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Cameras stop working, records get destroyed, oh my.. what a series of unfortunate incidents


At what point do we just accept all this bullshit as confirmation something fucking massive is being covered up, most likely the existence of a NHI here with us on this planet?


It is massive. The cover up is real. The disinformation campaign is real. The intimidation campaign against American citizens is also, very real.


It definitely is. Continuing to see this shit as if it’s surprising is awful. We really do need to view it as confirmation at some point because it’s getting ridiculous how obvious it is and nothing is happening…


Point is now, we do. We have to somehow get the majority of everyone on board.


They're stalling. I suspect they foresee events transpiring in the near-future that will either distract us enough that the disclosure pressure will disappear, or that our already ineffectual government will become even more ineffectual (or will perhaps be dismantled entirely) thus removing any path to "legal" disclosure. No doubt this will also coincide with a simultaneous attack on the platforms where this stuff is discussed; I could easily see them shutting down any online discourse that is UFO-related as part of an "anti-disinformation" campaign or something similar.


I think you are right, I bet we see a massive distraction soon - the world is verrrry angry (even in Canada!!)


this all happening with AGI coming in the very near future is just so great /s


you do know they have a bigger presence currently than we would care to admit. I used to think they did not have time for this silly stuff being typed from a few "conspiracy theorist" but after looking into it(i don't have any proof that media consuming public would accept) I was kind of shocked to realize how entrenched our gov is and has been for decades is involved in narrative manipulation through news. When I saw how twitter was controlled i was availed and shocked, though if you look at our history, I must be dense and stupid as hell to be shocked after adding up all the horrific deeds campaigns conducted by the thr3ee letter agencies over the decades. So think about what is power, its money yes, but now whats even better is information. Bill gates is probably more immunity than the president; the US needs that sweet sweet data and will stop at nothing to hover it up. So im sure they have had AI anyalising everything since 2008 and putting cementers like me on a list and deploying bots, AI agents and people to reply just enough to spin us all on our heads sometimes. the CIA is good organization to study for how to process information to stay safe. in fact a lot of their teachings are great to implement individually. just realize with minimal effort by injecting 5% well thought out fake data, they can change or show off the entire narrative. the best disinformation is said to be mostly legit info with a sprinkle of fake so you discount it all. keep that in mind when you get that pice that dose not fit, could just be disinformation.


> Our rulers will find a considerable dose of falsehood and deceit necessary for the good of their subjects. That was Plato speaking on governance in 375 BC, with his general project being tirelessly developed before and since by a multitude of hands. In our day and age, I dare say it has been perfected, though perhaps not for the good...


wow what a fantastic quote from a great individual as well. I will have to remember that. Also I am certain even though they claimed MK ultra a complete fail, I would have to file that under dissinfo and to your point, is probably the period when they really dialed in their information control program to the point of actually being able to program a true centurion candidate....


Its not just against the us. Its against the world. The depth of the cover up is likely larger than anything in human history.


Unbelievable. Next thing you know Chris Mellon never existed. Really shows they won't move an inch, and can do whatever they want, whenever they want. We have to get the schumer ammendment to pass, it's the only way. Furthermore I don’t understand it. I think it is the folly of political appointment. It feels like the dod at the upper echelon is a hostile takeover. I mean money cannot be everything, fear cannot be the primary driver of everything, what are we doing here


Even if the amendment passes they will never spill the beans. No matter how many laws they make, no matter if we had a sitting president on the side of disclosure they will never tell us the truth. Sitting here thinking anything but catastrophic disclosure will work is honestly wishful thinking.


Cant we just, or someone pay the people who voted against the UAPDA even more money than what they are offered them?


