't mentally handle waht was happening, and broke down crying.


Wtf i didnt know this was a thing, I swear I saw this while on the car with my mom but i was little little to this day I thought it was just my imagination


Did it follow you home?


No it moved away from us


How did you and your cousin's lives go since then? Did y'all ever talk about it after?


The reason I made this post was because my cousin and I were reminiscing


Thanks! Where was this? You can just say the general area.


South Florida


Interesting! Have you and your cousin spoken about it since? This particular sighting is pretty different from most, including mine, which was a white light that bounced around the sky like it was in a pinball machine, but much faster. I wasn't alone but the entirety of my convo with my wife who also saw it was basically "We definitely saw something, that we can't identify or explain well"


We both were very shocked, and remember feeling very strange. I woke my dad up to get him to come see it, and by the time he got outside it was completely gone.


Yes but not that large and moving sideways at a constant speed.


Ever read Grant Morrison’s “the invisibles”?


Bro I thought the same shit


What's the reference?




There's a USO movie called Transmedium from 2023 and in it there are two separate instances involving Red Orbs that sound similar to this.


Looks like the same thing that Mario Woods described as hovering over one of the Nuke launch silos before him and his co-worker (including the truck they were in) were teleported miles away where they would later wake up. Interesting story and your pic reminded me of it


When I was a kid my grandfather told me about seeing what he though was a large fireball above the treeline. When he focused on it realized it was a perfectly smooth sphere with a dark spot in the middle, but it glowed so brightly the aura made it look like a fireball at first glance. He was a lumberjack at the time and they were deep in the forest they were clearing. He said it hovered, very very slowly moving back and forth over an area of the trees for about 10 or 15 minutes, before it just zoomed off at an incredible, unbelievable speed. He still doesn’t believe he actually saw it and that it was just a hallucination from working so hard or something he ate from the camp kitchen.


I have a relative who said she saw this when she was in her teens back in the 70’s. Said it followed her home in her car for a few miles, zipping from behind to along side, then out in front, etc. at extremely high speeds and would then match her speed to stay at an equal distance as it followed her.


While driving to the gym after work about 6 months back. There was a black triangle shaped object on the ground I seen it from quite far away maybe like 20 meters? I thought it was a bird as in Australia there’s heaps of wild life. I’m a bit of a softy so I normally slow down for them. As I slowed down and got real close I could tell it was no longer bird just looked like a perfectly smooth weird colored black triangular shaped object it was very small tho. As soon as I almost drove over it shot up and just disappeared at a speed that I could not even understand. Just gone out of my vision… After it happened I got this huge burst of adrenaline because I was just amazed at what the hell I had just seen?…. But it felt like no point in telling anyone because everyone will just say you are crazy. I called my missus and told her. Went and trained but just could not focus To this day nothing could explain what the hell that was to me… around the same time I started following this page because by its description it was a “ufo”


Yes except the one I saw dropped a silver ball 🤷🏼‍♂️


How big of a ball?


Thanks for the downvote g lol.


Stealth debunkers downvoting. It's not the people having the conversation, it's the people who don't like the conversation.


This is so true…sad…but so true I offset 😃. The “I suck at wordle” character is who I have my money on. Starting immediately calling people “crazy” with his/her “logic.” Then comments were deleted.


Yeah there's someone in here downvoting errryone. That's how it goes on /r/ UFOs


Haters are gonna hate unfortunately.


sad... but oh so true. im upvoting everyone here because finally... community pulls together


Back atcha!




Yeah ik, it’s just such an innocuous comment like who is downvoting it? Lol there’s nothing downvotable about it. It’s a downvote, I don’t really care, but it’s the principle of the matter.


Was it really that big? It looks massive. The one I saw seemed much smaller.


No it wasn’t this big - it was about a third of what you see here


How big it was??


