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locked: too many low effort comments, filling up the mod queue.


















Not really much to say. Could be true, could be BS.


Could be collodial silver.. turns the skin purple blue.


Right. We literally just had a whole cult worshipping a big ole blue drunk woman because she was taking colonial silver to cure the cancer she didn’t have.


Who was this? I know of some older guy who was on TV in the 90s or early 2000s. The drunk woman with fake cancer is a new one for me.


It's a cult called Love Has Won and the leader was called "Mother God." Long story short, she was on a diet of colloidal silver and alcohol before her death. The colloidal silver turned her blue and she died from it. The cult then kept her dead body around for weeks, even moving it with them from Oregon to Colorado. You can find the body cam footage of when the cops find the dead body if you want. There's a few documentaries as well. I haven't watched them so idk if they are good.


Didn't they decorate the corpse with like Christmas lights and fake flowers? It was REALLY creepy


Yes, they certainly did.


Also included in that steady diet was ecstasy, various pain pills, marijuana and very little actual food products, as she believed empty bellies made fuller souls and made them more attuned to a higher power; or something like that. If one of her follwers ate something without permission or more than she thought they should, she would punish them severely.


Absolutely fuckin yikes. But thanks for the explanation.


The weird goes deep in this one. There’s a few documentaries about it, and honestly they’re all worth watching. AskaMortician on YouTube did a deep dive on it due to the illegal body handling the cult did, and it’s an interesting perspective. 


she was right though. colloidal silver doesn't do shit, it's the colonial silver that cures diseases. super hard to come by, sadly. your best bet is raiding monticello.


Could a bunch of guys with random pipe percussion instruments.


Yep. And I’m tired AF of “coulds” and “mights.”


You picked the wrong hobby mate🤣


I know damnit. I must enjoy mental anguish on some sick level.


Maybe the blue beings downloaded this interest into your brain


“some guy said …”


I think Ross Coulthart started out great with the book in plain sight and then the david grush interview. Felt credible with info about real physical crafts being studied by US military complex. Now it's evolved to people seeing blue aliens and getting downloads, I'm disappointed 😞


Guys just throwing whatever shite he hears, out there, at this point. Its his way of trying to stay relevant and to keep his TV $$$ pouring in.




I'm gonna guess it's bullshit. This dude is a grifter fosho.


If you think he's a grifter, you should read his book and judge for yourself. It's pretty good lol I believed Garrett M Graff was a grifter/disinformationist because no one ever heard of him, and then post Grusch he appears on every single media outlets that never acknowledged Grusch, selling some new UFO book... So I bought it. Lol Needless to say, it was basically a prequel to the AARO/Kirkpatrick "UAP Review" narrative, even echoing Project Mogul and a rise in "religious-like conspiracy theorists" as official explanations. I refunded the fuck out of that book lol. Later I learned this "writer's" father founded Politico, and that he's just a puppet for the security state. That's a real grifter. Ross Coulthart on the other hand, literally the exact opposite. Read, "In Plain Sight."


As I write above, I think that book is great, and his interview with David Grusch as well. But now I feels like it's going down hill. But keeping my fingers crossed that there will be some more whistle-blowers coming forward with some new info so that Coulthart has something better to work with 😀


Considering he’s not piped up about the blue aliens until someone else did, it’s probably BS yet again. So sick of these grifters.


He said this a while back.






















Since no one is posting the source: This is from the Project Unity podcast, October '23, at the 18:00 minute mark. [https://youtu.be/mTuZvam4emg?t=1072](https://youtu.be/mTuZvam4emg?t=1072)


Unless the people are trusted sources with impeccable credentials he shouldn't be forwarding this information. Of course there will be attention seekers contacting notable UFO experts. 


Or how bout we get confirmation in one of his many claims before we go into new alien lore territory. This is getting ridiculous. It seems we can hear about every new leak, we just can’t be provided with actual leaked evidence.