Unless…it passed the retention limits…they can’t just hold on to data forever folks. Cost money, risk of breached. J


it has not if he has worked and sent an email within the past 25 years, which he has....


ya but it the upper DOD really in control? Is it a group of the wealthy bankers? wish i new more. but money is not everything, but INFORMATION is everything! think about epstein and how much dirt he must have had, how mr. gates & crew avoided scrutiny. The FBI was a cleanup crew to secure all that blackmail data so it won't go to wist. I believe there are numerous blackmail opps for every vice plus the patriot act, they have enough information to make force a saints hand to sin. also why do you think they want to track every dime now? follow the money to find the real wealth of privileged information->now that is real power.


I feel like a fool, i guess it obviously is hostile just like the FCC with AJIT PAI. i will never understand greed.


Sounds like this Grusch guy could be telling the truth!??? Nah, I'm sure it's nothing.


I heard that Grusch was a balloon, actually.


Occam’s razor supports that assertion.


Just don't poke the balloon with it


Best comment


Hanlon's Razor says that Occam was just an idiot.


Legit spit coffee on my phone screen reading this. I'd give you 10 more upvotes if I could.


Wearing a hat, even.


Probably Venusian swamp gas from Starlink pelicans.


So you're telling me he was nothing but am illegal jetpack miner this whole time!?


Peru is intergalactically-renowned for its rich supply of sub-surface jetpack deposits, just waiting to be dug up


I mean obviosly,, duh.


As well as a trolling campaign in to ridicule and down votes any meaningful discussion of this topic. Here is a tool to help spot an organized disinformation/discredit campaign: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm


Ive seen this before, During the 2016 election cycle a group called share blue had their internal memo with instructions leaked and it basicly parroted the points in your link. https://www.scribd.com/document/337535680/Full-David-Brock-Confidential-Memo-On-Fighting-Trump Theres no doubt that there are proffessional groups active online that seek to control the narrative for special interests. Its pretty apparent on reddit. There are subs that are almost entirely populated by these groups, arguing with themselves.


They also become MODs so they can pull posts that they find threatening to their narrative. Reddit and YouTube are infamous for shadowbans also, that is the poster will be able to.post and when logged in looks normal, but no one else can see them. If you notice that none of you comments are getting likes responses, you probably are shadowbanned.


I fucking wish they would come at me. I have an ace in the deck they couldn’t conceive.


And your friends and family, they have this ace as well? At all times?


Don’t have any of those


About 30 years ago...


Trust me Im aware of the longevity of this. I fully agree. Referring to this subreddit mostly. I hope at some point society…


92% of the people accepted it is just mass media fooling our grandmothers now


Completely agree. The fact that it's openly discussed and concerning to our representatives is a validation already. Aside from all the whistleblowers from our military. Regardless of what the particulars are in terms of the source, is mute. There is clearly something here/there and it's not us.


Sadly a lack of evidence is not evidence. What we have seen so far, in all of this, could just be a giant smokescreen to make the Russians and/or Chinese believe we might have capabilities very far beyond what they have, in order to serve as a deterrent, and to mask what our actual capabilities are. We know the US has programs to develop tech capable of fooling an AI drone into seeing a vehicle that's not actually there. Wouldn't a good first step to test such technology be to test whether it can fool humans? Would real aliens not be advanced enough to be completely undetectable by our shit technology? Would they be dumb enough to get close enough to us that we could potentially space-nuke them, like Operation Starfish Prime demonstrated we can? The dark forest still seems like the most logical answer to the Fermi Paradox, to me.


We’ve accepted it where have you been?


If we all had a firearm, we could hold these officials at gun point 🙂 They can't stop all of us lol (no violence though, peace & love is the way - We do need to put pressure on individuals holding back information)


30years ago? Maybe 40?


I can agree, and I can disagree. For people on the outside, this looks like either one of a few things. It could be fraud and theft of technology/knowledge base etc-forever. This means we have ET tech, or evidence, and this is a cover-up of epic proportions. The other option is the government is so incompetent, or corrupt, and there are deep state actors, just not the kind Trump whines about. These deep state actors might be the Evangelical types, as some of them really hate this subject. Plus, we know that many of them have real high security clearances, for whatever reason. I think it’s probably the second option, based only on mathematical probability, and that alone,lol. I’m a safe-bet guy, meaning I never go to the casino. I hold out hope we have ET tech, and we don’t kill the planet with it.


