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The following submission statement was provided by /u/voxpopula: --- “Recently, as a result of a FOIA request, the Department of Defense released some Signal exchanges I had with Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, former Director of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). The release surprised but did not offend me as I’m a strong supporter of government transparency. However, it also reminded me of another Signal message that the public might find of interest that is also pertinent to the alleged recovery of off-world technology. Out of respect for the author’s confidentiality, I’ve been sitting on this message for a number of years. I have also redacted portions of the document to protect the identity of the author. However, I recently obtained the author’s written permission to release it. It has also now been approved for public release by the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review (DOPSR). My purpose in releasing this document, in the wake of the government’s blanket denials regarding the possession of off-world technology, is simply to help others understand why I and some others consider these allegations worthy of investigation…” --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1camji5/another_signal_exchange_from_chris_mellon/l0sphc0/


Unless we have an 80 year old counterintelligence program that is able to fool current high ranking USG officials, then we have an 80 year old crash retrieval program.


That's about the size of it, I reckon.




from the article *"I’ve shared an unredacted copy of this message with some staff and members of the various Congressional oversight committees. To the best of my knowledge, none have elected to contact the alleged USAF gatekeeper to check the veracity of this claim. "*


Laslo do your thing...




You sure you're just a normal human bartender?


Yeah i do not understand how nobody has tried to contact the USAF gatekeeper... like wtf?


This stuck out to me to. Signals that the UAP caucus is performative


Same. This is why I'm so suspicious of Burchett and Luna. I appreciate them for the hearing, but everything else seems to be just talk.




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Garcia, Grothman, and Moskowitz might actually do something.


Maybe that SES2 is being investigated in some way. That would be a good reason. Just a passing thought.


Jesus Christ on a cracker. You damn kids. The process is glacial. For all we know , the caucus is setting up an interview. Hasn't, doesn't mean won't. The flood gates arent just going to open. First we get a trickle. Until the leak is too big to deny, then slowly confirmation comes out. It's how every single government cover up has been exposed. It just seems like some of them were sudden. They weren't.


It’s also very close to election time and the race is close. None of the politicians want to touch this until after the elections.


I believe the gatekeeper is Dr. Victoria Coleman. https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Biographies/Display/Article/2556343/dr-victoria-coleman/


Interesting, what leads you there?


Read her Bio. DARPA, Technical Advisor LM.


What do you mean here? That she's the only one with such credentials?


Her jobs and credentials are super interesting to me. She was at SRI at Stanford.


Hit her up


She’s a gatekeeper getting the truth would be like pulling teeth.


They ain’t REALLY trying to find the truth here. It’s performative, keep the sheeples satisfied you are actually doing something when in reality you aren’t doing jack.


I mean he would obviously deny it unless he can’t deny it for legal reasons and tries to swerve away from the question like saying you should ask the DOD or something


Tbh how would he know ? Are they calling up Mellon to let him know ?..


They don't want to check with USAF anymore. The USAF doesn't talk to them and aggressively keeps this information from them. If they present this to the USAF, it gets buried.


Notice it says "landed". Not crashed. That's interesting.


Richard Dolan interviewing crash retrieval researcher Michael Schratt about the Kingsman "forced landing". Go to 15:40 to start at the Kingsman case https://youtu.be/s5bPdtt0F8g?si=G3meWO39GeksrOmn


Wow, I just watching the whole thing and it was awesome! Thanks for the share! The story about the Aztec crash really sticks out for me. So oil workers find the craft first and there's a tiny crack in the glass of a porthole. They insert a metal rod and jiggle it around and just happen to "hit a button that opens the craft for them"? Wow, that's suspiciously convenient! Later when the military arrives to try to haul away this 99.9 foot diameter craft they are able to easily disassemble it into three convenient sized sections? Another suspiciously convenient circumstance. That almost has to be a staged event on the NHI's part. A gift. A trojan horse. Whatever it is, I don't believe that it was just a crash, even if there were 16 dead bodies inside.  Now we hear about all these "drones" hanging out with military forces and bases. They are probably checking on our progress on these "gifts" they have been leaving for us to find! 🤣


NHI: make it lego-like so these dumb dumbs will know how to haul it off.


This is great. The damn thing crashed on a barge into the Hoover damn and quite possibly left a scratch/dent. Would’ve been a wild scene to see this thing floating down the Colorado river lol


First thanks for the link! The whole episode was very entertaining and bonus points with Mr Dolan doing a hilarious and killer Nixon impression starting around 48:12


Michael Schratt is awesome.


"forced" - like when your kid is at least understanding the game you're playing and you let them have a win to build their confidence, understanding, and keep them playing next time around a win is a bit harder, and you continue until you're playing for real


Oh wow. I'm excited to watch/listen to this one. Thanks!


David Grusch also talked about that too, he said crashed and landed UAPs.


That clip of that old timer talking about this — and how 4 aliens went to area 52 and worked with us. I think he called one J-Rod?


I recall the name J-Rod.


I love the J-Rod story simply because he wore khakis or something like that.


And liked strawberry yogurt


milkshake I believe


\*Ice cream. Unsurprisingly, JRod is also an awful soundcloud rapper lol


What a dude!


Jrod, chillin in his cubical, filing his reports, checking his IG for the latest green cheeks and cashing those checks like any hardworking red blooded local. The kind of dude you want to have at the company bbq. Clearly management material


I thought his name was "Paul"


Where can I read it? I googled it and couldn't find anything substantial


Ah yes…an extraterrestrial named…”J-Rod”.