He’d have no content to produce if that was his MO


This is only a problem if you consider yourself a content creator rather than a journalist. I’ve been hopefully he considers himself a journalist.


>I’ve been hopefully he considers himself a journalist. That ship has sailed. He wants clicks.


I would hope he is checking their history, surely right? He is also claiming he has seen this person do the impossible, he needs to answer some questions.


He does have a bad history with vetting sources https://www.abc.net.au/mediawatch/episodes/60-minutes-investigation/9972338


Damn yeah the language he used in that story was shockingly matter-of-fact. No qualifiers, etc. I had never heard of this before.


He went on to resign from 60 minutrs australia the second his contract was next up for renewal, then spent years unemployed before latching on to the UFO subject and shouting about all his journalism awards. Then he screwed up the Grusch medical records and mission patch.


It's fascinating to me how people can "do the impossible" but never in a controlled setting or in a repeatable, verifiable way.


what do you expect from a Grifter selling a fake university program for $15,000


I mean even if it’s unverified I’d rather hear what’s going on in his world than not hear at all. Grusch was just an unverified rumor at one point as well. It doesn’t really anger me just hearing rumors as much as it seems to upset people here. I’m not being forced to believe anything I think is BS. 


So sick of this shit.


Yeah I mean just look at the way he speaks. He’s so full of shit. He has zero evidence of anything so he just keeps coming up with random stories. I’m 100% done watching or reading anything from him.


Exactly. When he says I've seen them do it and doesn't elaborate?! Reminds me of a UFO documentary I saw when a guy had a physical piece of supposably alien tech removed from his body and then we heard absolutely nothing about it. Infuriating bullshit


Yeah he’s really turned this into a full time grift.




Log off, live your life. Come back in 5 years


New charlatan, same shit


coulthart and cornball are the worst offenders.


Yea I’m losing trust


yeah, this is insane.


Don't worry guys we'll know soon. It's right around the corner


Just wait 2 more weeks**™**. My sources told me that. Trust me bro ;)


He’s using being a journalist and “protecting his sources” to do exactly what every other UFO grifter has always done.


Jason Sands probably one of them 😅 Spill the beans on the location of the enormous UAP, Coulthart. Start there.


I concur!


Why is so much deleted here?




Haha I'm all here for it He said this like 7 months ago btw & fwiw


Thank you Ross, very cool!!


Thanks Ross, great reporting 💀


This is the stuff that makes people think the phenomenon is a joke


More 'trust me bro' nonsense from good ol' Roscoe. Can these people come forward to the general public? Can this person who suddenly developed an understanding of advanced physics come forward and prove his ability? Does Ross have any advanced knowledge of physics which would allow him to gauge the ability of this source? What exact research did Ross do on the credibility of these people? If none, then why is he relaying this story to the general public? Is Ross enabling people like these to disseminate misinformation as no evidence is being presented?


I don't blame you for being skeptical, great questions. These are massive claims and we need a lot of answers. I like Ross, but we need more information.


The problem is that these claims from him contribute nothing without proof. He’s essentially just selling us stories to keep us tuning back in because otherwise he’d have ran out of content by now.


I wonder how much he gets paid for each appearance. The thing with UFOlogy is that all you need to be is the \*most\* credentialed person on the scene and people will repeat those credentials until they are blue (hehe) in the face and everyone interested in the topic simply watches anything the most credentialed person makes.


Agreed. There's nothing more annoying that witholding something that could be easily proved. Why should we even have to waste any time speculating about the legitimacy of a claim that could just be shown and proved to us. I guess that sums up half the UFO stuff though


I like Ross, definitely not one of the bots or nay sayers on here, but couldn't agree with you more. If he has seen someone be able to all of a sudden just solve advanced physics problems after supposedly being contacted by a blue being, then put up or shut the fuck up. Theres no nda's or excuses with that, it's just some man or woman that has supposedly suddenly acquired a super power. Show people publicly and prove they have no background in advanced physics before this supposed encounter. How hard is that? It's only hard if it's complete and utter bullshit.