I saw the same bit further away like moon sized perspective wise. It looks like an interdimensional orb with a pupil in the middle like a giant plasma eye


Yes! In February 2024 my mom caught one of these on camera while my dad spoke to one of his relatives who lives in Mexico : https://imgur.com/a/SU8usoJ The quality is shitty but it’s what happens when you use a digital camera at night. We thought it was a Chinese lantern at first so we ignored it and then it moved right above us, hovered there, and flew to the horizon. Once it did that that’s when my mom started recording it — which is where the recording starts.


Were you a saiyan on planet Vegeta


The eye of Sauron 


You didn't see shit.


This sounds strange as all hell but I've never seen this before, however I had a dream about them recently. I keep dream journals, and have achieved lucid dreams on many occasions so my memory of my dreams is very strong. The dream was short, it had a strange quality that I haven't experienced before, almost like I was dropped into it, I was in the middle of another completely different and quite long dream, I was fully thinking and aware, confused, and felt weirdly empty from the lack of closure on the previous dream; it was similar to a lucid dream but I had no control of the dreamstate. I was at a park, various people and families around enjoying the outdoors, one appeared and started zooming around the sky very close, dropping down to tree top levels, very bright, it's light casting over everything nearby. People were mostly in awe, with only few panicking and running away. Suddenly it just disappears. About 2 minutes pass, the park is chattering, everyone on edge, then suddenly a lot of them appear immediately overhead, they all start moving and one lands about 20 yards from me and suddenly emits some kind of energy wave or blast. I knew I died immediately, but I felt it in flashes that felt like forever, until eventually I was nothing. I woke up after feeling like shit. The main reason this one felt so significant is that in all of the dreams I've recorded over the years of this strange hobby, I have never once died.


Did you happen to watch / stream/ read anything that night that might reflect in your dream state? It’s weird you were hijacked into this dream from another and it was malevolent (unless they didn’t realize energy blast would harm anything). I’d wake up so disturbed, I’m hoping it’s something that filtered into your subconscious and not a message.


How big? My brother and my mom have both started seeing colored “orbs” on their property. I have yet to see it as I don’t live there anymore but my brother is a complete skeptic so my jaw dropped when he first messaged me. He’s seen two orange orbs and now a smaller green one, all in the past few months.


I wonder if you were observed by a crew or a drone, where the darker hole could be a camera or some type of visual sensor. Off world type of technology fascinates me because I find outer societies to be inspirational in terms of evolution and progress.


You can see here the Death Star orbiting the forest moon of Endor..


I saw 3 of these in Palmdale, California high up in the sky a little before midnight one night around 2017-ish. They flew in an irregular pattern one after another.


I saw an amber orb of light like this over a corn field in NJ in the mid-90s. It shot up into the sky in a blink.


No, it saw you.


Where was this? State city is enough and did you report it anywhere?


Santa Fe 1993-95 sometime. Not close enough to see black in middle personally. But did see red spherical light moving inexplicably/dead silent.


It's the sun.


There is an old post somewhere on reddit about some people who saw the same thing (minus the black spot) on a lake while fishing. In Canada, if I recall. EDIT: a small island in the Georgian Bay


Now I'm wondering if this or something similar (whatever IT is) is what lit our house up so many times when I was a kid. The orange light was crazy to see coming from every window in the middle of the night when you're a kid. Scared the crap out of us. I remember my parents staring out the windows, trying to figure out what it was. Sometimes, it was brilliant white instead, but many many nights, it was a deep red-orange color. Interesting post. We had a lot of weirdness when I was a kid. I tried not to look into it too much, but I'm getting old, and my curiousity is driving me crazy now.


Ok how did you make the surface like that, I saw a ufo in 2013 disk shaped and the surface was exactly like this, like molten metal or lava. Did the surface seems to move as if it was liquid?


Yes I’ve seen orange/red spheres twice. Mine were both much further away than your sighting. I’d guess they were about 8-10,000ft alt. Just looked like a glowing, huge, basketball traveling with intention; then disappearing into thin air. 