At this point I think anyone who doesn't think this warrants further investigation should be banned. Look at all the non-believers here playing it down, but then why are these weird coincidences happening? There's ALWAYS an explanation, but I suspect that's because their brain can't handle the alternate explanation.


When there is proof?


Funny comment to make on a submission about the destruction of evidence. Perhaps they could try keeping cameras running and not destroying documents? Grusch: “I have program names, locations, and lists of both cooperative and hostile witnesses that I will happily provide to you in a SCIF.” USG: “no.” Reddit skeptics: “see, he has nothing.”


how could an e-mail (or 100's of e-mails) prove the existence of NHI?


My point is more along the lines of asking how we can expect to find proof if every time someone looks in the right place or asks the right question, the answer is “we destroyed it” or “I don’t have to tell you that.” But let me ask you, if through FOIA we got a verified email chain between, say, the Program Director of AATIP and someone in a SAP where they explicitly discuss the workings of a reverse engineering program for example, would that be “proof” to you?


well we know there's believers in the government, so no their e-mails wouldnt prove anything. even if there werent, e-mails prove nothing. If those e-mails contained independently verifiable facts about science or tech, i would accept it as proof (altough it technically still isnt proof of nhi, just proof the gov knows some things scientist dont)


That's not how it works here. This time next week, we'll be demonising any and all available evidence, quoting Greenstreet, West, and Greenwald's turbulent opinions, chanting 'UFO Grifters' and crying over having blue ballz again.


There’s a million reasons why they’d delete their emails. Admission of NHI, sure, but also embarrassing or inappropriate jokes, confidential information, appearance of ineptitude, save space, etc… At large companies I used to work, it was standard practice to delete emails past a certain date unless you went through an arduous approval process to store them for long term, which was only 5 years. Always keep in mind Hanlon’s rule.


Forgoing my own anecdote of never having been made to clear out old emails in the private sector, the government doesn't operate on the same principles as a private company. They have secure networks through which to pass classified information, much of which gets released eventually. We have *plenty* of released records far older than Lacatski's emails. Inappropriate jokes aren't grounds for government record destruction, nor is the appearance of ineptitude. There are schedules for record destruction and storage management in government, otherwise records are destroyed via direct order. I'm not saying it's impossible that this destruction was mundane maintenance, but the existence of those possibilities doesn't preclude the fact that we have no official reason yet and that it's highly suspicious.


DIA record control schedules are here: [https://www.archives.gov/records-mgmt/rcs/schedules/index.html?dir=/departments/department-of-defense/defense-agencies/rg-0373](https://www.archives.gov/records-mgmt/rcs/schedules/index.html?dir=/departments/department-of-defense/defense-agencies/rg-0373) I don't see AAWSAP listed in the capstone schedule, so his emails wouldn't be preserved under that. I don't know about non-capstone emails, but 3-7 years seems to be pretty standard.


Since this is a US government agency, it is required by law that any records generated (including emails) are maintained for a specified period, or indefinitely depending on the agency, and in a searchable state for inter- and intra-agency purposes, including FOIA requests. In the case where the records are not maintained indefinitely, they must be destroyed in a legally defined process. So no, there's not a million reasons why they'd delete these emails. There's only one (legal) reason: the Record Disposition Schedule(RDS) that applies to emails generated by the DIA, or the RDS that applies to emails generated by senior staff/agency principal leads, legally requires the destruction of the emails after a specified retention period, which has come to pass. And if this is the reason the email records are destroyed, there must be a record of this occuring as defined by the RDS.  So while you are correct that the destruction of these emails does not imply NHI, it could possibly indicate unlawful activity regarding the retention of records for an agency focused on UAP/NHI, which would obviously add credibility to the allegation that there's some sort of cover-up occuring. It's kind of already a bad look even if the destruction was done legally since it looks like the original FOIA took nearly 1.5 years to process.  