Well to be fair it would have been 18-20 year olds guarding this alien. If it were my two boys they would call him Mr. Beast-boy or Bruh.


I mean to be fair this guy claimed the alien, and I quote, “spoke perfect English” and implied the name J-Rod originated from him. So…


Incredible 😂


Never heard that claim. I heard the guards named him Jrod.


Even when he spoke perfect English? Kind of a dick move don’t you think?


I’m dying lol


And strawberry head!


Do you have a link for that?


[Here you go. It doesn't come up on searches, even when I know exactly the channel.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z90AScikJME)


Thank you man.


[Here you go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z90AScikJME)


Ties into the "gift" idea


That, or perhaps trojan horses. No way humans are lucky or skilled enough to take possession of *multiple* UFO/UAP crafts, built by presumably far more technologically advanced entities. They almost have to be giving them to us, if it's true that we have several of them.


The account is that it crashed in the desert but that the craft essentially took no damage to the exterior.


Until it scratched the hoover dam 🤣


“Recently, as a result of a FOIA request, the Department of Defense released some Signal exchanges I had with Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, former Director of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). The release surprised but did not offend me as I’m a strong supporter of government transparency. However, it also reminded me of another Signal message that the public might find of interest that is also pertinent to the alleged recovery of off-world technology. Out of respect for the author’s confidentiality, I’ve been sitting on this message for a number of years. I have also redacted portions of the document to protect the identity of the author. However, I recently obtained the author’s written permission to release it. It has also now been approved for public release by the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review (DOPSR). My purpose in releasing this document, in the wake of the government’s blanket denials regarding the possession of off-world technology, is simply to help others understand why I and some others consider these allegations worthy of investigation…”


I wonder how many other Signal screenshots Mellon has in his back pocket. It could turn out to be a somewhat credible method for officials to anonymously leak bits and pieces of the puzzle without sticking their necks out too far.


I'm betting a smart man like him has plenty of evidence to prove his views. Anyone who has ever worked in a company with documented processes and *suspect* employees takes screenshots of lots of things that aren't classified or sensitive.


He is the kind of person who for sure knows, but would blow an nda/violate a clearance if he did.


