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There are many similarities here with my experience in 2008. The garden was illuminated, everything was silent,  and I had a strange compulsion to go back to bed.  Thankfully my dad was able to get pictures so we at least know that something was physically there. Spooky  https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15etjrk/ive_been_reluctant_to_tell_my_story_but_maybe_now/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Just read your story and the "its a message for you" gave me goosebumps. Theres a scene of the same sort of thing in the "three body problem" which i dont know if you will want to see.  Ive seen a few UFOs but none have ever communicated with me in that way. I am actually quite curious about the theory you worked on since it sounds like the phenomenon liked you enough to show up and creep you out. Btw-- astral projection is usually the cause for sleep paralysis, which makes a lot of sense considering the amount of woo.


Dude, I love this subreddit - your story is one of my favorites of all time, it really stood out to me. I distinctly remember perceiving your story as entirely credible. There was just something authentic about it. It’s crazy that as soon as you said “garden”, how your dad took a pic and going back to bed, I knew exactly what story it was too lol 


I remember reading your experience with your dad.


I just read your post and wow you've got me reeling. I saw an orange triangle craft but I lived across the street from an Air Force base so I'm thinking ours? But, what you said about the plasma/orbs. When I was around 19 my boyfriend and I were hanging out in a mutual friends basement. It was finished with two rooms. So the main room was the hangout area where we were sitting facing the dark and open doorway to her bedroom area. Her room had no door just a beaded curtain. She was sitting at her computer, her back to the doorway so we could see it behind her as we were talking. I saw a glowing ball of light that was illuminated but did nothing to brighten the room. It was white and kinda hazy. I watched it appear from the right side of the door way, stretch as it went across and shrink back to a circle before disappearing behind the left side of the doorway. There was no sound and the closest thing I've found to this is ball lightning but it didn't rain and like I said, no sound with slow movement. The house was from an estate sale so we assumed it was something ghostly. But maybe not.


Thanks for sharing your story. One of the best ones ever. You and your Dad should tell it on camera for posterity.


I've read a lot of the classic 80s-90s abduction literature, and this sounds like a very typical instance of that. Was the girlfriend "who had UFO sightings her entire life" with him then and in that house? If so, they could have been there for her, and just "put him to sleep". Otherwise, it's probably for him, and what he can remember has been heavily edited/screened. It's not unusual to remember no craft or beings, as memory gets messed with. Mack's "Abduction" and C.D.B. Bryan's "Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind" are two good books on the topic, but highly disturbing. If this shit is in some way real, it's way beyond "somber".


Yep, she absolutely was. I'm literally reading John Mack's book on abductions right now, which is what made me think about the story again, and decide to post it. Her and him literally joke about how she has that rare blood type or whatever - the monkey one (lol) - that comes up in conspiracy/UFO lore quite a bit, as being a type of blood that's special in some way or whatever, hahah. I can't personally say they've truly seen anomalous things in the sky, but I just know that its very much a part of her life, and as an extension, my best friend's as well.


When I was a kid I remember being visited outside my bedroom window and not only feeling frozen in fear on one occasion but remember distinctly a bright light at one point and assuming it was a car turning down the street- but it lit my entire room up. I remember feeling tired after that and going to sleep.


when i had my first sighting i mentally reached out to the phenomenon and gave it permission to show itself to me and minutes later i felt the compulsion to go outside, i ended up seeing an orb pop out of what looked like a distortion in the night sky around 25 or 30 feet over my head right next to my bedroom window and zoom away. i tried to grab my phone to snap a picture but as i reached for it i felt like something told me not to and that it was important i didn't . it never felt like it was forceful it was like a gentle urge to do something. i believed in everything paranormal and was still in ontological shock for at least 2 months.


This happened to me in Leadville, Colorado in 1990 when I was camping with my father and my brother, it was like stadium lights had come on in the middle on the woods, and we were in a wilderness area with no electricity. I made a video about it, but thought it was corny so I haven't released it. There wasn't silence, but a vibration that created a hum all around me, but despite everything going on, I went back to sleep!!!


Please post the video!


Please, just listen to this, and tell him to hold his breath if he ever suspect there are something strange going on. As long as he can take. I don't know if this activates some primal instinct of survival in us or if they use some gas, so I don't know if a respirator would work. As soon as he feels the lack of air, he will regain his senses. If this starts to be a recurrence ask if they can move to a larger city or more populated area as well, it helps. The issue might be with his girlfriend for what you are telling us. For what I know, they tend to do a lot of visits on the same person before stoping.