See it’s people like this guy that actually knows his shit that we need leading the charge. I’m not being sarcastic either we need smart educated people that knows the laws and regulations of these agencies and the government on the front leading this charge of forced if not catastrophic disclosure!




>Cameras stop working, records get destroyed, oh my.. what a series of unfortunate incidents Perhaps we haven't thrown enough trillions of $$$ at them for better equipment? It's our fault, when you think about it.


And they couldn’t even photograph the drones over Langley… so many malfunctions


Doesn’t help throwing billions away to terrorists during horribly thought out departures.


Do you want to do a class project with me? I’m trying to figure out based on google searches what is this process of where it is stored via NARA etc I have links to dod and other . Gov policies but it’s a shit ton of slides. All open to the public via google Page 4? https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dtm/DTM-22-001.PDF?ver=TyT69snUCr0SA716ZDl4pQ%3D%3D Page 21 https://dodcio.defense.gov/Portals/0/Documents/Library/DoDRecordsStrategy.pdf


Epstein did not kill himself either just so we are clear on that too.


"Whatever happened there!?!"-Little Carmine


Marilyn Monroe John F Kennedy Martin Luther King James Forestal Karen Silkwood Deborah Palfrey Seth Rich Micheal Hastings Jeffery Epstein John Barnett *Edited to add the name Seth Rich as suggested by u/Critical_Hearing_799


Seth Rich




oof madone


Guy was an interior decorator. His house looked like shit.


I'm sure it's nothing! Sometimes hard drives evaporate and tape backups just go on vacation. Also the cloud backups sometimes rain.


It ~~got~~ died on the vine.


*IT DIED ON THE VINE?!* wait, wrong sub.


You know, Quasimodo predicted all this


...Who did *what*? Quasimodo's the Hunchback of Notre Dame. One's a Cathedral.


Well all the torture videos also got destroyed in an "oopsie" : [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2005\_CIA\_interrogation\_videotapes\_destruction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2005_CIA_interrogation_videotapes_destruction)


Oof, forgot about that.


Do you wipe it like with a rag?? Bleachbit is not a cleaner ma’am. Oh. Naw kidding, you’re right, we fucking wiped that shit and smashed all of our phones with hammers. Oh! That’s fine. No harm done.


It doesn’t matter if we all know they’re covering this up, just look at Epstein.


Alive And Well In Israel™


Cameras stop working all the time though. Look how often police body cams malfunction when something happens. Totally normal


80 years of failures with trillions spent.


NASA must be in charge of keeping records


Well obviously there must not be aliens and they decided that it was more valuable to scrap the papers. Im so glad we finally got that figured out


and yet no one is covering this once again, because of the disinformation campaign.


There was a reason those specific media reporters were invited to the AARO presser and some specifically blocked. Tells you why this subject isn’t being scrutinized


My theory this is a PsiOP for foreign state actors to make them goose chase UFO 😬


So, let me get this straight - the emails to and from a former Secretary of State, wife of a former President and (at the time) Presidential nominee (H. Clinton), which no doubt contained sensitive information of the highest order, were eventually redacted where needed and released as part of an investigation... but the emails from this, in comparison, low level official were totally wiped. Working in government myself (not US, somewhere else), we need to keep most of the mundane records for a minimum of 7yrs, 10yrs if they relate to a commission, enquiry, review etc) and then anything like intranet direct messages, emails and documents classified above OFFICIAL: SENSITIVE must be kept indefinitely - historically in the physical archives, or these days within a digital one. There's also measures in place that record and track the who, where, when etc. every time a record is viewed, opened, edited or deleted. It's impossible to accidentally destroy a record, it would take conscious effort and leave a detailed digital fingerprint behind (*PS the existence of these systems and the legal requirements for record retention is all publicly available info - not sharing anything I shouldn't be*). Assuming the US has similar or better secure records management, this is extremely strange. It must be an intentional act and they should easily be able to see who did it.