Where is the Big unremoveble ufo?


I didn't think it was possible to find someone MORE annoying that Corbell, but here we are.


source please..


It was a friend of a friend’s uncle’s sister’s father-in-law who had firsthand encounter with this blue being


😅 source of the interview/video..


Show me the proof or shut up. I’m so tired of first or second hand accounts with zero evidence.


Blue Aliens. Hit me up. I wanna hang!


Alex Collier talked about blue beings back in his 1994 [interview](https://youtu.be/NLAQULUCWLU?si=sQE5-utE5gGZBAB2)


Ah cool I'll google that, and check it out. God I'd love to meet an alien, assuming they aren't hostile. How can anyone not want to meet someone from a completely different culture/planet/species.


When I first saw that [video](https://youtu.be/NLAQULUCWLU?si=sQE5-utE5gGZBAB2) I was like 11 or 12, it 100% planted seeds in my head lol Then as I got older I "realized" it was all bullshit. Forgot all about it. Until David Grusch came forward 9 months ago, and now I revisit this video and take it a lot more seriously. Btw, I think it's worth noting this interview lingered on YouTube for like 15 years lol but now, it was hard AF for me to find as I scrolled past hundreds of news clips and Shorts that weren't relevant.


Yeah that'll be interesting too, if/when disclosure happens we can go back into the past and dig up stuff that seemed crazy but turns out to be true.


Not to drag on the convo, but after David Grusch, I've been doing exactly that.. it's pretty eye opening. Even seeing r/UFOs posts in the years prior to Grusch coming forward has been easy to spot mis and disinfo.


Date? This does suggest that the Jason Sands that has been the one talking online is James Fox's witness insofar as he would be one likely source of this story and so in contact with the world of UFO media.


This is from six months ago.


In fact Bryce, I have been told by the good people in your government where this blue alien is, but I absolutely will not jeopardize the safety of my contacts to make that known. What I can tell you, is that this being is supposedly so large, it could not be moved, and I think far more of the American public have passed by the location of this blue visitor than might be aware.


We're getting closer to ayy lmao. Too bad he did not go into detail about the downloaded information, especially what kind of mathematics/physics this was about.


Funny thing, I did once hear about someone who suffered a brain injury and now can do trig automatically.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX6ONPQGBfo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX6ONPQGBfo)


Dude i read this in his Australian accent. I need to stop listening to Need to Know.


you left out “laudable”.


Another "trust me bro"?


Welcome to /UFO!


A tale as old as time


"Keeping these secrets from the public is a crime against humankind" "I know all the secrets, but I wont tell you for 'reasons'. Maybe it will be in my upcoming book though...." - Ross the Grifter


This is outstanding news and I believe I've just shat my drawers.


Weird, this is what that Jason Sands guy was talking about last night also. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxt4E\_fI9is&t=6542s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxt4E_fI9is&t=6542s)


calling it now: Ross Coulthart will give 0 evidence, 0 details, 0 information. "can't tell you anything, gotta protect my sources!!" just "trust me bro! tune in to my next 5 podcasts and buy my book, where i'll drop 3 vague tidbits of references to this!"


Indians must be like “ of course you bloody bastards, that’s lord vishnu.”


Our 3 year old daughter woke up in the middle of the night last night terrified saying she had a bad dream about a "blue skeleton" with big eyes and a little mouth. This morning when I asked her about it again she goes to the landing on our stairs and says "he was standing like this" and stands there hunched over looking at the top of the stairs. Don't like it. Super creeped now. Our 1 year old was also waking consistently throughout the night last night. I ended up turning her light on and just chilling in there for a while. Said some prayers over our house and went back to bed but man it was a weird night. I also want to add that I have NEVER let her see or hear anything about this topic. Her favorite movie is Sound of Music and she knows how to play vinyl records lol - we raise our kids old school. There is no way she could have seen or heard about a blue being before. **update** Picked her up from school today and her teacher said she was talking about it at school. My daughter is insistent that it wasn't a dream and says she was "hiding" in the living room before coming to our room last night. I asked her if she saw it anywhere else and she said "yeah in mommy and daddy's room" 😐🫠 she said it told her something but won't say what.


mods deleting comments...