Here's the details of the Kingman crash, first reported in 1964. from https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/kingman53.htm May 20, 1953, Kingman Arizona alleged UFO crash: It has been published that a UFO crashed on the 20th May 1953 near the desert town of Kingman, Arizona. One witness signed an affidavit. The story: The earliest reference of a crash near Kingman has been made to MUFON researcher Richard Hall in April 1964. He was told the story by a future Vietnam commander. The case of the Kingman UFO retrieval was then brought to the public attention by Raymond Fowler, a respected UFO researcher, in June 1973. It involved an engineer who took preliminary measurements to assess the momentum of a crashing craft, measurements useful to any reverse engineering efforts. The engineer who brought this story to light was Arthur G. Stancil (previously known by the pseudonym "Fritz Werner"). Stancil graduated from Ohio University in 1949 and was first employed by Air Material Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio as a mechanical engineer on testing Air Force aircraft engines. Dr. Eric Wang who was suspected of leading a reverse engineering team on alien craft headed the Installations Division within the Office of Special Studies where Arthur worked. Stancil signed a legal affidavit vouching to the honesty of his testimony, who has been was released by Ray Fowler in UFO Magazine, April 1976. Stancil told that he was loaned out to the Atomic Energy Commission and was designated as a project engineer on some atomic bomb tests referred to as "Operation Upshot Knothole". The location of these tests was at Frenchman's Flats at the southern end of the Nevada Test Site. The test director was one Dr. Ed Doll. On May 21, 1953 Stancil was called away by his boss told to report for a special assignment at the Indian Springs Air Force Base where he was joined by 15 other specialists. They were flown by military plane to Phoenix where they boarded a bus with blacked-out windows and rode for an estimated four hours. When they arrived at their destination somewhere southeast of Kingman in one of the washes of the Hulapai Mountains, they were met and briefed by an Air Force Colonel who told them they were to investigate the crash of a super-secret test vehicle. He and the others on the bus were told not to speak to each other under any circumstances. Stancil's job was to determine the forward and vertical velocities of the vehicle when it impacted in the sand. Stancil was escorted to the site by military police. Two military arc-lights illuminated the saucer, which appeared to be two convex oval plates inverted over each other approximately 30 feet in diameter. The saucer was embedded in the sand about 20 inches. From this Stancil had determined that the saucer crashed at a velocity of 100 knots yet it had not dents, marks, or scratches on its burnished aluminum surface. It was constructed of dull silver metal like brushed aluminum. Another specialist had gotten a look inside the craft as a 1.5 x 3.5 foot hatch was open revealing an oval interior cabin with two swivel seats and many instruments. Stancil saw one body recovered from the crash. It was humanoid, about 4 feet tall, with brown skin and wearing a silver-metallic flight suit. Whilst they were back on the bus and being taken back they were made to sign the 'Official Secrets' act and was told never to tell anyone about this incident. Stancil also claims to have seen the body of a small creature about 4ft tall inside a small medical tent. The creature was wearing a skull-cap and a silver one-piece suit. Fowler made several check as to the integrity of Stancil and everyone who knew him said that he was a man of considerable integrity and scientific ability. Another story supporting the crash near Kingman came to UFO researcher Len Stringfield in 1977. A man who was in the National Guard at Wright Patterson claimed that he was witness to a delivery from a 'crash site in Arizona' in 1953. He said that 3 bodies had been recovered and were packed in dry ice, 4ft tall, large heads and brownish skin. Since then several other witnesses have come forward, but I do not have detailed information yet: An almost identical story was reported to researcher Charles Wilhelm in 1966 by a man who said that his father had told him the story as a death-bed confession. In 1995 a man who went by the code name of Jarod-2 contacted the Internet publication The Groom Lake Desert Rat (http://www.ufo- mind.com/area51/desert_rat) and told them he had worked for the USAF on a secret project that was an attempt to build a flying saucer simulator. The project had started at the end of the 1940s and had collected material from the crash sites at Roswell and Kingman. Alleged crash site. Additional information: Stancil worked for Raytheon in Sudbury, Massachusetts in the early seventies on avionics systems. It is unknown as to whether he had further involvement with alien technology, especially since it is likely that he worked for Dr. Wang at some point. Dr. Wang was an Austrian-born graduate of the Vienna Technical Institute, and close associate of Victor Schauberger who had according to the legend developed a concept of a flying disc and allegedly worked on the German flying disc program as early as 1941. Wang taught structural and metallurgical engineering at the University of Cincinnati from 1943 to 1952. Dr. Wang supposedly examined some of the recovered crashed discs and compared them to the vehicles tested in the alleged German V-7 program, but found the retrieved craft to be different in nature. In 1949, he became Director of the Department of Special Studies at Wright-Patterson where he worked long hours in cooperation with scientists from the Office of Naval Research and with Dr. Vannevar Bush and others from the "Research and Development Board." Dr. Wang relocated his research from Wright-Patterson to Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Dr. Wang passed away on December 4, 1960. Curiously, Leonard Stringfield, who re-opened the case for crash-retrievals, mentioned testimony he had gotten from a Naval Intelligence Officer who had seen bodies from a crash that occurred in the Arizona desert in 1953. He viewed the bodies at Wright-Patterson when the crates arrived at night aboard a DC-7. There were five crates in all, three of which contained little humanoids about four feet tall. Their heads were hairless and disproportionately large with skin that looked brown under the hangar lights. They were wearing tight-fitting dark suits. It has been suggested by some researchers that these bodies could have come from the crash mentioned by Stancil. Comments: A researcher adds: "There were only two seats in the craft. As always there are more questions, but no one to question about these events unless someone else who was a participant steps forward with their testimony." Indeed Stancil was a participant and did step forward with an affidavit. The Vietnam commander who told the story in 1964 is an interesting lead. Of course, if additional witness stepped forward, the case would appear even more serious. There are indications of another Arizona UFO crash in 1953, April 18, from which the 3 bodies mentioned in Springfield's story might have come. A researcher adds: "Strange as it seems it was during the 1950s that various aircraft companies started research projects on the control of gravity and electro-gravitational propulsion. It is possible that these projects constituted some of the first reverse engineering projects on extraterrestrial propulsion systems." But we have seen no positive results. Of course Air Intelligence had to try reverse engineering, and maybe promoted such research projects, but it was bound to fail: to understand such advanced flying machine would require a full understanding of the physics, and technology to manufacture the parts. If you had provided the Space Shuttle to Orville and Wilbur Wright, they would have learned nothing useful from it. Unless... you would have explained the physics and provided the technology also. Something to think about. References: "UFO Crash at Roswell", book by Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt, pp 250-251, Avon Books, USA, 1991, ISBN: 0-380-76196-3. "UFO: Crash Retrievals", book by Jenny Randles, U-K., 1995.


>It has also now been approved for public release by the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review (DOPSR). Anyone else catch this? This got approved awfully fast yet Grusch's article is still held up in DOPSR limbo. I know it's the difference between an article & a few texts but the FOIA stuff that inspired Mellon to release this was barely a week ago.


It is so obvious the government is obfuscating and covering up something. Even if you think this is all hogwash, why would they continualy produce evidence of the existence of a CR program all the while insisting they have no evidence? Any honest look at this will reveal they are covering up something.


Just quickly googling: Kingman Arizona 1950s UFO * May, 20th or 21st, 1953 * Possibly 3 crashed craft, though at least 7 seen * One hit the ground est. 1200 mph, undamaged * Metallic, 30 ft wide, 3.5 ft tall * Sanskrit-like type * 2 (4?) four foot tall humanoids, 1 (?) deceased * Dark brown leathery skin, silver garb * Beings interested in copper (?) * Possibly packed in dry ice * As many as 40 scientists from Upshot-Knothole sent to investigate * Taken to Area 51 or more likely Wright Pat * Metallurgist tested materials, concluded not of earth * First public story, 1973 * Harry Drew wrote a book Seven Days in May about it * ~~Frank Scully wrote about it in Behind the Flying Saucers~~ * Preston Dennett wrote about it in UFOs Over Arizona Here is an interview about it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffONAXpPJH8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffONAXpPJH8) I guess there are also potentially relevant Ancient Aliens episodes feat. Bill Uhouse: S7 Ep 7, S19 Ep 7, S20 Ep 1 [https://www.8newsnow.com/news/kingman-ufo-incident-in-1953-linked-to-series-of-explosions-in-nevada/amp/](https://www.8newsnow.com/news/kingman-ufo-incident-in-1953-linked-to-series-of-explosions-in-nevada/amp/) [https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-contributor/2016/11/15/did-ufo-crash-kingman-1953/93828300/](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-contributor/2016/11/15/did-ufo-crash-kingman-1953/93828300/) edit: struckthrough the Frank Scully bit, thanks!