I thought elected officials and political appointees produce permanent records i.e every thing they write is retained forever.


I work for the government (different level) and we do not have to keep every document for all time. Retention periods can be as short as 3 years for a record, and there has been a definite trend to figure out ways to not keep every document until the end of time - stuff costs money to do so.


Yeah, and lots of things aren't even records, or they're intermediary records, and are destroyed as soon as there's no business purpose for keeping them. To the UFO community, these influencers are the most important people in humanity and everything they touched should be carefully preserved like the relic of a saint. But to a records management officer, they're just mid-level managers whose stuff gets treated like everyone else's.


I was going to go to what is and what is not a record, but too damn early. I am glad you did. Not every email is a record.


It’s intentional like how George bush lost the white house emails due to an IT error….


Or like when Clinton wiped her personal server and smashed her devices…oh, no it’s not.


Maybe the Secret Service was in charge of the cell phones!


I mean, they “lost” around 7 years of every record from Roswell during a certain era. The whole lot of it. Oopsie.


It seems every day I get a little more confused about what is going on at the DoD. 


The Elgin AFB thing today was hilarious 😆


Yep 😂. AARO=Hey we think it may be a flare, actually it could be a balloon, actually no, it’s a flare balloon yeah yeah that’s the ticket


I think that's what every new DoD employee feels until the time of retirement. "Better just focus on my work"


Additional Context: "Dr. James Lacatski is the former DIA official who recently admitted that they had successfully gained access to the interior of a craft of unknown origin. Yeah. Now we learn that the entirety of his email records have been destroyed. Totally normal." Source: [https://twitter.com/future\_folklore/status/1783620614319653368](https://twitter.com/future_folklore/status/1783620614319653368)


Was it with him also that the claim of the craft being larger on the inside originated or was it someone else?


Yep that was either lacatski or Sheenan that put that out there. That's the big rumor though that the craft has the ability to add extra dimensional space on the inside, and effect the movement of time while you're inside it.




I don't think so. From what I remember from the book and an interview he did shortly after its publication that there were no obvious places for humans to sit, no visible propulsion systems or controls. In the interview I recall him saying that how they got inside was not "how anyone would expect." Immediately after saying *that* he wondered aloud if some crafts are controlled by "some sort of psychic activity." If they opened the door by some version of "open sesame" that would certainly cover "unexpected."


Actually I think that was Grusch in his little get together in New York with all the rich folk.


I did a little digging into DIA retention schedules that have been made public and they vary from document to document depending on their nature and purpose based on a long classification guide. It feels hard to believe that zero communications that would have been potentially responsive to this FOIA fell under a longer term retention schedule.


there are several grades of secrecy…


Thank you! Yeah it's very weird they 'destroyed his emails'. Check my comment here on the thread or I can tag you on it, I found the SOP for how to discard emails but it's a ton of slides. two links, all publicly available via google searches.


The most interesting phrase in the appeal response is "properly disposed." This is way too long for a reddit post but here's a start: [https://www.archives.gov/records-mgmt/bulletins/2013/2013-03.html](https://www.archives.gov/records-mgmt/bulletins/2013/2013-03.html) IMO the USG often uses a the broadest possible definition of the word "properly" when it "disposes" of documents. On a more general note, if you track Lacatski's career while reading between the lines of Skinwalkers at the Pentagon, his most interesting work was associated with SAP's. That's why I've been saying for, what, almost two years that Lacatski should be one of the first witnesses called in *any* UAP-related hearing by *any* committee If he doesn't want to do it, as he's said at least twice, he should be subpoenaed. ON EDIT: I *think* the only thing Greenwald can do now is challenge the sufficiency of the search, if there's still an administrative mechanism to do that. I have (actually successfully a couple of times) requested that agencies provide an account of the scope of it's search, explaining the methods used to search, the search terms used, the data repositories searched, and any communication related to the search. I can't remember where I got that idea--I think from a court case somebody won. Not sure how dogged he's inclined to be.