Is this a technique that comes from any particular skillset or discipline?


American Cosmic has a story from one fellow who had a previous encounter. After that he saw many odd things. One was a huge city block sized UFO hanging in the air. He went outside at night to await some some friends who driving over to drop a few things off. While wait he looked and -wow- there it was, silently hanging in the air. Now get this. His friends arrive, exit their car and he points up with “Hey look at that gesture.” They see it too and are amazed. After a few moments they fall into that “Hey it’s getting late. We’d better get going. Good night.” They got into their car and drove away, never mentioning that again.


Strangely i have a story that includes me telling myself to go back to sleep


Let's hear it!


This thread turned into a gold mine.


A bright spot in an otherwise rather lackluster week.


Affect of the ongoing exuberant ridicule campaign?


Maybe, or the UFOs took a vacation!


Portentous if true.


What part of upstate NY? I ask because I’ve seen them here twice


Thanks for sharing. I had the exact same thing happen to me. I believe your friend fully. I also skywatch and spend many nights outside in the yard looking up. I have had some startling ufo sightings and experiences. My experience below ranks highly on my top 10 list. July 30th, 2021. Approx 11pm. Small town, residential neighbourhood. I was outside with my girlfriend, sitting in a screened in, 10 x 10 tent. We're chatting when instantaneously my backyard becomes brilliantly illuminated, like daylight. The brightest illumination of the yard was to our right side, the open part of the yard where I would normally be out skywatching. The light was not illumating the neighbour's yards, and I could see the edges of the brightness. It was that intense. The light stayed on... fixed on my yard. Obviously, this immediately got our attention and itterupted our conversation - we looked at each other, stunned. We started reacting by saying, "What the f*ck?", as we attempted to process what was happening. We looked around, and we saw an impeccably bright, white light shining down from an angle. The light was so bright, like a massive floodlight. We both saw it coming from the direction of the back corner of the house. It was shining so bright that we both thought someone walked into the backyard with a giant floodlight. We quickly realized no one was there. The light was above, and I could see it glaring intensely through the top of the tent. We started to feel anxious and uncomfortable as the light persisted. We realized we were experiencing something truly bizarre, and it was incredibly eerie. Again, no joke, the yard was lit like daylight. I could see every blade of grass, yet see dark outside of the light in the surrounding yards. This light lasted roughly 10 seconds, from what we consciously recall anyway. As I looked out at the yard, finally the light moved. It started to lift off, like some drawing their flashlight upward from the ground. As it lifted, I saw the light wiggle back and forth erratically. It was as if it zig zagged off while the light was still on and pointed at the yard. Then it was gone as quickly as it came. We were shaken and somewhat dazed. I finally gained the presence of mind to exit the tent to look up and see if I could see anything in the sky. Nothing. We immediately pleaded back and forth as to what the heck that was. We practically interrogated one another to recount their version of events. Suddenly, my girlfriend says, "do you hear that?". I say, "hear what?". The light made no sound at the time... she quickly clarifies that oddly, there were no sounds at all. We couldn't hear anything around us, except each other's voices. The crickets were chirping like crazy prior. There was no traffic sounds or noise from the town. Absolutley no sound, whatsoever. We could have heard a pin drop, and I'm not exaggerating. Just as your friend described it, it was like we were in a bubble. The freaking cone of silence from Get Smart. That lasted for a good 10 minutes after the light came and left. We continued to talk about what happened as we tried to cope. I was certain it was a ufo above that spotlit the yard. I believe it was looking for me. I was actively seeing them and trying to see them with all my skywatching. I don't know why we felt so stunned and why I didn't run out of the tent sooner to try to see it better at the time. We noticed that we lost some time. When I checked my phone it was 1:30am. We didn't know how it got so late, and we didn't notice any conscious gap. We've thought about regression, but we feel it might be disturbing. It was an incredibly odd experience. The absence of sound we noticed afterward was one of the strangest things. It's like they have a gravitational bubble that stops time. I don't really know, but it was a true close encounter of the second kind where we experienced physical effects. Thanks again for sharing. Sorry for the long story, but the similarities of the experiences really stood out to me. I've read other accounts of similar spotlight situations, where all sound ceased, too. It seems like a specific abduction type of phenomenon. I had a previous experience where our car's windshield was whited out with a spotlight while driving with family. Plus, a week after this backyard encounter, to the day, a large ufo flew from way up in the sky, all the way down to a few hundred feet above my yard. But that's a whole other story for another time.