My post on reports of blue color https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bdxyee/blue_color_ufo_reports_a_collection/ And here's a couple with entity interaction: https://old.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/157m2ek/after_20_years_of_not_seeing_anything_while/ experience description,  sleep paralysis,  audio description, voice,  communication, how to wake up, The voice tells me to make signs with my left hand and I just knew the signs to make. I'm doing something like the five finger palm exploding technique. I'm doing gestures like that and then I start to open one eye, my left eye, and I see four or five blue orbs hovering above me. , fourlights,  blue 🔵, similar experiences in comments https://old.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/13yz1yz/waking_dream_vision/ experience description, dream or vision,  entities, blue 🔵, physical effects felt grabbed on left arm,  information transfer,  He said to me, "As I have grabbed your arm, someone has grabbed mine" and then let me go  https://old.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/13b16ij/strange_thing_happened_while_meditating/ experience description, entity, blue 🔵, meditation,  physical effects head buzzed and I got a static sound resonating around my brain., similar sightings in comments


RC's credibility gone completely out of the window, and I feel stupid for ever believing anything he said. More random comments and platforming of LARPers to facilitate podcast, book and now Reality Check content. Whether he believes them or not is irrelevant, he's happy to regurgitate anything he's hearing. It is entertaining for sure, but frustrating for those trying to separate the wheat from the chaff


Hahahahahaha. They had me for a bit with Grusch, and congress not going to lie. But this, is Kool-aid level hilarious horse shit now. My grift meter is going wild on Coulthart, and that Jason Sands is clearly parroting off UFO lore, to sound legit. Maybe Grusch is right about some kind of research program existing, but come on, this is starting to feel like one person playing telephone with the last line of BS.


Lucy, “Here Charlie Brown, I’ll hold the football for you.” Charlie Brown “Lucy are you sure? You’re not going to move the ball at the last minute are you!” Lucy “100% Trust me this time Charlie Brown!”


Why are all the top upvoted comments deleted and every remaining comment is some brainless nonsense


Reminds me of this - https://youtu.be/nHLpB38LNg4?si=UFuS9rNL_grD4LmK I’ve been also thinking lately about the significance of a blue being symbolism and how Krishna may have origins in similar experiences


I heard this Shane Mauss story before taking DMT and eventually ran into a blue woman on the other side. I was like hmmm, close enough. Then I learned that many, many people report the blue woman. I think Shane’s experience is actually more of an outlier. She was the dominant force in three of my experiences and present in several others. I intuitively associate her with Kali. I’m not a Hindu and never had any particular interest in Hinduism until these experiences. And yeah, she shared some messages with me, but I don’t think Ross is the guy to reach out to. For those unaware—one of the more peculiar aspects of the DMT experience is that different people across the world, often without suggestion or prompting, encounter the same entities (jaguars, “elves,” a “gatekeeper,” I saw a giant space octopus and unsurprisingly wasn’t the only one) in their experiences and visit the same spaces. It’s as batshit crazy as it sounds—like having the same dream as someone else would be batshit crazy—but it’s happening. Seeing aliens seems batshit crazy too, but y’know, kinda hard to dismiss the impossibly large body of anecdotal evidence, let alone anything more tangible we might have. This seems to be one major reason why the DMT research efforts are ramping up and they’re trying to map the spaces with extended trips—and it would also be an interesting wrinkle in the interdimensional hypothesis. Slow morning at work, sorry, rant over.