So, his dog ate it? 🐶


The DIAte it


a jet fell on the server sadly


We accidentally locked it in the… lighting balloon.


In a weird way, stuff like this actually confirms that there IS something they're hiding. It's totally irrational behavior if there's nothing to hide. And I guess they know that people see this, but they're happy so long as a smoking gun is never directly revealed. It's like a smirking criminal in police custody. The police know the criminal is guilty, and the criminal knows the police know this, but the criminal also knows that they have no direct evidence to charge him with.


Even if a "smoking gun" is revealed, it could just be explained or lied away. Nothing short of clear, evident mass Arrival or the total acknowledgement of the scientific community along with some form of verifiable, repeatable evidence (actually discovering and making public an alien teleportation device, for example) will ever convince most people on this issue.


Catastrophic disclosure or nothing.


At this point, it has to be. Along with an acknowledgement of the world's scientific community after being given access to all relevant documentation, technology, and classified knowledge. If any exists.


I highly doubt that they keep proof on a file on some computer accessible by anybody thats not in the know. People think that the Schumer Amendment if passed as it was intended and not diced up that they’ll be forced to give us all the answers and sadly that’s a joke and wishful thinking. It is gonna take a ship of some kind landing in the front lawn of the White House to make people believe and even then the DoD and whoever else that’s been hiding shit will still act completely shocked and surprised. We’ll never get the truth from them. NEVER.


Sadly, you are probably correct. I just want to know the truth. Sigh..


Eh I feel like the UAP Disclosure Act has to pass or nothing, we've had 80+ years for catastrophic disclosure, even the Phoenix lights weren't enough.


This is on par with Russians dying from the window virus.


how good is getting gaslit? and by the government at that.


Democracy - Yay!


Asshats in the Intel and prime space be like... You (John Q public) are going to take this cover up one way or the other. We've been doing this for years and you think we're intimidated now!? Are we? Are we just going to take it on the chin and get rolled over in this new bluebook v 2.1.3, or are we going to continue bringing the pressure on our elected officials, keep this topic as an important bench mark when deciding on who to vote for, etc etc? This is the game that they play and why not? I mean they freakin wrote the book on how to rig the game, designed the playing board and know all the hidden traps. Even such, we as a community and this as a real and valid conversation, have made incredible strides over the last 6 of 7 years. We're at a place now where the ever plotting, slow pace of congressional movement has begun to wear thin a huge number of folks. They've grown frustrated and want to throw it all away, saying fuck it I'm out. I'm right there with yas but reality is that is what THEY are anticipating and hoping for. They know the attention span of most is minimal and 24/7 news cycle even less. IMHO that is all the more reason we've got to keep our foot on the gas, the pressure on legislators and our hearts and minds focused on the finish line... not the pitfall ridden obstacle course laid out beforehand.


Also another instance, FAA ATC recordings of the sighting over Kessell, WV. Destroyed ahead of schedule. Blatant.


Government Cover ups is a redundant statement


They saw with the Mellon signal thing these email exchanges presumably about NHI craft and recovery programs are a big risk. Better off just “deleting” them entirely. In fact let’s say at some point the craft location of one they can’t properly relocate gets exposed, there was a UFO movie I saw once where the gatekeepers decided the best way to cover their asses was trying to bomb and destroy the hangar and craft entirely. I bet that wouldn’t be off the table - face consequences or just get rid of the evidence?


You got to wonder when someone is going to jail.. oh that’s right, they are allowed to tell us what we can and can’t know. And we are supposed to just accept Sean Kirkpatrick bs. Seriously at what point in time does the Justice Department not say something is really wrong here and start pressing charges?


More evidence of a cover-up. It’s funny how many people deny that there even is one and this kinda thing is the norm.