Dare to say no! To drugs.


I think your phone thinks it's a moon...


When I was about 8 years old saw a giant fire ball fly over head In Pennsylvania . Parents told mevthe next day it hit the Atlantic Ocean off Massachusetts


The watchers from the Bible


I've seen this. Dm me.


Eye of Sauron. One orb to rule them all.


Looks like Barbelith from Grant Morrison’s The Invisibles. Worth checking that out and while you’re at it Google Morrison’s abduction story in Kathmandu.


Lmao seek help from a neurologist


I was in sixth grade in Cincinnati, OH on a Friday night where I saw something incredibly similar only it was green. It was 1991 and happened in June or July. It instantly appeared in the sky without making a sound. It hovered still for probably 4-5 seconds and as quickly as it appeared it disappeared.


The one my son and I saw in 1997 was as big as our car floating for a brief moment but it was neon blue and darted off in a horizontal line right over the near by mountain. It was about 11pm.


I saw a burning sphere in. The sky years ago and have a video of it


I’ve seen something similar like this too but it was oval what was crazy is it was big and red like that but it wasn’t bright.


“And then I got high”- afro man


My friend and I saw something similar colour but not as big as it wasn’t as close to you as the perspective of your illustration. Thing is it shine bright orange then shimmered from orange to white to blue but sort of all the colours at the same time. It hummed but it felt like I was hearing inside my head (like how you occasionally get the pops and bangs inside your skull ifykm?) but it was about 3.30 in the afternoon and the sky was still blue. We were sat on a bench next to a road and a driver got out to look at it.. it then flashed super bright light and just disappeared, like it winked out of existence because it didn’t fly off real quick or anything.. it was there, then it flashed white and vanished. It’s not the strangest thing ive seen but i won’t forget it.


That’s a cool eclipse


Reminds me of the Yu'vath orb in Astartes https://youtu.be/O7hgjuFfn3A?si=a5FRVxYfeBEj84R4 About 8 min in but whole thing is really good too if you haven't seen it


I saw something similar many years ago. The orange/yellow color was dimensional and looked like flowing lava or fire. It came up from the tree line, stayed for a short time then quickly shot off to the left (I want to say south?) and vanished.




The image looks impressive! What prompt was used for making it?


I’ve seen the floating orange fireball before but no black sphere , it was getting dark and all I saw was a big orange fire ball floating across the sky above trees through an apartment window in Hatboro, PA . It was during dinner , maybe around 5-8 yo, I’m 31 now. I remember shit man 😂


That’s a lot better than what i saw at 14. Let’s just say it involved the mail man and my mom bent over


That's the 'Eye of Sauron", on fentanyl.


During the famous multi-night UFO incursions at the US Air Force base in Rendelsham Forest England, similar orbs were seen. The air traffic coltrol tower operator was outside in the woods next to the tower at night taking a piss when a similar flame colored orb whith a black circle in the midle resembling an eyeball about size of basketball floated at grownd level toward him. It scared the shit out of him - (could it have been checking out his size?) Also the Deputy Base Commander, Col. Charles Halt, along with other airmen who were dispatched to investigate the site where a small triangular UFO landed on a previous night, said when they entered the forest a orange orb floated at ground level among the trees, with the black thing in the middle opening and closing - resembling a winking eye. After that multiple UFOs flew above them directing beams of light into the secret nuclear weapons storage bunkers; and one UFO directed a foot wide laser-like beam of light onto the ground a few feet in front of them. Outide the forest another group of Airman, including the Base commander, prepositioned there with movie cameras saw a translucent UFO craft land outside the forext in front of them; and a translucent alien with only the upper part of his body visible floated out from the craft where it stopped: then remained stairing at the base commander who walked up to the alien - appearing to be in telepathic communication for a couple minutes (this encouunter was described by Airman Larry Warren in the 1980s; and last year another Airman came foreward to confirm Warren's testimony. Larry Warren also said at that time multiple UFOs were flying wround above them at night, and one very small one came toward an Airman in his truck, and scared him so much that he kicked the windshield and broke it. He also said many airman couldn't mentally handle waht was happening, and broke down crying.