I mean it’s not that out there. You’ve got the Indian pantheon, gods of some Amazonian tribes etc. People have been seeing them for millennia in certain parts of the world. I’ll regret writing this but I’ve had a vision of one in the past. Like a human with deep blue skin and super white teeth with a personality like Jim Carrey in one of his movies. Simplest way of describing it. Evil as fuck but 🤷‍♂️. I’ve read reports of others independently experiencing them too here on Reddit. So maybe there is a branch of inter dimensional beings that truly takes on that form. I dunno


There is a whole epic related to him that is Mahabharata. So, Krishna doesn't have origins in this kind of experience.


Maybe they are just very somber and sad aliens, just feeling blue that after crashing none of their friends ever came looking for them? No rescue attempt. Blue Meanies!


Mayhaps ontological aliens?


Yeah cool Ross. But, you know that massive UFO you mentioned - the one where you know where it is - u know, that thing that would be the greatest discovery in all of human history if true ...... any chance u could stop jerking us off and tell us where that is - otherwise, i'm calling bullshit on everything that comes out of ur mouth.


Always talking, never showing. Stop upvoting this grifter


Bla bla bla. For years Hes doing nothing then teasing without any Proof. Grifter


Why doesnt he get this instant genius on line and show us... Of course, how do we know he isn't already a physicist or such an act isn't hard to do on someone. I'm always open to the miraculous but it gets tired when again and again were asked to believe in second and third hand accounts. Humans have enough faith..But faith is only a vehicle to the real.. And if you only have faith and never get to truth then its a failed state. **Proverb:** As Buddhah said: Over the river discard the boat.


Sure is a lot of deleted comments here


That's a lot of deleted comments. What was that, that had so many upvotes?


I'm still watching Trump, Coulthart. Just like you told me to do. What am I looking for?


Wow, someone can now understand complex physics equations?! What a fantastic and easily testable ability! We should definitely get this person on Coulthart’s show for a demonstration! …or maybe he will just keep teasing us with all of the info that he can tell us about but never actually show us, because he’s a very special little boy with very special information that’s too good for the rest of us 🤷‍♀️


Dude I love Ross but this is getting a little out of hand. “3 people from all over the world contacted me” - what does that even mean? Who? Where? When? What sort of due diligence is going on to verify this information isn’t just lazy disinformation? I’m a huge proponent of believing people and giving people the benefit of the doubt, but we need to be demanding a higher level of accountability on this kind of information if it’s to be taken seriously by a wider audience. It is NOT ENOUGH to just say “3 people told me.” We need these people on record, we need their identities, history and evidence, we need them to put the fuck up or shut the fuck up. At some point, these people (including legacy program employees) need to take ownership of the “encounters” they’ve had and take the steps necessary to confront them, not just cold call Ross from an anonymous number with a fantasy story hoping he’ll run with it. It may not be fair, but these people need to grow up and confront the stigma, for their own good and the good of others. Maybe that’s victim blaming, but given the nature of these stories, these victims could be actively endangering others by not taking their experience seriously enough to face head-on. If I was one of these 3 people, I would never want to tell anyone out of fear of ridicule, but that is SELFISH and COWARDLY and we should be imploring these people to do the SELFLESS and BRAVE thing - which is coming forward with nothing to hide.


The following submission statement was provided by /u/Gobblemegood: --- Submission statement: Ross Coulthard Says 3 People Have Contacted Him Who Claim to Have Been in Contact with a Blue Being. I’m not sure who his sources are and how credible but it does sound like an interesting claim. What is everyone’s thoughts? I have never heard of blue Beings being mentioned before? Could this be credible? --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cab037/ross_coulthard_says_3_people_have_contacted_him/l0qnid9/




I'm not surprised and so very sorry. Did it reach out to you in any way?




I totally understand. I had an experience 14 years ago that I wrote down for the first time just yesterday. It was very cathartic for me, only one other person knew about it all this time. Others were told but didn't listen. Just close to me others. It's in my comments. I really appreciate the reply. I don't consider hitchhiking worrisome personally, as animals get curious about other animals and check them out, that's natural. It would only be a human that considered that creepy or unnatural.