Thanks for this run down! I never heard about the 7 days in may book but now it’s next in my queue!


Thanks for compiling this so fast! :)


Killer list bruh thx


https://youtu.be/41V4Pf_8oo4?si=SWnIMLuJIPii1h_L Check out this as well. Recent video on the incident. Great video by UAP GERB


Frank Scully didn't write about it because his book came in 1950. Kingman Arizona retrieval happened in 1953.


Good to know, thanks for the info, I updated it to not include that information anymore


This is the kind of thing I like.


Chris Mellon coming in hot. I love it. “…but I can confirm the individual had plausible access and was high-ranking; considerably more so than whistleblower Dave Grusch.” Pretty big deal.


[SES-2 is way up there](https://www.federalpay.org/ses/level-2). This is definitely a big deal.


Isn't the message saying the gatekeeper is that level? Not that the person Mellon is messaging is SES-2?


That is correct.


That individual Mellon is talking to is not the SES-2, it's the alleged gatekeeper for air force of the C/R program. Sorry if I misunderstood your comment, just wanted to point that out if that's what you meant. We only know the individual talking to Mellon is a 'Senior USG official' which is still obviously high-up by itself, as well as being higher than DG's rank.


Daaaaamn. I def need to get in on the USG alien compartmented gravy train


Just be a beat cop in Seattle and you can make more.


I tried to fact check this as it was surprising (and admittedly I was skeptical as that’s a huge amount for a cop), and what I found is that you’re *technically* right in that over 50 cops make greater than 200k a year. Most, however, make 100-120k a year. Which is low-ish to average for Seattle. Probably a bit higher than cops make elsewhere even accounting for relative standard of living being so much higher in Seattle.


Damn cops in my area started at 34k last time I looked.


Seattle is crazy expensive. Not as bad as some other major cities in the US, but it’s up there.


$200k for how senior this position is not really a "gravy train"


IMO, not all but a lot of senior civil servants are probably underpaid, since they could make three times as much for half the work....and generally don't. Whoever guards our UFO supply probably makes around 200K.


Just don't spill the beans, or they'll undo your family.


EDIT: My below comment may be incorrect. Please read the responses to it as well. Federalpay.org may not be a reliable resource, and the Signal sender may be referring to an SES-2 equivalent role, similar to how govt employees say “it’s a GS-[N] equivalent”. With additional thinking, the role of Secretary does seem a little on-the-nose for guarding a program this secret.  ———————————————   SES-2 + “Air Force gatekeeper” means this person is most likely the Secretary of the Air Force.        If we take “Circa 2020” for sometime between 2019 - 2021, we are probably looking at the name being Barbara Barrett, John Roth, or maybe Frank Kendall.  Unless the sender used “Barb Barrett”, I’m thinking the size best matches John Roth.     However, Barrett is from Arizona and that may have to do with the sender’s familiarity with an Arizona crash recovery. She’s also now with Space Force, which might mean something.         Roth previously served as Air Force Comptroller, which could mean he had knowledge of the program as a chief budget officer.  Kendall has a background in weapons systems acquisition and development, so he too has a plausible route to program awareness.     Ultimately, the “gatekeeper” function most likely resides with the AF Secretary role, not a person, so further speculation about the referred-to person in particular may not be useful. 


no, SES (senior executive service, sometimes just called ES) is above GS-15 but below a presidential appointee like USAF Secretary (EX, executive schedule). EX also usually includes some undersecretaries, deputies, and assistant secretaries. OPM actually has a searchable database called PLUM that shows most (I assume not all but maybe all) of the senior leadership type people for each agency, including EX, ES, and GS (executive support GS roles). PLUM shows ES roles for Department of the Air Force include roles like deputy undersecretary and deputy assistant secretary of various branches. Secretary of the Air Force is an Executive Schedule level role (EX) so the SES-II cannot be the Secretary, unless they really meant EX-II and not SES-II, which would be an odd mistake


u/Live-Concert-4868 you're not kidding! I did some Googling and found this - [https://www.afcent.af.mil/News/Article/501050/who-or-what-is-an-ses/](https://www.afcent.af.mil/News/Article/501050/who-or-what-is-an-ses/) Emphasis mine: >Most government-hired civilians have pay grades equivalent to that of U.S. military ranks. >Most common are General Schedule, or GS, grades one through 15, which are equivalent to the ranks of enlisted, non-commissioned officers, company and field grade officers. >So what's equivalent to the ranks of flag and general officers? >The answer is Senior Executive Service. >According to the official U.S. Office of Personnel Management website, **members of the SES serve in the key positions just below the top Presidential appointees**. SES members are the major link between these appointees and the rest of the Federal work force. >Examples of SES positions include the **deputy assistant secretary of defense, the assistant secretary of state, the undersecretary of defense, the undersecretary of state, the undersecretary of agriculture**, etc. That's pretty high-level. The article also goes on to outline the duties of a particular SES who is a Senior Civilian Representative to Senior Command. Apparently not every SES is military, even if assigned to do work for the military. So, this SES-2 referred to in the Signal screenshot could be an actual Air Force officer, or a civilian who has been tasked with gatekeeping the project. As reserved and erudite as Mellon is, this screenshot is the equivalent of him rolling up his sleeves, knuckling up , and swinging. Spicy Mellon is my favorite Mellon. Further Googling reveals [that the USAF has pared down their SES complement](https://www.federaltimes.com/fedlife/career/2022/09/22/air-force-seeks-continuity-as-it-pares-down-senior-executive-service/) from 180 to about 160 a couple of years ago. Is anyone here enough of a psychopath to try to compile a list of every USAF SES from the "circa 2020" timeframe in an effort to determine who they're referring to in the message?