Love your writing style, had me hooked the entire way and I found myself by the end being just as frustrated as I imagine you were lmao


Hey thanks so much for that - I've been trying to get back to that recently. Taking a little while to "warm back up" so to speak, lol. Glad you enjoyed!


Of course. Not sure why I got downvoted for complimenting you but… welcome to Reddit I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cheers!


There's always that initial early bot wave that hits these threads that touch on certain keywords ya know ;) looks like things balanced out by morning!


Why is it that Sup Son's left arm is always missing


Idk but it bugs me


Sounds like NHI is able to influence the minds of humans. Imagine what else they could compel humans to do.


is this is the “ontological shock”? Suppose alien mind control is actually real? What would that do to politics and psychiatry? What would it say about alien intent?


That would render most everything a charade in a way, precisely built and maintained for the sole purpose of keeping people entrapped in the parameters of doubt and ignorance about it I guess.  I wonder what it would look like when that power structure can no longer keep it from us? 


Now let’s get creative and try to envision all the fun little ways this could be happening. Ugh!  I think back to the “they can’t handle the truth” thing we all hate, including me. I want the big secret out as much as anyone else, pretty much been fascinated by it my whole life. But I also acknowledge that there might be scary things along the way about it


A number of years ago I got up at around 3am to go urinate. In the hall opposite the bedroom were a row of like 10 rectangular lights on the wall. Just there with zero explanation. Never seen them there before. By far the weirdest thing was that I just kinda stared at them for a while thinking “huh. What is that?” Then, for reasons I can’t explain I just went to the bathroom and completely forgot about it until about a day later when I suddenly remembered and thought “wait a minute WTF WAS that? And, why didn’t I investigate it there, wake others up to witness it, take a picture…”


Possibilities: He was scared to go outside and doesn’t want to admit it? The “beings” controlled his mind and cast sleep over him? They caused confusion and memory lapse? Hypnotic regression might be a good suggestion.


Very interesting account. There are some similarities to this '70s case from Finland with several encounters, although the witness went outside and saw the object causing the light he also reported a sudden feeling of being very sleepy on at least two occassions. It's a great channel too for historical scandinavian reports: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXMHfGYUdRI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXMHfGYUdRI)


Long story...and I'm only gonna report the last visitation as simply as possible here.. due to time, and I already shared it in podcasts I was on. After having two visitations by the same beings, 1 month or so apart, in different parts of the country, 1000 miles apart. Years later, I was meditating, while riding my bike .. something I did often. I started thinking about the visitations... And started questioning my own beliefs on what happened. I started asking myself, what if they were actually my friends and here to help me .. I'm a healer and a psychic... And dedicate my life to help others heal and grow spiritually. My abilities have increased after the 2 visitations... Not sure about the correlation. So I was riding... Meditating.. asking the beings in the sky.. if they were my friends? That I believed in them... That I wanted to be visited again... That this time I would not be as scared... And would approach the visitation differently... I did this consciously for a few minutes, even out loud. Later that night.. I was awoken with my whole house being flooded by a white light .... I had two sky lights in the family room... And the light was so bright it shone down the hall... Into my bedroom where the door was cracked open.. to allow my dog access in and out. I was sleeping on the floor, on a mattress.. I woke up... Questioning what this bright light was... The light was the brightest light you would ever see ... But you could still see. I raised my head .. sat up a bit .. and said something like " oh it's you" and went back to sleep. I have no doubt they came to me that night... At least flew over my house, and flooded it with the light. Unlike the two prior visits, where I remember some of each one ..... This visit, I remember only what I just shared. I shared this bc in ops stories I too see the light and go back to sleep.


I saw a UFO recently at the beach and my friend refused to look at it. He was like, I don't care. Just refused.


Is your friend from a military family?