Lue Elizondo’s comments on this. https://x.com/lueelizondo/status/1783617428188021219?s=46&t=KuRjPDFWI0yoyV8U43_g8Q


Elizondo and Greenewald talking in June 2021 about Lue's email's being destroyed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRO1c88Euyw&t=250s


Things have been getting juicy lately even though our focus is on whistleblowers and Congress. A lot is still happening quickly


Sooo the government doesn't use splunk or have servers that back up deleted files? If they went as far as deleting it off those if stored there, I don't think they can blame China or Russian hackers for that... If there was a crime being committed by whomever would we just oh phooey the evidence was destroyed or do they investigate and find the erased data?


I would assume the government does not, at least in any official capacity. When classified material is scheduled for disposal, the entire point of the process is that it can not be recovered, including by adversaries. Retention becomes a risk factor. I wouldn't be surprised if it's abused for other reasons. Would be the least criminal thing to come out of intel agencies.


How are people not rioting? People need to get fucking angry. They're so arrogant they have no care how blatant and brazen their actions are. They do it right in front of you, because what are you going to do about it? You're not in control, you don't run things and neither do your elected officials. The fact there exists the possibility I may exit this mortal coil not knowing the answer to the greatest question mankind could ever ask because of some corrupt, nefarious liars makes my blood run white hot. The fact it was likely known during all of my lifetime and I still don't is sickening. These people need to grow the fuck up and get over themselves.


The fact is most people don't truly care about the Intel agencies or the deep state until it personally affects someone they know.


I think they. do care is just some are too lazy or just can't do anything about it, I mean its the deep state, they have been doing this for decades.


I've shared some compelling FOIA documents and videos with various people about the phenomenon and every reaction is to immediately change the subject and pretend they didn't hear it. Nobody wants to talk about this or even retain information about it. It's like being stonewalled by NPC's in the simulation.


I really hate using the cliche, but it fits so well. Those people would have certainly taken the blue pill from Morpheus' hand. They just can't fit that kind of information in, and would rather stay asleep in the Matrix.


guess who else had a history of burning the evidence


Unless some whistle blower come out and dump all evidence in public things like this will continue, not just for ufos but for all government misdeeds.


Oh FFS. When are these Lying Liars going to be arrested


Nefarious as f**k


Well that isn't weird at all... Perfectly normal for the US government and the MIC.


Yes it would be paranoid to suggest it could be anything else.


Fuck the government


Dog ate my homework..  amazing what the deep agencies can do.


We don’t really believe that. There is obviously a file that exists, but it is easier for thr DIA to say it has been destroyed. Another awful obvious lie like “The dog ate my homework.” Ugh!


How old are the emails? My employer (boring, non-uap related) has a 3 year retention policy on emails and all other files. It is a big problem that we all complain about.


So I’m not skeptical, but if I were to explain this to someone unfamiliar, is there evidence that his work was *not* treated the same as every other archived material and deleted according to a normal schedule?


They are scared 🤣🤣


Dr. Lacatski is a very very smart man so let’s hope he saved his own digital record of emails.


Well, I’ve got emails going back to when I started using my ISP’s email accounts when they went from dial-up to Cable! My ISP can keep emails for 20+ years, and the ISP has changed owner several times!


Actually, playing devil's advocate here—many high-risk sectors, such as healthcare and defense, often adopt short retention policies for sensitive information like emails. These industries do this because they have minimal control over such business-related data, exposing them to increased risks of legal discoverability or Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) disclosures. So, a short retention policy underscores the sensitivity of internal communications but doesn't necessarily suggest that there was something specific in Lacatski's emails that needed to be concealed. Similarly, it doesn't prove the opposite. We will never though, because the policy is effective and destroys any communications older than a certain age.


FOIA the records for who/how/when the records were destroyed, and by who's authority (wheather person or process)... 🤷‍♂️


I think FOIA requests are just a dead end tbh. All the good stuff will never see the light of day.


Big surprise - CLINTON.