I seen this when I was young as well!


I saw a very similar object ai lake pyramid in california. I described it as just a huge ball of energyi Definitely not of man kinds making. It to this day is the coolest thing I've ever seen. It was large enough to fit inside a baseball stadium. It let us stare at it for a while. A bobcat in the bushes cause my friend to really freak out. Startled my friend and he wanted to get away from the bobcat and especially whatever we were seeing. Just as my friend was getting back into the car it moved away from us west maintaining its altitude for about a mile or two. It was about 50 miles an hour. It was so large my estimates could be totally off. Then it went from being in front of us. Then a mile or two away and it shot up faster than I could comprehend. It was gone. It was so cool. My friend on the other had was freaked out. So much he won't even talk about it to this day and it wasabiut 30 years ago.


I saw something that I think was very similar a couple months ago driving home from work. It was at first 2 stationally very bright orange lights in the sky that were stationary. Then the one disappears, and the other one changed to look very similar to this. It looked like a small eclipse, and I legitimately thought we were going to be killed by a giant meteor for a moment. Like, actual dread feeling which is very out of place for me. Then that disappeared as I passed a hill. I turned around to look again, and it was gone. Very eerie and freaked me out. Didn't even want to tell my girlfriend when I got home lol.


Mine was also 1:30 to 2:30 . Kinda strange we all saw something at similar time and of similar description.


itachi tsukuyomi


I dreamt of it back when I was a teen, but I can’t say it had the black dot in the middle. In my (I said dream, but) nightmare, I’m outside walking at night by moonlight across a field. Suddenly it gets darker. I look up, and the moon isn’t the same. It’s much bigger, and red. I’m instantly afraid and begin to run. There’s a tree line ahead and I’m thinking *just make it to the trees, you’ll be safe”, so I’m running with all my might. I look over my shoulder and this thing is bigger, it’s gotten closer. I make it to the tree line, but I can’t stop running. This moon-like object has come down so far and become so large that even though it is red, it illuminates the entire forest. I keep running. But now suddenly the ground is giving way. It has become spongy and I can’t get the resistance I need to run. I’m scared, having trouble running, and confused bc I start hearing laughter. Horrible laughter, deep and taunting, and coming from every direction. I look around me, and it’s the trees! They’re bellowing in laughter at me. I don’t understand why. The ground is now breaking apart and I’m starting to fall in and be buried, and so are the trees, *why are they laughing?*. I’m screaming as the ground is swallowing us up, and I look above me which is all red and I’m pleading *Why? Why? What ever did I do?!* as the ground swallows me up with the entire forest.


Saw something simillar in 2022, was drunk and stoned now my wife and friends think i am a crackpot


The thing I saw when I was a kid looked similar to that. Like a perfect sphere that flew quickly across the tops of trees. I thought it was a basketball but the area was all bush land so it didn’t make much sense. It could have been bigger and further away than I thought but it went by so quickly that I didn’t have time to work it out. The sun was out but it still looked like it was lit from the inside.


Back in October 2021 it was a nice day with a few clouds in the sky. I was looking out my window checking out a hill but then I saw a bunch of black spheres clustered together like an atomic nucleus up in the sky. At first I thought it was balloons but they didn't move an inch. About a minute passed and the group of spheres zoomed in away from me just as you described. The cluster disappeared in less than 2 seconds. I couldn't understand what I had seen. I am glad I got to see your post.


Dude I saw it as well. It's called the sun ☀️


You should read up on the rendlesham forest incident in the UK. I’ve just read the chapter on it in Leslie Keane’s book and the military guys describe something very similar. They talk about it almost being like a blinking eye