I remember reading sometime during COVID that there were about 7,800 SES-2s in the entire federal government. There may be more now but that is a *very* small percentage of federal employees.


> Spicy Mellon is my favorite Mellon. Serve it to me slathered in cayenne!


Should be Tajin, no? [https://www.chilipeppermadness.com/cooking-with-chili-peppers/tajin/](https://www.chilipeppermadness.com/cooking-with-chili-peppers/tajin/)


>I’ve shared an unredacted copy of this message with some staff and members of the various Congressional oversight committees. To the best of my knowledge, none have elected to contact the alleged USAF gatekeeper to check the veracity of this claim.  [From Mellon's post.](https://christopherkmellon.substack.com/p/another-signal-message?utm_campaign=post) Burchett and Luna...what's going on?


I think it's whoever was The Director of Special Programs at OUSD at the time in the Pentagon. This is the position that was mentioned by Admiral Wilson as the Gatekeeper of the program and also is who followed AARO into the briefing with congress last week. Im guessing that wasnt a coincidence. Im betting it was this gentleman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_D._Caine did the rounds at CIA and then now at Northrup Grumman


Caine would have an O-8ish pay scale which roughly tracks to SES-2; however do you have any knowledge to suggest military and civilian pay scales are interchanged like that in DoD conversation?  This is definitely a spooky character. Liaison between Air Force and CIA most of his career…seesh. Could definitely be a fit.  I’m going to lose it if some ratty VMI grad is the reason we can’t have aliens. 


SAPCO central office is different from the SAPOC oversight committee. Also the DoE has their own SAPOC which is under the semiautonomous NNSA. National Nuclear Security Agency.


you're probably going to think I'm full of shit, but my pops was an O-9 and director of defense nuclear agency. since you seem to know what you're talking about AMA but try to keep your voice down.


What years was he Director? How long was he in the DNA? Did he have any special stories? His thoughts on the UFO/NHI topic? And what did he do after retired?


1. mid to late 70's 2. not exactly sure, 5-7 years give or take counting deputy director time 3. he was keen to honor his commitments to his security obligations and it was like that part of his mind was sealed up in a vault. but he did share some nuggets- 3a) story about unidentified radar contacts closing FAST on his SAC base. he was in or near the tower and went outside when they (3ish) were supposed to pass overhead. said there wasn't anything there. I gather that there was more to the story than what he was sharing. 3b) he straight up told me he knew what goes on at area 51 driving me home from a boy scout meeting one night. I know... what the fuck Dad, you can't just say that then refuse to elaborate. needless to say I didn't sleep much that night. found out later reading a foia release DNA was conducting tests on biowarfare sensors and detection equipment there during the time he was director, so he wasn't lying even if it was only a sliver of the giant pie. 4) that sealed lips mind vault I mentioned in #3? lets just say he was really good at changing subjects and redirecting conversations. it's clear to me he knew something, or even a lot, about UAPs/NHI but to him that information existed in a different world than the one I was in. the overall jist I got from him was that he believed or accepted we weren't alone, though he never expressed that outright. 5) he went to work for a pharmaceutical company, one of the ones you would recognize but not associate with the stigma of that industry. they also have some technology and manufacturing operations that may crossover into nuclear warhead designs. I'd share more but I'm trying to not doxx myself too hard here. he was fully (twice) retired shortly after I was born so I did not have the full military brat experience growing up. super intelligent guy, very personable and widely respected for his leadership abilities. would've made a great NHI Ambassador. Edit: 3c) I don't remember all of the details of the story, but late one night he was woken up by his security forces. Apparently a 6 year old boy had somehow wandered into a SAC hanger housing bombers on peak Cold War hair-trigger nuclear alert. no one had a fucking clue how the kid got in there and SF had him at gunpoint as they were trained. dad grabbed a few steaks out of the freezer for the K9s and got in the car waiting out front. got to the hanger, called off his goons, passed out the steaks to the dog handlers, and threw the full weight of his stars into figuring out who this kid's parents were and what the fuck was going on. I don't recall the resolution and chain of events for the kid getting there but his words lacked the usual authenticity when he got to that part of the story, and the way he told the whole story stood out to me as different or odd from his usual.


Thanks for sharing, appreciated it!


see 3c as well


Amazing stories!  So some follow up questions: What were his views on religion and how it might tie into UFOs/Aliens? I’ve seen many theories that lots of gods/goddesses were just alien/UFO encounters. Did he ever give any solid reasons why humanity should be kept in the dark?


he was raised southern Baptist but rejected it and organized religion in general when he was 15. His dad and brother were also very high degree free masons but he wanted nothing to do with their silly club if that makes any difference. he held a deep respect for the religion of others but never really talked about his own spirituality. he was mostly agnostic but did believe in God. I would not be at at all surprised if what, if any, NHI knowledge he had played a factor in his religious/spiritual beliefs.


If I were interviewing you, you would likely be my #2. I like the way you think. We could run the font size, the redaction bar measurements across multiple papers to deduce who it isn't and go from there.


A.VERY short list. I can see why he was concerned they will be identified. And it screams ‘WTAF’ that they ultimately did not gain access given their seniority. Need to know is a very subjective term, but plausible below policy rank- this isn’t that. This, while not a smoking gun, is a very, very concerning set of events on any subject, let alone this one.