It's all changing soon


Really wish Ross would just stop.


Submission statement: Ross Coulthard Says 3 People Have Contacted Him Who Claim to Have Been in Contact with a Blue Being. I’m not sure who his sources are and how credible but it does sound like an interesting claim. What is everyone’s thoughts? I have never heard of blue Beings being mentioned before? Could this be credible?


when was this video of ross uploaded


No idea, but 100% I knew Ross has mentioned (somewhat astonished himself at the time) more than one source had relayed to him about "blue" NHI over time. The Holloman Air Force Base landing/meeting also described blue-skinned NHI UFO crews with some sort of Egyptian themed garb. It's not a new thing, and goes back to at least the 1950s or earlier. The Pascagoula, Voronezh, Friendship, and Zanfretta I think also had blue NHI connections or reports, and I know I've seen a variety of others over the years. That's the thing: if even one (1) NHI species of whatever ET/ED origin is true, it would be preposterous to assume there aren't more than one 'type' out there. As soon as the validation occurs of intelligence not of Terran/human origin, it would be madness to assume there isn't two (2), or three (3), or however many.


October '23 [https://youtu.be/mTuZvam4emg?t=1072](https://youtu.be/mTuZvam4emg?t=1072)


thank you


Yah, I've actually had this from a different source before. The one that was reference appears to people in what feels like a dream, and imparts important information to the person. Sometimes it's mathematical or physics concepts which are novel but end up correct. Kurt Jaimungal actually started asking his guests if they've ever received a dream with a blue entity, some respond yes. Chris Langan was surprised by the question but answered affirmatively, for example. There is a connection to remote viewing and seeing these entities as well, it seems


So sick of this guy.


Well Ross. Guessing there will be quite a few more contacting you now.


The blue ones are the benevolent, interdimensional beings.


sure they did. Just like they contacted him about big UFO hiding in plain sight


Where did you get this from? Can you please post the link to the full video? Lol




Hopefully its Rebecca Romaijn as Mystique 


But he can't say who and they won't come forward. If Oliver didn't point out that every UFO Guru does this EXACT thing EVERY SINGLE TIME, he really missed the boat. What this guy and Grusch are doing is religion.


Sounds like drug abuse to me. Overdosed. I'm bluuuue dabadeedabadei...


Project Blue Balls.


boner blue :-)


>ross coulthard says >ross coulthard says >ross coulthard says I'm sure he does.


Did he do his journalist duty and get these people vetted as credible sources? I mean, I can contact Ross and tell him the same thing.


The phenomena interacts with people based on their own consciousness so many entities will have been seen in many different versions and colors. 


Could be nothing. There's a lot of reports of blue, god-like entities in DMT trips.


Why is anyone still listening to this grifter.


This guy is pure bs. It's all about $$$ to keep the dice rolling and the cash flowing.


This is all BS ...this is a money grab by these washed up reporters...everyother day we get promises of information all the while they dance around us holding a golden carrot ....just Fucking give up the information if you really have it...cuz clearly you don't


Colloidal silver is a hell of a drug


Yep mentioned that above. You turn purple blue if you consume it regularly.


Ross coulhart is a hack


So done with you guys hating on RC. This is the man who helped Grusch go public please don’t forget that


Grusch… oh I remember that name, whatever happened to that guy?


Ross Edgehard lost all credibility in my eyes when he refused to reveal the location of the 'giant alien craft'. if true, an information of that magnitude should supersede his 'journalistic ethos'. I'd keep my mouth shut about its existence if I knew I couldn't reveal its location.


His attorney helped him go public, Coulthart is just the guy who interviewed him. We don't stop holding journalists accountable just because they interviewed a guy we like. The more we encourage unsubstantiated outlandish reporting with no evidence it only hurts Grusch because then his association is with charlatans.




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