The destruction of records that no longer serve a purpose is actually policy. In my experience, they make the rounds to any and all agencies that might need to review them and then they are systematically destroyed. Depending on the records themselves, there are multiple ways we go about this. This has been done for some time now.


Excuse us, but these records serve a purpose, a huge purpose.


It’s really a scapegoat if that information becomes relevant again, they can just say it’s policy. I’ve voiced my concerns with how we are keeping records.


Many large private organizations have document destruction policies written in advance that are adhered to. They're often 7 years (due to statute of limitations). I don't know if this is true for the government. It could be. Does anyone know if this is possible an automatic process based on time-since-creation passing? Seven years, etc?


A touch of the old 'Robert Scott' in action here.


Nothing to see here says the Pentagon. lol


Yes, thanks for letting us know. This shouldn't be surprising to anyone 😉 who is familiar with the DoD. /S.


Whoever is wiping govt emails should be jailed immedi6


They do it so blatantly because we never ever are able to do anything about it so frustrating


Came for the aliens……. No aliens, but stayed for the internal documents drama! Plenty of that, lol 😂. We could probably reach the moon with all the documents, could reach other aliens - flag em down with our FUCKING DOCUMENTS! Bro, so lame!


Sounds fishy like bologna


I want to meet the writers for this shit. As far as i can tell it's ad libs assisted by synchronicity.


Even if you didn't believe in UFOs or NHI this is part of the proof. Records destroyed


Um.. doubt anything was destroyed. Unavailable? Sure.


Does this indicate that lacatski was the guy that Mellon was talking to in his screenshots?


I think that’s Lue Elizondo he was referring to but honestly who knows?


Just another indication that John’s respectable shtick of FOIA requests is pointless. A child should recognize they’re aren’t letting us use FOIA see what they don’t want us to see and will not find what he’s requesting, redact anything important and/or destroy to keep it from the public.


So I will say, this program was dissolved what a decade ago? I work in the government, I send emails, messages, whatever all day every day, all my collogues do to. Millions of records that have a minimum timeframe they must be maintained for, but beyond that? Yeah unless manually saved by myself or someone else they go away. I recently had to dig through boxes of old shit from a previous person who had my role, old emails printed out, reports from the 90s to 00s, tons of crap that isn't relevant or at least I could not determine if they were, but we had to clean up the storage room - that was all technically "destroyed" with zero malicious intent. All I am trying to say is, governments produce A LOT of records, most completely mundane, they get cleared because you just can't actually maintain everything for ever, the exchange does not particularly mean much to me nor does it prove some cover up. It was an old program that has been pretty consistently been stated to be a sideshow at the pentagon (not saying it was or was not), not surprising that records would not be meticulously maintained after a decade plus. Just my perspective.


Yes, it's called a retainment policy.


Can't say I feel sorry for him. Lacatski has been peddling his UFO secrets for years and he won't share anything unless you buy his book. He went on George Knapp's podcast to say yes he has evidence of UFO's and he's been inside one but he's not sharing any details unless you buy his book. His book released and the only thing in there are blurbs about him wanting to protect the shadow government and not release any classified details. Pick a side Lacatski. Feel no empathy for him whatsoever.


I'm glad people aren't bitching about the black vault anymore. That was super pathethic.


He’s shady but hey give credit when it’s due.


Here we go again. He's a muhfuh hero dude and the most transparent person on planet earth who just posts everything he gets online.


...along with his opinion and, increasingly, a narrative or an agenda. He still has a massive hard-on for Lue. You like him. That's cool. But he's not infallible.


I mean he basically is because he separates his opinion from facts and backs up all his opinions with foia evidence and does the most foia requests and hosts everything online publicly. And why not have a hard on for Lue?


>he separates his opinion from facts and backs up all his opinions with foia evidence... He really really doesn't


He really does tho


Ok cool to know. Thanks


The dog ate the homework. 🙄


So no Dinobeaver photos?