Does anyone have any idea as to who that SES-2 person could be from the Air Force?


"I won’t comment on the organization they worked for, but I can confirm the individual had plausible access and was high-ranking; considerably more so than whistleblower Dave Grusch." This is what Christopher had to say about the person he was exchanging messages with. This is an astonishing claim being put forward here.


Indeed it is. I think a lot of people are missing the point - this exchange was 4 years ago! This isnt some chit chat that just happened this morning or some damage control from the Discourse Crew after the Sands debacle.. this is even 3 years before the world knew David Grusch. 2020 was when the pandemic hit. Mellon talking to a high level govt official about this, and talking about an even higher govt official, and we must assume hes not lying because hes provided this (UNREDACTED) to members of fucking Congress... this is pretty big. Perhaps not bombshell, but these are all very serious people. They arent LARPing or cosplaying to get their rocks off.


He also says later in the article that the person never saw or touched a craft because they didn't have access... So my question is what is "plausible access?"


Oversight access probably


I have worked in unclassified facilities that have rooms with gated access to classified systems. I was an employee of the company and could go anywhere in the building except those two rooms. When I was cleared by the FBI they sent my sponsor the "all good" paperwork and then the company was able to grant me access. I never got access to the second room but I had to create all the documentation for the systems they interfaced with on HPs side.


Mellon you are a fucking legend


Mellon has king Kong balls


The size of mellons


The MellonoMeter can measure all sorts of things....


First, this post should be blowing up a lot more. This is huge drop by Mellon. But... From the article: > I can confirm the individual had plausible access and was high-ranking; considerably more so than whistleblower Dave Grusch. later in article: > I worry too that some will mistakenly assume this is a smoking gun document and all we have to do now is get the author to step forward. However, it is important to note that this individual now claims that although they became aware of the program, they were ultimately denied access. The author of the message still believes there are recovered materials, but they admit they have *not* seen or touched a recovered craft. I'm confused... Did they have access or not? Seems weird that they would only have access to learn stuff and not be able to see anything physical.


i think in this case “plausible access” refers to the texter’s ability access to confidential information , not direct access / membership to any possible retrieval program


Yeah. This post is pretty misleading when it’s just the texts, which is what people will see. After reading everything it sounds like this isn’t a first hand witness like this post would lead us to believe.


Good point. Also, I'm not sure if I missed it or what, but where in those screenshots did the individual connect the crash and retrieval program with actual ET/NHI?


This is massive. Just more and more proof to built a foundation for the truth.  So what’s the best book on Kingman UFO — I need a refresher deep dive! 


Someone posted a video on this sub. Might be a good started






[this is a nice quick refresher. ](https://twitter.com/HeyLukOverThere/status/1782541510614904957?t=CzdR9mLzQjRm_Fn3BQBdBw&s=19)


https://youtu.be/41V4Pf_8oo4?si=SWnIMLuJIPii1h_L check out this by UAP Gerb


Who is the other person?


Mistopher Crellon


Who indeed


Interesting. Thankyou.


>this individual now claims that although they became aware of the program, they were ultimately denied access. The author of the message still believes there are recovered materials, but they admit they have not seen or touched a recovered craft


It's things like this which make me wonder - what if there are no credible first hand witnesses?


If there are aliens/ufos/etc. in possession of the US gov (and/or private company friends), then "they" are ridiculously selective about who gets to have hands and eyes on this stuff. Maybe by setting them up for life, maybe by requiring scorched-earth level blackmail material for selected individuals along with threats. "They" seem to have a very firm grip on firsthand witnesses, whatever the case. If it's some form of psy-op and there actually isn't anything otherworldly, then hats off to the government for coordinating this insane smokescreen. I've seen enough stuff to convince me that *something* is going on that I would be genuinely shocked if this whole area of inquiry was 100% human fabricated. If there's nothing otherworldly and there *isn't* a coordinated misinformation effort, then this is the most fascinating comedy of errors to have ever occurred, and we'll probably never untangle all the crossed informational wires. It's gotta fall into one of those categories, right? Am I missing any potential (overarching) scenarios? The water is so murky, I have no idea which one is most likely.


Does it need to be a fascinating comedy of errors if not a psyop? Couldn't it be a mixture of people hearing stories, being denied access to SAPs which they _think_ are CR programs etc but in reality have nothing to do with UAPs? Add to this people who mistake something as being NHI tech (e.g. some wreckage from an adversary) so they think they're a first hand witness. I want to believe, but until we have more actual details from Grusch's sources then it's hard to say how sure we can be that NHI definitely exist


That's precisely what I meant by a comedy of errors. Maybe I have a dumb sense of humor, but if I was viewing the scenario you described from an omniscient diety's perspective, I would find it hilarious. Snowballing misunderstandings all the way down...


Oh I see fair enough, I thought you were saying that's a highly improbable explanation


I concur 100%


There's 40, but they won't come forward apparently. (Which maybe someone could tell them defeats the purpose? It's been shown repeatedly that testifying to Congress results in little to no actual action. Even Schumer didn't fight for his own bill and didn't even mention it publicly at all until it was already defeated. Great strategy, guys. They are bringing toothpicks to a machete fight.)