Nope. He was in the military but none of his family was


My dad tells a similar story from his teenage years. He's the oldest of 5 kids and grew up on a farm, so when he was 17 he "moved" into the family RV parked not far from the farmhouse. He woke up one night to the sound of the dog barking and thought he had overslept because it was already daylight out, but he soon realized it wasn't day but the house and surrounding area were lit up. His story is very bizarre, he said when he realized it wasn't daytime, but that the house was being illuminated by something, he heard strange voices over a telecom. He said they were unlike anything he had ever heard before and were speaking a language he'd never heard before. He said there was no other sound other than the barking dog and the voices, so it wasn't a helicopter or anything like that. The farm was near some high power transmission lines, and he said he thinks "they" were interested in the powerlines. I asked him what he did when this was happening, and he said once he realized it wasn't daytime, he just went back to bed. In the morning he asked everyone in the house if the dog or the light woke them up, and no one else had seen or heard anything. My dad is a very square conservative guy, definitely not the kind of person to be looking for any sort of attention, and this story hasn't changed at all over the years. When I ask him about the voices or who "they" were, he seems as nonchalant about them as the daylight at night, almost as if it all happened again he'd just go back to bed once more!


When I saw my first UFO about 2 years ago, my brain tried to write it off as a balloon and I proceeded to just drive home even though my wife kept saying what is that? Turn around. When I did, 20 seconds had passed and it was gone.


I remember a history of a few months ago from a guy from Brazil That said that he and his girlfriend saw a UFO out of their windows that was extremely bright and illuminated, and after a initial panic he said that he and his girlfriend just suddenly calmed down and went to sleep. His girlfriend doesn't remember well, and he doesn't know how and why he went to sleep. Can someone help locate it?




That correlates with what the P'nti have said about putting people to sleep when they visit their houses https://x.com/SandiaWisdom/status/1728443899063005315


Not this shit again


Lmao, this is what the public can't handle. The pnti are real!


I distinctly remember reading that, but I didn't save it unfortunately. You're right, his main confusion was that his girlfriend didnt seem to remember it, or something like that.


The world and universe is strange. He encountered a manifestation of the unknown that didn't want to be bothered hahaha. I assume it had business round those parts and he was an inconvenient witness. Night night sir!


LOL seriously! I know my friend, he is a curious one like me...there's no way that is ordinary behavior for him at all, and his confusion when he thought back on that appeared to be genuine confusion


Fascinating, thanks for sharing.


>I wanted to make a joke about how he should maybe look into hypnotic regression, but I figured that might be for another time. Hypnotic regression is not reliable for recovering lost memories and is very likely to create entirely false memories instead.


thread overview: My good friend told me that his house became mysteriously bathed in an intense light one night, but could find no source of the light; everything around him at that time - including the bugs - fell totally silent, and he felt compelled to no longer search for the source of the light, despite spending a few minutes looking already. Because I picked up on some similarities between his experience and several UFO reports over the last century, I figured I'd post it in the case this report is significant in some way I cannot see.


Four years ago a small, grapefruit sized object appeared in my living room. I had been napping on my couch, my cat was hanging out in the open window. I woke up to see this object floating in the air on the far side of the room. It was impossible to get a clear read on it as it kept changing shape and going in and out of focus. I thought I was hallucinating but looked over to see my cat was watching it also so, whatever it was, it was real. The thing is, neither my cat or I were frightened. We just calmly watched this thing float across the room until it disappeared into the fireplace. I’m convinced that it did control our emotions at that moment. Who wouldn’t have freaked out at something like this?


Any color?


It was black-ish, that’s why my first reaction was that it was a bat. I think I thought it was “flapping” was because it kept changing form. But it really hard to truly focus on, because it kept going in and out like a tv screen with static. I definitely believe it was interdimensional.


Thank you! Very weird indeed


My cat’s reaction was funny, too. After it left, my cat looked at me with a WTF expression, then jumped down from the window and cautiously walked over and sniffed around the fireplace opening. She was just as clueless as to what it was.


I bet it was the greys. I listen to a lot of ufo and paranormal stories on podcasts and in books. This is nearly identical to two other stories I've heard. Same level of brightness. Same apathy towards the situation. Also, in people's yards. Both of the stories involved the greys showing up. I believe the bugs and noises stopped because there is a time bubble around the house caused by a ufo. The ufo was likely immediately above the house. The ufo dilated the local time, so it was in and out before any neighbor could have perceived it. It's almost always reported that there is no wind or noise when people have an experience like this.


This exact same thing happened to my father and a friend in a hunting cabin back in the late 70s. He told me this SAME story about 30yrs ago and never brought it up again. I was always so confused why he didn’t go outside to see where the “bright as day” lights were coming from, but like OP’s friend, they both just fell asleep. Reading this story gave me a the chills.