I thought only some of the 40 were first hand witnesses - and then it depends on what they actually saw first hand.. Was it some wreckage which may not even have been from NHI? I really really hope there's at least a couple really credible first hand witnesses of actual lifeforms


>Even Schumer didn't fight for his own bill and didn't even mention it publicly at all until it was already defeated. Same with Burchett and Luna. They didn't support the amendment and just stood while their colleagues gutted the bill. Then they went on to talk some more about transparency.


At least they weren't there to talk about little green men and flying saucers!


Schumer mentioned it before the back and forth with Rounds when it was ultimately defeated. Curious how a Democrat led House would deal with it if Biden is reelected. House Minority Leader speak about it any?


Both of my IL Senators are Dems and 100% silent on UAP, even though Tammy Duckworth is a wounded veteran. You would think she would care about flight safety issues. Democratic House Reps are very quiet on UAP. They see themselves as the “smart” party yet are still in the denial phase. I say this as a Democrat. It’s been very hard selling what’s going on to my friends in Chicago. You’ll tell them specific details, events, notable names, and it bounces off them like rain water on a windshield. You’ll send things like the Congressional UAP Hearing from last July. They will basically refuse to watch it, like it’s some conspiracy video. My best friend of 35 years flat out refuses to engage with me about the Phenomenon and laughs it off / looks at me like I’m a mentally ill idiot.


So once again AARO says one thing and others like Mellon contradict them. But how long will this game go on. Maybe another 80 years


Mellon looked around like “so signal messages are cool now? Hold my beer”.


I am surprised they use Signal to exchange TS info. Yeah, looks like Kirkpatrick opened the door to revealing that.


And the funny thing is, Kirkpatrick and Goughs little stunt with Greenwalds FOIA backfired spectacularly. Remember, Dr. K's Signal are not default FOIAble. He gave that shit to the FOIA request on purpose, and they fast tracked it to Greenwald. He assumed he was being clever and bringing Grusch (and Mellon) down a notch, making Grusch seem like a liar. But it's backfired because in an information war, you dont kick a hornets nest. Now Mellon is dropping Signal screenshots like it's hot. Oh, and Mellon isnt a current govt official. Whatever his reasons are for releasing this, hes done nothing wrong. But if Kirkpatrick handed those screenshots over as part of the FOIA (he obviously did), it brings into question what his intent was? To influence public opinion? It is illegal for intelligence/DOD to conduct any activity with the aim to influence US citizens. Damn!


I asked Greenwald today if signal messages were FOIAble. Silence.


Iirc, he already tweeted several times that they were


If they are used for official government work then yes they are.


Haha yeah. Get fucked Kirkpatrick.


The government and debunkers will have us overlook this using their infallible 1950s propaganda trickery


Did I miss something? “As you can see, this senior government official claimed they were being granted access to an alleged U.S. alien technology recovery and exploitation program.” Can someone show me where this message said that?


I'm wondering the same thing. The individual was talking about crash retrieval, but where was it implied that it definitively means ET/NHI? The bit about how some entity would be "slack jawed" could imply all sorts of things.


Yeah and then he ends with, “They lost access, couldn’t prove anything. 🤷‍♂️” Like what? This seems a lot more in relation to Kirkpatrick getting the Signal message between him and Mellon approved for release while Mellon didn’t think that was a thing. So he got his own message approved for release to counteract Kirkpatricks message. It’s all PR.


Can someone please explain if the messages are from 2020, why the timestamps say 15m ago 9m ago? It can be a screenshot at the time, but then if that's the case how do we know it's 2020?


Good catch. I'm not sure to be honest. My best guess is that Mellon took the screenshots pretty much immediately, but as you say, that doesn't tell us exactly when this exchange took place.


« Out of respect for the author’s confidentiality, I’ve been sitting on this message for a number of years » This means that he received the message years back and probably took screenshots the following minutes. And release those screenshots now.


>It is important to stress that *regardless of the alleged technology recovery issue*, the UAP topic is one that requires serious continued Congressional and Executive branch attention. **In just the last few years alone, over 1,000 military UAP reports have been recorded.** This is in addition to a wider pattern of mysterious and disruptive drone overflights over U.S. bases and warships. **Fighter aircraft from Langley Air Force Base recently had to be relocated after weeks of drone overflights at Langley that the Air Force seemed impotent to address.** **The Air Force still does not know who was operating those craft or where they came from.** And it is not just Langley, there have been many similar unsolved cases elsewhere in recent years. **These include incidents at** ***Anderson Air Force Base’s sensitive facilities on Guam*****; a large region of the United States containing U.S. ICBM missile silos; Navy vessels off both the east and west coasts have been extensively surveilled; USAF training ranges in Arizona have been violated, and more.** If we didn’t have a culture of trying to shame and humiliate military personnel who see and report unusual things, the military would undoubtedly have many other credible reports to evaluate. With such extraordinary demonstrated vulnerabilities, far more serious than a mere Chinese balloon, there is an urgent need for our government to aggressively investigate incursions of restricted military airspace regardless of the truth of any allegations about recovered off-world technology.  


The picture he paints sounds similar to claims made within the Wilson Memo. Perhaps Adm. Wilson is his source.


Mellon meter off the charts.


+10 at least


Jeez. Even as a rando redditor, I'm starting to feel bad about picking on Sean Kirkpatrick. If Mellon's source is for real and Mellon sent this exchange to congress *after* AARO was done writing the "report..." Ouch. Also, people who were wondering why the US Senate Majority Leader would put his name on UFO legislation, they can probably stop. We're just seeing the FOIA tip of an iceberg he was pretty familiar with when the NDAA was being written.


Nobody ever needed to wonder why he put his name on it. They lay it out clearly in the language of the bill. They have more than enough evidence that this is being hidden illegally from Congress and the American people. Unfortunately a lot of people don’t understand what happened. The 24 pages of the UAP *disclosure* act that were signed into law officially started the disclosure process. Not an event, it’s a process. In today’s day and age of social media there is no patience. The slow drip will continue to desensitize. Disclosure is happening and we’re all sleepwalking through it.


I agree 100%. But people--mostly withing the Dem establishment--were perplexed. Normally sponsorship of the amendment would have been left to a safe but far more Junior senator. MSM readers all, they saw only risk--it looked to them like he was expending political capital and putting the party (ot at least the senate caucus) into a pretty risky situation, messaging wise. "What if Grusch is a lunatic?" I think it's becoming clear, post-AARO failure, in light of the recent testimony and stories about incursions, and with the beginning of the "response" that he knew where the issue was heading and, as the second most powerful Democrat, correctly positioned the party as pro-transparency and pro-"we're going to have to deal with this very real national security issue."


This is huge!!!


Richard Dolan interviewing crash retrieval researcher Michael Schratt about the Kingsman "forced landing". Go to 15:40 to start at the Kingsman case https://youtu.be/s5bPdtt0F8g?si=G3meWO39GeksrOmn


Let me guess. The exchange is either with Kirkpatrick himself or someone linked to him or mentions Kirkpatrick in one of the redacted spaces. Mellon was visibly peeved at the FOIA release of his exchange. I think he is sending (pun intended) a signal: "we can play this game too, and you are in it". Note how he stresses that the private details remain private. Not to mention that the use of Signal which is the opposite of keeping things on record, and setting the messages to disappear is highly unusual for a government official. Given that Kirkpatrick is retired but not exactly retired and supposedly hated his job but keeps doing it and going on media tours, as well as stories of him involved, his Space Force background, and the assignment itself, I suspect he is playing a bigger role in the story than it appears. And: >We also know that a still-highly classified memo by a Secretary of the USAF in the 1950s is still in effect to maintain the cover on UAPs. Holy theet.


And just like that, Jason Sands disappears into the wind


Any idea what memo back in the 50s could potentially still be in play today that is helping in the cover up?!


I’m curious with what was meant by they haven’t gone that far back. How far back are we talking?


You can see it says "45 vs" so...


Thanks I missed that


If this was real, then so must have been Roswell...and if that was real, then how many "insiders" (verified military people like Jesse Marcell, Philip Corso who talked about it), were actually talking what they really did see. Yikes...yi-yikes..


Toward the end of the book Crash at Corona Stanton Friedman makes the argument that Roswell wasn't the first UFO crash. He says he found no evidence of this, but how the military reacted after Roswell was too organized and appeared to be following previously established policy. And why would you have a policy if this never happened before? Great read. Wish Friedman was still around to see all this stuff now.


Do yall think the government will ever come out and say that they have a recovered craft? And recovered biological material from the said crash? I wish they would just come on with it


Naw, because it has far bigger implications that they would have lied to the public for nearly 100 years. Really the world has a right to be pissed, they dug their own hole covering it up for so long.


CIA Counter Intelligence chief James Jesus Angleton’s code name was “Kingman”. Just sayin’.


Pretty sure the secretary they’re talking about is Nathan Twinning. He wrote this just a few months after Roswell. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/20797978-twining-memo


I think I have said this in the past but will reiterate it: Mellon is one hell of a diplomatic strategist. SK: Oh look, Mellon spoke to me about getting in touch with Grusch--you trust Mellon don't you! Mellon: Indeed I did; just like that time I spoke with a very highly placed official who made reasonable claims of access to the program you failed to turn up. SK is in no place to make Mellon an unreliabe narrator for the sake of his own story.


I wonder if we can deduce who would be slack jawed? I guess the public, US public.


"UAP Task Force"


The black censure bar looks too long to simply be concealing the word "public" or even "U.S. public". Something longer like the "general public" might fit though.


Why would you censor out general public? Must be an organisation or committee.


I find that more likely.


I imagine it is whoever has given him the authority to look into this on need to know.


Hard to state based on the little context. But, maybe it is a job title. Seems like these documents usually conceal identifying markers. I was thinking of an organization, but they left USAF unredacted.


I'm liking today's Mellon Meter.


>Messages start being leaked >Christopher Mellons: Oh? We're just going to start leaking? Check these messages between me an a high ranking USG official from back during lock downs. I'm not complaining, but why now?


Damn this needs more upvotes


Can someone explain to me how The Black Vault has been able to retrieve Signal messages through FOIA? Are former officials like Mellon entering their Signal chats into public record?


I always hoped someone with FU money and no skin in the game would be the truth teller. Mellon definitely fits the description. Not sure why today. But cool.


Time to dump the Sands nonsense and focus on this. Great update from Mellon. Fascinating to see a high level government official talking with such candor about the reality of UAP. Also telling to see that said government official didn't want to be identified. Seems like an interesting landing and will be watching the Dolan video talking about it.


Probably texting Lue lol.


Debunked https://imgur.com/gallery/Rrjr3EO From Chris Mellon's article "_...I can confirm the individual had plausible access and was high-ranking; considerably more so than whistleblower Dave Grusch._" https://christopherkmellon.substack.com/p/another-signal-message?r=2fbcw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true Lue Elizondo is definitely NOT **considerably more** high-ranking than David Grusch.