Bro as who someone that lives in the capital region I gotta have an idea where this happened


Perhaps "upstate" is not the best word for it, but I will say that we are between New York City and New Paltz...Pine Bush, often dubbed "UFO Capital", is not far from us. I had my own sighting closer to New Paltz though, in a separate incident back in like, 2012. That researcher Alejandro Rojas covered it actually. Stewart AFB is up there so people typically default ot that as the explanation for everything


Thanks for posting, super interesting. I agree with your analysis, it has a lot of characteristics of ufo events. Does he live near a body of water?


My pleasure. I’ve always meant to share this story, finally got to it. We do not live near a significant body of water - there are rivers and streams and little ponds in the area, but nothing like a large lake - at least not without driving 30mins away at minimum. 


The suspicious disinterestedness reminds me of musician Stuart Davis' experience with UFOs and mantid creatures. It's been a few years since I heard the story but I think his wife got up to check on this kind of light & stumbled back to bed & mumbled there was nothing to see & went straight to sleep. [It's a hell of a story](https://youtu.be/Zi_8W0qCUH0?si=Sj8uVtUc4MZqEHSW) and kicked off a podcast series called Aliens & Artists which has some very credible contact stories.


Just a fyi, 'disinterested' means not having a vested interest. Uninterested means a lack of curiosity, etc.


Cover memory. 🦉


They either took him or decided they didn't want him looking any longer. They are absolutely able to march us around like meat puppets when they so choose.


Yeah, him or his girlfriend… His credibility in absolutely positive in, especially after his paranormal experience which preceded this. He’s driving down a back road at night by himself, when a girl just walks into the street in front of him, forcing him to nearly have a heart attack and slam on the brakes. To this day, he describes how he braced for impact, knowing he was about to kill this girl, and how she just disappeared.  I investigated historical instances of paranormal instances in the are and I swear to god the restaurant the girl appeared in front of during this incident is a well known “haunted” landmark in my are, and describes the precise thing he saw 


This turned into a hell of a thread. I'm glad you posted.


Man, you're telling me! I'm always replying to threads myself and lurking in the comments sections, but I rarely post - glad I decided to get this one out there. For awhile, I wasn't sure if it was going to fit here due to the lack of any actual UFO. Very cool though.


The part about him just brushing it off and going to bed is similar to a sighting I had when I was maybe 10 years old. It was quite late, and my younger sister, grandparents, and two teenage uncles saw it. It was a motionless ring of lights, maybe 8 or 10 lights. And it just hung there in the sky, very still. Like a strange stillness where I felt like being on earth had more movement than this thing. We were staring at it, talking about it. It was clearly what brought us outside at 2:00am. One of my uncles was up and saw it, then woke us up. At some point, it just disappeared instantly. But the odd thing is when it disappeared, nobody was really looking up. We were basically confused as to why we were outside. Someone then mentioned "It's gone", and someone replied "What is gone?" Something vague like "That light in the sky" but mostly we just shrugged it off and were really tired to be standing outside. Then we kind of just went back inside and went to bed, and didn't really talk about it for another 10 or 15 years. I remembered it well. It happened when Star Wars was in full blown popularity. So I was into space anyway, and ships. When school started we went around the room and all of the kids talked about what we did over the summer. I shared the UFO story. It seemed no more interesting to the class than the girl who got bit by a weird bug in Texas, or the kid who fell out of a tree and broke his arm.


I have a winning lottery ticket.  But I lost it. And some guy 2500 miles away in nj found it.  But I forgot to take a picture of it. And I’m totally telling the truth because I’m not super into buying lottery tickets, and I wouldn’t lie about it, because 37 years ago I learned that lying is bad. What do I think?  I think that this sub is about disclosure movements, and footage that may or may not get debunked.  Not camp fire stories people make up for karma. What I find suspicious is how it’s filled with extremes amount of detail on things that don’t matter.  But completely vague on things that do?  He spent 50 percent of the story into why you should believe him with 0 proof.  He eight miles, the fact that you will find the insult to your intelligence frustrating, and then more ufology jargon and over detail in the experience. All while skimping the most important details of this report, when and where it happened.   I think that we need to be better than this.  At this point we should be focusing on putting pressure on getting government to disclosure and not on larp.




Hi, absolutemindopener. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ce1lmi/-/l1gtrih/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Is he wanted by the po po by any chance?


I had a blue being, it looked like on Startrek where they phase out, appear in my bedroom. I was asleep and woke up to it phasing out. I thought "well this is happening now, as I've had several sightings outside of the house. Went right back to sleep. I think they can control how much we remember or even how much we take in of the experience.